CT 146

main theme: the birthsceptre and the abuse of our female Originals ;

before you read :

… this chapter contains graphic themes – just so you know ;
yet this is a complete confirmation of the Amos chapters ,
in which the female Originals are constantly abused by the bull-spirits ;

(our) way of interpreting this chapter :
… we’ve always said that “without a workable concept ,
it is virtually impossible to translate (foreign themes) correctly”    —
the keywords in this chapter suggest already a certain theme ,
but we could never have understood – were it not by a vision one decade ago ;
… when , after entering a double door (!) guarded by two soldiers,
a halfdark room showed with a large bed-couch of sparkling blue in the corner :
then showed the figure upon the bed : a stunning gorgious young female ,
sitting upon all fours , facing this way ;
then showed the ugly spirit behind her , very busy with himself penetrating her  —
she lifted up her eyes , as oceans of innocence ,
and the vision ended because of the grave emotional pain filling the room

our female Originals – as the most beautiful beings (-ever) :
… so stunning you would hesitate to approach them :
therefore we (-hR) can make – like you – a clear distinction between the type love
which is eden’s , and the phallic self-serving type ‘love’ of the matrix
(and of our reality !) ;
please keep remembering this crucial difference while reading ; 

themes in this spell – and its buildup :
… the theme is twofold here     —
first as the ‘watercourse’ (as Nile) , to right ,                
as “a river of (stolen-) eden-words”
(the latter by the tree of life – see other spells) ,
and they need the watercourse to connect to
their root-P , as the stone which Horus stole ;

… then is said here that “the watercourse
which flows to the gate” – see diagram –
equals “a pillar (‘phallus’) toward his goal”,
as their construct they have devised :
introducing the (matrix-) male-female concept

aspects processed by anubis isis

the females are abused to MAINTAIN the status-quo of the pillar construct :
… this is the second part of the theme   —
in the sense that the girls are “to be continuous sacrifices” for the spirits ,
in order that the pillar (as Nile) will keep feeding their root (-P) ;

ii) the birthsceptre : male as ‘speech’, female as ‘words’
… the main attribute of male is ‘speech’
(compare the creation in Genesis 1) ,
while the attribute of female is “words (‘lights’)” (to create with) ;
… in the case of this spell – and matching the others ,
their root (-P) , which Horus made to fly up , is (now matrix-) “masculine”,
but it still needs the eden-words (as feminine attribute)
in order to create ‘(matrix-) great speech’ aka (matrix-) creational speech ;

the eden-birthsceptre would represent “the words of the female for the male’s speech”
(which is a most sweet concept) ,
but because they stole that concept , matrix-speech uses the eden-words (‘lights’) ,
because now “the eden-words power matrix-speech” (instead of eden-speech) ,
and therefore the matrix can create anything eden-like it wants to ,
and destroy eden just how it wants to ;

the ‘cord’ to the matrix-root (-P) :
… please see again diagram ;
the “cord of eden-words (‘lights’)”originally supplied the eden-cornerstone
(as ‘eden speech’) ,
but has been inverted and is now feeding the óther stone (which they possess now) ;
hence the sections in this spell about “place-T” and “the word to make”,
because it is crucial for them to have the Nile connected to théir stone (-P) ;
related : Joshua 6
… the fall of Jericho – including ‘a cord’ and ‘7’ , see inside the spell ;

note :
… we are not here to present you some quasi-mystical Nonsense     —
hence the many notes : but because we’re dealing with concepts in another reality

source text :
open a new window if you want to read the original glyphs as paralell text :
and goto page II-205 of the PDF , always reading from down upwards


CT 146

II 205
d) the beginning. [of] (matrix-) existence. [for] eternity. ,
[is by] (eden-) willpower to sacrifice (-maâ). [for] the (matrix-physical-) garment (-ssh). ;

c) [as the one (‘garment’) by] the cemetary below (‘eden’). for. he. (matrix-) existence. ,
[and so for] my (‘corrupt’-) adm-soul. [to be] all. the things for hail. ;
[because for] my [-other]. ba-bird spirit (‘type body’). [are] the desirable goddesses. ,
[as] the divine concubines [-for the phallus].      +                   [<< our female Originals]
b) to unite with ;                                                                                               [<< as ‘making to reap’]

context so far :
… his ‘corrupt-type adm-soul’
(because that is what Egyptians etc are ; as bolt-glyph -S) :
he receives a new type body garment (-á-sh-s-t) termed “Ba-bird spirit”
which is officially translated as “soul” but that is not the case – he receives it ;
2 ) concubines :
… with that body he “can at least approach the female Original” ;
we reject that the silly concept ‘phallus’ exists in eden ,
and compare how that concept is often shown as ‘a knife’ (see Amduat book) ,
therefore the goal of that tool is clear ;
3) concubines glyph :
… written as (h’ent+) , followed by an extra glyph , see top of c) ;

[because] the (eden-) youthful ones (‘the girls’). [are] the nurses (‘but sexually’). ,     
[as] the woman (‘lit. mother’). [for] the man (‘lit. father’). ;
[and by abusing them] (‘the girls’)       +
the gods of the cauldron (‘spirits’, -abt’u+). [+ (matrix-) existence.] to unite (t’emt). ;
a) [first part : tricky / corrupted :]
……… existence. this……….above (‘north’) ,
[fór] he. the main (-root-P). the essence (at -t) by the watercourse to make (‘Nile’).
[and so (the watercourse-) to] this. N (‘the candidate’). to give. speech. ; 

II 204
c) [as] he (‘now matrix-speech’). the willpower. for. this. N (‘candidate’). ,
who will be. [as] the gods of the cauldron (‘spirits’, -abt’u+).        +
[for] (eden-) place-T to snatch-away. ;                                        [<< thróugh the females]     
[and then] he (‘eden’). (constantly-) place-T to give. [for] the (matrix-) speech of hail. ,
[being] all of. the god. [as] (matrix-) speech of hail. ,
[and so for] every. Ba-bird-spirit. [to be] the speech of hail. ;

context so far :
… so there are two things going on here   —
first they ‘steal something’ (=from the female Originals) ,
in order that ‘eden will give something (else)’  :
namely “the Nile’s attaching point to their root-P (‘the other stone’) ,
so that the Nile will now flow from Damascus (where the eden tree of life is)
as a “watercourse of stolen eden-words flowing to their root” ;

b) [by?] the divine staff (?,-tá) for (=to?) the double (matrix-) mouth (‘gate’).    +
[is] (matrix-) existence. ,
[for by] the image (adj.). [of] the great pillar (-construct). [is] the willpower. for.     +
a) the Nut-dome (‘dim.-border’). by which is. to become the (matrix-) word-inside. ;
[and so] (matrix-) existence to connect. willpower. [=to].       +

II 203
b) Isis (‘matrix birth-construct’). ,
[in order for] the image (adj.). [of] existence. [to be] the willpower. [=of] this. N. ,
(who will keep) snatching-away (-nh’m).          +
place-T of the real-adm-soul (s-t). [from] (eden-) existence. ,
[in order to always have] the (matrix-) word of hail. ;

context so far :
… it’s very tricky to follow his reasoning – but :
the ‘staff to the gate’ (and see diagram !) is a phallic symbol / event ,
repeated in the glyph “pillar” – compare the Amazon logo ;
next is said that “matrix-willpower is a phallic type willpower”,
the same type willpower which the candidate is ‘supplied with’ :
hence he can abuse the female Originals as a way to maintain that status-quo ,
which will be extensively addressed in this spell ;
unusually we had to swap the last 4 glyphs of b) to can present the context better ;

a) [and] the (matrix-) land. [keeps having?] the (matrix-) speech.       +
[through] their (‘girls’?) (?,-sn). portion (‘lot’). ;
[by] their (?,-sn). toil. [+upon?] their (?,-sn). couches.    +                 [<< couches: see Amos]
their (?,-sn). (surrounding-energetical-) coverings to collect (-bâh’+). ;
II 202
d) [and by that]        +
(matrix-) existence to can make (-sn). [as] (matrix-) existence becoming new.
[as the one which will keep] being connected to. the (matrix-) word of hail. ;

c) [therefore] this. N (‘candidate’). [is able] the (eden-) word (-of them) to repulse. ,
[=through]      +
b) the (sexual-) pleasure. [by?] their (‘girls’?) (?,-sn). vessel (-áb). ;          [<< or ‘for his’ 1x]

a) [because] to rejoice (-in the eden-word for the matrix-flesh) (h’au+). ,
[when] the (eden-) word descends (-from her). [to] this. N (‘candidate’). ,
[who is of] the gods of the cauldron (-abt’u). having become – the gods of great speech. ;

context so far :
… the girl is “covered in layers of eden-words (‘lights’)”,
and by his abuse he ‘repulses the words from off her – to himsélf’ ;

II 201
c) [by] [this] she (‘the girl’) (-f).     +
[for] the gods of the cauldron. [to have] the (eden-) word. [of] (eden-) existence. ,
[now] to become the word by decree of law. [to] he. (matrix-) existence. to give. speech. :
c) a) [virtual repeats]
II 200
[as] he. the (matrix-) speech. [of] (-the matrix-word for) to smite (-eden) (-h’u). ,      +
c) [namely by]      +
this. N (‘candidate’). [for] (matrix-) existence. to be (matrix-) place-T for hail. ;     +
b) [because] the (sexual-) pleasure. [of] thou (‘N’). vessel.      +
has become bý place-T for the (matrix-type) flesh (-to make) (-h’ât). ,
[as] (matrix-) place-T to make to come hail to.      +              [<< the Nile arrives there now]
[and so] the (eden-) word. is connected to. (matrix-) protection. ;       +

[next : the above is explained :]

a) [see next ; repeat]
II 199
c) [because] place-T of the pillar (-construct). [at?] the field (‘region’). ,
[as] place-T for the branch (‘the pillar’). to doorkeep. ;      +                                        [<< to guard]

[by means óf] the goddess (‘girl’) (-‘h’emt). [for] this. N (‘candidate’). ,
[to be] the (sexual-) sister (‘the girl’). [for] the divine son (‘N’). ;
[in order] this. birthsceptre. to consolidate. [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

context so far :
… this is clear enough —
only by continually abusing her                                                         (and compare Amos chapters !)
they will secure their birthsceptre and the same time their pillar-construct ;
… the unusual ‘sister’ here may be used to describe “the genuine adm-soul type”
who ‘gives’ the attribute to the “corrupt-type adm-souls” as the Egyptians ; 

[next : a short , difficult section – but we think its context shows :]

  • we’re proud we came THIS far already , grin ;
    because it is all about ‘the word’, now “the seven female Torches” may be the theme ,
    as ‘the seven eyes of God’ or ‘the seven stars’ in Revelation
    (and note the ‘7’ theme furtheron in this chapter) ;

b) [and so to be] the ânkh-life. [of] (matrix-) existence. [as] this. N’s. protection (-sa). ,
[because by?] Hathor (‘house of Horus’).     +
[is] (matrix-) existence. [through?] the adam-like moon (‘a concept’)  (?,-áh’i). ;
a) [by?] he (‘matrix-moon’?).      +
[to be] (matrix-) existence. [as] (eden-) speech. nót.  for. the KH-house. ,               [<< khmm]
II 198
c) [but [to be] he. (matrix-) existence. [by] (eden-) speech. [as] the oblivious one. ; [<< khm]

b) [by means of] the divine passive ones (of T’) for great speech.     +                  [<< 7 torches?]
who are nót part of the KH-house (-ákhm-urt’). ,
who are. these.  in (?) the (matrix-) workplace (-ás+). [for] (matrix-) existence of hail.    +


  • context so far :
    … sadly all 3 Nahum chapters were very corrupted ,
    but in chapter 2 appear “the seven torches” who are freed from imprisonment  —
    and they set the matrix-region on fire  (where ‘fire’ is always feminine) ,
    when the bars (-brth) of Egypt                (=but can be the (stolen-) ’stone’ (-abn) ?)
    will be broken (-shbr)                                     (but can be ‘will return’ (-shb) ?) ;
    … either way , there is evidence that the seven Torches until now ‘have fed Râ’
    (and see next) ,
    compare also how Christ says “they are in my hand” (=the eden-cornerstone)” ;
    even more tricky :

[fór?] Râ. ;
[as] (eden-) existence. [being?] this. boat. to devise. [as] the constrúcted boat (-sqtt’’+). ,
a) [by means of?] the ones (‘Torches’?) to ferry-over (‘to matrix’). ,       +
as. the devised (-way). to connect to. the (eden-) word. to become united. ;           [<< ?]
II 197
d) [by means of] the cord of words (in the equilibrium or ‘to the high place’-âqa+).    +
[as] the devised (-way). to connect. the (eden-) word. [to be] the tied-together cord. ;

c) [to?] the slaughterhouse as the god (-nmt). [for] (matrix-) speech. ,
[in order to become] the flesh of willpower of the heir (‘spirits’). ,
[as] the devised (-way). to connect. the (eden-) word. to make (matrix-) health. ;

b) [because] the white (matrix-) aspects (‘lights’) (-h’tch).       +
[are] the devised (-way). to connect. the (eden-) word. [to be] the mixed one
(‘to be alike-adam’s, -miá). ,
a) [and so to be] the (real-) aspects of the flown-up root (‘other stone’ ; -paq+).   +
II 196
[as] the devised (-way). to connect. the (eden-) word. to strike (-eden) (?,-sqr). ;


  • context so far :
    .. tricky to follow – but the same aspects return lateron in this spell  (190 b) ;
    it shows that “the eden-words were mixed with matrix-words (‘lights’)”,
    therefore they have the power to destroy eden (-constantly)
    (anything of eden can only be destroyed by her own concepts – but altered) ;  

[next section : resuming CT 146 : describing their stone now :]

c) [because now] the place of the cauldron (‘Abydos’). [is] the one of eden-within. ,
[as] the place below for to battle (-eden). [as] the one of eden-within. ;
[namely] the place of great (matrix-) speech.       +
[being] the place of the root-P (‘other stone’). [as] the one of eden-within. ;

b) [1x]
[as] the place of the khesem-shrine.         +                                 [<< unclear concept still]
[fór] the city of Ôn (‘Mystery-Babylon’). [as] the one of eden-within. ; 

a) [because?] the place (t-) for the Djed pillar (-tch-t’-t).    +                          [a : unsure]
[is now?] the place (-t) of the word (by?) the Djed pillar. [as] the one of eden-within. ;

context so far :
… c) : so now at least we know that the girls were abused at ‘the other stone’ -P ;
in c) the “place below” (-khrt) means “below Mystery-Babylon ,
because the other stone is still inside their dimension  —
2) in a) , the Djed pillar concept
… still unsure : most likely “from their root-P unto Mystery-Babylon”
as lower half of the worldtree ; but we simply need to investigate more ; 

[as?] the place of – the great (‘speech’) – Ka bulls (‘masculine spirits’) ,
[for to be] the (whole matrix-) house. [as] the one of eden-within. ;       +
II 195
b) [as] the inundated (-h’âp, adj.) – dimension of the solarplane (-agb).       +
[as] the one of eden-within. ;

[because by] the (eden-) veil for the solarplane (-áak+b+). [as] the one of eden-within. ,
[as?] the divine Nu-dome (‘still as eden-realm’). [as] the one of eden-within. ,     +
[is] the (matrix-) land. [and] sky. [as] the one of eden-within. ;        +
a) [and] he (‘inundated matrix’).       +
[to be bý] the gods of the cauldron (‘bulls’). [like] this. N. existence. to unite (-‘tmt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;
(=which was the whole goal)

context so far :
… in b) , the ÁAKB is officially translated as ‘mourning’ but makes no sense here ;
looking at the glyph-type it shows “dishevelled hair” which indicates eden ;
while the Nu-dome carries their entire region ;
II 194
c) [and so to be] the (matrix-) land. [by] the main – root (-P) ,
[because through] this. N. (eden-) existence. all kinds of. words. to make (-‘ar). ;
[as] he (‘all words’). [by means of] the desirable goddesses. ,
[through] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

b) [and therewith is for] this. N. (matrix-) existence.        +
[by means of] the vessel (‘body , as Ba-soul’). [of] existence. to acquire. ;
a) [for] he (‘vessel’). [are] the concubines [-for the phallus]. ,
[and by] he (‘phallus’). (-they) the (eden-) words (‘lights’, B2L) to birth. ;

II 193
c) [and therewith] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

b) [because when] he (‘N’).     +
unites with (‘makes to reap’) (-the words of). the nurses (‘sexually’). ,
this. N. existence. to unite (‘temt). ,                                         [<< is uniting existence]
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

a) [as] he (speech of hail’). [by means of] the desirable goddesses. ,
[through] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

II 192
b) [as] he (‘speech of hail’). [by means of] the (eden-) youthful ones. ,
[through] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;
a) [as] he (‘speech of hail’). ,         +
[by means of] the females (‘girls’) (-h’mt). [=for] the masculine males (‘spirits’). ,
[=like] the females (‘mothers’). [=for] the men (‘fathers’). ;
[and so by] the gods of the cauldron. [like] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ,
[because now]          +
the (matrix-) -T is making (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

II 191
d) [because to be] he. (matrix-) existence. [by] (the deed of-) this. N. ,
which is [by means of]. the woman (‘the girl’). the (eden-) cord (at -t) to untie ,
[so that now]          +
the (matrix-) -T can make (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

c) [as] he. (matrix-) existence. [by] (the deed of-) this. N. ,
[because] she (‘the girl’, -f). [to] the man (‘spirit’). (eden-) place-T to give. ,
[so that now]          +
the (matrix-) -T can make (the ówn) word (-sut). [for] (matrix-) speech of hail. ;

context of 191 :
… a mysterious concept here
(though (-sfkhkh) can also be ‘to denude’ but that isn’t the theme) ,
see Introduction for this theme ;
the cord then must be what became (!) ‘the watercourse’ (the Nile) ,
because of the relation with ‘7’ which is the same time a second meaning of (-sfkh) ;

the cord , the ‘7’ and the fall of Jericho :
… though not every single aspect matches , many do ,
and it can have been a Legal outplay , not a deFacto one still  —
the two spies , set out ‘to investigate Jericho’
(=as the 144,000 , as both houses ?) ,
where Jericho is “moon” likely similar to the place AB-T’U here – see furtheron ;
and the female , Rachab (as ‘prostituted one’) let down a cord
(=does this represent “she giving both males the cord” ? , compare 191) ;
then the siege , where 7 days and 7 trumpets etc were involved ;

closing : Damascus (corner-stone) escaping :
… in a chapter God says that “the cornerstone tries to escape (where he is now)
but that the spirits refuse to let him go” (because then starts their end)   —
was he held back because of the Nile , connecting him to (now) their root-P :
but that is over now ?

[CT 191 : next : the main juxtaposition , repeating previous themes :]

  • how to read :
    (example as b below) :we would say “otherwise there wón’t be matrix-existence
    by means of the ferried-over (eden) things to unite with — ‘as reaped things’ ;
    the syntax in this section is the same as the infamous “negative confession” spell
    in the Book of the Dead : he never said there “I have not killed”,
    but says “(eden-) existence will kill me nót” , etcetera]

b) [otherwise] the (eden-) things to ferry-over (-to matrix).    +
as. these [-things]. to unite with (‘to reap’). [will be for] (matrix-) existence. nót. ;

a) [and otherwise] the cord of (eden-) words (-in the equilibrium or matrix high place).    +
[as] this (-one). will become tied together. [to] (matrix-) existence. nót. ;         [see b]
II 190
a) [and otherwise] the (matrix-) slaughterhouse (-as the god).    +
     [for] the flesh of willpower of the heir. [will be] the healthy one (‘flesh’).      +
     [for] (matrix-) existence. nót. ;
c) [and otherwise] the white aspects (matrix-lights).     +
     [will be] mixed (‘to be alike-adam’). [to] (matrix-) existence. nót. ;
b) [and otherwise] the aspects by the flown-up root-P (-paq+).      +
     [will] strike (-eden) (?,-sqr). [for] (matrix-) existence. nót. ;

[now follows the ‘but instead’ section :]

a) [but instead,] [for] the gods (‘spirits’).     +
[to be] the ones (‘girls’) in the altar-house (-khaut+). above (‘north’). ,
[being] the selected sacrificial flock (‘girls’).      +
[as] the devised (-method). (-how) to snatch away. the (eden-) word. ;

II 189
b) [and so to be?] Râ. by. the birthsceptre (‘of speech’). ,
[through] the collecting of the coverings (‘of the girls’).       +
[as] the devised (-method). (-how) to snatch away. the (eden-) word. ;

context so far :
… in a) above it is not logical that ‘the gods are the ones in the altar-house’
(though they are, ofcourse) , because “above” is added ;
2) 189 :
we assume the same (-h’âb+covering)  was intended ,
the one here can read ‘festival (of completing the solarplane)’ ,H’B ,
and though tentative , the overall theme is still “stealing the coverings” ;

a) [and] the (matrix-) land. [to be by] the main – root (-P). ,
[because through] this. N. (eden-) existence. all kinds of. words. to make (-ár). ,
[as] he (‘all words’). [by means of] the desirable goddesses. ,    +
[through] this. N. existence. to unite (-t’mt). ;
[by] to come átát (‘staff’, see next). [to?] existence. [as] to come existence of hail. ;    
II 188
c) [see next]

b) [as] he (‘speech of hail’).      +
[by means of] the nurses (‘girls’ – adj.) – to unite with (‘to reap’). ,
[in order for] this. N. (matrix-) existence. to unite (‘tmt). ;
[and so?] to come átát (‘a staff?’). [to?] (matrix-) existence. [as] to come existence of hail. ,    
[through?] the watercourse (‘Nile’). he (‘word?’). to shoot-out (-of the hand) (-ut’). , (?)
[in order] to return. speech of hail (‘for the matrix’). ;

context so far :
… we don’t know what (-átát) is ,
but the entire context suggests it is “the birthsceptre” (under another name) ,
in the sense that by this – stolen – birthsceptre ,
they can make to connect the Nile to the eden-stone (‘the hand’) to have speech ;

a) [as] he (‘speech of hail’). [by means of]. the desirable goddesses. ,     +
[and so] this. N (‘candidate’). (matrix-) existence. to unite (‘tmt). ;
II 187 [repeat]
II 186 [repeat]
II 185 [repeat]
II 184 [repeat]
II 183
c) [as] he (‘united existence’).    +
[by means of] the concubines [+for the phallus]. the divine words to birth. ,
[and therewith] this. N. (matrix-) existence. to unite (‘tmt). ;
b) [to become] the divine things of great (matrix-) speech. to create [-by]. ,

  • [because of (?). place-T for the word to connect to. [by?] this. N.
    – unreadable section 4x , sorry]

a) [because] he. (matrix-) existence. [is by] understanding.     +
[that] he [is]. [by means of] the concubine [+the phallus]. to enclose (‘embrace’). ;

context so far :
… the situation is here one of ‘actual rape’,
therefore the verb “to surround, to embrace” (see glyph) belongs to the girl ;

II 182
b) [because for] the (matrix-) land’s. main – root (-P). [through] this. N. ,      +
(eden-) existence. all kinds of. words. to make (-‘ar). ,
[when] he (‘N’). [with-] the desirable goddesses. to unite (‘to reap’) (-for the word). ,
[as] he (‘phallus’). to be enclosed (-by her). ;

a) [because] he (‘phallus’). [by] the nurses. [to be] enclosed. ,
[as] he (‘phallus’). [by] the desirable goddesses. [to be] enclosed. ;
II 181
e) [with the goal that]     +
she (-f). the sister (‘the girl’ – wrong spelling). births the words. ,
[by means of] he (‘phallus’). [to be] enclosed (-by her). ;

d) [because] she (-f). the woman (‘mother’).    +
the male’s (-one) (‘father’). he (‘phallus’). to enclose. ,
c) [as] she (-f). the gods of the cauldron’s (-one). he (‘phallus’). to enclose. ;
b) [in order to be] the (matrix-) dimension. [of] speech.     +
[by means of] he (‘eden-speech’). to descend (-from eden). ;
a) [to be] the (matrix-) land. [of] (matrix-) speech.    +
[by] he (‘eden-speech’). to descend. ;

II 180
c) [and so to be] the (matrix-) land. [and] sky. [of] (matrix-) speech.   +
[by] he (‘eden-speech’). to descend. ,
[by means of] this. N (‘candidate’). [to cáuse-] this. protection. :
b) [and so for] the Nut-dome. [to be] hail. ,   
[for] Geb (‘Chaldea, Mystery-Babylon’s land’). [to be] hail. ;
[for] Tem (‘Damascus’). [to be] hail. ,
[and for] Râ (‘our sun’). [to be] hail. ;

[closing :]
a) the cemetary below (‘eden’). for. he. (matrix-) existence. ,
[as] (the one) (‘matrix-existence’) having become united[by] the gods of the cauldron.

end CT 146
21.01jan.2021   —   submitted   —   first version   —   hetreport

‘official’ translation
O Rê ! O Atum ! O Geb ! O Nut ! See, N goes down (sic) into the sky ,
he goes down into the earth, he goes down into the waters seeking his
family, seeking his father and mother, seeking his children and brethren,
seeking his loved ones, seeking his friends, seeking his associates and his
servants who worked for N on earth and seeking his concubines whom
he has known, because N is you (sic) whom the Great One created.
There are assembled for N his children and his concubines whom N’s
heart has accepted, and there are assembled for N his servants who
worked for N on earth. If there delay, be prevented or impeded the
giving of his father to N and the releasing of his mother to him and the
assembling for N of his family, his father and mother, his men and women;
if there be delayed, prevented or impeded the assembling for N of his
children and the assembling for N of his brethren, his loved ones, his friends,
his associates <and his servants> who worked for N on earth, the staff (?)
shall be taken away from Rê, there shall be taken away the choice joints
from upon the altars of the gods, p3k-cakes shall not be kneaded,
white loaves shall not be mixed, legs of beef shall not be conveyed to the
shambles of the god, you (plur.) shall not tie the cords, you shall not make
ready the ferry-boats; but if N’s father be given to him, if N’s mother be
released for him, if there be assembled for N his family, his fathers ,  
his mothers, his men and his women, his children, his loved ones, his friends
and associates, his children and his concubines whom N’s heart has accepted,
and his servants who worked for N on earth ;
if there be assembled for N his family who are in heaven and earth, who are
in the necroplois, who are in the Abyss, who are in the place of mourning (?),
who are in the Nile and the flood, who are in the Mansion of the Greatest of
bulls, who are in Djedu, who are in Djedet, who are in Ôn and Khem, who are
in Pe of the Great One, who are in Kher-aha, and who are in Abydos :
then p3k-cakes shall be kneaded, white loaves shall be mixed, legs of beef
shall be conveyed to the shambles of the god, the cords shall be tied,
the ferry-boats shall be made ready, this bark of Rê shall be navigated by this
crew of Rê who know no wearyness. His name is not known and his name
shall not be known, the sistrum-player of Hathor is N’s protector for life.
Now as for this staff, it is the son of N’s sister, the woman who is in charge
of the great Field. Now N’s sister, the woman who is in charge of the great
Field, has said: see, you have come joyful and happy-hearted – so said she
to N. Answer. Has there been granted to you a decree for his family of yours?
N has gone down rejoicing and happy-hearted, for his family has been given
to him. The great ones of N’s family have gone down joyfully and their hearts
are happy at meeting N. They have stuck their picks (?), their panniers, their
hoes and their bowls into the earth. N has taken them from the levy of Isis,
from the cencus of Nut, from the great levy of the Double Lion.
As for any soul or any god who shall cause N’s family to be taken away from
him, N shall cause his head to be broken on the …… of Khnum.             (=wut?)

… let us know if you have any Clue what all the above means.

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CT 147
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CT 133