CT 472 : the tree [of good & evil] 
as NEBS and ÁSER [‘tamarisk’] 

[version ; 2024-07jul.01] 


… actually “both names of the tree” is the only reason for doing this Spell ;
do please ponder how “the Cross” can be related to ‘this tree’
NEB-S must link to NEBH’ET (Nephthys) which must have been constructed around Eve
but only as intern reminder here since Nebh’et does not show in this spell  
to read along ,
PDF page 18 , real page VI 2 ; start in lower right corner reading Upward ;
not adding ‘the official translation’ at end here because useless

CT 472
VI 2
[for]  my. (matrix-) spirit (-consciousness). 
(eden-) existence. the (eden-) house (‘realm’). [as]  the (matrix-) sanctuary. to give. ,      +
[by means of-]  the NEBS tree [‘tree of good & evil’]  .     +                                                                     [not ‘two trees’]  
as. a tamarisk tree [‘same’]  (ÁSR). [..]  to make (-by eden) (ÁR). ;
(the tree-) [to be]  the main (matrix-) root (adj.) – [for]  the (matrix-) land. ,                                      [see CT 473] 
[as]  everything (adj.) – [for]  (matrix-) existence.      +
[by]  (matrix-) existence. above (‘north’) (adj.) – to guide. ;                                                     [‘for the tree is below’] 
to recite. ; 

         [NEBS “the tree of / the real-soul / for everything of the solar plane”
         but specified as ÁSER “the tree / to make (matrix-) speech / for hail”] 
         restart : now ‘from the tree’ to ‘stealing from eden’ (the 2nd root they need) :
         here is the problem with this Spell :
         the closing “recite” , above , suggests that “the tree theme ended now” 
         and he proceeds to ‘the second root they need — eden herself’ ,
         which is supported by the “light-particles of (eden) willpower” in next line g     —
         yet the text remains very Flat , unspecific :
[by]  the (real-) soul’s (-one) [‘the tree’]  . [to be]  (matrix-) speech. [for]  he. the (matrix-) existence.
[and]  this (-method). to devise. ,
[in order-]  (matrix-) existences. [to-]  thou (‘candidate’). to give. :                                [‘now subject is Eden’? :] 
by [-means of] .     +
to tie (to) the intestine (‘solar plane’)the east (read : Heaven).     +
[to be]  (matrix-) existence. [through]  the adam-like hand (‘as subsidiary branch’). ,
[in order for-]  the West’s. existence. [by]  the light-particles of (eden-) willpower [..]  (‘sand’ ; SHÂ).  + 
[by]  to ferry (-them) over (‘to the north’). [for]  (matrix-) speech. ;

        [here ,
        the line is a bit difficult to make to run
        but “they want the willpower (as light-particles) of eden speech for themselves” 
        which need to be ‘ferried-over’ from eden to their region] 
the speech (adj.) – [to-]  the shores (-of the solar plane) (adj.) – to make to grow. , 
to become the reaped (eden-) things. [by]  the (matrix-) field.    +                                                    [‘in mid region’] 
making it into (matrix-) character. [for]  (matrix-) existence. within (-the matrix). ;

[because]  the word of speech *that is-) made (-by eden) (ÁR-U).    + 
[to become-]  the opened (matrix-) word. [for]  the (matrix-) speech. [of]  this N (‘candidate’). ,
[as]  the valued one (‘matrix word’). [for]  the (matrix-) speech of hail. ;
[and by]  this. to devise (‘create’). (matrix-) existences. [and to]  thou. to give (-it). ;
[because]  by.    +
he. the one below. [is]  the (matrix-) speech. [through]  (‘thanks to’) my (corrupt-) soul.     +
for. this N. existence. within (-the matrix). ;
[because of]  (having made-) trouble (?) (STCHB). to can worship the (matrix-) word. ,                         [weird] 
[yet by]  he the one below (‘eden’). [is]  the speech. [for]  this N. ,
[because by]  me. the word. to connect to. being the valuable one. [for]  (matrix-) speech of hail. : 

         [here ,
         if you have read CT 473 (page) you see a slight resemblance with the section there
         about “his brothers the gods having speech through him” — yet this seems like some
         uninspired repeat of that : just as this entire spell is somewhat Flat] 
[in order for]  this N. [to be]  adam-like made (-by eden) (ÁR-I). (matrix-) existence. ,
[through]  these. (now matrix-) images (SHABT+). [for]  (matrix-) hail. ; 

          [here ,
          usually the word for ‘images’ is ÁRU (‘made by eden’) but here the curious SHABT+  ;
          the dictionary adds the link to “a golem” but probably it’s just his way of talking
          since he also used -utcheb instead of -átb earlier ; and though SHABT suspiciously
          much resembles the hebrew ‘sceptre’ (shebt) and also shows in this cluster ,
          there is no reason we should connect things that aren’t there — in this case] 
— after looking at it we decided to drop this page ; 
      it is a very flat text without interesting (-enough) phrases — and we’ve so much more to do