Zech.10 : the birth-right :
when the sons declare it ,
Christ will rescue it AS
His return (any day now)
[+don’t trust YT prophets]
making ‘the 9th month’ valid
[final version ; 2023-01jan.08]
so – the “9th month theme” can be Valid : but only because of the sceptre theme ,
not as some ‘date on itself’ — you see please ? let it be valid : for we have the sceptre !
… gorgeous chapter —
it was an absolute Mess at first but the lines were incredibly demanding
a certain buildup , as just refusing to run unless appearing in right context
[which is an amazing experience …] ,
and one can feel that the chapter is good now – showing what was intended
her buildup :
… previous chapter 9 tells “the promise to the 144 of their rescue”
and per context this chapter is “the fulfilment of that” — but with a little Twist ;
(line 1) :
“ask you ! from IEUE when Christ returns” :
… it is not a “you will ask yourself when …” but has the color of an exhortation ,
immediately showing the rather direct type language (see intro above) ;
(line 2) :
do not trust the YT prophets :
… not literally so said – but that is the slamming context following line 1 :
usually the “pastors theme” is about “saying to the people : peace” or is about “our king”
(Christ) but here show unusual terms as “dreams .. diviners .. visions” ,
as juxtaposed to being aware of “the other Reality” (tsiun) per the scroll :
leaving little option that ‘endtime watchmen’ were intended — becáuse of line 1 ;
now please :
you knew already that “watching this israel” or “the zodiac” or “kaduri” or “calendars” or “the KJV”
is a useless business , though it seems that the text here specifically argues against
the category of people thinking that they ‘get (endtime-) messages or words from God’ ,
which in turn is often caused by watching false concepts —
the point of line 2 , concerning ús , is not “those people themselves” [=is not our job]
nor “whether certain endtime dreams that people can have are true or not”
but understanding the point being made in this chapter — about the sceptre —
because that is the only thing which will get us Out
rest of chapter :
… will read for itself —
note the buildup towards the birth-right theme ,
how you and we did understand everything in the scroll : but one ,
the very probable “third year” [=because Zecheriah links to Haggai]
and the promise at the end :
please ponder the line “but of that time no one knows , but my Father in heaven” :
would God not (enjoy to-) indicate that to you — since you care about what He said ..?
corruptions : more strategic as grave ; problem was ‘the unknown theme’ anyway
theme : context 100% restored and syntax >95%
fulltext :
Zechariah 10
next 1 : “ask you ! when Christ will return” :
considered the rest of the chapter [after translation] the context is true here :
[intention w/ swapped 1x? :]
ask you ! (‘144’) – from IEUE – rain=when (will be) – [..] the time +
(that-) IEUE – (will) latter-rain=act (mlqsh=osh) ,
(as to-) [+whén] [+he] will send (?) (oah=shlch) +
[+his] clouds=anointed (Christ) (chazz=mshch) (chazz is invalid root) +
and=to [+your] rain=land (‘earth’) (mtr=arts)
[6x corrupted ; specification : “as returning upon the clouds for to gather you” (?)] ;
note :
… after chapter 9 “the PROMISE of the rescue of the 144” here “the time of return” ;
… though “latter rain” we still interpret as “visions and dreams given to the wider 144” ,
that theme does not seem to be maintainable here ;
next 2 : because “YT rapture dreams/ prophecies/ date-settings” etc. will not help you :
because – the idols=shepherds (‘christian leaders’?) (thrphm !=roe)
(are) speaking [in right direction] – lawlessness , [<< God’s-covenant related]
[=as] the diviners (!) – (that-) ‘spiritually see’ – falsehood ; [2: please see intro]
[=since] – they speak [in right direction] – futile – dreams , +
[+as] comforting (-people) – (in-) vain ,
[what was the intention ? ; now must follow a REASON as “missing something crucial” :]
on=because +
they (do) – so=not – journey=understand (nso=bin) – [=about] – flock=tsiun (tsan=tsiun)
[+since] they (are) [+not] humbled (‘see interl.’) ;
that=therefore – [+they] (are) no – shepherds ; [<< looking for the wrong things]
note :
… the solitary term ‘tsiun’ means “the other Reality” and compare line 2 a ;
my anger – burns – [=against] – (those-) shepherds , + [sic ..]
and – I (will) visit [‘to judge’] – goats=them ;
[next : since we are “so very late in Time already” it must be pást-tense :]
[=because] – IEUE of – hosts +
(has) visit=appointed (‘raise’?) (phqd=phqd) – his drove=shepherds (adr=roim) +
(that are-) ath=part of (?) – the house=remnant of – judah=Ishral (‘all 144’) ,
[next :
1) because the previous did NOT understand about tsiun ,
it makes Sense that these shepherds DO — but how was that phrased ? ;
2) though áll of the 144 will be shepherds (as witnesses) , this section is about you and we :
but what was the phrase – as in c) 3 , “part of” .. ?
d [d: per context past-tense :]
[w/ totally corrupt : attempt :]
[=because] [=they] (will have) place=understood (?) – […] [..1x , no ‘horse’ here..] +
[=my] splendor=words (eud=dbr) – in the battle=scroll (mlchm=sphr) : +
next 4 : totally and utterly corrupted ;
4 cán have been “a list of certain themes” — but “a list” is often ‘a corruption of Esau’ :
whatever the corruption was : the theme will be ‘birth-right’ so we can not be thát far off :
below : probably ‘read everything to the right of the X :
from=about (?) [..] X (or: ‘about how’ ?) – [+their] corner=soul (?) (phne=nphsh)
from=about (?) [..] X (or: ‘upon’ ?) – [+their] peg=(adm-) ground (?) (ithd=adme)
[w/ swapped 1x :]
from=about (?) [..] X (or: ‘dwelt in’ ?) – [+their] bow=sacred (qsh=qdsh) – war=people (lchm=om) ,
from=about (?) [..] X (or: ‘and how’ ?) – [=they] went forth – all=to +
the together=nations (‘of spirits’) (chd=guim) – (that-) oppressed [+them] ; [<< w/ swapped]
note :
… the restoration appears solid :
not just because it is the history of the birth-right but that they left Eden
already foretells the END of the chapter : where ‘the sceptre is in Egypt (=matrix)’ ,
because oftentimes in chapters like this the theme at the end refers back to the start ;
next 5 : totally corrupted :
because of the whole buildup now ‘there was 1 theme which the sons did not spot’ ;
but line is difficult to reconstruct :
5 [5 : likely the correct context ! :]
[w/ swapped :]
[=as] [..] – trampling – [..] [+my] masterful-men=people (‘Originals’) (gbrim=om)
in=because [+they] mud=took (?) – [+their] (birth-) streets=sceptre (?) of – [..] battle (?) ;
[+therefore] [..1x..] – IEUE – (would) and=not battle – with=fór (the sake of-) them (‘Originals’)
and=because (now-) – the horses=nations (‘of spirits’) (susim=guim)
shame=held (?) – [+their] riders=birth-right (rkbi=brke inversion !) ;
note :
… much can be said about this line but we just had a chapter (Micah?) writing
how “the Originals cried out to IEUE when they were tortured” — now shows why …
line 6 : back to the sons :
[=now] : the house=sons (‘you + we’) – mastery=knew – [..1x..] +
and=that – I (will have) compassion (-upon) (or: ‘that I will rescue’)
the house – Joseph=Ishral (‘144’) – [+in] [..] the dwell=third – save=year ,
and=but – [..] [+they] (did) [+not] – be=expect – not=that – I (would) reject them ,
that – I – IEUE of – hosts – (would) and=not respond to them ;
next 7 : important :
line 6 started with a promise — but the ‘rejected’ and ‘answer’ show a problem ,
as ‘a problem that unexpectedly emerged’ :
(for-) [=when] they (had) been – [..] masterful=reading – the ephraim=scroll (aphri=sphr) ,
[..] their heart – rejoiced – as through – wine ,
[totally corrupt and tricky to see
what can have been said : “yet now IEUE is silent (-and nothing happened)” ?]
[+because] [=he] (did) [+nót] hiss=return (shrq=shb) – for them , [<< see 6 a !]
[+as] and=nót (having) gathered them ;
[next : so what was the REASON ? — must follow now : however , “birth-right” is a guess :]
but – I (will) rescue them +
[=when] [+they] (will) understand – [..] [+their] many=birth-right (?) (rbe=bkre inversion !) ;
discover [<< other options]
[very corrupt : an attempt :]
[=therefore] I (will) sow=speak (?) (zro=dbr) – [=to] [+your] people=heart (?)
and=so that – [=you] (will) remember – [..] the far=birth-right (?) (Rchq=bkRe?) ,
c lawgiver sceptre (rchQ=chQQ) [<< option]
and=as the one of (eden-) life +
(that-) (must be) declared (?) – with=through – the sons (-of Ishral) ;
next 10 : the promise that the sceptre – taken BY Egypt – will be rescued
[but how was it phrased ? — Esau likely swapped subjects , compare line 12] ; see note :
and I (will make) [=him] (‘sceptre’) to return – from Egypt (‘Mystery-Babylon’)
[attempt :]
and=as (the one) (that-) [+the king of ?-] (‘Adam’) Assyria – gather=stole (?) (qbts=gnb) +
[+from] the land of – gilead=Eden (glod=odn !) ,
[=and] – I (will make) it (‘sceptre’) to come – [+out of] the Lebanon (matrix-region’) [<< ch.11 ?]
[=when] [=they] (‘sons’) (will have) found – [..] [=him] (‘sceptre’) ;
declared [<< options]
note :
… in the first chapters of Zechariah ‘Adam’ features prominently , therefore it is possible
that it said here “the king of Assyria” ;
2) we’d love to make “stone-tablet of the sunrise” instead of “to come out of the Lebanon”
because of the roots of the words , but because “Lebanon” seems to be the opening of
next chapter 11 perhaps ‘Lebanon’ must remain here ;
3) it’s possible that c) said “and the sceptre will not be found in her” [=Lebanon]
but “the declaration by the sons” seems a more important aspect ;
next 11 : the (very-) likely timing : the 6th seal : sceptre taken FROM Egypt :
and=then – [..] the sea=sun (im=shmsh) – (will) pass=darken – [=as] distress=sackcloth ,
[..] the billows=moon – (will) and=not smite=give – [..] [+her] sea=light (im=or)
and – all – the depth=stars – (will) dry=fall – [+from] waterway=heaven
[=when] – the pride of – Assyria (‘Adams region’) – (will be) broughtdown=removed (ird=sr) ,
[=as] the [now-] (birth-) sceptre of – Egypt – (that-) (will be) taken away ;
next 12 : 2x ieue in so short line is suspect : likely version : 12 #2 :
[=because] [=he] (‘sceptre’) (will) mastery=return – [=to] IEUE
[=when] him=my name=anointed (Christ) (shm=mshch) +
(will) walk=come (?) [+to you] ,
(is) the declaration of – IEUE .
or 12 #2 :
[=because] +
[..] him=my name=anointed (Christ) – (will) mastery=seize (‘take back’) – [..] ieue=him
[+when] they=he (will) walk=come [+to you] , [<< see line 1]
(is) the declaration of – IEUE .
end >>>>