IF the sun has gone Dark please read these chapters :
Is.65 : God’s final words – before the Tribulation – to christians
[explaining what is happening ending with the promise]
Jer.18 : the reason of this event : ‘the corrupted scroll’ (today’s KJV)
[the greatest Conspiracy of all time]
Mt.13 : [19-30] Jesus speaks : why many believers will go into the Tribulation
[the alleged (!) ‘parables’ of ‘the Sower & Weed and Tares & Mustard Seed”]
Mt.22 : [1-14] Jesus speaks : today’s pastors & their KJV lead them into the Trib
[the alleged (!) ‘parable’ of “the Great wedding Banquet”]
Mk.12 : [1-11] Jesus speaks : why the corrupt KJV will lead them into the Trib
[the alleged (!) ‘parable’ of “the Wicked Tenants” — and see Jer.18 above]
[19jan24:] considered our date : according to the scroll ‘the 70th week’ starts at the moment that the scroll of prophets is being restored (and that is the only valid starting time !) and sets our date ‘in the 3d year’ as the same time that “the gift as the sacrifice will cease” per Daniel 9:27 which is ‘Golgotha’ – for the Trib will start ; however — 2023 went by empty , which may be due to the still required themes to be found that were “Eve” (august) and ‘the false fire’ (november) , where the latter only now started to solidly link to the feast of Unleavened at 28 April : |
(diagram above was made after Weeks)
befóre Unleavened we saw she was about ‘declaring the Scroll’ [but we didn’t go ..] ,
befóre Weeks we saw that she was about ‘Him accepting it’ [but we didn’t go …] :
great disappointments — but in retrospect “finding what they mean” was imperative ;
then Atonement was coming up , yet something was not right with her timing :
she hád to be the ‘14th’ : and indeed this was the famous “day that no one knows”
but only b/c Esau corrupted the KEY — the 14th — fór the right Fall mirror while he
has switched the entire calendar from Full Moon to the heathen New Moon start ;
Atonement & Booths came and went [and we didn’t go ….] ;
and this (-below) is the final part of the restored time-line : “the 70 bulls & 9/24th” ,
showing the complete Fall mirror — the 49d to Weeks section — inclusive end date :
apárt from the themes it was a War to get Out (-so let no ‘date-setters’ fool you) ,
as a progressive understanding so sequenced in the top of the below pinned list :
latest :
the final stretch (?) :]
[2 Cor. 6] : to Originals : ‘come out of her’ & we come out of KJV-christianity [sic]
[our confused Originals & KJV-christianity blasted]
[..Mt.23..] : [same theme as 2 Cor.6]
[theme] : the 70 bulls & re-dedication theme : Occult Rituals [-ongoing]
[the serpent race (‘a description’) & matrix-moon & others]
[theme] : MainPage : the Lie of ‘Baptism’ : ‘blessed with Original Sin’ !
[Mk.1 : NO ‘John the baptist’ existed but is about the 144 & the evil tree]
Mt.3 : [full 1-17] : NO ‘John the baptist’ but ‘the sons of Ishral’
[including the destruction of the tree of good & evil]
Mk.23 : [26-31] : the cross IS ‘that evil tree’ & rededicating female destroys it
[where the figure ‘Simon of Cyrene’ represents you & we]
[the 70 days :]
Ez.33 : who will be ‘raptured’ ? – the ‘watchman community’ judged [sic]
[everyone holding fast to the evil KJV will enter the Tribulation]
Is.61-62 : Main Page : the 7 Torches : the carriers of the eden Covenant [END !]
[as well as the Dedication theme ; difficult but important]
Is.23 : the 70 y of M-Babylon become 70 days ! her tree-root dies & dedication
[important Legal chapter ; the Whore mimicks feminine eden-rule]
[………..] : [Abraham’s covenant [Gen.15:10] > into Jubilee [Jer.34:18] covenant >
into the 70 bulls (days) at Tabernacles ! [upcoming]
[theme] : Atonement 14h (7/14) –> 70 d -> (9/24) the END DATE (‘8th day’) [CORE]
[II : Esau’s ‘Hanukkah & Maccabees’ Undone
[complete Fall Mirror & graphs — Dedication ends January 2025]
[theme] : Main Page : extended Spring & Fall mirror + ‘the 70 bulls’
II : ’70’ : serpent race invades old-Ishral + 70 years of M-Babylon [CORE]
[the órigin of our Dedication theme > resolved in final 70 bulls / days
Deut.20 : we re-dedicate our female & destroy that evil tree + serpent race [CORE]
[Adam ran & did not re-dedicate Eve > is our job now — see Main Page]
[moon :]
[theme] : MainPage : Full Moon calendar : Egypt – Sumer – Enoch & Scroll <<<<
[Eden-moon decides Full moon & matrix-one the New moon]
Mt.9 : NO ‘old wine in new bottles’ but ‘the Full moon as new month’
[searching for this theme in other sections also]
[theme] : CT 632, 573 : Egyptian KHENSU this earth’s moon – as double portal
[where the Eden-binary is ‘the great double door’ in the other Reality]
[atonement :]
1Kings 8 : Atonement the 14th in a Jubilee year dedicates (!) the proto-144
[Esau kept ‘the temple inauguration’ but deleted all context]
Rev.3 : the 2 keys (-about Atonement 14th) + the 2 gates ‘of Eden’ & ‘of earth’
[Christ’s key & the key given to Peter (to us) + both gates explained] [CORE]
John 7 : Christ delays to show (us) Atonement the 14th , thén attends Tabernacles
[lines 1-25 , running well , continued in John 6] < < <
[theme] : Atonement the 14th triggers Booths : the broken Spring & Fall mirror
[why Passover in Egypt & Christ’s passover are the mirror of Atonement the 14th]
[theme] : Esau devised his ‘Yom Kippur’ the 10th to block our escape
[list of his rituals & note how the find happened a week befóre ‘the 10th’]
Mk.13 : [=Mt.24] : NO ‘no one knows the day’ — but is the intro to ‘Atonement the 14th’ sic
[this section immediately followed by Mt.25 (see above)] [needs review]
Ez.24 : [section] : probably ‘Atonement’ the 14th we left Eden + fire-altar Ritual
[theme needs checking but looks good & Ritual in part II still in progress]
[theme] : KJV : her massive Logical Fallacy of ‘the covenant of the Law & of Christ’
[running around in a circle without Escape] [temporary posted here]
[continued :]
Lev.16 : [+Ex.30] overview : Atonement and our date : two goats & the desert (Trib !)
[NO ‘scapegoat Christ’ – but the one is the 144 , the other Jacob ..]
Lev.27 : [text] : solid time line : Unleavened > Weeks > Atonement [CORE]
[solid through the restored deeply buried ‘re-pay’ (‘atonement’) theme]
Zech.8 : [v.9-23] : Weeks > Atonement date (sure) & the Cush theme [< rather good]
[rather solid chapter linking to Haggai 2 & Is.27]
Ez.45 : [44-45-46 overview :] Unleavened > Weeks > Atonement (sure) : sun darkens
[Esau spun out these themes but they are recognizable still]
[theme] : per Ez.16 : Eve & (forgiven at-) atonement
[still to do — but second half of Ez.16 is about her]
Rev.3 : [7-10] the wider 144 & the Cush ones added ‘in the time of trial’
[they link to you & we ; NO ‘synagogue of Satan’ etc]
Is.36 : [pt.I] the 185,000 Assyrians slain = the 144,000 lightworkers today
[theme includes Cush , fire-gods & stone , Jubilee and Christ returns]
posted : Is.37 intro : proof that our Cush ones bring the root (-attribute)
[important theme — second half of chapter is under construction still]
[theme] : will ‘our birth-right crown’ defeat ‘the chakra-crown’ at Atonement ?
[their raging crown these days — ending at the fall equinox ?]
[theme] : the serpent-light (the Strange Fire) : the crystalline dome & chakra system [sic]
[complete page , extensive]
Is.27 : [26-27 overview] : mirror of Zech.8 : Atonement (sure)
[intent : Unleavened > Weeks > Atonement , but more corrupted as Zech.8]
Mt.24 : [11-20] the ‘abomination of desolation’ is ‘the Spirit withdrawn’
[which started at Weeks + possible ’49th day theme’ but too corrupted]
Ob.1 : the Cush ones escape the heathen nations that were the Neanderthals
[as the seed of the serpent race ; the Curse explained + the stone-planet]
Job 28 : serpent race comes to earth & making atmosphere + Neanderthals important
[important chapter – for the curse on the Cush ones ENDS here]
Job 39 : [cont.] the curse on the Cush ones : ‘the Chakra cord’ linked to Gaia
[as ‘the sorcery cord’ made for the body of the Neanderthals]
[theme] : Ramayana 22 : the serpent race makes the river & bridge to earth
[incredible confirmation of the Job 28 chapter]
[theme] : CT 711 : said to the serpent-race (very readable)
[theme] : CT 330 : said to the serpent-race [+Orion] < < <
[theme] : CT 83 : Red Ruby , a subtle energy (as the root?) stolen from eden
[theme] : CT 576 : the ‘red lights’ for the eden-mother to birth the Ammon souls < < <
[bizarre theme but most probable since our eden-mother went astray]
[theme] : CT 469 : the ruddish crown of speech (Adam’s attribute) + Orion, [CORE]
Sirius, serpent-race, Bennu (‘phoenix’) + the Malachi 1 line (sic)
[lists everything that ‘the ruddish crown is able to do’]
[theme] : CT 577 : Adam’s attribute : the ‘ruddish crown of speech’ [CORE]
[important because it will be óur crown]
[theme] : CT 853, 689, 635 : crown of speech , Orion , moon , (stolen eden-) year
[theme] : CT 61 : the stolen house-H + Orion, Ursa Major, stolen corner-stone , [CORE]
silver & turquoise lights, eden-binary sun & moon, pyramid
[insightful & important chapter to go link others to]
[theme] : CT 486 : the now ‘turquoise lights by the corner-stone’
[theme] : CT 774 : God’s altar in the eden-gate [CORE]
[other spells about the altar will be added here]
[theme] : CT 696 [first theme] : the (eden) two olive-trees [CORE]
[very unusual theme – but likely correct !]
[theme] : CT 691 : the stolen eden seasons (day/night/year) by 4 types light-particles [CORE]
[curious & interesting ; other tree chapters be added here]
[theme] : CT 686 : stealing dew from the tree of Life & eden binary [CORE]
correct interpreted — 2nd half unfinished b/c upcoming Unleavened]
Lk.15 : [1-10] NO ‘shepherd & the 100th sheep’ but the Cush theme
[especially the ‘search w/ candles’ line w/ based on Zeph.1]
[theme] : ‘Song of songs’ : Esau’s romanticised redaction of the Cush theme
[and probably as a mutilated original prophets chapter]
CT 474 : [half] the tree of good & evil + serpent race as ASBU & AKHABU gods
[paused Spell , needs be finished]
CT 472 : names of the tree of good & evil : NEBS and ÁMER [‘tamarisk’]
[short one & only for the names]
CT 473 : [sons of Ammon say :] ‘my important tree which you (=eden) made’
[the tree of good & evil as 1 of 2 roots of the snake ÂPEP that is eden]
[the Jubilee year :]
Is.66 : only for you & we : our Date at Weeks in the 49th Jubilee year
[containing every theme – main blueprint chapter] [CORE]
Jer.7 : the 7th & 49th year + Weeks explained – mirror of Is.66
[even more corrupted as 66 – hence ‘the Jubilee’ vanished after Lev.25 !]
Lk.6 : [1-11] pt.I : Christ & disciples glean grain : telling us our date is Weeks important
[“when I will return upon the clouds” — linking to Lev.25]
pt.II [overview] : Lk.4 : NO ’40 ds temptation’ but Adam & strange fire
[including the changed scroll & acceptable day line in Isaiah !]
Lk.13 : [1-17] pt.III : the 7th & 49th year as Jubilee explained + Weeks repeated
[for the original buildup as parts I & II & III see Lk.6 page]
Lk.15 : NO “prodigal son” but “Weeks (Pentecost) as double feast” a gem
[will be posted in “no parables” as well]
Lev.25 : the 7th & 49th year : pt.I [ch.24 !] : declaring the scroll in the 7th year
[and ‘resting of land’ is only sécondary] [declaring her at Unleavened – 7th day]
Lev.25 : pt.II : the 49th year (NOT 50 !) as the ‘Jubilee’ – át the feast of Weeks sic
[which is “the day of acceptance of the scroll” – the 49th day ! linking to Isaiah]
[part III : the “redemption theme” : unknown still , overview only]
1Cor.16 : the double Pentecost (both for the disciples ánd the 144) <<<
[amazing how this insanely corrupted NT chapter survived …]
[intermezzo :]
Gen.1 : Eden – in the other reality – created as outpost (fortress) of Heaven
[completely restored context + diagram]
Gen.2 : why female is the core of male (sweet !) + intro to the horrible ‘tree of good & evil’
[NO ‘four rivers’ but “the tree of Dualism” which was NOT in the garden herself !]
Gen.3 : the eating of the fruit …
[interesting aspects recovered – and see the SEPTU serpent below]
Gen.4 : Cain slays Abel : Adam gets the idea to do that to ús , and oppose God
[Cain as ‘cuckoo’ : an évil type soul + for you & we only : the Curse Adam left us]
[Gen.5] : [hoax]
[Adam did NOT ‘die’ & probably much ghostwritten ; see Gen.6]
Gen.6 : the ‘fallen angels’ : as ‘the sons of Ammon’
[intro only]
Gen.7 : [Genesis 6-9 : under construction]
Gen.8 :
Gen.9 : NO ‘rainbow’ but ‘this moon’ !
[intro only]
[theme] : CT 738, 732, 420, 424 : the tree as THE root of the matrix + her guardian SEPTU
[incredible confirmation of ‘the tree of good & evil’ from the side of the enemy]
[theme] : [cont.] CT 270 SEPTU the ‘crafty’ one – as said ‘of the snake’ !
[several files got Lost after these – will need redoing]
main theme :
3200 years : from mt Horeb unto unleavened 2024 : the strange fire & declaring the Scroll :]
1 Cor.5 : the feast of Unleavened is the restored scroll [important]
Jer.36 : Unleavened : we declare the scroll like Baruch did the last time final !
[+the scroll corrupted in Alexandria : full theme] [pt.III]
Lev.26 : Unleavened : from Horeb > Nebo > today > the Trib core Legal chapter
[the past 3200 years – akin to ‘7 churches’ buildup ]
Jer.34 : [pt.II ] : now the altar handed over to (Mystery-) Babylon timing – important
[Unleavened : we , Eve & our Originals freed : but Jacob not yet ,
solidly linking to book Daniel & Deut. and Isaiah 58 + 61 ]
Is.59+61 : [pt.II ] : said to Jacob today : many themes explained
[+to the serious ones in her + warning to the pastors ] gorgeous
Is.58 : the year of accepting the scroll : at Unleavened I get you important
[core of Christ’s quote in NT ]
Mal.2 : [pt.II ] : the strange fire resolved in the year of acceptance
[commandment to the pastors ] [closing lines still under construction ]
Deut. : intro to the whole book Deuteronomy : all about the Moses Prophecy Legal
[key : “declare the scroll to God each 7th year” – at Unleavened ! ]
Lk.13 : [18-21 only ] : NO ‘mustard seed & some woman with three leavens
[but ‘the day I cast out the false fire’ – Rev.8:2-5 ]
Dt.32 : Moses’ Unleavened prophecy (‘strange fire theme’) [our 4/28 date]
[Moses did NOT die but was ‘taken’ : foreshadowing ours] [CORE]
Mt.17 : [1-13 ] : Christ’s ascension : NO ‘Moses & Eliah’ with him
[but ‘the male & female Original’ ] [theme links to Unleavened ]
Dan.5 : NO ‘mene tekel’ but “your strange fire will cease through my scroll” sic
[confirmed by Jeremiah 34 above ! ] [text will come soon ]
Jer.17 : the ‘strange fire’ theme completely explained valuable
[the “lying pen of Esau” explained to today’s pastors ]
Ez.8 : Adam places the strange fire in the eden gate & so Esau does on earth history
[but Adam ‘at Unleavened’ and Esau at his ‘Hanukkah’ ; core of Mt.23 ]
Ez.9 : [pt.II ] : the 144 sealed & saved ; fire cast to earth [-see Rev.8:2-5 ]
[cast to Jacob “since they broke my covenant as their (1200 BC-) fathers” theme]
Mal.1 : [pt.I ] : who of you will close the door (-of my eden gate) ? as the Throne room
[background of Adam’s strange fire Ritual that is feeding the matrix dimension]
[and all of the strange-fire theme started at Horeb
+ earliest history of the fire and the gate : ]
Ex.13 : why we wait for the 7th day of Unleavened : like God appeared at mt. Horeb
he also will , to us — how unleavened relates to the Scroll
[and why Adam who just lost in Egypt will attempt to block Unleavened]
Ex.32 : the 7th day at mt. Horeb : NO ‘golden calf’ but “the statue of god” (!) yet as Adam ;
the people offering false fire + unleavened (-bread) to him [continued from 13]
[Moses upon the mount for ONE day where God tells him “the whole history of Eden”
Num.16 : NO ‘Korah rebellion’ — but the reason for Adam’s “strange fire Ritual” explained
[interesting text restoration of a horribly corrupted theme]
[how by scroll the false-fire will be cast out —
history of the scroll’s corruption : ]
1Cor.5 : false (YT-) prophets preach the Pharisee leaven – but the sons go at Unleavened
[curious : posted in 2023 as option for Unleavened as our date]
Lev.2 : the réason of the feast of Unleavened [and The Final One !]
[Spells] : [theme] : hunting the flame Seshat – and the situation of both gates
CT 849 : [+ 10, 297, 778 :] SESHAT , the (false-) flame in the matrix gate
CT 38 : the ‘island of fire’ (eden gate) : the matrix stole the fire already gem
[but Adam placed his false-fire to secure that stealing – see also Jer.34]
CT 341 : the seven abducted (eden-) fire-Torches in the matrix gate
[see Nahum 2: 3 & 6-8 in otherwise utterly corrupted chapters ]
history of the scroll’s corruption since Horeb :
[theme ] : [pt.I ] [Num.21 ] : ‘the Balaam story’ : NO ‘Moabites’ but ‘Ammonites’
[theme ] : [pt.II ] [Num.22 ] : ‘the Balaam story’ : NO ‘evil seer Balaam’ :
[the Ammonites lure a son of Aaron priest of Ishral to bring them the Scroll]
[theme ] : [pt.III ] [Num.23 ] : in the Ammonite scribal room : a brilliant dialogue
[theme : [pt.IV ] [Num.24 ] : the prophecy of the son of Aaron (‘Balaam’)
first find (Nov 2023) of the strange fire theme :
[theme] : ‘Hanukkah’ as occult Ritual – ‘book of Maccabees’ a Fraud
[page text needs revision & the Maccabees fraud another breakdown]
Lev.10 : origin of ‘the false fire’ (‘Hanukkah’) and the sons undoing that NOW good
[theme] : [Lev.8-10] the sons’ 7 days of dedication (‘hanukkah’) into the 8th
when God appears in fire : but the false fire blocks that
[incomplete – sections of text lacking still & needs revision]
Ezra 9-10 : problem w/ the Temple fire after returning from the exile (-but what exactly ?)
[sections of text lacking still & needs revision]
however : we found the missing ‘Unleavened’ chapter in ‘Esdras 1’ !]
scrolls written by Esau :
Mt.12 : [12+16+19] the ‘Jonah sign’ in reality is ‘the restored scroll’ as THE sign
[theme] : Esau’s “book of Jonah” also axed — but the réal Jonah rehabilitated
[theme ] : the book Esther
CT 321 : the frogs – belongs to Esther page
[still needs an unposted prepared section]
the ‘quran’ – written by Esau – as “king of the east”
[theme] : intro : ‘Allah’ is ‘Adam’ — ‘islam’ devised to support the corrupt Scroll
[theme] : chapters 60-114 : quotes & first commentary
[theme] : chapters 2-59 : files lost in May – needs redoing]
NO ‘parables of Jesus’
[theme] : the ‘parable form’ : Esau’s method to hide themes in prophets
[theme] : [Lk.16] ‘the unjust steward’ + ‘the rich man & Lazarus’ decoded
[theme] : upcoming sent but not worked out yet
related themes
[theme] : the ‘tower of Babel’ is the Giza pyramid [+ CERN theme]
[keywords : Paradisiacal Atmosphere , the Sahara was Green , Ipuwer papyrus]
[theme] : Gilgamesh defeats Huwawa : the Sumerian version of Genesis 6
[overview – interesting but not crucial ]
previous theme ‘Eve rescued’ :
Jer. 9 : Eve rejects Adam , he dies and the sun goes dark [our date] gem
[but ‘Adam dying’ and ‘the fire theme’ are two synchron events !]
below : under construction :
Ez.16 : [2nd half -100% sure] : NO ‘daughter of Sodom’ but Eve + Atonement
Am.5 : [pt. I:] said to us : search Eve !
lines [1-8 are the intro of chapter 9 (!) see next ; while 9-27 is corrupt / invented]
Am. 9 [+8] : Eve rescued , eden restored [only fulltext of first series of lines]
[Amos is all “about female” hence also the Eve theme must be correct here]
2 Tim.1 : Eve rescued
[PROBABLE theme – needs doublecheck]
1 Cor.11 : Eve rescued + eden masculine & feminine explained
[PROBABLE theme – needs doublecheck & intro still]
pre-Eve theme ,
the Eden sceptre :
Hos.2 : the daughter of tsiun (-as eden mother) returns from the matrix
Hos.1[+2] : the return to Eden through the birth-right (taken from Esau & given to Jacob)
Hos.12 : after we found the birth right we go at the ‘2nd Exodus’
Gen.49 : [22-26] the (Eden-) birth-sceptre with Joseph
unto the day of acceptance [Unleavened]
Gen.50 : [pt.II] the Eden sceptre : Joseph blesses his sons
that the sceptre will come to us
posted until our date [this section : all gems]
Jer.8 : to the sons of Ammon that corrupted the scroll (-but we find out & kill them)
Hos.2 : the daughter of tsiun (=Eden) [‘Revelation woman’] returns from the matrix
Hos.1[+2] : the return to Eden through the birth-right (taken from Esau & given to Jacob)
Jer.18 : the evil sons of Ammon — our direct enemies
Ez.20 : Adam got the idea how to rule us when Cain slew Abel
[only part I then stopped b/c of the unleavened theme]
Ez.18 : the day that the KJV becomes Invalid important
Ez.14 : the Two Witnesses
Ez.13 : today’s lying pastors work for Esau + his ‘anti-semitism’ hoax
Ez.12 : Ezekiel shows the sons ‘the other (eden-) Reality’
CT 688 : curious : the Eden sun & moon binary system versus Ursa Major
Mt.14 : NO ‘John beheaded by Herod’ but “Adam slaying our Originals” <<<
Am.3 : the Bulls chapter : abusing our females until the sons will understand
eden-female [also see the Hebrews chapter]
Am.1 : the sons up against : Damascus [matrix-gate] , Adam, mystery-Babylon,
their paradise and the Ammon sons abusing our female Originals
Mt.20 : [the alleged parable ‘the workers in the vineyard’ is :]
the history of the Scroll & the 144 vs the christian leaders [mirror : Mk.10]
Is. 57 : the sons of Ammon [a gem] [+scroll +sceptre] [3/4th restored]
Is. 55 : the Scroll [a gem]
Is. 53 : about Christ [a gem]
Is. 60 : Eden restored [still 4 lines at the end]
Revelation : first half : [almost finished – but surprisingly difficult (=corrupted) :]
Rev.1 : [#1] : Christ introduces the corrupted scroll (KJV) right theme
Rev.2 : [#2] : the 7 churches — see also the pinned Adam section ;
Ephesus : Christ stops speaking to souls ; Smyrna : the RCC
Dark Medieval time ; Pergamos : the Reformation (composing KJV)
Rev.4+10 : [#4] : the (restored-) Eden gate (the Throne room)
and Adam presents the corrupt scroll (KJV) which was his idea
Rev.5 : [#5] : Christ opens the sealed-off éarth (-by the evil matrix)
while we open the sealed scróll (-their KJV)
Rev.6+7 : [#6] : the first six seals – the 144 sealed (insert/change : false-fire at the 5th/6th)
[the “Abaddon with the key opening the abyss” is corrupt & displaced ,
it should belong to the “closing the eden-gate theme” : in Rev 3 ? or 6 ?]
Rev.7 : [#7] : [composite of 8,14 and 7] Christ saves the 144
Rev.13 : [#8] : the ‘seven heads’ of the Beast [‘Mystery-Babylon + land’] ,
devised by Adam , while the KJV féeds their region
[see Ptolemy II page]
+ the mark [‘graphene’] of the Lamb-beast [‘modern science’]
Revelation 2nd half : expected :
– the woman : as (restored-) Eden , but totally corrupted
– NO ‘war in heaven’ but “Adam dies” ór “the 144 war Mystery-Babylon”
– the Mystery-Babylon whore : self evident + ‘the blood’ is from “our Originals”
– the 7 trumpets : first 3 are corrupt (invented)
[probably mixed with the 7 non-existent ‘bowls’ later]
Mystery-Babylon destroyed + Jacob dies & is saved
– the defeated demon army tries invade Heaven (Christ & army) the so-called ‘Gog’
– after 1000 years Satan & army tries invade Eden again but are defeated