for hiding their “false fire” Ritual [original intro : John 10:22-24 (!) , explaining ‘the altar’ in Rev.8:2-5] [chapter is an absolute gem] [version ; 2023-12dec.09-14] |
– complete restored text : very extensive + sub notes
[note 21feb.24 :
… after having done many chapters about this theme
it is improbable that Christ went to the temple ‘at Hanukkah’ :
the main aspect is “the false fire that ADAM offered in the gate”
[which is Unleavened related] , and Esau only made a help-Ritual
by offering strange fire in the Temple : probably at the 24th of the 9th ;
now : ofcourse Esau would want his ‘Hanukkah’ (at 9/24) to be accepted
and hénce wrote here “.. Jesus [..] at the feast of dedication , in winter” —
but it’s more likely that the real timing was “the 7th of Unleavened”
or Christ would give a wrong message to ús – hence the adaption]
contents : – short : intro : overview of theme – short : the approach of this chapter – theme : saved by Christ – but not yet forgiven by God [bit difficult but required] – short fulltext notes (click) – complete fulltext (click) – complete restored text : very extensive + sub notes |
…incredible chapter —
the by Esau deleted John 10 section is crucial for the context here :
during ‘Hanukkah’ (!) Christ goes into the Temple to stand before the fire of the altar ,
therefore the Pharisees feel trouble and come around to question him —
He starts out telling the Pharisees how they corrupted the book of Moses (Lev. 8-10)
concerning the false fire which the sons of Aaron placed upon the Tabernacle’s altar ,
because Adam saw that and counseled “the (160 BC-) fathers of the Pharisees”
to repeat that act and offer strange fire in the (160 BC-) Temple
with the said goal “to block the entrance to Eden for God’s people” , sic ;
He then mentions how the Pharisees produced a scroll to promóte their ‘Hanukkah’
which by context can only be ‘Esau’s Maccabee books’ , then proceeds to completely
explain the nature of the Occult fire Ritual – breathtaking to read ! – inclusive the notion
how “offering false fire on earth caused false fire on the altar before the Throne” !
and ending with promising them “that the sons of Ishral (you & we) will understand what
has happened – and thérefore He will cast out the strange fire from the Throne’s altar
[as the section in Rev.8 , around the 6th seal – not ‘during the trumpets’ where it is now]
therefore in part II He expláins “the relation between the fire on earth – and that in Heaven”
or more precisely said : the fire at the altar in the Eden gate (the Throne room in Revelation)
which is ‘a dimensional theme’ , and how that false fire came to burn upon that sacred altar ,
by narrating how Adam has built the evil gate for the nations as the gate which stole the light
of the altar fire in the eden gate — related to “the open door” as the Malachi 1 theme ;
apart from the text please also see expanded intro below
how this important – and hopefully final ! – theme came up only so late (-in Time) is also a bit
of a mystery to us : though we understood ‘the opened door’ and ‘the stolen light’ through
the Egyptian Spells , perhaps the picture was .. not complete enough – according to God –
and hence at this 11th hour we are asked to present everything immaculately …
the approach of this Mt.23 :
just a few points , please :
overall , it was one original chapter :
… which is very unusual because Esau has cut up most of the important discourses of Christ
into fragments and scattered them elsewhere in order to hide the context of them ;
part II here : after the explanation of the Hanukkah Ritual , Esau’s buildup and roots
completely changed : but fortunately he left us clues as his “build + a tomb” (in 29)
indicating he saw the “[Adam-] built + the gate” theme ! , which also explained the
changed type roots – because now Christ narrated the dimensional aspects —
it is incredible therefore how this chapter survived as “a basically original chapter” ,
which can only be (Sir..) because Esau was SURE about his total corruption !
but : Esau added foreign lines :
… if one would say “picking and choosing is not allowed” , we advise such one to read the
complete restored text : at every single line the question was “what comes next ?” in order to
restore a solid buildup [-and this is apart from the fact that it has been cómmon for Esau to
use this ‘tactic’ of adding lines – both in OT and in NT] ;
deciding the theme :
… setting out to find more about ‘Hanukkah’ this KJV chapter showed “altar” : 4x , making
it interesting enough to give it a try ; additionally it showed “your fathers” [=the olden time]
and the important “you block the entry to the heavenly kingdom” [=Eden] ,
with the huge Red flag ofcourse that ‘the rant here was against the Pharisees‘ ;
hence the theme probably was not ónly about the important “corruption of the scroll” ;
please also note the staggering amount of ‘close roots’ , see restored text ,
which is always a good indication that indéed the interpreted line is correct
saved by Christ – but not yet forgiven by God
… that title may appear a bit charged – but it is in no way ‘unbiblical’ :
ofcourse God has forgiven every soul trusting Christ , yet all these souls will still die :
with exception of the 144 who will not — but here starts the problem :
we saw already that “God’s forgiveness” immediately relates to ‘forgiving Eve’ AND
the144 whom He will rescue together with her in the same day ,
but this forgiveness immediately relates to “light [-of the sacred fire]” and especially
“His own presence IN that light” – which is our main theme , starting with Lev. 8-10 ,
and this chapter explains why “Eden is blocked for us” (line 13) until we understand
how the theme of the altar-fire relates to our rescue
the origin of the sacred altar-fire
is “inside the eden gate” which is “the Throne room” in Revelation —
this sacred fire undoubtedly sustained Eden before her fall , but after Adam made
eden desolate the fire was still burning : however inside a now dysfunctional gate ,
and the light of the sacred fire was now stolen by the gate hé built for the nations
[see Ez.8 , the CT Seshat pages , and also part II here] ;
so that the stolen light sustained aspects for the matrix world of the demons ,
the stolen light now being “their dimensional Dawn” – while Eden was in darkness
the fire upon earth
apart from his fire being stolen by the matrix , God had the problem of his souls
dwelling on this earth , as souls that required “some basic form of eden light” that
would sustain them or it would be unlivable for them to dwell on earth
[note how ‘the stolen light’ álso “sustained” – but illegally – the matrix !] —
this “energy sustaining the soul” is a difficult theme but it must be a subtle energy
still feeding the soul that is trapped in this ape-body upon this hostile planet
[and who knows “dreaming during sleep” is also part of that !] :
whatever this energy may be , we do know what will happen if she will be lacking ,
namely “during the Tribulation” when God will withdraw this subtle energy from earth :
this will have terrifying consequences for the souls and therefore we are convinced
that the phrase “the abomination of being (so) desolate” refers to this
[and not to some nonsense set-up in some never-to-become ‘third temple]
the altar-light ‘leaking-away’ to earth and to the matrix
… in fact both as an illegal situation – because all the light should be for Eden ,
but since the matrix had placed the souls upon this earth as her hostages , she was
sure to can feed forever upon that light [as all the Spells jubilantly describe] ;
however the matrix got in trouble when God started to deal with old-Ishral and had
the ‘subtle (eden-) energy’ represented by “the altar-fire at the Tabernacle” which now
symbolically burned for every soul of His , but ofcourse representing the sacred fire
in the eden gate itself : and He confirmed that important link by directly connecting the
(possibility of-) His own presence with that sacred fire
.. the matrix – but read : Adam – became terrified for the impending loss of their Dawn
when they sáw that He wanted to have His stolen light back by means of acting through
the souls upon earth – to have his light AND them saved –
and ever since Leviticus and the prophets Adam searched to pollute the ‘earthly’ fire
which now officially had been connected to God’s own sacred fire in the eden gate !
because a polluted earthly fire would affect the fire in the gate and therefore the latter
would not céase to keep on illuminating the matrix realm !
all of the above – incredibly enough explained in detail in this chapter –
is the background of the “false fire occult Ritual that is called Hanukkah” ,
which still remained Valid until these days even after the destroyed Temple in 70AD
until – as also Christ argues in this chapter – the sons will revoke Adam’s Ritual !
the ‘forgiveness’ aspect
… in our struggle to phrase we use “subtle energy” but ofcourse ultimately they all
belong to God , and it is very imaginable that He is hurt especially because of the
light which illegally feeds the matrix ;
though in Leviticus 8-10 the sons of old-Ishral made guilt-offerings in their week of
dedication (!) until the 8th day , our situation is different because Christ has made
that offering for us : however , we are still asked ‘to resolve something’
because the whole situation of ‘the stolen light’ has not been put right yet !
of all the themes to be restored in the scroll this – hopefully – is the final one ,
and the case of “the light leaking away to earth and the matrix” will only end when
His full light will restore the 144 and therewith Eden — and Jacob after this ;
but you see that ‘the forgiving theme’ refers to us , ánd to Eve , ánd to this light ,
so that the header above this section , though charged , is not untrue !
this earth ánd the matrix getting dark
… in the scroll this [-event] is directly linked to Eve and the watercourse (the Nile)
yet this must be ‘the feminine aspect’ of the same theme —
imagined as the watercourse (as ‘words’) being like ‘the fuel’ feeding the fire ,
where ‘the fire’ is “the stolen light as the subtle energy form the sacred fire” ,
which is “the masculine aspect” (‘speech’) and is therefore an aspect of the sons
so that both the cause and the continuation will have ceased ;
we think this is important to know , to be sure that it was our final assignment
subs :
#1 the link with ‘the open door’ (Mal.1)
… though we knéw the “who of you will close the door (-of the eden gate) so that
my light will not illumine their realm for free” since the 2000 BC Spells describe this
same theme [see f.e. the Seshat CT’s] , by “cooling down the (eden-) door” ,
somehow we missed to make the link with this important ‘altar’ theme ;
therefore we’ll hunt the spells in the next remaining days
#2 the matrix-altar : Seshat , or ‘the image of jealousy’
… Ez.8 writes how that image is *inside* the matrix gate [‘Damascus’] , and perhaps
that term is correct since also Seshat – the fire – is linked to “images” , see page ;
suggesting that “the sacred fire (-of the eden gate)” is a form of “creational speech”
[as ‘masculine attribute’ , see above] and perhaps “contains every possible image
to furnish a realm with” – as the main reason whý the matrix wanted this so badly ;
Seshat is very strongly linked to Thoth [the king of Babylon] for he rules Sorcery
and that Seshat is ‘a woman’ just means “a captured – or created – Attribute” :
also here we can only promise to hunt how we’re able
[perhaps will be updated]
notes by the text :
.. please open two tabs for these and fulltext ,
– the deleted John 10 ‘Hanukkah’ intro :
… the header in John 10 should ofcourse have appeared here , as well : but Esau cut-off the
text in John 10 and left out its header hére in order to hide the real theme of this chapter ;
the “Solomon’s porch” makes absolutely no sense – but “the altar” dóes !
we don’t know what the subline of 24 “tell us plainly” originally said – and isn’t so important ;
[start : Mt.23 :]
(line 2)
– ‘Moses’ scroll’ :
… KJV has ‘Moses’ as important clue to the Leviticus 8-10 chapters (see page) ;
(line 4)
– ‘bound by a curse’ :
… the word ‘curse’ is not too heavy , also said of “the result of the corrupted scroll” ,
just it is very tricky to restore what exactly was written here – though it must be close ;
however the “concerning (physical-) death” appears a better option considering the theme ;
(line 5)
– ‘not willing to forgive – until …’ :
… though totally corrupted this must have been the gist , and see intro theme ,
hence we interpreted “fire of His presence” ;
(line 6-7)
[invented / imported]
… though also appearing in Mark , it appears to be concocted lines by Esau to underline
his presentation of the Pharisees as merely (!) “being hypocritical” while in real time their
role ofcourse was of a far greater evil ; these lines he added to distort the running buildup ;
(line 8)
[invented / imported]
… see note at 6-7 ;
this line typically is to make a bridge between 6-7 and next 9 ;
(line 9)
– ‘their father Adam’ :
… as proper title , also elsewhere ; the goal was to create a juxtaposition AND suggest that
both are ‘in the other Reality’ — remember He was talking to the Pharisees so he did not have
to explain this introduction of ‘Adam’ ;
the “see what they did” is akin to the Isaiah chapter “write ostensively so hé can see it” ;
(line 10)
– ‘your master counseled the strange fire’ :
… the buildup is gorgeous here : from “their (Jacob’s) first father” to “YOUR master” here ;
this is the introduction to ‘the dimensional aspect’ of the Ritual ;
(line 11-12)
… perhaps they are genuine – but placed here to distort the buildup ;
(line 13)
– ‘block the entry of Eden for God’s people’ :
… continuation of the dimensional aspect ; and immediately related to ‘death’ – see intro ;
because only through the 144 who will NOT die Eden will restart again ;
only the eden theme appears to have been addressed , not “the door of the gate” ,
likely because it would unnecessary complicate the already difficult theme
[side note : “entry” was added in restored text for readability , the word appears [somewhat] in KJV] ;
(line 14)
[invented / imported]
… actually a corrupt mixup [-from elsewhere] of invented concepts ; intended to confuse here ;
(line 15)
– ‘wrote books to make converts’ :
… you see we stayed close to the KJV text : the “travel see and dry” made little sense ,
however : “scribes + make converts” suggests “by writing books” ! his ‘Maccabees’ !
if the Pharisees or their fáthers wrote them is not so important : perhaps even older Pharisees
were present who remembered the bringing forth of those books !
(line 16-19)
– [16-19] : ‘the swearing by the altar and the temple’ section :
… all concordances wriggle back and forth to provide a ‘spiritual meaning’ of these KJV lines ,
but the only option is that it refers back to the Maccabee book !
because “Esau is DECEIVING HIS CONVERTS” , and here is explained why ;
scarily accurate describing the sorcery mindset of today’s “watchmen community” !
one can say : “this is but filling in an opinion within these verses” but the whole context is too solid !
– [20-22] : ‘the Ritual transcends from earth to Heaven’ section :
… as a similar type buildup like previous 16-19 ;
where in part II “the undoing” is the main theme — hence the link to Revelation 8 will show there ;
(line 23-24)
– ‘the people will not understánd – nor accept it’ :
… proper and important conclusion after He has explained the occult Ritual ;
and even if they wóuld understand it they will not accept the background of that :
because they will refuse to believe “how Adam built the matrix gate”
simply because they will say “but that is not in the scroll” ;
(line 25-26)
– ‘the evil altar (the ‘image of jealousy’ aka SESHAT) in the matrix gate’ :
… first : both lines show Esau’s “inside + outside” and “cup + platter” [a 2-Tier]
and we were really at the verge of dismissing both lines as silly inventions of him ,
until remembering that “outside” is also used in prophets as “the evil realm” ;
a) considered the roots it’s very possible that He said “image of jealousy” [and see intro]
also because He wóuld refer to Ezechiel here ,
b) though we’re not 100% sure , after that image must have followed “EVIL altar” ;
c) where the 2-Tier “cup + platter” is used for “gate of the nations” in 26 it is “of eden” ;
(line 27)
– ‘but God spoke he will clóse the gate’ (Mal.1 theme) :
… see also intro theme ;
this is the infamous “pharisees are white graves” line and Esau was so proud on his
invention that he copied this one , contextless ofcourse , into another Gospel ;
(line 28)
– ‘Adam placed his strange fire on the altar’ :
… line runs on (in KJV) from 27 , therefore becáuse of 27 must happen 28 ;
in fact the only word to go by was ‘appear’ here — just as Satan=Adam appears in Zech.3
and “Adam holding up the corrupt scroll” in Rev. [=not some angel with a rainbow] ;
the line can seem farfetched but somebody had to put the false coal
which Christ removes in Rev.8 : 2-5 ;
(line 29)
– ‘protect their habitat [-in Mystery-Babylon]’ :
… please see many other pages for their “field of Reeds” , their copied paradise there ;
and indeed Adam has made these type of counsels to them ;
(line 34)
– ‘they WILL understand my words’ :
… the previous “concealing” now has to return here because different subject – the sons ,
and like everywhere else Christ was completely sure thát we would understand ;
(line 35)
– ‘then I will remove the strange fire’ (Rev.8) :
… because the condition for that is “when the sons understand” , repeated in 37 c ;
(line 36)
– ‘then God will remove the generational curse’ :
… the term “curse” is not too heavy because also said as “the result of the corrupt scroll” ,
and this removal is the same as the ‘forgiveness theme’ , see intro
[because we still haven’t succeeded to finish Lev. and Ezra , because too corrupted ,
we don’t know how exactly the curse was phrased in them :
however , after this page we have a pretty good idea concerning the extent of it , right ..] ;
(line 37)
– ‘the people dwell in Eden – áfter I get the 144’ :
… this is the horribly corrupt “Jerusalem you killed the prophets + the hen with her chickens” ,
copied and pasted – ofcourse completely contextless – in Luke 13:34 but originating from here;
He does not mention ‘the Tribulation’ here though the phrase “after I get the 144” reveals this ,
perhaps because that aspect was not directly part of this discourse ,
but rather next lines 38-39 [which we sadly have to leave for now] reflecting the closing in
several prophets about “the sons of Ammon being slain”
corruptions : through the roof — only restorable when one knows what to look for
theme : retrieved context 100% and buildup + syntax : VERY high
fulltext : below
Matthew 23 (-with John 10 intro)
fulltext : [original intro : John 10 : 22-24 !]
and it was Unleavened in Jerusalem , as the last day of it ; [and=as was=last winter=day]
and Jesus walked into the temple until before the altar ;
then the Jews came round about him , saying : [or : Pharisees]
why are you looking at the fire of it (‘altar’) ?
b [6x unknown]
1 [start : Mt.23 :]
then Jesus speaks to the Pharisees , in front of his disciples ,
saying :
you have changed the scroll of Moses concerning the dedication the altar ; [Lev.8-10]
because the two (?) sons (?) of Aaron + [3 : w/ utterly corrupt]
were coming unto the tabernacle (?) of the covenant (?)
and placed strange (?) fire (?) upon the altar of God ,
as doing that which he did not command them ; [solid phrase in Lev.10]
4 [4-5 : see theme in intro]
for therewith the people become bound by a curse , + [‘curse’ , in part II]
as one grievous to bear (?) , [or ‘concerning death’ ?]
because the sins of the people my Father will nót be willing to forgive ; +
because through their evil doing , his glory will not appear to the people ,
until the strange fire will be removed
which defiles the fire of his presence ; [5 : likely ; but w/ totally corrupted]
6-8 [6-8 : invented / imported]
9 [part I b :]
but their first father Adam + [proper title ; as juxta with ‘my Father’]
sáw the grave abomination + [strange fire in Lev.10]
which they did to my Father in heaven ;
10 [10 : intro of ‘the dimensional aspect’]
and your (‘Pharisees’) master (‘Adam’ !) + [as Christ calls him elsewhere]
counseled your fathers + [160 BC Esau who started “Hanukkah”]
to offer strange fire in the Temple ;
11-12 [11-12 : invented / imported]
13 [13 : see intro + part II]
because if your (160 BC-) fathers would repeat that iniquity ,
they would block the entry of the kingdom of heaven for God’s people : [or : ‘land of + eden’]
because He will not have forgiven them for the iniquity (‘the false fire’) +
which they (‘people’) are allowing to continue ;
14 [14-15 : invented / imported]
moreover , woe ! to you , you scribes (!) and Pharisees , hypocrites ! ,
because you wrote books about your crime + [‘1 & 2 ‘Maccabees’ !]
in order to make many converts who will believe it ,
as so to prevent that the sons of Ishral (‘you & we’) + [no ‘sons of hell’ !] [see part II]
will expose your feast of dedication ; + [next section : result of the Ritual :]
16 [16 : indeed their type reasoning !]
because blind shepherds (‘pastors’) will read it , and will say :
who ever swears (‘declares’) that the temple has existed , [from 450-70 AD]
must álso swear by the re-dedicátion of the temple , [read : ‘Hanukkah’]
or he is being unjust (‘wrong’) ; [or : ‘anathema’ ? who knows !]
but you will have deceived the shepherds , [17 : comp. type reasoning in KJV]
because God never commanded any re-dedication ,
since the temple did not néed any re-dedication ;
then they will say : [yes : they ALL do , these days !]
who ever swears that the altar existed in him (‘temple’) ,
must álso swear by the desecration of it ; [read : allegedly by Antiochus IV]
or he is being unjust (‘wrong’) ;
but you will have deceived the shepherds ,
because he never has been desecrated by the heathen ,
but it was your conspiracy for re-dedicating the altar ; [or : ‘plot , excuse’]
20 [next part : cónsequence of the Ritual :]
therefore , the ones that will swear by the re-dedication ,
will swear that it happened as you wrote in your scroll ; + [20-22 : ‘from earth to Heaven’]
as the ones that will swear by what happened to the altar ,
swearing by your strange fire which you made to burn upon it ; +
22 [22 : read : ‘will keep burning’]
but therewith they will swear +
that the false fire is burning upon the heavenly altar which stands before God ! ;
23 [PART II : the Gate :]
but woe ! unto you , you vipers ,
for the people (or ‘believers’) will not understánd these things , [sic ..]
because you have hidden in the scroll of the prophets +
how Adam went forth to the nations (-of demons) in the North , [23 : w/ totally corrupted]
in order to judge his own land of Eden [eleon=eden but no Strong’s]
however , the people will neither accept + [new line]
that Adam still was living (‘alive’) , + [b + 24 : so true ..]
because the blind shepherds (‘pastors’) will teach your lies (?) [NO ‘swallow camels’ here]
since they will nót diligently search the scroll (-of God) ; [juxta in part II b]
therefore they will neither understand + [25 : w/ totally corrupted]
how your master (‘Adam’) has built , outside , [‘outside’ : ‘the evil realm’]
the (matrix-) gate for the land of the nations (-of demons) ; [gate is ‘Damascus’]
and inside it he established ‘the image of jealousy’ ; [probably] [‘false fire altar’ Seshat]
as the evil altar + [KJV Ez.8:5-d !] [key line] [see notes]
stealing the light from inside the gate of Eden ,
so that their (‘nations’) outside (‘realm’) would be illuminated by him (‘eden gate’) ;
but then God spoke through his prophets [27 : the Mal.1 theme]
that he will clóse the opened door of the gate of eden [27 : w/ totally corrupted]
when he will make to arise the sons of Ishral (‘144’) ; [part II b]
so that the sacred fire will nó longer go forth through the opened door ; [read : ‘will escape’]
then (‘therefore’?) Adam appeared inside the gate before the altar , [comp. Zech.3 + Rev.8]
and placed upon it his strange fire as the iniquity ; [28 : véry likely]
because he had counseled + [‘fathers’ : the incognito ‘sons of Ammon’ !]
your fathers + [Alexandria 230 – 160 BC]
to protect their habitat outside (‘their realm’) , [habitat : Reed Fields of Mystery-Babylon]
by not letting the door of eden to be closed ;
but your book (‘Maccabees’) suppórts +
the crime of your own (160 BC-) fathers ,
who hearkened to Adam to go re-dedicate the altar of the temple ; [KOINos=egKAINa !]
wherefore you testify against yourselves ,
that you are the sons of the ones that offered the strange fire ;
therefore you will be judged in the (same-) measure as your fathers : +
because the serpents nor you the séed of the serpents will escape the sentence of hell ;
because behold ! , [part II b – closing :]
I will send the sons of Ishral (‘you & we’) against you ,
as the scribes (sic !) that will find out what you (shall-) have concealed for them :
because they WILL understand my words about your crime in the former time ;
then I will remove + [or ‘cast out’ , in Rev.8:2-5]
the strange fire from between the sacred fire +
that is burning upon the altar before the throne of my Father in heaven ,
cáused by the strange fire +
which the sons of Esau have offered upon the altar of His temple (-on earth) ;
verily I say to you : [a ‘generational curse’ , Lev. 8-10]
then He will remove the curse from this generation (‘Jacob’) ; + [see ‘forgiven’ in intro]
because then the people of Jacob (?) +
will be brought (?) to the paradise (?) of eden , and dwell in her , [w/ blocked in line 13 !]
after (!) I will have gathered their sons (or ‘remnant’) (‘144’) [37 : w/ totally corrupt]
who will have understood my words about your strange fire upon the altar ,
and will have annulled it ; [sic !]
[probably :] “in that day your master (‘Adam’) will die ,
and the sons of Ishral will come against you (‘as sons of Ammon’)
and they will slay you (-in the Field of Reeds)”
[for you Sir ,
as all the words you have said virtually 100% restored]
Matthew 23 (-with John 10 intro)
[start : prologue (deleted lines) :]
perhaps originally the line as (only !-) in John 10 : 22-23-24 was the start of this section ,
because the REASON for the whole discussion below is missing :
“And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.
Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him : …….. [=unknown] ……. ?”
however , 23 may have said ,“and Jesus walked into the temple unto before the solomon=altar” (!!)
because we saw how much ‘hanukkah’ as Ritual is linked to ‘the altar’ !
now suppose that line is true , what did the Pharisees ask ?
(24) : “Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him :
How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.”
“then – came – the – Jews (or : Pharisees) – round about – him , and – say – (to-) him :
[..] when=why – (are) you lifting=looking – (at-) the – soul=fire (Psuchê=pyr) of – us=him ?”
would that not make perfect Sense .. ?
[next 1-2 : continued : but Esau changed the subjects + syntax :]
“Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,
Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’seat:
then – [..] Jesus – speaks – (to-) the – multitude=Pharisees – (in-) and=front of – his – disciples ,
[w/ swapped :]
saying : [+you] (have) seated=changed (kathizó=aphanizô !) +
on=the – seat=scroll of – Moses [Leviticus 8 & 9 see page]
(concerning-) the – scribes=dedication (Grammateis=eGkainia) of – [..] the – pharisees=altar (‘no match’) ;
part I b
[utterly corrupt — and lines were added]
.. we will need to study every single line , whether it was an original one or not ,
and always consider the context of previous line —
for example , we are now “with the book of Moses” : then now must follow “what was (really) said there” :
“All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, [that] observe and do;
but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.”
then=because – (the-) as much=two (?) (hosa=duo) – all=sons (?) of – ever=Aaron (AN=AaroN)
(were) saying=coming (?) – you=unto (?) – (the-) keep=tabernacle (?) of – (the-) keep=covenant (?)
and – do=placed (?) – yet=strange (?) – according=fire (?) +
(upon-) the – works=altar (erga=thysastêrion) of – their=God (autos=theos) , [3 : in-cre-dible corrupt]
no=as – doing – (that-) say=which – [.. 1x ..] – they=he (did) – not – do=command – and=them ;
note :
… the “they did what I have not commanded them” features in Lev.10 , concerning the false fire ,
and sounds very much like “say but not do” what Esau made of it ;
“For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay [them] on men’s shoulders;
but they [themselves] will not move them with one of their fingers.”
for [+therewith] – (the-) burdens=people + [< subject needs be sped up]
(become) bound – (by-) (a-) heavy=curse (?) (see part II , and similar meaning) (barus=katara) +
and=as – (one-) grievous to bear (?) ,
and=because – [..] the – shoulders=sins (óMos=haMartia) of – the – men=people
[..] [..] them=my – fingers=Father – (will) not – (be) willing – to move=forgive (kineó=aphesis) [..] ;
note :
… the whole dedication [-in Lev.8] started with extensive “sin offerings” !
b) it takes too long before “the curse” is connected to “upon the shoulders of men”
while this “upon the shoulders” is very flowery talk ;
“But all their works they do for to be seen of men:
(b) they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,”
[=and] – all=because of – their – works=evil doing , [a-b : see end of Lev.9]
toward=his – do=glory (poiosin=hagios) – (will) the=not – seen=appear (‘close’!) – (to-) the – [=people] ,
(b) can be anything .. too corrupted … ;
yet=until – (the) their=strange (?) – phylacteries=fire (?) (phy-laktéria=pyr)
(will be) broaden=removed (?) (platunó=parapherô)
and=which – enlarging=defiles (megalunú=koinoô) +
the – edges=fire (?) of – them=his – garments=presence (?) ; [< else ?]
note :
a) question is ‘what was the reasoning’ : perhaps “defiling his sacred fire” is not good enough
and neither is “defiling his sacred altar”
because the whole point was “God not showing his presence”
so that “the sacred fire itself must represent an aspect of that presence” ;
[next : problem :]
… so where does the buildup go from here ?
previous line was a type of [sub-] closing , as a conclusion , and our next stop is line 13 ,
the “blocking the kingdom of heaven [=eden] for the people” — so we’ve 6 lines here to fill ;
it may have been “and Adam saw it [=Lev.8-10] and he devised a plan” (to realize line 13) :
but how can we fit that into the next lines ?
“And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,” [< Mk.12: 39 copy]
“And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.” [< from Mk.12: 38]
“But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master,
[even] Christ; and all ye are brethren.” [< from Mk.12:37]
… here ,
these lines – apart from having been taken from elsewhere – look like ‘page fillers’ to disguise a theme ;
while it’s impossible to find the context of the three Mark verses ;
next one is more promising :
“And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”
and=but – your=their (‘Jacob’s) – no=first – father [+Adam?] + [9 : attempt – but possible :]
call=sáw – [..] the – one=grave (?) – earth=abomination (‘no match’) [in Lev. 8-10]
[w/ swapped 1x :]
for=which – [+they] is=did – (to-) your=my – Father – in – [..] heaven ;
note :
… this is the line we need – Esau saw here “two type fathers” (God and ‘Adam’) ,
a) now is clear that by previous [-silly] lines he searched to hide THIS theme ,
b) the usual expression is “their first father Adam”
[or just ‘their first father’ if ‘Adam’ shows in the next line — but here that refuses to run] ,
c) that [+Adam] may have appeared shows in Esau’s sloppy syntax [see d) below]
and first because the ‘you’ in the first line is in the wrong place ,
d) the syntax is a mess , like 10 below ; see the reading sequence by (1) (2) (3) ,
(2) ONE (1) for (3) IS (4..) THE FATHER OF-YOU THE IN THE heavens
… the point is not that the “for – one – is (etc)” is wrong , for old-Greek often runs like that ,
but that because a juxta is made the first subject cannot act towards the second one – see ?
because now the line is divided in two isolated parts [-as the juxta] ; which is now restored ;
“Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, [even] Christ.”
nor=and – one=your (‘Pharisees’) – master (‘Adam’!) + [also said elsewhere by Christ]
called=counseled (kaleó=boulê) – your – for=fathers (160 BC Esau who started “Hanukkah”)
to is=offer (?) – mas + ter = strange + fire (?) – (in-) the – christ=Temple (christos=naos) ;
note :
… this one runs proper : the “your master” is very strong here , because after introducing Adam
now his connection with Esau is presented ;
b) he used the same syntax trick here to create a [nonexisting-] juxtaposition , like in 9 ,
see the (1) (2) (3) (4) and (5) for the reading order of the subline :
(2) ONE (1) for (3) OF-YOU (4) IS (5) THE DOWN-LEADer THE ANOINTED ;
though a subline often starts ‘in 2nd position’ (here as “for”) this line also seems concocted
for again the “YOU” here is at the wrong place –
and this all apart from the repetitive non-information he is conveying ;
c) though the “strange + fire” is a contextual guess , Esau’s repeated ‘master’ was corrupt anyway ;
“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” [11-12 : open door coverup lines]
“And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
… here ,
a line taken from somewhere else [like Mk.9:35] but completely useless here ;
first we must know the reason why Adam proposed that [=is in next line 13]
which almost próves that Esau inserted these two ‘open door themes’ here to confuse the buildup :
“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men:
for ye neither go in [yourselves], neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.”
[tricky :] [13 : likely correct – see also part II :]
[w/ swapped 1x ? :]
yet=because (-if) – your – (160 BC-) woe=fathers +
scribes=would – and=do (kai=poieó) – pharisees=again (?) (pharisaios=prôstithemi)
(that-) hypocrites=iniquity (hupo-krités=adi-kia) ,
that=then – you=they (would) shut up (‘block’) – the – kingdom of – [..] heaven + [or : ‘land of + eden’ etc]
against – [..] [+His] [=people] ,
because (old syntax) – [+he] (will) you=not – (have) enter=forgiven – not=them +
neither=for – the – entering=abomination (?) (‘the false fire’) +
(which-) you=they (‘people’!) (are) allowing – to enter=continue (eiserch-omai=para-menô) ;
note :
… the restored buildup is very strong – and therefore likely correct ;
a) for the problem “forgiven by Christ – but NOT by God” see intro ,
b) the [also-] corrupt mirror is Luke 11:52 ,
“Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves,
and them that were entering in ye hindered.” following after “the blood of Abel and Zacharias” (51)
which shows at the end of part II here ! — you see how utterly corrupt everything is by Esau ;
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: [14 : from elsewhere]
therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.”
[next 15 : is interesting because ‘the Pharisees actively make proselytes’ (-for their Ritual !)
and we can’t help thinking about “he writing his ‘Maccabees’ book ;
b) also , between previous 13 and next 16 – in which believers táke the Bait –
a line like this would make very much sense :
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte,
and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”
[+moreover] , woe ! – (to-) you , (you-) scribes (see next) – and – Pharisees , hypocrites ! ,
because – you travel=wrote (periagó=graphó !) – [..] sea=scrolls (‘books’) (thalassON=bibliON) +
and=about – [..] [+your] dry=crime + [b-c : the ‘Maccabees’ !]
(in order-) to make – one=many – converts – and=who – (will) become=believe – when=it ,
to make=prevent (poiaó=phthanô !) – (that-) (the-) sons of – hell=Ishral (!) (‘144’) (part II)
(will) him=expose (?) (autos=apostegazô) – your – twice=feast of dedication (?) (diplous=egkainia) ; (?)
note :
… useful line :
a) the color of the line does NOT suggest the ‘common’ theme of “the corrupted scroll”
but instead a similar theme in which they were actively engaged in [from 160 BC – 50 (?) BC] ;
b) the link with “deceiving the people” so that “the sons will not find out” is in part II ,
c) ofcourse the question is ‘did it write ‘feast of dedication’ — yet why not ?
since this chapter stárted by mentioning it ; while it greatly helps next 16 :
part I c
[16-22 : tricky : now “how the Ritual works , in real-time” ?]
[next 16 : this indeed sounds like how pastors reason ! :]
“Woe unto you, [ye] blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing;
but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!”
woe=because – blind – guides=shepherds (‘pastors’) – (will) you=read (-it) (su=anagin-ôskô) ,
[=and] – (will) say :
who ever – swears (‘believes’?) – in=that – the – temple – not=has – is=existed (‘close’!) ,
who=must – yet=álso – [..] – swear – [=by] – the – gold=re-dedication (?) (‘Hanukkah’) of – the – temple ,
(or-) [+he] (is being) debtor=unjust (‘wrong’) (opheiló=adikeô) ;
note :
.. perhaps this ‘believing’ (swearing) theme was exploited by Esau in John 10 , after the hanukkah line ;
b) “gold” (-chrusos) does not look like ‘dedication’ (-egkainia) but perhaps for the gutteral sound ;
“[Ye] fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?”
[attempt :]
and=but – [+you] (will have) fools=deceived – (the-) blind=shepherds (tuphlos=poimên) ,
because – is=God (esti=theos) – which=never (‘not’) – greater=commanded (ME-gas=entello-Mai) +
[..] (any-) gold=re-dedication (as in 16) , [‘not command’ : the important Lev. 8-10 quote !]
or=since – the – temple – (did) [+not] sanctified=néed (hagiazô=anagke !) +
[..] (any-) gold=re-dedication ;
“And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing;
but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty.
[=then] [+they (will) say] :
who ever – swears (‘believes’?) – in=that – the – altar – is=existed (‘close’!) – (in-) no=him (‘temple’) ,
who=must – yet=álso – [..] – swear – [=by] – the – oblation=abomination (!) (dóró=bdelygama) – upon – it,
or d #2 :
[=by] – the – oblation=desecration (dóró=bebêloô) of – [..] it ; <<<
(or-) [+he] (is being) debtor=unjust (‘wrong’) (opheiló=adikeô) ;
note :
… we rather like ‘desecration’ or we get to that pesky “abomination of desolation” theme
[which’ meaning we still hold as “the soul unsupported by God , during the tribulation”] ;
“[Ye] fools and blind: for whether [is] greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?
and=but – [+you] (will have) fools=deceived – (the-) blind=shepherds (tuphlos=poimên) ,
because – [+he] (will) – which=never (‘not’) – (have been) greater=desecrated – (by-) (a-) oblation=heathen ,
or=but – (it-) the=was – [+your] altar=conspiracy (thusiastêrion=synômosia) + [‘plot, excuse’]
the=for – sanctifieth=re-dedicating (‘close’) – the – gift=altar ;
[conclusion :] [and perhaps even more difficult :]
“Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon.”
therefore , the (-ones) – (that will) swear – [=by] – the – altar=re-dedication , [or : ‘believe in’]
(will) swear – by=that – (it-) it=happened (autos=esti) +
and=as – [..] [+you] all=wrote (?) (pantas=graphó) – [..] (in-) it=your – upon=scroll (?) (epaNó=biblioN) ;
“And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein.”
and – the (-ones) – (that will) swear – [=by] – (what happened to-) the – altar ,
(will) swear – in=by – and=your – (strange-) it=fire
in=which – [+you] (made) to dwell=burn (katoikeó=ekkaiô ! , and see part II) – (upon-) it ;
“And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.”
and=but – the=therewith – [+he] (will) swear +
in=that – the – (false-) heaven=fire – (is) sweareth=burning +
[w/ totally swapped ; also because we skipped the 2nd ‘sweareth’ :]
[=upon] – the – throne=heavenly – [..] god=altar +
and=which – [..] sit=stands – the=before – (the throne of-) it=God (autos=theos) ;
[incredible .. the very first complete description ‘of an Occult Ritual’… !]
part II
[now (explaining-) ‘the gate’ theme]
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,
and have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith:
these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.”
(but) woe ! – (unto-) you , (you-) scribes=vipers (grammat-eis=oph-eis . line 33) ,
(for-) (the-) hypocrites=people (or : ‘believers’) + [b-c : main subject]
(will) and=not – pharisees=understand [+these (-things) ] ,
because – you (have) pay tithe=hidden (apodekatoo=apokryptô) +
(in-) the – mint=scroll (héduosm-on=biblion) of – [..] the – dill=prophets (an-éth-on=prophétés)
and=how – [..] cumin=Adam (kuminon=adam) + [perhaps not ‘your master’ here]
[..] left=went forth +
[w/ swapped 1x ? :]
(to-) the – law=nations (-of demons) (nomos=ethnos) – (in-) the – weightier=North (barus=borrás) ,
the=in order (?) – to judge – [+his] (own-) and=land (?) (kai=ge) of – [..] mercy=Eden (eleon=eden)
note :
a) there is not enough text for “how he first left Eden” etc ;
and because He talks to the Pharisees he doesn’t NEED to explain that much
[except “enough for ús to understand it”] ;
b) repeating “woe scribes and pharisees” would cost us valuable text : same in next lines ;
[new line :]
[old syntax ? :]
and=however , the – belief=people – (will) neither – leave=accept +
these=that – [and] those=Adam – and [those]=still – must=was – do=living (‘alive’) (poieó=zóe) , +
“[Ye] blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”
[+because] – (the-) blind – guides=shepherds (‘pastors’) +
[well , this can be anything :]
[..] (will) sieve=teach [+them] (diulizó=didaskô ! , ‘sieve’ = false root) – [..] [+your] gnat=lies (?)
[=and] – (will) the=not – swallow=diligently search – (the-) camel=scroll (kamelon=biblion , as shown)
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.”
you=therefore – [+they] (will) – woe=neither – scribes=understand + [< required restart]
[perhaps syntax w/ swapped :]
and=that – hypocrites=your – pharisees=master (?) (‘Adam’) (pharisaios=kathêgêtês , see part I)
that=has – clean=built (katharizó=epoikodomeô) + [KJV 29 : ‘build a tomb’ !]
outside (possibly read : “in the matrix realm” ; term is also used in prophets) (exothén=xenos)
the – (matrix-) cup=gate (poté-rion=pylê) – and=for – (the-) the=land (tês=gê) of +
the – platter=nations (-of demons) (paropsis=ethnos) ; [gate = Damascus]
[and what ? inside it he placed the image of jealousy – Ezekiel ? ; we’re still with “construction” here :]
[=and] – inside (-it) – they=he full=established (gemó=stêrizô) +
out=the – plunder=image (?) (harpagé=eikon) of + [SESHAT = false (fire-) altar , see Ez.8]
[..] self-indulgence=jealousy (‘close’ ! and weird word anyway) (akrasia=zêlos) ;
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead [men’s] bones, and of all uncleanness.”
you=but (then-) – woe=God – scribes=spoke (?) – and=through – hypocrites=his – pharisees=prophets
that – you=he (will) are like=close (?) (paromoiazó=kammyô ; seems contrived root) +
(the-) whited=opened (koniaó=anakalyptô) + [a-e : this is Mal.1 !]
sepulchre=door of – (the-) which=gate (?) of – outside=eden (?) (extothen=eden)
indeed=when – [+he] (will make to-) appear=arise – (the-) beautiful=sons of – inside=Ishral (‘144’) ;
yet=so that – (the-) dead=sacred (?) – bones=fire + [e-f : KJV greek syntax overruled]
(will) [+no longer] filled=go forth (mestos=exerchomai) + [read : escape]
and=through – (the-) uncleanness=opened (akatharsia=anakalyptô , see c) – all=door (pas=thyra) ;
“Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”
also=but – thus=then [..] – [..] men=Adam (?) (‘close’) – appeared – outside=inside – (the-) indeed=gate (?) +
(before-) (?) – the – just=altar (?) , [comp. Zech.: ‘Satan=Adam standing next to Joshua’ ?]
[=and] – inside=placed (?) – full=upon (?) – are=it (?) +
and=his (?) – hypo + crisy = false + fire (?) (hupo=pyr + krisis=xenos) – (as-) (the-) iniquity ;
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,”
woe=because – [+he] you=had – scribes=counseled + [b : the incognito ‘sons of Ammon’ !]
hypocrites=your – pharisees=fathers (pharisaios=pater) + [Alexandria 230 – 160 BC]
[..] to build=protect (oikodomeó=amynomai)
[..] the=their – tombs=habitat (‘Mystery-Babylon’) (taphos=epaulis) – prophets=outside (‘their realm’) ,
(by-) and=not (letting) – the – sepulchres=door of – [..] just=eden (?) (dikai-on=eden) +
(to be) adorning=closed (kosmeó=kammyô) ;
“And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers,
we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.”
and – yóu say=wrote (leGete=Graphô) – [if=the] – [+your] were=scroll (emeN=biblioN) – [=about] +
the – days of – [=your] – (own-) (160 BC-) fathers , [or : ‘the crime of your fathers’ !]
not=who – were=hearkened (?) – (to-) ever=Adam (an=adam) + [syntax is good]
to go partakers=re-dedicate (KOINos=egKAINa !!) [..] +
the – blood=altar (Haima=thysiasthêrion) of – the – prophets=temple (prophétés=naos) ;
“Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.”
wherefore – you testify – (against-) yourselves , +
that – you are – (the-) sons of – the (-ones) + [their 160 BC fathers]
(that) murdered=offered (phoneuó=anapherô !) – the – pro+phets = strange + fire (pro-phétés=pyr+xenos) ;
note :
a) because ‘fire’ is such a small word (-pyr) the “pro + phets” must have been a double term ;
b) and because this 31 seems 100% , now we need go back to 30 :
“Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
[Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
and=therefore – you – (will be) fill=judged – (in-) the – (same-) measure – [..] (as-) your – fathers :
(because-) (the-) serpents – (nor-) (the-) séed of – (the-) [=serpents] + [fathers + them]
[.. 1x ..] – (will) escape – the – sentence of – hell ;
part II b
“Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes:
and [some] of them ye shall kill and crucify; and [some] of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues,
and persecute [them] from city to city:”
[=because] – [..] behold ! , [b : ‘prophets + and + wise men’ reads concocted]
I – (will) send – (the-) prophets=sons of – [..] wise men=Ishral (‘you & we’) – [=against] – you ,
[c-d : old syntax now :]
and=as – (the-) scribes (sic !) – (that will-) crucify=find out +
and=what – you (have) kill=concealed (apokteinó=apokryptô !) – out=for – them :
and=because – [..] [..] you=they (WILL) scourge=understand (mastigoó=ginoskó) +
[..] you=my – synagogue=words (synagogas=logos) – and=about +
[+your] persecute=crime (‘close’) – (in-) (the-) city=former (polis=prôtos) – into=time (eis=kairos) ;
[next 35 : it does show ‘altar’ but man .. this one is tricky : [35 : key line !]
now must follow “the purging of the heavenly altar in the Gate” – per Rev. 8:2-5 :]
“That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel
(b) unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.”
that=then – you=I (will) come=remove (erchomai=methistêmi) + [or ‘cast out’ , in Rev.]
(the-) you=strange – on=fire (e-ph=p-yr) – (from-) all=between – (the-) righteous=sacred (sic) – blood=fire
(that-) (is) shed=burning (ekcheo=ekkaiô !) – upon – the – land=altar (ges=bômos here ?) +
from=before – the – blood=throne (haimatos=thronos) of +
the=my – abel=Father (name=name) – [..] (in-) righteous=heaven (dikaios=ouranos) ;
f as (b)
until=cáused (heós=poieô) – (by-) the – zacharias=strange – blood=fire +
[w/ swapped 1x :]
which – (the-) sons of – barachias=Esau (line 31) – (have) slew=offered (phoneuó=anapherô !) +
[w/ swapped 1x :]
between=upon – the – altar of – [..] and=his (God’s) (?) – temple (-on earth) ;
note :
… perhaps unbelievable but you see how well the line runs + combined with the roots !
moreover – this is a complete description of the Occult ‘Hanukkah’ Ritual !
a) you see that there’s “a righteous + blood” and “another type blood” , so some juxta here ;
b) so “the angel [-casting out the coals]” in Rev. 8 is Christ (well , who else) ;
c) because of the buildup “the sons” here must be “of Esau” as juxtaposed to 34 b-e ;
[next section was cut & pasted elsewhere , like in Lk.13 : 34-35]
“Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.”
verily – I say – (to-) you : [36 : ‘generational curse’ since Lev. 8 & 9]
[+then] – [+he] (God – per 35?) (will) come=lift (‘remove’) (hékó=airô) + [comp. 53-a !]
these=the – all=curse (panta=katara) – upon=from (-off) – [..] this – generation (‘Jacob’) ;
note :
… in fact it WAS a type ‘curse’ (like the corrupt KJV is said to be ‘a curse’ , in prophets)
where the origin dates back to the sons of Aaron in 1200 BC ;
b) it makes sense that “after the removing of the false fire” (in 35) now “the curse is removed” !
[next 37 : question is whether this line was part of the whole theme
but in fact she needs a closing line as ‘a promise’ ;
however it’s a tricky line — first subject is now still “the generation” ? :
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee,
how often would I have gathered thy children together,
even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!”
[+and] (-the) jerusalem=people (?) of – jerusalem=Jacob (j=j?) – [..] (will be) kill=brought (?) +
(to-) the – prophets=paradise (?) (prophétés=paradisios) of – [..] stonest=eden (?) [no Strong’s]
the=and – (will) send=dwell – unto=in – her , [a-c : where that was blocked in line 13 !]
how=after (!) – I will – (have) gathered – [..] you=their – children=sons (or : ‘remnant’) (‘144’) +
“even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!”
(can be anything : but NOT ‘hen + chickens’) :
who – (will have) gathered=understood – [+my] (?) way=words (?) (tropos=logos)
(about-) her=your – [..] young=strange (nos-sion=xe-nos !) – hen=fire +
under=upon – the – wings=altar (p-terygas=thysastêr-ion ; as shown) ,
and – (will have) would=annulled (theló=athetêsis !) – not=it ; [sic !]
note :
… Christ cannot say “after the removal of the curse Jacob has to go into the Tribulation”
but the main promise must follow now ; yet he does suggest that by saying “after….” ;
the roots of e-f-g-h seem so solid that it MUST have said this !
[closing :] [2x unsure – what was the intent ? :]
“Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth,
till ye shall say, Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”