RV X , 99 (themes : Originals captured , now ‘footless’ – see ‘hoofs’ , Zech. 11 ;
here , the North steals ‘the eden-construct making physicality’ ,
to can make bodies for the animal-souls LIKE THIS AUTHOR , called ‘ant’ :
during eden , the latter kept them animal-souls within their animal-bódies ,
as he writes here (and see Zephaniah chapters + Rg-V chapter attached) ;
links to : ‘seasons theme’ (there won’t be summer / winter, in prophets) ,
different matrix-nations (in scripture as Puth, Lud, etc) , here as animals ;
10 fingers as ‘ten kings’ they fought (now theirs as 10 horns? , see Rev)
the “eye , as construct , of the matrix-shepherd”, as VaruNa , Zech. 11)

(to Indra as “Behemoth-realm north” ; start at line 3)
3 On most auspicious path he goes to battle , he toiled to win [the bright heaven] [=north] ,
full fain to gain it ;
[unrestrained] , he seized the [hundred-citadelled?] treasure  
[=’of eden’] by craft ,
and slew the (…..?) [designed image] .
Er gelangt zum Siegerpreis mit einem Nichtlahmen gehend, im Kampf um die Sonne belagerte er,
um sie zu gewinnen, als der Unerreichte in Verwandlung die Habe des Hunderttorigen beschlich
und die Phallusanbeter erschlug

4 Fighting for kine [=’Originals !’] , the prize of war,
roaming among the herd he brings the [booty] hither [quickly] ,
(to,in) where the footless
[=’Originals’] joined         [=’having no contact with the land anymore’] , without a car [=’enveloping sphere’] , [destined for the manger +?] ,
they will pour their flood like butter  [=’essence of Originals , in the ovens’] ;
[for broken-off hoofs theme + fat , which is ‘butter’ here , Zech. 11]
Er ergießt als Opfer die jüngsten Ströme, als Renner um die als Preis ausgesetzten Kühe laufend,
während seine Verbündeten ohne Füße, ohne Wagen mit den Kufen als Rossen ihr

Schmalz-Wasser strömen lassen.

5 he , the master , came with the Rudra-sons  [‘ruddy’, as Adam]   or :  [‘the ruddy eden-construct’] ,
[as the indescribable treasures] , having left [his/their] dwelling ,
Vamra [=’ant’ ! ; author name] [thinks] , [+robbing the food?] left the couple weeping .
Mit den Rudrasöhnen ist der Meister gekommen, sein Haus verlassend, mit unerlaubten Wünschen
und doch frei von Makel. Ich habe das entblößte Paar des Vamra im Sinn. Auf Speise ausgehend,

hat er raubend zum Weinen gebracht.

6 Lord of the dwelling, he subdued the demon who roared aloud ,
six-eyed and triple-headed ;                [=’what eden-construct must be this..?’]  ;
this Trita   
[=’third’, eden-main construct ; root : ‘three’ , but can be “trinity”, into ‘30’] ,
[prospering with powerful-energy] ,
he struck down the [boar-like-construct?] [with shaft?] , whose point was [metal (iron?)] .
[perhaps ‘a triple-like construct’ , compare glyph SHESEM]
Dieser Hausgebieter bezwang den laut brüllenden Dasa mit sechs Augen und drei Köpfen.
Durch seine Kraft gestärkt erschlug Trita den Eber mit eisenspitziger Rede

7 [he – the injuring one [=’eden-construct’] – raised itself up on high [=Manu ; = MENU] ] ,
[who had shot] his arrow [=’of words?’] , [striving to hurt] ,
[the (eden-) destroyed / destroying] – [moon-construct , originally from them?] ,    +
for us – the well-born one (noble one) , cleaves – the [eden-] fortress ,
[fighting the Dasyu’s] – [deserving it] ;                             [=’Dasyu , “opposer”, neutral’]
Dem hinterlistigen Arsasana möge er, für Manu sich erhebend, sein Geschoß bestimmen.
Mannhafter als Nahus hat unseretwegen der Edelgeborene im Dasyukampf die Burgen
gebrochen, da dies sein gutes Recht war
[we slowly on meet many constructs … ]

8 He [=’moon-construct’?] , like a thunder-cloud that rains upon the pasture ,
[has come (gâ) ] to us ,– knowing – [the dwelling-place (kSaya) ] – of us ;
then – [Indu
(deep-south-realm?) ] – [is seated upon?]   +                      [=’deep-south = Leviathan’]
[the support-construct] – as the hawk [=’Horus as B’AK’] ,
armed with his [metal (iron?) ] – claws he slays the Dasyus ;
Wasser spendend wie eine Gewitterwolke der Weide, fand er für uns den Weg zu unserem
Wohnsitz. Als der Adler mit seinem Leibe an den Soma herankam, da tötet der Eisenkrallige
die Dasyu´s

9 He the [matrix-] strong one [with mighty (eden-) power] –
[delivering] – these [Kutsa (beings as Lud,Phut, etc)] – from [eden-tsiun’s] – misery ; 
he led out the lauded Kavi [=’seers’] , [wearing the Atka (eden-covering around the body)] ,
[and made (them) successful heroes]
[we had SuSNa “hissing dry place” before ; per context , Cain must have been ‘a kutsa-soul’…]
Er bezwang mit seinen Gewaltigen die Übermächtigen; zu Gunsten des Kutsa gab er den Susna
dem Elend preis. Er führte den gelobten Kavi, der dessen Gewandung trug und der Gewinner
unter den Herren ward.

10 He , with his gods [as the beloved] [matrix-] mankind ,
[as accomplished wonderful things] [through] VaruNa who works with [eden-] magic  (=maya) ,
by these [‘youthful’] – [seasons?] , [changing]     +
[“the eden-concept as the cruel fashioner for to bellow like cattle”] , as the four feeted one ;
[author IS an animal-soul : so , during eden he was captured in an (only) animal-body ;
see Zephaniah-chapters about “wolves , camels and other animal-souls” ;
so the non-scriptural concept of ‘seasons’ is because animal-souls need that …?]

Diese ist als der Meister huldvoll mit seinen mannhaften Freunden, den Göttern, listenreich
gleich Varuna, dieser ist als Jüngling als der zu seinen Zeiten Trinkende bekannt geworden;
er verwandelte sich in den Araru, der vierfüßige.

11 Through lauds (of=to?) him , Auśija Rji’sva [=’zealous one + as the firm dog’?]    +
[as a mighty bull] – [split open] – [the fold, enclosure]  of Pipru [=’likely Heaven’] ;
[the extracted soma] – adorable – shone as a sacrifice , when he seized the [citadels] ,

[+two words unidentifiable atm]
[the ‘fold’ here as ‘eden’]
Durch Loblieder auf ihn sprengte Ausija Rijisvan mit dem Stiere den Wall des Pipru. Als der
Somapressende und die Lobrede des Opfernden strahlten, da beschlich er, darum angegangen,

in Verwandlung die Burgen.
12 [and this] – [great (by eden)] – construct   [=’shared construct’, as ‘asura’] ,   +
Vamraka  [=’author, here as ‘little ant’]– grew – on his two feet ,
after (=upa) – creeping – to Indra ;              [=’for he is an animal-soul !’]
[closing line :]
He will by supplication bring him blessing: he hath brought all, food, strength, a happy dwelling.
Also kroch, o Asura, Vamraka auf seinen Füßen zu Indra, um den Großen zu stärken. Er möge
darum angegangen ihm Glück bescheren. Labung, Nahrung, guten Wohnsitz, alles hat er gebracht
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=gnha ‘destroying’ RV ;
=chi’sna+deva , chis+ not located ;
=pradhana ‘booty, spoil’ RV ;
=â-pâda , hardly “no-station” (not -patha , road) ;
=droNya ‘belonging to (or longing for) the manger’ RV (X , 50 : ‘send us cattle’) ;
=tuvîrava ‘making a terrible noise (in battle)’ RV ,

  • =trita ‘third’ ; RV II , 34 “ye O infallible brought Trita to decay” , VIII , 47 “14 Daughter of Heaven,
    the dream that bodes evil to us or to our kine, Remove, O -lightLady, to Trita Āptya far away”
    (trita-aptya , aptya = water-deity) ; in VI , 44 (do!) the nectar (for immortality) is found there –
    also mentioned “the 10 fingers” which are 10 eden-kings which they war (several chapters) :

Is this NOW théir 10 kings-constructs of which 3 were rooted-up , etc ..? ; (=3 x 10 = 30 ?)
=varâha ‘(doubtful) boar, wild pig, etc’ RV ; -varâha ‘a mountain’ RA , MH ;
varâhaka ‘name of a demon’ MH ; “stand up and eat flesh” ? ;
=vipâ or -vipa is not a root ; unclear ;
=ûrdhvasa ‘being on high’, “having spikes of corn” MH ! , “beat out the sheaf” in prophets ? ;
=nRtama ‘most manly or strong’ RV , but includes -nRt ‘destroy’ as eden-term ;
=nahuSa ‘likely original eden-moon’, see sun + moon chapters ;
=bhid 3d sing pres ; ‘split, break, cleave, etc’ RV ;
=sîdat ‘failing, suffering’ ? ‘to sit down’ ? ,
=’sarîra ‘body , but more as “a support”  RV ; not the -tanv cluster ‘body’ ;
=’savasâna ‘strong, powerful’ RV , into –‘savitR , ÁTEN ?

  • =kutsa ; ‘when Susna attacked, Indra defended him’ RV (here) ; kutsa : ‘class of matrix-beings’
    RV VII , 25 , 5 ; in I , 53 , 10 Indra máde the Kutsa ; in II , 14 Kutsa is mentioned with other
    groups (as Puth and Lud etc. in scripture?) ; try other roots -katsa etc ? ;
  • =’suSNa ‘hisser, a demon’ RV , from ‘suS ‘dry, withered’, was -tsiun in other chapter ;
    Daniel was in Susan , capital , as eurasian sphere – per playout ‘in tsiun’ ? ;

=kRpaNa ‘misery, wretchedness’
=atka , was in the “spirit-couple fighting , and female-Original , see X , 95 ;
=Rtupa , ‘season-related’ ? ;
=avedi , not-knowing ? , other form ? ;

  • =araru ‘hard, cruel ; a demon’ RV ; + amimîta 3d sing pres -mâ ?
    root mâ ‘sound, bellow, roar, bleat (especially of cattle)’ RV (animals!) , 2) mã ‘to measure,
    mark, to form, fashion, etc’ RV ; these souls were IN ANIMAL FORM during eden !!!!
    3) we combined all these in ultimate title – see above ;
  • =au’sija ‘desirous, zealous, wishing’ RV ;
  • =Rji’sva , =Rji’svan ‘name of a king protected by Indra’ RV ; but –‘sva is ‘dog’ (linked to ‘white’)
    while root -Rj exists (-arj, to Arjuna) ; “firm,healthy+dog”? ;
  • =pipra , no root ; -pru? ; no – -pR , ‘to save, rescue, excell, protect, keep alive’ ;
    p-root is mutilated by the ‘destroying-R’ but in cluster (-piprati,-pipru,etc) ; counter -Rj ? ;

=maha , ‘great, etc’  RV but from eden-root -ma ;
=vakS root ‘to grow, wax, increase’ RV ;
=sarpad , from sRp ‘to creep, crawl’ RV ;


parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

25.11.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

volgende pagina
RV VII , 61