RV X , 146 [FULL] (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)
(themes : if we compare the used roots , then ‘the forest’ must have ‘followed the mother who went north’ : the first line tells how she wandered-off (see RV X , 17 ; and there are two chapters in index about this) , and ‘the forest’ appears to relate to ‘sustaining the physicality which she births’ – here is used “a scream when a tree is cut-off” , and compare that with Isaiah 14 ! ; in other chapters she will be termed ‘a deer’ ; the ‘forest’ theme linked to -Lebanon and -foilage (wool) – per context this forest must be upon their dimensional (birth-) axis , Zech. 11 ; links to : Isaiah 14 (Thoth cutting trees) , Zechariah 11 (Lebanon forest) , Hosea 2 , where she is linked to ‘My wool and flax’ ; two chapters about the virgin now in their north ; (there is a vivid dream about this beauty in a log few months ago) ; |
RV X , 146 (the eden-mother – virgin-Ishral – in the forest north)
1. GODDESS of wild and forest who seemest to vanish from the sight.
How is it that thou seekest not the village? Art thou not afraid?
[‘woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] , [=’used term : -araNya ; eden’s’]
[‘woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] ,
[fluttering] [you] – [run away] : [=’virgin now in ÁNT-valley (see index)’]
[why?] – [you ask] – us – (about) [the abode (of the matrix-race)] ,
do [you] – [not] – [fear] – [you are seized?] ; [tricky chapter and grammar]
[see also X , 17 for ‘the mommy’]
Frau des Waldes, Frau des Waldes! Heda, die du fast verschwunden bist!
Wie kommt es, daß du nicht nach dem Dorfe fragst? Überfällt´s dich nie wie Furcht?
2 What time the grasshopper replies and swells the shrill cicala’s voice,
Seeming to sound with tinkling bells, the Lady of the Wood exults.
[the thundering rain] – [utters] – [the bird (as the woman?) ?] – [to be brought near?] ;
[towards the sistrum?] – as [the purifying one] ,
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] – [is made great] ;
[we don’t know yet what is the ‘sistrum’ concept , also as Hathor’s instrument]
Wann die Zirpe die singende Grille begleitet, fühlt sich die Frau des Waldes geehrt
wie einer der unter Zimbelklängen ausfährt
3 And, yonder, cattle seem to graze, what seems a dwelling-place appears:
Or else at eve the Lady of the Forest seems to free the wains.
[and] – [cattle,essence] – [graze?] , [<< likely ‘essence’ + untracable verb]
and [an abode (=?)] – [becomes visable] ;
when – in the evening – [‘the woman of the distand-land (-forest)’] – [loosens] – [the foulness] ;
[that sounds weird ,
but as another term for “the eden-aspects for to make Originals” ;
there are many glyphs , like ‘foulness’ , H’UAT , all denoting eden-aspects for physicality]
Und es ist, als ob Kühe fressen, und man glaubt ein Haus zu sehen,
und die Frau des Waldes knarrt abends wie ein Lastwagen
4 Here one is calling to his cow, another there hath felled a tree:
At eve the dweller in the wood fancies that somebody hath screamed.
4 [one (-spirit)] – [invokes] – [the dual-essence] , [=’feeding the trees , likely’]
[the other] – slays , after (that) – the wood ; [=’per context wood must be eden’s’]
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] – [in the matrix-forest] +
[imagines] – [a scream] – [in the evening] ; [=’of that slain tree….’]
[how strange lines … [correct verse]
the bizarre line “’no feller has come up against us” from Isaiah 14 must be about this –
there is a relation between “the Original , not having a skeleton” and ‘a tree’ ,
which them spirits kill (and belongs to ‘an’ Original …?) ,
but we fail to understand that concept]
Da ruft wahrhaftig einer seine Kuh, da hat wahrhaftig einer Holz gefällt.
Wer des Abends im Walde weilt, meint, es habe einer um Hilfe geschrieen
5 The Goddess never slays, unless some murderous enemy approach.
Man eats of savoury fruit and then takes, even as he wills, his rest.
[‘the woman as the distant-land (-forest)’] – [does not kill] , [=’she cóuld ; RV’]
[when] – the other – [will not come?] ; [=’who? , the crop-field Karmel?’]
[sweet] – [fruit] – [is eaten] , [=’as growing in that forest – other chapter’]
[as one likes] , (and) [it does not perish] ; [=’forest = linked to pool for physicality’]
Die Frau des Waldes tötet ja nicht, wenn nicht ein anderer nahe kommt.
Man ißt süße Frucht und legt sich nach Wunsch nieder.
6 Now have I praised the Forest Queen, sweet-scented, redolent of balm,
The Mother of all sylvan things, who tills not but hath stores of food.
[having the smell of ointment] – [pleasing] ,
[rich in food] , [un-cultivated] : [=’the un-cultivated is typically eden’]
now I have praised – [the deer (‘Ishral-virgin’) ] – as [the mother] ,
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] .
[un-cultivated is in glyphs ‘dishevelled’ (as of long curls) , as eden-concept]
Nach Salbe riechend, duftig, speisereich auch ohne Pflügen: diese Mutter des Wildes,
die Frau des Waldes habe ich jetzt gepriesen.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=araNya ‘foreign or distant land’ RV ; technically NOT ‘forest’ in RV but in Ramayana ;
into -ûrnâ ‘wool’ RV (wooley-foilage of scripture..? , foiliage is hebr. -aph) ;
=preva is -prava ? ‘fluttering, hovering’ RV , from -pru ;
=na’syasi , 2nd sing present of -na’s ‘reach, attain, meet with, find’ RV ; ‘ be lost, perish,
disappear, be gone, run away, to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove’RV ;
=katha , linked to -kim cluster ‘how, what, etc’ ;
=grâma ‘inhabitants, race’ RV (here) ; ‘hamlet, village, etc’ RV ;
=pRchasi , root -prach ’ to seek, wish, long for ; to ask, demand, beg, entreat’ RV ; to ask,
question, interrogate’ RV ; the -na must be “us” not “not” ;
=bhîr , from bhîru ? ‘fearful, timid, cowardly, afraid of’ RV ;
=vid root , 3d present ,‘come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to find, discover, meet or fall in with,
obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess’ RV ;
=vRSâraravâya , composition , vRS ‘to rain, rain down’ RV ; +rava ‘a roar, yell, cry, howl
(of animals, wild beasts etc.)’ RV , ‘thunder’ RV ;
=vadate, third sing pres -vad ‘speak, say, utter, etc’ ;
=dhâvayann , second single present -dhâv ‘to run, flow, stream, move, glide, swim’ RV ,
‘to rinse, cleanse, wash, purify, polish, make bright’ RV , is a noun ;
=ciccika ‘kind of bird’ RV (1x, here) ; from -ci ‘detest, hate, punish, revenge’ RV ? , ci ‘observe’ ? ;
=âghâTi ‘cymbal or rattle’ RV (here) , unusual ; sistrum , as Hathor’s ? ; tabrets + pipes ? ;
=mahîyate, first sing pres -mahî ; mahî ‘space ; host, army ; heaven and earth’ RV , eden -ma ;
=gâva first dual present -gâ ‘to go’;
=ivâdanty, can’t trace root, neither with ‘graze’ ;
=dR’syate, passive -dR’s ‘to be seen, become visible, appear’ RV ;
=ve’sman, ‘a house, dwelling, mansion, abode, apartment’ RV ;
=sâyam ‘evening’ RV ;
=’sakaTî, ‘waggon, cart’ RV (here) , red flag ; -‘sakamaya ‘consisting or arising from excrement’ RV ,
the -maya as ‘eden-sorcery’, -‘sakapûta ‘purified with cow-dung, writer of X,32’ RV ;
=sarjati ‘to rattle, creek’ RV but red flag ; root -sRj ‘discharge, emit, etc’ RV ;
=aN+gaiSa , from aN+g ‘to mark’ ? , no RV , tricky cluster ; ‘limb’ ? ,
=hvayati, -hve ‘invoke’ cluster RV ;
=dâru ‘a piece of wood, wood, timber’ RV ; ‘breaking, splitting’ RV ;
Apa+avadhit ‘strike, destroy, kill’ ;
=akrukSad, which root ? , -utkru’s ‘to scream’ RA, no RV ; -kru’s ‘cry out, call out’ RV ;
=manyate, ‘to think of, long for, desire’ RV ; 3d sing pres -man ‘think, believe, imagine’ RV ;
=n+abhi+gâ ? , not+abhi ; -abhi ‘to,towards,in direction,against,etc ;
=phala, ‘fruit (esp of trees)’ RV (+results?) ;
=padyate, third sing passive -pad , ‘fall, fall out or down, perish’ RV ;
=aN+yanagandhi, ‘smelling of ointment’ RV (here) ;
=akRSîvala, ‘not agricultural’ RV (here) ,
=mRga ‘antelope, deer, etc’ RV , was in ‘golden deer’, eden construct ; mRga ‘name of a demon
or vRtra (=eden=tile) in the form of a deer, slain by Indra’ RV ;
parts of original text : Griffith [1896]
01.12.19 — submitted — first version — het-report