Rig-Veda , 1500 BC

supporting you and our reading of the prophets


index page

… we firmly declare that any text nót agreeing with the context of the prophets is False –
so it’s utterly Bizarre how Rig-Veda , as well as hieroglyphs , as well as Sumer , supports them !

… and how couldn’t they ? ,
they all tell the same story – because they are all the enemy of eden ,
therefore the congruence and overlap between them (texts) is a good help , for ús .
It does not mean that we completely understand all (concepts) they talk about – yet ,
but all the mentioned themes definitely can be retracable to what the prophets write .
Please remember that these texts were written by very selfproud non-adamite-souls ,
who were absolutely convinced they’d rule forever – because we would never understand …

disclaimer : each Sanskrit term contains several “colours of meaning”
and show (like Hebrew and glyphs) whether the term must be eden’s or theirs ;
we think we restored very much of thát context , which was our goal –

index page setup :

… the huge amount of chapters force us ‘to cherrypick out of many of them’ ,
also because many contain repeated laudations (which are not of interest to us) ;
therefore is shown the main category

A) sections and chapters by theme , on alphabetical order (animal, eye, etc)

  • – you can search through the listed RV chapters , as sections containing the searchterm ;
  • – click the (searchterm) under which the chapters are listed and that section will show ;
  • – if the chapternumber is followed by [FULL] or [KEY] , complete chapters ,
    click the [FULL and KEY] next to the searchterm –
    a brief description of that chapter will show ; click the RV-number to go to it’s page ;
    the [KEY] chapters contain important themes , the [FULL] themes of interest ;

B) headers of important key chapters [KEY] and themes of interest [FULL]

  • click the bar above to go to the listed themes , as descriptions of full chapters ,
    click the RV-number to go to it’s subsequent page ;


A) per theme :

adam [full and key]
RV X , 14 [FULL] : Adam as king – but guarded by two dogs ;
RV X , 17 : (see mother) : the eden-mother of Adam wandered to the north ;

animal (also as ‘animal-soul’)
RV X , 99 [full and key] : ; linking to Zephaniah chapters about “animal-souls” ;
RV VII , 104 [full] : wolve- , horse- , owl- and camel- souls ; see Zephaniah 2 ; see X , 99 ;

bay (-colour of an essence ; see also -horses)   [full and key]

Behemoth-realm (see Indra)   [full and key]

bird (hawk)
RV X , 99 [key] : as Horus ,

butter (see fat)

car / chariot (as construct)
RV X , 99 [key] : as “enveloping sphere around the body” , often in prophets ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

constructs (of eden – physicality)
RV X , 99 [key] : the Trita , main construct (much unclear still) ;

day (either -eden’s or -matrix)
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

demons (eden guardians for physicality)
RV X , 99 : “the concept to keep them animal-souls into animal-bodies”;
RV VII , 104 [full]   (see animals) : wolve- , owl- and camel- souls ; see Zephaniah 2 ; see X , 99 ;

demons (eden-constructs)

Eden (see tsiun)
RV X , 99 [key] : as “the enclosure” ,
RV II , 14 [key] : eden invaded (Ez.24) ; terms : Jerusalem , tsiun ; forest + wool

eden’s pillar of fire now as) their thunderbolt [KEY]
RV I , 80 [full] Indra ‘s thunderbolt is the “stolen pillar of fire (of the tabernacle)”
RV IX , 95 : eden fire-pillar in relation to their soma [KEY]
RV IX , 107 : as extended version about soma and the fire-pillar [KEY]
RV I , 116 : their realm attacks eden [KEY]

essence (-dualistic , often as ‘cattle’) [key]
RV X , 146 [full] : (see mother) : the eden-mother – virgin-Ishral – in the forest north ;

eye (-construct)
RV X , 99 [key] : once , as VaruNa , as “the dark eye of the evil shepherd” in Zech. 11 ;
RV VIII , 42 :as VaruNa , Zech. 11 ;
RV VII , 61 : VaruNa + Mitra (eden-eye , Zech. 9) ; both eyes ‘feed’ this sun’s light ;
RV V , 81 : (see sun) ; as Mitra ;
RV V , 85 : VaruNa , their eye , makes Assyria ; + inverted eden-house ;
RV V , 40 : (see sun) this sun as copy from the – binary – eden-sun , fed by Mitra-VaruNa ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

eye (-other)
RV X , 99 : [key] “six-eyed” , relating to an eden-construct ;

RV X , 99 [key]: as “butter” , linked to Zech. 11 , “physical quality of Originals” ; glyph ÁT’ ;
       inclusive the “feeding-spoon with butter” (RV and spells) we need investigate ;

forest (also -Lebanon and see -wool and -mother)
RV II , 14 [key] : eden invaded (Ez.24) ; terms : Jerusalem , tsiun ; forest + wool
RV X , 146 [full] :  (see mother) : the eden-mother – virgin-Ishral – in the forest north ;

frogs (see seasons)

RV X , 99 [key]: “three headed”, relating to an eden-construct ;

herd (see Originals)

horse (see bay)
RV I , 115 : (see sun) : this sun Sûrya , making her own day and night..? by bay horses ? ;

house (-eden’s)
RV V , 85 : (see sun) : VaruNa , their eye , makes Assyria ; + inverted eden-house ;

Indra (Behemoth-realm north)
RV X , 99 [key] : hymn to ;

moon (as soma ; as “the red sun”?)
RV V , 85 : (see eye-construct) : VaruNa , sela-stone eye , makes Assyria ; + soma-moon ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;
RV I , 105 (see red sun) : about the Red Sun – see X , 85 ;

mother (as ‘virgin-Ishral’ aka Revelation-woman)
RV X , 17 : [full] : the eden-mother as virgin-Ishral wandered to the north ;
RV X , 146 [full] : the eden-mother – virgin-Ishral – in the forest north ;

originals (as ‘herd’)
RV X , 95 [full] : spirits-couple argue about female-Originals ;
RV X , 96 [key] : describing their “hoofs and fat” like in Zech. 11 ;

physical (coverings)
RV X , 95 [full] : atka , eden-covering ;
RV X , 99 [key] : atka , eden-covering ;

red / reddish / redness (Rudra , as Adam’s type blushyness)
RV X , 99 [key] : either as eden-construct , or ‘as our originals’ ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

red sun (-as dimensional-aspect)
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;
RV I , 105 [key] : about the Red Sun – see X , 85 ;

savitR (see sun)
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

RV X , 99 [full] : once ; related to animal-souls ;
RV VII , 103 [key] : quote from a bizarre chapter about “frogs speaking a yearly spell” ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

RV X , 95 [full] : the quarrel ;

ship (-construct)
RV VIII , 42 : in Damascus region ; in prophets “no ship will sail there anymore” ;

solarplane (and eden-binary) [key and full]
RV IV , 28 : creation of this solarplane – imprisoning eden below ; + eden-binary ; (see sun) ;
RV X , 92 : eden’s binary sun and moon are warned to stay below ; (see sun) ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

soma (-as corrupted eden-turquoise ; also as -moon-region)
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;
RV V , 85   (see sun) VaruNa , their eye , makes Assyria ; + “soma-moon on the mountain”;
RV I , 105 : (see red sun) : about the Red Sun – see X , 85 ;

space (outer-space , of matrix)
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

stone (their sela-rock) [key and full]
RV VIII , 42 : carrying VaruNa , their eye ; stone as (-atri) , “(to be) not+trinity” ;
RV V , 40 : (see sun) this sun as copy from the – binary – eden-sun , fed by Mitra-VaruNa ;
RV X , 85 [KEY]   (see sun) : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

sun (Sûrya , our sun)       [key] and [full]
RV VIII , 25 : this sun is “fed soma as fuel” by the both eyes ;
RV VII , 61 : ((see eye-construct) : both eyes feed this sun ;
RV VII , 60 : this sun , by the VaruNa and Mitra eye ; + the seven torches [Nahum] ;
RV V , 81 : a golden eden-aspect , now part of this sun , as savitR – egyptian ÁTEN ;
RV V , 40 : this sun as copy from the – binary – eden-sun ; (see solarplane) ;
RV I , 50 : the seven eden-torches now serving the light of this sun ; see Nahum ;
RV X , 92 : eden’s binary – for the eden-dawn – is warned to stay below ; (see solarplane) ;
RV I , 115 [full] : bizarre chapter : this sun Sûrya , making her own day and night..? ;
RV X , 85 [KEY] : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;
RV I , 105 : (see red sun) : about the Red Sun – see X , 85 ;

torches (-the seven)
RV VII , 60 : (see sun) this sun , by the VaruNa and Mitra eye ; + the seven torches [Nahum] ;
RV I , 50 : (see sun) the seven eden-torches now serving the light of this sun ; see Nahum ;

tree (-eden’s or of -matrix)
RV X , 85 [KEY] : the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day ;

tsiun (eden-residence)
RV X , 99 [key] : as SaSNa “dry place, hissing serpent” ;
RV II , 14 [key] : (see eden) : eden invaded (Ez.24) ; terms : Jerusalem , tsiun ; forest + wool

waters (and soma)
RV X , 9 : waters as healing ; Zech. 11 theme ;
RV VIII , 58 : the waters “heal the cripple” , Zech. 11 theme ;
RV I , 105 : (see red sun) : about the Red Sun – see X , 85 ;

wool (-foilage , and see -forest)


B) [key] and [full] chapters :

RV X , 99            [KEY]          

  (themes : Originals captured , now ‘footless’ – see ‘hoofs’ , Zech. 11 ;
here , the North steals ‘the eden-construct making physicality’ ,
to can make bodies for the animal-souls LIKE THIS AUTHOR , called ‘ant’ :
during eden , the latter kept them animal-souls within their animal-bódies ,
as he writes here (and see Zephaniah chapters + Rg-V chapter attached) ;
links to : ‘seasons theme’ (there won’t be sommer / winter, in prophets) ,
different matrix-nations (in scripture as Puth, Lud, etc) , here as animals ;
10 fingers as ‘ten kings’ they fought (now theirs as 10 horns? , see Rev)
the “eye , as construct , of the matrix-shepherd”, as VaruNa , Zech. 11)

eye (-construct)

RV VII , 61          (both eyes ‘feed’ the light which this sun spreads)
1. O VARUNA and Mitra, Sūrya spreading the beauteous light of you Twain Gods ariseth.
He who beholdeth all existing creatures observeth well the zeal that is in mortals.

=1. Sûrya [=’this sun’] spreading the light of Varuna’s divine eyes
[=’because their eye rules the eden-eye’] , beautiful to behold ,
he who beholdeth all existing creatures observeth well the zeal that is in mortals.
Surya, euer beider Götter Auge, geht, schön anzuschauen, Licht verbreitend, auf o Varuna und Mitra, der alle Wesen überschaut; er erkennt auch die Absicht in den Sterblichen
4 I praise the [work] of Varuṇa and Mitra  [=’both Damascus eye and Sela-stone eye’]
that strength, by mightiness, [heaven and earth] [they keep together?] .
Ich will das Werk von Mitra und Varuna preisen; ihr Eifer hält Himmel und Erde mächtig in Schranken.
=cakSur ‘eyes’ ;
=rodasî ‘heaven and earth’ RV , or from -rudh , lightning RV ?
=badbadha , form of verb but which ? ;


RV V , 85 (VaruNa , sela-stone eye , makes Assyria ; + inverted eden-house)

1. SING forth a hymn sublime and solemn, grateful to glorious.
Varuṇa [=’the eye / moon of the sela-rock’] , imperial Ruler,
who hath struck out, like one who [slays out] a [rug] , [a worker] a skin ,

[as having spread out] earth [=’Assyria, above eden’] in front of Sūrya [=’this sun’] .
Dem Allkönig stimme ein erhabenes, tiefsinniges Erbauungslied an, ein liebes dem berühmten Varuna,
der die Erde zum Teppich für die Sonne auseinandergeschlagen hat wie der Zurichter die Tierhaut.

2 [In, above, among] the tree-tops the air he hath extended,
put milk in kine and vigorous speed in horses,
set intellect in hearts, fire in the waters,

Surya [=’this sun’] in heaven ,
(by?) Soma [=’a moon around their tree of life ; the Red Sun”?’] on the [matrix-] mountain (=adra) ;
[we still try find a workable concept for soma being both ‘a moon’ and ‘essence’ ,
it’s possible this soma-moon is ‘the red sun’ or ‘flying disk’ ,
as “the dimensional sun , of which we can only see the material golden outside” ;
see RV X , 85 : “the soma-moon marries this sun (sûrya)”]

Über den Bäumen hat Varuna die Lüfte ausgebreitet, in die Rennpferde hat er den Sieg, in die Kühe die Milch
gelegt, ins Herz die Überlegung, ins Wasser den Agni, an den Himmel die Sonne, auf den Berg den Soma gesetzt.

3 Varuṇa lets the big cask [=’Judah-house, as Moab-house now’] , the opening downward (!) ,
[hover in] the heaven and earth [as] air’s mid-region ;
therewith the universe’s [king] waters
[=eden’s] earth as the shower of rain bedews the barley ;
[term as -kabanda : he was the inside-out version from -danu , the original eden-house]
Varuna goß den Schlauch mit der Öffnung nach unten in beide Welten und den Luftraum aus; damit
durchnetzt der König der ganzen Welt den Erdboden, wie der Regen das Korn.

4 When Varuṇa is fain for milk he moistens the sky, the land, and earth to her foundation ;
then straight the mountains clothe them[-selves] in the rain-cloud:

the Heroes, putting forth their vigour, loose them.
Er netzt den Boden, Erde und Himmel. Wenn Varuna gemolken haben will, dann kleiden sich die Berge
in Gewölk und kraftbewußte Männer lockern das Kleid.

5 I will declare this mighty deed of [eden-] magic (=maya) , of glorious Varuṇa the Lord Immortal,
who standing in the firmament hath meted the earth out with Sûrya
[=this sun] as with a measure.
[compare the many ‘plumbline verses’ in scripture !]
=kavandha , kabandha , name of inversed Danu (eden-atmosphere , Judah-house)
=nîcîna-bâra ‘having it’s opening below’ RV ;
= 3d sing perfect of sRj ‘to let to fly, throw, cast, etc’ RV ; to hover is acceptable ;
[the Judah-house INVERSED – with opening (=gate) DOWNWARD : see diagram]


RV I , 105           (about the Red Sun – see X , 85)
1. WITHIN the waters runs the Moon, he with the beauteous wings in heaven.
Ye lightnings with your golden wheels, men find not your abiding-place.

Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.

1 [candramas (‘region / moon’)] – in [the [eden-] waters ,       [=’the place of this sun’ , X , 85’]
[he] – [with beautiful wings] – in [the sky] :                                [=’red sun / winged-disk’]
they [=’we !’]not know to discover you ,
(you) the station with the golden edge ,                                      [=’namely : as this sun’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky                                                [=’likely ‘this earth’ (=rodasi)’]
“Der Mond scheint im Wasser, der beschwingte läuft am Himmel. Nicht finden sie euren Standort,
ihr goldreifigen, blitzenden Sterne. Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
2 surely men crave and gain their wish :                                      [=’physicality for spirits’]
close to her husband clings the wife                                             [=’this sun , to Damascus’]
and, in embraces intertwined, both give and take the bliss of love ;       
[=’the red and blue’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky

“Die ein Bedürfnis haben, kommen zu ihrem Bedürfnis. Die Frau zieht den Gatten an sich. Beide ergießen das brünstige Naß; sie gibt ihren Saft hin und melkt den Mann aus.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
3 o never may that light , ye gods , fall from its station in the sky ;    [=’for it was placed there’]
[may the sweetness as the soma] 
[=’corrupted eden-turquoise-essence’] never fail us ,
the spring of our felicity ;
[know] – this , you – earth and sky ;             [=’this earth’]
“Möchte, ihr Götter, jene Sonne doch nicht vom Himmel fallen, möchten wir niemals des heilsamen somischen Tranks entbehren.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
[end of section – do see RV X , 85]
=dhâvate , 3d sing pres. -dhâv ‘run, flow, move, glide ; make bright, polish, cleanse’ RV ;
=hiranyanemi ‘having golden fellies or wheels’ RV ; -nemi ‘rim, edge’ RV ;



RV VII , 103 (frogs – theme unknown , yet)

bizarre chapter about “frogs” ; they “speak a yearly spell” ,
“to keep the 12-month-timeframe in order”
[the three frogs in Rev. ? , here are 2 ; in hieroglyphs ‘frog’ is ‘100,000’]


solarplane (and eden-binary)

RV IV , 28 (creation of this solarplane – imprisoning eden below it)
1. ALLIED with thee, in this thy friendship, Soma, Indra for man made [eden-] waters flow together,
slew Ahi
[=‘eden-day as serpent’] , and sent forth the Seven Rivers [=’eden-rivers ; we know 4’] ,
and opened as it were obstructed fountains.
Mit dir im Bunde, in deiner Genossenschaft, o Soma, ließ damals Indra für Manu die Gewässer zusammenströmen. Er erschlug den Drachen, ließ die sieben Ströme laufen und öffnete
die Kanäle, die gleichsam gesperrt waren.

2 Indu [=‘deep-south realm’ as Leviathan , likely’] , with thee for confederate,
Indra swiftly with might pressed down the wheel of Sūrya [=’solarplane’, likely’] ,
that [revolved !] , all life’s support, on heaven’s high summit ,

separat[ing] from the great oppressor [=eden] .
[indra, north-realm, presses it down = must be solarplane]
Mit dir im Bunde drückte Indra das Rad der Sonne sofort gewaltsam ein, o Saft, das auf dem hohen Himmelsrücken rollte. Die ganze Lebenzeit des großen Unholdes war zu Ende
=khid , ‘strike, press, press down’ RV ;
=vartamâna ‘turning, moving, living, existing’ into vRt ‘revolve’,


RV X , 92 (eden’s binary sun and moon – for the eden-dawn – are warned)
11 For these, the Earth and Heaven with their abundant seed,
Narāśaṁsa [=’a construct related for favour of mankind (nâra)’?] ,
[being?] [‘the one having 4 limbs (or extremities)‘] , [=’cardinal points ?’]
Yama [=Adam] , Aditi [=’a type constructs of them’?] ,
the god Tvaṣṭar
[=’egyptian KHEPER-beetle , transformation’] Wealth-bestower,
the Ṛbhukṣaṇas, Rodasī [=’both unknown still’] ,
Maruts [=’bronze soldiers’ as the Medes ; see index’] ,
Viṣṇu [=’Anubis’] , claim and merit praise.
Denn diese beiden, Himmel und Erde, die samenreichen, Narasamsa, der viergliedrige, Yama,
Aditi, Gott Tvastri, Dravinodas, die Rhibuksan´s, Himmel und Erde, die Marut, Vishnu haben den Vorrang

12 And may he too [be aware] , the Sage, from far away [=’eden’] ,
the [serpent] [=’as eden-day’ , -ahi’] of the Deep, to this our yearning call :
sun and the moon , moving – [heaven-dwellers] , [=’who máke the eden-day’]
you both be aware , sami + nahusi [=’sun and moon as eden-binary’, very likely] .
[you see the problem we have …?
Henoch describes the eden-binary , saying “they forever hold their course” ;
at the deluge (around 8000BC) this sun sûrya was created
(see ‘restore the sun’ chapter in index) ,
so a certain eden-aspect ‘travels continuously TO THIS sun’ – as savitR , ÁTEN – to feed it ;
but it’s very tricky to think out any workable concept here]

Und auf uns, die Heischenden, soll weithin jener Seher, der Drache der Tiefe auf den Anruf hören
und Sonne und Mond, die getrennt wandelnden Himmelsbewohner. Achtet, Sami und Nahusi,
aufmerksam auf diesen!

=caturaN+ga ‘having four limbs (or extremities)’ RV ;
=suryâmâsa , sun + month , dual-number ;
=divikSit ‘heaven dwelling’ RV [here] ;
=dhyai ‘meditate, remember, etc’ RV ;
=’sami ‘labour, toil’ RV , eden-‘sa ; -‘sama ‘peace’, but root of – ‘Sambara ‘jerusalem’ ;
plus -nahus ‘neighbour, neighbourhood’ RV ; nahuSi was an ancient king (house of Nahusa ,
related to Thoth, latter has moon-attribute) , taking posession of Indra’s [=north-realm]
throne but was deposed , and made to be a serpent (as moon KINGA in Sumerian tablets) ;
=bodhatam , 2nd person dual present of -budh ‘wake up, observe, heed, be aware, etc’ RV ;


stone (their sela-rock)

RV VIII , 42 (VaruNa as “their eye upon their Sela-rock” ; + their ‘boat’)
1. LORD of all wealth, the Asura [=’construct’] propped the heavens [=’pillars of Bashan’, likely] ,
and measured out the broad earth’s wide expanses.
He, King supreme, approached all living creatures.

All these are Varuṇa’s [=’their eye / moon’] holy operations.
[VaruNa is “the eye of the evil shepherd” , Zech. 11]
3 Sharpen this song of him who strives his utmost, sharpen, God Varuṇa, his strength and insight;
May we ascend [or: prosper by] the ship that bears us safely, whereby we may pass over
[=eden] .
[=ship : see prophets , “no longer a ship will cross-over”, (ship : -tsiy) ; as KHENT’- boat]
4 Aśvins, [by] the songs of the singers ,
you have made the stones [=’both the temple-foundation , and theirs’] hasten hitherward,
Nāsatyas [=title] , to the Soma-[drink]. Let all the others die away.

5 [you called] the [priestly-] Atri [=’Sela-stone’ ; = “not+trinity”] by their hymns, O Aśvins,
[=’a title’] , to the Soma-drink. Let all the others die away.
[their stone (hebrew : -sela) as enemy of the tried-cornerstone as temple-fundament]
Wie euch, Asvin, der redekundige Atri mit Lobreden anrief, ihr Nasatya´s zum Somatrunk. All die anderen Schwächlinge sollen entzweigehen
=durita ‘problems’
=ruh 1st plur. ‘ascend, climb ; prosper, thrive’ RV ;
=nâvaM , noun -nâva ‘a ship’ (but not in evasive RV or not understood) , comp. navigate ;
nâva ‘shout of joy or triumph’ RV ; yet compare context ;
=vipra ‘poet, theologian, singer, etc’ RV ;


sun (Sûrya , our sun)

RV VIII , 25 (Mitra-VaruNa , the both “eyes”, feed our sun with soma , TOO)
19 Sūrya hath spread his light aloft up to the region of the sky,
Like [the agni-fire] a
ll aflame when gifts are offered him .
19 Sūrya hath spread his light aloft up to the region of the sky,
like a clear fire , when offered fuel [=’soma’] .
Dieser Surya hat im Schutze des Himmels sein Licht aufgerichtet, hell wie Agni,
wenn er entzündet und mit Schmalz begossen wird
=samidh ‘burning, igniting ; also ‘fuel’ RV ;
=âhuta ‘laid in the fire (f.e a corpse]’; offering as an oblation’ RV ;
[hence prophets “the sun will go dark at noontime” ; see “restoration of sun” chapter]


RV VII , 60 (this sun , by the VaruNa and Mitra eye ; + the seven torches)
2 Looking on man, O Varuṇa and Mitra, this Sûrya [=’this sun’] , [the one guiding men] ,
[goes up?] by both [of the ground?] , [=’2 staffs of Zech. 11 ?’]
guardian of all things fixt, of all that moveth, beholding good and evil acts of mortals.

Da geht, o Mitra und Varuna, Surya, der Aufseher, über beiden auf der Erde auf,
der Wächter über alles was steht und geht, Rechtes und Schlechtes unter den Sterblichen erschauend.
3 He [=Sûrya] hath yoked the Seven [yellowish ones] [=’7 torches’] [from their station] ,
who, dropping oil and fatness, carry Sūrya [=’sustain this sun’] ;
Yours, Varuṇa and Mitra, he surveyeth the worlds and living creatures like a herdsman.

Er hat jetzt die sieben schmalzigen Falbinnen von ihrem Stand weg angeschirrt, die den Surya fahren, der in eurem Dienste eure Schöpfungen, Mitra und Varuna, die Geschlechter wie der Hirt die Herden überwacht.
4 Your [ones like honey] [=’7 torches’] have mounted: to the bright ocean Sūrya hath ascended,
for whom the Ādityas
[=’constructs’] make his pathway ready, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa, accordant
Eure starken, honigreichen Rosse sind heraufgekommen; Surya hat jetzt das lichte Meer erstiegen, dem die Aditya´s einträchtig die Wege vorzeichnen: Mitra, Aryaman, Varuna.
=nRcakSa ‘watching or guiding men’ RV ;
=ubha ‘both’ RV ;
=jman ; same as kSâman ‘earth, soil, ground’ RV ?
[7 torches : ‘amber coloured’ in Ezekiel = honey ; see Nahum chapter where they escape]


RV V , 81 (a golden eden-aspect , now part of this sun , as savitR – egyptian ÁTEN)
2 The Sapient One arrays himself in every form:
for quadruped and biped [=’their living beings’] he hath brought forth good ;
excellent Savitar , [the poet] on heaven’s [gracious] [four devisions = cardinal-points?] ,

and shineth after the [beginning] of the [matrix-] Dawn (=USas) .
3 Even he, the God whose going-forth and majesty the other Deities have followed with their might,
He who hath measured the terrestrial regions out by his great power, he is the Courser Savitar.
4 To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar,
and with the rays of Sûrya [=’this sun’] thou combinest thee.
yea, thou, O God, art Mitra
[=’Damascus-eye’, so both are linked’] through thy righteous laws.
[= you – go around [eden] – both – (matrix-) nights ?] [=’unclear expression , still…’]
Und du kommst zu den drei Lichtreichen, o Savitri, und wohnst mit den Strahlen der Sonne zusammen, und du umkreisest auf beiden Seiten die Nacht, und du bist nach deinen Eigenschaften der Mitra, o Gott.
[or : savitar himself is the fourth one?]
=prayâNa ‘setting out, jouney, march , invasion, motion onwards, beginning’ ;
=bhadra ‘gracious, good, etc’ RV ;
=catuSpâda ‘4 devisions’ RV (4 stations) , cardinal-points ? ;
=ubhaya ‘both, both ways, etc’ RV ;
=râtri ‘[matrix-] night’ RV ;
=parî ‘surround, go or flow around, move round or in a circle, etc’ RV but eden ‘par-‘ ;
[savitR is an eden-aspect just like Mitra – the eye of Adam in Zech. 9 ,
savitR comes ‘from the eden-tree’ (ÁTENuS) but the SavitR-concept is unclear still]


RV V , 40 (this sun as copy from the – binary – eden-sun , fed by Mitra-VaruNa)
5 O Sūrya [=’this sun’] ,
when the Asura’s [=’construct’] descendant Svarbhanu [=’eden-sun’, likely?] +
pierced thee through and through with [eden-] darkness ,
all creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing

[indeed the eden-sun was “created later”, hence descendant ? ;
compare Sum . KAR-4 tablet “they cried for there was nowhere to hide for the bright one”]

Als dich, Surya, der asurische Svarbhanu mit Finsternis geschlagen hatte, da schauten
die Geschöpfe aus wie ein Verirrter, der nicht ortskundig ist

6 That time thou smotest down Svarbhanu’s [eden-] magic that [revolved] beneath the sky (!) ,
O Indra,
by his fourth sacrifice-prayer , Atri
[=’sela-stone’] discovered Sūrya [=’this sun’]
concealed in [eden-] gloom ;
[see Henoch for eden’s binary-system ; and several prophets chapters]
Damals als du, Indra, die Zaubereien des Svarbhanu, die unter dem Himmel vor sich gingen,
zerstörtest, da fand Atri mit dem vierten Zauberspruch die von der ungesetzlichen Finsternis

verhüllte Sonne
7 [Sûrya says :] Let not the oppressor with this dread, through anger swallow me up,
for I am thine, O Atri [=’sela-stone’] ;
[and] Mitra art thou
[=’the Damascus eye / light’] , the sender of true blessings :
thou and King Varuṇa [=’the Sela-stone eye / light] be both my helpers (!) .
Surya: “Nicht soll er mich, der ich dein bin, o Atri, falsch von Neid und Furcht verschlingen. Du bist der Mitra, dessen Gunst echt ist. Du und König Varuna, ihr beide nehmt mich hierbei in Schutz!”
=svarbhânu ‘name of a demon supposed to eclipse the sun and moon’ RV ,
     later on termed Râhu , MH ; -svar ‘abode of the gods’, -bhânu ‘light , brightness’ RV ,
     but ‘sun’ in MH ; -ahibhânu ‘shining like serpents, said of maruts’ RV , ahi = eden serpent ;
=tamas ‘[eden-] darkness’ RV ; + another term cover in ;
=mâya ‘[eden-] sorcery’ RV ;
=atri ‘devourer’ RV ; Monier adds ‘a rakSa’ but it must be a+tri “not trinity”, per context
where vRtra is the eden-stone (the -R is always ‘cut-off’) , atri must be the sela-stone in scripture ;
=turîya ‘fourth’ RV ;
[see also chapters “the eden sun restored”, in index]


torches (-the seven)

RV I , 50 (see Nahum ; the seven eden-torches now serving the light of this sun)
9 Sūrya [=’this sun’] hath yoked the pure bright Seven [=’seven torches’] ,
the daughters of the car [=’sun-construct’] ; with these, is own dear team, he goeth forth.
Surya hat die sieben sauberen Töchter des Wagens angeschirrt.
Mit diesen, die sich selbst anschirren, fährt er.


waters (and soma)

RV X , 9 (soma = ‘purified’ eden-waters)
6 Within the [eden-] waters – Soma [=’essence’] – dwell all balms that heal,
[as the all-blessing fire]
7 O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm,
so that I long may see [Sûrya]
[=’our sun : but her dimensional aspect’]
=abravîd , -abra unlisted ; only solid part is -vîd ;
[same Zech. 11 theme]


RV VIII , 58 (soma = ‘purified’ eden-waters)
1. THIS here is Soma, ne’er restrained, active, all-conquering bursting forth,
Ṛṣi and Sage by sapience,
2 All that is bare he covers o’er, all that is sick he medicines;
The blind man sees, the cripple walks.

3 Thou, Soma, givest wide defence against the hate of alien men,
Hatreds that waste and weaken us.

[same theme in Zech. 11 , “support who doesn’t stand” etc]



section B)         —– headers —–



RV X , 14          [FULL]          (Adam as king – but guarded by two dogs)

  (themes : mostly a chapter of praise to Adam ,
but in second half it shows how he is guarded by 2 monstrous dogs ,
in órder that he will make for them spirits all they desire ;
in X,99 , during Eden , an eden-construct made sure that the animal-souls
remained within animal-bodies ,
here the situation is inversed : these two dogs make sure that Ádam’s
soul will not escape ; it can’t coincidence they are ‘two’ (Dualism) ;

in RV X , 85 “two charioteers” are mentioned to be stationed in Damascus
(where Adam is) , the root of their name links to ‘dogs’ – as their real nature ? ;

links to : Agni (=Thoth) , as king of Mystery-Babylon ;


animal (-souls)

RV X , 99            [KEY]          (a body became to animal-souls)

  (themes : Originals captured , now ‘footless’ – see ‘hoofs’ , Zech. 11 ;
here , the North steals ‘the eden-construct making physicality’ ,
to can make bodies for the animal-souls LIKE THIS AUTHOR , called ‘ant’ :
during eden , the latter kept them animal-souls within their animal-bódies ,
as he writes here (and see Zephaniah chapters + Rg-V chapter attached) ;
links to : ‘seasons theme’ (there won’t be summer / winter, in prophets) ,
different matrix-nations (in scripture as Puth, Lud, etc) , here as animals ;
10 fingers as ‘ten kings’ they fought (now theirs as 10 horns? , see Rev)
the “eye , as construct , of the matrix-shepherd”, as VaruNa , Zech. 11)


sun (-as this sun)

RV I , 115            [KEY]          (this sun – making her own night and day ?)

  (themes : a rather bizarre chapter ,
this our sun (Sûrya) appears to stand fixed in the sky ,
and does NOT circle in a binary manner like the eden-sun below does :
here is described how Sûrya has a ‘veil’, pulled around by ‘horses’
(imagine a woman with long robe turning around her own axis)
causing “the night” by each rotation where this ‘veil’ covers ;

links to : “restoration of the sun” (see index) ;
we’re very interested in this theme ,
because we know some optical Trick is going on with our ‘day and night’ ,
as a complete different situation like ‘astronomy’ claims is the reality –


sun (-as this sun)

RV X , 85          [FULL]          (birth of this sun – and of our matrix-day)

  (themes : again a rather bizarre chapter :
the situation must be here the one during the deluge (8000 BC) ,
where they pluck “an ordinary sun-star” from space ,
in order to create the present fixed-positioned sun like we know
(as opposed to the binary eden-sun and moon , below) .
Yet, this sun-star will need to get different type dimensional-qualities ,
and then the story becomes complex :
(and we tell it as how we understand the chapter)
since eden fell , eden-essence had been streaming to their north ,
by the bruised eden-tree (in the paradise) , here as (-oSa) ,
forming there an enclosed region of this essence ;
the star-sun (Sûrya, egyptian Rã) from space was directed to this region
and “blended” with it – to have her first dimensional quality .

phase 2 ,
is that the both tiles (Damascus , as temple-fundament , in Rg-Veda Mitra)
and their tile (hebrew : -sela , Horus-rock , in Rg-Veda VaruNa)
create a region inbetween them both , where Sûria has to descend into –
this region they both created is “the starting-point of the matrix day” ,
as opposed to the eden-day and dawn ,
and when Sûrya will occupy that place , she hersélf will start each matrix-day .

in phase 3 ,
she must radiate the dimensional-light which sustains the physicality
of the spirits-people (comparable with how the sun as we know it supplies
aspects beneficial to this body of ours) ,
therefore she needs to become “the red (purple)” sun” ,
as depicted in many egyptian spells and tombes —
this quality of “red and blue light” she gets when she is connected to Damascus

credibility : at the moment we have no reason why to doubt this version :
in many prophet God tells “I make the sun dark (at noon)” ,
we know the “red and blue Horus eyes” from the spells (BD) ,
and considered the trackrecord of Rg-Veda , we must take it seriously ;

links to : “restoration of the sun” (see chapter in index) ;
to the “dual-essence” in the Zechariah “Zerubbabel standard” chapter ;
likely to the “two staffs” in Zechariah 11 ;
to the “dome of turquoise” Ezekiel saw above the throne ;
to the “temple-fundament stone” in Zechariah and other chapters ;
back to Genesis 1 – but here as inversal ;


eden (see tsiun)

RV II , 14          [FULL]          (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)

  (themes : compare Ezekiel 24 ;
a number of mentioned concepts we can identify ,
but don’t (yet) understand why “the 99 citadels of Jerusalem”
are related to ‘arms’ – and by extension to ‘forest’;
last line is about ‘a forest’ which must likely be identified as the Lebanon ,
but the link between ‘forest’, ‘wool (foilage)’ and the eden-mother
we still investigate (but see RV X , 17) ;

links to : Ezekiel 24 (eden invaded) , and others ;


(eden’s pillar of fire now as) their thunderbolt

RV VI , 41           [FULL]           their thunderbolt ; as eden’s pillar of fire now north ;

what we get so far , is that the eden-fire-pillar is not
destroyed (per prophets) but likely ‘altered’ ;
this altered pillar “feeds upon essence” which flow
through the opened eden-gate to their north ,
their thunderbolt ‘drinks those’ and so gets powerful ,
the same time ‘exuding’ particles of that essence
(the ‘sprinkling’ or perhaps ‘foam’) in théir region ;
Note : ‘indra’ himself can be their thunderbolt;

linking to : a host of prophet chapters about ‘birthsceptre’
and ‘breaking their beautiful staff’

annex : logs


RV IX , 95 [FULL]       the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
as the temple-fundament (fire-pillar in Is.10 termed as ‘birthsceptre’ there) ;
the pillar of fire “creates the (eden-) atmosphere” ,
compare how particles would flow around , coming from a large flame ;
in Isaiah 42 : 1-7 termed as “my servant” and “I will hold your hand”
(so is a masculine construct) ; the fire-pillar “stretched out the heavens”
and “gives breath to the people” (=sic ! , dimension) , and is “a light” ;
in other prophets it is “My sword” but now concealed and imprisoned ;
2) the concept here :
the spirits-realm stole ‘something’, and placed that on high , in their realm :
this ‘something’ (which we think is the Ark) is “invoking the eden-waters
(=as eden-dimension) to ascend”
(as the dimension which was produced bý the fire-pillar) ;
and in that process the waters “sweep along the pillar”, removing essence ,
which the water-stream conveys to their north –
the brought essence is “being purified” ,         (as the term ‘soma’) ,
and is used as ‘fuel’ for théir fire-pillar – the fuel is “in the Lebanon-forest” ;
which , on his term , creates théir atmosphere , under théir conditions
(this concept was, per RV, the very beginning óf their spirits-world above eden)
3) eden-dawn and matrix-dawn theme here :
this ‘invoking of the waters’ is said to happen “at night” (=the eden-dáy) ,
and is the start of each matrix-dawn (termed as -uSas) ;
2) in spells , the eden pillar of fire is a tree , ÁTENUS ,
from which comes (as ‘by-product’) ÁTEN , the eden-light for RÃ , our sun ;
chapter links to : Zecharia 11, Isaiah 42, Ezekiel 17 (Is.22:16, Ez.24:7 ;
Jer.13:4) , Jer.49:16 (sela-stone as varuNa) ; Gen. 49 (birthsceptre) , etc ;

if you think you and we got Insane , see line in Ez.20:49 , about this theme :
“then said I, Ah Lord IEUE ! they say of me, does he not speak parables?”……



RV IX , 107 [FULL]       (as extended version about soma and the fire-pillar ; see blue for this chapter)
the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
as the temple-fundament (fire-pillar in Is.10 termed as ‘birthsceptre’ there) ;
the pillar of fire “creates the (eden-) atmosphere” ,
compare how particles would flow around , coming from a large flame ;
in Isaiah 42 : 1-7 termed as “my servant” and “I will hold your hand”
(so is a masculine construct) ; the fire-pillar “stretched out the heavens”
and “gives breath to the people” (=sic ! , dimension) , and is “a light” ;
in other prophets it is “My sword” but now concealed and imprisoned ;

2) the concept :
the spirits-realm stole ‘something’, and placed that on high , in their realm :
this ‘something’ (which we think is the Ark) is “invoking the eden-waters
(=as eden-dimension) to ascend”
(as the dimension which was produced bý the fire-pillar) ;
and in that process the waters “sweep along the pillar”, removing essence ,
which the water-stream conveys to their north –
the brought essence is “being purified” , (as the term ‘soma’) ,
and is used as ‘fuel’ for théir fire-pillar – the fuel is “in the Lebanon-forest” ;
which , on his term , creates théir atmosphere , under théir conditions
(this concept was, per RV, the very beginning óf their spirits-world above eden)

3) eden-dawn and matrix-dawn theme :
this ‘invoking of the waters’ is said to happen “at night” (=the eden-dáy) ,
and is the start of each matrix-dawn (termed as -uSas) ;
2) in spells , the eden pillar of fire is a tree , ÁTENUS ,
from which comes (as ‘by-product’) ÁTEN , the eden-light for RÃ , our sun ;

chapter links to : Zecharia 11, Isaiah 42, Ezekiel 17 (Is.22:16, Ez.24:7 ;
Jer.13:4) , Jer.49:16 (sela-stone as varuNa) ; Gen. 49 (birthsceptre) , etc ;

if you think you and we got Insane , see line in Ez.20:49 , about this theme :
“then said I, Ah Lord IEUE ! they say of me, does he not speak parables?”……
as extended version about soma and the fire-pillar ;
soma appears to be “a kind of malleable dimension” which can take forms
and shapes and qualities which can be directed (by them spirits) ;
chapter adding themes as “the Lebanon forest” (see Zechariah 11 and others) ,
also a theme as “the sieve” (see Isaiah 30 : 28) , of “Sight”,
the theme that the soma is “the purified eden-dew” (the latter as demon) ;
the stealing of the 7 cow-constructs (soma as the bRhaspati-bull) , and the Ark ; in part II (selected) ,
it shows that ‘the Lebanon forest’ (previously of eden) itsélf is “the sieve” ,
as “drinking essence , then emitting a bit altered essence”
(compare the two olive-trees upon the Zerubbabel-standard , in Zecheriah) ,
but in this case , since this forest is now in their north , and ‘soma’ feeding it ,
now emitting a dimensional essence ‘clothing their realm’ ;
also mentioned : the protecting revolving soma-dimension around Chaldea (GEB)



RV I , 116 [FULL]       (their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel):
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
(their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel)
content : the Western dimension , wanting to invade eden ,
stands “at the sea-shore” (dimension) ,
but can only attack through “a phallus-like construct” , as dimensional-axis ;
after they struck the eden-construct ,
the imprisoned spirits (of the pre-eden Rahab-land) are released ,
then it tells how the virgin-ishral , representing the main eden-construct ,
is copulating with théir construct (through the phallus-axis theme) ;
then “the word” is separated from “the eden-gate” ,
and the base of the eden-tree (=the construct) is encased in iron ,
creating the exact inversal of the eden-virgin, having horns of iron) ;
remark : this one is different as all the lauds to Indra + thunderbolt ;
likely the same concepts are mentioned here , but in different form ;
linking to : book Daniel, chapter about the goat and the ram ;
Ezekiel 23 , the unfaithful sisters , copulating in the north ;
book of Job , chapter about the pre-eden land Rahab ;
chapter about “the bronze hoofs and iron horn of the ishral-virgin”,
Amos chapters about the house-ishral (120,000) and the ishral-virgin ;
see log at end ;



RV X , 146           [FULL]            (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)

(themes : if we compare the used roots ,
then ‘the forest’ must have ‘followed the mother who went north’ :
the first line tells how she wandered-off
(see RV X , 17 ; and there are two chapters in index about this) ,
and ‘the forest’ appears to relate to ‘sustaining the physicality which
she births’ – here is used “a scream when a tree is cut-off” ,
and compare that with Isaiah 14 ! ;
in other chapters she will be termed ‘a deer’ ;
the ‘forest’ theme linked to -Lebanon and -foilage (wool) – per context
this forest must be upon their dimensional (birth-) axis , Zech. 11 ;

links to : Isaiah 14 (Thoth cutting trees) ,
Zechariah 11 (Lebanon forest) ,
Hosea 2 , where she is linked to ‘My wool and flax’ ;
two chapters about the virgin now in their north ;
(there is a vivid dream about this beauty in a log few months ago) ;


RV X , 17                 (the eden-mother as virgin-Ishral wandered to the north)
1. TVASTAR prepares the bridal of his Daughter: all the world hears the tidings and assembles.
But Yama’s Mother, Spouse of great Vivasvān, vanished as she was carried to her dwelling.

1. TVASTAR  [=’KHEPER transformation’] prepares the bridal of his daughter ;

all the world hears the tidings and assembles :
the mother of Yama ,                       
[=’Ishral-virgin-construct , having birthed Adam’]
[went forth from Yama] ,
as [‘the mommy’] – from [the great] – Vivasvat ;      [=’only option for this term must be God’]
[see also the Ezekiel 19 chapter “the mother birthing the two young-lions” ;
“Tvastri richtet seiner Tochter die Hochzeit aus”, auf solche Kunde kommt diese ganze Welt
zusammen. Die Mutter des Yama, die heimgeführte Ehefrau des großen Vivasvat, verschwand.

2 From mortal men they hid the Immortal Lady, made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān.
Saranyu brought to him the Aśvin brothers, and then deserted both twinned pairs of children.

2 they hid – the immortal one  [=’virgin’] – for mortals ,
they made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān ;       [=’as “the virgin-daughter of Egypt”]
saruNya – [beared, supported] – both a’svins ,             
[=’from saramî ‘female greyhound’?]
then – [she gave up] – the pair ;
[the only interest we have is “made another , a copy”;
it is *possible* that the line says “they gave another to Vivasvat” –
there is a chapter (in index) saying how “this birth-construct now only births few adamite-souls” ;
It’s unclear what happens here with her and ‘the pair’]

Sie verbargen die Unsterbliche vor den Sterblichen, machten eine Gleichaussehende und gaben
sie dem Vivasvat. Auch ging sie mit den beiden Asvin schwanger, als dies geschah, und sie ließ
die Zwei, die ein Paar waren, im Stich, die Saranyu.
=paryuhyamânâ ; -prayâ ‘to go forth, set out, progress, advance towards or against, go or repair to,
          to walk, roam, wander ; to part, go asunder, be dispersed, pass away, vanish, die; to get into
          a particular state or condition, enter, undergo, incur (accusative) ;
=abharat, 3d sing pres imp (=was) -bhR ‘bear, carry, contain, etc’ RV ;
=saraNyu (root) ‘quick, fleet, nimble’ RV , no other ; linked to -saramâ ‘dog’ ? guarding adam ? ;



RV X , 99 (themes : Originals captured , now ‘footless’ – see ‘hoofs’ , Zech. 11 ;
here , the North steals ‘the eden-construct making physicality’ ,
to can make bodies for the animal-souls LIKE THIS AUTHOR , called ‘ant’ :
during eden , the latter kept them animal-souls within their animal-bódies ,
as he writes here (and see Zephaniah chapters + Rg-V chapter attached) ;
links to : ‘seasons theme’ (there won’t be summer / winter, in prophets) ,
different matrix-nations (in scripture as Puth, Lud, etc) , here as animals ;
10 fingers as ‘ten kings’ they fought (now theirs as 10 horns? , see Rev)
the “eye , as construct , of the matrix-shepherd”, as VaruNa , Zech. 11)

(to Indra as “Behemoth-realm north” ; start at line 3)
3 On most auspicious path he goes to battle , he toiled to win [the bright heaven] [=north] ,
full fain to gain it ;
[unrestrained] , he seized the [hundred-citadelled?] treasure  
[=’of eden’] by craft ,
and slew the (…..?) [designed image] .
Er gelangt zum Siegerpreis mit einem Nichtlahmen gehend, im Kampf um die Sonne belagerte er,
um sie zu gewinnen, als der Unerreichte in Verwandlung die Habe des Hunderttorigen beschlich
und die Phallusanbeter erschlug

4 Fighting for kine [=’Originals !’] , the prize of war,
roaming among the herd he brings the [booty] hither [quickly] ,
(to,in) where the footless
[=’Originals’] joined         [=’having no contact with the land anymore’] , without a car [=’enveloping sphere’] , [destined for the manger +?] ,
they will pour their flood like butter  [=’essence of Originals , in the ovens’] ;
[for broken-off hoofs theme + fat , which is ‘butter’ here , Zech. 11]
Er ergießt als Opfer die jüngsten Ströme, als Renner um die als Preis ausgesetzten Kühe laufend,
während seine Verbündeten ohne Füße, ohne Wagen mit den Kufen als Rossen ihr

Schmalz-Wasser strömen lassen.

5 he , the master , came with the Rudra-sons  [‘ruddy’, as Adam]   or :  [‘the ruddy eden-construct’] ,
[as the indescribable treasures] , having left [his/their] dwelling ,
Vamra [=’ant’ ! ; author name] [thinks] , [+robbing the food?] left the couple weeping .
Mit den Rudrasöhnen ist der Meister gekommen, sein Haus verlassend, mit unerlaubten Wünschen
und doch frei von Makel. Ich habe das entblößte Paar des Vamra im Sinn. Auf Speise ausgehend,

hat er raubend zum Weinen gebracht.

6 Lord of the dwelling, he subdued the demon who roared aloud ,
six-eyed and triple-headed ;                [=’what eden-construct must be this..?’]  ;
this Trita   
[=’third’, eden-main construct ; root : ‘three’ , but can be “trinity”, into ‘30’] ,
[prospering with powerful-energy] ,
he struck down the [boar-like-construct?] [with shaft?] , whose point was [metal (iron?)] .
[perhaps ‘a triple-like construct’ , compare glyph SHESEM]
Dieser Hausgebieter bezwang den laut brüllenden Dasa mit sechs Augen und drei Köpfen.
Durch seine Kraft gestärkt erschlug Trita den Eber mit eisenspitziger Rede

7 [he – the injuring one [=’eden-construct’] – raised itself up on high [=Manu ; = MENU] ] ,
[who had shot] his arrow [=’of words?’] , [striving to hurt] ,
[the (eden-) destroyed / destroying] – [moon-construct , originally from them?] ,    +
for us – the well-born one (noble one) , cleaves – the [eden-] fortress ,
[fighting the Dasyu’s] – [deserving it] ;                             [=’Dasyu , “opposer”, neutral’]
Dem hinterlistigen Arsasana möge er, für Manu sich erhebend, sein Geschoß bestimmen.
Mannhafter als Nahus hat unseretwegen der Edelgeborene im Dasyukampf die Burgen
gebrochen, da dies sein gutes Recht war
[we slowly on meet many constructs … ]

8 He [=’moon-construct’?] , like a thunder-cloud that rains upon the pasture ,
[has come (gâ) ] to us ,– knowing – [the dwelling-place (kSaya) ] – of us ;
then – [Indu
(deep-south-realm?) ] – [is seated upon?]   +                      [=’deep-south = Leviathan’]
[the support-construct] – as the hawk [=’Horus as B’AK’] ,
armed with his [metal (iron?) ] – claws he slays the Dasyus ;
Wasser spendend wie eine Gewitterwolke der Weide, fand er für uns den Weg zu unserem
Wohnsitz. Als der Adler mit seinem Leibe an den Soma herankam, da tötet der Eisenkrallige
die Dasyu´s

9 He the [matrix-] strong one [with mighty (eden-) power] –
[delivering] – these [Kutsa (beings as Lud,Phut, etc)] – from [eden-tsiun’s] – misery ; 
he led out the lauded Kavi [=’seers’] , [wearing the Atka (eden-covering around the body)] ,
[and made (them) successful heroes]
[we had SuSNa “hissing dry place” before ; per context , Cain must have been ‘a kutsa-soul’…]
Er bezwang mit seinen Gewaltigen die Übermächtigen; zu Gunsten des Kutsa gab er den Susna
dem Elend preis. Er führte den gelobten Kavi, der dessen Gewandung trug und der Gewinner
unter den Herren ward.

10 He , with his gods [as the beloved] [matrix-] mankind ,
[as accomplished wonderful things] [through] VaruNa who works with [eden-] magic  (=maya) ,
by these [‘youthful’] – [seasons?] , [changing]     +
[“the eden-concept as the cruel fashioner for to bellow like cattle”] , as the four feeted one ;
[author IS an animal-soul : so , during eden he was captured in an (only) animal-body ;
see Zephaniah-chapters about “wolves , camels and other animal-souls” ;
so the non-scriptural concept of ‘seasons’ is because animal-souls need that …?]

Diese ist als der Meister huldvoll mit seinen mannhaften Freunden, den Göttern, listenreich
gleich Varuna, dieser ist als Jüngling als der zu seinen Zeiten Trinkende bekannt geworden;
er verwandelte sich in den Araru, der vierfüßige.

11 Through lauds (of=to?) him , Auśija Rji’sva [=’zealous one + as the firm dog’?]    +
[as a mighty bull] – [split open] – [the fold, enclosure]  of Pipru [=’likely Heaven’] ;
[the extracted soma] – adorable – shone as a sacrifice , when he seized the [citadels] ,

[+two words unidentifiable atm]
[the ‘fold’ here as ‘eden’]
Durch Loblieder auf ihn sprengte Ausija Rijisvan mit dem Stiere den Wall des Pipru. Als der
Somapressende und die Lobrede des Opfernden strahlten, da beschlich er, darum angegangen,

in Verwandlung die Burgen.
12 [and this] – [great (by eden)] – construct   [=’shared construct’, as ‘asura’] ,   +
Vamraka  [=’author, here as ‘little ant’]– grew – on his two feet ,
after (=upa) – creeping – to Indra ;              [=’for he is an animal-soul !’]
[closing line :]
He will by supplication bring him blessing: he hath brought all, food, strength, a happy dwelling.
Also kroch, o Asura, Vamraka auf seinen Füßen zu Indra, um den Großen zu stärken. Er möge
darum angegangen ihm Glück bescheren. Labung, Nahrung, guten Wohnsitz, alles hat er gebracht
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=gnha ‘destroying’ RV ;
=chi’sna+deva , chis+ not located ;
=pradhana ‘booty, spoil’ RV ;
=â-pâda , hardly “no-station” (not -patha , road) ;
=droNya ‘belonging to (or longing for) the manger’ RV (X , 50 : ‘send us cattle’) ;
=tuvîrava ‘making a terrible noise (in battle)’ RV ,

  • =trita ‘third’ ; RV II , 34 “ye O infallible brought Trita to decay” , VIII , 47 “14 Daughter of Heaven,
    the dream that bodes evil to us or to our kine, Remove, O -lightLady, to Trita Āptya far away”
    (trita-aptya , aptya = water-deity) ; in VI , 44 (do!) the nectar (for immortality) is found there –
    also mentioned “the 10 fingers” which are 10 eden-kings which they war (several chapters) :

Is this NOW théir 10 kings-constructs of which 3 were rooted-up , etc ..? ; (=3 x 10 = 30 ?)
=varâha ‘(doubtful) boar, wild pig, etc’ RV ; -varâha ‘a mountain’ RA , MH ;
varâhaka ‘name of a demon’ MH ; “stand up and eat flesh” ? ;
=vipâ or -vipa is not a root ; unclear ;
=ûrdhvasa ‘being on high’, “having spikes of corn” MH ! , “beat out the sheaf” in prophets ? ;
=nRtama ‘most manly or strong’ RV , but includes -nRt ‘destroy’ as eden-term ;
=nahuSa ‘likely original eden-moon’, see sun + moon chapters ;
=bhid 3d sing pres ; ‘split, break, cleave, etc’ RV ;
=sîdat ‘failing, suffering’ ? ‘to sit down’ ? ,
=’sarîra ‘body , but more as “a support”  RV ; not the -tanv cluster ‘body’ ;
=’savasâna ‘strong, powerful’ RV , into –‘savitR , ÁTEN ?

  • =kutsa ; ‘when Susna attacked, Indra defended him’ RV (here) ; kutsa : ‘class of matrix-beings’
    RV VII , 25 , 5 ; in I , 53 , 10 Indra máde the Kutsa ; in II , 14 Kutsa is mentioned with other
    groups (as Puth and Lud etc. in scripture?) ; try other roots -katsa etc ? ;
  • =’suSNa ‘hisser, a demon’ RV , from ‘suS ‘dry, withered’, was -tsiun in other chapter ;
    Daniel was in Susan , capital , as eurasian sphere – per playout ‘in tsiun’ ? ;

=kRpaNa ‘misery, wretchedness’
=atka , was in the “spirit-couple fighting , and female-Original , see X , 95 ;
=Rtupa , ‘season-related’ ? ;
=avedi , not-knowing ? , other form ? ;

  • =araru ‘hard, cruel ; a demon’ RV ; + amimîta 3d sing pres -mâ ?
    root mâ ‘sound, bellow, roar, bleat (especially of cattle)’ RV (animals!) , 2) mã ‘to measure,
    mark, to form, fashion, etc’ RV ; these souls were IN ANIMAL FORM during eden !!!!
    3) we combined all these in ultimate title – see above ;
  • =au’sija ‘desirous, zealous, wishing’ RV ;
  • =Rji’sva , =Rji’svan ‘name of a king protected by Indra’ RV ; but –‘sva is ‘dog’ (linked to ‘white’)
    while root -Rj exists (-arj, to Arjuna) ; “firm,healthy+dog”? ;
  • =pipra , no root ; -pru? ; no – -pR , ‘to save, rescue, excell, protect, keep alive’ ;
    p-root is mutilated by the ‘destroying-R’ but in cluster (-piprati,-pipru,etc) ; counter -Rj ? ;

=maha , ‘great, etc’  RV but from eden-root -ma ;
=vakS root ‘to grow, wax, increase’ RV ;
=sarpad , from sRp ‘to creep, crawl’ RV ;


parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

25.11.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report