RV X , 9

waters (and soma)

RV X , 9 (soma = ‘purified’ eden-waters)
6 Within the [eden-] waters – Soma [=’essence’] – dwell all balms that heal,
[as the all-blessing fire]
7 O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm,
so that I long may see [Sûrya]
[=’our sun : but her dimensional aspect’]
=abravîd , -abra unlisted ; only solid part is -vîd ;
[same Zech. 11 theme]

RV V , 81

RV V , 81 (a golden eden-aspect , now part of this sun , as savitR – egyptian ÁTEN)
2 The Sapient One arrays himself in every form:
for quadruped and biped [=’their living beings’] he hath brought forth good ;
excellent Savitar , [the poet] on heaven’s [gracious] [four devisions = cardinal-points?] ,

and shineth after the [beginning] of the [matrix-] Dawn (=USas) .
3 Even he, the God whose going-forth and majesty the other Deities have followed with their might,
He who hath measured the terrestrial regions out by his great power, he is the Courser Savitar.
4 To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar,
and with the rays of Sûrya [=’this sun’] thou combinest thee.
yea, thou, O God, art Mitra
[=’Damascus-eye’, so both are linked’] through thy righteous laws.
[= you – go around [eden] – both – (matrix-) nights ?] [=’unclear expression , still…’]
Und du kommst zu den drei Lichtreichen, o Savitri, und wohnst mit den Strahlen der Sonne zusammen, und du umkreisest auf beiden Seiten die Nacht, und du bist nach deinen Eigenschaften der Mitra, o Gott.
[or : savitar himself is the fourth one?]
=prayâNa ‘setting out, jouney, march , invasion, motion onwards, beginning’ ;
=bhadra ‘gracious, good, etc’ RV ;
=catuSpâda ‘4 devisions’ RV (4 stations) , cardinal-points ? ;
=ubhaya ‘both, both ways, etc’ RV ;
=râtri ‘[matrix-] night’ RV ;
=parî ‘surround, go or flow around, move round or in a circle, etc’ RV but eden ‘par-‘ ;
[savitR is an eden-aspect just like Mitra – the eye of Adam in Zech. 9 ,
savitR comes ‘from the eden-tree’ (ÁTENuS) but the SavitR-concept is unclear still]

RV VII , 60

RV VII , 60 (this sun , by the VaruNa and Mitra eye ; + the seven torches)
2 Looking on man, O Varuṇa and Mitra, this Sûrya [=’this sun’] , [the one guiding men] ,
[goes up?] by both [of the ground?] , [=’2 staffs of Zech. 11 ?’]
guardian of all things fixt, of all that moveth, beholding good and evil acts of mortals.

Da geht, o Mitra und Varuna, Surya, der Aufseher, über beiden auf der Erde auf,
der Wächter über alles was steht und geht, Rechtes und Schlechtes unter den Sterblichen erschauend.
3 He [=Sûrya] hath yoked the Seven [yellowish ones] [=’7 torches’] [from their station] ,
who, dropping oil and fatness, carry Sūrya [=’sustain this sun’] ;
Yours, Varuṇa and Mitra, he surveyeth the worlds and living creatures like a herdsman.

Er hat jetzt die sieben schmalzigen Falbinnen von ihrem Stand weg angeschirrt, die den Surya fahren, der in eurem Dienste eure Schöpfungen, Mitra und Varuna, die Geschlechter wie der Hirt die Herden überwacht.
4 Your [ones like honey] [=’7 torches’] have mounted: to the bright ocean Sūrya hath ascended,
for whom the Ādityas
[=’constructs’] make his pathway ready, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa, accordant
Eure starken, honigreichen Rosse sind heraufgekommen; Surya hat jetzt das lichte Meer erstiegen, dem die Aditya´s einträchtig die Wege vorzeichnen: Mitra, Aryaman, Varuna.
=nRcakSa ‘watching or guiding men’ RV ;
=ubha ‘both’ RV ;
=jman ; same as kSâman ‘earth, soil, ground’ RV ?
[7 torches : ‘amber coloured’ in Ezekiel = honey ; see Nahum chapter where they escape]

RV VIII , 25

sun (Sûrya , our sun)

RV VIII , 25 (Mitra-VaruNa , the both “eyes”, feed our sun with soma , TOO)
19 Sūrya hath spread his light aloft up to the region of the sky,
Like [the agni-fire] a
ll aflame when gifts are offered him .
19 Sūrya hath spread his light aloft up to the region of the sky,
like a clear fire , when offered fuel [=’soma’] .
Dieser Surya hat im Schutze des Himmels sein Licht aufgerichtet, hell wie Agni,
wenn er entzündet und mit Schmalz begossen wird
=samidh ‘burning, igniting ; also ‘fuel’ RV ;
=âhuta ‘laid in the fire (f.e a corpse]’; offering as an oblation’ RV ;
[hence prophets “the sun will go dark at noontime” ; see “restoration of sun” chapter]