[4 april 22 :]
— in 1 Peter 2 the subject likely was “gate” instead of “stone” :
the line “the stone rejected by the builders” sóunds good but who ARE ‘they’ ? ,
while survived roots are “darkness and light”, “declare” and “olden times” –
see gate pages
(latter is a rip-off of 2 Pet.2)
1 & 2 Peter is one book ,
main theme “our Originals”
[outline in sections here ,
was deeply corrupted]
1 change , in 2 peter chapter : [originally 2 Peter 3 was next , see below]
1 & 2 Peter (+ Jude)
… searching what is about ‘the angel Michael’ in the – impossible – chapter Jude ,
it turned out that it is a poor copy of the corrupted 2 Peter 2 , see outline below
(hence it made little sense to treat Jude within this page) ;
both 1 and 2 Peter chapter share the same type (older) syntax , similar phrases
(indicating that the subject continues throughout and that both are one ‘book’) ;
buildup and content :
– the main theme is “our Originals” – our by God created original body ;
– this theme is extensive and complete :
though the sections – because of corruption – are not in their right order , below ,
the cóntent matches other NT letters :
1) the first christians must know about the Originals which they will receive ,
2) but – they will receive them in the end-time ,
3) the reason is that the Originals-theme is part of the sealed prophets ,
and the latter must be understood by the endtime saints ,
4) when the latter will understand the themes and will be rescued ,
they will receive their Original : and the first christians will , too
(see Rev. , the multitude holding the palm branches) ,
5) the 144 will witness to Jacob
after which Jacob will be restored also ;
… this book also describes the sub themes –
6) the soul dwelt within the Original – as “servant” – and ruled her ,
7) but the demons tortured the Originals after the latter went astray ,
8) one chapter contains a rant against Esau/Cain :
called “the children (=sons) of wickedness” the rant is against them corrupting
scripture so that Jacob will be lost — this is also in other NT letters ;
9) therefore
believers in the endtime won’t have the true belief
and will be in danger concerning the Day of Judgment when earth gets dark ;
… again – the sections are not in their correct order – but they are THERE :
it’s a question of time whether we ever will have the opportunity to start the text itself
1 Peter
literal words between “…..” :
1 Peter 1
– intro , lines 1-3 : seems okay ;
yet the author may be Paul considered the themes , phrases and buildup
(and because he said “I was shown more than others” = these themes) ;
the ‘be multiplied’ in line 2 appears in the rip-off called ‘Jude’ also ;
– line 4 :
the “incorruptible and undefiled inheritance” is the Original — the body made by God ;
– line 5 :
“which will be revealed in the end time” ;
like in other NT chapters Paul and friends will receive théir Original álso in the end time ;
– lines 6-7 :
but “now there are trials still” ;
next : but this theme ‘is not reserved for thém’ (?)
next 8-12 :
… in other NT letters Paul makes it clear that they themselves are the start of christianity
but that ‘the circle needs to be closed’ by the endtime saints ; that therefore ‘it is not given’
to the first christians to understand prophets (=which are corrupted) – see line 5 above :
consider the terms here “prophets” and “search” (line 11)
– line 12 :
“to be revealed – NOT – to us” because “you=we bring the Gospel”
and must read : ‘desire=prophets (see root) – not – for us’ + “to look into” ;
next : comforting his brothers :
next 13-25 :
… this entire section looks okay —
full of exhortations to hold on , saying that they will receive their award
(and it is almost logical that the author needs many lines to comfort them now !) ;
– line 23 :
writing “born into the incorruptible seed=body” , the Original (sporas=somâ) ,
because in next 24 “this flesh as grass” is juxtaposed to that ;
[total 25 lines]
1 Peter 2 (but mixed w/ chapter 3 and 4)
main theme must be : explaining (what are-) the Originals :
but a real mess is starting :
1 Peter chapter 2 and 3 were cut&pasted and copied FROM eachother ,
while the real version of 3 and 4
probably followed upon the ‘cornerstone’ theme in this chapter 2
– first section (lines 5-8) : cornerstone theme [but must be linked to the Original]
– second section :
“the holy nation=people” = Originals , as “the people of God” (line 10) ;
in next lines
the theme “that the Original served the soul” must have been explained :
line 11 : must have been : in which “the soul warred=dwelt” ;
line 12 : “glorify God in the day +she was visited=created” ,
line 13 : “the human=glorious one (=Original) was submitted to the human=soul”
[likely the text was cut-up here]
… because 1 Peter 3 lines 1-8 has “women submit to your men” ,
a theme thankfully misused/invented by Esau (see also Corinthians)
intended to explain how the female Gorgious is the core of the male one ,
in similar manner how the soul is the core of the Original itself ;
– third section (line 21-end) : how Christ’s sacrifice restored the soul to the Original ;
overlapping themes :
in line 10 : “people of olden times”
>> becomes “Abraham and Sarah” (=Adam and Eve) in next chapter 3
>> becomes “Noah and the flood” in 2 Peter 3
>> becomes “Enoch the 7th of Adam” (sic!) in Jude – which is a ripoff of 2 Peter 2 ;
(1Peter 3) line 19-20 : [Christ-] “went and preached to the spirits in prison”
>> becomes “preached the gospel to them that are dead” (2 Peter 4 : 6)
… it will be very difficult to restore the original literal text —
all we can do at the moment is describe the different theme sections ;
[total : 25]
(1 Peter 3 – see above)
notably :
– line 4 “but hidden=be the héart of male” ,
– line 5 “the female sacred (-one) in olden time” ;
– line 6 : “like Abraham=Adam and Sarah=Eve whose children you are” ;
1 Peter 4
… actually nothing jumps out here – except a weird ‘chapter closing’ halfway
(indicating grave corruptions in this chapter , as well) ;
all phrases are so hollow that it’s hard to pinpoint a possible subject ;
option :
it tells “how the soul is imprisoned in this body – on this earth”
but it will take long time to match the left roots to any palpable text ;
1 Peter 5
start theme : the 144 witness to Jacob :
– line 1 : the term “witness”
combined with “to the suffering of Christ=Jacob” (=when earth is dark) ;
because [Jacob] “will also partake in the glorious ones” (=Originals) ;
– lines 2-4 :
theme seems ‘Jacob chooses for God again’ , i.e. receiving His mark ,
terms “voluntary”, “heritage”, and then “they receive their crown” ;
.. section belongs to last part of 2 Peter 3 ;
lines 5-14 : at least partly written by Esau :
notably :
– a second weird ‘chapter closing’ halfway ;
– the bit hollow lines 5-6-7 ;
the “devil goes round like a lion” must be taken from elsewhere ,
and note the term “Babylon” in 12-14 — and compare 2 Peter 2 : 3
(so these lines must have belonged to there) ;
[total only 14]
2 Peter
2 Peter 1
– intro : lines 1-2 (3) : invented by Esau ;
– lines 3-4 : the Original-theme ; “beget us again”, “corruptible / incorruptible” (see 1 Peter)
which (=Original) they will receive “in the endtime” in which “they will rejoice”
but “now still there are hardships” ,
– line 5-11 : very vague , but is about “they themselves holding on to the truth”
(was corrupt – but see that it is about them – because of next section) ;
the juxtaposition : now the saints in the endtime :
– line 12
words : “remembrance” and “truth” (=first term also used in Jude) :
context could be that “the saints in the éndtime will NOT remember the true belief” ;
which , in turn ,
would make the context of lines 5-11 into :
line 9 : wé are NOT “blind” and did NOT “forget” , etc ;
– line 13 “tabernacle” (+remember) (=still the Original-theme)
– line 14 “tabernacle” ,
– line 15 “remembrance” (+”after my
– line 16 “followed fables [..] but we were witnesses” ,
theme of this section : the saints in the endtime will have forgotten (the truth) ;
next : now God must ‘wake up saints in the endtime’ :
– line 17 (totally corrupt) :
“God” will search the “sons=saints” who will do what He “delights” in
(Paul always uses the term “delight” in this sense) ;
– line 18 ,
and if they “listen” to his “voice” they will understand his mountain=words (oros=logos)
– “words of prophecy=prophets” which was “dark” will “become light”
[+2 more lines about prophecy]
[total 21]
2 Peter 2
continuing the ‘corrupted words in prophets’ :
– line 1 : probably : they (endtime saints) do not knów why “the Lord bought them”
(linking back to the Originals-theme) ;
– line 2 : “many will have their own truth” ;
[originally 1Peter 3 was next , see below]
next : text was cut up : fallen angels theme :
– line 3 :
“merchandizing” and “of olden” : Mystery-Babylon trafficking our Originals
(and see the term “Babylon” in 1Peter 5 !) ;
– line 4 : “spared not the angels” , “judgment” (=angels + judgment in Jude line 6 !)
– line 5 : “spared not the world” (=impossible repetition) ;
+ “Noah” and “flood” (=corrupted into ‘Enoch’ in Jude)
– line 6 : “Sodom Gomorrah” (=Sodom Gomorrah in Jude line 7 !)
so , if in previous lines is described what the punishment of the fallen ones will be
then next lines must describe their transgréssion – against the Originals (and soul) :
– lines 7-9 : how “the righteous (-ones)” were “tormented” (sic !) ,
and “the soul” came out “from them” [line 8 : like Paul phrased]
but “God will deliver” them (=the Originals) ;
next theme : but endtime saints don’t know this (?)
– line 10 :
but “they walking after own flesh” do “not” know this ;
– line 11 :
[namely about] “the strong (evil) angels” who “brought harm against them (=Originals)”
sub :
this ‘railing accusation’ term ALSO appears in Jude 9 , the “Michael VS Satan” line ! ;
next : they don’t know (because of-) cursed Cain :
– line 12-22 : a rant against those who don’t want to see ? – but that would be unjust :
after telling that prophets were corrupted why rant ?
line 12 : “brute beasts” , (Jude line 10 : brute beasts !)
line 13 : “spots” (and blemishes) , (Jude line 12 : spots !)
line 15 : “Balaam”, (Jude line 11 : Balaam !)
[total 22]
12-22 :
workable option :
… author describes “the Cain souls” (corrupt-adm-souls) who came into being
after what happened with the Originals :
this explains terms as “cursed offspring” (line 14) , “loved unrighteousness” (line 15) ,
“loving their own deceptions” (line 12) and ofcourse then “Cain” (but in Jude line 11 !) ;
here is the corruption explained : Esau went furious when he read these lines !
2 Peter 3
– lines 1-2 : [no new intro in line 1 ; remember : this follows 2Peter 2 ,
theme is the 144 :]
required : because of personal oppression (or similar) ,
[line 2:] they “will remember” to investigate “the words in the prophets”
to know “the precepts” of God (in order to be?) “saviour=saved” ;
because :
– line 3 : “in the last days will be scoffers” , [<< believers !]
– line 4 : “saying : where is the promise of his coming?” “since everything is the same” ;
– line 4 : must read : “because they (=most believers) are ignorant that the heaven
of old was anóther one” ;
– line 7 : (the juxtaposition) :
“because the heaven (=sky) which is NOW will be judged with fire” ;
next 8-9
… strange jump of theme , can only fit as leadup until 10 :
– line 8 :
“but beloved=many of them will be ignorant that 1000 years is as 1 day” ,
… 9 is also tricky –
it can hardly write “God wants none to perish” — though that is trúe ofcourse ,
it doesn’t make sense when next 10 writes about “the judgment day coming like a thief” ;
consider :
– line 9 :
“and God will +NOT tarry with this promise”
“as=when his slackness=word is count=understood” ;
“but any=many will not want to perish=LISTEN”
— then : to the restored words (or something) ?
continued :
– line 10 : “and that day will come like a thief” (etc)
next 11-12 :
… impossible repeat (=again ‘heavens on fire’) :
should contain “.. therefore Jacob will be saved afterwards”
but it will cost time to see what the original rootwords can have been ;
closing : lines 13-18 :
– line 13 : “we look forward to the new heaven and earth +
which=where (!) we dwell in our righteous one (=the Original)” ;
-lines 15-16 :
required : and we will receive our Original WHEN the endtime saints (144)
will have understood prophets (-and are taken from earth) :
this is a common concept in the other NT letters —
the remained roots indicate this as well : “brother(-s)” (=144) , “wisdom”, “write” ,
and in (16) not -hard-to-understand but ‘whén understood’, etc ;