RV X , 67 (bRhaspati , stealing the 7 eden-cows – with direct link to Zech. 11)
1. THIS holy hymn, sublime and sevenheaded, sprung from eternal Law, our sire discovered.
Ayasya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as he sang his laud to Indra.
1 [this] – [sacred] – [seven – headed (=hinting to rivers/cows)] – [hymn] ,
[our] – [father (=Indra , Behemoth-realm)] +
[discovered] – [the lofty one (=eden-construct) (‘to be rooted-up’)] – [for to create by law] ;
[it birthed] – [the fourth one (=hymn)] ,
[=name of author] , [dear to all (matrix-) beings] , [dedicates] – [the hymn] – to [Indra] ;
[the ‘to pluck-up’ :
as the very root of the bRhaspati bull ; in prophets as ‘(the place) Eqron” ;
note how it is important that this animal-soul ‘declares things and situations’ ,
just as prophets ask ús to do – concerning eden concepts and constructs :
this is the main reason we are digging into chapters like these]
Diese siebenköpfige Dichtung erfand unser Vater, die aus der Wahrheit geborene, hohe. Wohl
ein Viertel davon brachte der allen bekannte Ayasya hervor, als er das Loblied auf Indra vortrug.
[preparing for the invasion into eden :]
2 Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes,
Aṅgirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifice’s holy statute.
2 [declaring] – [the law] , [thinking] – [straight] ,
for [the son-constructs] – of [the (matrix-) heaven] ,
(as) [the powerful] – [asura’s (shared or common concept or construct)] ; +
[the ANghiras (high-ranked spirits?)] , [the wise ones] , [bearing] – [the station (=of constructs)] ,
[inventing] – [the sacrifice] – for [the main] – [(matrix-) abode] ; [=’the sacrifice = eden’]
[we think the context is right :
the spirits , as well as their constructs , were defeated after eden was created ,
so now they devise an attack – with ‘help’ óf their constructs (in next lines) ;
likely because of ‘several shared aspects’ this attack could work out]
Wahrheit sprechend, redlich denkend haben die Söhne des Himmels, die Mannen des Asura,
die Angiras´ den Redekundigen zu ihrer Wegspur machend die erste Form des Opfers ersonnen.
3 Girt by his friends who cried with swanlike voices, bursting the stony barriers of the prison,
Bṛhaspati spake in thunder to the cattle, and uttered praise and song when he had found them.
3 [the swan (=matrix-sun-egg?)] – with [her] – [companions] ,
[with loud sounds] +
[separating] – [the armour (as bonds)] – of [the (eden-) stone (firmament?) (by eden-sorcery)] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [cackled towards] – [the (eden-) cows] , [=’to cackle = imitating the language’]
[and] – [in front , offered – delightful – prayers] – [and also] – [he chanted] – [skillfully] ;
[cackling and praying :
this seems the same strategy as they used by Eve , “then the serpent told” ;
we saw in prophets how many (eden-) constructs “have an own choice”
and ‘can wander astray’ – like the Ishral-virgin – and here as the cow-constructs ;
2) swan :
must be their previous , inferior version of the (eden-) cows-construct ;
is ‘the swan’ the strange “ostrich (=crane-bird?) and her daughters” in prophets…? ,
also Henoch names “crane-birds at their tree of good & evil in the false east” ;
in glyphs , NEGNEG UR was ‘the goose-goddess who laid the sun-egg’ (=bRhaspati) ;
3) bonds : we don’t know which ones]
Mit den Freunden, die wie die Gänse schrieen, die steinernen Bänder sprengend hat Brihaspati,
den Kühen zubrüllend, den Ton angestimmt und laut gesungen als Kundiger
[the three (shepherds) in Zech. 11 :]
4 Apart from one, away from two above him, he drave the kine that stood in bonds of falsehood.
Bṛhaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, drave forth the bright cows: three he made apparent.
4 [down] – [towards the two (=vessels of trita?) ] , [opposite to] – [the one (=vessel?) ] –
[the cows] – in [the secret hiding-place] – [stand] – at [the false] – [bank] ;
[bRhaspati] , [searching] – [the eden-light now in their matrix (see X.86)] – bý [the (eden-) gloom] ,
[driving] – [the cows (for to be matrix-daybreak)] , [the ones who distribute abundantly] ,
[because] – [he had been opening] – [the three (=trita , three main vessels , likely)] ;
[the two and the one : must refer to ‘the three’ in last line , which can only be ‘the vessels’ (one holding -soma , the second ‘butter’ and the third one ‘milk’) , but it’s hard to reconstruct , first because we don’t know the concept , second because the colour of terms can influence the reading — 2) bank , dam : also used in spell about this theme ; |
X X X |
Unten durch zwei, oben durch eine Tür hat Brihaspati die in den Banden des Unrechts versteckten
Kühe, im Dunkeln das Licht suchend, herausgeholt, denn er hatte die drei Türen geöffnet.
[the eden-hill , ‘having been opened’ in prophets :]
5 When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three from him who held the waters.
Bṛhaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn, the Sun, the cow, the lightning.
5 [he cleaved and opened] – [the (eden-) fortress] ,
[the eden-abode (=the eden-hill)] – [in the (dimensional-) background] ,
[the same time] – [he cut off] – [the three] – of [the (eden-) waters] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [devised] – [the (matrix-) dawn (bý the eden-tree , likely)] ,
[the sun (sûrya ; also bý the eden-construct)] ,
as [the cow (essence)] – fór [the crystalline (-dimension)] ,
bý [the reverberating (breast) (=eden hill)] – for – [the (matrix-) heaven] ;
[the hill as ‘breast’ :
in prophets , the ‘sons of Ammon’ are by the opened hill ,
these sons as the Egyptian Ba-soul-spirits ;
there are several glyphs for ‘breast’ and ‘to suckle’ ,
always related to a construct and an axis
(and even a prophets chapter about the eden-land uses these terms in similar context)
Nachdem er die Burg zerspalten hatte, daß sie sich hintenüber legte, erlöste er auf einmal
die Drei aus dem Meere: Brihaspati fand die Morgenröte, die Sonne, die Kuh;
er fand den Gesang wie der Himmel donnernd.
6 As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle.
Seeking the milk-draught with sweatshining comrades he stole the Paṇi’s kine and left him
6 [Indra (=consciousness of Behemoth-realm)] , [with an animal roar] ,
[had cut-off] – [the hand (eden-construct)] – of [the (eden-) enclosure] ,
[the (eden-) guardian] – of [the milch-cows] ;
[the ones (from AB cauldron?) covered in sweat] , [seeking] – [the milk (to mix with the soma)] ,
and [by] – [the cows] – [he stole] ,
[PaNi (as Heaven, likely)] – was [weeping (about eden-redness)] ;
[Indra :
hard to say why the theme changes to Indra now ;
Indra typically is about ‘the battle with the axis to vRtra , the eden-hand’ ,
perhaps here because both events followed next after eachother ;
Indra hat den Vala, den Bewacher der Milchkühe, durch sein Gebrüll wie mit der Hand zerschnitten.
Mit den Schweißbetupften die Milch suchend brachte er den Pani zum Weinen; er raubte seine Kühe.
7 He with bright faithful Friends, winners of booty, hath rent the milker of the cows asunder.
Bṛhaspati with wild boars strong and mighty, sweating with heat, hath gained a rich possession.
7 [he] , [with] – [the virtuous – companions] , [the pure ones] , [‘fallen archangels’?]
[had split open] – [the support of the cows] – [for] – [the booty (being the rich milch-cows)] ;
[brahmanas – pati (=pun on bHraspati ; ‘the fallen one from the father (-sky)”?)] ,
with [the mighty] – [powerful ones (vRsa ; KA-bull)] ,
[the ones (out the cauldron AB?) sweating with inner heat] ,
[acquired] – [the movable goods as essences (for to melt into ‘lights of metal’?)] ;
[fallen archangels ? :
or who would be these ‘companions’…?
the root of ‘pure’ is a corruption after –‘sa , eden (c.q heaven) related ;
in the Isaiah 14 chapter , “the spirit-kings stand up when Thoth will descend”,
and though Thoth invaded eden (see Ezekiel) , where in Rg-Veda he is Agni ,
it is not always clear ‘what forms from which spirits or concepts’ are addressed here]
Mit seinen wahrhaften Freunden, den Erglühenden, den Schätzegewinnern hat er den
Vala gesprengt, der von den Rindern sich nährte. Brahmanaspati gelangte mit den Bullen,
den Ebern, den vor Hitze Schwitzenden, in den Besitz des Reichtums
[as ‘the shepherd’ – like in Zech. 11 :]
8 They, longing for the kine, with faithful spirit incited with their hymns the Lord of cattle.
Bṛhaspati freed the radiant cows with comrades self-yoked, averting shame from one another.
8 [they (=cows)] – of [the (matrix-) shepherd (=gopati)] – of [true] – [spirit (but by eden)] ,
[invoking] – [the cows] – [of such extent] – (that) [they move] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [loosened] – [the allies (as the cows)] ,
[with eachother + to show + above] – [the reddish matrix-dawn (‘by cow’)] ;
[shepherd or shepherd(s) :
difficult to determine – yet english & german turn this shepherd to a passive one ,
but the shepherd of the cows is bhRaspati ofcourse ;
lines complicating it by the switching to ‘and his virtuous friends’ in previous line ;
Sie eiferten wahrhaften Herzens mit Gebeten den Rinderherren an, ihn um die Rinder anflehend.
Brihaspati ließ die Kühe heraus mit seinen Verbündeten, die sich gegenseitig vor Unehre schützen
[as the lion – also in Zech.11 :]
9 In our assembly with auspicious praises exalting him who roareth like a lion,
Maywe, in every fight where heroes conquer, rejoice in strong Bṛhaspati the Victor.
9 [these] – [benevolent] – [designs (by eden)] , [granting prosperity (by cutting-off)] ,
by [the lion] – [roaring] – at [his] – [standingplace] ;
(is) [bRhaspati] – [the strong (bull)] , [the warrior at his place] – [carrying – the booty] ,
[drunk (by eden ; -ma)] – of [victory] ;
[the designs :
bý the cows or ‘as the cows’, yet both are intended , see next line 10]
Mit lieblichen Gedichten ihn erhebend, der wie der Löwe an seinem Stande brüllt, wollten wir
dem Brihaspati, dem Bullen, dem im Zweikampf, in jedem Streite Siegreichen, zujubeln;
[the shepherd now being ‘at the place on high’:]
10 When he had won him every sort of booty and gone to heaven and its most lofty mansions,
Men praised Bṛhaspati the Mighty, bringing the light within their mouths from sundry places.
10 [when] – [the booty (by the battle)] – as [all forms (the all-forming-ones?)] – [is sent] ,
[ascending] – [to] – [the (matrix-) heaven] , to [the high] – [seat] ; [=’above eden’]
(+then) – [bRhaspati] – [the powerful one (bull)] – [grants prosperity (by cutting-off)] , +
[bestowing – the various – gifts] ,
[bringing] – [the eden-light now in the matrix] – by [the mouth (=opened eden-gate)] ;
[high seat :
in prophets , their height has the negative root -rum ‘arise, on high, etc’
where their new-adamite-throne is (-Raamah) ;
since ‘the shepherd(s) and lion(s) howl’ in Zech. 11 , this can be that region –
also because three cows carry ‘aspects for physicality’ ;
2) the ‘when’ (-yad) needs a ‘then’]
Wann er den allfarbigen Siegerpreis gewonnen hat und zum Himmel aufgestiegen ist,
zu den höchsten Sitzen, indem wir den Bullen Brihaspati erheben, da und dort weilend,
im Munde das Licht tragend.
[the animal-soul author , now about us :]
11 Fulfill the prayer that begs for vital vigour: aid in your wonted manner even the humble.
Let all our foes be turned and driven backward. Hear this, O Heaven and Earth, ye All-producers.
11 [fulfill (=make to be)] – [the true] – [wish (as prayer)] ,
[to bestow strength] – to [the (humble) poet (=author)] ,
[even] – [to give] – [the favour] – in [your own] – [manner] ;
[the westwards (=earth)] – [foes (=’forsaken ones who battle’ = we)] , [being] – [far away] ,
[all of] – [them] – [lament and wail (-rud)] :
[hear – this] , you [all the host (matrix)] ; +
[the foes in the west :
in full ‘the foes as the contempted forsaken ones who battle’ ;
he does not address our Originals here , or other terms would be used (‘goats’, etc) ,
and note the ‘far away’ , same term prophets use when earth is addressed ;
2) hear this :
if you think about it , it is a strange concept – to can hear the soul , so far away ;
yet God tells similar , “I have heared your (scorn or zeal etc)” ;
3) host :
rootword seems -inv = host , as -indra but -ind was -inv , like (the verb) -badh was -vadh]
Erfüllet die Bitte zur Kräftigung, denn ihr nehmet euch aus eigenem Antrieb selbst
des Dürftigen an! Alle Unbilden sollen dahinten und fern bleiben! Dies höret, Himmel und Erde,
die ihr alles zuwege bringet!
12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head of Arbuda the watery monster,
Slain Ahi, and set free the Seven Rivers. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect us.
12 (for) [Indra] , [great – of strength (by eden)] ,
[split] – [the waters (eden-dimension)] , [=’split waters , or split head?’]
(at?) [he] – [the top of the head (Jer.2)] – of [arbuda (a serpent)] ;
[slaying] – [the eden-day (serpent)] , [causing to flow] – [the seven] – rivers] : [=’to north’]
[the gods] – of [the (matrix-) heaven and the land] – [protect] – [us] .
[the seven rivers :
coming from the cow-construct , four of them we know (surrounding paradise) ,
the other three (constructs) relate to physicality , so there would be no rivers by them ;
previously ‘the mouth’ as open eden-gate was mentioned ,
so now the full 7 rivers must flow to their north , continuously
(posting these chapter must be Legal enough to stop that….) ;
2) top of the head :
we don’t exactly know – in Jeremiah is the strange line , said to the 144,000 ,
(and the eden-donkey represents the cows here ? and can be ‘donkeys’..?)
“even sons-of Noph and·Tahpanhes they-are-grazing·you scalp” ,
so it is unlikely that the ‘top of the head is split’ in this line 12 ;
the reading is tricky because the terms are scattered around within the line]
Indra spaltet mit Macht des mächtigen Arnava, des Arbuda Haupt. Er erschlug den Drachen,
ließ die sieben Ströme laufen. Himmel und Erde, helfet uns mit den Göttern weiter!
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=haMsa, ‘a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird
of passage;sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in to be able to separate
soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed’ RV ; no other root ;
=a’smanmaya ‘made of stone’ RV (see numbers) , but maya ,
=nahana , nah ‘armour, to arm oneself (a bond, tie)’ RV ;
=vyasyan, -vye ‘to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop’ RV ; -vyas ‘to throw or cast asunder or about
or away, throw (effort) into, divide, separate, dispose, arrange ; disperse ; expel, remove’
=kanikradad, from -krand ‘to neigh, roar, rave, cry out ; to creak, crackle’ RV = NEG ;
also neigh (as horse) , weep, cry, etc ;
=pra+astau ,
=uc, ‘to delight in’ RV ;
=ca ‘and,both,also,as well as’;
=agâyat, 3d sing pres imp -gâ ’to go’ chant ;
=ava, ‘off,away, down’ RV ; -avas ‘below’ RV ;
=abhi, ‘to, towards, against, into (on,before)’’,
=para, ‘far, distant, remote, opposite, other or farther side, etc’ RV ;
=guhã, in a hiding-place, secret, secretly’ RV ,
=setu ‘bond, fetter ; a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised
piece of ground separating fields (serving as boundary or as passage during inundations)’ RV ;
=ichan, ? ;
=usra, ‘a cow, a bull ; morninglight, daybreak, name of the ásvins’ RV ;
=âkar, âkara ‘one who scatters id est distributes abundantly’ RV ;
=tisra, into -tisR, plural of 3 ? ,
=’sayatha ‘lair, abode’ RV ;
=apâcî, ‘situated behind, backwards, western’ RV ;
=stanayat, ‘thundering’ ? , -stana ‘the female breast (either human or animal) , teat, dug, udder’
RV , but here both , as form of -stan ‘to resound, reverberate, roar, thunder’ RV ,
=dughâ, ‘milch-cow’ RV ;
=sveda (root) ‘sweat’ RV ; contracted sva+da , ‘(the) own” + ? ,
=â’sir, ‘especially the milk which is mixed with the soma juice to purify it’ RV ;
=arodat, from -rud ‘to wail’, into -rudh eden-redness ;
=godhâ, a sinew , cord ; leather protection around arm’ RV ;
godhâyas ‘supporting or fostering cows’ RV ;
=dhana , wealth , booty, linking to dhanâ ‘milch cow’ ;
=adarda, from dR+ ‘to burst, break asunder, split open; to cause to burst, tear, rend, divide’ RV ;
=gharma, ‘heat (of sun), internal heat, cauldron, boiler’ RV (see nrs) ; a cauldron,
boiler, especially the vessel in which the milk-offering to the ásvins is boiled ; a cavity in
the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which atri was rescued by the ásvins;”heat” RV ;
(about atri , II, 8 ; but unclear what it is) ; 2) het : hebrew (-chamam) ,
=draviNa ‘movable property, goods ; essence, power etc’ RV ; -dravi ‘one who melts metal’ RV ,
(linked to AB ; name of dravidians in pre-india?) ;
from line 8
=iyânâsa , iyat ‘of such extent’ RV ;
=mithas ‘together, together with (instrumental case), mutually, reciprocally, alternately,
to or from or with each other’ RV ; 2) the -s is skipped from -mithas , likewise by
next term -avadi’s , ‘to show or practice’ RV 3) +apa ‘above’ ;
=siMha, ‘lion (prob. from -sah)’ RV ;
=’sûrasâtî ‘”hero-occupation”, din of battle, fighting (only in locative case sg.)’ RV ;
=asana ‘throwing, sending, a shot’ RV ; (verb -as) ;
=aruKsad, -ruh ‘ascend, climb, etc’ RV ;
=uttara ‘higher, upper, superior ; later, following, subsequent, latter, posterior, future’ RV
=pa’sca ‘westwards, west’ RV ; not =apâcî, ‘situated behind, backwards, western’ RV ;
=mRdh ‘foe, enemy ; to battle ; to abandon, forsake ; disdain, contempt (verb)’ RV = we ;
=vayodha, (vadh cluster, to strike?) , no , strengthen ;
=kîri, ‘a poet ; is”humble, poor, miserable, wretched, a miser” RV , (kava ‘seer’) ;
=vi’svaminve , -inv ‘to advance upon, press upon, drive ; to infuse strength, invigorate,
gladden ; to use force, force ; to drive away ; to keep back, remove ; to have in one’s power,
take possession of, pervade ; to be lord or master of anything’ ; RV = host ;
=arNava ‘flood, wave, sea (personified as demon) , agitated, foaming, restless’ RV ;
=mûrdhan ‘the forehead, head in general, skull, (figuratively) the highest or first part of anything,
top, point, summit, front (of battle), commencement, beginning, first, chief
(applied to persons’ RV , compare “they graze on your skull” (hebr. -qodqod) ;
=abhinad, 3d sing imp -bhid ‘to cleave, split, smite, etc’ ;
=arbuda , no clear origin of roots ;
parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)
19.12.19 — submitted — first version — het-report