RV I , 162            (destruction of the physical coverings of our Originals)
                             [contains graphic content]
1. SLIGHT us not Varuṇa, Aryaman, or Mitra, Ṛbhukṣan, Indra, Āyu, or the Maruts,
When we declare amid the congregation the virtues of the strong Steed, God-descended.

1. SLIGHT us not Varuṇa , Aryaman , Mitra ,
ṚbhukSan , Indra , Ayu , or the Maruts ;                             [=’bronze soldiers ; both eyes , etc’]
[this] – [divine-born] – [‘covering of the Original (as goat)’] – [for to get strength] – [seven-fold] ,

[the heroic deed (to get eden-power) ] – [you all know] :     +
[for ‘goat’ (-aja) and the context of ‘covering’ , see breakdown ;
it is possible that the line reads ‘the sevenfold covering’ :
the syntax of 162 and 163 is very tricky , written by again another author]  

Mögen uns Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Ayu, Ribhuksan, die Marut nicht übersehen, wenn wir des
gottgeschaffenen siegesgewohnten Rennpferdes Heldentaten in weiser Rede verkünden werden

2 What time they bear before the Courser, covered with trappings and with wealth,
the grasped oblation,
The dappled goat goeth straightforward, bleating, to the place dear to Indra and to Pūṣan.

2 [when] – [he (=the Original) willingly gives]    +
[the enclosing] – [shining (eden-) garment] – of [(inherited) wealth] ,
[they (=spirits) are guiding] – [the grasped one] – [to in front] ;
[the goat (=ajo)] – with [many forms and colours] – [is going straight forward] ,
[to] – [the beloved] – [place] – of [Indra and puSan ‘keeper of the flock (=Originals)’] ;
[as “the lamb in front of his shearers” theme ;
the ‘colourful coat of Joseph’ also comes to mind] 

Wenn sie vor dem mit Gewand und Erbstücken bedeckten, die Opfergabe, gefaßt, voraus führen,
so geht der allfarbige Bock meckernd, willig voran zu Indra´s und Pusan´s lieber Zuflucht.
3 Dear to all Gods, this goat, the share of Pūṣan, is first led forward with the vigorous Courser,
While Tvaṣṭar sends him forward with the Charger, acceptable for sacrifice, to glory.

3 [all you gods] ,
[this] – [male goat (=Original)] ,
[‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] , [the portion] – of [PuSan , ‘keeper of the flock’] ,
[was being guided] – [in front of] – [the horse (=torture-object’)] ;
[tvaSTR = KHEPER , ‘transformation’] – [famously] – [caused to move]      +
[the victim (arvat)] – [for the beloved] – [abundant sacrifice] ;
[last line is wrong , from his point of view :
the Originals could’t bear the displeasure of God resounding in their Original
(see also log of yesterday) , certainly not as Kheper’s doing ;
2) the theme of “less Originals being born from the birth-construct” is related here ,
In the chapter where is said “where once were 40 , now are 20” (paraphrased) ]   

Dieser Ziegenbock, für alle Götter bestimmt, wird mit dem siegesgewohnten Roß vorausgeführt
als Anteil des Pusan. Wenn sie den Bock als willkommnes Voropfer mit dem Rennpferd führen,
so ermuntert ihn Tvastri zu rühmlichem Werke.
4 When thrice the men lead round the Steed, in order, who goeth to the Gods as meet oblation,
The goat precedeth him, the share of Pūṣan, and to the Gods the sacrifice announceth.

4 [when] – [they go] – [(the way) leading to the gods] – [at the proper time] ,
[the men] – [guide] (them) – [thrice] – [around] – [the horse (=matrix torture-instrument)] ;
[in this way] – !goes) [the main] – [share] – of [PuSan , ‘the keeper of flock’ (=Originals)] ,
and – [the sacrifice] – of [the goat (ajo)]– [is announced] – [to the gods] ;
[there is “an oath which the Originals make (to their realm)”
after they had gone to the north ( ez. 17)  —
this must be directly related to the ‘not bearing the reproach in their body’ ;
2) this “going around” may be that oath , since ‘revolving’ is a serpent-theme ;
replayed in that awful religion where the slaves circle around their idol , in Mecca ;
conform the theme of the Egyptian Apis-bull [glyph H’EP] , before he was killed ,
as the origin of today’s ‘matador’ practices]

Wenn die Menschen das zum Opfer bestimmte Roß dreimal der Reihe nach den Götterweg
herumführen, so geht dabei der Opferanteil des Pusan voran, der Bock, der den Göttern das

Opfer meldet.
5 Invoker, ministering priest, atoner, fire-kindler Soma-presser, sage, reciter,
With this well ordered sacrifice, well finished, do ye fill full the channels of the rivers.

5 [hotri , ‘the offering priest’ (+?) ] – [âvaya , ‘youthfulness’?] ,
[agni-mindha , ‘the burning flame’] , [the pressing-stone-holder] ,           [=’all as constructs’]
and – the invoker – [very learned in sacred knowledge] :
[with] – [the well-prepared (=noise-prepared)] – [sacrifice] , [properly offered] ,
[you should fill yourselves] – with [refreshment] ;
[those constructs are not diirectly physicality-related ,
but “the sacrifice is the material for them building their reality” ; see below]

Der Hotri, Adhvaryu, der Avayaj, der Agnimindha (Feueranzünder), Gravagrabha (Preßsteinhalter)
und der redegewandte Samstri (Vortrager), – füllet ihr mit diesem wohlbereiteten, wohlgeopferten
Opfer eure Bäuche!

6 The hewers of the post and those who carry it, and those who carve the knob to deck the
Horse’s stake; Those who prepare the cooking-vessels for the Steed,—
may the approving help of these promote our work.

6 [the sacrificial post for to slay] – [which is] – [the bearing-sacrificial-post] ,
[the wooden ring atop of sacrificial post] – [which] – is at [the sacrificial pole of the horse] ,
(which) [fashions by chiseling] ;
(these) [which] are – [the pleasing] – [instruments for cooking] , [brought together] ,
[these] – [must advance] – [with – our – approval] ;
[the analogy with the crucifixion approaches ;
we don’t know what means “the ring atop of the pole”]

Die Pfostenhauer und Pfostenträger und die den Knauf für den Rosspfosten zimmern,
und die für das Rennpferd das Kochgerät zusammentragen, auch deren Beifall soll uns fördern.
7 Forth, for the regions of the Gods, the Charger with his smooth back is come my prayer attends
him. In him rejoice the singers and the sages. A good friend have we won for the Gods’ banquet.

7 [my] – [good prayer] – [to give] – [wisdom] ,
[before] – (being) [directed forward]  [=’the victim is directed’] ,
[the straight-backed one (=bound to the stake?)] – (as) [the food] – for [the gods] ,
[you gods] , [the learned] – [rshis (=class of spirits)] – [are excited] ,
[the well-fed one (=physically pretty)] – [we must make] – [the well-bound one] ;
[the ‘well-fed’ ,
is described in Zechariah 11 as “fat”, of the Originals ;
there is a possibility , that it reads “the one with the pleasant backside”,
hinting at “impaling”, since the torture-construct is called ‘a horse’… —
but we are very careful to not interpret the torture wrongly … ]

Er ist in die Gefilde der Götter eingegangen, der gradrückige Renner – ein schönes Gedicht ist von
mir gemacht. Die redekundigen Rishi´s jubeln ihm nach. Wir haben ihn zu einem guten Genossen
im Gestüte der Götter gemacht.
8 May the fleet Courser’s halter and his heel-ropes, the head-stall and the girths and cords about him.
And the grass put within his mouth to bait him,—among the Gods, too, let all these be with thee.

8 [then] (is) – [the fetter] – for [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
[(the heel?-) fetters] – for [the victim (arvat)] ,
[the strap] – [being at the head] , (as?) [the cord (king-related?)] – for [him] :
[then] – [pasture grass?] – [is placed in] – (his) [mouth] ,
(so?) [all] – [your (!)] – [straw (of the victim ; TRNa, useless)] – (will be?) [for] – [the gods?] ;
[we don’t understand the concept here ,
why the victim “to eat their type grass”, as a type essence ;
yet this must be related to “the fly” in next section ;
2) said to the Ishral-virgin : “I will get back My wool and my flax” ,
yet it’s difficult to say what can be these aspects (of physicality) ;
we know how “them spirits will be pulverized like chaff” so there must be a relation —
3) that in return , Nebuchadnessar (representing Thoth !) ate grass , must be related]

Halfter und Fessel des siegesgewohnten Rennpferdes, der Zaum am Kopf, sein Seil, oder das Gras, das
in sein Maul gesteckt ward, all das von dir soll bei den Göttern sein!

9 What part of the Steed’s flesh the fly hath eaten, or is left sticking to the post or hatchet,
Or to the slayer’s hands and nails adhereth,—among the Gods, too, may all this be with thee.

[it seems that ‘the fly’ eats the victim’s inside :]
9 [what] – [the fly  (‘feeding upon eden’) eats] – of [the flesh] – of [the victim (arvat)] ,
[or] – [all] – [what – sticks to] – [the axe] ;   +
[or] – (to) [the hands] – of [the killer of the victim] , [even] – (to) [his nails] :
[all] – of [you] – [it] (is) – [for] – [the gods] ;
[considered the context ,
this ‘fly’ must be INside the victim , following upon the feeding the grass ;
we have but 1 lead here – as glyph ÃFF , ‘fly’ ,
but it’s hard for us to can even conceive what must be going on here…]

Was die Fliege von dem Fleisch des Rosses gefressen hat, oder was am Pfosten und am Beil
kleben bleibt, was an den Händen des Zurichters, was an seinen Nägeln, all das von dir soll bei
den Göttern sein!
10 Food undigested streaming from his belly, and any odour of raw flesh remaining,
This let the immolators set in order and dress the sacrifice with perfect cooking.

[then] – [the inward parts?] – [stream + out + (his) belly] ,
[the smell] – of [his] – [raw] – [flesh] ;
[to make good] – [that] (what) – [the killer of the victim] – [made to cut-off] ,
[they must cook] – [the juice of the meat (of victim)] , [thoroughly cooked] ;
[we don’t know if “contents stream out of the covering”,
or “out of the Original himself”  (which is perhaps the same thing) ;
see Ezekiel 24 , “our Originals in the cauldron” –
let’s hope that after posting this , that cauldron will explode – as written there]

Der Speiserest in seinem Leib, der ausdünstet, der Geruch seines rohen Fleisches,
das alles sollen die Zurichter zurecht machen und sie sollen das Opfertier gar kochen.
11 What from thy body which with fire is roasted, when thou art set upon the spit, distilleth,
Let not that lie on earth or grass neglected, but to the longing Gods let all be offered.

[then] – [your] – [limb (=must be ‘torso’)] – [is roasted] – in [the fire] ,
[destroyed + by + being placed] – [on] – [the spit] ;
[to build] – [the (matrix-) land] – by [it] ,
[to build (it)] – (by?) [the remained?] – [straw (TRNa, uselessness)] :            [<<< unsure]
[he (=the victim) – willingly bestowed] – [it] – to [the gods] ;  
[compare previous lines ,
where the sacrifice was also for ‘the fire and pressingstone’ ;
also glyphs know the S-prefix “something made (by using the adamite-soul)” ;
the term -mã as verb is ‘to build, measure, etc’ ; or ‘my’ , but not ‘not’ (=na) ]

Was von deinem am Feuer gebratenen Körperteil abrinnt, wenn du an den Spieß gesteckt bist, das soll
nicht auf den Boden, nicht an den Gräsern hängen bleiben.
Den verlangenden Göttern soll das
gespendet sein!

12 They who observing that the Horse is ready call out and say, the smell is good; remove it;
And, craving meat, await the distribution,—may their approving help promote labour.

12 (they) (=spirits) [who] – [observe] – [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] – [is ready cooked] ,
[who] – [say] :
(it) [smells fragrant] – to [us] , [take him away] ;
[the ones (=spirits?) begging for flesh as alms] – [waited] – [the delicacy] – (for them) ,
[it] – is [the famous] – [refreshment] – for [us] ;
[same theme as the ovens in spells ,
and the three young men in the oven in Daniel]

Die das Streitroß, wenn es gar ist, prüfen, die sagen: es duftet schön, nimm es weg! – und die auf
ein Fleischalmosen von dem Rennpferd warten, auch deren Zustimmung soll uns fördern.
13 The trial-fork of the flesh-cooking caldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled,
The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,—all these attend the Charger.

13 [the stick for stirring the cauldron] ,
[the cooking instruments for the broth-juice] ,
[the cauldron] , [the bowls as receptacles] , [the .. ?] ,
[the vessel for containing fluids] ;
[the steaming-hot cauldron-lid] , [the preparing-vessel] , [the hooks (RV VI,15)] ,
[the weaving-poles (see amtuat VIII)] ,
(being) [around] – [the horse (‘as torture-construct’)] – [seeking to gain (the victim’s body)] ;
[in prophets , these area’s are ‘Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron’ etc]
Das Prüfstäbchen des Fleischkochtopfes, die Schalen zum Eingießen der Brühe,
die dampfenden Deckel der Kessel, Haken, Fleischteller warten auf das Roß
14 The starting-place, his place of rest and rolling, the ropes wherewith the Charger’s feet were fastened,
The water that he drank, the food he tasted,—among the Gods, too, may all these attend thee.

14 [the place trampling-place] , [as] – [the revolving] – [dwellingplace] ;
[the fetter for the feet] – of [the victim  (arvat)] ;
[what]  – [he drank] – and [the pasture-grass] – [what] – [he has consumed] ,
[all] – of [you (!)] – [it] (is) – [for] – [the gods] ;
[the ‘revolving’ is the serpent-concept]
Worauf es schreitet, sich niederläßt, sich wälzt, und die Fußfessel des Rennpferdes,
was es getrunken und an Futter gefressen hat, all das soll von dir bei den Göttern sein.
15 Let not the fire, smoke-scented, make thee crackle, nor glowing caldron smell and break to pieces.
Offered, beloved, approved, and consecrated,—such Charger do the Gods accept with favour.

15 [my] – [(agni-) fire] ,
[smelling of smoke] , as [the extinguished] – [energy (by eden)] , 
[the separate] – [shining one] – [sprinkles about] ;
[the cherished one] , [the pleasant one] – [the agreeable one] :                    [tricky lines]
[(the garment-body) being made under loud shouting] ,
[by] (what) – [the horse (‘the torture device’)] – [seized] – for [the gods] ;   +
[the ‘made unde loud shouring’ (vaSaTkRTa)
has in scripture the equivalent “treading grapes with shouting” , to produce something ;
here the -vaSa is linked to -vâSa , ‘garment-body’, see next line ;
2) the “executioner for Osiris” is -SHESMU ‘the winepress-god , but we can’t link that to ‘horse’ yet]

Nicht soll dich das nach Rauch riechende Feuer räuchern, nicht soll der glühende Topf verspritzend
überwallen. Das geweihte, angebotenen, gebilligte, mit Vasat gesegnete Roß nehmen die Götter in Empfang.

16 The robe they spread upon the Horse to clothe him, the upper covering and the golden trappings,
The halters which restrain the Steed, the heel-ropes,—all these, as grateful to the Gods, they offer.

16 [the garment] – [they spread out + over] – [the horse]   [=with the victim upon it] ,
(as?) [the above garment] – with? [the golden (trappings?, things?)] ;
[the fetter (cutting and dividing)] – for [the victim – arvat] ,
(as?) [the fetter for the feet] – , [dear] – to [the gods] ,
[as the ones (=trappings and garment?) approaching the sacrifice ?] ;
[it’s not clear what this … procedure is about ;
Das Gewand das sie dem Pferde unterlegen, das Obergewand, die Goldsachen, die sie ihm unterlegen,
die Fessel, die Fußfessel, diese lieben Sachen sollen den Renner bei den Göttern festhalten.

17 If one, when seated, with excessive urging hath with his heel or with his whip distressed thee,
All these thy woes, as with the oblations’ ladle at sacrifices, with my prayer I banish.

17 [when] – [you] – [ride (the horse)] ,
[the well-made] – [mighty one (by eden)] ,
[the whip] – [will have stung] – (your?) [heel] ;
[you] – [the burnt offering] , (by?) [the sacrificial spoon] ,
[all] – of [you] – [is injured , caused to fall (backwards?)] – in? [the well of Yama?] – of [spells?] ;
[each line more difficult …
– what is with ‘the heel’ ? why the serpent in Genesis “bites the heel”,
as well as “Dan does – so that the horse will fall backwards” ..?
we don’t know what this sacrificial spoon represents but ‘well’ and ‘spoon’ could link ,
if the well is a place for making physicality
(spoon is for ‘fat’ = eden-physicality , and with the spoon butter was thrown into the fire) ;
it’s true that also ‘well’ is but by conjection]

Wenn man dich beim Reiten durch übermäßiges Hetzen oder mit der Ferse oder der Peitsche
angespornt hat, all das mache ich dir mit einem Segen wieder gut, wie mit einem Löffel Opferspeise
die Fehler im Gottesdienst.

18 The four-and-thirty ribs of the. Swift Charger, kin to the Gods, the slayer’s hatchet pierces.
Cut ye with skill, so that the parts be flawless, and piece by piece declaring them dissect them.

18 [the axe] – of [the horse (=torture-device)] – (is?) [at?]      +
[the thirty-four] – [ribs] – of [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
as? [the divine bonds (deva-bandha)] ;
[in the manner] – [to make to cut-off] – [flawlessly?] – [the limbs  (=as those ribs?)] :
[‘piece by piece’] – [name aloud] – [the separated ones] ;
[the only thing we can think of here ,
is like “the enveloping sphere which all 144,000 will gird themselves in” + see next line]

Auf vierunddreißig Rippen des göttergesellten Streitrosses trifft das Beil. Richtet die Körperteile
unverletzt her, zerleget sie Glied für Glied der Reihe nach ausrufend!

19 Of Tvaṣṭar’s Charger there is one dissector,—this is the custom-two there are who guide him.
Such of his limbs as I divide in order, these, amid the balls, in fire I offer.

19 [the one] – [horse (=torture-construct)] – of [tvaSTR , KHEPER] – [dissects] ,
[the two] – [establishers] – [both are] – [confirming] – [the fixed order] ;
(in) [which] – [your] – [the limbs] – in [fixed order] – [are made to cut-off] ,
[these] – [spheres] – [in front] – [I offer] – to [the fire] ;
[so “the enveloping sphere is taken off the victims during the horse” ? ,
and now their protection is carefully destroyed ..?]

Einer ist der Zerleger des Rosses des Tvastri, zwei sind es, die es halten. So ist das richtige Verhältnis.
So viele deiner Körperteile ich nach der Reihenfolge herrichte, so viele Klöße opfere ich ins Feuer.

20 Let not thy dear soul burn thee as thou comest, let not the hatchet linger in thy body.
Let not a greedy clumsy immolator, missing the joints, mangle thy limbs unduly.

[closing :]
20 [I am] – [the beloved] – [dear (matrix-) soul] , (by) [your] – [suffering (or ‘radiated heat’)] ,
(by) [the axe] – [I am] – [the (matrix-) body (tanv)] , [by] – [your] – [lasting damage] ;
[I am] – [your] – [greedily desirous] – [murderer] ,
of [the torn asunder] – [limbs] – (which) [the sword (eden-construct?)] – [falsely] – [made] ;
[the ‘sword’ : very unusual term here ;
considered the theme , “the pillar of fire (of the tabernacle)” as the sword is possible]

Nicht soll dich das liebe Leben schmerzen, wenn du eingehst; nicht soll das Beil deinem Körper
dauernden Schaden tun. Nicht soll ein gieriger, unerfahrener Zerleger mit dem Hackmesser
ausgleitend die zerschnittenen Glieder falsch behandeln

21 No, here thou diest not, thou art not injured: by easy paths unto the Gods thou goest.
Both Bays, both spotted mares are now thy fellows, and to the ass’s pole is yoked the Charger.

21 [this] (is) – [not] – [the death] – of [you] , [nor] – [a perishing] ,  
[these] – [are] – [the easy] – [paths] – of [the gods] ;
[the yellow-greenish ones] – are [your] – [company?] ,
[you all have become?] – [the speckled ones     (cows,mares, the animals the maruts ride)] :
[‘the covering of the Original-goat’] – [is exposed to?] – [the yoke] – of? [the (male?) donkey] ;
[we had this theme , Isaiah 21 ,
about “the separate donkey-chariot (hebr. -chmur) but yoked to the eden-athon one ,
forming a third “chariot for making the matrix-type-man” ,
but this matrix-construct will “be flung beyond the gates of Jerusalem”, Jer. 22  —
however , it is very difficult to imagine their positioning in above line ,
the term as -upâstha , a contraction , while -uphastâ is ‘stand next to, exposed to’]
2) we do not know ,
how this all relates to “our soul being separated from the Original” ;
if this is the same theme , or if there is still another stage]

Wahrlich, nicht stirbst du dabei, nicht nimmst du Schaden. Zu den Göttern gehst du auf gangbaren
Wegen. Die beiden Falben, die beiden Schecken sind deine Jochgenossen geworden; das Streitroß
ward an die Deichsel des Esels eingestellt.

22 May this Steed bring us all-sustaining riches, wealth in good kine, good horses, manly offspring.
Freedom from sin may Aditi vouchsafe us: the Steed with our oblations gain us lordship!

22 [our] – [good dual-essence] , by [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
for [good – horses (=personal-physical-construct)] – of [(matrix-) men] ,
[as] – [all-nourishing?] – [riches] ;
[innocence] – [Aditi (=matrix-construct)] – [must make] – for [us] :
[dominion] – by [our] – [acquired] – [horse (=personal-physical-construct)] , [containing oblation] .
Schöne Rinder und schöne Rosse, männliche Kinder und allnährenden Besitz soll uns das
siegesgewohnte Roß bringen. Schuldlosigkeit soll uns Aditi erwirken. Die Herrschaft soll uns das von
Opfergaben begleitete Roß erringen!

[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
1-4 :

  • =vâjinswift, spirited, impetuous, heroic, warlike, etc (with ratha as war-chariot;superl.
    strong, manly, procreative, potent’ RV ; the steed of a war-chariot ; plural “the Coursers”,
    a class of divine beings ; (into -vâjina ‘contest’ ) ; a-vajin ‘a bad horse’ RV (see nr) ;
    2) if -vâjina is “contest, lot, destiny” then this is the borrowed “30 (34) construct” ? ;
    (see III , 53, 23) ;
    3) contraction of va+aja ; -aja as ‘goat’ in RV , also ‘the goats of PuSan [‘flock keeper’] ,
    so ‘the goat having the -va’ , as chariot , “a physical eden-covering for the Original’ ;
  • =vakS ‘increase, grow strong’ RV ;
  • =vidatha, sec plur pres of -vid ;
  • =vîra, ‘manchild, manly, man’ RV (must be by eden) ;
  • =nirNij, ‘shining garment’ RV (or verb ‘to adorn oneself’) , eden -nir ;
  • =râti, 3d sing pres -râ ‘to give willing, surrender, etc’ RV (very unusual) ;
  • =mukhato = mukhatas ? ‘in front, from before’ RV ;
  • =suprâN+c ‘going straight forward’ RV ;
  • =pûSan, ‘keeper of flocks’ ? ;
  • =pur+sacrifice, -pur only as ‘abundant’ 1x RV ;
  • =arvat, ‘a courser ; running ; part of a sacrifice’ RV (see numbers) ; -arvatî ‘a mare’ RV ;
    this will go to the Apis-bull (H’EP) , running in an arena before killed ? ;
  • =jinvati, 3d sing pres -jinv ‘to move one’s self, be active or lively, to urge on, cause to move
    quickly, impel, incite, to refresh, animate; to promote, help, favour ; to help any one
    (accusative) to anything (dative case) ; to receive favourably (prayers or devotion)’ RV ;
    jinvat ‘to refresh, animate, promote, further’ RV ;
  • =dha+viSa ? viSa ‘servant, attendant’ RV ;
  • =pari ‘fully, richly ; against, opposite, towards, direction ; from, away, out of’RV ;
    also ‘round, around, round about’
  • =atra ‘food; a devourer’ RV ‘in this place, here at this time, there, then, in this way’ ;


  • =vakSaNa ‘refreshing, refreshment ; the sides, flank ; bed of a river’ RV ;
  • =pRNa, 2d sing pres imper (=must) of -pR+ ‘nourish, to fill with, etc’ RV ;
  • =yûpa, ‘a smooth post or stake to which the sacrificial victim is fastened’ RV (see number) ;
    the -vraska has no root – vra’sc ‘cut off or down or cleave hew, etc’ ;
  • =ya , who, which’ RV ;
  • =caSâla ‘a wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post’ RV (here) ;
  • =takSati, 3d sing pres -takS ‘chisel, chop, form, create’ RV ;
  • =teSâm = tad ;
  • =invatu, 3d sing pres imp (=must) of -invto advance upon, press upon, drive ; to infuse strength,
    invigorate, gladden ; to use force, force ; to drive away ; to keep back, remove ; to have
    in one’s power, take possession of, pervade ; to be lord or master of anything,
    have the disposal of’ RV ;
  • =prâgât , from -prâg = praN+c ? ‘east, eastern ; directed forwards or towards, being in front,
    facing, opposite, to make straight, prepare or clear [a path], advance, promote, further’ RV ;
  • =suman ; no root -suma ; su+ma ? ;
  • =â’sa , (1,3) sing paradigm (=can) perf of -a‘s ‘reach, arrive, get, gain ; eat, consume’ ã’s=reach) ;
  • =vîtapRSTha ‘straight-backed (as a horse)’ RV ; -vîta ‘pleasant, straight, smooth’ RV ‘
    pRSTha the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything ;
    the upper side, surface, top, height’ RV ;
    madantî ‘bubbling or boiling water’ RV ;
  • =cakRma, 1st plur tense paradigm perf -kR ;


  • =dâman ‘donor, giver ; fetter ; allotment, share, gift’ RV ;
  • =saMdâna ‘a fetter’ RV
  • =ra’sanâ ‘zone, girdle, girth (of a woman)’ RV ;
  • =ghâsa ‘pasture grass’ RV ; no other root ; – ghasa ‘to devour ; a rakSa (eden-guard?)’ RV ;
  • =makSikâ ‘a fly, a bee’ RV ; -makSa ‘a fly’ RV (see numbers) , flyph ÃFF ;
  • =svara ‘noise’ ; ‘abode of the gods, light, etc’ ;
  • =svadhiti, ‘an axe’ RV ;
  • =’samitR ‘a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim)’ RV ;
  • =ûvadhya = ûbadhya RV (here) , unclear root “something to give’ -dha  ; does that make sense ? ;
  • =udara ‘belly’ RV + out + -pû ‘flow, stream, etc’ RV ;
  • =âma, ‘raw’ RV ;
  • =pacantu, 3d plur pres imp -pac ‘to cook, bake, etc’ RV ;


  • =gâtra, ‘limb of member of the body’ RV (diff as aN+g) ;
  • =’sûla ‘stake, spit’ RV , why –‘s ? ;
  • =nihata ‘hurled,thrown ; destroyed, etc’ RV + out + placed (dhâ)  ;
  • =’sriSan , ‘srisa, sriSa , not located ;
  • =mâMsabhikSâ ‘begging for flesh as alms’ RV ;
  • =nîkSana ‘stick or ladle for stirring a cauldron’ RV ;
  • =yûSNa , not located , yet lists -yûSan (weak case) ‘indian mulberry tree’ RV ;
  • =âsecana ‘vessel for fluids’ RV ;
  • =ûSmanya ‘steaming-hot’ RV           +pidhâna ‘covering, lid’ no RV ;
  • =sûnâ , ‘related tot o weave’ RV ; per spells as ‘weaving-pole’ see amtuat VIII ;
  • =bhûS ‘seek to gain, strive after’ RV , into “decoration’ as body ;
  • =nikramaNa ‘putting down the feet, footstep, footfall’ RV (trampling-down, feet-trap?) ;
  • =paDbiSa ‘a fetter foor the feet’ RV ;
  • =dhvanayît ,  ‘covered, extinguished (as anger) ; darken, wrap up, envelop’ RV
  • =mokha = makha ? ‘energy, alive ; feast, festivity’ RV ;
  • =vikta ‘separate’ ? ; -pravikta ‘trembling’ RV see -vic ‘to separate, sift’ RV ;


  • =pârSNya, as -pârSNi ‘heel’ RV ;
  • =tutoda (1st,3d) sing tense parad perf -tud ‘strike, goad, bruise, sting, vex’ RV ;
  • =sruc ‘a sort of large wooden ladle (used for pouring clarified butter on a sacrificial fire’ RV ;
  • =haviSa , havis ‘a burnt offering’ RV ;
  • =adhvareSu = adhvara ? ; aorist of dhvR ‘to injure, tob end, cause to fall, hurt’ RV ? ;
  • =sûdayâmi , sûdana ‘putting in order’ RV but this is -sûda + yami ; s^da ‘a well’ RV + Yami or Yama ;
    or -yAmi can be 1st pres of -yã ;
  • =vaN+kri ‘a rib’ RV ;
  • =achidra , not located ;
  • =vayunâ ‘mark, aim, goal (?)’ RV ; root -vayuna ‘a path (as in manner, custom) ; brightness’ RV ;
  • =anughuS, ‘to name aloud’ RV ;


  • =vi’sasta, either ‘praised, celebrated or cut-up, dissected’, no RV ;
  • =yanter, to yantR, ‘establishing, granting, charioteer, manager, ruler’’ RV ;
  • =tatha, tathâ ‘yes’ RV (affirmative) ;
  • =piNDa ‘any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece’ RV ;
  • =tap ‘to give out heat, be hot, to suffer or feel pain, to consume by heat’ RV ;
  • =tiSThipat, can’t locate root ;
  • =chidra ‘torn asunder ; pierced, containing holes’ RV ;
  • =asinâ , fr asi ‘sword, hatchet’  ;
  • =miriyase , 2nd pres imper -mR ;
  • =yun+ya, not located ; appointed to ?
  • =abhûta, 2nd plur tense paradigm aorist -bhû ; not passive ;
  • =upa+asthan ‘bones’ ;
  • =râsabha ‘donkey, ass’ RV (seems masculine) ;
  • =puMs, ‘man, male being’ RV (soul or spirit of man, MH) ;
  • =haviSmat ‘possessing or offering an oblation, containing oblation’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

06.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

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RV X , 146
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RV I , 163