[for the shown deity TEM see Isaiah 17 page]


pt.II : the Adam-Ptolemy pact :
– Pithom Stele proves part I
– covering-up spiritual Egypt

[+glyph-reading explained]
– the Aristeas letter : Esau
enjoys his corrupt Septuagint

[2023-03mar.12- ]

[we haven’t succeeded to finish this one yet — you can find a PDF of this letter online ;
the point is
that the content is a deliberate distortion of events written by (a member of-) Esau
to hide the fact that hé corrupted the scroll : in fact it was written for his descendants
as “those in the know” because (-only) they would understand that
— there never were “72 members of the tribes of Ishral sent to translate”
      but it refers to “the 91 seats in the Sanhedrin in Alexandria” , Esau’s spiritual court ;
— the lengthy descriptions of all “the golden gifts”
      were a description of their ówn gigantic wealth : they describe how the 91 seats
      were made of pure gold wrought with the most beautiful decorations , etc ,
     as the wealth given to them by Ptolemy II for executing his plan
— the “questioning the scribes by Ptolemy”
      was not intended “to try and probe the spiritual righteousness of the Temple translators”
      but were “enquiries how to corrupt the themes in the scroll the smartest way”
      and you can distill that from the given answers ;
… in fact Esau knew that ‘the christians would not understand what he did’
and he could not hide his devilish Glee : this is what “the letter” is about …..
perhaps once – ever – we’ll come to complete this section


                                                                              the Pithom Stele

the (shown-) name ‘Ptolemy’
is just a transliteration of the Greek into suitable hieroglyphs
where the ‘L’ – not used in ancient Egypt – becomes the ‘R’ :

P      (the square in top)
T        (the drop on a surface)
AU     (the lasso)
R=L    (the lion)
M       (the edge)
II         (the double feather)
S        (the cloth draped over a chair)

                                                         A)    Ptolemy offering to the lined-up deities


description of the top of this plate :
… to read along – and if you want a larger size for that – please see page 68 of the PDF
shown above ,
the scene is ‘a mirror’ , as “a right side and left side” virtually showing the sáme event and text  — 
Ptolemy appears as standing both at the far-left and the far-right ,
and the idea is that both sides “work their way back to the center , where his wife stands” ,
and because his wife lines up with the deities , she represents “Esau-souls in the other Reality” ;
… if you wish to read along and need a larger scene please see page 68 of the PDF ;
but please note that (-also because of the mirror) the direction of shown glyphs is changing :
in the left-side mirror Ptolemy “speaks from left to right” 
              [start at the left column and read ‘down left to upper right’ – until the ‘bee-glyph’] 
while the deities ánswer him “speaking from right to left” 
              [and in the right-side mirror the whole process is the other way around , ofcourse] 
text near Ptolemy :
… restored from both sides because much is damaged ,
please remember that ‘Tem’ is a cover for ‘Adam’ ,
and see part I for this “son” theme :
       Ptolemy – having risen and crowned (KHÂ?) – (as) thou (Tem’s) – son (but shows ‘spirit’ KHU) ,
       (in name of-) [..a title..] – [.. unreadable ..] – all (of) – [.. unreadable ..] – (by) the king (-of the north)


Ptolemy’s ‘title cartouche’ :
… actually representing ‘his Attribute’ , see to right ;                           
in the lower half you see ‘the jackal staff’ USER and ‘raised arms’ KA
and in the top Râ and probably the deity Tem ;

USER usually means “power” but there’s a catch : it is “to make (matrix-) speech
[S-R] / (for) the (matrix-) word [U]” because it refers to “the stolen eden-words” ,
and combined with KA “to double” but here with stop-line so “the double” 
combined it reads “double speech (to make)” as “powerful double-speak” ! ,
ending at “… by Tem for Râ” or another combination – that is not so important ;
the key aspect here is that it links to the corrupt Septuagint theme ;
[the expression to deities “(I am-) thou son” is common , where the glyph ‘duck’ SA “son” 
is very similar to this one ; however the difference is minimal and won’t influence the reading]   
Ptolemy offers Maât (?) (‘justice’) to the deity T’EM :
…  the far-right depiction is a bit more clear and looks like ‘a deity with one feather’ ;
however – this Egyptian “justice” means “to sacrifice” MAÂ , namely “(things of-) Eden” ,
minimum implying ‘that Ptolemy offers a work of himself  to this deity” — this “double-speak” ;
1) the response of ‘left side’ Tem :
who is accépting the gift ; the column at his feet , read upwards ,
          forever – all (of) (adj.) – the light – alike-adam’s                                      (glyphs were swapped) 
          [being] all (of) – the things of the foreign-land (‘probably “earth” here)
          [tó] the two (matrix-) lands (‘their paradise’) – [of] thou – existence – to give     

           the glyph MIÁ has the colour “alike-adam” , not so much “alike-eden” ,
           while indeed the phrase ‘alike-adam’ belongs to Tem ,
         the ‘right side’ Tem :
          two columns above TEM , from down left to upper right :
        forever – (to be) the eternal light – (of) existence (‘in their paradise’)
        (because-) the noble ones (‘matrix-beings’) – the light – succeeded to acquire ,
        [.. as the light ? ..] – (by means of-) thou – to connect to – the great – god – Tem ,
        (for to be) existence of hail ; to recite 

         these lines come VERY close – if not confirm ! – what we posed in part I ;
above this Tem are a few glyphs but the interpretation is tricky ,
        (Tem) all (adj.) – the divine things – to make (?, SU) – (for?) the sky (‘of earth ?’) 
         the column at his féet says “forever – the light – to stand upright” 
         and this “standing upright” is a concept always said about something in their evil region 
         (and indeed BY Tem as the matrix-gate it ‘stands upright’ there) ,
         so here he COULD talk about “making the spiritual blanket over this earth” ,
         per “the king of the north” theme – see part I ,        
2) the response of the second figure – Osiris (‘the nature of that evil region’) : 
at the right hand side , at his feet , one column , read upwards ,
      (in?) the sky – (of) (matrix-) existence
      Râ – to (keep on-) rising and be crowned – (for?) all ,
      (by means of-) [… unreadable ….] – to give  

       and above him are two columns , the second one has  
       (by ?) the place [… unreadable : ‘as earth’ ? …] [….] ,
       (for?) the place in the East – (as?) all (adj.) – (of) the mouth (‘matrix-gate’) – (for) Osiris – the god ,
       (for) existence of hail ; to recite ;    

3) the response of Horus :
as the (hawk-) figure at right hand side , one column at his feet , read upwards ,
         […] (tó?) the two lands (‘the matrix’) – the speech (‘from earth’?) – to guide (?) (a verb) ,
         (in order-) (eden-) existence – to beat (QEN)
        (by means of-) thou (‘Ptolemy’) – [… the double existence ? …] (NN?) – to give

          last line as : “because you give double-existence” ,
          where Horus rules the entire gate-region ; 
4) the response of Hathor (or : Isis) :
since both show in the short line above Arsinoë ; one reads ,
         the light – alike-adam’s – to unite (-with the matrix)                              (glyphs w/ swapped)
         (as) the things of the foreign land (‘earth’) – (for) (matrix-) peace     +
         for – all (of) – the double (matrix-) land ,
          (by means of-) thou (‘Ptolemy’) – [… double existence ? …] (NN?) – to give

          this deity “unites the false light coming from earth WITH their matrix paradise” ;   
5) the response of Arsinoë :
rather bizarrely she stands in the line-up of deities — but almost as ‘end-point’ 
which can only mean that she represents the inhabitants óf the Field of Reeds ,
the column next to her feet reads , upwards , 
         the festivals (-of the solarplane) – (by-) thou – existence – (to-) he – to give ,
        (and?) to doorkeep (?) (‘guard’) – he – the (ânkh-) life
        [… unreadable …] – (as?) the double-existence (?) – (for?) the mother (read : wife) 

B) the (mirrored-) centre line above the deities : the ‘overall meaning of the shown depictions’ :
… please understand that “seeing the glyphs” is something else as “making Sense of them”  —
you see the “house of the horizon” in the exact centre ,
where the same line can be read as in a mirror to the left hand ánd to the right hand side :
        (by) the house of the horizon (‘the entire matrix-gate region’) – for – to manifest     +
        the healthy (‘green’) – (matrix-) atmosphere ,
        (as?) all (adj.) of – the (matrix-) sky – the great – god ,
         (by means of-) the city (‘earth’) (being) the seat (-as the engraved image) (BH’T”)

           where it would read “the engraved seat Earth” as “a rather simple type creation”   —
          just like the Scroll uses “engraved image” to denote “our present type body” ;
          b) oftentimes the subject shows befóre ‘to manifest’ but that is not maintainable here ; 
 all the images and text together would read something like ,
       (for) Osiris (‘the matrix’) ,
       Ptolemy offers “justice as double-speak” 
       to Tem (‘the matrix-gate , but represented by Adam’)
        which is received by Tem ‘as a type light for the noble ones (‘inhabitants’) of the matrix’ ;
       as a (false-) light that originates ‘from the city’ (‘earth’) ,
       which is guided by Horus tó the matrix (-gate)
       (and because of this gift Horus can keep beating Eden) ,
       where this light is united with the matrix-sky by Hathor :
       so that the inhabitants of the matrix will have a healthy sky-atmosphere
       and can maintain their festivals (‘read : can continue their cycles of Time’)
… now , please — what can have caused all the above if not the corrupted scroll … ?
and also note ,
how this whole theme of “the matrix-region Feeding Off that what Jacob on earth ‘does wrong’ 
resembles very much “the double Trap” theme about the abuse of our Female Originals ,
as the method through which the evil matrix maintains herself …. 

                                                                         B :       the lower (text-) half of the Stele

… taken from the PDF page 72 below shows the first (!) line 28    —
to follow it with the restored text read a) from left to right , then continue the same way with b) ,

a)  ptolemy  a
b)  ptolemy  b
[sections in brown are a mess ; those in normal black are running ; comments in blue :] 
(first-) line 28 :
        eternal (-matrix-) light – [as] forever (?) – existence (?) of hail – alike-adam’s (MIÁ?) ,
Râ – ……… – the sandals – below ,
to unite – the 9 bows – ……….. – (matrix-) existence – to bring ,

        to dance (?,KHB) – the foreign lands – [by means of?] he – the utchat-eye (‘the Scroll’ ?)       +
       as (?) – the light (?) – [by?] egypt – [for?] the (matrix-) throne (GET?) – above ,
       [to be] the health (TCHA) – [through] he – the son (‘Ptolemy’) – [of?] the (ânkh-) living ones     +
       [by means of] the …… – to inverse (SA) – [for?] Horus – above ;
        note :
        the “foreign lands” must be “in the matrix-realm” ;
        in the Spells “the Utchat-eye” is also a description of different important attributes ;
        the impression “the inversed Scroll as the (false-) light by Egypt FOR the matrix” is defendable ;

        the one (“the inverted scroll” now?) – to rise and be crowned – forever ,
        ……….. – the things of (?) the land – for (?) – [to be?] he – the majesty – [of?] (matrix-) existence ,
        [through?] the firstborn (‘prince’) – the name – [of?] health – ….. 4x …… ,
        the (Esau-) soul – to face – he – existence – [of?] the star god – [from?] above ,
        [and therewith?] to rejoice – the restrained – (Esau-) soul – [of] eden-within ,
        note :
        interestingly he hasn’t mentioned “Tem the father” YET while this “star god” has no previous
        reference : but considered the buildup and juxta with ‘soul’ here , this stargod can be Adam !

       [because FOR?] the Egyptians – [to be?] the divine things – [by?] this – place ,
       as (?) – the festival – by – he – the one (‘the stargod’?) – existence – to make (ÁR , by eden !) ,
       [by means of?] the speech – [of?] existence – [as?] the construct (‘boat’)         +
       [of?] the word of the (eden-) house – [fór] he – existence – to write (SESH) ;
       note :
       this sounds very much “like a promise for the Egyptians that the star-god will help them
       IF the word of the house will be (re-) written” – compare the “inverse” in previous line ;

       [and?] the king (?) – to restrain [-it] ,                                      [king : Ptolemy or the star-god ?] 
       [therefore?] he – to rise and be crowned       +
       for (‘at’?) – the place as the foreign land of TH-K-U        +                                [said : ‘Succoth’]         
       [to be?] existence – (of) (ânkh-) life ;
       [by?] the great god – Tem (?) – [as] he – the father – [of?] existence – to face ,          [sic !] 
       [and about?] the thing of the enemy (KHEF-T) – [concerning?] the speech      +
       this – tablet (+to make) (+S?) – [for?] – the Legal right – above ;
notes :
— per the text it is possible “that Ptolemy himself made or dictated this tablet”
      (which also would explain the poor syntax – see below)
     but would also link to the ‘Ptolemy inscription AT the mount” , see part I ,
— note how only now he mentions the deity’s name as “Tem” , “Tem as he the father” ,
and compare the “father disguise” we posed in part I , 

— the TH-K “Succoth” :
the ‘Succoth’ question :
… in this tablet appearing as TH-K-T or TH-K-U as to right ,     
here ending with “the foreign-land” glyph and then “place” (or ‘city’) ;

the PDF (-and many others) search to link TH-K-U with the Succoth of the Exodus
which is a semitic name , and then they think to have matched that with this TH-K-T     —
but the whole ‘Succoth’ can very well be a (deliberate-) mistake in the Scroll ;
the whole discussion is not interesting enough to repeat here , but we make the case that this 
place “THEKU or THEKT was the region of the mount where Adam met Ptolemy” ;
that the tablet was found in Northern egypt — in P-T’EM , the same as “the father Tem —
does not necessarily mean that the place was called ‘Succoth’ because the táblet writes ‘TH-K-T’ ;        
… it’s true that no “mount glyph” appears in this text but “foreign-land / desert” dóes – see pic ,
and oftentimes “the eastern desert” ÁABT also shows in the text  
(see ‘the real mt. Horeb’ page how the desert also was between the Nile and the Red Sea)   —
however the weirdest is the indeed unusual glyph itself , ending upon -TH “to connect to” ,
where THEK is listed in Budge’s dictionary as ‘thou’  :
making it “the place of the foreign desert (-where) to thou to connect to” 
and considered the enormous impact the event had on Ptolemy , why not call it like that … ?
         the text has (line 1) “the (ânkh-) life) , 
        [through?] the desert place of KH-T-T – [as?] the (ânkh-) life – [of?] the great god – Tem”

lines 27-1
… we did try — but this page would become a gigantic Mess ,
because so many glyphs are unreadable that to restore ány possible context is undoable  —
and though we are the same sorry as you that we fail to pull more out of this ,
please remember that in fact we already háve the most important core by now , right ?
interestingly , and see PDF (page 71 for the glyphs) ,
next line 27 mentions ‘660,000 … silvers – per year” which makes total Sense because now
ofcourse must follow the immense wealth that Adam promised him – and see part 1 ! 
closing : 
observations concerning the hieroglyph text :
— a few times the pronoun “me” shows ,
     making it very possible that Ptolemy himself wrote this — or dictated it ; and see above ;
— the syntax is incredibly Poor : very rudimentary , often illogical ,
     many instances of repeated ‘pet verbs’ that don’t match the subject ,
     as if the writer only had limited word knowledge ,
— verbs following upon eachother – this is impossible in the Spells – making the subject unclear ,
— frequently a term is inversed as according to the Greek way of reading , like ‘k-Gree’ 
     (showing already that the reading-direction was altering : see next theme) 


                                                covering up Egypt’s (spiritual-) treasures

            … in order for Adam’s new Western Culture – based on the Septuagint – to succeed ,
            the knowledge about the religion of ancient Egypt would have to become veiled 
            (even though she would continue in the new Western religion — but underground ) ;
            the two methods to accomplish this were
            a) the inversion of the reading-direction of hieroglyphs
            b) and the introduction of a fake ‘Egyptian cosmology’ 
however ,
apart from both of these , the “texts in the Egyptian tombs” needs a separate addressing   —        
at least twice God tells in prophets “how he will cause those tombs to be opened in the endtime ,
and how the sons (‘144’) will decipher the Pharaoh’s sayings – and therewith will understand the
context of what He said in prophets” :
… Adam ofcourse knéw this and was aware of this danger , and the question is “why did he not 
put ALL of his energy into letting his servants hunt and destroy all those tombs” … ?
a possible answer is “that he was not allowed to” — yet we also know that Adam cheats ;
therefore we cannot answer “the Egyptian tombs” matter but it does belong to this section
                                                  A)      reversing the reading of hieroglyphic lines

the buildup of individual glyphs
… like many of the words we use contain an etymology
(albeit rather one-dimensional) like ‘auto-mobile’ or ‘tele-scope’ ,
glyphs are entirely based upon the difference between eden and the matrix :
they are composites of either “eden or -matrix aspects” and their lineup
decides what is the colour of the expression     —
to right , NEFU , commonly as “wind” , but reading ,
“the (eden-) word U / [of] he (‘eden’) F / [for] (matrix-) existence N” ,
therefore having the ‘spiritual’ meaning of “breath , breath-air” ,

since the eden-word is comparable to ‘a light-particle’ , here perhaps as “a stream of particles” 
            … so the reading of this example is first the ‘determinative’ (the ‘billowing sail’) ,
            followed by the -U , then the -F and finally the -N , where the first letter following the 
            determinative is always ‘about eden’ and therefore always ‘negative fór eden’     
the reading of a line
… because of the above , any next word should (-be read) as “in front of the previous one” 
or the entire buildup of the composites carrying their meanings would turn into chaos ,
especially in the Spells that are explaining the difference between eden and the matrix !  
           you can check this in the shown line at the “Stele Text” section above  —
           the reading is ‘from left to right’ because the words “begin” with the determinative
           just as every néxt word does , and the whole line is strung together in this manner
           however – do be attent ,
           because the top of the Stele , the mirrored section , is written like this : >>>>  <<<<< ,
           so that you first must search the determinatives in order to find the reading-direction            

b) columns :
           … the top section of the Stele also contains vertical columns
           but perhaps this example from the Coffin Texts is more clear —
           a prominent determination-glyph here is “the X in a circle O”
           (as ‘city’ or ‘place’) called T’EPU , therefore the reading of 
           this column is upwards ; confirmed by the “Osiris” in top
           for the determinative ‘deity-glyph’ is belów the ‘throne+eye’ ;
                   moreover , in this column all glyphs face the right hand side
                   so that the start of every glyph is upward from the left side          
                   like the “eye-glyph” ÁR-T : 
                   first the stop-line (down-left) , then the -T next to it (to right)
                   and finally the ÁR , the eye itself , above both


a section from the Book of the Dead (1100 BC),
you see the determinatives ‘person’, ‘crocodile’ 
‘deity’ and ‘whip (so the word is a Verb)’ all at
the right hand side – and the reading is upwards
same with the Pyramid Text (2500 BC) ,
in spite of the numbering by Western 
archeologists the glyphs face the left and
their determinative to right : so , upwards 

             yet today’s “official” reading-direction follows Ptolemy : on purpose … ?
… after the examples above please see the remarks of Naville concerning the Stele :
at page 32 of the PDF he writes “the tablet reads from right to left” , placing every determinative
consistently at the end of every word , after which he gives a translation of the hieroglyphic text , 
starting with line 1 and ending with line 28    —   
but you saw in the Stele that the ‘new’ line-up by Ptolemy became the Greek writing from left to right ,
and the many syntax mistakes in the Tablet show that this type line-up indeed had just started
… in contrast , the scholars who translated the older Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts have 
read it from left to right (-as also having the determinative at the end) and then worked downwards :
has this been a genuine Mistake caused by ignorance — or did it have a more nefarious reason ?
          considered the entire context ,
          the start of Egyptology , as Naville in the mid-1800s , surely contained an element of ignorance
          but rather quickly “the Universities” claimed the field of Egyptology , and the later generations of
          scholars – especially those of todáy – deliver ‘translations’ through grants OF those universities ,
          which on their turn depend upon the funds Esau will or will not impart to them
… hence , when we discovered this ‘wrong reading theme’ some 7-8 years ago , sending examples of
solid context by reading the other way around to scholars and universities , we got no response ,
and only after we started to translate the Scroll in that context , we understood why they did not
(the article on the home page describes that journey – although only written in Dutch)

                                      B)    inventing a fake version of ‘the religion of ancient Egypt’ 

… in prophets , when God addresses the house Ishral 
as the potential 144 , he uses many examples about ‘Egypt’ ,
giving them a strong hint “to go read them hieroglyphs”  –
but they did not understand what He said ;
a few hundred years later the reading-direction of the glyphs
had been successfully obfuscated , and now came part II of 
Adam’s plan : to replace any interest in them through ‘fables’
ptolemy          Manetho

… the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus proved a useful tool (see below) but especially Manetho :
as an Egyptian priest he was the contemporary (!) of Ptolemy II in the early third century BC ,
having written a number of works which got lost but were quoted by (later-) historians ;
Manetho’s job was to invent and push the concept of Synchronism — as base of the New West :
until his own days , all the different kingdoms , empires and cultures had been rather well-defined
and existed within their own boundaries , but Manetho presented a ‘model of one Origin’ through 
describing and commenting upon different peoples and nations — while adding this ‘one origin’ 
by presenting a fake Egyptian cosmology
– other adepts like Heceatus of Abdera , also living during that time , pushed this same concept of 
Synchronism but then especially focused upon the religion and culture of the Judahites  —
this Heceatus will return in part III about the Septuagint
the mentioned Diodorus — who however was more a clerk penning down all he had read – quoted
much of previous historians , inclusive Manetho , in his ‘Library of History’ ,
where in part I (1-29) called “Egypt : the origin of the world and of civilized life” ,  
— he talks about “mankind as a whole” which should be guided by enlightened men ,
— ofcourse by “the noble ones” that “understand philosophy” ,
— who must “understand the first history when human still dwelt with the gods” (-but ‘on this earth’) ,
— because “when the Egyptians came into existence , they saw the sun and the moon
      which they called Osiris and Isis” ,
      and “from these sprang the 5 elements aether , air , fire , water and earth” ,
— then he tries to synchronize (!) the entire Egyptian pantheon with the Greek one ,
— copying (Diod.I.44) the supposed ‘primeval time’ of 18,000 years of god-kings that ruled before
      the era of regular kings started – as a concept he took from Manetho ;
if you are interested in more ,
but , as far our theme is concerned , it is all deliberate hogwash and has nothing to do with the Spells