and ‘this moon’ is the sign [linking to ‘moon as blood’] [version ; 2024-06jun.14- ] |
the suspicious ‘(rain-) bow’ section
… we’ve to be very careful with chapters 5-B until this 9 since Esau has concealed
rather important themes in such a way that we’d eaily read over them — therefore
we work back to chapter 5-B to make sure that we will not have missed any of them :
#1 a (rain-) bow’ ? : … though again the cursed ‘the’ corruption appears >> yet not neccessarily implying that the subject is Invalid it surely is a Red flag and we need to be careful now ; while a tricky contéxtual problem is , |
that “a rainbow would make total Sense after a dome around earth had collapsed” ,
having guarded an atmosphere of high-energy particles that now had dissapeared
as an atmosphere which likely had appeared as rather ‘hazy’ —
yet now the sky had become “clean and clear” like she is today , where a new
concept supported the clear sky where her winds & clouds system indeed in certain
conditions caused “rainbows” as an aspect the former atmosphere had nót allowed :
but was it “a rainbow”… ?
#2 the object ‘as a sign’ :
… the phrase “sign” is also dangerous because of her importance , and when here
is added “of my covenant” – and both appear to be Valid – we need to be very alert :
the covenant is consistently ‘the eden-covenant’ , therefore the object MUST link
to the concept of ‘Eden’ ;
and also hére we have a problem : when the eden-gate , the throne room of God ,
is described by Ezekiel and Enoch they mention “a huge emerald bow (-dome) or
type (rain-) bow above the throne” that cóuld link to a rainbow concept here —
yet which for several reasons is not maintainable in this context ;
in fact only one atmospherical-celestial object links to ‘the covenant’ : the moon ;
since all the sacred feasts link to ‘moon phases’ where the feasts themsélves were
designed as stages unto the restoration of Eden !
the ‘ending sign’ :
… though He says “I will give (set) that sign…” it does not imply this moon is of Him ,
therefore read :”I will have it set…” namely “by the nations (-of demons)” c,q Adam ;
and the sign will end when Eden is to bé restored : when this moon will be blood ;
indeed this earth “will not be destroyed by flood as waters anymore” (line 11) but at
that time “by (strange-) fire” according to our closing theme ;
this is no nitpicking — but IF ‘a temporary case’ is the subject , He often decrees
something but also decrees “the end of that temporary situation” lest it would exist
forever in Legal sense , and the same is true here
#3 proof of the above : Esau made ‘a restart’ : [=corrupt text buildup]
… now it gets interesting —
the buidup of the section is wrong and therefore is hiding something :
(9-10) : I will make a covenant with all flesh and all animals :
(11) : no more will a flood destroy the land
(12-13) : and this will be the sign of the covenant : the object in the cloud [=end !]
[but :]
(14) : “but it will come to pass , ……” [=red flag]
(15) : “when I will remember my covenant ….” [=an ‘action’ !]
[so , it cánnot write “no more flood destroy the land” !]
(16) : “because (the object will be WHAT ?) when I will have remembered ….”
you see please ?
the key here is the verb “to remember” : God made the (eden-) covenant from the
very beginning yet “it became paused , on hold” — but God never says “I will restart
or restore my covenant” since it never énded for Him , so instead he says “remember”
which however means the same as “I will restart it” or if you want “complete it” ;
so what can He have said ? :
… sadly this is difficult to see because Esau just copied previous lines here so that
no specific roots jump out , and the second problem is that we don’t know His intent ,
while the entire buildup requires a sort of rhythm , a proper cadence :
“the sign of my covenant + with the souls of [=my people] (?) + [shown : ‘souls’ !]
that live in the flesh + [shown ! no ‘animals’ here !]
as the waters of the flood that will not destroy the land again +
is the moon” , [as “soul living in·all-of flesh”]
[14:] “BUT it will happen +
that cloud=fire (?) will cloud=flood (?) over the land , + [juxta]
when I will seen=remove (?) the bow=moon in=as cloud=the sign , (?)
when I will remember my covenant [..] with the souls of [=my people] (?) +
as all that live in the flesh ,
when for·deluge=the moon will become further=like the·waters=blood
[“and-he-becomes as blood moon”]
and all flesh will be destroyed ; [whole line !]
[16:] [even more difficult now – and needs be positive :]
for when the·bow=the moon will have be=ceased to be (?) in the cloud=sky ,
then it will see=happen that I will have remembered my eternal (eden-) covenant ,
and their deity will between=restore all the souls of [=his people]
as living in their which=sacred (?) (adj.) – (ashr=qdsh) flesh
upon their (-own) land=ground (‘eden’) ;
[17:] [closing – unknown still ,
can be many things]