RV VIII , 58 (soma = ‘purified’ eden-waters)
1. THIS here is Soma, ne’er restrained, active, all-conquering bursting forth,
Ṛṣi and Sage by sapience,
2 All that is bare he covers o’er, all that is sick he medicines;
The blind man sees, the cripple walks.
3 Thou, Soma, givest wide defence against the hate of alien men,
Hatreds that waste and weaken us.
[same theme in Zech. 11 , “support who doesn’t stand” etc]
waters (and soma)
RV X , 9 (soma = ‘purified’ eden-waters)
6 Within the [eden-] waters – Soma [=’essence’] – dwell all balms that heal,
[as the all-blessing fire]
7 O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm,
so that I long may see [Sûrya] [=’our sun : but her dimensional aspect’]
=abravîd , -abra unlisted ; only solid part is -vîd ;
[same Zech. 11 theme]