RV VII , 104
1. INDRA and Soma, burn, destroy the demon foe, send downward, O ye Bulls,
those who add gloom to gloom. Annihilate the fools, slay them and burn them up:
chase them away from us, pierce the voracious ones.
1 Indra und Soma! Verbrennet den bösen Geist, fanget ihn ein; streckt die im Dunkeln Erstarkten nieder, ihr Bullen! Zerbrechet die Ahnungslosen, brennet sie nieder, erschlaget sie, jaget sie fort, stecht die Atrin´s nieder
1a indrÀsomÀ tapataÎ rakÍa ubjataÎ ny arpayataÎ vÃÍaÉÀ tamovÃdhaÏ
1c parÀ ÌÃÉÁtam acito ny oÍataÎ hataÎ nudethÀÎ ni ÌiÌÁtam atriÉaÏ
‘tap’, root [fr. 2nd p. pl. Pr.] ‘be hot, destroy by heat’ RV ,
‘r’, root , 2nd pl. Pres. , ‘attack, invade, etc’ RV ,
‘tamovRdh’, ‘rejoicing in darkness’ RV [here] ; but -tama is ‘mental darkness’, + ‘to grow’ ;
‘cita’, ‘piled up, placed in a line’ RV + a  ‘not’ ;
‘uS’, root , 2nd pl. ‘burn, burn down’ RV [into Usas , matrix-down] ;
‘nud’ root ‘remove, push, etc’ RV ;
‘’sâ’, root , 2nd p. dual , ‘stab, pierce’ RV ,   [‘si’sira ‘cold, frost, etc’, compare Sumerian KI’S] ;
‘atrin’, see end ;
1 “Indra and Soma , destroy you [both] by heat the eden-demon [rakSa] ,
          (destroy) them , attack the growing mental darkness
[=eden’s] , you bulls ,
(destroy) (the fools?) , burn them up
[by matrix-dawn] , destroy you them , remove them ,      
          stab down the Atrin’s
[=’eden-demons = ’not to be the trinity’?]  ;

  • [=’Indra = Baal in scripture ; ‘Soma’ is “their now mixed dimension” ,
    so both relate to eachother (therefore the term indrasoma)’]

2 Indra and Soma, let sin round the wicked boil like as a caldron set amid the flames of fire.
Against the foe of prayer, devourer of raw flesh, the vile fiend fierce of eye, keep ye perpetual hate.
2 Indra und Soma! Rings um den Bösredenden soll die böse Glut sieden wie ein vom Feuer erhitzter Kochtopf. Setzet dem Feind des heiligen Wortes, dem Aasfresser mit dem bösen Auge, dem Kimidin unerbittliche Feindschaft!
2a indrÀsomÀ sam aghaÌaÎsam abhy aghaÎ tapur yayastu carur agnivÀÙ iva
2c brahmadviÍe kravyÀde ghoracakÍase dveÍo dhattam anavÀyaÎ kimÁdine
‘agha’saMsa’ ‘wishing evil , wicked’ RV ,
‘ghoracakSas’, ‘frightening appereance’ RV , lit. ‘frightening eyes’ ,
‘ktaviSNu’, ‘desirous of raw flesh’ RV [x] ; -kravyâd ‘consuming flesh’ RV ;
‘dveSa’, ‘hatred’ ;
‘kimîdin’, ‘class of evil spirits’ RV ; [also in last line] ;
2 “Indra and Soma , among the [eden-] ones wishing evil ,
                let the sin burn like a cauldron heated by flames ,
place continuous hate against the enemy of sacred words
 [=’as matrix-prayers’] ,
against ‘the frightening eyes’  devouring the flesh , ‘the interrogating demons’ ;

  • [=’here the first time “words” are mentioned ,
    and note the “devouring the flesh” because the writer is a Cush-spirit ;
    it is difficult to find the meanings of many ‘demons’ for absence of roots’]

3 Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked in the depth, yea, cast them into darkness
that hath no support, So that not one of them may ever thence return:
so may your wrathful might prevail and conquer them.
3 Indra und Soma! Stoßet die Übeltäter in die Grube, in die haltlose Finsternis, auf das auch nicht einer von da wieder herauskomme. Diese eure grimmige Kraft muß zur Bezwingung genügen.
3a indrÀsomÀ duÍkÃto vavre antar anÀrambhaÉe tamasi pra vidhyatam
3c yathÀ nÀtaÏ punar ekaÌ canodayat tad vÀm astu sahase manyumac chavaÏ
‘duSkRta’, ‘wickedly done, badly arranged’ RV , duS ‘corrupt’ + kRt ‘made’ ;
‘vR’, root, ‘choose, selct, etc’ RV [other is ‘conceil’, aorist]  ;
‘anârambhaNa ‘having or giving no support’ ; but from -nara ‘man’,
in MH as ‘the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe’ ;
‘tamas’ ‘gloom, mental darkness’ RV ;
‘vyadh’, root , 2nd pres. plural ‘to pierce, hit, strike, wound’,
‘punar’, ‘back, home, in an opposite direction, again, once more’ RV ,
3 “Indra and Soma , conceal ‘what is corruptly made’ inbetween
[=’eden ; inbetween their dual-realm’] ,
you [both] go strike the one giving no support
[=eden] , the mental darkness overthere ,
as the inclination one does not return from , may your wrathful might prevail and conquer ;       

  • [=’the inclination as “another dimensional axis”]

4 Indra and Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt down on the wicked fiend from heaven
and from the earth. Yea, forge out of the mountains your celestial dart wherewith ye burn
to death the waxing demon race.
4 Indra und Soma! Schleudert gemeinsam die zermalmende Waffe vom Himmel,
von der Erde auf den Bösredenden. Meißelt aus den Bergen den sausenden
Schleuderstein heraus, mit dem ihr den erstarkten bösen Geist vertilget!
4a indrÀsomÀ vartayataÎ divo vadhaÎ sam pÃthivyÀ aghaÌaÎsÀya tarhaÉam
4c ut takÍataÎ svaryam parvatebhyo yena rakÍo vÀvÃdhÀnaÎ nijÂrvathaÏ
‘vRt’, root , 2nd p. pres.plural , ‘rotate, revolve, go round’ RV ;
‘pRthivya’, ‘
‘agha’saMsâya’ ‘slaying the wicked’ RV , -agha ‘dangerous, bad, wicked’ ; a+gha [not+?] ;
‘tarhaNa’ ‘crushing’  RV [here] ;
‘takSa’, 2nd. Sing. pres. from -takS , ‘chisel, form by cutting, chop’ RV ;
‘vRdh’, root ,  ‘be or become stronger, to increase, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive’ RV
4 “Indra and Soma , you [both] make to revolve [matrix-] heaven’s deadly weapon ,
              as the [matrix-] land , for to slay the dangerous one
[=’eden-demon’=?] crushingly ,
chisel out of the mountains your celestial dart
 [=’a vector’?]
              for to consume by fire the waxing eden-demon
[rakSa] ;
5 Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning
with fiery flame, Eternal, scorching darts; plunge the voracious ones within the depth,
and let them sink without a sound.
5 Indra und Soma! Schleudert vom Himmel her die Geschosse! Mit den feuergeglühten,
wie Stein schlagenden Geschossen, mit den glutbewaffneten, nie altersschwachen Flammen,
stoßet die Atrin´s in die Versenkung! Lautlos sollen sie dahingehen.
5a indrÀsomÀ vartayataÎ divas pary agnitaptebhir yuvam aÌmahanmabhiÏ
5c tapurvadhebhir ajarebhir atriÉo ni parÌÀne vidhyataÎ yantu nisvaram
‘vRt’, root , 2nd plur. pres. , ‘to revolve, rotate, etc’ RV  [see below]
‘tapta’, ‘red-hot, molten, refined, inflamed’ RV , agni+tapta+bhir
‘atrin’, ’devourer, demon’ RV ; -atri , same ; [not+three?]
5 “Indra and Soma , make you to revolve heaven’s round-about red-hot burning one ,
                your destroying stone                
 [=’their “tornado-cloud above eden”] ,
with the undecaying scorching flame  +               
 [=’the tornado-tube as axis’?]
throw the devourers
[=’eden-demons’, “not to be trinity’?] back into the depth ,
                     and let them sink without a sound ;

6 Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both,
even as the girth encompasses two vigorous steeds-
The song of praise which I with wisdom offer you: do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers.
6 Indra und Soma! Dieses Lied soll euch rings umfangen wie der Gurt die Streitrosse, das ich
euch nach meiner Eingebung als Opfer vorführe. Ermuntert wie Fürsten diese feierlichen Reden!
6a indrÀsomÀ pari vÀm bhÂtu viÌvata iyam matiÏ kakÍyÀÌveva vÀjinÀ
6c yÀÎ vÀÎ hotrÀm parihinomi medhayemÀ brahmÀÉi nÃpatÁva jinvatam
‘parihi’, ‘to send or send forward to’ RV [here]  ;
6 “Indra and Soma , let this song be round-about you like a girdle encompasses horses of war ,
      which is the sacrifice I intend to send you , lords , do animate these prayers ;      

7 In your impetuous manner think ye both thereon: destroy these evil beings,
slay the treacherous fiends.
Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss who evermore assails us with malignity.
7 Gedenket daran; in fliegender Eile erschlaget die Tückebolde, die hinterlistigen Unholde!
Indra und Soma, nicht soll es dem Übeltäter gut ergehen, wer uns jemals mit Tücke nachstellt.
7a prati smarethÀÎ tujayadbhir evair hataÎ druho rakÍaso bhaÇgurÀvataÏ
7c indrÀsomÀ duÍkÃte mÀ sugam bhÂd yo naÏ kadÀ cid abhidÀsati druhÀ
‘smR’, root , 2nd p. sing. ‘remember’ ;
7 “remember it , hastingly destroy the eden-demons [=rakSa] , the treacherous ones ,
         Indra and Soma , don’t let it be well with the wicked , who ever attack us injurously ;

8 Whoso accuses me with words of falsehood when I pursue my way with guileless spirit,
May he, the speaker of untruth, be, Indra, like water which the hollowed hand compresses.
8 Wer mich, der ich schlichten Sinnes wandle, mit unwahren Worten beschuldigt,
der werde zunichte wie Wasser, das man mit der Hand faßt, der Sprecher von Nichtigem, o Indra.
8a yo mÀ pÀkena manasÀ carantam abhicaÍÊe anÃtebhir vacobhiÏ
8c Àpa iva kÀÌinÀ saÎgÃbhÁtÀ asann astv Àsata indra vaktÀ
8 “who accuses me , who walks in right intention , with false words ,
          may he who speaks untruth be like water which is grasped by the hand , Indra ;

9 Those who destroy, as is their wont, the simple, and with their evil natures barm the righteous,
May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
9 Die die schlichte Rede absichtlich verdrehen, oder die das Gute willkürlich schlecht machen,
die soll Soma entweder der Schlange preisgeben oder in den Schoß des Verderbens bringen
9a ye pÀkaÌaÎsaÎ viharanta evair ye vÀ bhadraÎ dÂÍayanti svadhÀbhiÏ
9c ahaye vÀ tÀn pradadÀtu soma À vÀ dadhÀtu nirÃter upasthe
‘pâka’saMsa’ ‘speaking sincerely’ ;
‘vihara’, ‘changing, transforming,shifting’, no RV ;
‘ahaye’, dat. From -ahi ‘serpent, serpent of the sky vRtra’ RV , eden-atmosphere ;
ahibhânu ‘shining like serpents , name of the maruts [Medes]’ , RV ; etc ;
‘upasthe’, either ‘upasthâ’ ‘to be exposed to, be near, be in front of’ RV ;
upas / upasthe ‘in the lap’ RV ;
9 “they  [=’of the spirits’] who deliberately change ‘sincere speech’ , or randomly defame the good ,
             may Soma
[=’their dimensional essence’] deliver them to the serpent [=’eden-dimension’] ,
                   or be given to be exposed to destruction 
[=to Nirrti , as Miss] ;
10 The fiend, O Agni, who designs to injure the essence of our food, kine, steeds, or bodies,
May he, the adversary, thief, and robber, sink to destruction, both himself and offipring.
10 Wer uns den Saft der Speise verderben will, den unserer Rosse, Kühe oder unserer Leiber, o Agni, der Schelm, der Dieb, der Diebstahl begeht, soll dahin schwinden, er soll mit Leib und Kindern eingehen!
10a yo no rasaÎ dipsati pitvo agne yo aÌvÀnÀÎ yo gavÀÎ yas tanÂnÀm
10c ripu stena steyakÃd dabhram etu ni Ía hÁyatÀÎ tanvÀ tanÀ ca
10  “Agni [=Thoth] ,
        the foe
 [=’eden’] who wants to harm the essence of our food , horses or our bodies ,
           may the enemy , the stealing thief , sink into destruction ,
                 his body
[=himself] and his children ;

  • [=’so THEY stole the essence , in the first place’ ;
    note “the essence of our bodies” , since a Cush-spirit talks here’]

11 May he be swept away, himself and children:
may all the three earths press him down beneath them.
May his fair glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in the day or night would fain destroy us.
11 Der soll um Leib und Kinder kommen; er soll unter alle drei Erdräume versinken. Sein Ansehen
soll verdorren, ihr Götter, wer uns am Tag und wer uns bei Nacht zu schädigen sucht!
11a paraÏ so astu tanvÀ tanÀ ca tisraÏ pÃthivÁr adho astu viÌvÀÏ
11c prati ÌuÍyatu yaÌo asya devÀ yo no divÀ dipsati yaÌ ca naktam
11 “may his body [=’himself’] and his children be swept away ,
                     let all three lands press him down ,
his presence should fade away , you Gods , who day and night wants to harm us ;

12 The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and false: their words oppose each other.
Of these two that which is the true and honest, Soma protects, and brings the false to nothing.
Für den kundigen Mann ist das leicht zu unterscheiden: das wahre und das falsche Wort widerstreiten einander. Welches von beiden das Wahre, welches das Richtige ist, das begünstigt Soma; das Unwahre bekämpft er.
12a suvijÈÀnaÎ cikituÍe janÀya sac cÀsac ca vacasÁ paspÃdhÀte
12c tayor yat satyaÎ yatarad ÃjÁyas tad it somo ‘vati hanty Àsat
12 “the discerning one easily distinguishes that the true and false words oppose eachother ,
           from these two , [only] which is the right one Soma
[‘=dimensional-essence’] favours :
                the false one he destroys ;

13 Never doth Soma aid and guide the wicked or him who falsely claims the Warrior’s title.
He slays the fiend and him who speaks untruly: both lie entangled in the noose of Indra.
13 Wahrlich, der Soma fördert nicht den Unredlichen, nicht den Herrscher, der fälschlich die Herrschaft führt. Er bekämpft den bösen Geist, bekämpft den unwahr Redenden. Beide erliegen in der Schlinge des Indra.
13a na vÀ u somo vÃjinaÎ hinoti na kÍatriyam mithuyÀ dhÀrayantam
13c hanti rakÍo hanty Àsad vadantam ubhÀv indrasya prasitau ÌayÀte
‘hinoti’, 3d sing. pres. of -hi ‘to impel, hurry to, hasten’
‘prasita’, ‘net, snare’ RV , -pra is eden , other side ;
13 “the Soma [=’dimensional-essence’] does not hurry to the wicked one , falsely claiming to rule ,
           [but] he slays the eden-demon
[=rakSa] , slaying who speaks untruely ,
              both [of them] are captured by the net
[=‘for the other side’] of Indra ;
14 As if I worshipped deities of falsehood, or thought vain thoughts about the Gods, O Agni.
Why art thou angry with us, Jātavedas? Destruction fall on those who lie against thee!
14. Als ob ich je falsche Götter gehabt hätte, oder als ob ich nur zum Schein die Götter anerkannt hätte, Agni – was grollst du uns, Jatavedas? Die Falschredenden sollen dem Tode durch dich verfallen.
14a yadi vÀham anÃtadeva Àsa moghaÎ vÀ devÀÙ apyÂhe agne
14c kim asmabhyaÎ jÀtavedo hÃÉÁÍe droghavÀcas te nirÃthaÎ sacantÀm
ánRtadeva ‘whose gods are not true’ RV [here]
‘mogha’ useless ; from eden -ma ;
‘drogha+vâsas ‘using injurous words’ RV [here] ;
14 “as if I [ever] had whose gods are not true , or thought [eden-] useless thoughts , Agni [=Thoth] ;
why are you angry with us Jatevedas   
[=’a title’] ? ,
             those who use injurous words you will destroy
[nir] ;
15 So may I die this day if I have harassed any man’s life or if I be a demon.
Yea, may he lose all his ten sons together who with false tongue hath called me Yātudhāna.
15. Noch heute will ich sterben, wenn ich ein Zauberer bin oder wenn ich das Leben eines Menschen verbrannt habe. Und der soll um zehn Söhne kommen, der fälschlich zu mir sagt: du Zauberer.
15a adyÀ murÁya yadi yÀtudhÀno asmi yadi vÀyus tatapa pÂruÍasya
15c adhÀ sa vÁrair daÌabhir vi yÂyÀ yo mÀ moghaÎ yÀtudhÀnety Àha
‘harassed’, tatapa, 1st p. of -tap ‘make or be hot, shine, to burn’ RV ;
‘yatû-dhâna’ ; the -kravyâd is said of [the demon] yatû-dhâna , RV ,
so “the one devouring flesh” (see previous lines) is this yatû-dhâna ;
dhâna ‘receptacle, case, seat’ RV , from “to give” , “given receptacle” ;
root -ya is ‘to be, to exist’, yâtu ‘a kind of evil’ [demon, foe]  RV ;
15 “may I die this day if I am a demon-seat [=’the by eden given seat for the Cush-animal-soul’]
     or when I have burnt the life of any human being ?   
[=’he doesn’t mean the Originals !’] ;
yea , he should loose his masculinity ten times , who says the [eden-] nonsense to me :
                         [you] demon-seat     
    [=’by eden given seat’] ;

vorige pagina
RV I , 115
volgende pagina
RV I , 105