[parked here for now :]
[memo 7may’23 :]
since the recent restoration of previous
showed that “the little horn = Adam” ,
the “prince of Persia” in previous ch.10
as ‘Adam’ as well — per definition]
Dan. 11 : the past 2000 years : the ‘king of the North’ (=West) : destroys Jerusalem (70AD) ; ends as Roman Empire & starts as RCC ; Templars & Kabbalah and Black Nobility ; Reformation produces the cripple KJV & then the Jesuits’ terror ; Enlightenment & his start of the NWO (kreat rezet) powered by the demonic realm : king of West falls (cont. in Dan.12) [final version : 2022-06jun.7] |
page content : — introduction [-especially the NWO section] — fulltext (click) — restored text |
and see NWO at 1.34 |
— please ,
the existing commentaries do not progress fast enough through history ;
at the end of the chapter they still are at “the Maccabean revolution”
(only 160 BC !, see bold-brown) and the restored lines 33-34 in the text below ;
— please remember
that it is almost lógical that the theme here would match “the 7 Churches”
since this chapter is embedded inbetween the ones having endtime themes
and many phrases & concepts match those in NT ;
— this is first a spiritual theme : no need to go describe endless stories about
irrelevant kings — instead , the key theme is “the belief through the ages”
— and related to that ,
because ‘the king of the North’ (=West) is a metaphysical entity
the fórms in which he appears somewhat ALTER over time ;
buildup of part IV : the NWO [-in our days]
… the entire chapter is interesting but for us especially this section —
we could endlessly discuss “what” is ‘a culture’ and why most go down
(‘most’ – because the one of God after the people entered old-Ishral
would still be in function : if the people had not sinned) ,
but the only answer must be that it is lead by ‘a’ deity – where the German
description of a culture as ‘Lebewesen’ is pretty spot on ;
we need to keep the above in mind to understand the chain of events
as a pattern resembling the theme of ‘our body’ in Ezekiel :
it was “made as necessary evil” and as perfect as it cóuld be ,
but then it started to whore and degenerate , then was tainted by demons ,
until such point that it corrupts the soul – and therefore she is burned by fire ;
(line 36)
the Enlightenment : the start of ‘science’ (-yet spiritism flourished)
… the king started a global consciousness-change
in order to be done with the christian type awareness of the era before ,
so that after a certain time he could fill the people with his consciousness ;
(line 37)
rise of the NWO hating christianity
… though the RCC has always been the typical sun-religion (=M-B)
it was hidden and often ‘hindered’ by sérious souls on all levels :
yet here the mask is thrown off as the king showing his real nature ;
(line 38)
worse : the NWO worships the evil realm (read : Mystery-Babylon)
… now the king and his minions actually WORK FOR the evil realm
in the sense of shaping this world to the desire of the realm ;
(line 39)
by preparing the “human cattle project 666”
… here said as “a value will be assigned to the people”
which is close enough to the concept ‘none will be able to buy or sell’ ;
(line 40)
by staging (!) wars – as the “rumors of wars” in NT
… the goal is to create a malleable consciousness where all the people
will respond to óne coordinated central stimulus — brought via MSM ;
(line 41)
by creating the 1947 honeytrap (-to disarm christians)
… Esau pulled his ‘israel’ hoax as his protection to not fail in the endtime ,
based upon his gullible audience cherishing half-understood bibleverses
(which hé corrupted !) and some of his’ posing as “the original people” —
so that all believers would lock themselves up in this cage – Esau’s world –
never going to search the other reality , whereby God’s plan would fail ;
[turning into next theme :]
… for you and we the red flag in the text is ofcourse Edom and Ammon
(=Esau as the bloodline hating adm-souls) and therefore the next lines
about ‘Egypt’ MUST relate to this specific war :
(line 42-44)
the sons discover prophets >>> king of the north is toast
… this theme refers to ‘the Reformation’ nót having understood the scroll
as in line 29 – “not like the first (-version) but neither as the later one” ,
and the key phrase here was “the king will be alarmed by the report”
(see text how the link with Esau’s tombs in Egypt worked out) ;
you see why the honeytrap tried to secure THIS theme … ?
(line 45)
the king falls and ends
phrases in the text :
— several times “covenant” is used , meant as “the christian belief”
but we used it once instead of “scroll” , but the intent will show ;
per context “the holy ones” then refer to ‘believers’ ;
— the “king of the South” : factually “the (far-) East” ; too complicated
here but see the relevant pages in index ;
corruptions : grave to very grave
theme 100% restored
Daniel 11
fulltext [-of Daniel 11]
1-12 : the time of Alexander the Great (etc) : skipped for now
[7 march 23 :]
[see Adam-Ptolemy page for the likely blueprint of these to-be restored lines]
start :
[part-] I b [the time of the Crucifixion (the 69 weeks) :]
but when the king of the north will have returned ,
a great tumult will ensue in your land ;
when at the end of the ninety six weeks
the anointed one (=Christ) will bring +
the gift as the sacrifice for many ;
and in that time many will be saved by the anointed one ,
yet the sons as the robbers of your people will exalt themselves
by trying to establish the vision , [<< messianic kingdom]
but they will fall ;
therefore the king of the north will come
and cast up siege works for to take Jerusalem ,
and neither the fortresses [<< Massada etc]
in the south will withstand him ; +
[corrupt] [16 : Palestine ended after 70 BC]
and the beautiful land will have ended by his hand ;
[part-] I c [the first Christians (the 10 tribes) :]
then he will set his face +
against your people Ishral dwelling in his kingdom ,
and (against-) the upright ones with them ; [<< others]
who will serve the anointed one (=Christ)
and will become the holy ones to him ; [<< line 22 !]
for they will not support the king of the north ;
18 [for they are ‘the seed of Christianity’ :]
therefore +
he will set his face against the people and seize many ones ,
but by him eradicating the righteous ones +
who are a reproach to him ,
he will return the reproach back upon his (-own head) ;
for they will grow numerous before him
as a stronghold (?) in his own land , [<< see 17a]
therefore he will stumble and fall , and will not be found ;
part II [the rise of the Papacy (RCC) :]
and the position in his estate (‘rank, office’)
will pass on to that of a (spiritual !-) taskmaster [<< RCC]
claiming the respect of the kingdom ,
and from one to another day
its face as a kingdom of war will have changed ;
because in his estate will stand up a contemptible figure
to whom will be given the majesty of the kingdom ;
he will proceed smoothly ,
as restoring the strength of the kingdom +
through flatteries ; [<< or : slippery things]
for he will overwhelm the people
by saying that he is the governor of the covenant + [<< sic]
through the former saints ; [<< ‘st.Peter’ !]
and through that (-magically tied) connection to them
he will work deceitfully ;
for he will proceed and be powerful with a few people :
in a quiet way he will possess the fattest regions
and he will do that which not even their (=people) fathers +
and fore fathers had done : [<< generations]
he will keep awáy +
the covenant (=scroll) from the people
in order to keep them scattered ; [<< ‘bad shepherd’ theme]
as his plan he will devise against the saints +
until a (certain-) season ;
[the crusades era :]
and he will stir up the power of his own heart
against the king of the south [<< now as ‘islam’]
with a great army ,
and the king of the south will be stirred up unto war
with a great and powerful army ;
yet he will not stand [<< north king]
because of the plots devised among him ;
for they (=servant kings)
that eat of his delicacies + [<< booty etc]
will break him up , [<< division]
so that his army will be overwhelmed
and many will fall down slain ; +
[the Schism (1054) into West and East :]
and both kings’ hearts will be bent on evil
for they will speak lies sitting at one table ,
but they will not succeed
for the end will only be at the appointed time ;
[Renaissance (1200-1400 AD) :]
and he (=north king) will have returned + [<< from Orient]
to his own land with great riches , [<< occult knowledge]
for his heart was against the holy covenant ,
and he will act according to his riches (=same) in his land ;
part III [the Reformation – first translation 1520 AD :]
then , at the appointed time +
the words of the covenant will be restored ,
but it will not be like the first one [<< as God spoke it !]
namely as the later one (=version) ; [<< what you + we do]
and the people will read it +
and they will rejoice in the words of their saviour ;
c [counter-Reformation : Jesuit armies :]
therefore he (=north king) +
will have even more indignation against the holy covenant +
and against the saints ;
and he will make (a pact of-) understanding +
with the ones + [<< Jesuit armies]
having forsaken the holy covenant ;
and his armed forces +
will kill (?) and violate the holy ones (=believers) ,
and imprison the people
while giving their meetings (?) to desolation ;
and he will act wickedly against the covenant
by corrupting it through flattery , [<< Tetzel etc]
but the people that will have understood their deity (Christ)
will be steadfast and be saved ; +
but because +
their fathers + [<< of Reformation = translators]
will not have understood the words of the prophets ,
the people will be overthrown by the sword and the flame ,
and by captivity and by spoil , in their days ; [‘by problems’]
also because the shepherds (=pastors)
will stumble in understanding the wicked one (=KJV) ,
because they will adhere to the corrupt sayings in him ;
but the ones + [<< candidates ; in the end]
who will be made to have insight
will be made to stumble
in order to refine them by it (=the stumbling) ,
so that they will purify the words in the time of the end
when the appointed time will be ; [<< see part IV + Dan.12]
part IV [rise of the NWO (+ scroll unsealed) :]
36 [the Reinassance / 1sth Ind. Revolution :]
then +
the king will do everything according to his own will ;
he will exalt himself
and magnify himself above every deity , [<< the supernatural]
and say blasphemous things concerning the deity of deities ;
and he will prosper in that
until the wrath that has been determined +
to be executed upon him will end him ; [<< line 45]
37 [NWO starts :]
worse , he will hate the deity of the people
as the one desired by the holy ones ,
and he will despise the covenant
because he will magnify himself above everything ;
38 [NWO linked to evil realm :]
for +
in his (secret-) estates (=buildings)
he will honour the strong divine ones (=demons) ,
as the divine ones +
whom the fathers (=generations) knew not ;
and he will honour them with gold and silver ,
and with precious stones and pleasant things ;
39 [he prepares the human cattle 666 :]
and he will work
against the inhabitants of all the lands
for the sake of a strange deity [<< Mystery-Babylon]
as the only one which he acknowledges
and he will increase his cruelties for him ;
because he foreign deity makes him to rule over many ones ,
and he will assign a price upon the people ; [<< 666 ; page]
therefore , [he creates ‘rumors of war’ :]
at the time of the end ,
the king of the north +
will terrify the people by means of his constant wars ,
and his many chariots and soldiers and ships
coming against their lands will overwhelm and scare them ;
moreover , [creating the honeytrap in 1947 :]
he will enter the beautiful land
and many (=believers) will (spiritually-) stumble over that ;
because they will consider + [reason :]
the sons of and=Ammon and Edom and Moab
to be the original offspring of yóur (=Daniel’s) people ;
but they (Edom etc) will not escape , [42-44 : important]
because the tombs of + [and see line 29]
the nobles of Egypt will have been opened ;
43 [42-43 :per prophets]
[too corrupted : attempt :]
“but the sons of your people will understand the sayings
of the nobles — and therewith understand prophets”
and that report [<< the understanding]
will alarm the king of the north ,
therefore he will proceed in gréater fury [<< sic]
for to go destroy and doom the many ones ; +
45 (closing)
but he will come to his end , and none will help him .
Daniel 11
part I
… perhaps we’ll do these first 10 lines once ;
the time of Alexander the Great isn’t of much interest
and neither is “the start of the Roman empire” :
[part-] I b
[the king of the north during the Crucifixion (the 69 weeks – Dan. 9) :]
commentaries : about Ptolemy (205 BC)
For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude
greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years
with a great army and with much riches.
[=but] [+when] the king of – the north (will have) returned ,
a great – tumult – (will) ensue – [=in] – [+your] former=land ;
c (rshn=arts)
[=when] +
to=at the end of – the eras=ninety – years=six – come=weeks
d (othim=thshim !) (shnm=shsh !) (bo=shboi !)
[..] the army=anointed one (Christ) – (will) bring +
e (chl=mshch !)
the great=gift – and=as the riches=sacrifice – [+for] many ;
note : (rksh=zbch)
… can hardly be anything else
not just per lines buildup of context but just LOOK AT THE ROOTS ;
Esau made an untangable mess of “the king coming and going with
his armies” but no one can understand to or from whére —
key here is “end – era – years” (as corruption of the “69 weeks”)
followed in next lines by the destruction of Jerusalem :
[but some – most Esau – try to found a Judaic messianic kingdom :]
And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the
south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish
the vision; but they shall fall.
and in – that – time +
many – (will be) stand=saved – [=by] – the king=anointed one – [..1x..] ,
b (iomd=iash) (mlk=mshch)
[=yet] the sons – (as-) the robbers of – your people +
(will) exalt themselves +
[=by] (trying to-) establish – the vision , [<< messianic kingdom]
[=but] they (will) fall ; +
[for Palestine ceases to exist (until Esau’s honeytrap in 1947) :]
So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take
the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand,
nor his chosen people, neither [shall there be any] strength to withstand.
But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will,
and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land,
which by his hand shall be consumed.
[=therefore] the king of – the north – (will) come
and cast up – siege works – [=for] to take – city=Jerusalem ,
b (oir=irshlm)
[+and] – neither – the fortresses – [..1x..] [<< Massada etc]
[+in] the south – (will) withstand [+him] ; +
[deleted 7x ; Esau’s endless repeats of ‘withstand’ ; see note]
[deleted 8x ; more repeats of ‘withstand’]
[=and] the beautiful – land – (will have) ended – [=by] his hand ;
note :
… this whole section wás already long —
the corruption as c) and a) cóuld be a genuine scribal duplicate
yet he managed to insert “chosen people” : see header ;
why ‘the Maccabean revolt’ (ca 160 BC) is irrelevant :
… commentaries go on and on about it ; and though also a type
movement infiltrated by Esau (see above) it was indeed but a revolt
but more important : it don’t fit the metaphysical TIMELINE —
while here the described revolt heralded the end of Palestine ;
[part-] I c
[the empire against the first christians (the 10 tribes) :]
He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole
kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall
give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: but she shall not
stand [on his side], neither be for him.
[=then] he (will) set – his face [<< in fury ; next : subject :]
[=against] [+your] come=people – strength=Ishral (?)
(bo=bn) (thqp=om)
all=dwelling – [+in] his kingdom , [17 : see note]
and (against-) the upright ones – with [=them] ; +
[..] do=who – (will) daughter=serve – the women=anointed one
c (osh=ashr) (bth=obd) (nshim=mshch)
[+and] (will) give=become +
[..] the corrupt=holy ones – to him ; [<< line 22 !]
d (shchth=chdsh)
[tricky – and needs subject identification :]
[=for] +
[=they] (will) not – support – [..] the not=king of – [..] [=the north] ;
note : (la=mlk)
17 a) : your people Ishral ,
daring but defendable : he just prayed for them (see chapter)
while the context hére ended with Judah and now starts Rome ;
see also page ‘who are the 144’ ;
17 c) : holy ones ,
very important for the context of part II (and see line 22) ;
it seems that this term was not used by Judah to avoid confusion ;
17 d) : we NEED a next subject again – and see 18a ;
[the many killed ones – as ‘the seed of christianity’ :]
After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many:
but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him
to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause [it] to turn upon him.
[=therefore] he (‘king’ is now subject)
(will) set – his face – [=against] the isles=people
and seize – many ones , (aiim=om)
[=but] (by-) (him) eradicating – the prince=righteous ones (qtsn=tsdq)
(who are) a reproach – [=to] him (‘the king’) ,
[..1x..] he (will) return – the reproach – (-back) upon his (-own head) ;
[therefore the office of Roman Emperor falls down :]
Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land:
but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found.
and=for [=they] (will) turn=grow numerous – before him
[=as] a stronghold (?) – [+in] his (-own) land , [<< see 17a]
[=therefore] he (will) stumble – and fall
and – (will) not – (be) found ;
part II
the Papacy [-as new form of Roman empire]
[the Roman empire becomes ‘christian’ : Constantine (330 AD) :]
commentaries : Seleucus IV (187-175 BC)
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of
the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in
anger, nor in battle.
and the position – in – his estate (‘rank, office’)
(will) pass on +
[+to] (-that of) a (spiritual !-) taskmaster [<< RCC]
claiming the respect (H1921) of – the kingdom ,
and [=from] – one to another – day [<< ‘short time’]
[..1x..] – [+its] anger=face (aph=aph) [<< as old Roman empire]
and=as a not=kingdom (la=mlk) of war
(will have) destroyed=changed (shbr=shna) ; +
[the rise of the Papacy :]
And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not
give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and
obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him,
and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
[=because] +
in – his (‘king of north’) – estate (‘position , rank’)
(will) stand up – a contemptible figure
to [..] – [..] not=whom – (will be) given
(to represent-) the majesty of – the kingdom ;
[..] he (will) proceed – smoothly ,
[=as] restoring the strength of – the kingdom +
[=through] flatteries ; [<< or : slippery things]
[but through a Lie :] [22 : ‘through Peter’ etc :]
[=for] [=he] (will) overwhelm – the arms=people (zro=om)
[+by] overwhelmed=saying (-that) +
also=he (is) – the governor of – the covenant [sic]
[+through] the destroy=former (shbr=rsh) – [..] before=saints ;
note :
… unusual tricky line – but correct cause that’s what HAPPENED ;
syntax of b) as “that from the saints the former ones he governor” ;
[and he becomes powerful by bamboozling the people :]
And after the league [made] with him he shall work deceitfully:
for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
and [=through] +
(that-) – (-magically tied) connection – to [=them] (‘Peter etc’) +
he (will) work – deceitfully ;
for he (will) proceed – and (be) powerful – [=with] a few – [=people] :
note :
… the term “magical knot , bond” was well-chosen here
since the Papacy is but the Roman Emperor in a different form ;
[by keeping the people stupid during the timeframe ca 600-1400 AD :]
He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do [that]
which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey,
and spoil, and riches: [yea], and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds,
even for a time
in a quiet way – he (will) [=possess] (bo=bol) – the fattest – regions
and he (will) do – [that-]
which – not (-even) – [=their] (‘people’) fathers +
and – fore – fathers – (had) done : [fathers ! , see note]
[+he] (will) plunder=keep away – [..1x..] – [..] the spoil=covenant (‘scroll’)
to=from – the them=people (em=om)
(in order-) to (keep) [+them] scattered ; [<< ‘bad shepherd’ theme’]
[=as] +
his plan – he (will) devise – [=against] – the strongholds=saints +
c (mibtsr=qdsh)
[..] until – a (certain-) season ; [<< around 600-1400 AD]
note :
24 b) : fathers and fore fathers : large red flag :
áll “his fathers” looted and plundered !! – so it’s something else :
in scripture the expression “fathers” is used for “the belief of olden”
(and in line 33 below as “the translators of the KJV”) and see Jer. 3 ;
but the Catholic church was – on purpose ! – full of quasi-mysticism ,
the “scatter” denotes “like a shepherd scatters the flock” ;
compare for this timeframe that long-lasting Revelation church ;
[the Crusades era :]
commentaries : Antiochus’ expedition against Egypt (ca 170 BC)
And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the
south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to
battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand:
for they shall forecast devices against him.
Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him,
and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain
and he (will) stir up – the power – [=of] his (-own) heart
[=against] the king of – the south [<< now as ‘islam’]
[=with] a great – army ;
and the king of – the south – (will be) stirred up – unto war
[=with] – a great – and powerful – army [..] ,
[=therefore] he (‘north king’) (will) – not – stand
because of – the plots – devised – [=among] them ; +
[=for] they (‘servant kings’) [<< but see note at 27]
(that-) eat of – his delicacies + [<< booty etc]
(will) break him up , [<< division]
[=so that] his army – (will be) overwhelmed
and – many – (will) fall down – slain ;
[from Schism (1054) till the split into the West and E-Orthodoxy :]
And both these kings’ hearts [shall be] to do mischief, and they shall
speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end [shall be]
at the time appointed.
and both – kings’ – hearts – (will be) [=bent on] evil
[=for] – they (will) speak – lies – (sitting at-) one – table ,
[=but] – they (will) not – succeed
for – the end – (will) only (be) – [=at] the appointed time ;
note :
[from 26 :]
… the Eastern Roman empire had become weak and sought survival
by making ‘a monster-covenant’ with islam — which ultimately lead to
her downfall in the capture of Byzantium ; however line 26 can allude
to the Khazar empire , very rich , skilled in plotting and having acquired
important political / financial positions especially in the Eastern empire –
and see next 28 :
[Templars , Kabbalah , Black Nobility , Renaissance (1200-1400 AD) :]
commentaries : Antiochus returning from Egypt – ca 170 BC
Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart
[shall be] against the holy covenant; and he shall do [exploits],
and return to his own land.
[=and] he (‘north king’) (will have) returned +
[+to] his (-own) land – [=with] great – riches , [<< occult knowledge]
[=for] his heart – (was) [=against] – the holy – covenant ,
and he (will) act – [=according to] [+his] return=riches (‘see above’)
in his land ;
note :
… this was the time that the Black Nobility sprung up in Northern Italy and
spread out throughout the rest of Europe ; that “covenant” is mentioned
shows that a flood of occult ideas came over the continent ;
part III
the Reformation
… there are virtually no events in Europe áfter the previous ,
and ‘the wars against the invading Turks’ for example are
not important enough — so ‘the Reformation’ hás to follow now ;
[translation of scripture (KJV) – around 1520 AD :]
At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south;
but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.
(then-) , at the appointed time + [<< important term !]
[..] the comes=words (bo=dbr) – [=of] the south=covenant (ngb=brth)
(will be) return=restored (shb=shb) ,
[=but] – [=it] (will) – not – be – [=like] the first (-one) (-as God said it !)
(namely-) as the later (-one) (-version) ; [<< what you + we do]
note :
… very well phrased — indeed KJV etc are not like the original ;
it ofcourse can have written “nor like the latter” but the idea is the same ;
2 a) : ‘the appointed time’
has the same value as in the other chapters 7-12 ;
[the Counter-Reformation by the Jesuits (ca 1550-1650 AD) :]
commentaries : the Maccabean revolution – ca 160 BC
For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be
grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant:
so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them
that forsake the holy covenant.
and +
the boats=people (tsim=om) – (will) come=read (bo=qr) – [..] it +
[+and] [+they] (will) chittim=rejoice (ktti=gil) +
and=in – [..] the grieved=words of (?) (kah=mlk) +
[+their] return=saviour ; (shb=mshch)
[=therefore] he (‘north king’) (will have even more) indignation +
[=against] – the holy – covenant
and do=against (osh=ol) – the return=saints (shb=qdsh) ;
and he (will make) (a pact of-) understanding +
[=with] – the ones + [<< Jesuit armies]
(having) forsaken (=hate) – the holy – covenant ; +
note :
30 a) : ‘words’ ,
two or three prophets mention “they rejoice in the words of
their king” as a title believers term Christ with ; we chose here
for ‘words’ – that is the theme – for ‘king’ would confuse the text ;
next line 31 : Esau inserted the “abomination of desolation” phrase :
… the theme is now “the (Jesuit-) army of the king of the north” :
while “the abomination of desolation” always is at the end
and there just can not be any such event during THIS timeframe ;
(let alone it is ‘swine flesh on the altar’ as concordances tell) ;
Esau just borrowed his insertion from another chapter —
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary
of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall
place the abomination that maketh desolate.
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by
flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong,
and do [exploits].
and – [..] his – armed (-forces) (‘Jesuits’) + [<< interlinear]
(will) stand=kill (?) (omd=mth) – and violate +
the sanctuary=holy ones (=believers) (mqdsh=qdsh) ,
(and-) imprison – the strength=people (moz=om) – [..1x..]
[=while] giving – [+their] abomination=meetings (?) – to desolation ;
and [=he] (will) act wickedly – [+against] the covenant
[+by] corrupting (-it) – [=through] flattery , [<< Tetzel etc]
[=but] the people – [that-] (will have) understood – their deity (Christ)
(will be) steadfast – and (be) do=saved (?) (osh=iash) ; +
[now some juxtaposition :]
[next section : from the Reformation till the now restored prophets :]
commentaries : still the Maccabean revolution – ca 160 BC (how?)
33-34-35 [smartly corrupted :]
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they
shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, [many] days.
Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many
shall cleave to them with flatteries.
And [some] of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge,
and to make [them] white, [even] to the time of the end: because [it is] yet
for a time appointed.
[+but] [=because] +
[+their] people=fathers (om=ab) + [<< of Reformation = translators]
(will) [+not] – (have) understood
the instruct=words of (bin=dbr) – the many=prophets (rbm=nba) ,
[..] [+the people] (will be) overthrown – [=by] the sword – and the flame ,
(and-) by captivity – and by spoil , [+in] [+their] days ; [b : ‘problems’]
(also-) [=because] – the help=shepherds (‘pastors’) (ozr=roe)
(will) stumble – [+in] holpen=understanding – the little=wicked one (KJV) ,
b (iozr=iada)
[=because] – they (will) adhere to +
the slippery=corrupt – many=sayings (rbm=amr) – [=in] [=him] ;
[=but] (the ones-) + [<< candidates ; say past 100 y.]
from=who (mn=mi) – (will be made to) have insight
(will be made) to stumble
[=in order] to refine them – [=by] them=it (‘the stumbling’) ,
[=so that] [..] [+they] (will) purify – [..] the white=words (lbn=dbr)
till=in – the time of – the end
that=when – [..] – the appointed time (will be) ; [<< cont. in ch.12 !]
note :
33 a) : ‘fathers’ : common term for KJV translators (in this context) , Jer.3 ;
34 a) : ‘wicked one’ ,
rather common phrase for KJV / Esau’s corrupted interlinear ;
35 a) : here they themsélves stumble – in order to not stumble over the text ;
we interpret from the text “those who tried to understand”
per the “… and the scroll will be given to … and he says …” ;
part IV
the sorcerous-technical society of our days
[start of the Enlightenment / 1st Industrial revolution :]
commentaries : Antiochus in … – nevermind
And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself,
and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous
things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation
be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
[=then] +
the king – (will) do (-everything) – according to his (-own) will ;
he (will) exalt himself
and magnify himself – [=above] – every – deity , [<< the supernatural]
and [=say] – [=blasphemous] (-things) +
[=concerning] – the deity of – deities ;
[next : depending from which POV :]
and he (will) prosper (-in that)
until – the wrath – that – (has been) determined +
(to be) executed [+upon him] – (will) end [+him] ; [<< final line]
note :
36 b) : the supernatural :
during the Enlightenment all was turned to ‘natural laws’
yet spiritism and occultism flourished in secret ;
36 c) : wrath :
likely not ‘his own wrath’ since he falls and stops existing ;
in fact , compare next lines why the wrath is upon him :
[recently : the start of the NWO – now outright háting christianity :]
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women,
nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
37 [some corruption : see next 38 and note :]
(worse-) ,
he (will) [..1x..] – regard=hate (?) – the deity of – the [=people]
(bin=shine !) (ab=om)
[=as] [..] – the one desired (-by) – the women=holy ones ,
b (nshe=qdsh)
and – he (will) – [..1x..] – regard=despise – [..] the deity=covenant
d (bin=buz) (ale=brth)
because – he (will) magnify himself – above – everything ;
note :
… line 36 wás already about ‘deity’ and deities so here it must ramp up :
compare how next 38 even gets WORSE :
[the NWO closely linked to the demonic realm :]
But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god
whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver,
and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
[=for] – [+in] his (secret-) estates (‘buildings’)
he (will) honour – the strong – divine ones (‘demons’) ,
[=as] the divine ones +
whom – the fathers (‘generations’) – knew – not ;
[+and] he (will) honour [+them] – [=with] gold – and [..] silver ,
and [=with] – precious – stones – and [..] pleasant things ;
note :
… the phrase “the fathers knew not” is always ‘demons’ in prophets
[and is preparing the ‘human cattle’ number 666 :]
Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he
shall acknowledge [and] increase with glory: and he shall cause them
to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain
and he (will) work
[=against] the holds=inhabitants of – [+all] – the strong=lands
b (mibtsar=ishb) (mozim=om)
[=for the sake of] – a strange – deity [<< Mystery-Babylon]
[+as] which=the only one – (which-) he acknowledges
[+and] he (will) increase – [+his] glory=cruelties (kbd=kbd) [+for him] ;
[=because] +
he (=foreign deity) (makes) [=him] to rule – [=over] many (-people) ,
and – he (will) assign +
a price – [+upon] the ground=people ; [<< 666 sign , see page]
note : (adme=om)
39 c) : ‘people’ ;
the “many” refers to ‘people’ so that is the subject now ;
ofcourse he also wants “all the land” but that is secondary ;
[so first he will stage ‘wars’ (“the rumors of war” in NT) :]
And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him:
and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind,
with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall
enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
[=therefore] , [<< to achieve all that]
[=at] the time of – the end ,
[..2x..] – the king of – the south=north + [40a : sic]
(will) terrify – the on=people (oli=om)
him=by (-means of) – [+his] north=constant – king=wars (mlk=lchm) ,
[=and] [+his] – many – chariots – [=and] soldiers – [=and] ships
[..] coming – [=against] [+their] lands +
(will) overwhelm – and pass=scare (obr=ire) [+them] ;
[and creating Esau’s honeytrap – in 1947 :] [41 : 100% restored]
He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be
overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and
Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
[=moreover] ,
he (will) enter (or: possess -bol) – the beautiful – land [1947]
and many (‘believers’) – (will) (spiritually-) stumble (-over that) ;
[next : required : a réason for the stumbling :]
[next : tricky ; Esau turned subject and syntax around :]
and=because – [+they] (will) these=consider (ale=iada)
the escape=sons of – hand=Ammon – [+and] Edom – and Moab
[..] (to be) the original (‘first’) +
sons=offspring (bni=zra) of – [+yóur] (=Daniel’s) Ammon=people ;
note : (omun=om)
… please remember Esau READ this ,
immediately saw the danger and turned the context around to disarm it ;
next : now we have a problem :
… namely “what can be the proper continuation of this theme” :
Esau’s “invading Egypt , Libyans and Ethiopians” (42-43) is corrupt —
however there is an intriguing phrase in next 44
namely : “a report … will trouble him” , for this phrase is used
twice in prophets and refers to ‘understanding the prophets’ :
this theme WOULD suit after 41 — but how to get there …?
(continued : the prophets understood) [42-43 : per prophets :]
He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land
of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures
of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the
Libyans and the Ethiopians [shall be] at his steps.
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him:
therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly
to make away many
[w/ same syntax swap :]
[=but] – [+they] (Edom etc) (will) – stretch=not – hand=escape ,
b (shlch=la) (iad=phltah)
in=because – the land=tombs (arts=qbr) of +
[..] the land=nobles (arts=adr) of – Egypt
[..1x..] – (will have) been – [..] escape=opened (phltah=prash) ;
… something like “but the sons of your people will understand the
sayings of the nobles — and therewith understand prophets”
as it is described in a prophet chapter ;
but the roots are so corrupted here that a solid line is impossible ;
and (that-) report (=shmo) [<< the understanding]
(will) alarm – the east=king (mzrch=mlk) of – [..] the north ,
[=therefore] he (will) proceed – in – gréater – fury [sic]
[=for] to go destroy – and doom – the many (-ones) ;
note :
… remember line 29 because that explains this section ;
[closing : the king falls] >> events continue in Daniel 12
And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas
in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none
shall help him.
[unknown] – perhaps Esau added this subline ; we can’t trace ;
perhaps it even wrote something about ‘the third year’ ;
[=but] he (will) come – to – his end , and none – (will) help him .