RV X , 146


RV X , 146          [FULL]          (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)

(themes : if we compare the used roots ,
then ‘the forest’ must have ‘followed the mother who went north’ :
the first line tells how she wandered-off
(see RV X , 17 ; and there are two chapters in index about this) ,
and ‘the forest’ appears to relate to ‘sustaining the physicality which
she births’ – here is used “a scream when a tree is cut-off” ,
and compare that with Isaiah 14 ! ;
in other chapters she will be termed ‘a deer’ ;
the ‘forest’ theme linked to -Lebanon and -foilage (wool) – per context
this forest must be upon their dimensional (birth-) axis , Zech. 11 ;

links to : Isaiah 14 (Thoth cutting trees) ,
Zechariah 11 (Lebanon forest) ,
Hosea 2 , where she is linked to ‘My wool and flax’ ;
two chapters about the virgin now in their north ;
(there is a vivid dream about this beauty in a log few months ago) ;

RV X , 146             (the eden-mother – virgin-Ishral – in the forest north)
1. GODDESS of wild and forest who seemest to vanish from the sight.
How is it that thou seekest not the village? Art thou not afraid?

[‘woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] ,                     [=’used term : -araNya ; eden’s’]
[‘woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] ,
[fluttering] [you] – [run away] :                       [=’virgin now in ÁNT-valley (see index)’]
[why?] – [you ask] – us – (about) [the abode (of the matrix-race)] ,
do [you] – [not] – [fear] – [you are seized?] ;                                      [tricky chapter and grammar]
[see also X , 17 for ‘the mommy’]
Frau des Waldes, Frau des Waldes! Heda, die du fast verschwunden bist!
Wie kommt es, daß du nicht nach dem Dorfe fragst? Überfällt´s dich nie wie Furcht?
2 What time the grasshopper replies and swells the shrill cicala’s voice,
Seeming to sound with tinkling bells, the Lady of the Wood exults.

[the thundering rain] – [utters] – [the bird (as the woman?) ?] – [to be brought near?] ;
[towards the sistrum?] – as [the purifying one] ,
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] – [is made great] ;
[we don’t know yet what is the ‘sistrum’ concept , also as Hathor’s instrument]
Wann die Zirpe die singende Grille begleitet, fühlt sich die Frau des Waldes geehrt
wie einer der unter Zimbelklängen ausfährt
3 And, yonder, cattle seem to graze, what seems a dwelling-place appears:
Or else at eve the Lady of the Forest seems to free the wains.

[and] – [cattle,essence] – [graze?] ,                                       [<< likely ‘essence’ + untracable verb]
and [an abode (=?)] – [becomes visable] ;
when – in  the evening – [‘the woman of the distand-land (-forest)’] – [loosens] – [the foulness] ;
[that sounds weird ,
but as another term for “the eden-aspects for to make Originals” ;
there are many glyphs , like ‘foulness’ , H’UAT , all denoting eden-aspects for physicality]

Und es ist, als ob Kühe fressen, und man glaubt ein Haus zu sehen,
und die Frau des Waldes knarrt abends wie ein Lastwagen
4 Here one is calling to his cow, another there hath felled a tree:
At eve the dweller in the wood fancies that somebody hath screamed.

4 [one (-spirit)] – [invokes] – [the dual-essence] ,                 [=’feeding the trees , likely’]             
[the other] – slays , after (that) – the wood ;       [=’per context wood must be eden’s’]
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] – [in the matrix-forest]   +
[imagines] – [a scream] – [in the evening] ;                                    [=’of that slain tree….’]
[how strange lines …                                                                                           [correct verse]
the bizarre line “’no feller has come up against us” from Isaiah 14 must be about this –
there is a relation between “the Original , not having a skeleton” and ‘a tree’ ,
which them spirits kill (and belongs to ‘an’ Original …?) ,
but we fail to understand that concept]

Da ruft wahrhaftig einer seine Kuh, da hat wahrhaftig einer Holz gefällt.
Wer des Abends im Walde weilt, meint, es habe einer um Hilfe geschrieen
5 The Goddess never slays, unless some murderous enemy approach.
Man eats of savoury fruit and then takes, even as he wills, his rest.

[‘the woman as the distant-land (-forest)’] – [does not kill] ,               
[=’she cóuld ; RV’]
[when] – the other – [will not come?] ;                           [=’who? , the crop-field Karmel?’]
[sweet] – [fruit] – [is eaten] ,                          [=’as growing in that forest – other chapter’]
[as one likes] , (and) [it does not perish] ;          [=’forest = linked to pool for physicality’]
Die Frau des Waldes tötet ja nicht, wenn nicht ein anderer nahe kommt.
Man ißt süße Frucht und legt sich nach Wunsch nieder.
6 Now have I praised the Forest Queen, sweet-scented, redolent of balm,
The Mother of all sylvan things, who tills not but hath stores of food.

[having the smell of ointment] – [pleasing] ,
[rich in food] , [un-cultivated] :                                    [=’the un-cultivated is typically eden’]
now I have praised – [the deer (‘Ishral-virgin’) ] – as [the mother] ,
[‘the woman of the distant-land (-forest)’] .
[un-cultivated is in glyphs ‘dishevelled’ (as of long curls) , as eden-concept]
Nach Salbe riechend, duftig, speisereich auch ohne Pflügen: diese Mutter des Wildes,
die Frau des Waldes habe ich jetzt gepriesen.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=araNya ‘foreign or distant land’ RV ; technically NOT ‘forest’ in RV but in Ramayana ;
          into -ûrnâ ‘wool’ RV (wooley-foilage of scripture..? , foiliage is hebr. -aph) ;
=preva is -prava ? ‘fluttering, hovering’ RV , from -pru ;
=na’syasi , 2nd sing present of -na’s ‘reach, attain, meet with, find’ RV ; ‘ be lost, perish,
          disappear, be gone, run away, to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove’RV ;
=katha , linked to -kim cluster ‘how, what, etc’ ;
=grâma ‘inhabitants, race’ RV (here) ; ‘hamlet, village, etc’ RV ;
=pRchasi , root -prach ’  to seek, wish, long for ; to ask, demand, beg, entreat’ RV ; to ask,
          question, interrogate’ RV ; the -na must be “us” not “not” ;
=bhîr , from bhîru ? ‘fearful, timid, cowardly, afraid of’ RV ;
=vid root , 3d present ,‘come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to find, discover, meet or fall in with,
          obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess’ RV ;
=vRSâraravâya , composition , vRS ‘to rain, rain down’ RV ; +rava ‘a roar, yell, cry, howl
          (of animals, wild beasts etc.)’ RV , ‘thunder’ RV ;
=vadate, third sing pres -vad ‘speak, say, utter, etc’ ;
=dhâvayann , second single present -dhâv ‘to run, flow, stream, move, glide, swim’ RV ,
          ‘to rinse, cleanse, wash, purify, polish, make bright’ RV , is a noun ;
=ciccika ‘kind of bird’ RV (1x, here) ; from -ci ‘detest, hate, punish, revenge’ RV ? , ci ‘observe’ ? ;
=âghâTi ‘cymbal or rattle’ RV (here) , unusual ; sistrum , as Hathor’s ? ; tabrets + pipes ? ;
=mahîyate, first sing pres -mahî ; mahî ‘space ; host, army ; heaven and earth’ RV , eden -ma ;
=gâva first dual present -gâ ‘to go’;
=ivâdanty, can’t trace root, neither with ‘graze’ ;
=dR’syate, passive -dR’s ‘to be seen, become visible, appear’ RV ;
=ve’sman, ‘a house, dwelling, mansion, abode, apartment’ RV ;
=sâyam ‘evening’ RV ;
=’sakaTî, ‘waggon, cart’ RV (here) , red flag ; -‘sakamaya ‘consisting or arising from excrement’ RV ,
          the -maya as ‘eden-sorcery’, -‘sakapûta ‘purified with cow-dung, writer of X,32’ RV ;
=sarjati ‘to rattle, creek’ RV but red flag ; root -sRj ‘discharge, emit, etc’ RV ;
=aN+gaiSa , from aN+g ‘to mark’ ? , no RV , tricky cluster ; ‘limb’ ? ,
=hvayati, -hve ‘invoke’ cluster RV ;
=dâru ‘a piece of wood, wood, timber’ RV ; ‘breaking, splitting’ RV ;
Apa+avadhit ‘strike, destroy, kill’ ;
=akrukSad, which root ? , -utkru’s ‘to scream’ RA, no RV ; -kru’s ‘cry out, call out’ RV ;
=manyate, ‘to think of, long for, desire’ RV ; 3d sing pres -man ‘think, believe, imagine’ RV ;
=n+abhi+gâ ? , not+abhi ; -abhi ‘to,towards,in direction,against,etc ;
=phala, ‘fruit (esp of trees)’ RV (+results?) ;
=padyate, third sing passive -pad , ‘fall, fall out or down, perish’ RV ;
=aN+yanagandhi, ‘smelling of ointment’ RV (here) ;
=akRSîvala, ‘not agricultural’ RV (here) ,
=mRga ‘antelope, deer, etc’ RV , was in ‘golden deer’, eden construct ; mRga ‘name of a demon
          or vRtra (=eden=tile) in the form of a deer, slain by Indra’ RV ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

01.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV X , 17

RV X , 17                 (the eden-mother as virgin-Ishral wandered to the north)
1. TVASTAR prepares the bridal of his Daughter: all the world hears the tidings and assembles.
But Yama’s Mother, Spouse of great Vivasvān, vanished as she was carried to her dwelling.

1. TVASTAR  [=’KHEPER transformation’] prepares the bridal of his daughter ;

all the world hears the tidings and assembles :
the mother of Yama ,                       
[=’Ishral-virgin-construct , having birthed Adam’]
[went forth from Yama] ,
as [‘the mommy’] – from [the great] – Vivasvat ;      [=’only option for this term must be God’]
[see also the Ezekiel 19 chapter “the mother birthing the two young-lions” ;
“Tvastri richtet seiner Tochter die Hochzeit aus”, auf solche Kunde kommt diese ganze Welt
zusammen. Die Mutter des Yama, die heimgeführte Ehefrau des großen Vivasvat, verschwand.

2 From mortal men they hid the Immortal Lady, made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān.
Saranyu brought to him the Aśvin brothers, and then deserted both twinned pairs of children.

2 they hid – the immortal one  [=’virgin’] – for mortals ,
they made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān ;       [=’as “the virgin-daughter of Egypt”]
saruNya – [beared, supported] – both a’svins ,             
[=’from saramî ‘female greyhound’?]
then – [she gave up] – the pair ;
[the only interest we have is “made another , a copy”;
it is *possible* that the line says “they gave another to Vivasvat” –
there is a chapter (in index) saying how “this birth-construct now only births few adamite-souls” ;
It’s unclear what happens here with her and ‘the pair’]

Sie verbargen die Unsterbliche vor den Sterblichen, machten eine Gleichaussehende und gaben
sie dem Vivasvat. Auch ging sie mit den beiden Asvin schwanger, als dies geschah, und sie ließ
die Zwei, die ein Paar waren, im Stich, die Saranyu.
=paryuhyamânâ ; -prayâ ‘to go forth, set out, progress, advance towards or against, go or repair to,
          to walk, roam, wander ; to part, go asunder, be dispersed, pass away, vanish, die; to get into
          a particular state or condition, enter, undergo, incur (accusative) ;
=abharat, 3d sing pres imp (=was) -bhR ‘bear, carry, contain, etc’ RV ;
=saraNyu (root) ‘quick, fleet, nimble’ RV , no other ; linked to -saramâ ‘dog’ ? guarding adam ? ;

RV II , 14


eden (see tsiun)

RV II , 14          [FULL]          (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)

  (themes : compare Ezekiel 24 ;
a number of mentioned concepts we can identify ,
but don’t (yet) understand why “the 99 citadels of Jerusalem”
are related to ‘arms’ – and by extension to ‘forest’;
last line is about ‘a forest’ which must likely be identified as the Lebanon ,
but the link between ‘forest’, ‘wool (foilage)’ and the eden-mother
we still investigate (but see RV X , 17) ;

links to : Ezekiel 24 (eden invaded) , and others ;

RV II , 14            (eden invaded (Ez.24) ; terms : Jerusalem , tsiun ; forest + wool)
1. MINISTERS, bring the Soma juice for Indra, pour forth the gladdening liquor with the beakers.
To drink of this the Hero longeth ever; offer it to the Bull, for this he willeth.

1 MINISTERS,                            [=‘priests preparing the sacrifice’, Kedar?’]
bring the Soma juice  [=’turquoise’] for Indra ,
pour forth the gladdening liquor [in the large vessel (amatra)] ,
[the hero desires] to drink of this ; offer it to the Bull , for this he willeth ;
Adhvaryu´s! Traget für Indra den Soma auf, schenket den berauschenden Trank in Humpen ein, denn
der Held hat immer Lust nach diesem Trunk ! Opfert dem Bullen; darnach eben hat er Verlangen

2 Ye ministers, to him who with the lightning smote, like a tree, the rain-withholding Vṛtra —
Bring it to him, him who is fain to taste it, a draught of this which Indra here deserveth.

2 you ministers,
to him who smote the the rain-withholding vṛtra [=’temple-foundation’, in original eden’] ,
like a lightningbolt a tree                                             [=’uprooted tree’, vRkSa’] ;
bring it to him, him who is fain to taste it ,

[this drink] which Indra here deserveth.
Adhvaryu´s! Der den Wasser sperrenden Vritra erschlagen hat wie einen Baum mit einem Blitze,
dem traget diesen Soma auf, der darnach verlanget ! Dieser Indra hat das anrecht auf dessen Trunk.
3 Ye ministers, to him who smote Dṛbhīka, who drove the kine forth, and discovered Vala,
Offer this draught, like Vita in the region: clothe him with Soma even as steeds with trappings.

3 you ministers, to him who smote Dṛbhīka ,    [=’a centre of eden-flax? , Hos. 2’] 
who drove the kine forth ,                                     [=’either Originals or dual-essence’]
for he discovered Vala                                            [=’the enclosure’ ; eden paradise , likely’] ,
offer this drink , like [wind in the air] ,

clothe him with soma , even as [steeds with trappings?] ;
[what are conquered start with a -v : v-Rtra , v-RkSa , -vala (vana = forest) ; except d-Rbh]

Adhvaryu´s! Der den Dribhika erschlagen hat, der die Rinder heraustrieb – denn er hatte die Valahöhle aufgesperrt – für ihn lasset den Soma laufen wie den Wind in der Luft. Decket Indra mit Soma zu wie
ein Greis mit Kleidern sich zudeckt!

4 Him who did Uraṇa to death, Adhvaryus! though showing arms ninety-and-nine in number;
Who cast down headlong Arbuda and slew him,—speed ye that Indra to our offered Soma.

4 he who put UraNa [=‘distant land, wilderness (into forest / wool)’] to death , ministers ! ,
(UraNa) showing arms ninety-and-nine in number ;         [=’also as 99 Jerusalems fortresses’?, see 6’]
who cast down Arbuda [=‘watery monster’ ; eden-dimension?’] and slew him :
speed ye that Indra to our offered soma ;
Adhvaryu´s!Der den Urana erschlagen hat, welcher neunundneunzig Arme reckte, der den Arbuda
hinab in die Tiefe stieß, diesen Indra treibt zur Eile, wenn der Soma aufgetragen wird!

5 Ye ministers, to him who struck down Svaśna, and did to death Vyaṁsa and greedy Śuṣṇa,
And Rudhikrās and Namuci and Pipru,—to him, to Indra, pour ye forth libation.

5 you ministers , to him who struck down aśna ,     [=’the stone’, as temple-fundament’?] 
and did to death Vyaṁsa ,                                             [=’? , unknown’]
and greedy Śuṣṇa ,                                                          [=‘tsiun’, see index’]
and [death to] Rudhikrā ,                                               
[‘eden-redness’ , per ‘adam’]
and Namuci ,                                                                     [=‘preventing rain (for the matrix)’]
and Pipru :                                                                         [‘protector’ , “Heaven” in rv x 99]
to him , to Indra , pour ye forth libation ;
Adhvaryu´s! Der den Asna recht erschlagen hat, der den gefräßigen Susna, der den Vyansa,
der den Pipru, Namuci, der den Rudhikra diesem Indra opfert vom Tranke!
6 Ye ministers, to him who as with thunder demolished Śambara’s hundred ancient castles;
Who cast down Varcin’s sons, a hundred thousand,—to him, to Indra, offer ye the Soma.

6 you ministers ,

to him who [has rent – the firmament] – of Śambara’s [=‘edens jerusalem’] hundred [citadels] ;
who cast down Varcin’s
[=‘eden-speech’?] sons , a hundred thousand :     [=’prob. eden angels’]
to him , to Indra, offer ye the soma ;
[we’re not sure how to compare the previous 99 with the same number here ;
see Ezekiel chapter “Toth invaded eden the 10th of the 10th” and others]

Adhvaryu´s! Der die hundert Burgen des Sambara brach, die vielen wie mit einem Stein,
der die hundert, die tausend Mannen des Varcin wegfegte – traget ihm Soma auf!
7 Ye ministers, to him who slew a hundred thousand, and cast them down upon earth’s bosom;
Who quelled the valiant men of Atithigva, Kutsa, and Āyu,—bring to him the Soma.

7 you ministers , to him who slew a hundred thousand ,                    [=’probably eden angels’]
and cast them down upon earth’s bosom ;
who [sustained?] the valiant men of Atithigva , Kutsa , and Āyu :   
[=’unclear still’]
bring to him the soma ;
Adhvaryu´s! der hundert und tausend erschlug und in den Schoß der Erde säte.
Die Mannen des Kutsa, des Ayu, des Atithigva niederrang – traget ihm Soma auf!
8 Ministers, men, whatever thing ye long for obtain ye quickly bringing gifts to Indra.
Bring to the Glorious One what hands have cleansed; to Indra bring, ye pious ones, the Soma.

8 you ministers , men : whatever thing you long for , obtain it [from Indra] ,
when you quickly bringing gifts ;
bring to the glorious one what hands have cleansed :

to Indra bring , you pious ones , the soma ;
Adhvaryu´s! Was ihr Herren auch wünschen möget, das erlangt ihr von Indra, wenn ihr gehorsam
das Opfer darbringt. Traget dem Berühmten den mit den Händen geläuterten Soma auf,
opfert dem Indra Soma, ihr Opferwilligen!
9 Do ye, O ministers, obey his order: that purified in wood, in wood uplift ye.
Well pleased he longs for what your hands have tended: offer the gladdening Soma juice to Indra.

9 you ministers , obey his order:
[you must guide, conduct] (it?) – in? [the forest (-vana) ] , as? [the filtering] – [forest] ;        (?)
well pleased , he longs for what your hands have tended [to] :

offer the gladdening soma juice to Indra ;
[the -vana has the colour of ‘captured forest’ (appears as Lebanon theme) ,
while we’ve the idea that “the forest itself is the filter” ,
“washed by the men, pressed out with stones, strained through the filter made of wool
(RV VIII , 2) ; though no linked term is used into ‘forest’, it is also about ‘preparing soma’

by ‘the men’, same here ; elsewhere from -araNya (distant land) into -ûrNâ ‘wool’]
Adhvaryu´s! Erweiset ihm Gehorsam, schöpfet den im Holzgefäß Geläuterten in den Holzbecher !
Mit Wohlgefallen verlangt er nach dem Soma in eurer Hand – dem Indra opfert den berauschenden

[end – still two lines of praise but for us not of interest]
[breakdowns :]
=dRbhîkam ; already corrupted , -darbhi is nothing ; -darbha ‘bunch or tuft’ RV , but seems a type
          of grass (flax? Is mentioned with wool in Hos. 2) ; -darbha+ , ‘bed of darbha’ RV ;
=vala ‘enclosure,cave,cavern’ RV (later -bala) ; vala ‘name of a brother of vRtra slain by indra’ RV ;
          valarujá ‘shattering caverns’ RV ; paradise ? ;
=arbuda ‘serpent-like demon’ RV ; in X ,67 appears -vala , and chapter seems to be about our
          originals leaving eden (‘stole the kine’) , thundered to by bRhaspati (-bRh ‘to become strong
          or great ; also ‘to root-up’?  as Ekron ?) ; 12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head
          of Arbuda the watery monster, Slain Ahi =eden-day] , and set free the Seven Rivers.  ;
          in I , 51 , 6 “ Thou savedst Kutsa when Śuṣṇa [=tsiun] was smitten down; to Atithigva gavest
          Śambara [=eden’s Jerusalem] for a prey. E’en mighty Arbuda [=eden-dimension?] thou troddest
          under foot: thou from of old wast born to strike the Dasyus dead.”
=a’sna ‘voracious’ RV ; II,20 : Stealing away the mornings with the sunlight, he, lauded, crushed
          even Aśna’s ancient powers”; -a’san ‘a stone’ RV ; VIII, 2 “washed by the men, pressed out with
          stones, strained through the filter made of wool,’Tis like a courser bathed in stream”
=vyaMsa ‘having wide or broad shoulders’ MH ; (to deceive, MH) ; but vi+amsa (shoulder) ;
=’auSna ‘to hiss (like a serpent)’ RV (‘suSka ‘dry,parch,arid’ RV cluster = tsiun? as dry place)
=pipru ‘demon’ RV , no other ; root -pR ‘to save,rescue,etc’ RV in imp. form ? ; see other RV ;
=namuci ‘not loosening’ RV (na+ci) ‘preventing rain’ ;
=rudhikrâ , from ‘eden-redness -rudh’ ;
=’sambara ‘a demon’ RV ; in I, 112 ‘sambara is related to castles too , as enemy of théir cities ;
sambaravRtrahan ‘slayer of vRtra (temple-foundation) and ‘Sambara’ RA (Jerusalem+tile) ;
          then ‘samba ‘a weapon?’ RV ; counter of ‘shambhala’ MH ? , in IV,26 she has 100 forts
          (also the ‘strong-pinioned’ bird is there , hawk , Ezekiel chapter?)
=bibheda, 3d of -bhid , ‘to rent, destroy, etc’ + -a’sman ‘firmament’ RV (not ‘stone’) ;
=varcin ; into corrupted -Rc ‘verses’, as speech ?
=kuts ‘to despise’ RV ; I,53 “and Tūrvayāṇa with thine aid, O Indra.Thou madest Kutsa,
          Atithigva, Āyu, subject unto this King, the young, the mighty”
=atitighva ‘to whom guests should go’ ; -atithin’travelling’ RV
=gabhastí ‘arm, hand’ RV , gabhasti ‘ray of light, sunbeam’ RA MH ; no -hasta ‘hand’ here ;
          gabhasti ‘shining (fork-like? Two-edged?)’ RV ; I,54 as ‘sharp stone’ ?
          (also Jerusalem and tsiun there) ;
=vana ‘forest, wood, thicket (but in older language also a tree)’ RV ; -vana ‘foreign or
          distant land (see -aranya)’ RV ; in VII , 1 , 19 “ injure us not at home or in the forest”,
          forest as -vana but ‘house’ as the negative -dama “punish”, rendering -vana as eden’s ;
          vana ‘wood, timber’ RV , ‘wooden vessel fort he soma juice’ RV (=as FOREST) ;
          vana ‘a cloud’ RV (so it’s hovering now) ;
          2) root -van ‘to gain, aquire’ RV (sic) ; vanaspati ‘king of the wood’ RV (=cedar in pr.) ;
=nayadhvam, 2nd pl pres imper. -nî

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

01.12.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV X , 85


sun (-as this sun)

RV X , 85          [FULL]          (birth of this sun – and of our matrix-day)

  (themes : again a rather bizarre chapter :
the situation must be here the one during the deluge (8000 BC) ,
where they pluck “an ordinary sun-star” from space ,
in order to create the present fixed-positioned sun like we know
(as opposed to the binary eden-sun and moon , below) .
Yet, this sun-star will need to get different type dimensional-qualities ,
and then the story becomes complex :
(and we tell it as how we understand the chapter)
since eden fell , eden-essence had been streaming to their north ,
by the bruised eden-tree (in the paradise) , here as (-oSa) ,
forming there an enclosed region of this essence ;
the star-sun (Sûrya, egyptian Rã) from space was directed to this region
and “blended” with it – to have her first dimensional quality .

phase 2 ,
is that the both tiles (Damascus , as temple-fundament , in Rg-Veda Mitra)
and their tile (hebrew : -sela , Horus-rock , in Rg-Veda VaruNa)
create a region inbetween them both , where Sûria has to descend into –
this region they both created is “the starting-point of the matrix day” ,
as opposed to the eden-day and dawn ,
and when Sûrya will occupy that place , she hersélf will start each matrix-day .

in phase 3 ,
she must radiate the dimensional-light which sustains the physicality
of the spirits-people (comparable with how the sun as we know it supplies
aspects beneficial to this body of ours) ,
therefore she needs to become “the red (purple)” sun” ,
as depicted in many egyptian spells and tombes —
this quality of “red and blue light” she gets when she is connected to Damascus

credibility : at the moment we have no reason why to doubt this version :
in many prophet God tells “I make the sun dark (at noon)” ,
we know the “red and blue Horus eyes” from the spells (BD) ,
and considered the trackrecord of Rg-Veda , we must take it seriously ;

links to : “restoration of the sun” (see chapter in index) ;
to the “dual-essence” in the Zechariah “Zerubbabel standard” chapter ;
likely to the “two staffs” in Zechariah 11 ;
to the “dome of turquoise” Ezekiel saw above the throne ;
to the “temple-fundament stone” in Zechariah and other chapters ;
back to Genesis 1 – but here as inversal ;


RV X , 85           (the birth of this sun (Sûrya) and the start of the present matrix-day)
1. TRUTH is the base that bears the earth; by Sūrya are the heavens sustained.
[through] the Law the Ādityas
[‘constructs’] stand secure,
[the soma-moon] holding his place in heaven ;   
Durch die Wahrheit wird die Erde emporgehalten, durch die Sonne wird der Himmel emporgehalten.
Durch das Gesetz haben die Aditya´s Bestand, und ist der Soma in den Himmel versetzt
2 By Soma are the Ādityas strong, by Soma mighty is the earth.
thus Soma in the midst of all these constellations hath his place.

[phase 1 : their soma-moon (a ‘turquoise’ region or ‘moon’) , feeding upon eden :]
2 [by the soma-moon] , the aditi – [are strong] ,       [=’constructs to hold the moon up ?’]
by [the soma-moon] [the matrix-land] [is great] ;
[in the centre beneath (=’lap’)] – the constellations – [is placed (!)] – [the soma-moon] ;
[soma is often related to ‘turquoise’ (yellow-green, bay) ,
compare how Henoch saw above God’s throne a turquoise dome ;
this soma must be the perverted essence of that dimensional quality]

Durch Soma sind die Aditya´s stark, durch Soma ist die Erde groß, und in den Schoß dieser
Sternenbilder ist Soma, der Mond, gestellt.

3 One thinks, when they have brayed the plant, that he hath drunk the Soma’s juice;
Of him whom Brahmans truly know as Soma no one ever tastes.

3 [one may believe] – [he has drunk] – [the soma-juice] ,    +
[when they bruise] – [the (eden-) tree (‘giving light’)] ;    [=’so soma comes from eden’]
(but) [from the soma] – which [the brahmans] – [know] , no one tastes ;    (=yet)
[the eden-tree , as -oSa ; probably juxtaposed to matrix-dawn, -uSas]
Man meint den Soma getrunken zu haben, wann sie das Kraut zerstampfen.
Von dem Soma, den die Brahmanen kennen, von dem genießt keiner.
4 Soma, secured by sheltering rules, guarded by hymns in Brhati,
Thou standest listening to the stones none tastes of thee who dwells on earth.

4 [guarded (gupita) ] – [by a means of covering] ,
[the soma-keepers (brhati) ] ,
[the soma] – [is protected (by eden ? ; rakSati)] ;
[the 2 pressing-stones (Damascus + Sela-stone)] – [who listen?] – [you stand upon] ,
(but still) none – [in the matrix-land] – tastes you ;
[so the soma-moon ‘stands upon the Damascus and Sela-stone’ ,
this *more north* as the region which will be described later in this chapter ! ;
compare how this moon-region can be Sumerian NANNA ;
the “pressing-stones” somehow mutilate the turquoise coming from the south (eden) ;
the ‘listening’ must be related to ‘bârhata’, thundering speech, but is unclear]

Von dem zu deiner Bedeckung Bestimmten behütet, o Soma, von dem im hohen Himmel
Wohnenden bewacht, stehst du da auf die Preßsteine horchend. Kein Irdischer genießt von dir
5 When they begin to drink thee then, O God, thou swellest out again ;
Vāyu is Soma’s guardian ; the Moon is that which shapes the years.

[said to the soma-moon :]
5 [=when you drink (the soma-juice) fór them ?] ,
then – you – [swell out?] – again ;
Vâyu [‘wind’] – is the guardian [‘but eden-rakSita’] – of the soma-moon ,
the same – shapes – the month ;
[it seems logical that the soma-móon drinks directly from the soma-juice (in eden) ,
because just before “no one at the land tasted it” ;
so the soma-moon causes their important seasons by ‘months’ ;
we don’t understand why the guarding has the eden-colour (-rakSita) ]

Wann sie dich auftrinken, o Gott, so füllst du dich darauf wieder.
Vayu ist des Soma´s Wächter; der Mond ist die Grundform der Jahre.
[introduction of Sûrya , our sun – to make their “physical environment” :]
6 Raibhi was her dear bridal friend, and Narasamsi led her home.
Lovely was Sūrya’s robe: she came to that which Gatha had adorned.

6 [‘the grasper’] – was her bridesmaid [‘mover, thruster’] ,
[‘praised mankind’?]  [=’a concept, construct?’] – her ornament ;
[the beautiful] – [Sûrya] – id=as? [a covering] , prepared – [by songs (?,Gâtha+)] ;
[she is like ‘spun’ as some outward covering (only) , as ordinary space-sun ;
the “singing” is often synonym for ‘to create’]

Die Raibhi war die Amme, die Narasamsi die Gespielin.
Das gute Kleid der Surya ist mit der Gatha ausgeputzt.
7 Thought was the pillow of her couch, sight was the unguent for her eyes:
Her treasury was earth and heaven.ẉhen Sūrya went unto her Lord.

7 [thought] – was the pillow ,
[sight] – [as the matrix-unguent] ;                                     [=’to make their reality’, likely’]
(she was) [the vessel (ko’sa)] of matrix-heaven and earth ,   [=’as ordinary space-sun’]
ẉhen Sūrya went unto her husband ;                                       [=’first to the soma-moon’]
[important :
only at the end of the chapter it’s said “she had three (subsequent) husbands” –
she first was ‘an ordinary sun’, taken from space ,
and is here ‘united’ with the soma-moon ;
later on in the chapter she will transform again]

Erkenntnis war das Kissen, das Auge ihr Salböl.
Himmel und Erde waren die Truhe, als die Surya zum Gemahl zog.
8 Hymns were the cross-bars of the pole, Kurira-metre decked the car:
The bridesmen were the Aśvin Pair Agni was leader of the train.

8 [hymns] – [were] – [restored?] ,
(by?) [the pleasing] [headdress (as made thing)] – [for the pillar (=axis)] ;
[Sûrya’s] – [Asvin pair (=charioteers)] – [enclosed by Agni/Thoth] – who was – the leader ;
[we don’t know what these ‘charioteers’ are ;
they appear IN a golden carriage before (the matrix-) dawn , and are considered
the physicians of heaven (-a-‘sva, as Dual of -Savita , the golden eden-aspect? See next 9) ;
perhaps they are “revolving Dualism as in the Tao-symbol …? , see later on]

Die Lobgesänge waren die Deichselstangen, das Metrum Haube und Kopfputz.
Die Asvin waren die Werber der Surya, Agni war der Vorreiter.
9 Soma was he who loved the maid: the groomsmen were both Aśvins,
When Savitar bestowed his willing Sūrya on her Lord.

9 [the soma-moon] – [was] – [the lover] ,
the groomsmen -[or : enclosers] – the both Aśvins ,   [=’revolving Dualism as in Tao-symbol..?’]
when Savitar [=’golden-essence from eden-sun’] bestowed (!) his willing Sūrya on her husband ;
[why SavitR here ? .. having come via the previous mentioned ‘pillar’ (axis) ?]
Soma war der Liebhaber, beide Asvin waren die Werber,
damals als Savitri die Surya dem Gatten überließ, die von Herzen ihr Jawort gab.
10 Her spirit was the bridal car; the covering thereof was heaven:
Bright were both Steers that drew it when Sūrya approached her husband’s, home.

10 [awareness (by eden)] – was – her – [breath (an)] ,
the matrix-heaven – was – (by?) the roof ;            [=’roof above eden = outer-court?’]
[the bright ones] – were – the steers ,                    [=the Asvin’s ?]
when Sûrya moved to (!) the abode ;                      [=’the soma region-moon’]
Geist war ihr Wagen, und der Himmel war das Wagendach.
Die beiden Lichter waren die Zugtiere, als Surya nach dem Hause des Soma verzog.
11 Thy Steers were steady, kept in place by holy verse and Sāma-hymn:
All car were thy two chariot wheels: thy path was tremulous in the sky,

11 [harnessed] – [with + the wealth of the Rv-verses] ,          [=’sorcery hymns’]
your – wealth – comes – as [the (two dual-) essences]          [=’invoked bý those hymns’]
the ear [=’bordersky above eden’] – was – your – wheel ,      [=’solarplane’]
the sky – [the doublemoving (?, carâcâraH)] – course (pathin not patha) ;
[for this ‘dual-essence’ see also Zechariah chapter about Zerubbabel ;
glyphs also talk about ‘the ear’ as MESTCHER , ‘bordersky (TCHER) to birth (MES)’]

Mit Rik und Saman angeschirrt gehen deine beiden freundlichen Rinder.
Das Gehör waren deine Räder, die Straße zieht sich am Himmel hin.
12 Clean, as thou wentest, were thy wheels wind, was the axle fastened there.
Sūrya, proceeding to her Lord, mounted a spirit-fashioned car.

12 [you connected] – [your] – [sacred] – [wheel] [=’solarplane’] ,
[placed upon] – the axis ;
(by) [the breath] – [as awareness of eden-sorcery] – Sûrya grows ,                                        
as the gift – of her husband ;    [=’the soma moon-region , of stolen eden-turquoise’]
Die beiden Reinen sind deine Räder, wann du fährst; der Hauch ist als Achse befestigt.
Den geistigen Wagen bestieg Surya, als sie zum Gatten verzog.
13 The bridal pomp of Sūrya, which Savitar started, moved along.
In Magha days are oxen slain, in Arjuris they wed the bride.

13 [the conveyer] – [of Sûrya] , [which SavitR caused to go (gâ)] ,
[was let go and send off] :
[the dangerous ones] – [are destroyed] ,                       [=’the 2 staffs of Zecheriah 11..?’]
(so?) [the – clear (arjuni+) – (dual-) essences] – [are transported] ;
[see KV9 mural , where râ (as red sun) is held up by two arms (as axis)]
Der Hochzeitszug der Surya hat sich aufgemacht, den Savitri verabschiedete. Unter den Agha´s
werden die Rinder getötet, unter den beiden Arjuni´s wird sie heimgeführt.

14 When on your three-wheeled chariot, O Aśvins, ye came as wooers unto Sūrya’s bridal,
Then all the Gods agreed to your proposal Pūṣan as Son elected you as Fathers.

[next transformation of Sûrya :]
14 [you] – [asvins] , [asking awareness?] , by [you both to come?] – to [the triple-wheel] ,
as [the conveyer] – of [Sûrya] ,                    [=’triple-wheel : in next sections’]
then all the gods agreed to your proposal ,
Pūṣan [=’speckled, variegated’ = matrix spirit-people] as son elected you as fathers ;
[the ‘asking awareness (fór the now to exist spirits-people) makes sense…!]
Als ihr Asvin um sie anhaltend auf dem Dreirad zur Hochzeit der Surya ginget,
da gaben alle Götter euch ihre Einwilligung dazu. Pusan, der Sohn, wählte euch zu Vätern.
15 O ye Two Lords of lustre, then when ye to Sūrya’s wooing came,
Where was one chariot wheel of yours? Where stood ye for die Sire’s command?

15 when , lords of lustre , [you both went] – [to conceal] – surya – thereafter ,

[where,which?] – was – your (one) wheel ,
[where,which?] – you were standing (at) – [for direction,indication] ;
[unclear what is intended – per next lines , this one wheel must be ‘the hidden one’ ;
likely it is “the soma region-moon” which now is to become ‘invisible’ ;
or “because the soma moon-region is now integrated IN this sun” ?]

Als ihr Herren der Schönheit ginget, um die Surya zu freien,
wo war da euer eines Rad, wo standet ihr, um ihr den Platz anzuweisen?
16 The Brahmans, by their seasons, know, O Sūrya, those two wheels of thine:
One kept concealed, those only who are skilled in highest truths have learned.

16 [your] – [two] – [wheels] , [Sûrya]       
[=’as both eyes VaruNa and Mitra’]
the Brahmans – properly – know ,
(but) [the one] – [wheel] – in this [hidden place] – only the skilled ones know ;
[perhaps the region (wheel) inbetween Damascus and Sela-stone ?]
16. Deine zwei Räder, o Surya, kennen die Brahmanen genau, aber das eine Rad,
das verborgen ist, das kennen nur die Wahrheitskenner.
17 To Sūrya and the Deities, to Mitra and to Varuṇa.
Who know aright the thing that is, this adoration have I paid.

17 to Sūrya and the deities, to Mitra and to Varuṇa ,

[who are clever] , this adoration have I paid
[he mentions both because the region inbetween was intended ?] 
17. Der Surya, den Göttern, Mitra und Varuna, die der Schöpfung kundig sind,
habe ich diese Verbeugung gemacht.
[a region is prepared (for Sûrya) inbetween both tiles :]
18 By their own power these Twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children round the sacrifice.

One of the Pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again.

[you both move] , [one after the other] , [for eden-like-sorcery?] ,
[like playing] – [youths] – [going around] – [the (soma) sacrifice] ;  [=’in that middle region ?’]
[the one] – [all] – [the world and mankind sees] ,
[the other] , [born] – [again] , [bestows] – [the matrix-seasons] ;
[now we have a real problem –
we haven’t seen before that both tile ‘move around in a circle’ ;
why.. ? to recreate , but suitable to them , “eden’s binary system in the south”…? ;
is this “to constantly cross-over dimensionally , to ‘renew’ daily their dimension ? ;

Bald voraus, bald hinterdrein wandeln abwechselnd diese beiden durch ein Kunststück;
zwei spielende Jungen umwandeln sie das Opfer. Der eine beschaut alle Geschöpfe,
der andere wird wieder geboren, indem er die Zeiten ordnet.
19 He, born afresh, is new and new for ever ensign of days he goes before the Mornings
Coming, he orders f6r the Gods their portion. The Moon prolongs the days of our existence.

19 [he comes in existence] , [born] – [over and over again] :
[the matrix-day] – [as the sign (and banner of the eden-node ; ketu)] ,   +
[ahead of] – [the matrix-dawn diménsion (uSas)] ;
[the portion] – for [the gods] – he bestows :
[the ‘shining one’ (candramas) ] – [makes to prosper] – [existence] – [forever] ;
[so , this “region inbetween the two tiles” is called “the shining one” ,
here the matrix-day originates , spreading further out as matrix-dimension ;
Candramas is from –‘scandra , the eden-’s as ‘bright’ etc ,
technically not ‘a moon’ neither but likewise ‘a region, a cloud’ ;
now we’ve to see which (moon-) glyphs belong to this concept …]

 Immer wieder wird er neu geboren, als das Wahrzeichen der Tage geht er der Usas voran. Durch
sein Kommen bestimmt er den Göttern ihren Anteil: der Mond zieht sein Leben in die Länge.
[Sûrya descends into this region – where the matrix-day starts ! :]
20 Mount this, all-shaped, gold-hued, with strong wheels, fashioned of Kimsuka and Salmali,
light-rolling, Bound for the world of life immortal, Sūrya: make for thy lord a happy bridal journey.

20 [well-made of blossoms of?] – [the (eden?-) silk cotton tree] ,    
[various] – [golden hued (-shaped)] ,
[the – beautifully revolving – pretty wheel] ;
(to be) the world of immortal life , Sūrya :
make for thy lord a happy bridal journey ;         [=this sun now going into that region’]
[she is permanently there]
Den mit schönen Kimsukablüten geschmückten Wagen aus Salmaliholz, den allfarbigen, wie Gold
aussehenden, leichtrollenden mit guten Rädern besteige, o Surya, die Welt der Unsterblichkeit!
Bereite dem Gatten eine behagliche Hochzeitsfahrt!

21 Rise up from hence: this maiden hath a husband. I laud Visvavasu with hymns and homage.
Seek in her father’s home another fair one, and find the portion from of old assigned thee.

21 rise up from hence :                      [‘=come here from the place you are now’]              
this [one] hath a husband                  [=’Sûrya to be in this region where the day starts’] ;
I [greet] Visvavasu  [=’some totality’] with hymns and homage :
(Sûrya,) seek in [the adorned] – [father-place] , your – portion – [for matrix-creation
(janus)] ,
which – [you must learn to know] ;
Hebe dich von dannen, denn diese hat jetzt einen Gatten! Unter Verbeugung rufe ich dem Visvavasu
mit Lobesworten zu: Suche dir eine andere, die noch bei dem Vater wohnt, eine Mannbare, die ist dein
Anteil von Natur; sei dessen Eingedenk!

22 Rise up from hence, Visvavasu: with reverence we worship thee.
Seek thou another willing maid, and with her husband leave the bride.

22 [rise up (or : declare)] – Vi’svâvasu ,   
[=’some totality’]
[we] – [greet – you – with reverence] ;
[seek you] – for [you] – [the desirous girl (prapharvî) ] ,  [=’Surya in this place now’]
[the wife] – [being impelled to ? (sRj)] – [the husband] ;  
Hebe dich von dannen, Visvavasu! Wir rufen dir unter Verneigung zu:
Suche dir eine andere dralle Dirne! Die Ehefrau laß mit ihrem Gatten zusammen!
23 Straight in direction be the paths, and thornless, whereon our fellows travel to the wooing.
Let Aryaman and Bhaga lead us: perfect, O Gods, the union of the wife and husband.

23 [thornless] , [straight,right] – [must be] – the paths ,
whereon our fellows travel [‘the environment’ (vara) ] ;
let Aryaman and Bhaga lead us ,                                 [=’Bhaga , some sexual energy’]
[together] , [it is an easy to rule] – [household] , you [gods] ;
Dornenlos, richtig sollen die Wege sein, auf denen unsere Freunde auf die Werbung ausziehen.
Aryaman und Bhaga sollen uns zusammenführen. Gemeinsam soll uns ein leicht zu führendes
Hausregiment sein, o Götter!

[now this sun is ‘to be mainly anchored’ to the eden-cornerstone :]
24 Now from the noose of Varuṇa I free thee, wherewith Most Blessed Savitar hath bound thee.
In Law’s seat, to the world of virtuous action, I give thee up uninjured with thy consort.

24 (Surya,) [I free] – [you] – from [the fetter of] – [varuNa
(sela-eye) ] ,            
wherewith Most Blessed Savitar hath bound thee ;              [=’SavitR , golden eden-aspect’]
[=in the eden-womb , by law] , [the well-made – region] ,   [=’this region termed as womb, -yoni’]
[=you will be victorious] , [I give you to] your [husband] ;          [=’now to Damascus’]
Ich löse dich von des Varuna Fessel, mit der dich der freundliche Savitri gebunden hat.
In die Wiege des Gesetzes, in die Welt der Guttat versetze ich dich unverletzt mit deinem Gatten.
25 Hence, and not thence, I send these free. I make thee softly fettered there.
That, Bounteous Indra, she may live blest in her fortune and her sons.

25 [from here] – [I free you] , [not – from there] ,             [=’nót free from Damascus / Mitra’]
[making] – [her to be bound fast] – [there (=other term = eden) ] ,
so that, Bounteous Indra , [she is beautifully bright (su+bhas) ] – [for the (spirits-) sons] ;
Ich löse die von hier, nicht von dort; dort mache ich sie festgebunden, auf daß diese,
o belohnender Indra, schöne Söhne habe und beliebt sei.
26 Let Pūṣan take thy hand and hence conduct thee; may the two Aśvins on their car transport
thee. Go to the house to be the household’s mistress and speak as lady to thy gathered people.

[now this sun gets another quality : as ‘red sun’ , for the physicality of them spirits :]
26 PuSan (‘speckledness’, representing spirits-people’) ] – [must guide] – [you]    +
to [‘the hand-damascus as the abode of the two asvins’] ,  [=’Dualism is in Damascus now…?’]
[they must transport] – you] – to [their chariot] ;
[you come] – to [the abode] – to be the household’s mistress and speak as lady ;  [=’go rule’]
[‘hand as Damascus as abode’ : 1 word -hastagRhyâ’svinâ ;
if dualism is in Damascus : then what about “the 2 dogs (-sva) guarding Adam , see [FULL] ,
while these are -a’svins , (a+’sva+n) ?]

Pusan soll dich von hinnen führen, deine Hand fassend; die Asvin sollen dich auf ihrem Wagen
weiterfahren. Gelang ins Haus, auf daß du die Hausfrau werdest. Du mögest als Gebieterin weise
Rede führen.

27 [have your beloved offspring here] ,
be vigilant to rule thy household in this home ;
closely unite thy body with this [husband]       [=’now with Damascus’] ,
so shall ye , full of years , [speak wisdom] ;
[well yes , talking about “the tested cornerstone”…]
Hier soll dir Liebes durch Kinder zuteil werden; über diesem Haus wache für das Hausregiment!
Mit diesem Gatten vereine deinen Leib und noch im Greisenalter sollt ihr beide weise Rede führen!
[now her core transforms into ‘the red sun’ :]
28 Her hue is blue and red: the fiend who clingeth close is driven off.
Well thrive the kinsmen of this bride the husband is bourid fast in bonds.

28 [her ‘being’ (=bhû)] – [is purple (dark-blue + red)] ,      
[having made the connection (kRta+sakti) ] , [he becomes entangled] [=’Damascus’]  ;
her [knowledges?] – [become strong (by eden-fuel)] ,        [=’fuel is ‘wealth’ : see next’]
for [the husband] – [is bound] – [in bounds] ;                      [=’Damascus is’]
[we know “the red and blue eye of Horus” (BD spell) ,
but now we see it is related to the physicality of them spirits-people ;
the ‘red’ in glyphs is “mutilated eden-redness” (as in -adam) , T’ESHER ,
the “redness of the nostril (by?) the hand (damascus)” ,
where ‘the nostril’ is the hebrew term used for “(God’s) anger” ;
the ‘blue’ is more tricky : as KHSBT in glyph , a still unsure contraction]

Dunkelblau und rot ist es, der Zauber, die Ansteckung malt sich darin.
Es gedeihen ihre Verwandten, der Gatte wird in Fesseln gelegt
29 Give thou the woollen robe away: deal treasure to the Brahman priests.
This female fiend hath got her feet, and as a wife attends her lord.

29 (Sûrya,) [you must give] – [the (eden-) hire (?, very likely)] ,   [=’see Zechariah 11’]
to the [Brahmans?] – [you must distribute (bhaj) ] – [the wealth (vasu) ] ;
[by making] – [these stations]                                          [=’constructs] ,
[having become?] – [the wife] , [she enters] – [her lord] ; [=’Damascus’]
Gib das befleckte Gewand weg, an die Brahmanen verteile Gut!
Dieser Zauber, der Füße bekommen hat, macht sich als Gattin an den Gatten heran.
30 Unlovely is his body when it glistens with this wicked fiend,
What time the husband wraps about his limbs the garment of his wife.

30 [not pretty] – [becomes] – [the body] , and [shining] – [miserably] ,
when [the husband] – [wants to place] – [the garment veil]    +
of [the wife] – [on his] – [own limbs] ;     [=’read : not pretty when Damascus’ light rules’]
Unschön wird der Leib, der blendendweiße, gar so häßlich, wenn der Gatte
mit dem Kleide der jungen Frau seinen eigenen Körper bedecken will.
[end – still 17 lines of praises , for us not of interest]
[breakdowns :]
=oSadhi, ‘light-containing (light-giving)’ RV ; -oSa ‘burning, shining’ RV ; eden’s ,
opposed to -uSa , matrix-dawn ? ; term only twice in RV ? ;
=sampiS ‘grind or rub together, pound, bruise’ RV ;
=ahitaH ‘placed, deposited’ RV ;
=âcchadvidâna ‘an arrangement made for defence, means of covering’ RV ;
=tiSThasi ‘second sing present -sthâ ‘stand’ ;
=a’snâti, 3d sing pres -a’s ,
=bârhata ‘the soma-keepers’ RV (here) ; as -bRhat ‘great, large, wide, vast, abundant,
     compact, solid, massy, extended, old, clear, loud (of sounds)’ RV ; at some point
     changing into -bRhaspati, their shouting concept (=the Self?) ;
=vâyu , ‘wind’ but very inclear , ‘north-wind’ (MEH’IT) ? ;
=samâna , as in english ‘same’ ;
=mâsa ‘month’ RV ;
=raibhy ; from -rebha ‘praiser, murmurer’ RH ? ; -rabhi ‘perticular part of a chariot’ RV ;
     rabh ‘embrace, clasp, grasp’ RV ;
=anudeyî ‘bridesmaid’ RV from -nud ‘to push, thrust, impel, move, remove’ RV ;
=nyocanî ‘type woman ornament’ RV ;
=kurira ‘type headdress for women’ RV (here) , from -kR ‘to make’,
=prathidâ ‘putting to the lips ; a drink’ RV ; ‘restored’ (give+back) RV ;
=chanda ‘pleasing, etc’ RV , moon-cluster ;
=opa’sa ‘pillow ; pillar, support’ RV ;
=Rksâma ‘the Rc-verses and the -sâmans’ RV (here) ; latter ‘wealth’;
=aghâsu, gha ‘dangerous’ ? ,
=hanyante, third plural passive present -han ‘destroy’ ;
=uhyate, third singular passive present -vah ‘transport, convey, etc’ RV ;
=pRchamâna ‘asking onself’ RV ;
=ayâtam, second dual -yâ ;
-vareyam, first sing present optative [=can] -vR ‘cover, veil, hinder’ ,
=kvaikam, untracable ;
=guhâ ‘hiding-place’ RV ;
=pûrvâparam ‘one after the other’ RV ,
=caSTa second pl pres – cakS ‘see, look at, appear, bec visible’ RV ;
=’salmali ‘the silk-cotton tree’ RV ; eden-‘sa ; no other root ;
=sukiM’suka ‘(prob.)”well made of -kim’suka-wood , or”bright with kim’suka flowers” RV (here) ;
=muN+câmi first sing present -muc ‘relese, liberate’ RV ;
=nîla+lohita ; lohita into -roh (their red) , T’ESHER from eden nostril -SHER at Damascus T’;
=edhante, third plur present -edh ‘prosper, become strong, etc’ RV , edh ‘fuel’ RV X ;
=jN+âta , unclear , appears as “in the know” ;
=dehi, sec single pres imper (=must) of -dâ
=’sâmulya, ‘perhaps as ‘samala , a woollen shirt’ RV , but no link to ‘wool’ ûrNâ ; BUT :
     mûlya ‘original value, value, price, worth, a sum of money given as payment’ RA ,MH ,
     as almost exact line in Zech. 11 ;
=vi’sate, 3d sing pres -vi’s , ‘to enter cluster’ RV ;
=dhitsata, second plural present des. (=want) of -dhã ;

parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

30.11.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report

RV I , 105

RV I , 105           (about the Red Sun – see X , 85)
1. WITHIN the waters runs the Moon, he with the beauteous wings in heaven.
Ye lightnings with your golden wheels, men find not your abiding-place.

Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.

1 [candramas (‘region / moon’)] – in [the [eden-] waters ,       [=’the place of this sun’ , X , 85’]
[he] – [with beautiful wings] – in [the sky] :                                [=’red sun / winged-disk’]
they [=’we !’]not know to discover you ,
(you) the station with the golden edge ,                                      [=’namely : as this sun’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky                                                [=’likely ‘this earth’ (=rodasi)’]
“Der Mond scheint im Wasser, der beschwingte läuft am Himmel. Nicht finden sie euren Standort,
ihr goldreifigen, blitzenden Sterne. Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
2 surely men crave and gain their wish :                                      [=’physicality for spirits’]
close to her husband clings the wife                                             [=’this sun , to Damascus’]
and, in embraces intertwined, both give and take the bliss of love ;       
[=’the red and blue’]
[know] – this , you – earth and sky

“Die ein Bedürfnis haben, kommen zu ihrem Bedürfnis. Die Frau zieht den Gatten an sich. Beide ergießen das brünstige Naß; sie gibt ihren Saft hin und melkt den Mann aus.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
3 o never may that light , ye gods , fall from its station in the sky ;    [=’for it was placed there’]
[may the sweetness as the soma] 
[=’corrupted eden-turquoise-essence’] never fail us ,
the spring of our felicity ;
[know] – this , you – earth and sky ;             [=’this earth’]
“Möchte, ihr Götter, jene Sonne doch nicht vom Himmel fallen, möchten wir niemals des heilsamen somischen Tranks entbehren.- Seid in solcher Lage, meiner Eingedenk, Himmel und Erde!”
[end of section – do see RV X , 85]
=dhâvate , 3d sing pres. -dhâv ‘run, flow, move, glide ; make bright, polish, cleanse’ RV ;
=hiranyanemi ‘having golden fellies or wheels’ RV ; -nemi ‘rim, edge’ RV ;

RV VII , 104

RV VII , 104
1. INDRA and Soma, burn, destroy the demon foe, send downward, O ye Bulls,
those who add gloom to gloom. Annihilate the fools, slay them and burn them up:
chase them away from us, pierce the voracious ones.
1 Indra und Soma! Verbrennet den bösen Geist, fanget ihn ein; streckt die im Dunkeln Erstarkten nieder, ihr Bullen! Zerbrechet die Ahnungslosen, brennet sie nieder, erschlaget sie, jaget sie fort, stecht die Atrin´s nieder
1a indrÀsomÀ tapataÎ rakÍa ubjataÎ ny arpayataÎ vÃÍaÉÀ tamovÃdhaÏ
1c parÀ ÌÃÉÁtam acito ny oÍataÎ hataÎ nudethÀÎ ni ÌiÌÁtam atriÉaÏ
‘tap’, root [fr. 2nd p. pl. Pr.] ‘be hot, destroy by heat’ RV ,
‘r’, root , 2nd pl. Pres. , ‘attack, invade, etc’ RV ,
‘tamovRdh’, ‘rejoicing in darkness’ RV [here] ; but -tama is ‘mental darkness’, + ‘to grow’ ;
‘cita’, ‘piled up, placed in a line’ RV + a  ‘not’ ;
‘uS’, root , 2nd pl. ‘burn, burn down’ RV [into Usas , matrix-down] ;
‘nud’ root ‘remove, push, etc’ RV ;
‘’sâ’, root , 2nd p. dual , ‘stab, pierce’ RV ,   [‘si’sira ‘cold, frost, etc’, compare Sumerian KI’S] ;
‘atrin’, see end ;
1 “Indra and Soma , destroy you [both] by heat the eden-demon [rakSa] ,
          (destroy) them , attack the growing mental darkness
[=eden’s] , you bulls ,
(destroy) (the fools?) , burn them up
[by matrix-dawn] , destroy you them , remove them ,      
          stab down the Atrin’s
[=’eden-demons = ’not to be the trinity’?]  ;

  • [=’Indra = Baal in scripture ; ‘Soma’ is “their now mixed dimension” ,
    so both relate to eachother (therefore the term indrasoma)’]

2 Indra and Soma, let sin round the wicked boil like as a caldron set amid the flames of fire.
Against the foe of prayer, devourer of raw flesh, the vile fiend fierce of eye, keep ye perpetual hate.
2 Indra und Soma! Rings um den Bösredenden soll die böse Glut sieden wie ein vom Feuer erhitzter Kochtopf. Setzet dem Feind des heiligen Wortes, dem Aasfresser mit dem bösen Auge, dem Kimidin unerbittliche Feindschaft!
2a indrÀsomÀ sam aghaÌaÎsam abhy aghaÎ tapur yayastu carur agnivÀÙ iva
2c brahmadviÍe kravyÀde ghoracakÍase dveÍo dhattam anavÀyaÎ kimÁdine
‘agha’saMsa’ ‘wishing evil , wicked’ RV ,
‘ghoracakSas’, ‘frightening appereance’ RV , lit. ‘frightening eyes’ ,
‘ktaviSNu’, ‘desirous of raw flesh’ RV [x] ; -kravyâd ‘consuming flesh’ RV ;
‘dveSa’, ‘hatred’ ;
‘kimîdin’, ‘class of evil spirits’ RV ; [also in last line] ;
2 “Indra and Soma , among the [eden-] ones wishing evil ,
                let the sin burn like a cauldron heated by flames ,
place continuous hate against the enemy of sacred words
 [=’as matrix-prayers’] ,
against ‘the frightening eyes’  devouring the flesh , ‘the interrogating demons’ ;

  • [=’here the first time “words” are mentioned ,
    and note the “devouring the flesh” because the writer is a Cush-spirit ;
    it is difficult to find the meanings of many ‘demons’ for absence of roots’]

3 Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked in the depth, yea, cast them into darkness
that hath no support, So that not one of them may ever thence return:
so may your wrathful might prevail and conquer them.
3 Indra und Soma! Stoßet die Übeltäter in die Grube, in die haltlose Finsternis, auf das auch nicht einer von da wieder herauskomme. Diese eure grimmige Kraft muß zur Bezwingung genügen.
3a indrÀsomÀ duÍkÃto vavre antar anÀrambhaÉe tamasi pra vidhyatam
3c yathÀ nÀtaÏ punar ekaÌ canodayat tad vÀm astu sahase manyumac chavaÏ
‘duSkRta’, ‘wickedly done, badly arranged’ RV , duS ‘corrupt’ + kRt ‘made’ ;
‘vR’, root, ‘choose, selct, etc’ RV [other is ‘conceil’, aorist]  ;
‘anârambhaNa ‘having or giving no support’ ; but from -nara ‘man’,
in MH as ‘the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe’ ;
‘tamas’ ‘gloom, mental darkness’ RV ;
‘vyadh’, root , 2nd pres. plural ‘to pierce, hit, strike, wound’,
‘punar’, ‘back, home, in an opposite direction, again, once more’ RV ,
3 “Indra and Soma , conceal ‘what is corruptly made’ inbetween
[=’eden ; inbetween their dual-realm’] ,
you [both] go strike the one giving no support
[=eden] , the mental darkness overthere ,
as the inclination one does not return from , may your wrathful might prevail and conquer ;       

  • [=’the inclination as “another dimensional axis”]

4 Indra and Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt down on the wicked fiend from heaven
and from the earth. Yea, forge out of the mountains your celestial dart wherewith ye burn
to death the waxing demon race.
4 Indra und Soma! Schleudert gemeinsam die zermalmende Waffe vom Himmel,
von der Erde auf den Bösredenden. Meißelt aus den Bergen den sausenden
Schleuderstein heraus, mit dem ihr den erstarkten bösen Geist vertilget!
4a indrÀsomÀ vartayataÎ divo vadhaÎ sam pÃthivyÀ aghaÌaÎsÀya tarhaÉam
4c ut takÍataÎ svaryam parvatebhyo yena rakÍo vÀvÃdhÀnaÎ nijÂrvathaÏ
‘vRt’, root , 2nd p. pres.plural , ‘rotate, revolve, go round’ RV ;
‘pRthivya’, ‘
‘agha’saMsâya’ ‘slaying the wicked’ RV , -agha ‘dangerous, bad, wicked’ ; a+gha [not+?] ;
‘tarhaNa’ ‘crushing’  RV [here] ;
‘takSa’, 2nd. Sing. pres. from -takS , ‘chisel, form by cutting, chop’ RV ;
‘vRdh’, root ,  ‘be or become stronger, to increase, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive’ RV
4 “Indra and Soma , you [both] make to revolve [matrix-] heaven’s deadly weapon ,
              as the [matrix-] land , for to slay the dangerous one
[=’eden-demon’=?] crushingly ,
chisel out of the mountains your celestial dart
 [=’a vector’?]
              for to consume by fire the waxing eden-demon
[rakSa] ;
5 Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning
with fiery flame, Eternal, scorching darts; plunge the voracious ones within the depth,
and let them sink without a sound.
5 Indra und Soma! Schleudert vom Himmel her die Geschosse! Mit den feuergeglühten,
wie Stein schlagenden Geschossen, mit den glutbewaffneten, nie altersschwachen Flammen,
stoßet die Atrin´s in die Versenkung! Lautlos sollen sie dahingehen.
5a indrÀsomÀ vartayataÎ divas pary agnitaptebhir yuvam aÌmahanmabhiÏ
5c tapurvadhebhir ajarebhir atriÉo ni parÌÀne vidhyataÎ yantu nisvaram
‘vRt’, root , 2nd plur. pres. , ‘to revolve, rotate, etc’ RV  [see below]
‘tapta’, ‘red-hot, molten, refined, inflamed’ RV , agni+tapta+bhir
‘atrin’, ’devourer, demon’ RV ; -atri , same ; [not+three?]
5 “Indra and Soma , make you to revolve heaven’s round-about red-hot burning one ,
                your destroying stone                
 [=’their “tornado-cloud above eden”] ,
with the undecaying scorching flame  +               
 [=’the tornado-tube as axis’?]
throw the devourers
[=’eden-demons’, “not to be trinity’?] back into the depth ,
                     and let them sink without a sound ;

6 Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both,
even as the girth encompasses two vigorous steeds-
The song of praise which I with wisdom offer you: do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers.
6 Indra und Soma! Dieses Lied soll euch rings umfangen wie der Gurt die Streitrosse, das ich
euch nach meiner Eingebung als Opfer vorführe. Ermuntert wie Fürsten diese feierlichen Reden!
6a indrÀsomÀ pari vÀm bhÂtu viÌvata iyam matiÏ kakÍyÀÌveva vÀjinÀ
6c yÀÎ vÀÎ hotrÀm parihinomi medhayemÀ brahmÀÉi nÃpatÁva jinvatam
‘parihi’, ‘to send or send forward to’ RV [here]  ;
6 “Indra and Soma , let this song be round-about you like a girdle encompasses horses of war ,
      which is the sacrifice I intend to send you , lords , do animate these prayers ;      

7 In your impetuous manner think ye both thereon: destroy these evil beings,
slay the treacherous fiends.
Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss who evermore assails us with malignity.
7 Gedenket daran; in fliegender Eile erschlaget die Tückebolde, die hinterlistigen Unholde!
Indra und Soma, nicht soll es dem Übeltäter gut ergehen, wer uns jemals mit Tücke nachstellt.
7a prati smarethÀÎ tujayadbhir evair hataÎ druho rakÍaso bhaÇgurÀvataÏ
7c indrÀsomÀ duÍkÃte mÀ sugam bhÂd yo naÏ kadÀ cid abhidÀsati druhÀ
‘smR’, root , 2nd p. sing. ‘remember’ ;
7 “remember it , hastingly destroy the eden-demons [=rakSa] , the treacherous ones ,
         Indra and Soma , don’t let it be well with the wicked , who ever attack us injurously ;

8 Whoso accuses me with words of falsehood when I pursue my way with guileless spirit,
May he, the speaker of untruth, be, Indra, like water which the hollowed hand compresses.
8 Wer mich, der ich schlichten Sinnes wandle, mit unwahren Worten beschuldigt,
der werde zunichte wie Wasser, das man mit der Hand faßt, der Sprecher von Nichtigem, o Indra.
8a yo mÀ pÀkena manasÀ carantam abhicaÍÊe anÃtebhir vacobhiÏ
8c Àpa iva kÀÌinÀ saÎgÃbhÁtÀ asann astv Àsata indra vaktÀ
8 “who accuses me , who walks in right intention , with false words ,
          may he who speaks untruth be like water which is grasped by the hand , Indra ;

9 Those who destroy, as is their wont, the simple, and with their evil natures barm the righteous,
May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
9 Die die schlichte Rede absichtlich verdrehen, oder die das Gute willkürlich schlecht machen,
die soll Soma entweder der Schlange preisgeben oder in den Schoß des Verderbens bringen
9a ye pÀkaÌaÎsaÎ viharanta evair ye vÀ bhadraÎ dÂÍayanti svadhÀbhiÏ
9c ahaye vÀ tÀn pradadÀtu soma À vÀ dadhÀtu nirÃter upasthe
‘pâka’saMsa’ ‘speaking sincerely’ ;
‘vihara’, ‘changing, transforming,shifting’, no RV ;
‘ahaye’, dat. From -ahi ‘serpent, serpent of the sky vRtra’ RV , eden-atmosphere ;
ahibhânu ‘shining like serpents , name of the maruts [Medes]’ , RV ; etc ;
‘upasthe’, either ‘upasthâ’ ‘to be exposed to, be near, be in front of’ RV ;
upas / upasthe ‘in the lap’ RV ;
9 “they  [=’of the spirits’] who deliberately change ‘sincere speech’ , or randomly defame the good ,
             may Soma
[=’their dimensional essence’] deliver them to the serpent [=’eden-dimension’] ,
                   or be given to be exposed to destruction 
[=to Nirrti , as Miss] ;
10 The fiend, O Agni, who designs to injure the essence of our food, kine, steeds, or bodies,
May he, the adversary, thief, and robber, sink to destruction, both himself and offipring.
10 Wer uns den Saft der Speise verderben will, den unserer Rosse, Kühe oder unserer Leiber, o Agni, der Schelm, der Dieb, der Diebstahl begeht, soll dahin schwinden, er soll mit Leib und Kindern eingehen!
10a yo no rasaÎ dipsati pitvo agne yo aÌvÀnÀÎ yo gavÀÎ yas tanÂnÀm
10c ripu stena steyakÃd dabhram etu ni Ía hÁyatÀÎ tanvÀ tanÀ ca
10  “Agni [=Thoth] ,
        the foe
 [=’eden’] who wants to harm the essence of our food , horses or our bodies ,
           may the enemy , the stealing thief , sink into destruction ,
                 his body
[=himself] and his children ;

  • [=’so THEY stole the essence , in the first place’ ;
    note “the essence of our bodies” , since a Cush-spirit talks here’]

11 May he be swept away, himself and children:
may all the three earths press him down beneath them.
May his fair glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in the day or night would fain destroy us.
11 Der soll um Leib und Kinder kommen; er soll unter alle drei Erdräume versinken. Sein Ansehen
soll verdorren, ihr Götter, wer uns am Tag und wer uns bei Nacht zu schädigen sucht!
11a paraÏ so astu tanvÀ tanÀ ca tisraÏ pÃthivÁr adho astu viÌvÀÏ
11c prati ÌuÍyatu yaÌo asya devÀ yo no divÀ dipsati yaÌ ca naktam
11 “may his body [=’himself’] and his children be swept away ,
                     let all three lands press him down ,
his presence should fade away , you Gods , who day and night wants to harm us ;

12 The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and false: their words oppose each other.
Of these two that which is the true and honest, Soma protects, and brings the false to nothing.
Für den kundigen Mann ist das leicht zu unterscheiden: das wahre und das falsche Wort widerstreiten einander. Welches von beiden das Wahre, welches das Richtige ist, das begünstigt Soma; das Unwahre bekämpft er.
12a suvijÈÀnaÎ cikituÍe janÀya sac cÀsac ca vacasÁ paspÃdhÀte
12c tayor yat satyaÎ yatarad ÃjÁyas tad it somo ‘vati hanty Àsat
12 “the discerning one easily distinguishes that the true and false words oppose eachother ,
           from these two , [only] which is the right one Soma
[‘=dimensional-essence’] favours :
                the false one he destroys ;

13 Never doth Soma aid and guide the wicked or him who falsely claims the Warrior’s title.
He slays the fiend and him who speaks untruly: both lie entangled in the noose of Indra.
13 Wahrlich, der Soma fördert nicht den Unredlichen, nicht den Herrscher, der fälschlich die Herrschaft führt. Er bekämpft den bösen Geist, bekämpft den unwahr Redenden. Beide erliegen in der Schlinge des Indra.
13a na vÀ u somo vÃjinaÎ hinoti na kÍatriyam mithuyÀ dhÀrayantam
13c hanti rakÍo hanty Àsad vadantam ubhÀv indrasya prasitau ÌayÀte
‘hinoti’, 3d sing. pres. of -hi ‘to impel, hurry to, hasten’
‘prasita’, ‘net, snare’ RV , -pra is eden , other side ;
13 “the Soma [=’dimensional-essence’] does not hurry to the wicked one , falsely claiming to rule ,
           [but] he slays the eden-demon
[=rakSa] , slaying who speaks untruely ,
              both [of them] are captured by the net
[=‘for the other side’] of Indra ;
14 As if I worshipped deities of falsehood, or thought vain thoughts about the Gods, O Agni.
Why art thou angry with us, Jātavedas? Destruction fall on those who lie against thee!
14. Als ob ich je falsche Götter gehabt hätte, oder als ob ich nur zum Schein die Götter anerkannt hätte, Agni – was grollst du uns, Jatavedas? Die Falschredenden sollen dem Tode durch dich verfallen.
14a yadi vÀham anÃtadeva Àsa moghaÎ vÀ devÀÙ apyÂhe agne
14c kim asmabhyaÎ jÀtavedo hÃÉÁÍe droghavÀcas te nirÃthaÎ sacantÀm
ánRtadeva ‘whose gods are not true’ RV [here]
‘mogha’ useless ; from eden -ma ;
‘drogha+vâsas ‘using injurous words’ RV [here] ;
14 “as if I [ever] had whose gods are not true , or thought [eden-] useless thoughts , Agni [=Thoth] ;
why are you angry with us Jatevedas   
[=’a title’] ? ,
             those who use injurous words you will destroy
[nir] ;
15 So may I die this day if I have harassed any man’s life or if I be a demon.
Yea, may he lose all his ten sons together who with false tongue hath called me Yātudhāna.
15. Noch heute will ich sterben, wenn ich ein Zauberer bin oder wenn ich das Leben eines Menschen verbrannt habe. Und der soll um zehn Söhne kommen, der fälschlich zu mir sagt: du Zauberer.
15a adyÀ murÁya yadi yÀtudhÀno asmi yadi vÀyus tatapa pÂruÍasya
15c adhÀ sa vÁrair daÌabhir vi yÂyÀ yo mÀ moghaÎ yÀtudhÀnety Àha
‘harassed’, tatapa, 1st p. of -tap ‘make or be hot, shine, to burn’ RV ;
‘yatû-dhâna’ ; the -kravyâd is said of [the demon] yatû-dhâna , RV ,
so “the one devouring flesh” (see previous lines) is this yatû-dhâna ;
dhâna ‘receptacle, case, seat’ RV , from “to give” , “given receptacle” ;
root -ya is ‘to be, to exist’, yâtu ‘a kind of evil’ [demon, foe]  RV ;
15 “may I die this day if I am a demon-seat [=’the by eden given seat for the Cush-animal-soul’]
     or when I have burnt the life of any human being ?   
[=’he doesn’t mean the Originals !’] ;
yea , he should loose his masculinity ten times , who says the [eden-] nonsense to me :
                         [you] demon-seat     
    [=’by eden given seat’] ;

RV VIII , 42

stone (their sela-rock)

RV VIII , 42 (VaruNa as “their eye upon their Sela-rock” ; + their ‘boat’)
1. LORD of all wealth, the Asura [=’construct’] propped the heavens [=’pillars of Bashan’, likely] ,
and measured out the broad earth’s wide expanses.
He, King supreme, approached all living creatures.

All these are Varuṇa’s [=’their eye / moon’] holy operations.
[VaruNa is “the eye of the evil shepherd” , Zech. 11]
3 Sharpen this song of him who strives his utmost, sharpen, God Varuṇa, his strength and insight;
May we ascend [or: prosper by] the ship that bears us safely, whereby we may pass over
[=eden] .
[=ship : see prophets , “no longer a ship will cross-over”, (ship : -tsiy) ; as KHENT’- boat]
4 Aśvins, [by] the songs of the singers ,
you have made the stones [=’both the temple-foundation , and theirs’] hasten hitherward,
Nāsatyas [=title] , to the Soma-[drink]. Let all the others die away.

5 [you called] the [priestly-] Atri [=’Sela-stone’ ; = “not+trinity”] by their hymns, O Aśvins,
[=’a title’] , to the Soma-drink. Let all the others die away.
[their stone (hebrew : -sela) as enemy of the tried-cornerstone as temple-fundament]
Wie euch, Asvin, der redekundige Atri mit Lobreden anrief, ihr Nasatya´s zum Somatrunk. All die anderen Schwächlinge sollen entzweigehen
=durita ‘problems’
=ruh 1st plur. ‘ascend, climb ; prosper, thrive’ RV ;
=nâvaM , noun -nâva ‘a ship’ (but not in evasive RV or not understood) , comp. navigate ;
nâva ‘shout of joy or triumph’ RV ; yet compare context ;
=vipra ‘poet, theologian, singer, etc’ RV ;

RV X , 99


RV X , 99 (themes : Originals captured , now ‘footless’ – see ‘hoofs’ , Zech. 11 ;
here , the North steals ‘the eden-construct making physicality’ ,
to can make bodies for the animal-souls LIKE THIS AUTHOR , called ‘ant’ :
during eden , the latter kept them animal-souls within their animal-bódies ,
as he writes here (and see Zephaniah chapters + Rg-V chapter attached) ;
links to : ‘seasons theme’ (there won’t be summer / winter, in prophets) ,
different matrix-nations (in scripture as Puth, Lud, etc) , here as animals ;
10 fingers as ‘ten kings’ they fought (now theirs as 10 horns? , see Rev)
the “eye , as construct , of the matrix-shepherd”, as VaruNa , Zech. 11)

(to Indra as “Behemoth-realm north” ; start at line 3)
3 On most auspicious path he goes to battle , he toiled to win [the bright heaven] [=north] ,
full fain to gain it ;
[unrestrained] , he seized the [hundred-citadelled?] treasure  
[=’of eden’] by craft ,
and slew the (…..?) [designed image] .
Er gelangt zum Siegerpreis mit einem Nichtlahmen gehend, im Kampf um die Sonne belagerte er,
um sie zu gewinnen, als der Unerreichte in Verwandlung die Habe des Hunderttorigen beschlich
und die Phallusanbeter erschlug

4 Fighting for kine [=’Originals !’] , the prize of war,
roaming among the herd he brings the [booty] hither [quickly] ,
(to,in) where the footless
[=’Originals’] joined         [=’having no contact with the land anymore’] , without a car [=’enveloping sphere’] , [destined for the manger +?] ,
they will pour their flood like butter  [=’essence of Originals , in the ovens’] ;
[for broken-off hoofs theme + fat , which is ‘butter’ here , Zech. 11]
Er ergießt als Opfer die jüngsten Ströme, als Renner um die als Preis ausgesetzten Kühe laufend,
während seine Verbündeten ohne Füße, ohne Wagen mit den Kufen als Rossen ihr

Schmalz-Wasser strömen lassen.

5 he , the master , came with the Rudra-sons  [‘ruddy’, as Adam]   or :  [‘the ruddy eden-construct’] ,
[as the indescribable treasures] , having left [his/their] dwelling ,
Vamra [=’ant’ ! ; author name] [thinks] , [+robbing the food?] left the couple weeping .
Mit den Rudrasöhnen ist der Meister gekommen, sein Haus verlassend, mit unerlaubten Wünschen
und doch frei von Makel. Ich habe das entblößte Paar des Vamra im Sinn. Auf Speise ausgehend,

hat er raubend zum Weinen gebracht.

6 Lord of the dwelling, he subdued the demon who roared aloud ,
six-eyed and triple-headed ;                [=’what eden-construct must be this..?’]  ;
this Trita   
[=’third’, eden-main construct ; root : ‘three’ , but can be “trinity”, into ‘30’] ,
[prospering with powerful-energy] ,
he struck down the [boar-like-construct?] [with shaft?] , whose point was [metal (iron?)] .
[perhaps ‘a triple-like construct’ , compare glyph SHESEM]
Dieser Hausgebieter bezwang den laut brüllenden Dasa mit sechs Augen und drei Köpfen.
Durch seine Kraft gestärkt erschlug Trita den Eber mit eisenspitziger Rede

7 [he – the injuring one [=’eden-construct’] – raised itself up on high [=Manu ; = MENU] ] ,
[who had shot] his arrow [=’of words?’] , [striving to hurt] ,
[the (eden-) destroyed / destroying] – [moon-construct , originally from them?] ,    +
for us – the well-born one (noble one) , cleaves – the [eden-] fortress ,
[fighting the Dasyu’s] – [deserving it] ;                             [=’Dasyu , “opposer”, neutral’]
Dem hinterlistigen Arsasana möge er, für Manu sich erhebend, sein Geschoß bestimmen.
Mannhafter als Nahus hat unseretwegen der Edelgeborene im Dasyukampf die Burgen
gebrochen, da dies sein gutes Recht war
[we slowly on meet many constructs … ]

8 He [=’moon-construct’?] , like a thunder-cloud that rains upon the pasture ,
[has come (gâ) ] to us ,– knowing – [the dwelling-place (kSaya) ] – of us ;
then – [Indu
(deep-south-realm?) ] – [is seated upon?]   +                      [=’deep-south = Leviathan’]
[the support-construct] – as the hawk [=’Horus as B’AK’] ,
armed with his [metal (iron?) ] – claws he slays the Dasyus ;
Wasser spendend wie eine Gewitterwolke der Weide, fand er für uns den Weg zu unserem
Wohnsitz. Als der Adler mit seinem Leibe an den Soma herankam, da tötet der Eisenkrallige
die Dasyu´s

9 He the [matrix-] strong one [with mighty (eden-) power] –
[delivering] – these [Kutsa (beings as Lud,Phut, etc)] – from [eden-tsiun’s] – misery ; 
he led out the lauded Kavi [=’seers’] , [wearing the Atka (eden-covering around the body)] ,
[and made (them) successful heroes]
[we had SuSNa “hissing dry place” before ; per context , Cain must have been ‘a kutsa-soul’…]
Er bezwang mit seinen Gewaltigen die Übermächtigen; zu Gunsten des Kutsa gab er den Susna
dem Elend preis. Er führte den gelobten Kavi, der dessen Gewandung trug und der Gewinner
unter den Herren ward.

10 He , with his gods [as the beloved] [matrix-] mankind ,
[as accomplished wonderful things] [through] VaruNa who works with [eden-] magic  (=maya) ,
by these [‘youthful’] – [seasons?] , [changing]     +
[“the eden-concept as the cruel fashioner for to bellow like cattle”] , as the four feeted one ;
[author IS an animal-soul : so , during eden he was captured in an (only) animal-body ;
see Zephaniah-chapters about “wolves , camels and other animal-souls” ;
so the non-scriptural concept of ‘seasons’ is because animal-souls need that …?]

Diese ist als der Meister huldvoll mit seinen mannhaften Freunden, den Göttern, listenreich
gleich Varuna, dieser ist als Jüngling als der zu seinen Zeiten Trinkende bekannt geworden;
er verwandelte sich in den Araru, der vierfüßige.

11 Through lauds (of=to?) him , Auśija Rji’sva [=’zealous one + as the firm dog’?]    +
[as a mighty bull] – [split open] – [the fold, enclosure]  of Pipru [=’likely Heaven’] ;
[the extracted soma] – adorable – shone as a sacrifice , when he seized the [citadels] ,

[+two words unidentifiable atm]
[the ‘fold’ here as ‘eden’]
Durch Loblieder auf ihn sprengte Ausija Rijisvan mit dem Stiere den Wall des Pipru. Als der
Somapressende und die Lobrede des Opfernden strahlten, da beschlich er, darum angegangen,

in Verwandlung die Burgen.
12 [and this] – [great (by eden)] – construct   [=’shared construct’, as ‘asura’] ,   +
Vamraka  [=’author, here as ‘little ant’]– grew – on his two feet ,
after (=upa) – creeping – to Indra ;              [=’for he is an animal-soul !’]
[closing line :]
He will by supplication bring him blessing: he hath brought all, food, strength, a happy dwelling.
Also kroch, o Asura, Vamraka auf seinen Füßen zu Indra, um den Großen zu stärken. Er möge
darum angegangen ihm Glück bescheren. Labung, Nahrung, guten Wohnsitz, alles hat er gebracht
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
=gnha ‘destroying’ RV ;
=chi’sna+deva , chis+ not located ;
=pradhana ‘booty, spoil’ RV ;
=â-pâda , hardly “no-station” (not -patha , road) ;
=droNya ‘belonging to (or longing for) the manger’ RV (X , 50 : ‘send us cattle’) ;
=tuvîrava ‘making a terrible noise (in battle)’ RV ,

  • =trita ‘third’ ; RV II , 34 “ye O infallible brought Trita to decay” , VIII , 47 “14 Daughter of Heaven,
    the dream that bodes evil to us or to our kine, Remove, O -lightLady, to Trita Āptya far away”
    (trita-aptya , aptya = water-deity) ; in VI , 44 (do!) the nectar (for immortality) is found there –
    also mentioned “the 10 fingers” which are 10 eden-kings which they war (several chapters) :

Is this NOW théir 10 kings-constructs of which 3 were rooted-up , etc ..? ; (=3 x 10 = 30 ?)
=varâha ‘(doubtful) boar, wild pig, etc’ RV ; -varâha ‘a mountain’ RA , MH ;
varâhaka ‘name of a demon’ MH ; “stand up and eat flesh” ? ;
=vipâ or -vipa is not a root ; unclear ;
=ûrdhvasa ‘being on high’, “having spikes of corn” MH ! , “beat out the sheaf” in prophets ? ;
=nRtama ‘most manly or strong’ RV , but includes -nRt ‘destroy’ as eden-term ;
=nahuSa ‘likely original eden-moon’, see sun + moon chapters ;
=bhid 3d sing pres ; ‘split, break, cleave, etc’ RV ;
=sîdat ‘failing, suffering’ ? ‘to sit down’ ? ,
=’sarîra ‘body , but more as “a support”  RV ; not the -tanv cluster ‘body’ ;
=’savasâna ‘strong, powerful’ RV , into –‘savitR , ÁTEN ?

  • =kutsa ; ‘when Susna attacked, Indra defended him’ RV (here) ; kutsa : ‘class of matrix-beings’
    RV VII , 25 , 5 ; in I , 53 , 10 Indra máde the Kutsa ; in II , 14 Kutsa is mentioned with other
    groups (as Puth and Lud etc. in scripture?) ; try other roots -katsa etc ? ;
  • =’suSNa ‘hisser, a demon’ RV , from ‘suS ‘dry, withered’, was -tsiun in other chapter ;
    Daniel was in Susan , capital , as eurasian sphere – per playout ‘in tsiun’ ? ;

=kRpaNa ‘misery, wretchedness’
=atka , was in the “spirit-couple fighting , and female-Original , see X , 95 ;
=Rtupa , ‘season-related’ ? ;
=avedi , not-knowing ? , other form ? ;

  • =araru ‘hard, cruel ; a demon’ RV ; + amimîta 3d sing pres -mâ ?
    root mâ ‘sound, bellow, roar, bleat (especially of cattle)’ RV (animals!) , 2) mã ‘to measure,
    mark, to form, fashion, etc’ RV ; these souls were IN ANIMAL FORM during eden !!!!
    3) we combined all these in ultimate title – see above ;
  • =au’sija ‘desirous, zealous, wishing’ RV ;
  • =Rji’sva , =Rji’svan ‘name of a king protected by Indra’ RV ; but –‘sva is ‘dog’ (linked to ‘white’)
    while root -Rj exists (-arj, to Arjuna) ; “firm,healthy+dog”? ;
  • =pipra , no root ; -pru? ; no – -pR , ‘to save, rescue, excell, protect, keep alive’ ;
    p-root is mutilated by the ‘destroying-R’ but in cluster (-piprati,-pipru,etc) ; counter -Rj ? ;

=maha , ‘great, etc’  RV but from eden-root -ma ;
=vakS root ‘to grow, wax, increase’ RV ;
=sarpad , from sRp ‘to creep, crawl’ RV ;


parts of original text : Griffith [1896]

25.11.19   —   submitted   —   first version   —   het-report