after the 40 day desert theme ! [so Mt.4 + Mk.7 is ONE theme] [mirror : Mt.15 ; origin : Jer.9] — we’re close to our Date — [version ; 2023-07jul.30-31] |
no fulltext [-yet]
see restored text below intro
please enjoy the page !
… the ‘Eve theme’ is full of miracles — like this one :
searching for key words the phrase “mother” showed in line 10 here ,
actually as ‘mother’, ‘father’ and ‘he will die’ : and since all three belong
to the Eve theme it warranted a look —
but whát did KJV 1-9 about “eating with unclean hands” and “washing the pots
and pans properly” have to do with anything ? until the key showed in line 3-4 :
it were never no “Pharisees + Jews + coming from + the market”
but it suggested the theme “Adam and + Eve + having left + Eden” !
you don’t want to know how many times I shook my head yesterday about
type corruptions of Esau , yet then started the problem of ‘filling in the lines’ :
which however – especially part II – succeeded beyond expectation !
restored buildup :
… it seems almost ridiculous that KJV Mark 7 cóuld carry the Eve theme – but you judge :
please note in many lines “the close association [-of used terms] with the intended ones”
considered the Greek words , but also how Esau invented roots :
a good example is his “washing (-of pots)” but derived from ‘baptism’ (see line 4) so that
is an illegal root construct [which he also used in Hebrews 6 , so we have good chance
that 6 is about the Eve theme , as well as Mt.15:20 , see restored text !] ;
and ofcourse the most important ,
after prophets we know where to look for and often have enough at 2 or 3 original words
in each subsequent line to use those as stepping-stones for the continuance of the theme
b) part II :
… because Christ wanted to repeat the prophets [we’d do the same !] the core must have
been ‘the freeing of Eve by the sons remembering her through the scroll” and we leaned
rather heavily upon Jeremiah ofcourse ,
while the setting of “the Pharisees vs Christ” was always about ‘his return’ and see below ;
c) part I :
… actually this was more tricky as II :
how exactly could the Pharisees have introduced this theme to Him as a proper juxta ?
elsewhere they usually ásk him “when will you return” [-in order to block that]
but in this specific case they can only have boasted “we are sure that you will not” ;
and the question arose ,
did this Mk.7 section happen following ‘the 40 days desert trial’ (see Mt.4 page) ?
that is crucial for us to know !
the [restored-] text indicates it does , and can explain the fury of the Pharisees since
they may have known that the desert expedition had been against their leader : Adam !
d) restored I and II :
… the start and content of I now logically follows ‘the 40 days theme’ ,
and where the buildup of I is “the Pharisees say : anyway you will not succeed because
we corrupted the scroll so that the sons never knew what happened to Adam and Eve”
and are giving examples whát happened to them ,
in part II Christ counters that with the same scroll telling the second half of the story ,
resulting in an indeed harmonious type buildup !
we skip the ‘text notes’ this time to not have an overkill of information
corruptions : top 5 gets crowded
theme : context as main theme absolutely 100% restored , and VERY much of syntax
fulltext :
Mark 7 [1-13]
[next 1 : you see Esau messed up this crucial line for us : after the 40 desert days ? ;
realize please how the Pharisees may have known that those 40 days were against Adam ! :]
“Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem”
and=then + [‘then’ ? , see header]
the – Pharisees – approach – him [in KJV the ‘him’ subject totally disappears now !]
[..] certain=the day after (?) (tines=hexês)
the – scribes=Lord (grammateus=kairos) +
(had) come – (out-) from – the jerusalem=desert (ierusolom=erêmos !!) ;
note :
… you see that Esau’s line buildup by almost ádding ‘and some scribes’ makes no sense ,
while his addition “Jerusalem” is totally superfluous — but WE need a description !
[next 2 : so far so good :
here shows ‘disciples’ that elsewhere are a corruption for ‘the sons’ [but what do they do ?] ,
while we very much need to speed up the theme that Esau made longwinded :
for they approach Him in 1 already ! :
b) Greek syntax is a mess [-anyway]
while we have two 2-Tiers : unwashed + hands (not: hands+unwashed!) and eat + bread
“And when they saw some (b) of his disciples eat bread with defiled,
that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.”
and – [+they] see=say – (to-) some=Him : [2 : áfter the fall of Eden :]
the – disciples=sons of – you=Ishral (‘144’) (autos=ishral)
[now we need a direct verb :]
(will) [+not] unclean=know (koinais=eidó) (-about) – the hands=olden times (cheir=archaios !) ,
this=what – happened – (after-) [+their] unwashed=parents (?) (aniptos=goneus)
(had) eaten of – the bread=fruit – (and-) (were) found at fault ;
note :
[before restoration : koinos = defiled , hand = cheir
a-niptos = unwashed (Mt.15:20 is our next Eve theme page !) only 2x = corrupt ;
>>> G2096 -heya (only 2x) Eve] ;
3 [3: Adam forsakes and imprisons her :]
because – [+they] (will) – not – eat=know + [subline , originally at end]
(how-) Pharisees=Adam (‘likely’) +
the=went – and=to – all – the – Jews=nations (-of spirits) (sic!) – if=in – the – fist=North (?)
(by-) washing=forsaking – [..] [+their] (‘144’) hands=mother (Eve) , [< more personal]
(who was being) retained (interl.) – […… 2x unknown still ……] ;
4 [4: his abuse of her (see part II) :]
[..] nor – (will) they (‘144’) eat=know , [subline , originally at the end]
(that-) – they=he (‘Adam’) baptized=rules – no=their – if=mother – from – the market=north , [7c]
and – (the-) many – things – he is=makes – which=there + [‘for mystery-Babylon’]
(by-) receiving (but “through taking”) – [+her] hold=heart (kratein=kardia) [see 6f] +
(that is) baptisms=weeping of [8d] – pots=shame – and=about – pans=eden (?) (no Strong’s !) [8e] ,
[Esau’s 2x ‘and of copper vessels and couches’ : no idea]
5 [5: the góal of the Pharisees :]
then – the – Pharisees – asked=conclude – (to-) Him :
[..] [+we] (have) because=corrupted (dia=diaptheirô) – the – scribes=scroll (sic , close)
what=so that – the – disciples=sons of – you=Ishral + [reaffirmation subject]
(will) not – (be) walk=causing +
[+your] elders=return – to – the – tradition=world (paradosis=kosmos) [see 12] ,
because +
[+they] (will) [+never] (‘not’) washed=know (-about) – the hands=olden times (cheir=archaios !) [2]
(and-) the eating=imprisonment (?) (esthió=phylakê) of – [..] [+their] bread=mother (aRTos=méTéR) ;
part II
next 6 :
a) we must get as quickly possible back to Eve ,
b) Esau used ‘Isaiah’ to justify his quote ; perhaps we’d use ‘Jeremiah’
but best we don’t use any name [because we need use all the words we can get] ,
c) therefore syntax may vary :
[=then] – [..] [+he] answers , saying – (to-) them :
[+you] that=know – very well (sic) – (that it is) isaiah=written – (in the-) prophets
about=that – (the-) you=sons (humOn=yhiOs) of – [..] hypocrites=Ishral (‘144’) (Esau’s joke)
[.. 1x.. ] – (will) written=find out (graphô=anaphainô) – this=how – [..] people=Adam +
(has) honoring=imprisoned (?) – me=their – lips=mother (Eve) [note the personal ‘their mother’]
yet=and – the=how – [+he] (has) abstain=abused – their=her – heart [or ‘(eden-) life’ ?]
at distance (interl.) – from=for – me=himself ; [e-f-g : that’s quite correct like this !]
[next 7 : is a bit of a ‘leftover line’ inbetween the restored sections we did first
so now we’ve to find a logical bridge :]
yet=but – (-that) in vain=because – they (will have) worship=found – me=her ,
[totally corrupt :]
teachings=God (didaskalias=theos) – (will make) to teachings=cease (?) (didaskó=dialeipô !!!)
[+her (eden-) life] (?) – commandments=ascending up (?) (entalma=anabainô) (‘to the North’)
(to-) (the) man (‘Adam’) ; [b-c-d : attempt but should be about this]
for=then – [+she] (Eve) (will) leave=hear
the – commandment=words of – [..] God
(that-) the tradition=sons – (will have) hold=understood – [+about] the – men=woman (sic) ,
(and-) [+she] (will) wash/baptism=weep (!) + [Esau saw ‘water , wet , flowing’ !]
of pots=shame – and=about – pans=eden (?) (no Strong’s !) ,
[we also need a subject now :]
and of – (the-) others=many – such=evil – things – much=Adam – (has) done ;
and – he=she (will) say – (unto-) them=him : [d : important and probably close]
you=I (am) rejecting (wow !) – [+you] , nobly=Adam (?) +
(through-) the – (very-) commandment=words of – [..] God , +
you=I keep=cut – you – (off) – that=from – [+my] (eden-) tradition=life (?) (paradosis=zóé) ;
d #2 :
(as the ones by?) that=which – [+my] tradition=sons (‘144’ !) – (have) kept=remembered (?) – you=me ;
because – moses=God – says :
[+I] (will) honour=cut off – [..] father=Adam (or just : ‘the man’ ?)
you=from – (the-) (eden-) and=life (?) (kai=zóé) of – your (‘the 144’) – mother ,
and=as – the – one (that has) speak=done + evil – (to-) father=you or=and – [+your] mother +
(that will) come to an end – by death ;
[11-13 : now we still have 3 lines for this main theme .. but what was it ?
for the (KJV) themes , roots and buildup are impossible (-silly repeats) :
let’s first start with bringing the theme back to Christ :]
[=and] – (the-) you=Lord (humeis=kurios) – says [+to them] : [11 : best attempt :]
if=at that time (ean=tote) – (the-) man=sun (anthropos=helios) – (will) say=darken
(and-) the – father=moon – or=to – [..] mother=blood (Métér=haiMa) – (will) qrbn=become ;
which=when – oblation=God – (will) is=deliver [+her]
which=whom – you=she benefited=waited (ópheleó=perimenô) +
(so-) if=long time (ean=epalai) – out=for – me=him ;
note :
… having left c-f) on purpose in greek syntax the -qrbn seems an emergency corruption ;
reading “when God will deliver her who waited so long time for him”
and – no more=then – you=I (will) let=gather – any=all – (the-) him=sons (autos=yhios) (‘144’) ,
(and-) do=bring [+them] – (to-) his=my – Father + [or: ‘to tsiun’]
“or his mother;”
[this is dangerous : because ‘mother’ would make a wrong juxta with ‘Father’ :]
or=in – the=that – his=same – mother=day (MÉtÉr=hEMEra , close) , +
[+because] [+they (will have) ineffective=understood – the – words of – God
[+concerning] – you=their – [..] tradition=mother
which=whom – you=they (caused to be) delivered (wow !) ,
and=as – (having) done – like the thing – [+he] such=desired (toiouta=aiteô) – many=them (-to) ;
(up to this point : end of the main theme)
part II
(closing – total : 5 lines)
[lines 14-23 ; mirror : Matthew 15: 10-20]
theme :
… you remember that in the Jeremiah 9 chapter at the end God makes a remark about those
who will not hearken to what the sons found concerning their mother , as those who cling
to the corrupt KJV [=so that a general difference is made between the 144 and ‘the others’] :
17 [used: Mt.15:12 :]
[=then] – [+he] [=departed] – [..] (with-) his – disciples , (and-) said – (to-) [=them] :
you (already-) know – that – the – Pharisees – (have) heard=altered +
the – words of – snared=God (“and will do the same to mine”) ; [< added for context]
14 (!)
and=therefore – [+the people] [+in the end] – (will) call=reject (proskaleó=apodokimazô !)
anything – the – throng=sons (‘144’) (ocklos=yhios !) – (will) say – (to-) them (-about it) ,
(because-) all of – me=them +
(will) hearken – (to the-) understanding=corrupted – and=scroll (KJV) (kai=biblion) ;
(14) [but as Mt.15:14] [quoted out of prophets]
them=therefore – [+they] (will) leave=err , [rest.Gr.syntax]
[lineup :]
(for even-) (the-) blind=shepherds (‘pastors etc’) of – (the-) blind=people – (will) be – blind :
yet – if – (the-) blind – lead – (the-) blind , both – (will) fall – into – (the-) ditch ;
(a) “There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him:
(b) but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.”
[Mt.15:11 :]
“Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;
but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”
to save us work (sorry) , shown like this ,
having re-used as many possible words : [Esau’s Key corruption of this section + see note :]
“because his (KJV’s) foul sayings (‘lines’) will have entered their heart ,
and by them (‘sayings’) coming out of their móuth , + [read : spiritual declarations]
their soul will have been fouled (‘defiled’)” ; [read : ‘by Sorcery’]
note :
a) hoping that the core message has come across —
it seems “two stages” are described : the ‘allowing them into the heart’ [=acceptance]
and the ‘being saturated with them , in thoughts and actions’ ;
b) it’s a bit of a mystery to us why Christ didn’t just describe it as ‘sorcery’ directly
but perhaps that was too dangerous (to state) since also non-corrupted lines are in the scroll !
c) one of the reasons that we wanted to restore this specific section
is because Esau went pathetic , dragging ‘the digestive system’ into his corruption (seek it up) ,
therefore that is forever annulled by now ;
[next : closing line :
#1. the remaining lines in Mark 7 concerning this theme are corrupt [=invented] :
17-18-19-20-121-22-23 and even 16 [=stolen from Revelation] ,
as well as the mirror-lines in Matthew 15 ;
#2. only one remaining line is – somewhat – suitable as closing line for it continues above 15 ;
but the start was corrupt because the line was misplaced :
(16) [used: Mt.15:13 :]
yet=but – the – answered=judgment (apokrinomai=dikaiôma) + [read: tribulation]
(will) said=purify [+them] ,
(and-) every – plant + [“the good seed [=words] in the heart” theme]
which – my – [..] heavenly – Father – (has) not – planted , (will have been) plucked up .
and end of the combined theme ’40 days of trial’ (Mt.4 page) and the ‘Eve rescued’ here
[for you Sir]