RV I , 163             (eden’s birth-construct , now inversed in their north)
1. WHAT time, first springing into life, thou neighedst, proceeding from the sea or upper waters,
Limbs of the deer hadst thou, and eagle pinions. O Steed, thy birth is nigh and must be lauded.

[this , now their birth-construct , may be a ‘she’ – as “daughter of Egypt” in prophets]
1 [when] – [sorrowfully] – [born] – [in the beginning] ,                                      [=’in eden’]
from [the one] – [sea (eden-dimension)] – [you] – [proceeded] :             [=’to the north’]
[eagle (hawk?)] – [winged] , [the fore-feet] – of [the greenish-yellow deer (not mRga)] ,
for [the invoked (praised)] – [great] – [birth] , [you] – [victim  (arvat)] ;
[so this construct wasn’t théirs ;
we don’t know why another term is used for ‘deer’ (instead of the golden deer -mRga] ;
the ‘wings’ are equally unclear :
is this the original “winged disk” ? feeding Râ (-Sûrya) , this sun ?]

 Als du eben erst geboren wiehertest, aus dem Meer oder aus dem Urquell heraussteigend,
mit Flügeln des Adlers und den Vorderfüßen der Antilope –
das war deine preisenswerte hohe Geburt, du Renner
2 This Steed which Yama gave hath Trita harnessed, and him, the first of all, hath Indra mounted.
His bridle the Gandharva grasped.
O Vasus, from out the Sun ye fashioned forth the Courser.

2 (being) [the gift] – of [Yama (=Adam)] ,
[he] – [yoked] it – to [Trita (a triple-eden-construct, still in the south)]  ,
as [the important one] – [to stand in it’s fixed place] – [above] , for [he] – [indra]  [=’north realm’] ;
[the gandharva (=cherub-related?)] – [seized] – [the strap (girth?)] ,
[you formed] – [the horse (=construct)] – from [the inciter (or sun , or flowing soma-juice)] , [Vasu] ;
[the horse :
now as théir construct , somewhat transformed , appearing like a horse instead of a deer ;
compare the Greek myth of Pegasus the winged horse ;
2) the trita :
elsewhere described as consisting out of three containers or vessels , holding liquid –
one with -soma (the turquoise) , one with soma+milk and one with soma+butter
(the latter is for physicality) ; apparently this construct still belongs to mt.tsiun itself ;
there is a possible link to these 3 in Zech. 11 , “the three shepherds” ,
and in spells this place may be the (triple) SHESEM ;
3) the inciter :
considered the link with the triple vessel , ‘inciter’ (as birth-construct) seems feasible ;
the root is linked to -Sûrya , our sun , because he gets essence from there..? , see next ;
4) gandharva :
holds a high position ; too early to say if it’s an eden-cherub (of 4) , or their copy]

Ein Geschenk des Yama schirrte ihn Trita an; Indra bestieg ihn zum ersten Male.
Der Gandharva faßte seinen Zügel. Aus der Sonne habt ihr das Roß gebildet.
3 Yama art thou, O Horse; thou art Āditya; Trita art thou by secret operation. Thou art
divided thoroughly from Soma. They say thou hast three bonds in heaven that hold thee.

3 [you (=birth-construct)] are – [‘the twin’ (or ‘bridle’ ; -yama here , but not Adam)] ,
[you] are – [the Aditya (=a matrix-construct)] , as [the victim (arvat)] ,
[you] are – by [the Trita (=triple-eden-construct)] ,    +
in [a concealed and mysterious] – [manner] ;
[you] are – [as it were?] – [separated] – from [soma]  [=’at mt.tsiun’] ,
(but) by [your] – [three] – [bands] – [in heaven] , [they say] ;
[this looks like the tripod of Apollo ;
the fire upon that tripod must be an aspect for this sun (the aspect is Apollo) ;
interestingly Zecharia 11 mentions two staffs [=axis] and one staff is named ‘band’
yet in that chapter there are 2 – not three as mentioned here ,
but it’s very possible that the third band is one which théy made]

Du bist Yama, bist der Aditya, o Renner; du bist Trita durch geheime Bestimmung.
Du bist vom Soma unweit entfernt. Sie sagen, daß du drei Bande im Himmel hast.
4 Three bonds, they say, thou hast in heaven that bind thee, three in the waters,
three within the ocean.
To me thou seemest Varuṇa, O Courser, there where they say is thy sublimest birth-place.

4 [three] – [bands] , [they say] ,
[three] – into [the waters (=eden’s)] , [three] – [within] – [the sea (=eden-dimension)] ;
[you seem?] – to [me] – as [Varuna (=sela-stone eye)] ,
[…?] – by? [the victim (arvat)] ,
[there] – is [your] – [excellent] – [birth place] , [they say] ;
[this belongs to Is. 10 and Zech. 9 and 11 ;
in Is. 10 the birthsceptre is linked to Adam (as ‘king of Assyria’ there) ,
so we assumed the birthsceptre is in Damascus – but it seems it is at the sela-stone ? ;
related to the ‘birth of the sun’ chapter , where Râ was loosened fróm VaruNa ,
and tied to Damascus , instead ?
so the SOURCE of the sun , this birth-construct (‘winged red disk’) is at VaruNa ,
but this sun is tied to Damascus..?]

Drei Bande, so sagen sie, hast du im Himmel, drei im Wasser, drei im Meere. Und du Renner erscheinst mir wie Varuna, dort wo sie sagen, daß dein höchster Geburtsort ist.
5 Here-, Courser, are the places where they groomed thee, here are the traces of thy hoofs
as winner. Here have I seen the auspicious reins that guide thee,
which those who guard the holy Law keep safely.

5 [here] , [you] – [+guide the adornment?] – of? [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] :
(your) [hoofs] – as [the receptacles] – for [obtaining gifts] ;    [=’coming in through the hoofs?’]
[here] – I saw] – [your] – [fair] – [straps (girths)] , by [universal (matrix-) law] ,
[which] – [the (matrix-) shepherd (-s) (of essence or cattle ; go-pa)] – [protects (=eden-construct !)] ;
[the ‘evil shepherd’ is in Zech. 11 ,
where his “eye will go dark” – literally as VaruNa ;
question is , here as well as in Zecheriah , if ‘shepherd’ is single or multiple ;
2) straps : we don’t know ;
3) energy coming in via the hoofs : compare ‘being grounded in Gaia’ ,
but that concept is exacly the inverse of eden’s]

Dies sind deine Schwemmen, du Streitroß, dies der Schatz der Hufe, die der Schatz für den Gewinner sind. Dort sah ich deine glückhaften Zügel, die die Wächter des Gesetzes in ihrer Obhut haben.
6 Thyself from far I recognized in spirit,—a Bird that from below flew through the heaven.
I saw thy head still soaring, striving upward by paths unsoiled by dust, pleasant to travel.

6 [in spirit (mana)] – [I recognized (jN+a)] – [your] – [self (atma)] ,
[=hovering] – as [a sun] –  [below] – [the (matrix-) heaven] ;                [=’so , in eden’]
[I saw] – [your head] – [flying] to – [the easy] – [celestial] – [paths] , [panting for air] ;
[see line 9 for the strange ‘self’ and ‘thinking’]
Im Geiste erkannte ich von Ferne dein eigenes Selbst, den Vogel, der unterhalb des Himmels fliegt.
Ich sah dein Haupt auf gebahnten staublosen Pfaden schnauben, das beflügelte.
7 Here I beheld thy form, matchless in glory, eager to win thee food at the Cow’s station.
Whene’er a man brings thee to thine enjoyment, thou swallowest the plants most greedy eater.

[hére] , [I see] – [your] – [excellent] – [shape] ,
(you) [the station] – for [essence] , [desiring to obtain] – [(food from) the eden-tree (oSa)] ;
——————                                                                       [below : we lost the possible intention]
[when?] – [you] – mortals – [=after,to,over,at,towards,regarding] – [profit,feeding-off,coil]
[the breath] – ad=by – it – [devouring most] – of [the given eden-tree (oSa+dhi)] [coming near] ;

Dort sah ich deine höchste Gestalt, wie sie auf der Fährte der Kuh die Speise zu gewinnen sucht. Sobald der Sterbliche in deinen Genuß gelangt ist, hat der Verzehrer der Pflanzen ihn geweckt.
8 After thee, Courser, come the car, the bridegroom, the kine come after,
and the charm of maidens.
Full companies have followed for thy friendship: the pattern of thy vigour Gods have copied.

[after] – [you] – is [the cart (=construct)] , [after] you – is [the man,lover,stallion] ,
[the dual-essence] – is [after] – [the victim (arvat)] ,
[after] – [the dispenser of prosperity (=this construct)] – are [the maidens] ;
[the multitude] – [have spread?] – [after] – [your] – [fellowship] ,
[after] – [the gods] – [have prepared] – [the strength and energy] – of [you] ;  
Dir, o Renner, folgt der Wagen, dir der junge Mann, dir die Kühe, dir die Gunst der Jungfrauen.
Deiner Freundschaft folgen die Truppen. Die Götter haben dir die Stärke zugetraut.
9 Horns made of gold hath he: his feet are iron: less fleet than he, though swift as thought, is Indra.
The Gods have come that they may taste the oblation of him who mounted, first of all, theCourser.

9 with [golden horns (2?, 4?)] , [his] – [feet] – of [metal] ,                   [=’not hoofs of brass , of virgin’]
[standing – on high] , [quick in thought] – (but?) [being] – [behind] – [Indra (thoughts)] ;
[the gods] – [taste the oblation] –[by] – [he] ,
[the one?] – [who] is – [the important] – [victim (arvat)] – [standing – on high] ;
[feet of iron –
“tsiun daughter will have hoofs of brass and a (one) horn of iron”, Micah 4 , as inversed ;
also the Nebuchadnessar statue comes to mind here ;
2) he may have ‘four horns’, “spreading out to the cardinal directions” (book Daniel) ,
which are cut-off in Zechariah 1 ; the horns ‘grew’, linked to birth-construct ;
it’s pussible that Egyptian Neith (N-T) represents this concept ;
2) again a reference to ‘thinking’ here —
is this related to the eden-donkey (-athon) Jer.2 , now also in their north ? ;
according to spells , the donkey ‘makes the word’ (S-U) , into ‘the self’ (TCH-S-U) ,
the donkey must be part of this construct , but got now corrupted too ?]

Mit goldenen Hörnern, seine Füße von Erz, ist er schnell wie der Gedanke – Indra blieb hinter
ihm zurück. Die Götter kamen zu dessen Opfermahl, der als erster das Rennpferd bestieg.
10 Symmetrical in flank, with rounded haunches, mettled like heroes, the Celestial Coursers
Put forth their strength, like swans in lengthened order, when they, the Steeds,

have reached the heavenly causeway.

10 [going constantly,instigating?] – […? + in the middle]                         [we lost the intention here]
[together with?] – [the fiery-spirited (by eden)] – [celestial] – [ones?] ;
[the sun-egg?] – [below] – [series,flock] – [they encounter=line up=connect,comply?encounter?]
[when] – [the horses (2 a’svin?) ] – [arrive] – at [heaven(ly) – [passage] ;

Die ………. himmlischen Rennpferde, von denen das Ende des Zuges noch stillsteht,
während die mittleren laufen, sie ziehen in einer Reihe wie die Gänse, wenn die Rosse
in die himmlische Rennbahn gelangt sind.
11 A body formed for flight hast thou, O Charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.
Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses.

11 [your] – [solid body-construct (by eden)] , as [the fallen down] – [victim (arvat)] ,       [sic !]
[your] – [imaginations] – [sweep swift] – as [the wind] ;
[your] – [horns] – [standing fixed (but apart?)] ,   +
[a delightful many times] – [they go] – [flickering (=every moment renewing)] ;
[this is also an interesting theme –
óur reality “moves incredible slow” due to our slow-type body ,
as if we watch a movie but each frame shows for one whole minute :
imagine if every sécond would show another frame]  

Dein Körper eilt mit Flügeln, o Renner, dein Geist saust dahin wie der Wind. Deine Hörner
sind vielerorts verteilt, in den Wäldern bewegen sie sich auf und ab hüpfend
[now the Originals are linked to this construct :]
12 The strong Steed hath come forward to the slaughter,
pondering with a mind directed God-ward.
The goat who is his kin is led before him the sages and the singers follow after.

12 [moreover (upa)] , [he (=the Original here) went] , [directed towards] – [the slaughter] ,
[bestowed] with – [god-ward] – [thoughts] ;
(because) [the he goat (=Original)] – [is being guided] ,   +
[to be] – [in the presence] – of [(his) friend (or ‘central point’, namely the birth-construct)] ;
[after] , [the seers (=spirits)] – [arise] – as [the praisers (=murmurers! ; spirits do , in prophets)]  ;
Er ist zur Schlachtung gegangen, der siegreiche Renner, mit gottwärts gerichtetem Gedanken sinnend. Der Bock wird vorausgeführt, seine Verwandtschaft. Die weisen Sänger wandeln hinterdrein.
13 The Steed is come unto the noblest mansion, is come unto his Father and his Mother.
This day shall he approach the Gods, most welcome: then he declares good gifts to him who offers.

[thereto] – [directed forwards] – to [the excellent] – [standing place] ,     [=’of the construct’]
[the victim (=Original here) (arvat)] – [has come] to – [his] – [father] – and [mother] ;
[today] [he (=Original) will approach?] – [the gods] , [being welcome (approachable)] ,
[then] – (the person) – [will sacrifice] – [(eden-) treasures] .
[so the Original returns ‘home’ ,
not realizing his birthplace has become the trap for him (?) ;          (see previous RV 162)
about this birthconstruct , itself :
perhaps the only workable concept for us is that this construct is comparable to ‘a tailor’]

Er ist zum höchsten Wohnsitz eingegangen, der Renner zu Vater und Mutter. Drum möge er heute recht willkommen zu den Göttern gehen, und dann bittet er um erwünschte Gaben für den Spender.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]

  • =akranda, from krand ‘to neigh (metp.) , roar, weep, lament, confused with sorrow’ RV ;
  • =bâhu ‘arm ; but also the upper part of the forefoot of an animal’ RV (KHEPESH?) ;
  • =âyunag , not located form ;
  • =ra’sâna ‘rope,cord,strap ; girth, girdle, zone (especially of woman)’ RV ;
  • =sûra, ‘the sun’ RV , ‘inciter, propeller ; the soma juice flowing from the soma press’ RV ;
  • =samaya , to -sama ‘same, like ; parallel, smooth, constant, etc’ RV ;
  • =vipRkta ‘separated, divided’ RV (here) ;
  • =chantsi, can’t locate root ;
  • =avamârjana ‘an instrument (or”water”) for rubbing down (a horse), a curry-comb’RV (here) ;
    but -mRj ‘ to wipe, rub, cleanse, polish, clean, purify, embellish, adorn ; but also
    as ‘to carry off, to win’ RV ; + form of -nî , ‘to guide’ ? ;
  • =’sapha ‘hoof’ RV ;
  • =sanitur ‘without (?)’ RV ; -saniti ‘obtainment’ RV ; santitra ‘a gift’ RV ; -sani ‘gain, acquisition,
    gift, reward’ RV ;
  • =nidhâna ‘place for depositing anything, receptacle’ RV ;


  • =areNu ‘not dusty (said of the gods and cars and roads) ; not earthly, celestial ; the gods’ RV ,
    (reNu ‘ dust, a grain or atom of dust, sand etc’ RV) ,
    but close to ûrNâ and -aranya ‘distant-land (-forest)’ ;
  • =pataMga ‘flying ; the sun ; a spark’ RV ;
  • =jigîSâ, ‘desire of conquering or being victorious, military ambition ; desire of obtaining’ RV ;
  • =bhoga ‘any winding or curve, coil (of a serpent) ; feeding upon ; profit,advantage’ RV ;
    anu [=after,to,over,at,towards, again, further, next,regarding]–
  • =ânad , from -an, anit, âna ‘to breathe’ RV ? ;
  • =grasiSTha ‘swallowing most’ RV (here) ;
  • =aji+gaH ? , fr. Abhigâ , imp. -ajigât ‘go near to, approach’ RV ;
  • =marya ‘a mortal, man, (especially) young man, lover, suitor ; a stallion’ RV ;
  • =îyur, 3d plur tense parad. Perfect of -i ‘go, flow, blow, advance, spread, arise, come from, return
  • =avara, ‘nearer ; posterior, hinder, later, last, younger; below inferior’ RV ;
  • =adhyatiSTha , adhi ‘above’ + ‘to stand’ form -sthâ ;


  • =arvantam : masc. Sing. accusative ! -arvat ; Apis bull ;
  • =îrmânta ‘Name of a team of horses or of the horses of the sun’s car’ RV (here) ; full-haunched
    (literally full-ended’ RV ; Îrma ‘going constantly, or instigating’ RV ;
  • =silikamadhyama ‘said of the horses of the Sun’ RV ; -sili is no root ;
    2) –‘silika ‘lower timber of a door’ (M-W) ; -‘silin ‘a demon’ MH (also –‘sala) ;
    3) madhyama’sî ‘”lying or being in the middle”, (prob.) an intercessor’ RV ; but -Sa as
    ending is -madhyama ‘being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central’
  • =’sûraNa ‘high spirited, fiery (of horses)’ RV (by eden) ; into sun ? ;
  • =haMsa ‘a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of
    passage;sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in RV to be able to
    separate soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, ;also forming in RV
    the vehicle of the -a’svins’ RV ;
  • =’sreNi ‘a line, row, range, series, succession, troop, flock, multitude, number’ RV ;
  • =yatante 3d plur pres -yat ‘be in line, march together, connect, join, encounter, etc’  to place in order, marshal, join, connect  ; to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with  ; to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle) RV ;
  • =âkSiSa , abhinakS ‘to arrive’ ;
  • =ajma ‘career, march’ RV , ajman ‘battle, passage, career’ RV ;


  • =’sarîra ‘solid body’ RV , construct , eden ;
  • =patayiSNu ‘(fr. Causal) flying, falling, liable to fall’ RV ;
  • =citta ‘appeared, visible ; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought ; aim, intention’ RV ;
  • =dhraj root , move, sweep, glide, etc ;
  • =viSThita ‘standing apart ; scattered, spread, diffused ; stationary, fixed’ RV (from -sthâ) ;
  • =purutrâ ‘many times, often ; in many directions’ RV + raN , delight in ? ;
  • =jarbhuraNa (flickering) , fr. Bhur ‘to flicker (as fire)’ RV ,  to move rapidly or convulsively,
    stir, palpitate’ RV , = dimensional quality ‘renewal’ ,
  • =prâgâc , prâg , = praN+c ‘directed forwards or towards, being in front, facing, opposite’ RV ,
  • =nâbhi ‘navel, central point, close relation as friend’ RV ;
  • =’sâste , root not located ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

07.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

vorige pagina
RV I , 162
volgende pagina
RV X , 75