Afbeeldingen gerelateerd aan hoofdstukken van de Profeten :
Jes 31
Afbeeldingen gerelateerd aan hoofdstukken van de Profeten :
Jes 31
pic : Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography (W.Horowitz)
which however doesn't link it to Mystery-Babylon
then something happened which hasn't for several years now ;
'an entity' started to .. take over the body - though it wasn't in charge ,
and this 'something" was forced "to say it's name" (read , "through me") ,
but like the previous times also this one strongly refused to
-- until he gave up an breathed the syllables ""
then slowly I fell asleep
(having a vague dream about 'a stubborn mohammedan woman' ,
which is most unusual because I deeply despise the sect)
elohim ha-shem , 'the deity + the + name'
anyway ,
... pondering today what could have been the sense of what happened ,
the phrase 'ha-shem" is not scriptural but is a Judaistic term (=Esau) ,
while the mentioned sect is from the same root as the latter ;
... since the entity's name was "name" , that must be his attribute :
did not Esau's angel "rename" Jacob in one of last posted chapters ? ;
but why would this one show up now ?
- we know this type has a strong grip on Judah (as masculine) ,
does that mean his grip on him is over ?
the hebrew letter 'eh' (or 'he') as "power / behold / breath / sigh"
through the idea of "revealing a great sight" ;
... yet it's unclear how the reading of his title could be --
"the deity (=he) of [the power of?] the name (=God's)" ,
or "the deity (=he) bý (the power of?) the name (=of God)",
or "the deity (=he) as (the breath bý?) the name (=God)" ,
either way it must represent a "vampiring upón the name" ;
-- we've learned that "the entity having to say his name is defeated" ,
since in the other reality the concept "the name" represents the very
nature of that being - all his power , character , etc ;
let's see what happens next
(only now , seeing the pictogram , that's what 'it' did ...
- posted in log for Legal reasons)
are you sure you want to continue ?
we are Too Few ..
... the Atonement chapter three days ago was most needed so that we know
where we are , and next up is to search similar ones for even stronger support ;
but ever since the post it got very silent with a sad undertone , related to the
theme of 'a number removed & others added so that the 144 will be completed'
yes ofcourse He can be trusted to complete the 144 , and yes most of the ones
that will complete her are hidden and suffer in silence -- we always knew that ;
yet where can they be ?
and if they are so rare to spot what does that tell about the progress ?
have we understood that well ? will it be this Atonement - or the next one ?
looking yesterday at the monstrous flood that is 'christian' at YT, the suffering
ones can be recognized as those that can only comment "I'm so tired..." as a
handful of them between the barrage of proud and deluded comments in all of
the 'christian type' channels from the category 'prophecy', 'exegesis' until that
of 'endtime' which are without exception the same high-minded and deluded
as their audience : it's a field of slaughter .. an arena of Death
however ,
when deciding to look at our own situation after this , things got only worse :
I never look at 'site stats' - consciously not - for He already predicted that we
will stay humble since the restored scroll would not be accepted by Jacob ,
and we knew that all we are to do is get the text right , isn't it , where 'growth'
as "the number that wóuld accept the restored scroll" is His department --
so , pondering our own situation , not caring about the 23+K total followers
nor the amount of read logs but just the views of actually read chapters
-- since only thát generates the spiritual Legal Right which we have --
and hoping for a thousand but with brute realism expecting three hundred ,
the shown analytics were merciless :
the number of views even of important chapters is not even 20
that's awful .
meaning that you & we are with twenty , only
only twenty that care
as the Legal core group that has to carry all the 144 - all 288,000 of them ..
... so you understand please in what mood I'm writing this ,
silent and sad , trying to understand how come .. it cannot be 'the text itself' :
He is consistently kind to the sons & daughters that trust Him , even during
the difficult theme of 'the unrighteous ones being removed' .. so it's not that ;
being brutally honest : perhaps a reason is 'the way the texts are presented'
that could cause repulsion .. but it's all 'live material', discovered at the spot ,
the child in the candy store , yet always with the care to interpret truthfully
you & we as core group of only twenty ...
what is that incredible superficialty these days please , even with our ówn ?
that only 20 of us - ten times smaller than Gideon's army ! - are having to
bear the full Legal right because only we are interested in and contemplete
what He said , out of 144,000 sons ánd daughters ?
that only 20 of us cared about the war to understand the next hidden theme
instead of sitting back for the next dish to be served , caring to see the so
impossible tangled up themes to become comprehensable as the progress -
therewith causing Unleavened and Weeks to occur as He intended since
He made it happen becáuse we keep finding & understanding what He said ,
since He sees that you care to understand and pull us through if we're stuck :
and it is no different with the present Atonement theme
so - how do the 20 of us get to 144,000 please ?
... it's not important what 'other visitors' do or don't - but only what us twenty
will do ; though if those others want to join then they are most welcome ;
we always said "that we are not safe until the 144 will be completed", right ,
yet this situation looks very grim .:yes sure we trust Him - but then how come
that even our own situation is , to say the least , very alarming .. ?
and even more worrying : that because of this the Jubilee may be postponed ,
NOT because us 20 have not tried the utmost but because we failed in the
final stretch of the lap : having failed to take responsability for this situation ...
and assessing it ,
first it shows how devastatingly true 'the anti-144 theme' is ... ;
while the response 'to publish more' is the wrong one because useless :
Esau's algorithms would be against us just as he shadowbanned this site ;
while anyway Jacob ONLY goes for the whacky channels , and on top of
that he doesn't even like to read or study - or even think , it seems ; while
he likes to see a face , some ego type entertaining him ;
if - by some miracle - there wás lots of interest , Esau will not allow it and
sabotage it immediately ;
the above is easily proven by having posted in quite some YT channels
a number of carefully phrased interesting thought-provoking one-liners ,
so to speak , yet none of them was even responded to ;
the wall of Sorcery which that cursed KJV has created is unconquerable :
you remember please the log of some ten days ago about how opinions
as tensions felt to come to a breaking point -- though hating to even have
to mention (this example of some days ago) it is to hit the point home :
what you see here is "the high-minded Sorcery crowing her victory"
having used those two useful idiots TO DECLARE HERSELF :
yes as countering our declaring of the Scroll ...
and everyone - easily 0,3M - even remotely symphatizing with this drivel
got Infected whether they are aware of it or not - inclusive the exhausted
lonely ones that we mentioned at the beginning ...
ofcóurse both useful idiots are awáre of the themes of the restored scroll
but they hate it : therefore Sorcery appealed to their silly ego's with the
bait of "those poor people in the Trib" - but all done to defy the Scroll :
you can feel it in every word , every thought , the setup , the TONE
then let's make a covenant concerning the 144 situation
... because 'covenant' probably is the best expression for this --
it doesn't matter that we are only with 20 : we cared very much for what
He said and therefore have the Legal right - that is He - on our side ,
and we want nothing else than that everything He desired also comes to pass in short time :
therefore , our Majesty ,
we still are on your side because you kept us all this time , and though
we still are inside this shameful ape we do not give up and trust that you
will resolve this current problem - because you did not give up on us ;
since you helped with the Strange Fire theme when we was stuck ,
then led us to Unleavened and the right interpretation of Weeks ,
and even of the season of judgment following that --
after a hiccup we understand it is about Atonement now and continue
to have that secured : but concerning her main theme we are helpless
and we see that there is a problem with 'the completion of the 144' ...
... there's nothing we can do more as we already did Majesty ,
trying to hold on in these dark days and not get off track , while we do
see and call out the attacks either at us or the probable candidates ,
which is everything an attack against all that you will realize for us ;
but that is everything we are able to do Majesty .. not much more
therefore , please ,
hear your own so little group .. as only 20 that loved what you spoke
and have kept what you expected from your sons and daughters ,
even they are constantly at their wits end - but do not give up :
when we started this site we also sensed that you had started to seal
those that will belong to you as the 144 ... then long time we forgot
about it , because of so much work ... yet now that theme returns :
and we trust that you have foreseen this gigantic setback .. that you
indeed have kept and preserved each of the final 144 as the souls
you knéw would make it to be the sons and daughters ,
more , even in this very short time until Atonement
then please , we plead you that you will also execute that now ,
because we have seen - read - who you our deity are , even feeling
the colour of your voice that encouraged us , and trusted us that we
would understand your every word --
therefore we trust you that you help us in this impossible situation
which is happening outside us , which we recognize as impossible
but are unable to change if you our deity will not act yourself
and order that every soul you destined as our brother and sister
completing your 144,000 will be joined to us - these very days
you always are very willing and kind unto us Majesty .. thank you ..
we do everything to hold out 53 days still to finally see you
... but please then be gentle with us because we're very broken
superfluous to say
that when starting the prayer that legal sphere came around .. no
perhaps this page will be updated