CT 695
[start : the (dimensional-) eden-Dawn changes to the matrix-dawn :]
VI 329
[by] (the aspects of-) the half-month (-moon) (‘eden gate’).
[is] (matrix-) existence. [by] the month (-moon) (‘matrix gate’). ,
by (-means of). (matrix-) existence. the one (‘eden moon’) to open (the SEKER theme see Seshat page). +
[so that it-] (will) empower (‘say’). above (‘north’). ,
[and?] making to connect to the word (?, S-TH-U). ;
here ,
the whole eden-gate lights up the strongest halfway the month
[on earth represented by “the new-moon and full-moon feasts] ;
the beginning (?, SEP). [is by?] the other one (‘eden gate’) (KI). +
(that-) [is] making the (adam-like) (matrix-) one. , [‘the matrix one made by eden’ ÁR]
[and so by] thou (eden speech). (matrix-) speech to make (-by eden) (ÁR-R). ;
[above : so now that the eden-gate is opened he talks to the eden-spéech as ‘thou’ ]
[next : because we had ‘moon’ now cóuld appear ‘the eden binary’ :] + see ct ‘eyes to vanish’
[because] thou. // (eden-) eye (‘eden-gate’). to rest (read : “to be dysfunct” !) (reHa). , +
crying. because of. the [to-be] (matrix-) speech. above (‘north’). ,
[and?] the word. [that will be-] made to connect (-to it) (same weird glyphs). ;
.. here ,
“eye” means “a crucial construct” – like Horus has ‘his eye’ , later ;
the // is not “two” but “a dangerous concept” [namely calling the eden-gate ‘an eye’] ;
[the ‘7 lights (‘flames’) of eden-speech now for the matrix :]
[because to be] all. the (matrix-) light. , +
[by] the helpless (-one) (NN). (which-) the one (eden gate) made (-by eden) (ÁR-T). ,
[now as] the seven. (matrix-type-) lights. [of] (matrix-) speech. [for the word]. to stand upright (-in matrix). ;
[and so] +
[for] my (corrupt Ammon-) soul. {at] the (matrix dimensional-) side. [to be] (matrix-) speech. +
[by means of] the one (eden speech) the (matrix-) speech to make (-by eden) (ÁR-R-T). ;
[more difficult :]
[because by] the cemetery below (eden). +
[by] which (are). [..]. the things of.. (damaged). to go dóuble (KA). above (‘north’). ,
[since?] the (real adam-) soul’s (-one) (eden-gate of us). (is) resting (=dysfunct) (same reHA). , +
[as] the (matrix KA-) bulls (‘powerful – doubled ! – concepts’). [of] the (matrix-) dimension. +
[that is now] filled. with. the milk (prob. “a region of speech” ÁRTT). ;
[as] he (‘this region’) +
making. the word. to connect to. // (former-) (eden-) willpower (S-TH-Â//U). ;
… here ,
ofcourse this is not about “the milk OF the bulls” as Faulkner thinks (see ‘official’ translation)
but the “milk” must be “a region of (stolen-) speech of willpower” ;
[because by-] the upside-down boat (eden-realm / gate). to dress (-it) (‘previous matrix-dimension). ,
[and] my (corrupt-Ammon-) soul. to make to connect to (-t) (S-TH). ;
[because] the cemetery below. [of] (eden-) speech. to rest (=be dysfunct) (same reHa). ,
[in order to be] the (matrix-) aspects. bý. the cemetery below (‘eden’). +
[by] which (are). [..]. the (former eden-) treasures (khtemt+?). to work with. +
[through?] (stolen-) Sight (MAA). ;
[so that?] this. mouth (matrix gate). empowers (adj.) – my (corrupt Ammon-) soul. ;
[therefore] my. one (matrix-gate) (for) (matrix-) speech of hail. [as] the god. +
[to be] be encircled. [by] (eden-) existence. nót. ; [=like they did to the eden gate]
[and for?] my. (matrix-) speech of hail. to be the (eden?-) word of law. nót. ; [?]
[but instead , for] the ruling (matrix-) North (-as Egypt) (read : Mystery-Babylon). +
to be the divine (matrix-) things. [by?] the (real adm-) soul’s (-one).
[as?] the eden-aspects-within (-the matrix). [..] having become (adj.) – for. me. ; [cripple line]
… here ,
the lineup “divine + adam-soul + eden-within (ÁMI)” cannot follow upon eachother
because the ÁMI refers back to ‘adam-soul’ in this case = magically-dangerous ;
part B)
.. until now the buildup is logical enough :
– the eden-gate is opened , the eden-speech is made to escape [=capture] ,
filling their realm for her to be “as milk” : as a dimension of “(stolen-) speech of willpower” ,
powered now by their matrix-gate ,
and they do not want this situation to change ;