(egyptian) Nut Dome :
proof of the Double Trap
[=abusing female Originals]
to link earth to their Field
to sustain the latter
[book Amos explained]
page content : A the depiction : required information – NUT as ouroboros – main theme : our imprisoned Originals – the Double Trap theme explained the nature of the abuse : – ‘speech and word’ explained – stealing the words óf the females – copulation and a knife-shaped phallus B |
(left-side boat in depiction) |
description and translation (click)
– two female Originals per DAY per Ammon son
– the stolen words are transferred to ‘the dogs’ below
as deities creating words of speech for their people
the depiction : some required information :
Nut as ‘Ouroboros’ here
… as in other similar scenes Nut is the Dome over their Field of Reeds
where the latter shows here as the several ‘floors’ filled with beings ;
but unlike f.e. “the Astronomical Ceiling” the theme here is different :
the Double Trap
… in the Amos chapters is explained how their Field (-and this earth)
is maintained by them through abusing our female Originals there ,
abused by “the bulls of Bashan calling their mistresses to serve them”,
and that only you and we on éarth can stop this continuous situation
— the latter here depicted as the Ourobouros shown as Nut ! —
but only if we understand that our male type sexuality is cursed :
they counted upon it that we would NOT – because we blind souls are
the captain óf the Original but totally ignorant about them – and HENCE
their Field would be sustained through the ‘devilish’ set-up they invented
‘they’ knéw the Double Trap
… and constantly boasted about that , shown especially in artworks as
the Narmer Palette (see Amos pages) having the same theme ,
where the king defeats you and we and therefore sustains the Field ,
as well in several CT’s — we’ll do and post them when we have time ;
the boasting also shows in this depiction where the author explains
the desirable (!) situation ‘to thou’ : to his brothers still on earth ;
the female Originals
and the nature of the abuse
‘that which the heart is full of the mouth speaks’ :
… they are so stunningly beautiful , each different but the same prettyness ,
goddesses made by truly a masterhand , every curve and every long curl
(there are no short-haired ones – but that’s not for now) ;
and their nature is ‘(eden-) Life’ represented in the aspect “breath” as in the
phrase ‘breath of life’ : first as ‘words’ but also as ‘joy’
… unlike earthly women they are the core of male — a sweet well of
lovely responding to him and filling him with her own feelings ,
and the speech of (her-) male she will feel as his total desire upon her
so it’s a lovely exchange of having the other rule you ,
totally different from our selfish type ‘love’ even if masked as ‘romantic’
speech and word
… where the masculine attribute is ‘speech’ – compare how God created
eden through speech , the feminine attribute is ‘words’ – and the latter
can be interpreted a bit wider as ‘light-particles’ or as “the various type
essences by which eden-things are created or exist” ,
compare scripture how eden-Life is also termed as ‘waters’ , but also as
‘fruit’ – compare the tree of Life , and even ‘fire’ – see the Seven Torches
‘them’ stealing ‘the word’
… though they already steal ‘the waters’ as the eden-dimension itself
through their construct ‘the watercourse’ – the Nile ,
they desire the …“high qualities of (eden-) Life” — of the females ,
and the text here even mentions ‘four aspects’ , four type words ;
using their ‘Great Speech‘ to bully and command the females
they succeed to extract it from the unprotected gorgiousses
(compare a bit how Eve also obeyed the serpent in the garden) ;
… we don’t know what is this ‘four words’ and will not speculate —
they also captured ‘four bloods’ where ‘blood’ is eden-related
and we neither understand thát : but we’ll soon know
… this is the tricky part :
as far we understood and can imagine any ‘phallic type sexuality’
is absent in eden – and see ‘the Amorite’ in the Amos chapter –
simply because it is totally opposed to eden’s male-female concept ;
[sidenote : and consider the practice of ‘circumcision’ : though it is forbidden
to make carvings in the body (the intention is : to not create a point to which
demons could hold on to) , the circumcision itsélf is a mutilation ! ;
but as showing that the phallic concept has NOTHING to do with eden]
however ,
there is a veiled (-termed) description in Amos how ‘the hanging things
of the Bashan bulls will be disposed of’ ; spells clearly mention the act
of copulation in this matter , and Rg-Veda does the same ;
many years ago I had an open vision – being led into a guarded room
where in the far corner was a large blue bed or one beneath blue light ;
a Gorgious sat on bed upon all fours , looking at me , while an entity
was very busy penetrating her from the back – which she didn’t notice ;
her eyes deep as oceans looked into mine and the hurt in the room
became so huge that the room vanished and the vision was over
and can ONLY have the purpose for the theme as shown in this page :
their upgraded type phallus cuts through the covering óf the female
like Esau’s Covid poison jabs through the skin of many people
… (the monster in-) Rg-Veda is even more specific –
“how, at ‘his moment’, he roars to the Original , causing a fragrance
to be emitted from her breasts which he absorbs ; he is rejuvenated
while she is exhausted and rests for the next time to serve him”
… there’s more to say about this subject but we leave it here –
nice to know ? – no ; but we posted it to show the context of Amos
which is exactly how this Nut depiction should be understood :
we do and therefore all we care for is that it’ll be over soon
because the Females are our attribute
description and translation
lower region (‘register’) :
text starts at the two dogs to the left and runs on till the end
(there is no separate line running into the opposite direction) :
the two dogs + people at the actual Field :
inbetween them stands Osiris (‘matrix’) showing ‘complete rule’ ;
the dogs are called “wisdom. serpent” ,…………(likely SAÁ) :
“[for?] all (adj.) – the land (?). [is?] the dome (adj.) – [of?] the dog. ,
as. the one of the pool (SHT?). [of] (matrix-) existence. ,
(the light, place?). (?). for. (matrix-) existence.
[as?] the core. [of?] stability (?,MEN). to give. speech. ;
[and by?] the dog. for. (matrix-) existence. of (?). speech. +
he. the one (eden-) house (?,HET). to die (?, MT). ,
[by?] (the light, place?). [of?] (the pool?). +
[to be] (matrix-) existence. [of] speech. [for] the stars (=egyptians).
[as?] (matrix-) existence. by [means of]. his (‘dog’s?). speech.
the foreign land (‘eden’). [to] (matrix-) existence. the one to connect to.” ;
note : we’ve no clúe what “dogs” do here – but they seem to adapt
(=mutilate) the eden-words so that their brute speech can use them ;
these can be the dogs as ‘greyhounds’ THESEMu of Horus
(the -TH there is also ‘to connect to’) as very obscure theme ;
and curiously Rg-Veda mentions the two dogs ‘having 4 eyes’ of Yama
(=Adam) but that’s the same obscure ;
first floor (2nd register) :
section to left , the two dogs (=two other ones ? same ones ?) :
the two dogs :
first the address to them in the short bar they stand upon
(text runs from right to left but individual glyphs were inverted) ,
“the (matrix-) rule. [by means of] +
the (dimensional-) background (‘=eden’). to command. ,
[as] the beauty. [by] this (PÁ=ÁP). son (‘the candidate’). ;
[being] the divine (adj.) – (+corrupt-) adm-soul. [of] (matrix-) hail. ;
then ,
the section of the dogs themselves :
unclear glyphs : the line cóuld sort of continue in the vertical short
column to left (starting from below) and then ‘enter’ the dogs ,
“the illumination (adj.) [by?] the dome.
[as?] the divine (?). [for?] thou (‘the candidate’). ,
by (?). (… house of dogs :…) — unreadable ,
only “name”, “solarplane” and (the end as) “[to be] a star” ;
section of figures :
text runs from left to right , against the ceiling :
“(matrix-) existence. [of] beauty. [by being?] a star (-being). ;
as. the one. star. of. (matrix-) existence. ,
[being] the double star. [of] (matrix-) hail.
[with?] the woman (adj.;HEM) – star. ;
[by being] the star. [by?] (the place?). above of hail (‘as first floor’?).
as (invert.glyph?). the double star. [of] (light?). [for] the house.
(“but possibly “for to manifest”) ;
note : the ‘double’ always means “by stolen eden-aspects” ;
only one egyptian woman shows in the row of men – unclear why ;
but they must be changed in their new spirit-bodies here
shown by the standing baboons (… sigh..) – and compare part A ;
second floor (third register) :
text runs from left to right – but contains unclear glyphs ;
the 5 men exiting ‘a door’ into the Field : description :
the vertical boat seems to have an intended ‘door’ to her right
out of which escapes a flying bird towards the 5 men —
undoubtedly showing “that the mén have exited that door”
while the last of the 5 walks down a slope : again suggesting that
all 5 have come through that door ;
by the above we must assume ‘that they just came from earth’
confirmed by the flying-up bird in the portal just behind them ;
that this boat stands at an angle (but NOT ‘upright’ !) shows that
the boat – as earth – is another dimension as their Field ;
then ,
the five figures are flanked by a standing serpent called NEKH
which is the root of “power” and “youthfulness” and that the serpent
stands means that it is a former eden-aspect :
“all (adj.) – the things of wisdom. to give.
[through] he (=the serpent). [by] (eden-) existence.
[to be] the (matrix-) existence. [of] the solarplane (B). ;
[because to be] the (matrix-) light (?). [as] the god.
[by means of] the (eden-) lights. [ás] he (=serpent). +
[being] the name (adj.) – [of?] the helpless one (=woman) (NN). ;
[because by?] the pool (?). [of?] (matrix-) existence. +
[is,as?] the double one of speech (R-TT?).
[to be?] the (eden-) lights. for. the pool. below (KHER?). ,
[because?] the foreign land (‘likely the region below’). +
to protect. [by?] the NEKH (‘serpent of power’).
[being?] the (matrix-) land. [of?] the dog. ;
[because by?] the son(-s) (‘of Ammon’). [to be] the ânkh life.
[as] the divine (adj.) – (?). light. alike-adam’s . ;
[by means of] thou (‘the candidate’). +
the boat. [of] (matrix-) willpower. to arrive (QÂ=ÂQ). +
[at] the dome (adj.) – [of] the dog. ,
[and there?] [for] all (adj.) – the foreign land. the word. to tie together. ;
[next : unclear :
something like “the light for matrix-existence to acquire
and the pool of the foreign-land to fill”] ;
note : above , ‘the lights’ are ‘of the females’ which will be his acquired
divine light or “(matrix-) light alike-adam’s” ;
the standing serpent represénts the extracted lights (which give the
Ammon sons their power) ; often ‘helpless’ means “eden”
but the context must decide for the females
(the concept ‘name’ means “the nature , energy and power of someone”) ;
after which the now divine light is transferred to the dogs below ;
third floor (-the two boats) :
leftside text : read left to right ; rightside text : read inverse ;
description a) :
the leftside boat contains nude ‘women’ but as non-Egyptians —
though this level álso links ‘to the earth’ (=the vertical ship to left) ,
there is no indication that ‘they came fróm earth’ because the
symbols like at the 5 males are lacking here ,
while a type “ladder” between the boats suggest that they came
from elsewhere yet that ‘they have contact’ in some way with earth
[=but in the sense of the Double Trap – see Amos page] ;
lefthand line :
“the divine (-thing). [for] the divine (adj.) – solarplane (B).
[is by] [for] the foreign (matrix-) land. +
the aspects. [of] (eden-) existence. to know (=steal). ,
[as] (matrix-) existence. [bý] the son(-s) (‘of Ammon’). +
thróugh. all. the alighted woman (‘women’). ;”
note :
that the women ‘went up’ shows in the ladder next to them ;
he probably meant ‘the divine pleasure’ in spells as NETCHEM ;
description b) , the righthand boat :
a section of the text is unreadable ;
first it looked like those in the boat were ‘males’ but that can’t be :
egyptians never show themselves nude , nor can it be male Originals
since they don’t appear in spells – but as sacrificial cattle ;
then we saw that “the two boats” in the bottom-text refers to the door
to the right of this boat having the glyph “every. day.” , telling that the
egyptians (coming through that door) do ‘their job’ twice a day
hence twó boats (‘boatloads’…) of females’ are depicted …
“to copulate (PEKH). alike-adam. ,
[by,for?] the (?). [of] the woman (‘women’). — [… totally unreadable…]. —
[and so to be] the foreign (matrix-) land’s word of hail. +
[by means of] the (now-divine-matrix-) word. to know (=to steal).” ;
note :
again , the ‘alike-adam’ is a matrix-term , because they ‘have contact’
in a very ‘different way’ with them ;
usually ‘to copulate’ is NEK but here the PEKH listed w/ phallus glyph
(and no it’s not “a seed used in medicine”…) ;
the ‘(now-divine-matrix-)’ can work confusing but is ‘edens’ because
followed by ‘to steal’ ;
text below the body of Nut :
we skipped it – being a type of ‘general explanation of the scene’
and not containing anything that wasn’t mentioned previously ;
F) text as legenda at bottom of depiction : starting in lower-left corner all the way up to top-right ; … “the divine thing. [for] the son (‘son of Ammon candidate’). [is] to connect to. the four (type-). (now matrix-divine) words. [of] the (dimensional-) background (‘eden’). , [by means of] the (now-divine-matrix-) lights. inside. + the real-adm-soul’s (=woman). inside. to acquire. [as] the word. [of] the four (-types). (eden-) existence. ; — |
… after this starts an endless litany about ‘the result of that’ :
how the word will be “transformed into matrix-words” KHEPER-U
causing ‘double (matrix-) divinity” and – likely – how that new word
is transferred to the greyhounds of (matrix-) speech