RV I , 105           (about the Red Sun – see X , 85)
1. WITHIN the waters runs the Moon, he with the beauteous wings in heaven.
Ye lightnings with your golden wheels, men find not your abiding-place.

Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.

1 [candramas (‘region / moon’)] – in [the [eden-] waters ,       [=’the place of this sun’ , X , 85’]
[he] – [with beautiful wings] – in [the sky] :                                [=’red sun / winged-disk’]
they [=’we !’]not know to discover you ,
(you) the station with the golden edge ,                                      [=’namely : as this sun’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky                                                [=’likely ‘this earth’ (=rodasi)’]
“Der Mond scheint im Wasser, der beschwingte läuft am Himmel. Nicht finden sie euren Standort,
ihr goldreifigen, blitzenden Sterne. Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
2 surely men crave and gain their wish :                                      [=’physicality for spirits’]
close to her husband clings the wife                                             [=’this sun , to Damascus’]
and, in embraces intertwined, both give and take the bliss of love ;       
[=’the red and blue’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky

“Die ein Bedürfnis haben, kommen zu ihrem Bedürfnis. Die Frau zieht den Gatten an sich. Beide ergießen das brünstige Naß; sie gibt ihren Saft hin und melkt den Mann aus.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
3 o never may that light , ye gods , fall from its station in the sky ;    [=’for it was placed there’]
[may the sweetness as the soma] 
[=’corrupted eden-turquoise-essence’] never fail us ,
the spring of our felicity ;
[know] – this , you – earth and sky ;             [=’this earth’]
“Möchte, ihr Götter, jene Sonne doch nicht vom Himmel fallen, möchten wir niemals des heilsamen somischen Tranks entbehren.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
[end of section – do see RV X , 85]
=dhâvate , 3d sing pres. -dhâv ‘run, flow, move, glide ; make bright, polish, cleanse’ RV ;
=hiranyanemi ‘having golden fellies or wheels’ RV ; -nemi ‘rim, edge’ RV ;

vorige pagina
RV VII , 104
volgende pagina
RV X , 85