RV I , 116

RV I , 116 the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
(their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel)
content : the Western dimension , wanting to invade eden ,
stands “at the sea-shore” (dimension) ,
but can only attack through “a phallus-like construct” , as dimensional-axis ;
after they struck the eden-construct ,
the imprisoned spirits (of the pre-eden Rahab-land) are released ,
then it tells how the virgin-ishral , representing the main eden-construct ,
is copulating with théir construct (through the phallus-axis theme) ;
then “the word” is separated from “the eden-gate” ,
and the base of the eden-tree (=the construct) is encased in iron ,
creating the exact inversal of the eden-virgin, having horns of iron) ;
remark : this one is different as all the lauds to Indra + thunderbolt ;
likely the same concepts are mentioned here , but in different form ;
linking to : book Daniel , chapter about the goat and the ram ;
Ezekiel 23 , the unfaithful sisters , copulating in the north ;
book of Job , chapter about the pre-eden land Rahab ;
chapter about “the bronze hoofs and iron horn of the ishral-virgin”,
Amos chapters about the house-ishral (120,000) and the ishral-virgin ;
see log at end ;

RV I , 116 (their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel)
[introduction by the animal-soul :]
1. I TRIM like grass my song for the Nāsatyas and send their lauds forth as the wind drives rain-clouds,
Who, in a chariot rapid as an arrow, brought to the youthful Vimada a consort.

1 [towards + ‘the helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[I gather] – [the sacrificial grass (barhi)] – [in front] – [like] – [the hymn] ,
[fastening] – [the wind-god] – to [the (thunder-) cloud] ;
[who] , by [the chariot] – [swift as an arrow] ,
[brought] – [(matrix-) life] – to [the youthful]  – [vimadi (=author =animal-soul)] ;
[what is he saying ?
He addresses that he has been brought back to life after eden fell (see Zephaniah index) ;
we don’t understand yet what is it always with this ‘sacred grass’,
we only know that prophets often address their “chaff” which will be blown away ;

Für die Nasatyas setze ich den Milchtrank ans Feuer wie das Barhis. Loblieder lasse ich aufsteigen
wie der Wind die Regenwolken, für sie, die dem jungen Vimada auf pfeilschnellem Wagen
das Weib zuführten:
[the phallic nature of them gods want to conquer eden :]
2 Borne on by rapid steeds of mighty pinion, or proudly trusting in the Gods’ incitements.
That stallion ass of yours won, O Nāsatyas, that thousand in the race, in Yama’s contest.

2 [the quick] – [hard hovering ones] ,                                       [=’likely a phallic description’]
[as] – [the gods] , [incited] – for [his seat (=as eden’s main construct)] ;
[this] – [(phallic matrix-) donkey (râsabha)] , you [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[will conquer] – [a thousandfold] – [spoil] ,  +
upon [the goat (=eden-construct of our Originals)] – of [Yama (=Adam)] ;

[what is he saying ?
their dualistic-realm needs ‘force’ to can unite ,
hence the expressive phallic nature of it –- 
to be fair , then we get stuck in this theme : 
because prophets also address “donkeys” 
yet there as the good -athon and colt donkey ,
depicting “dualism subordinated by eden” , 
as opposed to their evil donkey (-chmur) ;   
2) their donkey :
as their bent-axis concept ? ; see to right]
‘the ass’ (gate 9 of book of gates) ,
as a bent figure in front of eden
(the serpent to right) ,
the ass , as AÁI , as eden’s enemy ,
likely as “a bent (crooked) axis”
and compare concept in this chapter
(sacredtexts com)

Die durch die starkflügeligen, schnellfahrenden Rosse oder durch den Ansporn der Götter zuversichtlich geworden waren – Der Esel gewann das Tausend im Wettkampf des Yama um den hohen Preis, ihr Nasatya´s.
[their ‘phallic’ ship cán traverse towards eden (as the goat in book Daniel) :]
3 Yea, Aśvins, as a dead man leaves his riches, Tugra left Bhujyu in the cloud of waters.
Ye brought him back in animated vessels, traversing air, unwetted by the billows.

3 [because] , +
with [the (bent-phallic-axis) viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)] – as [the phallic concept (tu+gra)] ,
[the a’svins – will subdue] – [the (personified) treasures] ,
[and] – [this?] – [sustaing bull (=eden-concept)] – [will die] ;
by [this] – [seperating (=seperating realm)] – [ship] – [(animated by) the Self] ,
[the one traversing the – watertight – middle-atmosphere (eden’s , inbetween their dual-realm)] ;
[what is he saying ?
for some reason , a certain dimensional-form cán enter , here as boat ,
and this concept is depicted in “the boat of Rã”, see next lines ;
while in prophets is a line “never a ship will sail inbetween no more”!]

Tugra hatte den Bhujyu in der Wassermasse zurückgelassen, ihr Asvin, wie irgend ein Verstorbener
sein Vermögen. Ihn entführet ihr auf beseelten, durch die Luft schwimmenden, wasserdichten Schiffen.

[their attacking construct (the ‘goat’ in Daniel) stands in their West dimension :]
4 Bhujyu ye bore with winged things, Nāsatyas, which for three nights, three days full swiftly travelled, To the sea’s farther shore, the strand of ocean, in three cars, hundred-footed, with six horses.
4 [three] – [nights] – (as?) [three] – [ (full?) eden-days] ,
you [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[you waited] – with [the (bent-phallic-axis) as the viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)]   +
(for?) [the (to-be) hovering proto-sun-disk (?, also ‘bird’ ; pataMga)] ;
[three] – [chariots] , [six – horses] , [a hundred stations] ,
at [the opposite] – [shore] – of [the damp] – [(matrix-) sea (=in the West ; compare book Daniel)] ;
[what is he saying ?
Daniel writes “how the quick goat came from the West”,
the whole Western-dimension as the enemy of Heaven in the east —
Henoch describes the West dimension as “a slope descending into nothingness” ;
2) the “waiting 3 days” is also in the Ramayana epos ,
where Rama (a form of Indra) , ready to attack , waited 3 days for a response of eden ;
we can’t find a similar concept in prophets (or, ‘after or at the third day’..?)
but that is not invalidating these lines ;
2) bent axis :
likely as the bent-road Ezekiel saw , towards their north (from which the scribes descended) ,
it’s possible that this bend-axis would go bear-up their winged-disk ;
3) hunderd stations etc :
we don’t know …. perhaps describing the number of their counterfeit-constructs]

Mit den über drei Nächte, über drei Tage ausdauernden Vögeln entführtet ihr Nasatya´s den Bhujyu
an den Strand des Meeres, an das Ufer des Nasses, mit drei hundertfüßigen, sechsrossigen Wagen.

[this construct can only attack eden in ‘phallus-form’ :] 
5 Ye wrought that hero exploit in the ocean which giveth no support, or hold or station,
What time ye carried Bhujyu to his dwelling, borne in a ship with hundred oars, O Aśvins.

5 [giving no support nor beginning] – [as for to separate (=eden)] ,
having [no standingplace] – for [them] ,
[the (matrix-) sea] – [having nothing which can be grasped] ;
[then] , [a’svins] ,
(from?) [home] , [you would conduct] – [the (bent-phallic-axis) as viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)] ,
as [the hundred-fold propelled] – [vessel (ship)] – [to the standingplace (=eden main-construct)] ;
[what is he saying ?
they had no “grip” on nothing , except when morphing into an axis (phallic) ;
the axis as phallic concept relates to ‘the dimensional-centre’ (as ‘goal’) , see later lines ;
2) the ‘ship’ :
see depiction of Rã’s boat , furtheron]

Als Helden zeiget ihr euch da im Meer, das ohne Anhalt, ohne festen Grund, ohne Handhabe ist,
als ihr Asvin den Bhujyu nach Hause fuhret, der euer Schiff mit hundert Rudern bestiegen hatte

[the horse (as construct) attacking eden is prepared :]
6 The white horse which of old ye gave Aghāśva, Aśvins, a gift to be his wealth for ever,—
Still to be praised is that your glorious present, still to be famed is the brave horse of Pedu

6 [then] , [a’svins]  – [you would send] – the [white (‘svet)] – [horse] – to [the evil horse] ,
by [he (=white horse)] – [the prosperity] – [for always (by eden)] ;
[this] – [your both] – [great (by eden)] – [sickle (to obtain a portion)] ,
[deserving to be named] ,
[became] – [the heroic] – [serpent-killing horse (killing ‘the two + roots-p’ ? ; pai+dva)] ,
[to run] – to [the (eden-) seat] – [devotedly (‘for the aryans as spirits’?, term)] ;
[what is he saying ?
we’ve little option that ‘the dangerous horse’ must be eden’s main construct ;
it is a bit confusing because not the usual term (rakSa) is used , as “evil construct”;
2) two roots :
very possible as 2 roots , compare the eden-serpent glyph Ã-P-P , ãpep , as two roots-P]

Das weiße Roß, daß ihr Asvin dem Schlechtberittenen gabt – ein dauerndes Glück – dies euer großes
Geschenk ist zu rühmen, das Peduroß ist für einen hohen Herrn stets anzurufen

[their construct runs to eden – as the goat in Daniel :]
7 O Heroes, ye gave wisdom to Kakṣīvān who sprang from Pajra’s line, who sang your praises.
Ye poured forth from the hoof of your strong charger a hundred jars of wine as from a strainer.

7 [you both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] – [praise] ,
[the exiting hiding-place (?,term)] – [having become stiff (?,term ; = Rã’s boat ?)] ,   +
[you lead into a channel (?,term)] – for [‘bearing fulness’ (as “coming”, sexually, term)] ;
through [the made passage (for getting (extracted) spiritual liquor? , = between realms ?)] ,
by [the hoofs (cursing eden)] – of [the strong] – [horse (=construct)] ,  +
[you would pour out] – [a hundred] – [jars (season-related?)] – of [the (extracted) spiritual liquor] ;

[what is he saying ?
after the “they had nothing to grasp upon”, previously ,
it makes sense that “the passage” here is between realms ;
compare how the goat came running from the west (Daniel)
but even more clear shown as Rã’s boat , see right , 
faring in the middle-register (read , between two realms) ,
that can be the “and the goats hoofs didn’t touch the land” ;
2) the hoofs :
the root of those hoofs (-‘sap) is “to curse”,
this could explain why “they didn’t touch the ground”,
see for ‘hoofs’ also next lines]
boat of Rã
always in middle-register
travelling eastwards
(sacredtexts com)

Ihr Herren gewähret dem preisenden Pajriya Kaksivat Wunscherfüllung: Ihr schenktet aus dem Hufe
des Hengstes wie durch eine Seihe hundert Krüge Branntwein ein.

[their stone (sela-stone) was below eden..? :]
8 Ye warded off with cold the fire’s fierce burning; food very rich in nourishment ye furnished.
Atri, cast downward in the cavern, Aśvins ye brought, with all his people, forth to comfort

8 by [the fiery (matrix-) cold (?; hime+agni) ] – [you warded-off] – [the heat (eden’s, but -ghra)] ,
[you gave] – [him (=fiery cold?)] – [the nourishing] – [refreshing sap (ûrj)] ;
[the stone (‘not-three’ ; atri)] – [pushed down into] – [the abyss (“below eden”; -R)] ,
[a’svins] , [he] – [having a complete company] – [you lead into] – [prosperity] ;
[what is he saying ?
the first part makes some sense –- the warding-off the eden-heat (but root?) ;
yet we don’t get “the company attached to the stone “ :
in one prophets , the sela-stone is addressed together with spirits ,
and we knew that line was Wrong , but couldn’t imagine “spirits living át that stone”..?]

Durch Schnee wehrtet ihr der Feuersglut; ihr brachtet ihm nahrhafte Stärkung. Den in einen Glutofen gesteckten Atri holtet ihr mit ganzem Gefolge heil heraus, ihr Asvin.
[their (eden-) prison is opened , and “the sinners of the pre-eden Rahab-land” escape :]
9 Ye lifted up the well, O ye Nāsatyas, and set the base on high to open downward.
Streams flowed for folk of Gotama who thirsted, like rain to bring forth thousandfold abundance.

9 [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya)] ,
before – the cistern (of their imprisonment) – you were removing]   +
[the upside-down] – [(cherub?-) wheels] – [having the athwart opening (athwart for thém)] ;
[(you) caused – the (matrix-) waters – to flow out] , [for – us – to drink] ,
[giving] – [thousandfold] – [abundance]    +
to [the class of spirits (‘who were made by dual-essence’ ?, go+tama)] ;
[what is he saying ?
it is not probable ‘that they lifted or removed the well itself’,
it *can* be the cherub-wheels (and eden-land) – we don’t know any other ‘wheels’ yet ,
and in next lines they go even deeper into the eden-construct ;
problem is that terms as (cakra) can be a form of ‘to make’ but is ‘wheel’ as well ;
2] spirits of dual-essence :
rootword (-go+superlative) , as dual-essence ;
we had in prophets the strange ‘men of Lud and Phut’ etcetera]
3) Gotham :
now where would the Bat(man) in Gotham movie be based upon ..]

Ihr Nasatya´s stürztet den Brunnen um; ihr machtet, daß der Boden oben und der Rand geneigt war.
Wie Wasser zum Tränken flossen die Wasser zum Reichtum für die durstigen tausend Leute des Gotama

[he gets a new garment-body like in the pre-eden land :]
10 Ye from the old Cyavāna, O Nāsatyas, stripped, as ’twere mail, the skin upon
his body,
Lengthened his life when all had left him helpless, Dasras! and made him lord of youthful maidens.

10 [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya)] ,
[the perishing]  – [body (vavri)] – [you released – for] – [the garment-bodies (drâpi)]   +
[like] – in [‘the pre-eden Rahab-land’ (?) (cyâvana)] ;
[giving marvellous aid] – [for – the abandoned one – to cross-over (=to north) ] ,
[you made] – [him] – [the lord (=owner)] – of [young maidens (eden female-Originals, likely)] ;
[what is he saying ?
it makes sense ‘that his body was perishing in the well’ ,
now getting a new body-garment to even rule the maidens by ;
2) Rahab-land :
the book Job describes “how I turned Rahab upside-down so the sinners fall-off from it”,
and compare the root (cyâna) as “to shake, move, fall down, slide from” ,
it is also “a person saved by the a’svins (per M-W)”, but it’s unlikely that any spirit
would give himself such negative name — so we take it “as that previous land”,
besides why would the author start about an associate here ? ;

Auch nahmet ihr Nasatya´s die Körperhülle dem gealterten Cyavana wie ein Gewand ab. Ihr Meister
verlängertet das Verlassenen Leben und dann machtet ihr ihn noch zum Gatten der Jungfrauen.

[the time of their imprisonment – close to what Ezekiel writes :]
11 Worthy of praise and worth the winning, Heroes, is that your favouring succour O Nāsatyas,
What time ye, knowing well his case, delivered Vandana from the pit like hidden treasure.

11 [this] – [your both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] ,
[praising (by to be connected) ] – [the gift] ,
[as well as + the assistance] – for [the secure abode (their north)] , you [‘helpful ones’(nâsatya)] ;
[when] – [finding]  – [the treasure-store] – [below (below eden)] ,
[out] – [the hidden one] – [appeared] – [the scattered ones] , [praising (vandana)] ;
[what is he saying ?
the ‘vandana’ is the name of an author ; together with ‘rebha’ he was thrown into a well
but was saved by the a’svins (as the same theme here) ;
“rebha was there for 10 nights and 9 days before he got rescued” ,
and compare the Ezekiel chapter where is “at the 10th of the 10th month eden was invaded” ;
notice the similarity of -rebha with the pre-eden land Rahab (as hebrew) ,
while -rebha also means ‘praising’ but also “to mutter” (like spirits do ..) ;
2) Jeremiah in the well :
he was saved out of it by a good Cushite (of the divided main tribe Cham ; see Zephaniah in index) ,
and the promise tot he Cushite was that he would be saved –
not from the attack at Jerusalem , which happened next , but at Revelation ;
we feel this is related but can’t properly describe it yet]

Das war euer preislicher und trefflicher, hilfsbereiter Schutz, ihr Nasatya´s, als ihr Erfahrene den wie
einen Schatz versteckten dem Vandana aus dem……ausgrubet.

12 That mighty deed of yours, for gain, O Heroes, as thunder heraldeth the rain, I publish,
When, by the horse’s head, Atharvan’s offspring Dadhyac made known to you the Soma’s sweetness.

[part II – now telling how their attack unfolded for eden…(?) :]
12 [this] – [your both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] – of [olden] ,
by [the fierce and violent] – [wonderful deed (=but bý two having ‘bit’ the apple ; daMs+)] ,
[having made – to appear] – [our] – [thunder (for expansion?)] – for [to rain down] ;
[because] – [the bone-horsehead as ‘the face’ of their realm , executer of eden’s (?,dadhyaNN)]  
[has said] – [which] is – [the honey (=by eden ; ma-dhu)] – [‘sacrifice’ (?,atharvan)] ,
[when] – [you both] – (were?) [in front of] – [the horse – head (whose ,eden’s ‘face’?)] ;

[what is he saying ?
the ‘horse’ is often used to describe ‘a construct’,
while ‘face’ (as head) must imply “the entire main-construct”
either of their realm , or of eden ;
in many egyptian murals “a head is cut off”, as to right
(and compare the gazelle/deer with the ‘hoofs’ of ishral-virgin) ;
they need théir ‘head’ for their realm , this must be the bone-head
(and see the gazelleheads in top of Isiris’ hall, book of gates 6) ;

2) deed by biting :
we identified the term (-vanin) as ‘their tree of good and evil’,
as “tree, soma tree, desiring, granting, bestowing ; a cloud (?)’ ,
and saw the ‘to bite’ related with this tree – the theme has many
RV numbers so it’d cost time to see what they tell]

Das war euere gewaltige Meistertat, ihr Herren, künde ich, um belohnt zu werden, an wie der Donner
den Regen, das Dadhyac, des Atharvan Sohn, durch einen Pferdekopf euch verriet, was die Süßigkeit ist.

[the eden-virgin ‘attacked’ by their bent-axis :]
13 In the great rite the wise dame called, Nāsatyas, you, Lords of many treasures, to assist her.
Ye heard the weakling’s wife, as ’twere an order, and gave to her a son Hiraṇyahasta.

13 [‘the helpful ones’ (a’svin-title) ] – [caused a sacrifice (=for dimensional-centre? ; hu)] ,
[you both] – [‘helping’ (=sexually ; -kara)]   +
[‘the progress of motion’ (at the one who can be invoked for to give a sacrifice ; yâma)]   +
by [the much bent-one for to enjoy (bent-axis? ; bhuj)]   +
to [the great] – [woman ‘bearing fullness’ (‘coming’?)] ;
[it was heared] – [this] – [order?] , [like] – [you both giving] , [a’svin’s] ,
[a golden hand (=illegal satisfaction)] – to [the woman having an impotent male] ;
[what is he saying ?
before you think our interpretation is farfetched , read Ezekiel 23 ,
where the two sisters (=eden-constructs) copulated with the dual-realm ,
and even “received gifts from their realm” (compare ‘hand’ here) ;
2) concept :
the woman here – likely as the ishral-virgin – is “a personified construct”,
we saw before how all constructs can choose and desire ;
because “eden’s feminine is the Core”, it isn’t strange that ‘the dimensional-centre’
relates immediately to her (which is the factual attribute they wanted) ,
and the link between “core” and “(dualistic phallic) axis” could be understood in this way ;
it’s important to remember that eden’s masculine is “AROUND the core”, not ‘going into it’ ;
3) the 120,000 :
this can be the reason why the Amos-chapters warn the house-ishral about the phallic theme ,
in relation to the ishral-virgin]

Eure Hände, ihr Nasatya´s, rief während eurer Ausfahrt zu großem Beistand Purandhi an, ihr
Vielnützende. Ihr Asvin hörtet auf diesen Ruf der Vadhrimati, als wäre es ein Befehl und schenket ihr
den Hiranyahasta

[the word separated from the gate :]
14 Ye from the wolf’s jaws, as ye stood together, set free the quail, O Heroes, O Nāsatyas.
Ye, Lords of many treasures, gave the poet his perfect vision as he mourned his trouble.

14 [you separated] – [the quail (=eden-word,likely)] – [away from] – [the mouth (eden-gate)]
(by?)  – [the wolf] ,
[liberating] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] , you – [‘helpful ones’ (a’svin title)] ;
[and] – [keeping sepsrate] – [the much bent-one for to enjoy (phallic-bent-axis? ; bhuj)] , 
[you were making] – [the design for the root (in north) to make (?,kRpa-mana)]   +
for [the ‘Sight’ (as concept)] – of [the seer] ;
[what is he saying ?
the “to separate the word from the mouth” is admissable , in context ;
compare in prophets how “the mouth spoke flawlessly , therefore they hated it” ;
in glyphs the -U is ‘a quail’ (the birds serving as food during the exodus) ;
2) about the ‘wolf’ we are not sure if it is eden’s or theirs (in glyphs SEB) ,
perhaps the wolf as glyph UP-UA is meant here , “open eden-root for the word”;
3) the ‘much bent one’ can be the curved road Ezekiel saw towards their north]

Unmittelbar aus dem Rachen des Wolfes befreitet ihr Herren Nasatya´s die Wachtel. Auch machtet ihr Vielnützende den jammernden Seher wieder sehend.
[the root of the eden-tree encased in iron :]
15 When in the time of night, in Khela’s battle, a leg was severed like a wild bird’s pinion,
Straight ye gave Viśpalā a leg of iron that she might move what time the conflict opened.

15 [because] – [the leg (eden’s ,for to move?)] – […]    +
of [the dangerous] – [khel (we don’t know)] – [was cut off] ,
as [the foilage of a tree (=’woollen-foilage’?)] – [belonging to the goats (‘Originals’ ; âjâ)] ; [immediately] – [you encased]    +
[‘the base of the eden-tree’ (part from ankle to knee ; jaN+gha)]    +
of [‘the entered (eden-) root’ (vi’spala)] – with [iron] ,
[you have placed] – [the prize (as dimensional-centre ; hati)] – [to flow] – [in opposite direction] ;
[what is he saying ?
they covered the very root of the eden-tree (construct) in ‘iron’ ,
in prophets “the ishral-virgin will have a horn of iron” – exact the inverse ;
the root (-jaN+gha) must be “to birth bý -aNgha”) ,
with other words , this root must be connected to théir inverted land
(or perhaps better , “stand upon their inverted land” – or they couldn’t have made it ‘of iron’
(see also today’s log at end)]
2) hoofs :
the ishral-virgin will have ‘bronze hoofs’, where bronze is serpentine (as their dual-realm) ,
in RV ‘hoofs’ are negative (as pâni and sapha , where -sap is ‘to curse’)
so ‘hoofs’ is an eden-concept as “ruling the realm they stand upon” (also their dual-realm) ,
compare in torture-chapter how the feet of the Originals were ‘broken’]

Da ihr im Wettkampf des Khela in der Entscheidung ein Bein abgeschnitten war wie der Flügel eines Vogels, setztet ihr der Vispala sofort ein eisernes Bein an, daß sie um den ausgesetzten Preis laufen konnte.

from 1
=nâsatya , title ‘kind, helpful (of a’svins)’ ;
=barhi (to -hin, -his) ;
=vRN+je, to -vRj ‘to bend, turn; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass);
       to wring off or break a person’s (accusative) neck ; to avert, remove  ; (A1.)
       to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate
=iyarmy, iyarmi, 1st sing present -r ‘to go, move, rise, tend upwards  etc. ; to go towards,
       meet with, fall upon or into, reach, obtain  etc. ; to fall to one’s share, occur, befall
       (with accusative) ; (but when their realm : to put in or upon, place, insert, fix into or upon, fasten
=abhrya, ‘belonging to or produced from clouds ; thundercloud’ RB ;
=vimada, Name of a man protected by indra (he gained his wife with the assistance of the aśvins

from 2
=vîDupat flying strongly or incessantly ; vîD , strong, hard’ ,
=â’suheman , inciting his horses (Name of agni ; name of -a’svins ; â’su ‘quick, fast’ RV ;
=jûti+ ‘impulse, incitement, instigation, inclination, energy quickness, velocity, speed
=râsabha, ‘ass, donkey’ RV ,
=pradhana, ‘spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself
       -jigâya, 3d or first sing tense paradigm perf -ji ‘win, acquire, conquer, defeat, etc’ RV ;

rest :
=ahâtivraja+bhir , vraja ‘cattle-pen’ ?
=pataMga, ‘flying ; the sun’, -pataMgara ‘bird-like’ RV ;
=dhanvan, ‘a bow ; a desert, waste, shore ; -dhanya ‘rich, bestowing wealth’ RV (=danu, eden?) ;
       Dhanv ‘(cause) to flow’ RV ;
=ârdra, ‘wet, moist, damp’ RV
=pâra, ‘the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side,
        the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest extent

=ûha+ , ûh (root) ‘observe, mark, note, heed, regard, expect, hope, listen for’ RV (alter, change)
       Or of -vah ‘draw, drag, transport, convey, conduct’ RV ;
=ana+asthâna ? , asta ‘home’ , astha ‘wrong place’ ? into ‘bone’ ?
=aratra ‘propelling, driving, rower’ RV ;

=aghâ’sva, ‘having a bad horse’ RV , -agha ‘dangerous, evil’ RV ;
=svasti, ‘fortune, prosperity, etc’ RV , swastika ? ,
=dâtra, ‘a sort of sickle or crooked knife, allotted portion, share, possession’ RV ;
       dâtR ‘a mower’ RV into -dâna ‘pasture-land’ = danu, eden ;
=paidva, ‘the serpent-killing horse of pedu
=sadam, ‘always, ever, for ever, at any time’ RV
=aryaH, masculine nominative singular future passive participle -arya
       Arya ‘kind, devoted’ see R ; as them ;

=pajrya, Name of kakīvat ‘root to birth’ ? : -paj ‘ to become stiff or rigid,’ RV
=kakSîvat , -kakSa ‘hiding-place’ RV , -kSîva ‘exited’ RA, MH ? , old root ? ,
=aradata, from -rad ‘ to scratch, scrape, gnaw, bite, rend, dig, break, split, divide  ; to cut,
       open (a road or path) ; to lead (a river) into a channel  ; to convey
       to, bestow on, give, dispense’ RV ;
=puraMdhi, ‘”bearing fulness”or”bearing a body”) prolific, not barren literally and figuratively),
       bountiful, munificent, liberal’ RV ,
=kârotara, ‘a filtering vessel or a cloth used to purify the liquor called surā
       (to make+passage?) , -surâ ‘spirituous liquor ; in old texts ‘beer’ ; extract -su ;
=chaphâd, from -aphala ‘unfruitful, barren, no virility’ : ? 2) ‘sapha ‘hoof’ ? , ‘’sap = curse ;
=kumbha, ‘a jar, pitcher, water-pot, ewer, small water-jar ; in RAM described as a demon
       sleeping six months , so season-related ; a rakSa, RV ;
=sic, root ‘ to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (locative case) etc. etc. ;
       to emit semen, impregnate ; to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with  etc. ;
       to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. (2 accusative)

=ghraMsa ‘the sun’s heat’ RV ;
=ûrj, ‘be strong, happy ; to strengthen, refresh ; power, strength, vigour, sap’ RV
=Rbîsa, ‘an abyss, chasm (in the earth, from which hot vapours arise)’ RV (abbys) , note -R ,
=sarvagaNa, having or forming a complete company’ RV ,

=par+avata, -avata ‘a well’ RV ;
=anudeytha , root -nud ‘ to push, thrust, impel, move, remove’ RV ; (anudeye ‘brides maid ; gift) ;
=ûccabudhna ‘having the bottom upwards
=jihmabâra, ‘having an aperture on one side’ RV ; -jihma ‘transverse, athwart’ RV ;
       Bâra ‘opening’ RV (?) ;
=kSarann, -kSar ‘to cause to flow, pour out, to flow, stream, glide, distil, trickle
=gotama, ‘(superl.) Name of a ṛṣi belonging to the family ofagiras w’RV (go = essence)

=jur (root) ‘to become old or decrepit, decay, perish ; to cause to grow old or perish’ RV
=vavri, ‘lurking place,cover,vesture,body’ RV , from -vR ‘hiding oneself, concealing’
=pra+mun+ca , -muc ‘(des) to desire final liberation or beatitude, to loose, let loose, free, let go, slacken,        release, liberate (“from”, ablative or tasA1. and Passive voice with ablative or instrumental case,
       rarely with genitive case“to free one’s self, get rid of, escape from”)to be loosed,
       to be set free or released
=cyâvana, ; ‘mover, shaker’ RV , ‘name of a RSi restored to youth by the asvins’ RV (number) ;
       Cyautna ‘shaking, concussion’ RV ; root -cyu ‘shake, move, fall down, slide from’ RV ;
=jahita+,  ‘rejected, forsaken, forlorn abandoned, poor’RV (see nrs) ;

=saMsac ‘to be connected with’ RV , 2) –‘saMs ‘to praise ;  to vow, make a vow (?) ; to wish anything
       (accusative) to (dative case wishing well or ill to, a blessing or a curse ; a praise’ RV ,
=nidhi, ‘store, hoard, treasure ; setting down or serving up (food, etc.)’ guide to give
=apaguh/r, ‘to conceal, hide, to reject, disapprove, threaten’ RV
=vandana, ‘Name of a ṛṣi (who was cast into a well, along with rebha, by the asuras,
        and rescued by the aśvins)’ RV a disease attacking the limbs or joints, RV ;
       Rebha ‘murmuring’ RV (like spirits) ; rebha, Name of a ṛṣi (who was cast into a well by the asuras
       and lay there for ten nights and nine days until rescued by the aśvins;he is the supposed author of
=ûpa+thur, ûpa , from -vap ‘ to strew, scatter (especially seed) , sow, bestrew etc. ; to throw, cast
       (dice) ; to be strewn or sown 2) to crop (herbage), mow, cut (grass), graze’ RV

=daMsa, daMs ‘to bite’ , (into ‘daMsana ‘a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill’
       But that must relate tó the biting) ‘RV X , 138 , 2 “Thou gavest increase through this Tree’s
       surpassing might. The Sun shone by the hymn that sprang from Holy Law”;
       [prospering (gladdening the gods with sacrifice)] – by [the tree (of good&evil)]   +
       [he (she)] – [has bitten (daM’s) / with wonderful skill (daMs)]

=vanin (from -vana,tree,forest) ‘tree, soma tree, desiring, granting, bestowing, a tree or wood,
       A cloud (?)’ RV; RV X , 95 “repeatedly biting” , nymphs who laid aside their raiment ;
=ugra, ‘hot, sharp, pungent, acrid  powerful, violent, mighty, impetuous, strong,
       huge, formidable, terrible, high, noble, fierce, savage’ RV ,
=tanyatu, ‘thunder’ RV ; or ‘tanayitnu RV (many) ; -tan ‘to stretch out (a cord), extend’ rv ;
=dadhyaN+N+, dadhyac, ‘name of a mythical sacrificer ; ;having the head of a horse and teaching        the aśvins [=?] to find in tvaṣṭṛ‘s [=KHEPER] house the m/adhuor soma– ;
       who slays 99 vtras or foes [=jerusalem fortresses] with a thunderbolt made of his bones
       RV I , 84, 13 “13 With bones of/as Dadhyach , Indra, resistless in attack,
       Struck the nine-and-ninety of Vṛtra” (in the long I, 164 was “how can the boneless one (eden)
        carry the boney one”) ; this bone-thunderbolt attacked ‘the head at the mountain’ ;
       (RV I , 116 describes that attack ; DO ?; DO  + 119)  ; 116 describes them (construct) standing
       at the sea before the attack (=Daniel incoming goat from the west) ;
=atharvi, ‘a finger’ RV ? , atharya ‘flickering’ RV , -atharvî ‘pierced by a sharp point’
=uvâca, third (1st)person singular tense paradigm perfect class parasmaipada
       Vac ‘to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe

=kara, ‘helping, promoting’ RV (=here) ; also ‘doer’, the hand RV ;
=yâma, ‘motion, course, going, progress’  ; -yâman , same ; -yâma-ko’sa “a box” RV III,30,15
       As “he who sings” ; -yâma ‘one who can be invoked (for sacrifice)’ RV ;
=purubhuj , bhuj “bent-one fort o enjoy (as viper -bhuju)
=adatta, (a-dat, toothless?, RV) , 3d sing (or 2nd plur) imperfect -dâ (2nd dual) ‘to give’ ;

=âsno, as âsan, ‘mouth, jaws’ RV VI,16,9 ; in I.84,16 is “arrow in mouth” = “eden-tree for mouth (gate)”
       as “âsann+iSa”; âsan-iSu ‘having arrows at the mouth’ RV
=vRka, ‘a wolf , prob. ‘tearer’ (SEB or SAB rather then ÁNPU Anubis?) ; a plough ; (see numbers)
=vartikâ ‘ stalk ; wick of a lamp’ ? 2) seems tob e ‘a quail’ RV , a small bird which also fell down during the        exodus for food ; quail : a small short-tailed Old World game bird
       resembling a tiny partridge, typically having brown camouflaged plumage. ; 3) hieroglyph -U “word”
=yu (root) ‘to separate, drive off, to remain separated, ward off’ RV ;
=abhîke, in the presence of (genitive case), near, towards’; abhika ‘meeting together, collision ; away        from, out of’ RV ,
=mumuktam , mumuk+ ‘desire to be freed’ -muc
=krpamâna , -kRpa ‘Name of a man (described as a friend of indra) ‘ RV , “root to make” ?
       kRp ‘mourn, long for’ RV ;

=caritra, ‘foot, leg’ RV ; -car ‘to move’ ,
=ver, impossible, ==vep ‘vibrating (voice)’ RV ? , trembling, quaking, struggling RV ;
=parNa, pinion (also of arrow), wing , a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree) ; Butea Frondosa
       (a large-leaved sacred tree whose wood is used for making sacred vessels,
       later generally called palāśa)
=khela, ‘name of a man’ RV (=here) ; only -khel ‘shake, tremble’ (RAM) ;
=jaN+gha ‘a rakSas (=eden construct)’ RV , (shank – from anklet to knee, RV ; numbers) ,
       Related to ‘palm tree’ (tâla)  RV ; 2) j+an+gh , -aN+gh is Rahab ?
       The large pillar(s) Henoch saw in the south (=in hell) ?
       So eden was made above that – and later they made their region above eden ?
=âyas, ‘iron, metal’ RV ;
=vi’spâla, ‘Name of a woman (whose lost leg was replaced by the aśvins)’ RV
       (how he know its a woman?) ; root+to enter ?
=dhana, ‘the prize of a contest or the contest itself (literally a running match, race ; booty, prey,        treasure, riches’ RV (danu , eden)
=hite, =hita (all-in past passive!) , all words say “dimensional-centre” : the prize , beneficial , fixed, etc        etc ;  (into ‘heart’) ;
=sartave, to -sR ‘to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go, to run after, pursue (accusative)

still 10 lines
we’ve to see if they justify translating

log – 4 januari
.. this time likely because of the theme of these RV’s ;
entering a door , going down by a steep stairs ,
descending to what seemed to be the ultimate basement of the building ;
…. the basement was surprisingly small ,
existing of a few corners or perhaps closets ;

the basement was formed by a main construct as inverted-V concrete beams ,
as were it the root carrying the rest of the building above ;
… then i saw in a flash a creature in the doorway above the stairs ,
he was human-like but exuded complete and utter Hate
(and had followed me into this basement..?) ,
woke from shock over that creature
… so they wrote “how they encased the cut-off eden root in iron” in this one ;
we try — but it’s all a bit much , Sir

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

04.01.20 — submitted — first version — het-report

RV IX , 107

RV IX , 107 (general introduction about soma and fire-pillar ; see blue for this chapter)
the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
as the temple-fundament (fire-pillar in Is.10 termed as ‘birthsceptre’ there) ;
the pillar of fire “creates the (eden-) atmosphere” ,
compare how particles would flow around , coming from a large flame ;
in Isaiah 42 : 1-7 termed as “my servant” and “I will hold your hand”
(so is a masculine construct) ; the fire-pillar “stretched out the heavens”
and “gives breath to the people” (=sic ! , dimension) , and is “a light” ;
in other prophets it is “My sword” but now concealed and imprisoned ;

2) the concept :
the spirits-realm stole ‘something’, and placed that on high , in their realm :
this ‘something’ (which we think is the Ark) is “invoking the eden-waters
(=as eden-dimension) to ascend”
(as the dimension which was produced bý the fire-pillar) ;
and in that process the waters “sweep along the pillar”, removing essence ,
which the water-stream conveys to their north –
the brought essence is “being purified” ,                        (as the term ‘soma’) ,
and is used as ‘fuel’ for théir fire-pillar – the fuel is “in the Lebanon-forest” ;
which , on his term , creates théir atmosphere , under théir conditions
(this concept was, per RV, the very beginning óf their spirits-world above eden)

3) eden-dawn and matrix-dawn theme :
this ‘invoking of the waters’ is said to happen “at night” (=the eden-dáy) ,
and is the start of each matrix-dawn (termed as -uSas) ;
2) in spells , the eden pillar of fire is a tree , ÁTENUS ,
from which comes (as ‘by-product’) ÁTEN , the eden-light for RÃ , our sun ;

chapter links to : Zecharia 11, Isaiah 42, Ezekiel 17 (Is.22:16, Ez.24:7 ; 
Jer.13:4) , Jer.49:16 (sela-stone as varuNa) ; Gen. 49 (birthsceptre) , etc ;

if you think you and we got Insane , see line in Ez.20:49 , about this theme :
“then said I, Ah Lord IEUE ! they say of me, does he not speak parables?”……
as extended version about soma and the fire-pillar ;
soma appears to be “a kind of malleable dimension” which can take forms
and shapes and qualities which can be directed (by them spirits) ;
chapter adding themes as “the Lebanon forest” (see Zechariah 11 and others) ,
also a theme as “the sieve” (see Isaiah 30 : 28) , of “Sight”,
the theme that the soma is “the purified eden-dew” (the latter as demon) ;
the stealing of the 7 cow-constructs (soma as the bRhaspati-bull) , and the Ark ; in part II (selected) ,
it shows that ‘the Lebanon forest’ (previously of eden) itsélf is “the sieve” ,
as “drinking essence , then emitting a bit altered essence”
(compare the two olive-trees upon the Zerubbabel-standard , in Zecheriah) ,
but in this case , since this forest is now in their north , and ‘soma’ feeding it ,
now emitting a dimensional essence ‘clothing their realm’ ;
also mentioned : the protecting revolving soma-dimension around Chaldea (GEB)

RV IX , 107
I., HENCE sprinkle forth the juice effused,. Soma, the best of sacred gifts,
Who, friend of man, hath run amid the water-streams. He hath pressed Soma out with stones.

[said to their fire-pillar north :]
1 [sprinkle (!)] – [around] – [the extracted] – [soma (=now théir dimensional-essence)] ,
[which] is – [the excellent] – [green-yellowish one (=’bay’, as in Revelation-horse)] ;
[which] , [agreeable to man] , +
[is being caused to flow] – [within (=among)] – [the (matrix-) waters] , [=’flowing to their north’]
as [the soma] – [having been pressed out] – by [the stones (-adri)] ;
[what is he saying ?
the essence within the previous eden-waters (dimension) now flow to their north ,
but needs to be “pressed-out” first , to “purify” them , in order to obtain their (-soma) ;
the first step of that ‘purifying’ is to press it out with ‘mill-stones’ –
we think this mill is “the revolving outer-court (of the temple)”,
and may be represented by this solarplane ;
2) see for the ‘dripping’ theme RV IX , 95]

Gießet von da den gepreßten Soma um, der das höchste Opfer ist, den mannhaften,
der ins Wasser geflossen ist, diesen Soma hat der Priester mit Steinen ausgepreßt
[after being pressed , the waters need go through ‘a sieve’:]
2 Now, being purified, flow hither through the fleece inviolate and most odorous.
We ladden thee in waters when thou art effused, blending thee still with juice and milk

2 [now] , [to be purified (and showing) (=soma title)] ,
[you must flow – through – the woollen (filter)] , +
which is [fragrant] – and [cannot be deceived (=the filter cannot be)] ;
[we extract] – [your + piled-up – (now matrix-) waters] – for [the intoxicating drink (by eden)] ,
[we diffuse (mix)] – [the obscurity (‘blindness’)] – with [superior] – [essence (‘milk’?)] ;
[what is he saying ?
this ‘sieve’ is an unknown concept to us , but see Isaiah 30 : 28 ,
where the theme is ‘destroying their constructs in the north’ :

“and his (=God’s) spirit will cut in two the flowing stream (reaching) as far as the neck
(=their region – see “ridges + sieve” in line 8 below) ,
(at?,as?) the sprinkler (waver?) (of?) the nations (=of spirits) , the sieve of vanity” ;
and this theme is linked to “the daylight will be seven-fold” ,
compare how in this line 2 it is said “to diffuse the obscurity (within the waters)” !
a line like Is.30:28 is tough to translate because we first need to know the cóncept ;
used term there is H5299 -naphah ‘sieve’, from -nuph ‘to wave, to besprinkle’ (see line) ,
and strangely also into -noph ‘emerald’ (?) (eden’s green-yellow) : where Tyre trades in ;
2) the wool :
difficult theme ; we don’t know what is its meaning ;
we only know the Ishral-virgin is related to ‘My wool’, as well ,
but here obviously it is a negative type (sheep-) wool ;
and lateron even “a filter of horse-hair” will be mentioned ;
2) to diffuse with milk :
we saw before that ‘butter’ is about physical qualities ; ‘milk’ about dimensional]

Dich läuternd fließe jetzt durch die Schafhaare unbeirrt, bestduftend ab! Schon wenn er
ins Wasser ausgepreßt ist, berauschen wir uns an dem Tranke, indem wir dich,
den Trefflichsten, mit Kuhmilch mischen.
[what they desire is “Sight” :]
3 Pressed out for all to see, delighting Gods, Indu, Far-sighted One, is mental power.
3 [after] – [‘the clearness’] – [has been extracted] ,
[the delightful (by eden) – god] – for [the designs (=to make their reality)] ,
as [the separate ‘Sight’ (=a concept)] – by [‘the dripping one’ (as ‘soma dew’ ; indu)] ;
[what is he saying ?
what their realm wants , is ‘Sight’,

but it’s hard for us to describe it (since we don’t have it) ;
compare the concept of “the all-seeing (eye)” ,
as a kind of ‘dimensional Sight’ , related to ‘creating reality’
through “a dimension which obeys them” , see next lines ;
2) also in spells appears often this theme , to right ,
“the god. [as] he. [by] the dimensional-background (=eden). Sight (to reap)” ,
including “to ferry it over (to their north)” ;
the sickle-glyph shows that this Sight is stolen ,
into MAA ‘lion (by Sight)’ – related to Zech. 11 “howl, you lions”..? ;
into MAMA ‘a tree’ to right “the tree to reap (for sight)”,
another MAUT even shows ‘a birthsceptre-glyph’ ;
2) the “to see” is another term , as verb ;
3) just 1 line here ;
hetreport pics rg maahaf

hetreport pics rg mama palm

Ausgepreßt fließt der Saft sichtbar ab, der Gottberauschende, die weitschauende Weisheit.
[now it seems that the purified soma – as dimension – is used for attácking :]
4 Cleansing thee, Soma, in thy stream, thou flowest in a watery robe:
Giver of wealth, thou sittest in the place of Law, O God, a fountain made of gold

4 [soma] , [contained by the (matrix-) waters] – [is purified (and showing)] ,
[you flow (around) with quick motion (=frequency?)] – as [the dimensional-veil (of matrix)] ;
[you dwell] – [at] – [the lawful (=matrix-law)] – [womb (=eden-hill?)] , [the wealth-giver] ,
(at,as?) [the god] – (at?) [the golden] – [cloud (as fountain)] ; [=’at / in eden-hill?’]
[what is he saying ?
second part is tricky – the ‘lawful’ indicates that it was moved ;
the ‘golden’ must relate to another eden-aspect , the “golden light in the opened hill” ? ,
as the Rg-vedan Savitr and egyptian ÁTEN-light (‘golden’ will be ‘honey’ in next line) ;
2) the ‘quick motion’ can be ‘frequency’?]

Geläutert fließest du, Soma, in Strömen, dich in das Wasser hüllend. Du, der Lohnbringer,
setzest dich auf den ordnungsgemäßen Platz, du der goldene Born, o Gott.
[..obtaining essence (as ‘honey’) from the eden-hill :]
5 Milking the heavenly udder for dear meath, he hath sat in the ancient gatheringplace.
Washed by the men, the Strong Farseeing One streams forth nutriti us food that all desire.

5 [milking] – [the udder (=the opened eden-hill south , likely , as Trita)] – [of the heaven] ,
for [the beloved – sweetness (=honey-related)] – [having dwelt] – at [the previous] – [seat] ;
[un-asked (=’illegally’?)] , +
[the heroic] – [support (=pillar, axis)] – [brings near , by flowing] ,
[the shaken down] – [mutilated eden-things (nR+)] – for [the separated (matrix-) ‘Sight’] ;
[what is he saying ?
the ‘honey’ is a feminine concept (compare the amber in Ezekiel) , like ‘udder’ is ,
so he must address the opened eden-hill (hebrew -gibeon) ;
the Medes-spirits , the bronze soldiers , are related to ‘honey’ ;
2) the support :
we understand it as “the section from the eden-hill to the fire-pillar , above”]

Aus dem himmlischen Euter die liebe Süßigkeit herausmelkend hat er sich an seinen
altgewohnten Platz gesetzt. Von den Männern geschüttelt rinnt der weitschauende
Preisgewinner nach der aufzusuchenden Unterlage.
[.. sustaining sûrya (this sun) with the honey :]
7 Bountiful, best of furtherers, Soma floweth on, Ṛṣi and Singer, keen of sight.
Thou hast become a Sage most welcome to the Gods: thou madest Sūrya mount to heaven

[skipped 6 ; ‘honey as sacrifice’]
7 [bountiful (=”as the eden-dew who lost the contest (?)”)] , [soma] – [purifies (himself)] ,
[finding and opening the ways to go] ,
(as?) [the learned] – [RSi (=a title)] – of [separated ‘Sight’] ;
[you] – [the seer] – [have become] , [desired by the gods] ,
[you keep causing – [sûrya (=this sun) – to prosper (and be ascended)] – in [(the matrix-) heaven] ;
[what is he saying ?
we derived the connection to “eden-dew” from (-mih, ‘demon of dew’ RV) ,
and strangely the context of ‘purifying’ makes very much sense here ;
2) sûrya and prosper :
this sun is ‘fixed’ , so it “ascended only 1 time”,
but the ‘honey’ (as the sacrifice ; as the gold) is continually fed to this sun]

Soma, der Lohngeber, läutert sich, der beste Pfadfinder, der beredte, hellsehende Rishi. Du wardst
der Seher, der am besten die Götter einlädt. Mögest du die Sonne am Himmel aufsteigen lassen.
[.. soma , as bull (as morphable dimension) prepares to steal the cows :]
8 Pressed out by pressers, Soma goes over the fleecy backs of sheep,
Goes, even as with a mare, in tawnycoloured stream, goes in exhilarating stream.

8 [soma] , [having been pressed-out] – by [the ones extracting soma (sotR=?)] – [above] ,
(at?) [the ridges] – (as?,by?) [the woollen soma strainer] ;
[he sets out] , [like – a yellow-green – horse (=concept,construct)] , [=’as the KA-bull, now?’]
(because) [the pleasant (+sounding?)] – [containment] – [proceeds] – (as?) [the containment] ;
[what is he saying ?
this must link to “the bull , as bRhaspati” who took the 7 eden-cow-constructs (see index) ;
bRhaspati “was talking to the cows (said as ‘cackled’) so that they’d follow him” ,
this can explain the ‘pleasant-sounding’ in this line ,
while ‘the containment’ is “a masculine construct for the (female) cows to be in” ;
2) how can soma do all this ? ,
we’ve no idea – but perhaps “steered and directed by incantations of spirits”,
as a dimension which can take all forms and shapes and aspects ;
compare how at the 10 plagues in Egypt “the dust became lice ; the river became blood”, etc ,
where Moses’ staff represented eden’s fire-pillar
(no we don’t support the “volcano theory” as cause of the 10 plagues)]

Soma wird von den Pressenden auf den Rücken der Schafe ausgepreßt und geht im Strome,
der goldgelb wie der einer Stute ist, er geht in wohlklingendem Strome.
[the cows actually abducted :]
9 Down to the water-Soma, rich in kine hath flowed with cows, with cows that have been milked.
They have approached the mixing-vessel as a sea: the cheerer streams for the carouse.

9 [he reached] – [the (eden-) pond (=below+matrix-water)] – [rich in cows (=essences)] ,
[soma] – [reached] – [the cows (the 7 eden-constructs)] ,
as [the ones to be milked-out] ;
[sluggishly] – [they come] – to [the enclosure (revolving sacrificial place)] – of [our] – [sea] ,
[granting] – [the intoxicating drink (by eden)] ;
[what is he saying ?
as far we learned , four cows were for constructs of nature and three for physicality
(see ‘heavenly cow’ in index) , but frankly this theme is still very vague ;
2) revolving enclosure :
stem turns into (vR and vRt) , all of the serpentine-realm revolves and winds]

Ein Kuhbesitzer im Marschland, mit seinen Kühen kam er geflossen, kam Soma mit den
Gemolkenen geflossen. Sie sind in die Gehege gegangen wie die Flüsse ins Meer.
Der Berauschende ergießt sich zum Rausche.
10 Effused by stones, O Soma, and urged through the long wool of the sheep,
Thou, entering the saucers as a man the fort, gold-hued hast settled in the wood.

[..soma is to move to the place where he is ‘stored’ – the Lebanon forest :]
10 [extracted] – by [the stones (=solarplane theme? -adri)] ,
[soma] , [you must cross] – [the horse-tail axis (?)] – as? [the woollen (filter)] ; [‘at the ridges’]
because [you must create (=for matrix)] – for [us] , +
[after] – [having entered] – [the camû-vessels (=a dome?)] ,
[destined for?] – [the seat] – as [the forest (=Lebanon)] – [you settled in] ; [‘just above the ridge’?]
[what is he saying ?
… it is the Lebanon theme in Zech. 11 (and others) ,
which appears in next lines “to be a sieve , himself” ;
we had the forest-chapter (index) as previously eden’s ,
and in another prophets is “the trees tell that Thoth doesn’t cut them down anymore”
(in the same RV chapter the trees ‘scream when they are chopped’) ;

2) tail / axis :

we think the ‘horse-tail’ isn’t so much about ‘hair’
but more like “an inversed up-standing axis” ;
compare glyph SET’, to right ,
as “the festival by to make the tail of the hand” ,
or “festival of the tail to make the hand” ;
the shown ‘stairway’ shows it is an ascending axis ,
and ‘festival’ is “to complete the solarplane” ;
(note the ‘30’ , and compare the 30 silvers in Zech. 11) ;
3) the camû – as ‘a dome’ ? :
the “dome supported by a centre-pole” in SET’
returns in SEH’-MENNU , to right (SEH’ as this made hall) ,
the jar-glyph NU is “the jar for the word inside (the matrix)”,
this jar the same as the -camû vessel…?
4)the forest :
then trees+MENNUu , in the centre shown with mummy ,
“the trees as the image for (=in?) the jars for (matrix) stability” ;
MENNU as “jar, vase” (camû?) , also “fortress” , “daily sacrifice” ,
MENu+tree , “to become the trees for (matrix-) stability” —
5) the “(mountain-) ridge” was the same as “the neck” in Isaiah ,
so the Lebanon-forest is now also there – at , or just above the ridge ,
as a region in the top of the outer-court…? ; we’ll keep hunting]
hetreport pics rg set

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[the Lebanon-forest itsélf is ‘a sieve’.. :]
11 He beautifies himself through the sheep’s long fine wool, like an impetuous steed in war,
Even Soma Pavamana who shall be the joy of sages and of holy bards.

11 [he (=forest)] – [is cleaned (and adorned)] ,
by [you passing-through] – [the fine holes in the – (eden-) woollen – strainer (=Lebanon-forest)] ,
(the latter) as [the reward (of war) (eden-dew having lost the contest)] ,
(you) [winning booty (from eden)] – as? [our] – [7-fold one (related to 7 cow-constructs?)] ;
[the purified one (=soma)] – [is granted praise] , by [the insightful things (by eden)] – of [soma] ,
as [the jubilant praises] – of [the wise ones (=spirits)] ;
[what is he saying ?
we couldn’t find the relation with previous line – exept if the forest itsélf is a filter ,
and somehow , that makes very much Sense –
like how a forest absorbs water and exudes it as a bit altered substance ;
the Lebanon-forest then should ‘sit upon’ the camû vessel ,
but the forest became very extended , that’s why it has to burn down (per Zech. 11) ;
2) wool and forest :
the root -araNa ‘distand land, forest’ (see forest chapter) turns into -ûrNa ‘wool’ ,
and we did a few chapters about -ûrNa , but at that time the object ‘wool’ didn’t make sense ;
3) Lebanon as ‘whiteness’ :
according to the hebrew root and the prophets chapter about ‘the goodly king’ ,
this ‘whiteness’ as some dimensonal quality which got corrupt after eden fell ;
if now their type soma ‘goes through the trees’ , then an altered whiteness is exuded..?
4) root for ‘wool’, as -meSa , -me is eden ;

Er wurde sauber gemacht, durch die feinen Haare des Schafs laufend wie ein um den Preis
wettlaufendes Gespann, der Soma Pavamana, von den Sinnreichen zu bejubeln, von den

beredten Sängern.
12 O Soma,—for the feast of Gods, river-like he hath swelled with surge,
With the stalk’s juice, exhilarating, resting not, into the vat that drops with meath.

12 [through] – [soma] , [the pleasure of the gods] ,
[our] – [river (Nile, likely)] – [has grown] – as [the conquering stream] ;
[from + the stalk (eden-fire-pillar ; aM’sa)] , +
[providing] – [the delighful (by eden)] – [vital spirit (payas)] – for [us] ,
[you come] to – [the jar (‘box’, the ark or copied ark)] – [overflowing with sweetness (=honey)] ;
[what is he saying ?
he , as stream , comes to (-ko’sa) , “a vessel, a cloud, a box, cupboard, drawer”;
we found this ‘box’ in RV,VI,47,23 :
“Ten horses and ten treasure-chests, ten garments
as an added gift, These and ten lumps of flesh of gold have I received from Divodāsa’s hand” ;

the Philistines placed “5 golden mice and 5 “humps” of gold” (1 Samuel 6) = 10 ;
we don’t know what the hebrew term was of ‘lump’ (likely corrupted) but the important is 10 ,
just like the 10 commandments were in the ark
(why the 10 seems to be duplicated here we don’t know – but they always go duplicate) ;
then this one , RV I.54,3 :

“[the famous – asura (=former-eden-construct)] , [as the plucked-up one (=barhaNa=bRh)] ,
[was made] – [for] the two green-yellow ones (=two horns-axis of eden-ram)]
[because] – [he is] – the bull (vRSa)] – of [the cart (=chariot)]”
compare how the Philistines sent back the ark upon a cart, drawn by 2 oxen ! ,
so the ark (here as ‘bull’) was like ‘the centre-point at the top of both vines , connecting them’ ;
perhaps “the bowing cherubs” represent the ends of both vines , bowing to the centre ;
2) why the ark ;
in a previous version of a Zechariah chapter we linked ‘a Philistine city to the ark’
(we left that out by the restored version because it was very messy) ,
and used glyph ÃT’ as “the box (of the hand-construct for matrix-willpower)” ,
yet we don’t know if they took the literal ark-construct , or have copied it ;
either way , a prophet chapter tells “no one will remember him (ark) anymore”,
so it was a vulnerable construct ;
3) root -ko’sa ,
the -k is “rule-related”, followed by a silent -o here , then an eden-‘s ;
when mutilated it becomes -kS , like -rakSa ‘eden-demon (=construct) ,
or like the term for their ‘rule’ , or in ‘eye’ -cakSa , etc ;

Du Soma bist für die Göttereinladung angeschwollen wie die Sindhu mit ihrer Flut. Mit der Milch
des Stengels munter machend wie der berauschende Branntwein gehst du in die von Süßigkeit
überfließende Kufe.

to line 18 :
18 Purified in the bowl and gendering the hymn, wise Soma joys among the Gods.
Robed in the flood, the Mighty One hath clad himself with milk and settled in the vats.

18 [being purified (and showing)] – in [the camû-vessel (=’below the Lebanon-forest’)] ,
as [the seer] – [creating (for matrix)] – [the hymn (by eden)] ,
[soma] – [rejoicing] – [the gods] ;
[to clothe] – [the (matrix-) water] – [around] – with [excellent] – [essences (milk)] ,
[you must be seated] , [covered] – by [the (trees in) the forest (=Lebanon, as the filter)] ;
[what is he saying ?
…this is the first time “being in camû-vessel + forest on top” is a possible syntax ,
perhaps even better as “he covering the forest” (though in wider sense that is true, as well) ;
2) ‘milk’ as dimensional-quality :
Henoch tells “that their dimension dressed-up with this whiteness” ,
considered the line here , it oozes from (through) the forest into their realm (‘waters’)]

In dem Camugefäß sich läuternd, das fromme Denken erweckend ist der Seher Soma gern bei den
Göttern. Er kleidet sich in Wasser, hat sich mit Milch umhüllt, der Trefflichste, und setzt sich in den
Holzgefäßen nieder

[… now we get really stuck… the ark calls their dimensional-centre to their north..?]
13 Like a dear son who must be decked, the Lovely One hath clad him in a shining robe.
Men skilful at their work drive him forth, like a car, into the rivers from their hands.

13 [for?] – [precious (green-yellowish)] ,
(by?) [‘the silver-white one’ (a region?, cloud? ; arjuna=dimensional-centre?)] +
(as?) [the armour (as shared-construct?)] – [enveloping] – [the lovely] – [impeller (=ark?)] ,
[you must adorn,polish,make smooth] ;
tam – îM – [they send forth?] – [skilled (=the sacred act (for fire?)]
[so that (=’to obtain’, -R?)] – (for?) [the cart,chariot] – for? [the feminine river (for ‘life’? ; nadî)] +
[from (between) (?)] – [the forked axis (likely 2-eden-ram-axis south ; gabhasti)] ; [review]
[what is he saying ?
… we don’t know , because we fail to see the concept this time ;
it seems that “the ark can call an eden-river (from between both ram-horns) to the north”..? ,
but the line is full of difficult concepts (and we get lost in the many ones, slowly on…) -–
1) this river (-nadî) must have another type dimensional-quality , the -n is ‘existence’
often corrupted as (-nR) , wile in next lines ‘life’ is addressed ;
until now it seems to have been about ‘essences’ (-go) , only (from the 2 eden-vines) ,
and compare how syntax here suggests “from inbetween those”;
3) arjuna , from -raj :
the -raj (-rajas) is “a gloomy region of silvery fast-moving particles” belonging to eden
(and elswhere as ‘6 regions’ – 6 regions around the 6 side-lamps of the lampstand..?) ,
but here as ‘restored to them’ per the term a+rjuna ;
… the problem here is their most important -R (as in Rg-veda) versus the -r ,
the -R is “go, move, rise, tend upwards ; meet with, reach, obtain ; fall to ones share,
erect, raise ; to place, insert, fix, fasten ; all sounds like ‘dimensional-centre’ ;
4) silvery-particles as armour around the ark ? ;
the “armour” is ‘an asura’, which means “a concept they dont like but need to use”,
it makes sense that it ‘envelops something’, and the object must be the ark ,
but we can’t see the action belonging to this ;
5) any of this relates to prophets ..? ;
we can’t find it yet ;

Der Begehrenswerte hat sich in ein weißes Gewand gehüllt, auszuputzen wie ein lieber Sohn. Ihn
treiben die Werktätigen wie einen Wagen zum Lauf in dem Wasser unter ihren Händen

[..this river starts to flow :]
14 The living drops of Soma juice pour, as they flow, the gladdening drink,
Intelligent drops above the basin of the sea, exhilarating, finding light.

14 [the (dragged-up) life (which was imprisoned by eden?)] – [flows purified] – [towards] – [soma] ,
as,to? [the intoxicating (by eden)] – [drink (by eden)] ;
to [the sea (samdr) + above] , (for?) [the height of heaven] ,
as? [the cheerful (by eden)] – [intelligence (by eden)] – of [the bright abode of the gods] ;
Die lebensverlängernden Somasäfte klären sich zum berauschenden Rauschtrank auf der Höhe des
Meeres, die Gedankenreichen, Berauschenden, die das Himmelslicht finden.

15 May Pavamana, King and God, speed with his wave over the sea the lofty rite:
May he by Mitra’s and by Varuṇa’s decree flow furthering the lofty rite.

15 [the purified (and streaming)] – [wave] ,
[escaping and crossing-over (the passage ; as -T) ] – to [the sea (matrix ; samdr)] ,
as [the king (of place-raj?)] – the god] – [expanding (by plucking-up eden)] – by [(matrix-) law] ;
[you must flow] – to [the abode] – of [Mitra (Damascus eye)] – and [VaruNa (sela-stone eye)] ,
[for] – [’the (matrix-) inciter’ (?, hinva)] – [expanding (by plucking-up eden)] – by [law] ;
Sich läuternd durchquert er mit seiner Woge das Meer, der König, der Gott, das hohe Gesetz selbst. Er fließe nach Mitra´s und Varuna´s Bestimmung, wenn er zur Eile getrieben wird, das hohe Gesetz selbst.
16 Far-seeing, lovely, guided by the men, the God whose home is in the sea-
16 [which is + the dimension] – by [the mutilated eden-things (nR+)]
of [the desired one (green-yellowish) ] – [seperated ‘Sight’] –
[the king (over place-raj?)] – [the god] – at? [the sea] ;
Von den Männern gelenkt, der Begehrenswerte, Weitschauende, der König, der Meeresgott
=yemâno, ye=ya + mâna or mana ;
17 Soma, the gladdening juice, flows pressed for Indra with his Marut host:
He hastens o’er the fleece with all his thousand streams: men make him bright and beautiful.

17 [for indra] – [the purified (and flowing)] – [drink (by eden)]
[soma] – [the maruts (‘bronze soldiers’)] – [is pressed out] ;
[containing a thousand] – eti=and? – [the woollen (strainer)] – [he moves fast?]
Tam – î=this? – [the dices?] – [they)adorning,sweeping] –
Für Indra läutert sich der Rauschtrank, für den Marutherrn der ausgepreßte Soma. In tausend
Strahlen fließt er durch die Schafwolle; ihn machen die Ayu´s sauber

RS to flow, flow quickly, glide, move with a quick motion; to bring near by flowing’ RV; –
     RSabh ‘impregnating bull’ , again r-R place ;
=ayavaH, -aya ‘a die (=dice)’ RV ; -aya from -i ‘go, walk, flow, blow, advance,spread ; to arise,
     Come from ; arrive, reach, obtain ; (to ask,request, make ones appearance)’ RV ;
to line 23 :
[.. the soma as the guardian of their realm :]
23 Flow on to win us strength, flow on to lofty lore of every kind.
Thou, Soma, as Exhilarator wast the first to spread the sea abroad for Gods.

23 [you flow , purified] – [winning the booty by the war] – [towards] – [all] – [seers] ;
[you] – [soma] , [you must preserve] – [the intoxicating (by eden)] – [divine things] +
[for] – [the main] – [(matrix-) sea (smdr)] ;
[what is he saying ?
the verb is ‘present time’ but it’s likely that by soma everything was made ;
there’s only 1 ‘totality-serpent’ in spells , perhaps this is the MEH’EN-serpent ,
shown as “covering a space”]

Läutere dich für alle Dichtergaben, um den Preis zu gewinnen! Du, der Berauschende, breitest als
Erster das Meer für die Götter aus, o Soma.

19 O Soma, Indu, every day thy friendship hath been my delight.
Many fiends follow me; help me, thou Tawny-hued; pass on beyond these barriers.

19 [soma] ,
[you + to me] – [are bestowing] – [friendship] – with [‘the dripping’ (indu)] – [daily] ;
[the many ] – [you bring] – [us] – [are moving] – [me] ,
[below (=like?] – [the protective wall] – ati=and? – tâM – ihi ;
In deiner Freundschaft, o Soma, bin ich Tag für Tag gern, o Saft. Viele böse Geister suchen mich heim,
du Brauner; geh über diese Hemmnisse hinweg!

=purûNi, plur (acc,voc) -puru
=paridhi, ‘an enclosure, fence, wall, protection, (especially) the 3 fresh sticks (called madhyama-, dakṣiṇa-, uttara-) laid round a sacrificial fire to keep it together
=rara, from -râ ‘bestow, impart, yield, surrender’ RV ;
20 Close to thy bosom am I, Soma, day and night. O Tawny-hued, for friendship sake.
Sūrya himself refulgent with his glow have we o’ertaken in his course like birds.

20 [and + to me?] , [soma] , [your] – [night] – [and] – [day (=matrix)] ,
as [the friendship] – by [you bringing] – [the udder (=eden-hill, now south)] ;
[(through) heat (ghRN))] – [the injuring heat (eden-place-T?,tap)] –
[this sun (sûrya)] – para – [bird(s) (by eden?)] – iva=below? – [has hovered,flown] ;
Und ich bin, o Soma, Nacht und Tag zur Freundschaft an deinem Euter, o Brauner.
Über die heiß brennende Sonne hinaus sind wir gleich den großen Vögeln geflogen.

=naktam ‘by night’ RV ;
=tapanta, root -tap ‘give out heat, heat, to suffer or feel pain’ RV ;
=’sakuna, ‘ a bird (especially a large bird or one of good or bad omen)’ RV (eden-bird with eggs
    In other chapter) ;
=paptima (perfect) -pat ‘fly, to soar’ (no 3d person) ;
21 Deft-handed! thou when purified liftest thy voice amid the sea.
Thou, Pavamana, makest riches flow to us, yellow, abundant, much-desifed.

21 [polishing,adorning] – [pretty hands (2?)] – [the sea (smdr)] –
[voice] – [you infuse strength (‘as the host’; -inv)] ;
[(personified-) riches] – [reddish (yellow?)] – [spacious,many,abundant]
[much desired] – [being purified (and showing,flowing)] – [you bring near (by flowing)] ;
Im Meere sauber gemacht, du schöner Hände Würdiger, lässest du deine Stimme ausgehen. Du
fließest zu rötlichem ausgebreitetem vielbegehrtem Reichtum, o Pavamana.

=pi’saN+ga, ‘reddish, reddish-brown or -yellow, tawny
RS to flow, flow quickly, glide, move with a quick motion ; to bring near by flowing’ RV ; -RSabh ‘impregnating bull’ , again r-R place ;
22 Making thee pure and bright in the sheep’s long wool, thou hast bellowed, steerlike, in the wood.
Thou flowest, Soma Pavamana, balmed with milk unto the special place of Gods.

22 [adorning,polishing] – [the filter (hair of horse)] – [being purified (and flowing)] –
[the woollen (filter)] – [the strong one raining down (vRSa)] –
[and,as well as + roaring,to lament óver? (as water)] – [forest (=Lebanon)] ;
[the gods] – [soma] – [being purified (and showing)] –
[the (made) place of rendez-vous (new place-T?, +neck-ornament)] – [essences(cows)]
[anointed] – [you bring near (by flowing)] ; the raj region?
Sauber gemacht, im Schafhaar dich läuternd brülle, wie der Bulle, auf die Holzkufe hinab! Du rinnst, o
Soma Pavamana, mit Kuhmilch gesalbt, zum Treffort der Götter

=vRsâva, (root) -vRS ‘ to rain down, shower down, pour forth, effuse, shed’ RV ;
=cakrado, from -krand ? , to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds and to wind and water); to creak (as a wheel) ; to sound, make a noise; to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow
=niSkR, ‘drive away, expell, remove’RV , -niSkRta ‘expelled, removed, atoned’ RV ;
Also as “place of rendez-vous” RV , , niSka ‘golden ornament around the neck’ RV (=egyptian?) ;
[..soma flowing protectively around the Chaldea-land :]
24 Flow to the realm of earth, flow to the realm of heaven, O Soma, in thy righteous ways.
Fair art thou whom the sages, O Far-seeing One, urge onward with their songs and hymns

24 [you] , [soma] , by [ordinances
(because of the support-pillar? – dharman)] ,
[you flow , purified] – [around] – [the land (Chaldea/Philisti/GEB)] – (as?) [‘the silver-region’ (?-raj)]
[and] – [the sky] ;
[the learned ones] – [impel] – [you] – by [hymns (by eden)] ,
(you,) [the splendid – separate ‘Sight’] – for [(matrix-) designs] ;
[what is he saying ? ,
it is possible that these “encircling silver particles is glyph SHEN ,
(that would relate to 1 of 7 cows , having the SHEN and support-prop glyph ,
to right , “by the pillar the sky (with the hail) to encircle”) ,
also as SHENÁT “hailstorm”, perhaps as the flowing particles ? ;
yet we understand that this ‘hailstorm-defense’ originally belonged to eden ;

2) ‘silver-region’ :
the concept (-raj) seems to be ‘stolen silver’ to us ,
but we need more time to find out this theme ;
silver is in exodus “the base for the wooden poles” ,
here as “a dimensional-base GEB now rests on”..? ;
compare “the gold as mud on the streets of Tyre”
3) learned ones guide you :
what we already suspected in first half of chapter]
hetreport pics rg shenat cow

Läutere dich doch, die irdische Welt umkreisend und die himmlischen Räume nach der Ordnung,
o Soma! Dich, den Glänzenden, treiben die Redekundigen mit Dichtungen, mit Gebeten an,
du Weitschauender
[..a construct as ‘the neck’ (?, see Isaiah 30:28) must be protected :]
25 Over the cleansing sieve have flowed the Pavamanas in a stream,
Girt by the Maruts, gladdening, Steeds with Indra’s strength, for wisdom and for dainty food

25 [being purified (and streaming)] ,
[the …..?….] – [at?] – [the concept for triple filtering (?)] – [you must preserve] ;
[(belonging to?) the maruts (=bronze-soldiers, the Medes)] , [intoxicating (by eden)] – [indra] ,
(by?) [the horse (=neck?) (‘h-concept’)] + [=’as axis ? ; comp. Isaiah “as far as the neck”]
(for?) [wisdom (as juice of meat ; by eden = honey-related)] , +
[in the direction of] – [and] – [in front of + the stalk (=eden-fire-pillar?) (?,prayâMsi)] ;
[what is he saying ? [review]
we lost some terms here , so we’re not sure —
the “(horse-) neck + in the direction + and + in front of + the firepillar” seems feasible ,
as if the fire-pillar would now stand at the tip of some far-extending cliff ;
2) lost terms :
the term (asRkSata) we can’t identify , form of -rakSa ‘eden-construct , demon’ ? ,
the term (pavitra) shows little root , is linked to ‘3’ in a chapter ;
the term ‘horse’ (-haya) is weird ; said in Ramayana as ‘horse neck’ (something is with -h)]

Sich läuternd sind sie im Strome durch die Seihe gesprengt, von den Marut begleitet,
berauschend, die indrischen Rosse, um Erkenntnis und Erquickung zu bringen.
[the ark (or copied ark) makes a type eden-light in their matrix :]
26 Urged onward by the pressers, clad in watery robes, Indu is speeding to the vat.
He gendering light, hath made the glad Cows low, while he takes them as his garb of state.

26 [helped to set in motion] – by [the ones pressing (sotR)] ,
[the box (ark, or copied ark ; ko’sa)] – [is dressing] – [the (matrix-) water] – [around] ,
by [causing + ‘the dripping’ (indu) + in frequent motion (?)] ;
[having desired] – [the milk (essences)] ,
[he made] – [our] – [bright (dimensional-) garment (by mutilated eden-existence, -nir=nR)] ,
[creating (for the matrix)] – [the rejoiceful (by eden)] – [eden-light in the matrix-realm (jyotir)] .
[what is he saying ?
we’re not sure but this seems to be another type dimensional-garment as the mere soma , before ;
following upon previous line , some type eden-light (not : essence) must stream to the ark here ,
and is turned into ‘a fast dripping’ in their realm ;
problem is that we’ve so many different ‘types of light and essences’ to identify ,
and we don’t know what ‘the milk’ is doing here (=used as diffusion..?) ;
yet the prophets line “close the door – cause you let My name in their realm” comes to mind..]

In Wasser sich hüllend umfließt er die Kufe, der von den Pressenden zur Eile getriebene Saft.
Licht hervorbringend hat er die Jubellieder lautbar gemacht, indem er die Kuhmilch gleichsam
zu seinem Festgewand macht.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
[skipped ; but similar as to other chapters]
parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

01.01.20 — submitted — first version — het-report

RV IX , 95

RV IX , 95 the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
as the temple-fundament (fire-pillar in Is.10 termed as ‘birthsceptre’ there) ;
the pillar of fire “creates the (eden-) atmosphere” ,
compare how particles would flow around , coming from a large flame ;
in Isaiah 42 : 1-7 termed as “my servant” and “I will hold your hand”
(so is a masculine construct) ; the fire-pillar “stretched out the heavens”
and “gives breath to the people” (=sic ! , dimension) , and is “a light” ;
in other prophets it is “My sword” but now concealed and imprisoned ;
2) the concept here :
the spirits-realm stole ‘something’, and placed that on high , in their realm :
this ‘something’ (which we think is the Ark) is “invoking the eden-waters
(=as eden-dimension) to ascend”
(as the dimension which was produced bý the fire-pillar) ;
and in that process the waters “sweep along the pillar”, removing essence ,
which the water-stream conveys to their north –
the brought essence is “being purified” ,         (as the term ‘soma’) ,
and is used as ‘fuel’ for théir fire-pillar – the fuel is “in the Lebanon-forest” ;
which , on his term , creates théir atmosphere , under théir conditions
(this concept was, per RV, the very beginning óf their spirits-world above eden)
3) eden-dawn and matrix-dawn theme here :
this ‘invoking of the waters’ is said to happen “at night” (=the eden-dáy) ,
and is the start of each matrix-dawn (termed as -uSas) ;
2) in spells , the eden pillar of fire is a tree , ÁTENUS ,
from which comes (as ‘by-product’) ÁTEN , the eden-light for RÃ , our sun ;
chapter links to : Zecharia 11, Isaiah 42, Ezekiel 17 (Is.22:16, Ez.24:7 ;
Jer.13:4) , Jer.49:16 (sela-stone as varuNa) ; Gen. 49 (birthsceptre) , etc ;

if you think you and we got Insane , see line in Ez.20:49 , about this theme :
“then said I, Ah Lord IEUE ! they say of me, does he not speak parables?”……

RV IX , 95           (the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’)
1. Loud neighs the Tawny Steed when started, settling deep in the wooden vessel while they cleanse him.
Led by the men he takes the milk for raiment: then shall he, through his powers, engender praise-songs.

1 [the yellow-greenish one (taken from eden)] , [whistling loud (of sorrow)] – when [emitting] ,
[seated] – at [the forest (=stolen Lebanon forest)] – of [the (matrix-) interior] ,
(in order) for [to show the purified soma (a dimensional quality for them)] ;
[the corrupted eden-things (nR+)] – [by which] – [are made]   +
[the bright dimensional-veil (nir+)] – of [essence (milk)] ,
[and] – [‘in own-power’] – [creating] – [the hymns (‘frequencies’) (by eden -ma)] ;
[what is he saying ?
they stole ‘something’ from eden – we think the Ark –  now in their north ,
note how this stolen ‘something’will “speak” and is “sorrowful” here ;
we know (from word-roots) that the forest is ‘the Lebanon’ (and compare Zecheriah 11) ,
considered the context , this forest may be “inbetween both stones” ,
somewhere at the mid-point of the eden-dimension and théir dimension ;
2) the Ark theme : see chapters to be posted]

Der Falbe wiehert laut, wenn er hersprengt; er läutert sich und setzt sich in den Bauch des
Holzgefäßes. Von den Männern gezügelt macht er die Kuhmilch zu seinem Festgewand.

Dann erzeugt er aus eigener Kraft die dichterischen Gedanken.
2 As one who rows drives on his boat, he, Gold-hued, sends forth his voice, loosed on the path of Order.
As God, the secret names of Gods he utters, to be declared on sacred grass more widely.

[the yellow-greenish one (‘as the Ark’) invokes the eden-waters :]
2 [the yellow-greenish one (taken from eden) ] – [unloses] – [the path] – of [(matrix-) law] ,
as [the voice] – [sustaining?] – [the ship (=their construct ; see main diagram)] ;
[the god] – [the gods] – [secret (and mysterious)] – [names]    +
[are made] – [to declare] – (at?) [the sacred grass (=as a sacred sacrificial seat?)] ;
[what is he saying ?
this stolen ‘yellow-greenish one’ at the Lebanon is “making a virtual path” (to the south) ,
in order “to call the eden-waters tó the north” , in next lines
(see ‘forest-chapter’, where the ascending waters are now termed -apa) ;
we don’t know what is ‘the grass’ as theme , yet ,
but compare how prophets often address “they (spirits) will be as chaff”
(compare how the Originals had to eat ‘grass’, see torture chapter) ]

Indem der Falbe auf den Weg der Ordnung lossprengt, treibt er die Rede vor wie der Ferge
das Schiff. Der Gott offenbart der Götter geheime Namen, um sie auf dem Barhis zu verkünden.
[the invoked eden-waters rise up :]
3 Hastening onward like the waves of waters, our holy hymns are pressing nigh to Soma.
To him they come with lowly adoration, and, longing, enter him who longs to meet them.

3 [the (matrix-) waters (=previous eden-waters)] – [cross-over (from eden)] – [like] – [waves] ,
[in front of] – [wisdom (=but by eden, -ma)] – [they rise up (=from south)] ,
(in order) for [soma (=a dimensional quality they want)] – [to arrive (=in their north)] ;
[paying homage] – [above (=paying homage to an eden-construct (fire-pillar) now above eden)] ,
[and] – [they flow (back)] – to [him] ,
[and] – [also] – [enter] – [desiringly] – [the longing one (=same eden-construct ; see next)] ;
[what is he saying ?
the eden-fire-pillar “emits an atmosphere, as essence” , in prophets as “(eden-) waters” ,
but the waters rush back (to him) , then rush to the north ,
with that action “scraping off , washing-off essence from the fire-pillar” ,
and this washed-off essence is transported to their north ,
where it will be “purified” and become ‘soma’, as the dimensional quality they want ;
several chapters hint that this process is happening each day – at night (=eden morning !) ,
and this process ‘ignites each matrix-morning’ (as uSas) ]

Wie die Wogen der Gewässer sich überstürzend eilen die dichterischen Gedanken hervor auf Soma zu.
Ehrfürchtig nahen sie sich und gesellen sich ihm und gehen verlangend in den Verlangenden ein.

[the waters ‘wash-off’ essence from the pillar of fire :]
4 They drain the stalk, the Steer who dwells on mountains, even as a Bull who decks him on the upland.
Hymns follow and attend him as he bellows: Trita bears Varuṇa aloft in ocean.

4 [they (=waters)] – [polish (=wash-off)] – [the (great) buffalo-construct (eden’s ; for fire-pillar)] ,
(at?) [the ridges] – [they milk] – [the stalk (which the bird took, Ezekiel ; aM’su ; fire-pillar)] ,
(for?) [the (sprinkling) (matrix-) bull-construct] – at [the standing-place at the (matrix-) mountain] ;
[they (=waters)] – [willingly (and commanding)] – [connect (to)] – [the designs (by eden)] ,
[the triple-eden-construct (at tsiun?)] – [bearing up] – [varuNa (sela-stone)] – in [the (matrix-) sea] ;

[what is he saying ?
terms as ‘bull’ and ‘buffalo’ are not only                           
representing “important masculine constructs”,         
but the fire-pillar ‘emits sparks (as essence)’,                      
creating therewith a dimensional quality ;                  
2) buffalo = stalk = fire-pillar ? ,
the ‘polish’ and ‘to milk’ stand in the same context ;
3) as essence for théir sprinkling-bull :
lands ishral is small  x
het-report : a posted diagram ,
the sela-stone blocking axis, in prophets
(‘Trita bearing up VaruNa’ here)

very likely as théir ‘fire-pillar’ – which radiates this ‘soma’ in order to have their dimension ;
whatever the name of it (also as bRhaspatî) , the theme is “the evil shepherd” of Zech. 11 ;
4) locations :
the “ridges” are also few times mentioned in prophets (Is.40:4,etc)
context shows that this ridge is below théir high-place (as -bamah in prophets?) ;
2) Isaiah 10 places “the birthsceptre , at Damascus (the eden-tile, where Adam is) ,
so the eden-tile must be BELOW their stone (as varuNa)  :
the eden-tile in the ‘dimensional background’ (eden’s) ,
while their stone is in their dimensional-foreground ;
5) to drip / sprinkle :
not just used as ‘dew’ – the dew in paradise was BY the fire-pillar –
but also proverbial as “prophesying words” , like in Ez.20 : 46
“Son of man, set thy face toward
the south
(=matrix-southland) , and drop [thy word] toward the south, and prophesy against
the forest
(=Lebanon) of the south field; And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word
of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee”;

the very same theme in Zech. 11 , “open your doors, Lebanon, that the fire devour you” ;
(Ez.20:49 , said after previous , “Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?”…… yet now it makes sense , doesn’t it ? ….)
6) triple-eden-construct bearing varuNa :
varuNa is at their stone (hebrew -sela) , and there is the ‘physicality-pool’ they stole
(Is.22:16, Ez.24:7 ; shown as ‘girdle’ in Jer.13:4) , and in Jer.49:16 is ,

“the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock (=sela) , that holdest the height (=rum=Raamah,new-throne) of the hill (=eden-hill)” :
as almost the same line “Trita (=triple eden-construct) bearing up VaruNa !” ;
2) the drawing belongs to a prophets chapter where “their stone blocks the axis”
but… we fail to find back ATM which chapter , yet it’s the same theme ;

7) description of eden’s fire-pillar in prophets ,

Isaiah 42 : 1-7 , as “my servant” and “I will hold your hand” (so is a masculine construct) ;
he “will bring judgment to the nations (=of spirits)” ; it “stretched out the heavens”
(see other RV !) and “gives breath to the people” (=dimension) , and will be “a light” ;

Ihn, der sich sauber macht auf dem Rücken der Seihe wie ein Büffel auf dem Rücken des Berges,
den Stier, den Stengel, der auf dem Berge wächst, melken sie. Dem Verlangenden schließen sich
die Gebete an. Trita trägt den Varuna im Meere
5 Sending thy voice out as Director, loosen the Invoker’s thought, O Indu, as they cleanse thee.
While thou and Indra rule for our advantage, may we be masters of heroic vigour.

5 (indra?,) [you desire?] – [the voice] , as [the one who impels (=the waters to come)] ,
(as?) [the sacrificial priest (of ‘the face of eden’ ? -h+otR)]    +
(for?) [the purified (and showing) (=soma)] – [‘dripping’ (sic! ; in their land ; -indu)] ,
[….(-vi)] – [his] – [wisdom (=by eden, -ma)] ;                                                               [<< refusing to run]
[and] , [indra] , [we are] – [the heroic – lords] – of [this] – [dominion] – of [welfare] .
[what is he saying ?
the ‘voice’ must relate back to line 1 – the voice of the yellow-greenish-one ,
2) the ‘dripping’ (-Indu) must be the feminine aspect of their (masculine) fire-pillar ,
Because “the bull (as construct) sprinkles” but “the sprinkling itself” is feminine ;
3) the ‘sacrificial priest’ as some general term , applied to several concepts ,
we can see the -h is an eden-aspect (related to ‘face’, as ‘presence’) but still unclear]

Zur Rede auffordernd, wie der Upavaktri zur Rede des Hotri, entbinde bei deiner Läuterung
die Dichtung, o Saft! Da du und Indra, ihr beide, die Macht zum Glück habt, so möchten wir
die Herren der Meisterschaft sein
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=kanikranti, intens of -krand ‘to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds
        and to wind and water) ; to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow’RV ;
=hari, ‘yellowish-green (bay)’ , probably from -hR (=mutilated) , corrupted eden-emerald ;
        see Ezekiel how mystery-Babylon trades in it (as hebrew -noph, but unsure) ;
=sRjamâne, -sRj ‘to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (accusative or dative case) etc. ;
        to cast or let go (a measuring line) ; to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams
        etc.), to unloose”
=jaThara, ‘belly, interior’ RV ;
=kRNuta/nota, (plural) (301) -kR ‘do, make, perform, accomplish, undertake’ RV ;
=nRbhir, said as ‘hero, man, men’ but “corrupted eden-things”,
=nirNij, ‘a shining dress or ornament, any bright garment etc.’RV (as verb : to adorn) ;
        but as ‘restored nR’ ;
=mati, ‘song, hymn’ RV , interpretated as ‘frequency’ by us ;
=janayata, -jan ‘to generate, beget, produce, create, cause; to produce (song of praise, etc.)’ RV ;
=nâva, ‘a ship ; a shout of triumph’ RV ;
=ariteva, ? ;
=guha, ‘secret, mysterious’ RV ;
=barhiSi, barhis ‘”that which is plucked up”, sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of ku’sa grass
        (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and especially over the vedi, to serve as a sacred
        surface on which to present the oblations, and as seat for the gods and for the sacrificers)’ RV
=pravâc, ‘declare, etc’ RV ;
        from 3
=tartura+, from -tR+ ‘ to pass across or over, cross over (a river), sail across’ RV ,
        mutilated place-T , tara= ‘crossing place’ ;
=manîSa, ‘thought, reflection, consideration, wisdom, intelligence, conception, idea ; desire,wish’
=îrate, 3d plur pres -îr ‘to rise, rise from, ascend (causal: to agitate, throw, cast ; to excite ;
        to cause to rise ; to bring to life ; to raise one’s voice, utter, pronounce, proclaim, cite’ RV ,
=upa, -upa ‘(as prefix : colour: towards, opposed to -apa ‘away’) , at the side, with, together with,
        under, down ; (as separate) nearness, direction towards ; at, up, upon, in, above’
=yanti, 3d plur pres -i ‘go, flow, blow, advance, spread, arise, come from, return
=sRjamâne, -sRj ‘to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (accusative or dative case) etc. ;
        to cast or let go (a measuring line); to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams
        etc.), to unloose”
=sânâv, sânu,
=mahiSo, ‘buffalo’ RV , no root ; contracted form of -mahi+iSa ‘great-edentree’? ;
=aM’su, ‘a stalk’ (which the falcon brought north) ,
=duhanti, 3d plur pres -duh ‘to milk’ RV ;
=ukSan, ‘an ox or bull (as impregnating the flock;in the veda especially as drawing the chariot
        of uSas or dawn)’ RV ; ‘to sprinkle, scatter’ RV ;
=vâva’sanam, -va’s ‘ to will, command to desire, wish, long for, be fond of, like
        (also with infinitive mood)’ RV ; intensive here ‘willing’,
=sacante, 3d plur pres -sac ‘to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with,
        associate one’s self with (instrumental case); be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative); to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case)  ; to belong
        to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative)
=iSyan, either -iSya 2nd sing pres imperat -iS ‘to strive to obtain, desire, to seek, desire, wish’ RV ,
        2) -iS ‘sap, strength, juicy, refreshing waters of the sky, etc’ RV ; (into : eden-tree) ;
=upavakteva, only -upavaktR ‘one who rouses or animates or impels’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

30.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV VI , 41

RV VI , 41 their thunderbolt ; as eden’s pillar of fire now north ;
what we get so far , is that the eden-fire-pillar is not
destroyed (per prophets) but likely ‘altered’ ;
this altered pillar “feeds upon essence” which flow
through the opened eden-gate to their north ,
their thunderbolt ‘drinks those’ and so gets powerful ,
the same time ‘exuding’ particles of that essence
(the ‘sprinkling’ or perhaps ‘foam’) in théir region ;
Note : ‘indra’ himself can be their thunderbolt; (RV I, 80)

linking to : a host of prophet chapters about ‘birthsceptre’
and ‘breaking their beautiful staff’

annex : logs

RV VI , 41         (the thunderbolt – eden’s pillar of fire now north)
1. COME gracious to our sacrifice, O Indra: pressed Soma-drops are purified to please thee.
As cattle seek their home, so Thunderwielder, come, Indra, first of those who claim our worship

1 [being earnest] , [you must come] – [near to] – [the sacrifice (essence from eden)] ,
[indra] , [for you] – is [the purified (-pû)] – [extracted soma juice] ;
[the own] – [cattle (essences)] – for [yielding the thunderbolt] ,
[the one] – [indra to come] – to [the main] – [essences] – [as the sacrifice] ; +
Ohne Murren komm zum Opfer; für dich klären sich die ausgepreßten Säfte. Wie die Rinder zu ihrem
Heim, so komm du Keulenträger Indra als Erster der opferwürdigen Götter

2 With that well-formed most wide-extending palate, wherewith thou ever drinkest streams of sweetness,
Drink thou; the Adhvaryu standeth up before thee: let thy spoil-winning thunderbolt attend thee.

2 [which are] – by [your] – [well-made (sukRt)] – [‘hollow of the mouth (the palate)’ (see RV I,8)] ,
(this must relate to a region above the eden-gate ? ; see last line)
[which is] – [most extensive] , [by which] – [you drink] – [repeatedly (and always)] +
[the waves (billows)] – of [sweetness (honey-related)] ;
[these] – [you must drink] ,
[you] – [in front of] – [the not-injured one’?] – [must stand firmly] ,
[your] – [thunderbolt (fire-pillar)] – [has been revolving] , [indra] , [desirously] ;
[second line :
we’re not sure what is the concept here ,
but it can be that , since the original eden-fire-column still exists ,
he is … ‘altering it’ (by , for example , ‘making it to revolve’..?]

Dein wohlbeschaffener, geräumigster Schlund, mit dem du immer wieder die Welle des Mets trinkst,
mit dem trinke! Der Adhvaryu ist vorgetreten. Deine nach Kühen lüsterne Keule soll mitkommen

3 This drop, steer-strong and omniform, the Soma, hath been made ready for the Bull, for India.
Drink this, Lord of the Bays, thou Strong Supporter, this that is thine of old, thy food for ever.

3 by [going after] – [the drop (or ‘banner’) (from afar, the branch which the falcon took?)] ,
is [the strong (‘bull’)] – of [all forms] – [as indra] ,
(indra as) [the sprinkling bull (vRSan)] – [by] – [the soma] – [having been prepared] ;
[this] – [you must drink] , (you) [green-yellowish one] – [standing (upright)] ,
[formidably] – [foaming?] , [by all times] – [this] – [your] – [food] ;
[sprinkling :
so he drinks the (prepared) soma – and exuding it as ‘particles’, as foam ? ,
compare the term “sprinkling” that was used ;
there is a Greek goddess born out of ‘foam’ (of the sea) , so it’s possible –
compare the strange doodle of today , as well ;

Dieser Tropfen, der bunte Bulle, der Soma, ist für den Bullen Indra bereitet. Den trink, Falbenlenker,
gewaltiger Wagenfahrer, über den du schon längst verfügst, der deine Speise ist.

4 Soma when pressed excels the unpressed Soma, better, for one who knows, to give him pleasure.
Come to this sacrifice of ours, O Victor replenish all thy powers with this libation

4 [the pressed soma] – [soma] – [is brighter?] – (as) [the not pressed soma] , [indra] ,
[which is] – [(even) better?] – [for the one knowing] – [the delightful battle] ;
by [this] – [victorious one? (=battle?)] , [you must come] – [near to] – [the sacrifice] ,
[all] – [your] – [violent power] – [you must grant abundantly (being the new-root) ] ;,
Der ausgepreßte Soma ist besser als der ungepreßte, Indra. Dieser ist noch vorzüglicher, dem Kenner
gereicht er zur Lust. Zu diesem Opfer komm, du Überwinder. Mit ihm füll alle deine Kräfte auf
5 We call on thee, O Indra: come thou hither: sufficient be the Soma for thy body.
Rejoice thee, Śatakratu! in the juices guard us in wars, guard us among our people.

[.. therefore the eden-gate must stay opened :]
5 [we call on] – [you , indra] . [you must come] – [by the victim (see torture-chapter)]
[for] – [the soma] – [to be present] – in [your] – [body] ;
(as) [the hundredfold-design (?)] , [the own rejoicing (by eden)] ,
by [the below] – [place where the soma was extracted] – [for – us] :
[the battle (for root-p)] – [in front of] – [the place (=mouth/gate) for to enter (the soma-streams)] .
[the battle – at the eden-gate ! ;
this was glyph TCHA-R , “the eden-mouth to fire-drill”,
because it must stay opened in order for the streams to flow to north
(the ‘hollow of the mouth’ in a previous line should relate to this , as well) ;
2) “you come + victim” , see in previous line “you come + sacrifice”]

Wir rufen dich, komm herbei, o Indra! Der Soma möge deinem Leib wohl bekommen.
Du Ratreicher berausche dich an den Säften, hilf uns in den Kämpfen und zu Hause weiter!

[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=upa, as prefix : ‘towards, near to (opposed to -apa,’away’) ; at the side, with, together, down’,
        as separate ‘at, on, upon, towards, near to, in direction of, in, according to, at the same time ;
=kâkud, ‘the hollow of the mouth, the palate’
=yayâ , (instrumentive) -ya ; yaya 2nd plur paradigm perfect -yâ ,
=madhva, madhvad ‘eating sweetness’ RV ; -madhu ‘honey’ RV ; ending -u into -v +e ;
=adhvaryur, -adha no root ; from dhvR ‘to bend, cause to fall, hurt, injure’ + non ?
=gavyu, ‘desirous of or delighting in cows, or for milk , or for battle ; fervent’ RV ;
=eSa, ‘gliding, running, hastening ; the act of seeking or going after ; wish , option’ RV ,
=drapsa, ‘a drop’ RV , also ‘a banner’ (see below) ; also ‘the moon’ (but wrong number given) ;
        IV, 8 (do) “2 Savitar, God, hath spread on high his lustre, waving his flag like a spoil-seeking hero.
        Their established way go Varuṇa and Mitra, what time they make the Sun ascend the heaven.”
        in X,11 “brought forth that yearning Agni for the assembly as the Priest. 4 And the fleet Falcon
        brought for sacrifice from afar this flowing Drop most excellent and keen of sight,”
=annam, ; not listed as ‘food’ but several in context ;
=vasyân, root -vas ‘bright,shining (of dawn)’ RV ;
=raNa ‘a battle, as object of delight’ RV ; raN, ‘to cheer, gladden, be at ease’ RV ;
=pRNa , 2nd of -pR+ ‘to sate, cherish, nourish, bring up, to grant abundantly, bestow on
        (dative case), present with (instrumental case)’
=yâ (root) ‘go, march, proceed, move, walk, journey, march ; to come, enter, approach, arrive’ RV
=’satukratu, 100 + design or ability ;
=suteSu, locative plural pass past –
=vikSu, fem locative plur -vi’s ,

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

24.12.19 — submitted — first version — het-report


24 december
the Google-doodle : as their thunderbolt
… nothing more innocent like a doodle , right ?
but see log about “their thunderbolt” below :
in the doodle , the tree (=staff) is constantly inversed ,
“drinking something” — as the white specks in the tree ,
then turning upside-down and radiating (=snow , foam) ;
hr googledoodle thunderbolt

RV X , 67

RV X , 67         (bRhaspati , stealing the 7 eden-cows – with direct link to Zech. 11)
1. THIS holy hymn, sublime and sevenheaded, sprung from eternal Law, our sire discovered.
Ayasya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as he sang his laud to Indra.

1 [this] – [sacred] – [seven – headed (=hinting to rivers/cows)] – [hymn] ,
[our] – [father (=Indra , Behemoth-realm)]    +
[discovered] – [the lofty one (=eden-construct) (‘to be rooted-up’)] – [for to create by law] ;
[it birthed] – [the fourth one (=hymn)] ,
[=name of author] , [dear to all (matrix-) beings] , [dedicates] – [the hymn] – to [Indra] ;
[the ‘to pluck-up’ :
as the very root of the bRhaspati bull ; in prophets as ‘(the place) Eqron” ;
note how it is important that this animal-soul ‘declares things and situations’ ,
just as prophets ask ús to do – concerning eden concepts and constructs :
this is the main reason we are digging into chapters like these]

Diese siebenköpfige Dichtung erfand unser Vater, die aus der Wahrheit geborene, hohe. Wohl
ein Viertel davon brachte der allen bekannte Ayasya hervor, als er das Loblied auf Indra vortrug.
[preparing for the invasion into eden :]
2 Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes,
Aṅgirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifice’s holy statute.

2 [declaring] – [the law] , [thinking] – [straight] ,
for [the son-constructs] – of [the (matrix-) heaven] ,
(as) [the powerful] – [asura’s (shared or common concept or construct)] ;    +
[the ANghiras (high-ranked spirits?)] , [the wise ones] , [bearing] – [the station (=of constructs)] ,
[inventing] – [the sacrifice] – for [the main] – [(matrix-) abode] ;                [=’the sacrifice = eden’]
[we think the context is right :
the spirits , as well as their constructs , were defeated after eden was created ,
so now they devise an attack – with ‘help’ óf their constructs (in next lines) ;
likely because of ‘several shared aspects’ this attack could work out]

Wahrheit sprechend, redlich denkend haben die Söhne des Himmels, die Mannen des Asura,
die Angiras´ den Redekundigen zu ihrer Wegspur machend die erste Form des Opfers ersonnen.
3 Girt by his friends who cried with swanlike voices, bursting the stony barriers of the prison,
Bṛhaspati spake in thunder to the cattle, and uttered praise and song when he had found them.

3 [the swan (=matrix-sun-egg?)] – with [her] – [companions] ,
[with loud sounds]    +
[separating] – [the armour (as bonds)] – of [the (eden-) stone (firmament?) (by eden-sorcery)] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [cackled towards] – [the (eden-) cows] ,      [=’to cackle = imitating the language’]
[and] – [in front , offered – delightful – prayers] – [and also] – [he chanted] – [skillfully] ;
[cackling and praying :
this seems the same strategy as they used by Eve , “then the serpent told” ;
we saw in prophets how many (eden-) constructs “have an own choice”
and ‘can wander astray’ – like the Ishral-virgin – and here as the cow-constructs ;
2) swan :
must be their previous , inferior version of the (eden-) cows-construct ;
is ‘the swan’ the strange “ostrich (=crane-bird?) and her daughters” in prophets…? ,
also Henoch names “crane-birds at their tree of good & evil in the false east” ;
in glyphs , NEGNEG UR was ‘the goose-goddess who laid the sun-egg’ (=bRhaspati) ;
3) bonds : we don’t know which ones]

Mit den Freunden, die wie die Gänse schrieen, die steinernen Bänder sprengend hat Brihaspati,
den Kühen zubrüllend, den Ton angestimmt und laut gesungen als Kundiger
[the three (shepherds) in Zech. 11 :]
4 Apart from one, away from two above him, he drave the kine that stood in bonds of falsehood.
Bṛhaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, drave forth the bright cows: three he made apparent.

4 [down] – [towards the two (=vessels of trita?) ] , [opposite to] – [the one (=vessel?) ] –
[the cows] – in [the secret hiding-place] – [stand] – at [the false] – [bank] ;
[bRhaspati] , [searching] – [the eden-light now in their matrix (see X.86)] – bý [the (eden-) gloom] ,
[driving]  – [the cows (for to be matrix-daybreak)] , [the ones who distribute abundantly] ,
[because] – [he had been opening] – [the three (=trita , three main vessels , likely)] ;

[the two and the one :
must refer to ‘the three’ in last line , which can only be ‘the vessels’
(one holding -soma , the second ‘butter’ and the third one ‘milk’) , 
but it’s hard to reconstruct , first because we don’t know the concept ,
second because the colour of terms can influence the reading —
2) bank , dam : also used in spell about this theme ; 
X    X

Unten durch zwei, oben durch eine Tür hat Brihaspati die in den Banden des Unrechts versteckten
Kühe, im Dunkeln das Licht suchend, herausgeholt, denn er hatte die drei Türen geöffnet.
[the eden-hill , ‘having been opened’ in prophets :]
5 When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three from him who held the waters.
Bṛhaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn, the Sun, the cow, the lightning.

5 [he cleaved and opened] – [the (eden-) fortress] ,
[the eden-abode (=the eden-hill)] – [in the (dimensional-) background] ,
[the same time] – [he cut off] – [the three] – of [the (eden-) waters] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [devised] – [the (matrix-) dawn (bý the eden-tree , likely)] ,
[the sun (sûrya ; also bý the eden-construct)] ,
as [the cow (essence)] – fór [the crystalline (-dimension)] ,
bý [the reverberating (breast) (=eden hill)] – for – [the (matrix-) heaven] ;
[the hill as ‘breast’ :
in prophets , the ‘sons of Ammon’ are by the opened hill ,
these sons as the Egyptian Ba-soul-spirits ;
there are several glyphs for ‘breast’ and ‘to suckle’ ,
always related to a construct and an axis
(and even a prophets chapter about the eden-land uses these terms in similar context)

Nachdem er die Burg zerspalten hatte, daß sie sich hintenüber legte, erlöste er auf einmal
die Drei aus dem Meere: Brihaspati fand die Morgenröte, die Sonne, die Kuh;
er fand den Gesang wie der Himmel donnernd.
6 As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle.
Seeking the milk-draught with sweatshining comrades he stole the Paṇi’s kine and left him

6 [Indra (=consciousness of Behemoth-realm)] , [with an animal roar] ,
[had cut-off] – [the hand (eden-construct)] – of [the (eden-) enclosure] ,
[the (eden-) guardian] – of [the milch-cows] ;
[the ones (from AB cauldron?) covered in sweat] , [seeking] – [the milk (to mix with the soma)] ,
and [by] – [the cows] – [he stole] ,
[PaNi (as Heaven, likely)] – was [weeping (about eden-redness)] ;
[Indra :
hard to say why the theme changes to Indra now ;
Indra typically is about ‘the battle with the axis to vRtra , the eden-hand’ ,
perhaps here because both events followed next after eachother ;

Indra hat den Vala, den Bewacher der Milchkühe, durch sein Gebrüll wie mit der Hand zerschnitten.
Mit den Schweißbetupften die Milch suchend brachte er den Pani zum Weinen; er raubte seine Kühe.

7 He with bright faithful Friends, winners of booty, hath rent the milker of the cows asunder.
Bṛhaspati with wild boars strong and mighty, sweating with heat, hath gained a rich possession.

7 [he] , [with] – [the virtuous – companions] , [the pure ones] ,              [‘fallen archangels’?]
[had split open] – [the support of the cows] – [for] – [the booty (being the rich milch-cows)] ;
[brahmanas – pati (=pun on bHraspati ; ‘the fallen one from the father (-sky)”?)] ,
with [the mighty] – [powerful ones (vRsa ; KA-bull)] ,
[the ones (out the cauldron AB?) sweating with inner heat] ,
[acquired] – [the movable goods as essences (for to melt into ‘lights of metal’?)] ;
[fallen archangels ? :
or who would be these ‘companions’…?
the root of ‘pure’ is a corruption after –‘sa , eden (c.q heaven) related ;
in the Isaiah 14 chapter , “the spirit-kings stand up when Thoth will descend”,
and though Thoth invaded eden (see Ezekiel) , where in Rg-Veda he is Agni ,
it is not always clear ‘what forms from which spirits or concepts’ are addressed here]

Mit seinen wahrhaften Freunden, den Erglühenden, den Schätzegewinnern hat er den
Vala gesprengt, der von den Rindern sich nährte. Brahmanaspati gelangte mit den Bullen,
den Ebern, den vor Hitze Schwitzenden, in den Besitz des Reichtums
[as ‘the shepherd’ – like in Zech. 11 :]
8 They, longing for the kine, with faithful spirit incited with their hymns the Lord of cattle.
Bṛhaspati freed the radiant cows with comrades self-yoked, averting shame from one another.

8 [they (=cows)] – of [the (matrix-) shepherd (=gopati)] – of [true] – [spirit (but by eden)] ,
[invoking] – [the cows] – [of such extent] – (that) [they move] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [loosened] – [the allies (as the cows)] ,
[with eachother + to show + above] – [the reddish matrix-dawn (‘by cow’)] ;
[shepherd or shepherd(s) :
difficult to determine – yet english & german turn this shepherd to a passive one ,
but the shepherd of the cows is bhRaspati ofcourse ;
lines complicating it by the switching to ‘and his virtuous friends’ in previous line ;

Sie eiferten wahrhaften Herzens mit Gebeten den Rinderherren an, ihn um die Rinder anflehend.
Brihaspati ließ die Kühe heraus mit seinen Verbündeten, die sich gegenseitig vor Unehre schützen

[as the lion – also in Zech.11 :]
9 In our assembly with auspicious praises exalting him who roareth like a lion,
Maywe, in every fight where heroes conquer, rejoice in strong Bṛhaspati the Victor.

9 [these] – [benevolent] – [designs (by eden)] , [granting prosperity (by cutting-off)] ,
by [the lion] – [roaring] – at [his] – [standingplace] ;
(is) [bRhaspati] – [the strong (bull)] , [the warrior at his place] – [carrying – the booty] ,
[drunk (by eden ; -ma)] – of [victory] ;
[the designs :
bý the cows or ‘as the cows’, yet both are intended , see next line 10]

Mit lieblichen Gedichten ihn erhebend, der wie der Löwe an seinem Stande brüllt, wollten wir
dem Brihaspati, dem Bullen, dem im Zweikampf, in jedem Streite Siegreichen, zujubeln;
[the shepherd now being ‘at the place on high’:]
10 When he had won him every sort of booty and gone to heaven and its most lofty mansions,
Men praised Bṛhaspati the Mighty, bringing the light within their mouths from sundry places.

10 [when] – [the booty (by the battle)] – as [all forms (the all-forming-ones?)] – [is sent] ,
[ascending] – [to] – [the (matrix-) heaven] , to [the high] – [seat] ;           [=’above eden’]
(+then) – [bRhaspati] – [the powerful one (bull)] – [grants prosperity (by cutting-off)] ,   +
[bestowing – the various – gifts] ,
[bringing] – [the eden-light now in the matrix] – by [the mouth (=opened eden-gate)] ;
[high seat :
in prophets , their height has the negative root -rum ‘arise, on high, etc’
where their new-adamite-throne is (-Raamah) ;
since ‘the shepherd(s) and lion(s) howl’ in Zech. 11 , this can be that region –
also because three cows carry ‘aspects for physicality’ ;
2) the ‘when’ (-yad) needs a ‘then’]

Wann er den allfarbigen Siegerpreis gewonnen hat und zum Himmel aufgestiegen ist,
zu den höchsten Sitzen, indem wir den Bullen Brihaspati erheben, da und dort weilend,
im Munde das Licht tragend.
[the animal-soul author , now about us :]
11 Fulfill the prayer that begs for vital vigour: aid in your wonted manner even the humble.
Let all our foes be turned and driven backward. Hear this, O Heaven and Earth, ye All-producers.

11 [fulfill (=make to be)] – [the true] – [wish (as prayer)] ,
[to bestow strength] – to [the (humble) poet (=author)] ,
[even] – [to give] – [the favour] – in [your own] – [manner] ;
[the westwards (=earth)] – [foes (=’forsaken ones who battle’ = we)] , [being] – [far away] ,
[all of] – [them] – [lament and wail (-rud)] :
[hear – this] , you [all the host (matrix)] ;    +
[the foes in the west :
in full ‘the foes as the contempted forsaken ones who battle’ ;
he does not address our Originals here , or other terms would be used (‘goats’, etc) ,
and note the ‘far away’ , same term prophets use when earth is addressed ;
2) hear this :
if you think about it , it is a strange concept – to can hear the soul , so far away ;
yet God tells similar , “I have heared your (scorn or zeal etc)” ;
3) host :
rootword seems -inv = host , as -indra but -ind was -inv , like (the verb) -badh was -vadh]

Erfüllet die Bitte zur Kräftigung, denn ihr nehmet euch aus eigenem Antrieb selbst
des Dürftigen an! Alle Unbilden sollen dahinten und fern bleiben! Dies höret, Himmel und Erde,
die ihr alles zuwege bringet!
12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head of Arbuda the watery monster,
Slain Ahi, and set free the Seven Rivers. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect us.

12 (for) [Indra] , [great – of strength (by eden)] ,
[split] – [the waters (eden-dimension)] ,                                        [=’split waters , or split head?’]
(at?) [he] – [the top of the head (Jer.2)] – of [arbuda (a serpent)] ;
[slaying] – [the eden-day (serpent)] , [causing to flow] – [the seven] – rivers] :    [=’to north’]
[the gods] – of [the (matrix-) heaven and the land] – [protect] – [us] .
[the seven rivers :
coming from the cow-construct , four of them we know (surrounding paradise) ,
the other three (constructs) relate to physicality , so there would be no rivers by them ;
 previously ‘the mouth’ as open eden-gate was mentioned ,
so now the full 7 rivers must flow to their north , continuously
(posting these chapter must be Legal enough to stop that….) ;
2) top of the head :
we don’t exactly know – in Jeremiah is the strange line , said to the 144,000 ,
(and the eden-donkey represents the cows here ? and can be ‘donkeys’..?)

“even sons-of Noph and·Tahpanhes they-are-grazing·you scalp” ,
so it is unlikely that the ‘top of the head is split’ in this line 12 ;
the reading is tricky because the terms are scattered around within the line]

Indra spaltet mit Macht des mächtigen Arnava, des Arbuda Haupt. Er erschlug den Drachen,
ließ die sieben Ströme laufen. Himmel und Erde, helfet uns mit den Göttern weiter!
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=haMsa, ‘a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird
          of passage;sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in to be able to separate
          soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed’ RV ; no other root ;
=a’smanmaya ‘made of stone’ RV (see numbers) , but maya ,
=nahana , nah ‘armour, to arm oneself (a bond, tie)’ RV ;
=vyasyan, -vye ‘to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop’ RV ; -vyas ‘to throw or cast asunder or about
          or away, throw (effort) into, divide, separate, dispose, arrange ; disperse ; expel, remove’
=kanikradad, from -krand ‘to neigh, roar, rave, cry out ; to creak, crackle’ RV = NEG ;
          also neigh (as horse) , weep, cry, etc ;
=pra+astau ,
=uc, ‘to delight in’ RV ;
=ca ‘and,both,also,as well as’;
=agâyat, 3d sing pres imp -gâ ’to go’ chant ;
=ava, ‘off,away, down’ RV ; -avas ‘below’ RV ;
=abhi, ‘to, towards, against, into (on,before)’’,
=para, ‘far, distant, remote, opposite, other or farther side, etc’ RV ;
=guhã, in a hiding-place, secret, secretly’ RV ,
=setu ‘bond, fetter ; a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised
          piece of ground separating fields (serving as boundary or as passage during inundations)’ RV ;
=ichan, ? ;
=usra, ‘a cow, a bull ; morninglight, daybreak, name of the ásvins’ RV ;
=âkar, âkara ‘one who scatters id est distributes abundantly’ RV ;
=tisra, into -tisR, plural of 3 ? ,
=’sayatha ‘lair, abode’ RV ;
=apâcî, ‘situated behind, backwards, western’ RV ;
=stanayat, ‘thundering’ ? , -stanathe female breast (either human or animal) , teat, dug, udder’
          RV , but here both , as form of -stan ‘to resound, reverberate, roar, thunder’ RV ,
=dughâ, ‘milch-cow’ RV ;
=sveda (root) ‘sweat’ RV ; contracted sva+da , ‘(the) own” + ? ,
=â’sir, ‘especially the milk which is mixed with the soma juice to purify it’ RV ;
=arodat, from -rud ‘to wail’, into -rudh eden-redness ;
=godhâ, a sinew , cord ; leather protection around arm’ RV ;
          godhâyas ‘supporting or fostering cows’ RV ;
=dhana , wealth , booty, linking to dhanâ ‘milch cow’ ;
=adarda, from dR+ ‘to burst, break asunder, split open; to cause to burst, tear, rend, divide’ RV ;
=gharma, ‘heat (of sun), internal heat, cauldron, boiler’ RV (see nrs) ; a cauldron,
          boiler, especially the vessel in which the milk-offering to the ásvins is boiled ; a cavity in
          the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which atri was rescued by the ásvins;”heat” RV ;
          (about atri , II, 8 ; but unclear what it is) ; 2) het : hebrew (-chamam) ,
=draviNa ‘movable property, goods ; essence, power etc’ RV ; -dravi ‘one who melts metal’ RV ,
          (linked to AB ; name of dravidians in pre-india?) ;
from line 8
=iyânâsa , iyat ‘of such extent’ RV ;
=mithastogether, together with (instrumental case), mutually, reciprocally, alternately,
          to or from or with each other’ RV ; 2) the -s is skipped from -mithas , likewise by
          next term -avadi’s , ‘to show or practice’ RV 3) +apa ‘above’ ;
=siMha, ‘lion (prob. from -sah)’ RV ;
=’sûrasâtî ‘”hero-occupation”, din of battle, fighting (only in locative case sg.)’ RV ;
=asana ‘throwing, sending, a shot’ RV ; (verb -as) ;
=aruKsad, -ruh ‘ascend, climb, etc’ RV ;
=uttara ‘higher, upper, superior ; later, following, subsequent, latter, posterior, future’ RV
=pa’sca ‘westwards, west’ RV ; not =apâcî, ‘situated behind, backwards, western’ RV ;
=mRdh ‘foe, enemy ; to battle ; to abandon, forsake ; disdain, contempt (verb)’ RV = we ;
=vayodha, (vadh cluster, to strike?) , no , strengthen ;
=kîri, ‘a poet ;  is”humble, poor, miserable, wretched, a miser” RV , (kava ‘seer’) ;
=vi’svaminve , -inv ‘to advance upon, press upon, drive ; to infuse strength, invigorate,
          gladden ; to use force, force ; to drive away ; to keep back, remove ; to have in one’s power,
          take possession of, pervade ; to be lord or master of anything’ ; RV = host ;
=arNava ‘flood, wave, sea (personified as demon) , agitated, foaming, restless’ RV ;
=mûrdhan ‘the forehead, head in general, skull, (figuratively) the highest or first part of anything,
          top, point, summit, front (of battle), commencement, beginning, first, chief
          (applied to persons’ RV , compare “they graze on your skull” (hebr. -qodqod) ;
=abhinad, 3d sing imp -bhid ‘to cleave, split, smite, etc’ ;
=arbuda , no clear origin of roots ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

19.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV X , 68

RV X , 68 (the matrix-bull abducting the 7 cow constructs)
1. LIKE birds who keep their watch, plashing in water, like the loud voices of the thundering
Like merry streamlets bursting from the mountain, thus to Bṛhaspati our hymns have sounded.

1 [the weavers (=seven cows)] – for [us] , [swimming in water] , [guarding (eden)] ,
[the voices] – of [dual-essence] – [produced from the cloud (=the eden-construct they are in)] ;
[the (rejoiceful) bubbling (by eden)]- [streams?] ,   +
[to break forth fróm the (eden-) mountain] , [towards] – [bRhaspati (=KA-bull)] ,
as [the hymns] – [we must breathe by] ;                       [=’the essences to live by’]
[tricky start ;
1) bRhaspati :
literally “the lord of the house , by rooting-up (an eden-construct)”,
we think it’s the place Eqron in prophets , literally ‘to root up’ ,
and Eqron is related to constructs making physicality (together with Gaza , etc) ;
2) the ‘weavers’ :
as in weaving existence ; term (-vayo) , -o ending of (-vaya) ‘to weave’ ;
lateron , bHraspati himsélf will be the (doubled-) cloud in their north ,
hence KA-bull , as doubled-bull]

Wie im Wasser schwimmende wachsame Vögel schreiend, wie die Donner des Gewölks, wie die
den Fels durchbrechenden Wogen rauschend, so schrieen die Gesänge dem Brihaspati entgegen
2 The Son of Aṅgirases, meeting the cattle, as Bhaga, brought in Aryaman among us.
As Friend of men he decks the wife and husband: as for the race, Bṛhaspati, nerve our coursers.

2 [the aNghiras (=a type matrix-spirit?)] – [attains] – [the cows] ,  
[he has been guiding] – [the construct distributing prosperity] – [for] – [aryaman (=a concept?)] ;
[our] – [friend] – of [the (matrix-) race] , [bRhaspati (=KA-bull)] – [the lord of the house] ,
[causes to appear] – [the booty (=the cows)] – [from the goats (=all eden-Originals)] ;
[goats : as -aja , see torture chapter ;
2) aryaman : unclear , the “uncle concept”..? ,
the ‘uncle concept’ in scripture means “not of the same house” ,
them spirits call themselves ‘aryan’ , read : by stolen eden-aspects ?]

Der angirasische Brihaspati kam herbei und hat sie mit den Kühen zusammengebracht wie Bhaga
den Werber Aryaman mit der Braut. Wie ein Vertrauensmann zwei Ehegatten, so macht er sie einig; “O
Brihaspati, sporne sie an wie Rennpferde im Wettkampf!

3 Bṛhaspati, having won them from the mountains, strewed down, like barley out of
winnowing- baskets,
The vigorous, wandering cows who aid the pious, desired of all, of blameless form, well-coloured.

3 [the vigorous] , [excellent,desirable] – and [well-coloured] – [travellers (=cows)]   +
of [faultless form] , [having been conquered and brought] ;
[bRhaspati,solarplane?] – [shook out?] – [from the (eden-) mountain]   +
[the essence] – [for us] , [like] – [barley] – (out of?) [the ears of grain (=the 2 staff-axis?)] ;
[ear of grain :
likely to be ‘the (two?) staffs’ , see Zech. 11 ,
“when he will beat out the ear(s) of grain” , chapter in prophets ,
that chapter relates to their dual-realm and “when the 144 will be collected , one by one” ;
see also the relation to ‘beer and barley’ in the heavenly cow chapter]

Die Kühe, die einem trefflichen Herrn gehören, die Gäste bringen, die rührigen, begehrenswerten,
schönfarbigen von tadellosem Aussehen, hat Brihaspati, nachdem er sich den Weg hindurch gebahnt
hatte, aus den Bergen ausgeschüttet wie Korn aus den Säcken.

4 As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flaming meteor down from heaven.
So from the rock Bṛhaspati forced the cattle, and cleft the earth’s skin as it were with water.

4 [the lawful] – [(eden-) abode (=womb)] , [besprinkled] – with [honey (=amber)] ,
[hurled down] – as [a torch] – [falling from heaven] , [from] – [the (eden-) sky] ;
[bHraspati (KA-bull)] – [pushed upward] – [the (eden-) firmament] – of [the cows] ,
(as) [the wave (like water)] – to [the matrixland] ,
[for] – [the (eden-) dimensional-veil] – [had been rent asunder] ;
[firmament and cows :
several cows ‘feed’ certain constructs , so the context can be valid]

Die Wiege der Wahrheit, mit Süßigkeit besprengend wie der Wetterstrahl, der die Fackel des Himmels herabschleudert, hat Brihaspati, als er die Kühe aus dem Fels herausholte, die Haut der Erde wie
durch Wasserflut gespalten.

5 Forth from mid air with light he draws the darkness, as the gale blows a lily from the fiver.
Like the wind grasping at the cloud of Vala, Bṛhaspati gathered to himself the cattle,

5 [(eden) perishing] – [in front of] – [the type eden-light now in their realm] ,   
(as) [the wave (like water)] – in [the middle region (=region inbetween the dual-realm)] ,
(=the eden-dimension entering their realm)
(by) [the (bestowing) waterplant (eden‘s ; as cows-construct?)] – [from] – [the wind-god] ,    +
[belonging to the goats (=the eden-Originals)] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [seized] – [the cloud of the enclosure (=eden)] – [from] – [the wind-god] ,
[as] – [the cows] – [for] – [the wheel (=can only be the cherub-wheel as eden-land)] ;
[the cloud :
later on , bHraspati himself is called ‘the cloud’ ,
then the cloud must be “masculine , holding the cows together”]

Mit Licht hat er die Finsternis aus dem Luftreich getrieben wie der Wind die Sipalapflanze aus dem
Wasser. Brihaspati packte die Kühe des Vala und trieb sie vor sich her wie der Wind die Wolke.

6 Bṛhaspati, when he with fiery lightnings cleft through the weapon of reviling Vala,
Consumedḥim as tongues cat what teeth have compassed: he threw the prisons of the red cows open.

6 [then] – [the scornful] – [(eden-) enclosure] , [the exhausted hiding-place] ,
[was cleft?] – by [the fiery] – [(crystalline-) hymns] – of [bHraspati (=KA-bull)] ;
[the given things?,teeth?] – by [our?] – [the thoth-flame?, tongue=NES?] – [around + to enter?] ,
[eating] – [from] – [the treasury (for serving food)] ,                                              
[<< refuses to run]
(by) [to make to cut-off] – [the reddish cows] ;
[blue line :
too many unsure terms to compose a running line ;

Als Brihaspati das Gefängnis des Hohn bietenden Vala erbrach mit seinen wie Feuer glühenden
Zauberliedern, da packte und aß er sie wie die Zunge mit den Zähnen die angerichtete Speise. Er
brachte den Schatz der Kühe ans Licht.

7 That secret name borne by the lowing cattle within the cave Bṛhaspati discovered,
And drave, himself, the bright kine from the mountain, like a bird’s young after the egg’s disclosure.

7 [because] – [bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [imagined] – [the name] – of [these] – [lowing ones] ,
[being settled down] – [there] – at [the secret] – [boisterous abode of gods (=in the matrix)] ;
(by) [the breaking] – of [the eggs (=’spheres’)] – of [the (eden-) bird] ,    +
[the contents] – [flow] – as [the reddish cows] – [from the eden-mountain] , [himself] ;
[eggs / spheres :
compare how glyph NEG (their throne) is ‘bull with four horns’ and ‘sun-egg’ ,
as the region where their four horns , as cardinal-points grow from]

Brihaspati gedachte nämlich des Namens dieser Lautbrüllenden, der an dem Orte verborgen war.
Wie die Brut des Vogels, nachdem sie die Eier gespalten hat, so trieb er in eigner Person die Kühe
als die Brut des Berges heraus
[the support-cow for the four rudders ?]
8 He looked around on rock-imprisoned sweetness as one who eyes a fish in scanty water.
Bṛhaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it forth like a bowl from out the timber.

8 [the enclosing stone (eden’s ; closing the eden-treasury) ] – [around?] – [the honey (=amber)] ,
[appearing] – as [the intoxicated one?] – to [us] ,
[weakened] – by [the ruining] – [wave] ;
[because] – [this] – [square dish (fort he 4 cardinal-directions?)]  – for [us] – [was snapped at] ,
[the thundering] – [bRhaspati] – [cleaving] it    +
off [the tree-trunk (at tsiun ; supporting the cherub-wheel as the eden-land)] ;
[closing-stone :
1) it cannot bet he temple-fundament (as vRtra) , that belongs tot he Indra chapters ;
this stone as ‘square dish’ links to (-camu) , the three large vessels below ,
yet the ‘square’ can relate to “the four rudders’
(as H’EMU in posted BD 148 , and ‘ureaus-eyes’ in the heavenly cow chapter) ;
2) this stone is “snapped at”, not destroyed – like the thigh in next lines ;
3) honey :
in Ezekiel described as the amber-coloured glow in the midst of the four cherubs ;

Er spähte die mit einem Fels verschlossene Süßigkeit wie einen Fisch der im seichten Wasser wohnt.
Brihaspati holte sie heraus wie einen Becher aus dem Baum, nachdem er den Fels mit lautem Brüllen
gesprengt hatte.

[the cow for matrix-dawn : see ‘heavenly cow’ chapter]
9 He found the light of heaven, and fire, and Morning: with lucid rays he forced apart the darkness.
As from a joint, Bṛhaspati took the marrow of Vala as he gloried in his cattle.

9 [he planned] – [she, the (matrix-) dawn] – for [he, the (matrix-) heaven] ,
(as) his [fire] – his [crystalline rays] – [for] – [defeating] – [the dark gloom (eden’s ; tamas)] ;
[bRhaspati (KA-bull)] – [took?] – [the cow-shaped one] – of [the (eden-) enclosure] ,
(as) [the (eden-) marrow] – for [us] ,
by [to snap at] – [the joint (thigh ; parvan) ] ;     

[the joint :
context leaves little else open as the KHEPESH-thigh ;
the thigh as ‘the region of the cows’ ,
literally “the ox-thigh of the (eden) physicality-pool
(as the new root for the KH-house)” ,
the thigh ‘as the support of that pool’ ; now inversed ;
2) link to (hebrew) ‘Rezin’ :
hetreport spells khepesh bhraspati

the crystalline essences (by Brhaspati)  rising up and engulfing this earth (Is.8 chapter)]
Er fand die Usas, er die Sonne, er das Feuer; er vertrieb durch Zauberlied die Finsternis.
Brihaspati holte die Kühe des Vala, der mit den Kühen prunkte, wie das Mark aus dem Gelenk.
[cow as forest , as Lebanon theme?]
10 As trees for foliage robbed by winter, Vala mourned for the cows Bṛhaspati had taken.
He did a deed ne’er done, ne’er to be equalled, whereby the Sun and Moon ascend alternate.

10 [the cold (matrix-dimension?)] – [stole] – [the foilage] – (for?) [the (matrix-) forest] ,
by [bRhaspati (KA-bull) longing for] – [the cows (essences)] – of [the enclosure (eden)] ;
[an unparalleled] , [not in opposite direction (and non-repeating)] – thing [he has made] ,
[which] is – [the sun and moon] – [going forth (=to show)] – [the one after the other] ;
[Lebanon theme ? ;
considered the importance , this can hardly be “some romantic way of speaking” ;
the term (-vana) can either be ‘tree’ or ‘forest’, it’s colour likely as matrix
(compare -vanaspatï , king of trees’) ;
2) sun as moon :
like in the ‘birth of the sun’ chapter “the veil of the night is drawn around ,
changing the image of the sun into that of the moon – both in the SAME place” ,
these lines tell similar ; where (-mâsa) derives from (-candra-mas) , see Sûrya chapter]

Wie die Bäume ihre vom Frost geraubten Blätter, so vermißte Vala die von Brihaspati geraubten
Kühe. Etwas Unnachahmbares hat er getan, das sich nicht wiederholt, solange Sonne und Mond
abwechselnd aufgehen werden.

[the NUT-dome : as ‘the cow for the bordersky’ in the heavenly cow book]
11 Like a dark steed adorned with pearl, the Fathers have decorated heaven with constellations.
They set the light in day, in night the darkness. Bṛhaspati cleft the rock and found the cattle

11 [as] – [the pearls] – of [our] – [brown?] – [horse] ,                [=’egyptian NUT sky-dome’]
[the stars (constellations?)] – [decorate] – [the father-sky] , as [the decorated] – [heaven] ;
[the matrix-night] – [replaced] – [eden-darkness] ,
and [the type eden-light now in their realm] – [the eden-day (as serpent)] ,
[bHraspati (KA-bull)] – [cleaved-off] – [the stone (above the -atri)] , [finding] – [the cattle] ;
[the stone :
the same enclosing-stone as in previous line must be intended ;
NUT-dome as horse : as “the heavenly cow” ; interesting that their constructs are ‘horses’ ;
we do feel already that their Moab-house is ópposite to eden
(that their NUT-dome points downwards tó eden as ‘bow-dome’) , we’ll need adapt this , soon]

Die Väter schmückten den Himmel mit den Gestirnen aus wie einen Rappen mit Perlen.
Die Finsternis verlegten sie auf die Nacht, auf den Tag das Licht. Brihaspati spaltete den Fels,
er hat die Kühe gefunden.
12 This homage have we.offered to the Cloud God who thunders out to many in succession.
May this Bṛhaspati vouchsafe us fulness of life with kine and horses, men, and heroes.

12 [this] – [hymn] – [I offer] – to [the cloud (-deity?)] ,
[who] – is [roaring (or thundering)] – [to] – [many] ;
[because] – of [bRhaspati] – [his] – [cows] – and [his] – [horses (=’matrix-constructs’)] ,
his [strong ones] – and his [heroes (cutting-off eden-existence)] – [are given] – [for] – [us] .
[horses as heroes :
as matrix-constructs , fed by the essences (as the cows) ;

Diese Verbeugung haben wir dem wetterwolkengleichen Brihaspati gemacht, der in vielen
Stimmen dem Donner nachbrüllt. So möge uns denn Brihaspati durch Kühe, Rosse,
er durch Söhne und Mannen Kraft verleihen.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=udaprut, ‘swimming or splashing in water’ RV ;
=vayo =vaya ‘a weaver’ RV ;
=abrhiya ‘belonging to or produced from clouds, thundercloud’ RV ;
=goSâ , equals SaNi ? , many ;
=giribhraj ‘breaking forth from mountains’ RV ;
=normaya ,na+verb ? , untracable ;
=madanti , of -mad ‘to rejoice, to bubble (as water) ;
=arka, ‘crystal ; fire, flash ; hymn’ RV ;
=anâvan, 1st dual pres imp -an ‘to breath, respire, gasp’ RV ;
=gobhir ; empty as -go+bhi , go+multiple ;
=nakSamano, nakS ‘to come near, approach, arrive at, get, attain’ RV
=bhaga, ‘(a construct) distributing) ; prosperity, wellfare, love’ RV ;
=aryaman ‘a construct ; a bosom friend, play-fellow, companion, (especially) a friend who asks
          a woman in marriage for another’ RV ; what is it? ; the ‘uncle’ concept in scripture ? ;
          ‘arya’ is they (Arian) +ma ‘eden’ ? ;
=dampati ‘the lord of the house (Indra etc) ; “the two masters” , husband and wife’ RV ;
=anakti, 2d sing pres -aN+j to apply an ointment or pigment, smear with, anoint ;
          to decorate, prepare ; to honour, celebrate ; to cause to appear, make clear‘ RV ;
=bRhaspati , -bRh ‘to pluck up, tear out,etc’ RV (Ekron in prophets?) ,  “lord of prayer or
          devotion”Name of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified;he is the chief offerer
          of prayers and sacrifices’ RV ; @) -bRhat ‘lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant,
          compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty ; height (also sky) ; far and wide, on high RV ,
          +pati ‘master, owner, ruler ; RV ; (root -pat : same ; also verb ‘fly, soar’ RV ,
          but mutilated -b (by -R) , for solarplane ?
=vâja ‘strength,battle,booty,reward’ +
=ivâjau, -vaj is no root ; iva+aja ‘goat’ ? from verb -i , to go? ; just -iva ‘this’ ; root -aj nonexisting ;
=sâdhvarya , (prob.) truely faithful’ RV ; but -sâdh ‘ to guide straight or well, direct or bring
          to a goal ; to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over’ RV ; -sâdhu is similar ,
          U turns into -v ;
=atithin ‘a traveling’ RV ;
=iSira ‘vigorous, active, quick’ RV ;
=suvarNa ‘of a good or beautiful colour, brilliant in hue, bright, golden, yellow’ RV ;
=parvat+abhi ‘eden-mountain
=vitûrya , no root -vitu , -vitud ‘to pierce, tear, strike, scourge, sting, prick’ RV ;
=yava ‘barley’ RV ;
=sthivi ‘(prob) a bushel (others : an ear) of grain’ RV ;
=âpruSayâ ‘besprinkle’ RV ;
=yoni ‘home, seat, abode ; womb ;
=avakSip ‘to throw down, cause to fly down or away, hurl’ RV
=ulkâ ‘a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, fire falling from heaven’ RV (see numbers) ;
=udharann , fr -uddhan ‘to move or push or press upwards or out, lift up, throw away’ RV ;
=a’sman ‘stone, firmament’ RV ; see numbers ;
=udneva, fr -udan ‘a wave (water) ;
=tvac ‘skin (men,animals) ; leather bag ; cinnamon tree, cloud, cover (of horse, earth)’ RV
=bibhede (perf.) -bhid ‘ to be split or broken, burst (intrans.) ; rent, tear’ RV ;
=jyotis ‘moonlight ; eyelight ; the light of heaven, celestial world ‘ RV ,
          must be related to eden -yoni ;
=tam(a) , -tam ‘perish,choke, exhaust, perplexed’ RV (into -tamas ‘eden-darkness’) ;
=antarikSa ‘the middle region of 3 spaces’ RV ]
=’sîpâla ‘ the plant Blyxa Octandra’ RV , wut? , a type waterplant ; ‘si ‘grant, bestow’ RV ;
=âjat (either goat or) 2nd sing pres imp -aj , but is NO root ; aja ‘not born’ RV (forever existing) ;
=anumr”s ‘to seize’ RV ;
=pîyata, form of -pâ or -pi ; or -pîyatnu ‘scornful’ RV ;
=jasu ‘ “resting-place”, hiding-place (?) (here) ; exhausted, weakness ; jasuri ‘starved’ (many) RV ;
=bhed , bheda ‘a cleft, fissure, chasm’ RV ;
=agnitapas ‘hot as fire, glowing’ RV (here) + multible or -abhi ;
=jihva ‘tongue (of agni, usual 3 or 7)’ RV ; NES ? ,
=pariviSTa ; pari-viS ‘to serve, wait on, offer or dress food’ RV (german chose that) ; pari-viSTa
          as ‘surrounded, beset, besieged’ RV (but -pari is allready ‘surround,around) ;
=âdad , from ‘to eat,devour’ cluster , form -âda ,
=nidhîMr , -nidhi ‘setting down or serving up (food, etc.) ; treasury’ RV ,
=akRNod, was either ‘to make’ or ‘cut off’ ;
=usri ‘morning-light, brightness’ RV (see numbers) ; ‘ox, bull , redness and products)’ RV ;
=amata, of verb -man ? ; am ‘dangerous’; ama ‘fright ,terror’; amati ‘poorness,want’ RV ;
          amata aorist of -man RV ? , think, believe, imagine, suppose, perceive, comprehend, to wish’ RV ;
=svariNâm , svari ‘noisy, boisterous’ RV ; matrix-term ‘abode of the gods’
=sadana (=seat) ‘a seat, dwelling, residence, house ; (causing) to settle down’ RV ;
=in a hiding place, secretly, in secred’ RV ;
=bhitti ‘breaking’ ,
=’sakuna ‘a bird’ RV , eden-‘s ;
=tmanâjat , tman ‘ones own person, self ; vital breath’ RV , from âtman ;
          from 8
=stone+apinaddha ‘closed,concealed’ RV ; -api ‘to be near to, unite’ ;  treasury (nidha) ?’
=matsa, matsya ‘a fish’ RV ; ‘name of a people and country’ RV ; form of -mad ‘intoxicating’
=dîna ‘scarce (weakness)’ RV ,
=kSiyantam, form of -kSi 1) ‘to rule, govern’ 2) kSi ‘to destroy, ruin, decrease’ , 3) kSi ‘to abide,
          stay, dwell, reside (used especially of an undisturbed or secret residence)’ RV  ;
=camasa ‘ a vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the soma, a kind of flat dish or cup or ladle
          (generally of a square shape, made of wood and furnished with a handle)’ RV ;
          into -camu the large vessels of the trita below ;
=vRkSa ‘to grow (a tree)’ RV , after having been cut off ;
=viraveNa, virava ‘thundering’ RV ;
=avindat 3d sing pres imp -vid ;
=govapus ‘shaped like a cow’ RV ;
=majjan ‘lit. sunk within’, marrow of a bone’ RV , eden-ma ;
=himeva, hima ‘cold, frost’ RV ;
=bRhaspati+akRna? , -kRp ‘ to mourn, long for (accusative) ; to lament, implore’ RV ,
          only in krPâ ‘beauty’ RV ; here written together with bRhaspati ;
=apunar ‘only once, not again’ RV ; a+punar ‘back, home, in an opposite direction
=mitha, mithas ‘ogether, together with (instrumental case), mutually, reciprocally, alternately,
          to or from or with each other’ RV ;
=uccar ‘to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun) , issue forth, go forth’ RV ; ucca ‘intense’ RV ;
=’syâva ‘brown, dark-coloured’, RV ;
=kR’sa ‘lean, emaciated, thin, spare, weak, feeble’ RV ; kR’sana ‘pearl’ RV ;
=apiM’sa , root not located ;
=tam(a) , -tam ‘persh,choke, exhaust, perplexed’ RV (into -tamas ‘eden-darkness’) ;
=bhinad , ? , no root -bhin or -bin ; same as previous ;
=adri ‘stone,rock,mountain’ RV , linked to -atri ;
=nama ; either ‘we’, ‘no’ ; pasture ground RV or 2nd sing pres imper of -nam ;
=nR+bhir multiple , ‘hero’ ;
=anavît , from -nu ‘to roar, thunder’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

18.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report


RV I , 80

[adaption 23/12/19 :
Indra ‘s thunderbolt is the “stolen pillar of fire (of the tabernacle)” ,
as “removed from the temple-foundation” —
hence Indra could ‘slay the temple-foundation’ ;
this now inversed thunderbolt is the theme of this chapter ,
and , likely , now at the ángle of their matrix-Vector
(see also attached logs at end of page)


RV I , 80           (the attack upon the eden-cornerstone , still in original eden)
1. THUS in the Soma, in wild joy the Brahman hath exalted thee:
Thou, mightiest thunder-armed, hast driven by force the Dragon from the earth,

lauding thine own imperial sway.

[see main diagram (in top of prophets pages) what this theme is about :]
1 [because (hi)] – [in this manner] – [soma] – [forces] – [wild joy (by eden, -mada)] ,
[it has made] – [the brahman (=this author)] – [to be strengthened] :
as [the mighty one (=Indra)] – [yielding – the strong – (fire-pillar, now at their vector) (=the matrix-Vector)] ,
[you expelled?] – [(the serpent as) the eden-day] – from  – [the land (eden)] :  
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[theme of this chapter :
the eden-cornerstone ‘sat at’ the dimensional centre (at eden’s vector) ,
therefore the “eden day, dawn” ruled –
the chapter tells how the behemoth-realm north
(described as ‘Indra’, in prophets as ‘Baal’) uses théir vector now to attack the cornerstone ,
in order to have théir dimensional-centre back , and so the matrix-dawn ;
the eden-cornerstone became ‘Damascus’ in their north]

Denn also hat bei Soma in der Begeisterung der Hohepriester ein Erbauungslied gedichtet.
Du mächtigster Keulenträger hast mit Kraft den Drachen von der Erde verwiesen. –
Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
2 The mighty flowing Soma-draught, brought by the Hawk, hath gladdened thee,
That in thy strength, O Thunderer, thou hast struck down Vṛtra from the floods,

lauding thine own imperial sway.

2 [your – wild joy] , [the powerful] – [wild joy (by eden)] – of [soma] ,
as [the soma libation] – [brought by the hawk (‘syena+bhR)] ;     [=’see other chapter’]
[yielding the (fire-pillar, now at their vector) (vector)] ,
[by which] – [you have slain] – [vRtra (eden-tile)] – [within] – [the waters (=eden-dimension)] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;    
[the hawk bringing the twig :
see Ezekiel chapter (and other RV) ;
the ‘turquoise essence’ , soma , made them powerful to start their endeavour]

Dich berauschte der bullenstarke Rauschtrank, der gepreßte Soma, den der Adler gebracht hat,
durch den du Keulenträger mit Kraft den Vritra von den Gewässern fortgetrieben hast. –
Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
3 Go forward, meet the foe, be bold; thy bolt of thunder is not checked.
Manliness, Indra, is thy might: slay Vṛtra, make the waters thine, lauding thine own imperial sway.

[pra+hi=because?] – [abhi+hi=towards,upon+hi+because,for] –  [bold, with force] –
3 [pushing forward] , [pushing towards] – [the enemy?] ,
for [us] , [your] – [(fire-pillar, now at their vector) (matrix-vector)] – [was – not – stoppable?] ;
[courageous (by mutilating eden-existence)] – was [Indra (behemoth-realm)] ,
[because] – [you] – are [‘the vivifier’] , [you slay] – [vRtra [eden-tile)] ,
for [the triumphing] – [waters (=eden-waters , but now from them)] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;    
“Geh vor, greif an, sei mutig! Deine Keule wird nicht aufgehalten werden, denn dein, Indra,
ist die Manneskraft, die Stärke; du sollst den Vritra erschlagen, die Gewässer erobern. –
Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
4 Thou smotest Vṛtra from the earth, smotest him, Indra, from the sky. Let these
life-fostering waters flow attended by the Marut host, lauding thine own imperial sway.

4 [Indra] , [from] – [the (matrix-) land] – [above] ,                         [=’above eden’]
[you have destroyed] – [vRtra (eden-tile) ] – [from] – the sky] ;    [=’sky below’]  
[attended by the maruts (=’bronze soldiers ; Medes’-spirits)] ,
[you release] – [the waters (=now theirs) ] , [rich in vital powers] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[see for the Medes prophets index ;
as far we understand now , the bronze soldiers in RV are said ‘to be a few dozen’ –
they wear an eden-covering , so this destruction must be right befóre the deluge]  

Du, Indra, hast von der Erde, vom Himmel den Vritra vertrieben. “Laß los diese von den
Marut begleiteten Gewässer, die alles Lebende reich machen!” –
Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
5 The wrathful Indra with his bolt of thunder rushing on the foe, Smote fierce on
trembling Vṛtra’s back, and loosed the waters free to run, lauding his own imperial sway.

5 [Indra] , at? [the top of the (matrix) mountain] , with [the furious – (fire-pillar, now at their vector) (matrix-axis)] ,
against? [the perplexed] – [vRtra (eden-tile)] ;    +
[approaches] – for [to slay] ,
so [the waters (now theirs)] – [will flow] – [by force] :             [see ‘river of dragon’ RV’]
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[upon matrix-mountain :
as the mountain “which will be a plain” (Zech. chapter about Zerubbabel) ;
2) bit strange written , this line ;
you can imagine how problematic terms were for the previous translators]   

Angreifend schlägt der gereizte Indra mit der Keule auf den Nacken des trotzigen Vritra los,
während er die Gewässer zum Laufe antreibt. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen
6 With hundred-jointed thunderbolt Indra hath struck him on the back,
And, while rejoicing in the juice, seeketh prosperity for friends, lauding his own imperial sway.

6 [upon] – [the top of the (matrix-) mountain] ,
[he smote] – with [the (fire-pillar, now at their vector) (=vector)] – [the 100-jointed one?] – [within (‘eden’)] ;
by? [the weakened (eden;mandana)] – [darkened eden-field?] ,   +
[Indra] – [causes – the fearing assistant – as the place of access – to come?]
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[fearing assistant :
must be the same as the ‘100 jointed’, because root (-par) is always eden —
we have no idea , but in other chapters ‘100’ refers to 99 (or 100) eden-citadels (fortresses?) ,
which we think elsewhere are described as ‘pointy’ ; but we haven’t a clue yet]

Er schlägt mit der hundertknorrigen Keule auf den Nacken ein; von Soma berauscht sucht Indra
den Freunden freie Bahn. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
7 Indra, unconquered might is thine, Thunderer, Caster of the Stone;
For thou with thy surpassing power smotest to death the guileful beast,

lauding thine own imperial sway.

7 [indra] , [by you] – [being – invincably -armed] ,

(you) [the hero] – with [the (fire-pillar, now at their vector) (=vector)] ;
[when] – [you] – (are given?) – [the (eden-) deer] – of [(eden-) sorceries (mâya+)] ,
[this] – [your] – [having (eden-) sorcery for above (=north)] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[the deer : eden-birthsceptre related ;
as (-mRga) , yet different as the deer in the birthsceptre-RV ,
it seems 5 types deer are listed in RV , all we know is that it’s physicality-related]

Dir, Indra, du Herr des Preßsteins, Keulenträger, ward die Heldenkraft zugestanden.
Als du jenes listige Tier angriffst, da hast du es mit der List erschlagen. –
Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
8 Far over ninety spacious floods thy thunderbolt were cast abroad:
Great, Indra, is thy hero might, and strength is seated in thine arms,

lauding thine own imperial sway.
8 [by] – [your] – [(fire-pillar, now at their vector) (=matrix-axis)] ,
are [the ninety – nine] – of [the one not standing solid] ;    [=’eden-Jerusalem related’]
[the greatness (by eden)] – by [you] – [Indra] , [the hero] ,
is [the power (over eden-paradise)] – of [your] – [arms] :                       [=’see Zech. 11’]
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[the arms :
if the (fire-pillar, now at their vector) is their main-vector , the ‘arms’ must be “the two staffs” in Zech. 11 ;
compare prophets chapter “I broke both arms of Pharaoh”
(in glyphs , see book of gates , as NUU holding up their boat with both arms) ;
2) the ninety-nine :
in another RV is “I smote the 99 , even the hundreth”, as fortresses , Jerusalem-related :
Ezekiel measures ‘a house and a court , all 100 cubits’ ,
while this is said about the pillar of the temple (when destroyed by the Babylonians) :
“And there were ninety and six pomegranates (….) ; [and] all the pomegranates
upon the network [were] an hundred round about”, Jer. 52 — as a construct ? see next :]

Deine Keulen haben sich über die neunzig Ströme verteilt. Groß ist deine Heldenkraft, Indra;
in deine Arme ist die Stärke gelegt. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen
[now a strange “1000-fold construct” , comp. Isaiah 7 :]
9 Laud him a thousand all at once, shout twenty forth the hymn of praise.
Hundreds have sung aloud to him, to Indra hath the prayer been raised,

lauding his own imperial sway.

“[the thousand] – [‘who are the same time’?] – [you (all who are?) the sacred verses?] ,
[standing?] – [around?] – [the twenty] ;
[hundreds (of that 1000?)] – [sound and exult] – to [Indra] – as [the given prayer] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;                                [unsure line because unknown concept]
[Isaiah 7 , about Assyria (above eden) :   
“and it shall come to pass in that day, that – the whole? – place , there – where – is
the 1000 – vined? , as? – the 1000 – silvered one ? (+will be thorns and briers)“ ;

this is linked to “butter and honey” in previous verse , aspects for physicality (see 2) ;
no , we don’t know what this is about ;
2) “a 1000 drugs” exist in RV , in VIII,62,8 linked to -soma (‘so the cripple walks’) ;
sahasrabhara ‘carrying a 1000 off as spoil’ RV , so it wás an eden-construct ;
sahasrabhRiSti ‘thousand-pointed’ RV (sic ! compare Is. 7 and briers – bhRiSti) ;
in VIII , 45, 26 “Indra drinks the soma-libation by? the 1000 armed one” (=1000-vined?) ;
sarasra’siras ‘1000 headed’ RV ; X ,90 must represent (now their) construct as ParuSa ,
but it’s hard to say what it can be –
as “the boughs in top of the eden-tree , the boughs holding the foilage (=the wool)  ? ,
now as the boughs of their ‘tree of life’ (which the hawk brought) ..?]

Singet zu tausend auf einmal, jubilieret in der Runde zu zwanzig! Hundert haben ihm zugeschrieen.
Für Indra wird die feierliche Rede angehoben. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen

10 Indra hath smitten down the power of Vṛtra,—might with stronger might.
This was his manly exploit, he slew Vṛtra and let loose the floods, lauding his own imperial sway.

10 [Indra] – [smote] – [the violent] – [vRtra (eden-tile)] , with his [might] – [the mighty one] ;
[this] – [great one (by eden)] – is [he] ,
[the (matrix-) masculine (?,puMs)] – [smote] – [vRtra (eden-tile)] ,
[he casted (it?) away] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[masculine : weird term , yet the behemoth-realm IS the masculine of their dual]
Indra schlug die Stärke des Vritra ab, mit Macht seine Macht. Das ist seine große Mannestat:
Nachdem er den Vritra erschlagen hatte, ließ er die Gewässer laufen. – Sie sollen in deine
Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.

11 Yea, even this great Pair of Worlds trembled in terror at thy wrath,
When, Indra, Thunderer, Marut-girt, thou slewest Vṛtra in thy strength,

lauding thine own imperial sway.

11 [even] – [the two?] – [new dual-realm (of matrix) ?] – [they both trembled]   +
for [your – great (by eden) – wrath] ;
[when] , [Indra] , [attended by the maruts (=bronze soldiers)] ,
[you smote] – [vRtra] – with [the powerful] – [(fire-pillar, now at their vector) (=vector)] :
[praising] – your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[dual realm :
most unclear , root seems to be (-manu) , dual , derived fróm eden]

Aus Furcht zittern sogar diese beiden großen Himmel und Erde vor deinem Grimme, als du,
Keulenträger Indra, im Bunde mit den Marut kraftvoll den Vritra erschlagen hast. –

Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen
12 But Vṛtra scared not Indra with his shaking or his thunder roar.
On him that iron thunderbolt fell fiercely with its thousand points, lauding his own imperial sway.

12 [the roaring] – of [vRtra] – did [not] – [(cause to) tremble] – [nor] – [reached? Indra] ;
[towards] – [him] – [the thousandpointed one] , [the metal] – [(fire-pillar, now at their vector)]    +
[advanced ; praising– your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[the 1000-pointed :
because the hawk brought the 1000-concept , previously ,
now the (fire-pillar, now at their vector) has that same 1000-capacity to can strike ..?]
2) advanced + praising’ is written together; ]

Nicht erschreckte Vritra den Indra durch seinen Wortschwall, nicht durch sein Donnergebrüll.
Die tausendzackige Keule fuhr auf ihn los. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
13 When with the thunder thou didst make thy dart and Vṛtra meet in war,
Thy might, O Indra, fain to slay the Dragon, was set firm in heaven, lauding thine own imperial sway.

[now their sela-stone is introduced :]
13 [then] – [to give the same] – to [vRtra] – [by – yóur – stone] – of [the (fire-pillar, now at their vector)] ;
(because,) [indra] , [you intend(ed) slay] – [(the serpent as) the eden-day] ,
by [you] ,
[the vivification (by eden-golden-aspect savitR)] – of [the (eden-) sky] – [was destroyed] :
[praising– your [own] – [self-rule] ;
[stone + axis : see note at line 1 ;
in hebrew as (-sela) stone , we termed it ‘Horus-stone’ several times ;
in previous posted RV ‘Varuna opened the eden-root’ , see dragon-river RV ,
but we must understand now that ‘his stone’ did that ?

Als du den Vritra und deinen Keil, als du den Vritra mit der Keule kämpfen ließest, da drückte deine Gewalt auf den Himmel, während du, Indra, den Vritra erschlagen wolltest. – Sie sollen in deine Selbstherrlichkeit einstimmen.
[end – still 3 lines of praise , not interesting for us]
[breakdowns :]
=in, = inv ‘to be master, to master, use force, etc’ RV ; app. root of –indra ;
=cakâra, 3d (1st) sing tense parad perf -kR ‘to make’ RV ;
=pRthivî ‘land (in broadest sense)’ RV ; mutilated -p by -R ;
=ni, ‘down, back, in, into, within’ ; nir ‘from’ (check) ;
=’sa’sa ,(not nonexisting verb –‘sa’s) , -‘sa’sa ‘a hare, rabbit, or antelope’ RV ; unclear ;
=yena ‘by whom or by which, by means of which, by which way ; since’ RV (who,which) ;
=adbhyas , plural of water ? , likely as eden-waters , opposed to their waters (-apa) ;
=prehi , no roots ; of -pra + hi ? “in front + push” ?
=yaMsâte , cant locate root , irregular ;
=nRmNa ‘courage, power,etc’ RV , but eden-existence -n + mutilate -R (-nR)
=marutvat ‘attendended by the maruts’ RV ;
=sânu ‘ a summit, ridge, surface, top of a mountain’ RV (not eden) ;
=hîDita ‘angry’ RV ;
=parvan, ‘knot, joint’ RV , eden -par , + 100 ;
=andhas ‘darkness, obscurity ; soma juice ; grassy ground’ RV ;
=sakhi ‘ a friend, assistant, companion’ RV + bhî ‘fear’ ? , fearing.fearful+assistant ?
=gâtu ‘free space for moving, place of abode ; way, course, egress, access ; going, motion’ RV ;
=tubhyam, form of you + in,at,by,etc ;
=mRga is ‘antelope, deer’, mutilated -R eden -m ;
=mâyayadvâdhir , containing sorcery for above ;
=asthira ‘not steady (in character), changeable, not deserving confidence’ RV ,
from -sthâ , ‘standing + a ‘not’ ;
=navati , 90 cluster ;
=bala , ‘power, strength, might, vigour, force, Name of a demon conquered by indra
       (the brother of vrtra in older texts -vala) ; -vala ‘enclosure’, as paradise ;
=sâkam ‘along with, with, together with ;  together, jointly, at the same time, simultaneously’ RV
=arcata, 2nd plur imp pres of -Rc , ‘sacred verse’, only by extention ‘to praise or sing’ ;
=STobhata , contraction , of -sthâ to stand +bha ? ;
=pauMsyaM, puMs ‘man, male being’ RV , unclear ;
=vepete, 3d dual pres -vip ‘ to tremble, shake, shiver, vibrate, quiver, be stirred’ RV ;
       Tava , asmad? Two? , from -dva? ;
=manyave , single stem ‘manu’, per description as dual-realm ? ;
=manyave ; perhaps ‘abode’, from -mâ ;
=marutvat ‘attended by the maruts’ RV ;
=tanyate, 3d sing (1x passive) pres -tan ‘ to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine,
       extend towards, reach to etc. ; to be protracted, continue, endure; to stretch (a cord),
       extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave etc. ; to emboss; prepare (a way) ; RV ;
=âyata, 3d sing pres imperf -i ; ‘go, flow, blow, advance, spread, arise, come from, return
=câ’sani , not located , contraction ca+a’san ? ; a’san ‘stone rock ; slinging stone as missile ; firmament ; (see numbers) ; in II,30        ‘the burning-hot stone’ itself is bRhaspati..? ;
       in IV, 28 (do?=do) , ‘the stone protects the (eden-) treasures ; so must be neutral term ;
       in X, 68 (do) is brhaspati + stone + vala 9paradise) + originals , in the setting of Zech 11 ;
       in I , 164 , 1 (the mysterious , long one, with Put sons) perhaps ‘firmament’ ;
       in I , 173 , 2 the stone (as firmament?)  is linked to the deer -mRga ; X, 27, 15 (mysterychapter) ;
       2) a’sani ‘tip of a missile, lightningflash (from stone)
=samayodhayaH , a contraction , fr sam ‘encounter (in battle) RV ? as prefix ‘the same’ ?, + adha ‘to give?’ cluster
=badhbadhe , verb , from -vadh ‘destroym kill’ ;
=’sava , as -sava (because previous -a) ‘pressing out juice of the soma plant’ RV ; setting in motion
       vivification, instigation, impulse, command (especially applied to the activity of savitR ; RV

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

09.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report



RV X , 75

RV X , 75             (the river to their North – which the dragon made ; Ez. 29) 
1. THE singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvān’s place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare. The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses
all the streams that flow.

1. [in front of] – [you] , [(eden-) waters] – of [(now matrix-) grandeur] ,
[the excellent] – [poet (creator)] – [will tell about] – [the residence] – of [Vivasvat (=perhaps God)] ;
[in front of] – [the seven seven (=2 axis?)] – are [the 3 ways (=of main eden-construct)] ,
[like?] – [the root of the chariot-wheel (=as eden-land , cherub-wheel)] ,
[in front of] – [the flowing-path] – of [the powerful] – [celestial river] ;
[“the river is mine – I made it”, says the dragon in Ez. 29 ;
in prophets termed as ‘the Nile’ , in this RV as “the celestial river” ;
2) Vivasvat : we still have reason to think God is intended ;
3) the eden-land as (=in) the cherub-wheels : see rest of chapter ;
4) 3 ways : definitely of eden , see Trita-construct in other chapters ;

Eure höchste Größe, ihr Gewässer, wird jetzt der Dichter fein verkünden an des Vivasvat Platze.
Dreimal je sieben sind sie nämlich ausgezogen, allen Strömenden voran überholt sie durch

ihre Stärke die Sindhu.
2 Varuṇa cut the channels for thy forward course, O Sindhu, when thou rannest on to win the race.
Thou speedest o’er precipitous ridges of the earth, when thou art Lord and Leader of these moving floods.

[in front of] – [you] , [varuNa] – [split and opened] – [the demon-construct of (eden-) sorcery] ,  +
for [the paths] – of [the celestial river] ,
[then] – [you] – [the booty (=eden-waters)] – [he made to flow] – [towards] them  [=’paths’] ;
[you go] – to [the land] – [abóve] – [the slope of the (eden-) mountain (or ‘sloping path’, Ezekiel)] ,
to [the summit of the (matrix-) mountain (or ‘ridges’)] :
[then] – [you] – are [the ruler] – of [the (matrix-) beings] – since [the beginning]   [=’before eden’] ;
[to split and open :
as a main theme in the spells , the jackal  UP-UA “opener of the watercourse (‘way’)” ;
the UP-gluph is the eden-root , as two horns (the eden-ram’s horns) ;
2) the ‘slope’ may also be the sloping path to the north, which Ezekiel saw ,
the “sloping” related to the different angle of their dimension ,
then it may read “…go to the land above , by the sloping path” ;
3) varuNa , as “the eye of their sela-stone”,
Isaiah 10 is about the breaking of the yoke (=this river) and mentions the stone (hebrew:-sela) ;
perhaps ‘VaruNa’ also represents “their type human”,
like Adam , now at Damascus (the imprisoned temple-fundament / stone) represents adamite]

Dir zeichnete Varuna die Wege zum Laufe vor, o Sindhu, als du nach den Siegerpreisen ausliefst. Über
den Rücken der Erde gehst du in deinem Laufe, wann du die Spitze dieser lebenden Wesen führst.

3 His roar is lifted up to heaven above the earth: he puts forth endless vigour with a flash of light.
Like floods of rain that fall in thunder from the cloud, so Sindhu rushes on bellowing like a bull.

3 [the roaring] – [(eden-) sky] – [connects] – [towards the (matrix-) land] ,   [=’to the north’]
[infinite] – [roaring energy (of tsiun)] – [springs up (ud)] , [ascending (!) ] – as [a beam of light] ;
as [the cloud of rainy weather] – [below]  [=’in eden’] ,
[before] – [it rains down (by eden)] – by [the thundering] – [celestial river] ,
[then] – [as?] – [the bull lord (by eden)] – [roaring] – for [us] ;
[rain and thunder :
perhaps not even an eden-concept – compare the dew in paradise ;
2) tsiun : same root as the serpent –‘SuSNa’]

Gen Himmel strebt ihr Brausen über der Erde; sie treibt ihre endlose Wucht mit Glanz empor. Es
donnern gleichsam Regengüsse aus der Wolke, wenn Sindhu wie ein brüllender Bulle dahingeht.

4 Like mothers to their calves, like milch kine with their milk, so, Sindhu, unto thee the
roaring rivers run. Thou leadest as a warrior king thine army’s wings what time thou comest in

the van of these swift streams.
4 [towards] – [you] , [celestial river] ,
are [the (matrix-) children] – as to [our] – [mother] ,
(who is) [the milch-cow] – [lowing] – [with) milk] ;
[king] – [warrior] , [you lead] – [your] – [sprinkling (RV)] ,
[then] – [is the food] – for [the ones since the beginning] ,
by [the striving to get] – [the slope of the (eden-) mountain (or ‘the sloping path ; Ezekiel)] ;
[king or queen :
probably as a ‘he’ , compare the many ‘storm-gods’ in mythologies]

Sie eilen dir zu, o Sindhu, wie die Mütter ihrem Jungen, wie die Kühe brüllend mit ihrer Milch. Du
führest sie an wie ein kämpfender König seine beiden Heerflügel, wann du die Spitze dieser Ströme
zu gewinnen suchest.

5 Favour ye this my laud, O Gan!gā, Yamunā, O Sutudri, Paruṣṇī and Sarasvatī:
With Asikni, Vitasta, O Marudvrdha, O Ārjīkīya with Susoma hear my call.

5 [my] – [praise] – of [the GaNges (some celestial river)] , [the Yamunã] ,
[Sarasvati] , [‘sutudri’] ,
as [the hymn] – [assisting] – [ParuSa (‘the concept of speckledness ; as ‘leopard’ in prophets’)] ;
[the one having been acquired’?] – for? [‘the covering of the maruts (=bronze soldiers)] ,
(namely) [(the river) for (whiteness?) + standing + upright] ,
[as] – [the river containing -soma] , [hear you] ;
[Ganges , Yamunâ , etc – we don’t know ;
the many type rivers can represent “the 7 necks of the dragon” in Revelation ,
as different axis , here represented as ‘rivers’ ;
2) the ‘standing upright’ as important glyph ÂHÂ , ‘(eden-) willpower to stand upright’ ;
3) ‘having been acquired’ (-asiknyâ) looks as another form of (inakSasi) “striving to get” in 4]

Folgt diesem Lobgesang von mir, Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Sutudri, Parusni; Marudvridha mit der
Asikni, mit der Vitasta, Arjikiya mit der Susoma höre zu!

6 First with Trstama thou art eager to flow forth, with Rasā, and Susartu, and with Svetya here,
With Kubha; and with these, Sindhu and Mehatnu, thou seekest in thy course Krumu and Gomati.

6 [in the (eden-) beginning] – [rough formed] , [you set out to go] ,               
[=’out from eden’]
[at the same time] – [flowed well] – [the essence] – of [(eden-) whiteness] – to [here] ;
[you] , [celestial river] ,                                                                                    [below : not 100% sure]
[‘fearing the (eden-) bad’?] – as [the river of dual-essence (designed for eden?) ] ,
(are) [‘the made river’?] – of [greatness (by eden, + ?)]  :
[together with the chariot-wheel (=eden-land , as cherub-wheel)] – [wherewhich] – [you arrive] ;
[the eden-land ascended :
see also line 9 where ‘she is yoked to the river’ ;
that can make sense – like a ball atop a strong fountain ;
2) the essences : still a tricky theme ; ‘whiteness’ is related to ‘the Lebanon’ ,
but it’s not clear how this is related to ‘dual-essence’ (see Zecheriah ‘Zerubbabel’ chapter) :

Zuerst mit der Tristama zum Laufe vereint, mit Susartu, Rasa, mit dieser Svetya kommst du, Sindhu,
mit der Kubha zur Gomati, mit der Mehatnu zur Krumu, mit denen du auf gleichem Wagen dahineilst.

7 Flashing and whitely-gleaming in her mightiness, she moves along her ample volumes
through the realms, Most active of the active, Sindhu unrestrained, like to a dappled mare , beautiful, fair to see.

7 [going upwards (!) ] – [brilliant] , [shining] – [mighty
(by eden)] ,
[towards] – [‘the bordersky’ (=border between eden and matrix ; lit. ‘surface’)] ,
[she contains and conveys] – [the mist and vapour] ;
[the benevolent] – [most active] – [(eden-) waters] – of [the celestial river] – for [us] ,
[bright] , [marvellous(ly)] – [to behold] ;
[bordersky :
as ‘Midian’ in second half of Isaiah 10 , where their yoke (this river) will be broken ;
2) remember , also Plato wrote how he saw this mighty stream going up]

Geradeaus schießend, schimmernd, weiß, führt sie in ihrer Größe Stromschnellen und Staubwolken
mit sich. Die unbeirrte Sindhu, die Tätigste der Tätigen, prächtig wie eine Stute, wie eine Schöne sehenswert

8 Rich in good steeds is Sindhu, rich in cars and robes, rich in gold, nobly-fashioned, rich in ample wealth. Blest Silamavati and young woman Urnavati invest themselves with raiment
rich in store of sweets.

8 by [the celestial river] – are [the good horses (=physical-body of spirits)] ,
[the good chariots (around body)] , [the good garment-bodies] ,
[the gold+things?] – [nicely made] , [containing power] ;
[the young woman] – [=name author?] – [has wool (ûrNâ ; from ‘the distant-land’ = eden)] ,
[and above (=north)] – [she dresses] – [beautifully] – with [the pleasant (by eden) covering] ;
[the ‘horse’ :
also in prophets used , describing them spirits as ‘horsemen’ ,
and compare how their birth-construct is now appearing as a horse (see RV) ;
2) the wool : physicality-related ,“from the distant land” , see other chapters]

Reich an schönen Rossen ist Sindhu, reich an schönen Wagen und Gewändern, reich an Gold,
wohlbeschaffen, reich an Rennstuten; reich an Wolle ist die Jugendliche, reich an Silamakraut,

und die Holde trägt als Kleid die Madhuvridh-Staude.
9 Sindhu hath yoked her car, light-rolling, drawn by steeds, and with that car shall she win booty
in this fight. So have I praised its power, mighty and unrestrained, of independent glory,
roaring as it runs.

9 [the celestial river] – [has yoked] to – [‘the good axle-holed’] – [chariot-wheel (=eden-land)] ,
(so) [the horses (=spirits)] – in [this] – [war]   [=’against eden’]     +
[gain] – [what belongs – to them , the goats (=our Originals)] ;
[because] – of [the great one (by eden)]  [=’the celestial river’] ,
he – is [the glorious] – [great one (by eden)] ,
[unimpaired] , [self-sufficient] – and [very abundant] .
[axle-hole :
term as (-sukha) , described by M-Williams as having that meaning ,
and for ús very useful to support the “ball upon the geyser concept” with ;
2) ‘belonging to goats’ as (-âja) , same term is used in the torture chapter ;
3) in Is. 14 ‘the yoke’ of ‘the Assyrian’ (=Adam, in chapter 10) will be broken ,
and line 21-22 even mentions ‘the killing of them spirits’ , compare line 9 above ;
in the same chapter 14 this breaking seems to happen after the 144,000 became real ;

Ihren leichten, mit Rossen bespannten Wagen hat die Sindhu geschirrt, mit dem wird sie den Preis in
diesem Rennen gewinnen. Denn dessen hehre Größe wird hochgepriesen, des unbeirrten,
selbstherrlichen, überreichen.

[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]

  • =pra, ‘before, in front of, etc’ ;
  • =uttama ‘excellent’ RV ; no eden ;
  • =kâru ‘poet’ RV , but from kR , to do or make ;
  • =tridhâ ‘in 3 ways, in 3 parts, in 3 places, triply’ RV  (3+to give -dhâ) ;
  • =cakramuH , blank ; cakramauli ‘having a circular diadem’ RV (of an eden-construct) VI 69,14 ,
    but -mauli ‘diadem’ is MH ; -mûla ‘a root (of anything)’ RV ;
  • =sRti ‘a path’ RV ; sRtvan ‘running,swift, nimble’ RV ; from sRt ‘to flow, glide, etc’ ;
  • =sindhu ‘flood, waters (also in the sky) ; river, ocean, sea’ RV ;
  • =aradad, 3d sing pres imp -rad ‘to scratch, scrape, gnaw, bite, rend, dig, break, split, divide;
    to cut, open (a road or path); to lead (a river) into a channel; to convey to, bestow on,
    give, dispense’ RV ;
  • =yãtu ‘demon, foe ; sorcery, witchcraft’ RV ; yâtudhâna ‘demon’ RV , -dhâna
    as ‘receptacle, seat’ RV , close to –
  • =vâja ‘strength, energy ; contest, battle, war ; the prize of a race or of battle, booty, gain,
    reward, any precious or valuable possession, wealth, treasure (also sacred food)’ RV ;
  • =abhi ‘to, towards, into, over, upon
  • =adravas, 3d sing pres imp -dru ‘run, hasten ; to cause to run, make flow; to make fluid, melt RV
  • =yâsi, 2nd sing pres -yâ ;
  • =sânu ‘a summit, ridge, surface, top of a mountain, (in later language generally) mountain-ridge,
    table-land’ RV ; (not eden) ;
  • =agram ‘in front, before, ahead of’ no RV ; -agrya ‘first-born’, RV , ‘beginning’ RV ;
  • =irajya ‘to order, prepare, arrange ; to lead ; to dispose ; ot h master of ; to grow’ RV (-raj) ;
  • =yatate, 3d sing pres -yat ‘ to place in order, marshal, join, connect , to keep pace, be in line,
    rival or vie with, to join , associate with , march or
    fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle)’RV
  • =’suSma ‘stength, energy ; hissing, roaring, rushing (of water, fire, the wind etc.)’ RV ,
    from the ‘suSna-serpent = tsiun ;
  • =iyarti, 3d sing pres of -R ‘fix, faste, place, insert ;  to go, move, rise, tend upwards, etc. ;
    to go towards, meet with, fall upon or into, reach ; to fall to one’s share, occur, befall’ RV ;
  • =bhânu ‘brightness, light or a ray of light, lustre, splendour’ RV ;
  • =vRSTa, ‘rained’ no RV ;
  • =vRSabha ‘lord ; a bull, strong’ RV ;
  • =roruvat, no root -roru , intense of -ru ‘roaring’? ;


  • =inakSa ‘strive to get’ ? ; yes , inakS , RV :
  • =gaN+ga, as in the Ganges river ; impossible root ; contraction of -gagana ‘sky, air,
    firmament’ RV ? , since the context is celestial ;
  • =’sutudri, stem ‘sutudrî , unknown ;
  • =asiknî ‘darkness ; river’ RV (see numbers) ; a+sikta? , sikta ‘poured out, sprinkled, wetted, impregnated’ RV ; from -sic ? compare previous line “impregnate” as (-sic) ;
  • =marudveRdhâ ; =marut (bronze soldiers) + vRdh ‘to strengthen’ ;
  • =vitastâ ‘a river’ RV , “life+stand” ? + bingo , -Rju ‘upright (lit and fig)’ RV ;
  • =’sRNu ‘to hear’ ;
  • =suSoma ‘a river ; “containing good sap”; a soma vessel’ RV ;
  • =yâ ’go, march, set out, walk, travel, enter, approach, arrive’’ RV ;
  • =tRSTamâ , tRSTa ‘”dry”, rough, harsh, rugged, hoarse’ RV (but not the tsiun one) ,
    as root + to build, form, cross over, mete out? ;
  • =susarta ; su + root -sR? ‘to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go ; persue’ RV ;
  • =’sveta ‘white, dressed, in white, bright’ RV , important –‘sva , ‘sve ;
  • =kubhayâ ; (kubhanyu ‘desirous of water’ RV) ; bhî/bhaya ‘fear’ RV + ku (ku = ‘bad’) ,
  • =gomatî ‘a river falling into the Indus’ RV (number) ; ‘a place abounding in cattle’ RV (Originals?) ,
    in VIII,24 ‘an enclosure’ (vala) is linked to gomatî ; go ‘essence’ + mati ‘design, etc’ ;
  • =krumu ‘name of a river, tributary of the Indus’ RV ; form of to make -kR ? ;
  • =mehatnvâ ; mehatnû ‘name of a river’ RV ; no other ; -mehat not existing root (from -meha) ;
  • =saratha, ‘ on the same (or together with) chariot’ RV MH ;
  • =yâbhir, = yâbhis ? ‘whereby, that, in order that’ RV (fr. Ya ‘who , which’;
  • =îyase, 2nd (then differs) from -i or -yã ; =you go,walk,arrive or =you  go, flow, blow,
    advance, spread, arise, come from, return
  • =jrayas ‘expanse, space, flat surface’ RV ; (+ana ‘occupying space, expanding’ RV) ;
  • =rajâMsi (dust,particles,atoms) -rajas ‘
  • =sîlamâvatî , RV , unknown ; no root sîla nor -sila ; ;
  • =utâdhi , none ; = uta+adhi ; (uta : and,also,even,or ; or from ‘woven’) ;
  • =vaste, 3d pres of -vas ‘to put on, invest, wear, (clothes) , assume (a form), enter into’ RV ;
  • =madhu ‘charming,etc’ RV (by eden) +vRd ‘covering’ ;
  • =yuyuje,    3d sing tense parad perf -yuj ‘to yoke, harness, etc’ RV ;
  • =âjau, from âja ‘coming from or belonging to goats’ (=Originals) ;
  • =panasyu ‘to be glorious, or to praise (verb)’ RV ;
  • =hi, ‘for, because, on account of’ ;
  • =adabdha ‘not deceived or tampered with, unimpaired, unbroken’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

08.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV I , 163

RV I , 163             (eden’s birth-construct , now inversed in their north)
1. WHAT time, first springing into life, thou neighedst, proceeding from the sea or upper waters,
Limbs of the deer hadst thou, and eagle pinions. O Steed, thy birth is nigh and must be lauded.

[this , now their birth-construct , may be a ‘she’ – as “daughter of Egypt” in prophets]
1 [when] – [sorrowfully] – [born] – [in the beginning] ,                                      [=’in eden’]
from [the one] – [sea (eden-dimension)] – [you] – [proceeded] :             [=’to the north’]
[eagle (hawk?)] – [winged] , [the fore-feet] – of [the greenish-yellow deer (not mRga)] ,
for [the invoked (praised)] – [great] – [birth] , [you] – [victim  (arvat)] ;
[so this construct wasn’t théirs ;
we don’t know why another term is used for ‘deer’ (instead of the golden deer -mRga] ;
the ‘wings’ are equally unclear :
is this the original “winged disk” ? feeding Râ (-Sûrya) , this sun ?]

 Als du eben erst geboren wiehertest, aus dem Meer oder aus dem Urquell heraussteigend,
mit Flügeln des Adlers und den Vorderfüßen der Antilope –
das war deine preisenswerte hohe Geburt, du Renner
2 This Steed which Yama gave hath Trita harnessed, and him, the first of all, hath Indra mounted.
His bridle the Gandharva grasped.
O Vasus, from out the Sun ye fashioned forth the Courser.

2 (being) [the gift] – of [Yama (=Adam)] ,
[he] – [yoked] it – to [Trita (a triple-eden-construct, still in the south)]  ,
as [the important one] – [to stand in it’s fixed place] – [above] , for [he] – [indra]  [=’north realm’] ;
[the gandharva (=cherub-related?)] – [seized] – [the strap (girth?)] ,
[you formed] – [the horse (=construct)] – from [the inciter (or sun , or flowing soma-juice)] , [Vasu] ;
[the horse :
now as théir construct , somewhat transformed , appearing like a horse instead of a deer ;
compare the Greek myth of Pegasus the winged horse ;
2) the trita :
elsewhere described as consisting out of three containers or vessels , holding liquid –
one with -soma (the turquoise) , one with soma+milk and one with soma+butter
(the latter is for physicality) ; apparently this construct still belongs to mt.tsiun itself ;
there is a possible link to these 3 in Zech. 11 , “the three shepherds” ,
and in spells this place may be the (triple) SHESEM ;
3) the inciter :
considered the link with the triple vessel , ‘inciter’ (as birth-construct) seems feasible ;
the root is linked to -Sûrya , our sun , because he gets essence from there..? , see next ;
4) gandharva :
holds a high position ; too early to say if it’s an eden-cherub (of 4) , or their copy]

Ein Geschenk des Yama schirrte ihn Trita an; Indra bestieg ihn zum ersten Male.
Der Gandharva faßte seinen Zügel. Aus der Sonne habt ihr das Roß gebildet.
3 Yama art thou, O Horse; thou art Āditya; Trita art thou by secret operation. Thou art
divided thoroughly from Soma. They say thou hast three bonds in heaven that hold thee.

3 [you (=birth-construct)] are – [‘the twin’ (or ‘bridle’ ; -yama here , but not Adam)] ,
[you] are – [the Aditya (=a matrix-construct)] , as [the victim (arvat)] ,
[you] are – by [the Trita (=triple-eden-construct)] ,    +
in [a concealed and mysterious] – [manner] ;
[you] are – [as it were?] – [separated] – from [soma]  [=’at mt.tsiun’] ,
(but) by [your] – [three] – [bands] – [in heaven] , [they say] ;
[this looks like the tripod of Apollo ;
the fire upon that tripod must be an aspect for this sun (the aspect is Apollo) ;
interestingly Zecharia 11 mentions two staffs [=axis] and one staff is named ‘band’
yet in that chapter there are 2 – not three as mentioned here ,
but it’s very possible that the third band is one which théy made]

Du bist Yama, bist der Aditya, o Renner; du bist Trita durch geheime Bestimmung.
Du bist vom Soma unweit entfernt. Sie sagen, daß du drei Bande im Himmel hast.
4 Three bonds, they say, thou hast in heaven that bind thee, three in the waters,
three within the ocean.
To me thou seemest Varuṇa, O Courser, there where they say is thy sublimest birth-place.

4 [three] – [bands] , [they say] ,
[three] – into [the waters (=eden’s)] , [three] – [within] – [the sea (=eden-dimension)] ;
[you seem?] – to [me] – as [Varuna (=sela-stone eye)] ,
[…?] – by? [the victim (arvat)] ,
[there] – is [your] – [excellent] – [birth place] , [they say] ;
[this belongs to Is. 10 and Zech. 9 and 11 ;
in Is. 10 the birthsceptre is linked to Adam (as ‘king of Assyria’ there) ,
so we assumed the birthsceptre is in Damascus – but it seems it is at the sela-stone ? ;
related to the ‘birth of the sun’ chapter , where Râ was loosened fróm VaruNa ,
and tied to Damascus , instead ?
so the SOURCE of the sun , this birth-construct (‘winged red disk’) is at VaruNa ,
but this sun is tied to Damascus..?]

Drei Bande, so sagen sie, hast du im Himmel, drei im Wasser, drei im Meere. Und du Renner erscheinst mir wie Varuna, dort wo sie sagen, daß dein höchster Geburtsort ist.
5 Here-, Courser, are the places where they groomed thee, here are the traces of thy hoofs
as winner. Here have I seen the auspicious reins that guide thee,
which those who guard the holy Law keep safely.

5 [here] , [you] – [+guide the adornment?] – of? [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] :
(your) [hoofs] – as [the receptacles] – for [obtaining gifts] ;    [=’coming in through the hoofs?’]
[here] – I saw] – [your] – [fair] – [straps (girths)] , by [universal (matrix-) law] ,
[which] – [the (matrix-) shepherd (-s) (of essence or cattle ; go-pa)] – [protects (=eden-construct !)] ;
[the ‘evil shepherd’ is in Zech. 11 ,
where his “eye will go dark” – literally as VaruNa ;
question is , here as well as in Zecheriah , if ‘shepherd’ is single or multiple ;
2) straps : we don’t know ;
3) energy coming in via the hoofs : compare ‘being grounded in Gaia’ ,
but that concept is exacly the inverse of eden’s]

Dies sind deine Schwemmen, du Streitroß, dies der Schatz der Hufe, die der Schatz für den Gewinner sind. Dort sah ich deine glückhaften Zügel, die die Wächter des Gesetzes in ihrer Obhut haben.
6 Thyself from far I recognized in spirit,—a Bird that from below flew through the heaven.
I saw thy head still soaring, striving upward by paths unsoiled by dust, pleasant to travel.

6 [in spirit (mana)] – [I recognized (jN+a)] – [your] – [self (atma)] ,
[=hovering] – as [a sun] –  [below] – [the (matrix-) heaven] ;                [=’so , in eden’]
[I saw] – [your head] – [flying] to – [the easy] – [celestial] – [paths] , [panting for air] ;
[see line 9 for the strange ‘self’ and ‘thinking’]
Im Geiste erkannte ich von Ferne dein eigenes Selbst, den Vogel, der unterhalb des Himmels fliegt.
Ich sah dein Haupt auf gebahnten staublosen Pfaden schnauben, das beflügelte.
7 Here I beheld thy form, matchless in glory, eager to win thee food at the Cow’s station.
Whene’er a man brings thee to thine enjoyment, thou swallowest the plants most greedy eater.

[hére] , [I see] – [your] – [excellent] – [shape] ,
(you) [the station] – for [essence] , [desiring to obtain] – [(food from) the eden-tree (oSa)] ;
——————                                                                       [below : we lost the possible intention]
[when?] – [you] – mortals – [=after,to,over,at,towards,regarding] – [profit,feeding-off,coil]
[the breath] – ad=by – it – [devouring most] – of [the given eden-tree (oSa+dhi)] [coming near] ;

Dort sah ich deine höchste Gestalt, wie sie auf der Fährte der Kuh die Speise zu gewinnen sucht. Sobald der Sterbliche in deinen Genuß gelangt ist, hat der Verzehrer der Pflanzen ihn geweckt.
8 After thee, Courser, come the car, the bridegroom, the kine come after,
and the charm of maidens.
Full companies have followed for thy friendship: the pattern of thy vigour Gods have copied.

[after] – [you] – is [the cart (=construct)] , [after] you – is [the man,lover,stallion] ,
[the dual-essence] – is [after] – [the victim (arvat)] ,
[after] – [the dispenser of prosperity (=this construct)] – are [the maidens] ;
[the multitude] – [have spread?] – [after] – [your] – [fellowship] ,
[after] – [the gods] – [have prepared] – [the strength and energy] – of [you] ;  
Dir, o Renner, folgt der Wagen, dir der junge Mann, dir die Kühe, dir die Gunst der Jungfrauen.
Deiner Freundschaft folgen die Truppen. Die Götter haben dir die Stärke zugetraut.
9 Horns made of gold hath he: his feet are iron: less fleet than he, though swift as thought, is Indra.
The Gods have come that they may taste the oblation of him who mounted, first of all, theCourser.

9 with [golden horns (2?, 4?)] , [his] – [feet] – of [metal] ,                   [=’not hoofs of brass , of virgin’]
[standing – on high] , [quick in thought] – (but?) [being] – [behind] – [Indra (thoughts)] ;
[the gods] – [taste the oblation] –[by] – [he] ,
[the one?] – [who] is – [the important] – [victim (arvat)] – [standing – on high] ;
[feet of iron –
“tsiun daughter will have hoofs of brass and a (one) horn of iron”, Micah 4 , as inversed ;
also the Nebuchadnessar statue comes to mind here ;
2) he may have ‘four horns’, “spreading out to the cardinal directions” (book Daniel) ,
which are cut-off in Zechariah 1 ; the horns ‘grew’, linked to birth-construct ;
it’s pussible that Egyptian Neith (N-T) represents this concept ;
2) again a reference to ‘thinking’ here —
is this related to the eden-donkey (-athon) Jer.2 , now also in their north ? ;
according to spells , the donkey ‘makes the word’ (S-U) , into ‘the self’ (TCH-S-U) ,
the donkey must be part of this construct , but got now corrupted too ?]

Mit goldenen Hörnern, seine Füße von Erz, ist er schnell wie der Gedanke – Indra blieb hinter
ihm zurück. Die Götter kamen zu dessen Opfermahl, der als erster das Rennpferd bestieg.
10 Symmetrical in flank, with rounded haunches, mettled like heroes, the Celestial Coursers
Put forth their strength, like swans in lengthened order, when they, the Steeds,

have reached the heavenly causeway.

10 [going constantly,instigating?] – […? + in the middle]                         [we lost the intention here]
[together with?] – [the fiery-spirited (by eden)] – [celestial] – [ones?] ;
[the sun-egg?] – [below] – [series,flock] – [they encounter=line up=connect,comply?encounter?]
[when] – [the horses (2 a’svin?) ] – [arrive] – at [heaven(ly) – [passage] ;

Die ………. himmlischen Rennpferde, von denen das Ende des Zuges noch stillsteht,
während die mittleren laufen, sie ziehen in einer Reihe wie die Gänse, wenn die Rosse
in die himmlische Rennbahn gelangt sind.
11 A body formed for flight hast thou, O Charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.
Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses.

11 [your] – [solid body-construct (by eden)] , as [the fallen down] – [victim (arvat)] ,       [sic !]
[your] – [imaginations] – [sweep swift] – as [the wind] ;
[your] – [horns] – [standing fixed (but apart?)] ,   +
[a delightful many times] – [they go] – [flickering (=every moment renewing)] ;
[this is also an interesting theme –
óur reality “moves incredible slow” due to our slow-type body ,
as if we watch a movie but each frame shows for one whole minute :
imagine if every sécond would show another frame]  

Dein Körper eilt mit Flügeln, o Renner, dein Geist saust dahin wie der Wind. Deine Hörner
sind vielerorts verteilt, in den Wäldern bewegen sie sich auf und ab hüpfend
[now the Originals are linked to this construct :]
12 The strong Steed hath come forward to the slaughter,
pondering with a mind directed God-ward.
The goat who is his kin is led before him the sages and the singers follow after.

12 [moreover (upa)] , [he (=the Original here) went] , [directed towards] – [the slaughter] ,
[bestowed] with – [god-ward] – [thoughts] ;
(because) [the he goat (=Original)] – [is being guided] ,   +
[to be] – [in the presence] – of [(his) friend (or ‘central point’, namely the birth-construct)] ;
[after] , [the seers (=spirits)] – [arise] – as [the praisers (=murmurers! ; spirits do , in prophets)]  ;
Er ist zur Schlachtung gegangen, der siegreiche Renner, mit gottwärts gerichtetem Gedanken sinnend. Der Bock wird vorausgeführt, seine Verwandtschaft. Die weisen Sänger wandeln hinterdrein.
13 The Steed is come unto the noblest mansion, is come unto his Father and his Mother.
This day shall he approach the Gods, most welcome: then he declares good gifts to him who offers.

[thereto] – [directed forwards] – to [the excellent] – [standing place] ,     [=’of the construct’]
[the victim (=Original here) (arvat)] – [has come] to – [his] – [father] – and [mother] ;
[today] [he (=Original) will approach?] – [the gods] , [being welcome (approachable)] ,
[then] – (the person) – [will sacrifice] – [(eden-) treasures] .
[so the Original returns ‘home’ ,
not realizing his birthplace has become the trap for him (?) ;          (see previous RV 162)
about this birthconstruct , itself :
perhaps the only workable concept for us is that this construct is comparable to ‘a tailor’]

Er ist zum höchsten Wohnsitz eingegangen, der Renner zu Vater und Mutter. Drum möge er heute recht willkommen zu den Göttern gehen, und dann bittet er um erwünschte Gaben für den Spender.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]

  • =akranda, from krand ‘to neigh (metp.) , roar, weep, lament, confused with sorrow’ RV ;
  • =bâhu ‘arm ; but also the upper part of the forefoot of an animal’ RV (KHEPESH?) ;
  • =âyunag , not located form ;
  • =ra’sâna ‘rope,cord,strap ; girth, girdle, zone (especially of woman)’ RV ;
  • =sûra, ‘the sun’ RV , ‘inciter, propeller ; the soma juice flowing from the soma press’ RV ;
  • =samaya , to -sama ‘same, like ; parallel, smooth, constant, etc’ RV ;
  • =vipRkta ‘separated, divided’ RV (here) ;
  • =chantsi, can’t locate root ;
  • =avamârjana ‘an instrument (or”water”) for rubbing down (a horse), a curry-comb’RV (here) ;
    but -mRj ‘ to wipe, rub, cleanse, polish, clean, purify, embellish, adorn ; but also
    as ‘to carry off, to win’ RV ; + form of -nî , ‘to guide’ ? ;
  • =’sapha ‘hoof’ RV ;
  • =sanitur ‘without (?)’ RV ; -saniti ‘obtainment’ RV ; santitra ‘a gift’ RV ; -sani ‘gain, acquisition,
    gift, reward’ RV ;
  • =nidhâna ‘place for depositing anything, receptacle’ RV ;


  • =areNu ‘not dusty (said of the gods and cars and roads) ; not earthly, celestial ; the gods’ RV ,
    (reNu ‘ dust, a grain or atom of dust, sand etc’ RV) ,
    but close to ûrNâ and -aranya ‘distant-land (-forest)’ ;
  • =pataMga ‘flying ; the sun ; a spark’ RV ;
  • =jigîSâ, ‘desire of conquering or being victorious, military ambition ; desire of obtaining’ RV ;
  • =bhoga ‘any winding or curve, coil (of a serpent) ; feeding upon ; profit,advantage’ RV ;
    anu [=after,to,over,at,towards, again, further, next,regarding]–
  • =ânad , from -an, anit, âna ‘to breathe’ RV ? ;
  • =grasiSTha ‘swallowing most’ RV (here) ;
  • =aji+gaH ? , fr. Abhigâ , imp. -ajigât ‘go near to, approach’ RV ;
  • =marya ‘a mortal, man, (especially) young man, lover, suitor ; a stallion’ RV ;
  • =îyur, 3d plur tense parad. Perfect of -i ‘go, flow, blow, advance, spread, arise, come from, return
  • =avara, ‘nearer ; posterior, hinder, later, last, younger; below inferior’ RV ;
  • =adhyatiSTha , adhi ‘above’ + ‘to stand’ form -sthâ ;


  • =arvantam : masc. Sing. accusative ! -arvat ; Apis bull ;
  • =îrmânta ‘Name of a team of horses or of the horses of the sun’s car’ RV (here) ; full-haunched
    (literally full-ended’ RV ; Îrma ‘going constantly, or instigating’ RV ;
  • =silikamadhyama ‘said of the horses of the Sun’ RV ; -sili is no root ;
    2) –‘silika ‘lower timber of a door’ (M-W) ; -‘silin ‘a demon’ MH (also –‘sala) ;
    3) madhyama’sî ‘”lying or being in the middle”, (prob.) an intercessor’ RV ; but -Sa as
    ending is -madhyama ‘being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central’
  • =’sûraNa ‘high spirited, fiery (of horses)’ RV (by eden) ; into sun ? ;
  • =haMsa ‘a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of
    passage;sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in RV to be able to
    separate soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, ;also forming in RV
    the vehicle of the -a’svins’ RV ;
  • =’sreNi ‘a line, row, range, series, succession, troop, flock, multitude, number’ RV ;
  • =yatante 3d plur pres -yat ‘be in line, march together, connect, join, encounter, etc’  to place in order, marshal, join, connect  ; to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with  ; to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle) RV ;
  • =âkSiSa , abhinakS ‘to arrive’ ;
  • =ajma ‘career, march’ RV , ajman ‘battle, passage, career’ RV ;


  • =’sarîra ‘solid body’ RV , construct , eden ;
  • =patayiSNu ‘(fr. Causal) flying, falling, liable to fall’ RV ;
  • =citta ‘appeared, visible ; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought ; aim, intention’ RV ;
  • =dhraj root , move, sweep, glide, etc ;
  • =viSThita ‘standing apart ; scattered, spread, diffused ; stationary, fixed’ RV (from -sthâ) ;
  • =purutrâ ‘many times, often ; in many directions’ RV + raN , delight in ? ;
  • =jarbhuraNa (flickering) , fr. Bhur ‘to flicker (as fire)’ RV ,  to move rapidly or convulsively,
    stir, palpitate’ RV , = dimensional quality ‘renewal’ ,
  • =prâgâc , prâg , = praN+c ‘directed forwards or towards, being in front, facing, opposite’ RV ,
  • =nâbhi ‘navel, central point, close relation as friend’ RV ;
  • =’sâste , root not located ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

07.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV I , 162

RV I , 162            (destruction of the physical coverings of our Originals)
                             [contains graphic content]
1. SLIGHT us not Varuṇa, Aryaman, or Mitra, Ṛbhukṣan, Indra, Āyu, or the Maruts,
When we declare amid the congregation the virtues of the strong Steed, God-descended.

1. SLIGHT us not Varuṇa , Aryaman , Mitra ,
ṚbhukSan , Indra , Ayu , or the Maruts ;                             [=’bronze soldiers ; both eyes , etc’]
[this] – [divine-born] – [‘covering of the Original (as goat)’] – [for to get strength] – [seven-fold] ,

[the heroic deed (to get eden-power) ] – [you all know] :     +
[for ‘goat’ (-aja) and the context of ‘covering’ , see breakdown ;
it is possible that the line reads ‘the sevenfold covering’ :
the syntax of 162 and 163 is very tricky , written by again another author]  

Mögen uns Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Ayu, Ribhuksan, die Marut nicht übersehen, wenn wir des
gottgeschaffenen siegesgewohnten Rennpferdes Heldentaten in weiser Rede verkünden werden

2 What time they bear before the Courser, covered with trappings and with wealth,
the grasped oblation,
The dappled goat goeth straightforward, bleating, to the place dear to Indra and to Pūṣan.

2 [when] – [he (=the Original) willingly gives]    +
[the enclosing] – [shining (eden-) garment] – of [(inherited) wealth] ,
[they (=spirits) are guiding] – [the grasped one] – [to in front] ;
[the goat (=ajo)] – with [many forms and colours] – [is going straight forward] ,
[to] – [the beloved] – [place] – of [Indra and puSan ‘keeper of the flock (=Originals)’] ;
[as “the lamb in front of his shearers” theme ;
the ‘colourful coat of Joseph’ also comes to mind] 

Wenn sie vor dem mit Gewand und Erbstücken bedeckten, die Opfergabe, gefaßt, voraus führen,
so geht der allfarbige Bock meckernd, willig voran zu Indra´s und Pusan´s lieber Zuflucht.
3 Dear to all Gods, this goat, the share of Pūṣan, is first led forward with the vigorous Courser,
While Tvaṣṭar sends him forward with the Charger, acceptable for sacrifice, to glory.

3 [all you gods] ,
[this] – [male goat (=Original)] ,
[‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] , [the portion] – of [PuSan , ‘keeper of the flock’] ,
[was being guided] – [in front of] – [the horse (=torture-object’)] ;
[tvaSTR = KHEPER , ‘transformation’] – [famously] – [caused to move]      +
[the victim (arvat)] – [for the beloved] – [abundant sacrifice] ;
[last line is wrong , from his point of view :
the Originals could’t bear the displeasure of God resounding in their Original
(see also log of yesterday) , certainly not as Kheper’s doing ;
2) the theme of “less Originals being born from the birth-construct” is related here ,
In the chapter where is said “where once were 40 , now are 20” (paraphrased) ]   

Dieser Ziegenbock, für alle Götter bestimmt, wird mit dem siegesgewohnten Roß vorausgeführt
als Anteil des Pusan. Wenn sie den Bock als willkommnes Voropfer mit dem Rennpferd führen,
so ermuntert ihn Tvastri zu rühmlichem Werke.
4 When thrice the men lead round the Steed, in order, who goeth to the Gods as meet oblation,
The goat precedeth him, the share of Pūṣan, and to the Gods the sacrifice announceth.

4 [when] – [they go] – [(the way) leading to the gods] – [at the proper time] ,
[the men] – [guide] (them) – [thrice] – [around] – [the horse (=matrix torture-instrument)] ;
[in this way] – !goes) [the main] – [share] – of [PuSan , ‘the keeper of flock’ (=Originals)] ,
and – [the sacrifice] – of [the goat (ajo)]– [is announced] – [to the gods] ;
[there is “an oath which the Originals make (to their realm)”
after they had gone to the north ( ez. 17)  —
this must be directly related to the ‘not bearing the reproach in their body’ ;
2) this “going around” may be that oath , since ‘revolving’ is a serpent-theme ;
replayed in that awful religion where the slaves circle around their idol , in Mecca ;
conform the theme of the Egyptian Apis-bull [glyph H’EP] , before he was killed ,
as the origin of today’s ‘matador’ practices]

Wenn die Menschen das zum Opfer bestimmte Roß dreimal der Reihe nach den Götterweg
herumführen, so geht dabei der Opferanteil des Pusan voran, der Bock, der den Göttern das

Opfer meldet.
5 Invoker, ministering priest, atoner, fire-kindler Soma-presser, sage, reciter,
With this well ordered sacrifice, well finished, do ye fill full the channels of the rivers.

5 [hotri , ‘the offering priest’ (+?) ] – [âvaya , ‘youthfulness’?] ,
[agni-mindha , ‘the burning flame’] , [the pressing-stone-holder] ,           [=’all as constructs’]
and – the invoker – [very learned in sacred knowledge] :
[with] – [the well-prepared (=noise-prepared)] – [sacrifice] , [properly offered] ,
[you should fill yourselves] – with [refreshment] ;
[those constructs are not diirectly physicality-related ,
but “the sacrifice is the material for them building their reality” ; see below]

Der Hotri, Adhvaryu, der Avayaj, der Agnimindha (Feueranzünder), Gravagrabha (Preßsteinhalter)
und der redegewandte Samstri (Vortrager), – füllet ihr mit diesem wohlbereiteten, wohlgeopferten
Opfer eure Bäuche!

6 The hewers of the post and those who carry it, and those who carve the knob to deck the
Horse’s stake; Those who prepare the cooking-vessels for the Steed,—
may the approving help of these promote our work.

6 [the sacrificial post for to slay] – [which is] – [the bearing-sacrificial-post] ,
[the wooden ring atop of sacrificial post] – [which] – is at [the sacrificial pole of the horse] ,
(which) [fashions by chiseling] ;
(these) [which] are – [the pleasing] – [instruments for cooking] , [brought together] ,
[these] – [must advance] – [with – our – approval] ;
[the analogy with the crucifixion approaches ;
we don’t know what means “the ring atop of the pole”]

Die Pfostenhauer und Pfostenträger und die den Knauf für den Rosspfosten zimmern,
und die für das Rennpferd das Kochgerät zusammentragen, auch deren Beifall soll uns fördern.
7 Forth, for the regions of the Gods, the Charger with his smooth back is come my prayer attends
him. In him rejoice the singers and the sages. A good friend have we won for the Gods’ banquet.

7 [my] – [good prayer] – [to give] – [wisdom] ,
[before] – (being) [directed forward]  [=’the victim is directed’] ,
[the straight-backed one (=bound to the stake?)] – (as) [the food] – for [the gods] ,
[you gods] , [the learned] – [rshis (=class of spirits)] – [are excited] ,
[the well-fed one (=physically pretty)] – [we must make] – [the well-bound one] ;
[the ‘well-fed’ ,
is described in Zechariah 11 as “fat”, of the Originals ;
there is a possibility , that it reads “the one with the pleasant backside”,
hinting at “impaling”, since the torture-construct is called ‘a horse’… —
but we are very careful to not interpret the torture wrongly … ]

Er ist in die Gefilde der Götter eingegangen, der gradrückige Renner – ein schönes Gedicht ist von
mir gemacht. Die redekundigen Rishi´s jubeln ihm nach. Wir haben ihn zu einem guten Genossen
im Gestüte der Götter gemacht.
8 May the fleet Courser’s halter and his heel-ropes, the head-stall and the girths and cords about him.
And the grass put within his mouth to bait him,—among the Gods, too, let all these be with thee.

8 [then] (is) – [the fetter] – for [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
[(the heel?-) fetters] – for [the victim (arvat)] ,
[the strap] – [being at the head] , (as?) [the cord (king-related?)] – for [him] :
[then] – [pasture grass?] – [is placed in] – (his) [mouth] ,
(so?) [all] – [your (!)] – [straw (of the victim ; TRNa, useless)] – (will be?) [for] – [the gods?] ;
[we don’t understand the concept here ,
why the victim “to eat their type grass”, as a type essence ;
yet this must be related to “the fly” in next section ;
2) said to the Ishral-virgin : “I will get back My wool and my flax” ,
yet it’s difficult to say what can be these aspects (of physicality) ;
we know how “them spirits will be pulverized like chaff” so there must be a relation —
3) that in return , Nebuchadnessar (representing Thoth !) ate grass , must be related]

Halfter und Fessel des siegesgewohnten Rennpferdes, der Zaum am Kopf, sein Seil, oder das Gras, das
in sein Maul gesteckt ward, all das von dir soll bei den Göttern sein!

9 What part of the Steed’s flesh the fly hath eaten, or is left sticking to the post or hatchet,
Or to the slayer’s hands and nails adhereth,—among the Gods, too, may all this be with thee.

[it seems that ‘the fly’ eats the victim’s inside :]
9 [what] – [the fly  (‘feeding upon eden’) eats] – of [the flesh] – of [the victim (arvat)] ,
[or] – [all] – [what – sticks to] – [the axe] ;   +
[or] – (to) [the hands] – of [the killer of the victim] , [even] – (to) [his nails] :
[all] – of [you] – [it] (is) – [for] – [the gods] ;
[considered the context ,
this ‘fly’ must be INside the victim , following upon the feeding the grass ;
we have but 1 lead here – as glyph ÃFF , ‘fly’ ,
but it’s hard for us to can even conceive what must be going on here…]

Was die Fliege von dem Fleisch des Rosses gefressen hat, oder was am Pfosten und am Beil
kleben bleibt, was an den Händen des Zurichters, was an seinen Nägeln, all das von dir soll bei
den Göttern sein!
10 Food undigested streaming from his belly, and any odour of raw flesh remaining,
This let the immolators set in order and dress the sacrifice with perfect cooking.

[then] – [the inward parts?] – [stream + out + (his) belly] ,
[the smell] – of [his] – [raw] – [flesh] ;
[to make good] – [that] (what) – [the killer of the victim] – [made to cut-off] ,
[they must cook] – [the juice of the meat (of victim)] , [thoroughly cooked] ;
[we don’t know if “contents stream out of the covering”,
or “out of the Original himself”  (which is perhaps the same thing) ;
see Ezekiel 24 , “our Originals in the cauldron” –
let’s hope that after posting this , that cauldron will explode – as written there]

Der Speiserest in seinem Leib, der ausdünstet, der Geruch seines rohen Fleisches,
das alles sollen die Zurichter zurecht machen und sie sollen das Opfertier gar kochen.
11 What from thy body which with fire is roasted, when thou art set upon the spit, distilleth,
Let not that lie on earth or grass neglected, but to the longing Gods let all be offered.

[then] – [your] – [limb (=must be ‘torso’)] – [is roasted] – in [the fire] ,
[destroyed + by + being placed] – [on] – [the spit] ;
[to build] – [the (matrix-) land] – by [it] ,
[to build (it)] – (by?) [the remained?] – [straw (TRNa, uselessness)] :            [<<< unsure]
[he (=the victim) – willingly bestowed] – [it] – to [the gods] ;  
[compare previous lines ,
where the sacrifice was also for ‘the fire and pressingstone’ ;
also glyphs know the S-prefix “something made (by using the adamite-soul)” ;
the term -mã as verb is ‘to build, measure, etc’ ; or ‘my’ , but not ‘not’ (=na) ]

Was von deinem am Feuer gebratenen Körperteil abrinnt, wenn du an den Spieß gesteckt bist, das soll
nicht auf den Boden, nicht an den Gräsern hängen bleiben.
Den verlangenden Göttern soll das
gespendet sein!

12 They who observing that the Horse is ready call out and say, the smell is good; remove it;
And, craving meat, await the distribution,—may their approving help promote labour.

12 (they) (=spirits) [who] – [observe] – [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] – [is ready cooked] ,
[who] – [say] :
(it) [smells fragrant] – to [us] , [take him away] ;
[the ones (=spirits?) begging for flesh as alms] – [waited] – [the delicacy] – (for them) ,
[it] – is [the famous] – [refreshment] – for [us] ;
[same theme as the ovens in spells ,
and the three young men in the oven in Daniel]

Die das Streitroß, wenn es gar ist, prüfen, die sagen: es duftet schön, nimm es weg! – und die auf
ein Fleischalmosen von dem Rennpferd warten, auch deren Zustimmung soll uns fördern.
13 The trial-fork of the flesh-cooking caldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled,
The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,—all these attend the Charger.

13 [the stick for stirring the cauldron] ,
[the cooking instruments for the broth-juice] ,
[the cauldron] , [the bowls as receptacles] , [the .. ?] ,
[the vessel for containing fluids] ;
[the steaming-hot cauldron-lid] , [the preparing-vessel] , [the hooks (RV VI,15)] ,
[the weaving-poles (see amtuat VIII)] ,
(being) [around] – [the horse (‘as torture-construct’)] – [seeking to gain (the victim’s body)] ;
[in prophets , these area’s are ‘Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron’ etc]
Das Prüfstäbchen des Fleischkochtopfes, die Schalen zum Eingießen der Brühe,
die dampfenden Deckel der Kessel, Haken, Fleischteller warten auf das Roß
14 The starting-place, his place of rest and rolling, the ropes wherewith the Charger’s feet were fastened,
The water that he drank, the food he tasted,—among the Gods, too, may all these attend thee.

14 [the place trampling-place] , [as] – [the revolving] – [dwellingplace] ;
[the fetter for the feet] – of [the victim  (arvat)] ;
[what]  – [he drank] – and [the pasture-grass] – [what] – [he has consumed] ,
[all] – of [you (!)] – [it] (is) – [for] – [the gods] ;
[the ‘revolving’ is the serpent-concept]
Worauf es schreitet, sich niederläßt, sich wälzt, und die Fußfessel des Rennpferdes,
was es getrunken und an Futter gefressen hat, all das soll von dir bei den Göttern sein.
15 Let not the fire, smoke-scented, make thee crackle, nor glowing caldron smell and break to pieces.
Offered, beloved, approved, and consecrated,—such Charger do the Gods accept with favour.

15 [my] – [(agni-) fire] ,
[smelling of smoke] , as [the extinguished] – [energy (by eden)] , 
[the separate] – [shining one] – [sprinkles about] ;
[the cherished one] , [the pleasant one] – [the agreeable one] :                    [tricky lines]
[(the garment-body) being made under loud shouting] ,
[by] (what) – [the horse (‘the torture device’)] – [seized] – for [the gods] ;   +
[the ‘made unde loud shouring’ (vaSaTkRTa)
has in scripture the equivalent “treading grapes with shouting” , to produce something ;
here the -vaSa is linked to -vâSa , ‘garment-body’, see next line ;
2) the “executioner for Osiris” is -SHESMU ‘the winepress-god , but we can’t link that to ‘horse’ yet]

Nicht soll dich das nach Rauch riechende Feuer räuchern, nicht soll der glühende Topf verspritzend
überwallen. Das geweihte, angebotenen, gebilligte, mit Vasat gesegnete Roß nehmen die Götter in Empfang.

16 The robe they spread upon the Horse to clothe him, the upper covering and the golden trappings,
The halters which restrain the Steed, the heel-ropes,—all these, as grateful to the Gods, they offer.

16 [the garment] – [they spread out + over] – [the horse]   [=with the victim upon it] ,
(as?) [the above garment] – with? [the golden (trappings?, things?)] ;
[the fetter (cutting and dividing)] – for [the victim – arvat] ,
(as?) [the fetter for the feet] – , [dear] – to [the gods] ,
[as the ones (=trappings and garment?) approaching the sacrifice ?] ;
[it’s not clear what this … procedure is about ;
Das Gewand das sie dem Pferde unterlegen, das Obergewand, die Goldsachen, die sie ihm unterlegen,
die Fessel, die Fußfessel, diese lieben Sachen sollen den Renner bei den Göttern festhalten.

17 If one, when seated, with excessive urging hath with his heel or with his whip distressed thee,
All these thy woes, as with the oblations’ ladle at sacrifices, with my prayer I banish.

17 [when] – [you] – [ride (the horse)] ,
[the well-made] – [mighty one (by eden)] ,
[the whip] – [will have stung] – (your?) [heel] ;
[you] – [the burnt offering] , (by?) [the sacrificial spoon] ,
[all] – of [you] – [is injured , caused to fall (backwards?)] – in? [the well of Yama?] – of [spells?] ;
[each line more difficult …
– what is with ‘the heel’ ? why the serpent in Genesis “bites the heel”,
as well as “Dan does – so that the horse will fall backwards” ..?
we don’t know what this sacrificial spoon represents but ‘well’ and ‘spoon’ could link ,
if the well is a place for making physicality
(spoon is for ‘fat’ = eden-physicality , and with the spoon butter was thrown into the fire) ;
it’s true that also ‘well’ is but by conjection]

Wenn man dich beim Reiten durch übermäßiges Hetzen oder mit der Ferse oder der Peitsche
angespornt hat, all das mache ich dir mit einem Segen wieder gut, wie mit einem Löffel Opferspeise
die Fehler im Gottesdienst.

18 The four-and-thirty ribs of the. Swift Charger, kin to the Gods, the slayer’s hatchet pierces.
Cut ye with skill, so that the parts be flawless, and piece by piece declaring them dissect them.

18 [the axe] – of [the horse (=torture-device)] – (is?) [at?]      +
[the thirty-four] – [ribs] – of [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
as? [the divine bonds (deva-bandha)] ;
[in the manner] – [to make to cut-off] – [flawlessly?] – [the limbs  (=as those ribs?)] :
[‘piece by piece’] – [name aloud] – [the separated ones] ;
[the only thing we can think of here ,
is like “the enveloping sphere which all 144,000 will gird themselves in” + see next line]

Auf vierunddreißig Rippen des göttergesellten Streitrosses trifft das Beil. Richtet die Körperteile
unverletzt her, zerleget sie Glied für Glied der Reihe nach ausrufend!

19 Of Tvaṣṭar’s Charger there is one dissector,—this is the custom-two there are who guide him.
Such of his limbs as I divide in order, these, amid the balls, in fire I offer.

19 [the one] – [horse (=torture-construct)] – of [tvaSTR , KHEPER] – [dissects] ,
[the two] – [establishers] – [both are] – [confirming] – [the fixed order] ;
(in) [which] – [your] – [the limbs] – in [fixed order] – [are made to cut-off] ,
[these] – [spheres] – [in front] – [I offer] – to [the fire] ;
[so “the enveloping sphere is taken off the victims during the horse” ? ,
and now their protection is carefully destroyed ..?]

Einer ist der Zerleger des Rosses des Tvastri, zwei sind es, die es halten. So ist das richtige Verhältnis.
So viele deiner Körperteile ich nach der Reihenfolge herrichte, so viele Klöße opfere ich ins Feuer.

20 Let not thy dear soul burn thee as thou comest, let not the hatchet linger in thy body.
Let not a greedy clumsy immolator, missing the joints, mangle thy limbs unduly.

[closing :]
20 [I am] – [the beloved] – [dear (matrix-) soul] , (by) [your] – [suffering (or ‘radiated heat’)] ,
(by) [the axe] – [I am] – [the (matrix-) body (tanv)] , [by] – [your] – [lasting damage] ;
[I am] – [your] – [greedily desirous] – [murderer] ,
of [the torn asunder] – [limbs] – (which) [the sword (eden-construct?)] – [falsely] – [made] ;
[the ‘sword’ : very unusual term here ;
considered the theme , “the pillar of fire (of the tabernacle)” as the sword is possible]

Nicht soll dich das liebe Leben schmerzen, wenn du eingehst; nicht soll das Beil deinem Körper
dauernden Schaden tun. Nicht soll ein gieriger, unerfahrener Zerleger mit dem Hackmesser
ausgleitend die zerschnittenen Glieder falsch behandeln

21 No, here thou diest not, thou art not injured: by easy paths unto the Gods thou goest.
Both Bays, both spotted mares are now thy fellows, and to the ass’s pole is yoked the Charger.

21 [this] (is) – [not] – [the death] – of [you] , [nor] – [a perishing] ,  
[these] – [are] – [the easy] – [paths] – of [the gods] ;
[the yellow-greenish ones] – are [your] – [company?] ,
[you all have become?] – [the speckled ones     (cows,mares, the animals the maruts ride)] :
[‘the covering of the Original-goat’] – [is exposed to?] – [the yoke] – of? [the (male?) donkey] ;
[we had this theme , Isaiah 21 ,
about “the separate donkey-chariot (hebr. -chmur) but yoked to the eden-athon one ,
forming a third “chariot for making the matrix-type-man” ,
but this matrix-construct will “be flung beyond the gates of Jerusalem”, Jer. 22  —
however , it is very difficult to imagine their positioning in above line ,
the term as -upâstha , a contraction , while -uphastâ is ‘stand next to, exposed to’]
2) we do not know ,
how this all relates to “our soul being separated from the Original” ;
if this is the same theme , or if there is still another stage]

Wahrlich, nicht stirbst du dabei, nicht nimmst du Schaden. Zu den Göttern gehst du auf gangbaren
Wegen. Die beiden Falben, die beiden Schecken sind deine Jochgenossen geworden; das Streitroß
ward an die Deichsel des Esels eingestellt.

22 May this Steed bring us all-sustaining riches, wealth in good kine, good horses, manly offspring.
Freedom from sin may Aditi vouchsafe us: the Steed with our oblations gain us lordship!

22 [our] – [good dual-essence] , by [‘the covering of the Original (as goat)’] ,
for [good – horses (=personal-physical-construct)] – of [(matrix-) men] ,
[as] – [all-nourishing?] – [riches] ;
[innocence] – [Aditi (=matrix-construct)] – [must make] – for [us] :
[dominion] – by [our] – [acquired] – [horse (=personal-physical-construct)] , [containing oblation] .
Schöne Rinder und schöne Rosse, männliche Kinder und allnährenden Besitz soll uns das
siegesgewohnte Roß bringen. Schuldlosigkeit soll uns Aditi erwirken. Die Herrschaft soll uns das von
Opfergaben begleitete Roß erringen!

[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
1-4 :

  • =vâjinswift, spirited, impetuous, heroic, warlike, etc (with ratha as war-chariot;superl.
    strong, manly, procreative, potent’ RV ; the steed of a war-chariot ; plural “the Coursers”,
    a class of divine beings ; (into -vâjina ‘contest’ ) ; a-vajin ‘a bad horse’ RV (see nr) ;
    2) if -vâjina is “contest, lot, destiny” then this is the borrowed “30 (34) construct” ? ;
    (see III , 53, 23) ;
    3) contraction of va+aja ; -aja as ‘goat’ in RV , also ‘the goats of PuSan [‘flock keeper’] ,
    so ‘the goat having the -va’ , as chariot , “a physical eden-covering for the Original’ ;
  • =vakS ‘increase, grow strong’ RV ;
  • =vidatha, sec plur pres of -vid ;
  • =vîra, ‘manchild, manly, man’ RV (must be by eden) ;
  • =nirNij, ‘shining garment’ RV (or verb ‘to adorn oneself’) , eden -nir ;
  • =râti, 3d sing pres -râ ‘to give willing, surrender, etc’ RV (very unusual) ;
  • =mukhato = mukhatas ? ‘in front, from before’ RV ;
  • =suprâN+c ‘going straight forward’ RV ;
  • =pûSan, ‘keeper of flocks’ ? ;
  • =pur+sacrifice, -pur only as ‘abundant’ 1x RV ;
  • =arvat, ‘a courser ; running ; part of a sacrifice’ RV (see numbers) ; -arvatî ‘a mare’ RV ;
    this will go to the Apis-bull (H’EP) , running in an arena before killed ? ;
  • =jinvati, 3d sing pres -jinv ‘to move one’s self, be active or lively, to urge on, cause to move
    quickly, impel, incite, to refresh, animate; to promote, help, favour ; to help any one
    (accusative) to anything (dative case) ; to receive favourably (prayers or devotion)’ RV ;
    jinvat ‘to refresh, animate, promote, further’ RV ;
  • =dha+viSa ? viSa ‘servant, attendant’ RV ;
  • =pari ‘fully, richly ; against, opposite, towards, direction ; from, away, out of’RV ;
    also ‘round, around, round about’
  • =atra ‘food; a devourer’ RV ‘in this place, here at this time, there, then, in this way’ ;


  • =vakSaNa ‘refreshing, refreshment ; the sides, flank ; bed of a river’ RV ;
  • =pRNa, 2d sing pres imper (=must) of -pR+ ‘nourish, to fill with, etc’ RV ;
  • =yûpa, ‘a smooth post or stake to which the sacrificial victim is fastened’ RV (see number) ;
    the -vraska has no root – vra’sc ‘cut off or down or cleave hew, etc’ ;
  • =ya , who, which’ RV ;
  • =caSâla ‘a wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post’ RV (here) ;
  • =takSati, 3d sing pres -takS ‘chisel, chop, form, create’ RV ;
  • =teSâm = tad ;
  • =invatu, 3d sing pres imp (=must) of -invto advance upon, press upon, drive ; to infuse strength,
    invigorate, gladden ; to use force, force ; to drive away ; to keep back, remove ; to have
    in one’s power, take possession of, pervade ; to be lord or master of anything,
    have the disposal of’ RV ;
  • =prâgât , from -prâg = praN+c ? ‘east, eastern ; directed forwards or towards, being in front,
    facing, opposite, to make straight, prepare or clear [a path], advance, promote, further’ RV ;
  • =suman ; no root -suma ; su+ma ? ;
  • =â’sa , (1,3) sing paradigm (=can) perf of -a‘s ‘reach, arrive, get, gain ; eat, consume’ ã’s=reach) ;
  • =vîtapRSTha ‘straight-backed (as a horse)’ RV ; -vîta ‘pleasant, straight, smooth’ RV ‘
    pRSTha the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything ;
    the upper side, surface, top, height’ RV ;
    madantî ‘bubbling or boiling water’ RV ;
  • =cakRma, 1st plur tense paradigm perf -kR ;


  • =dâman ‘donor, giver ; fetter ; allotment, share, gift’ RV ;
  • =saMdâna ‘a fetter’ RV
  • =ra’sanâ ‘zone, girdle, girth (of a woman)’ RV ;
  • =ghâsa ‘pasture grass’ RV ; no other root ; – ghasa ‘to devour ; a rakSa (eden-guard?)’ RV ;
  • =makSikâ ‘a fly, a bee’ RV ; -makSa ‘a fly’ RV (see numbers) , flyph ÃFF ;
  • =svara ‘noise’ ; ‘abode of the gods, light, etc’ ;
  • =svadhiti, ‘an axe’ RV ;
  • =’samitR ‘a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim)’ RV ;
  • =ûvadhya = ûbadhya RV (here) , unclear root “something to give’ -dha  ; does that make sense ? ;
  • =udara ‘belly’ RV + out + -pû ‘flow, stream, etc’ RV ;
  • =âma, ‘raw’ RV ;
  • =pacantu, 3d plur pres imp -pac ‘to cook, bake, etc’ RV ;


  • =gâtra, ‘limb of member of the body’ RV (diff as aN+g) ;
  • =’sûla ‘stake, spit’ RV , why –‘s ? ;
  • =nihata ‘hurled,thrown ; destroyed, etc’ RV + out + placed (dhâ)  ;
  • =’sriSan , ‘srisa, sriSa , not located ;
  • =mâMsabhikSâ ‘begging for flesh as alms’ RV ;
  • =nîkSana ‘stick or ladle for stirring a cauldron’ RV ;
  • =yûSNa , not located , yet lists -yûSan (weak case) ‘indian mulberry tree’ RV ;
  • =âsecana ‘vessel for fluids’ RV ;
  • =ûSmanya ‘steaming-hot’ RV           +pidhâna ‘covering, lid’ no RV ;
  • =sûnâ , ‘related tot o weave’ RV ; per spells as ‘weaving-pole’ see amtuat VIII ;
  • =bhûS ‘seek to gain, strive after’ RV , into “decoration’ as body ;
  • =nikramaNa ‘putting down the feet, footstep, footfall’ RV (trampling-down, feet-trap?) ;
  • =paDbiSa ‘a fetter foor the feet’ RV ;
  • =dhvanayît ,  ‘covered, extinguished (as anger) ; darken, wrap up, envelop’ RV
  • =mokha = makha ? ‘energy, alive ; feast, festivity’ RV ;
  • =vikta ‘separate’ ? ; -pravikta ‘trembling’ RV see -vic ‘to separate, sift’ RV ;


  • =pârSNya, as -pârSNi ‘heel’ RV ;
  • =tutoda (1st,3d) sing tense parad perf -tud ‘strike, goad, bruise, sting, vex’ RV ;
  • =sruc ‘a sort of large wooden ladle (used for pouring clarified butter on a sacrificial fire’ RV ;
  • =haviSa , havis ‘a burnt offering’ RV ;
  • =adhvareSu = adhvara ? ; aorist of dhvR ‘to injure, tob end, cause to fall, hurt’ RV ? ;
  • =sûdayâmi , sûdana ‘putting in order’ RV but this is -sûda + yami ; s^da ‘a well’ RV + Yami or Yama ;
    or -yAmi can be 1st pres of -yã ;
  • =vaN+kri ‘a rib’ RV ;
  • =achidra , not located ;
  • =vayunâ ‘mark, aim, goal (?)’ RV ; root -vayuna ‘a path (as in manner, custom) ; brightness’ RV ;
  • =anughuS, ‘to name aloud’ RV ;


  • =vi’sasta, either ‘praised, celebrated or cut-up, dissected’, no RV ;
  • =yanter, to yantR, ‘establishing, granting, charioteer, manager, ruler’’ RV ;
  • =tatha, tathâ ‘yes’ RV (affirmative) ;
  • =piNDa ‘any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece’ RV ;
  • =tap ‘to give out heat, be hot, to suffer or feel pain, to consume by heat’ RV ;
  • =tiSThipat, can’t locate root ;
  • =chidra ‘torn asunder ; pierced, containing holes’ RV ;
  • =asinâ , fr asi ‘sword, hatchet’  ;
  • =miriyase , 2nd pres imper -mR ;
  • =yun+ya, not located ; appointed to ?
  • =abhûta, 2nd plur tense paradigm aorist -bhû ; not passive ;
  • =upa+asthan ‘bones’ ;
  • =râsabha ‘donkey, ass’ RV (seems masculine) ;
  • =puMs, ‘man, male being’ RV (soul or spirit of man, MH) ;
  • =haviSmat ‘possessing or offering an oblation, containing oblation’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

06.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report