eden (see tsiun)
RV II , 14 [FULL] (eden invaded ; Jerusalem , tsiun + other terms)
(themes : compare Ezekiel 24 ; a number of mentioned concepts we can identify , but don’t (yet) understand why “the 99 citadels of Jerusalem” are related to ‘arms’ – and by extension to ‘forest’; last line is about ‘a forest’ which must likely be identified as the Lebanon , but the link between ‘forest’, ‘wool (foilage)’ and the eden-mother we still investigate (but see RV X , 17) ; links to : Ezekiel 24 (eden invaded) , and others ; |
RV II , 14 (eden invaded (Ez.24) ; terms : Jerusalem , tsiun ; forest + wool)
1. MINISTERS, bring the Soma juice for Indra, pour forth the gladdening liquor with the beakers.
To drink of this the Hero longeth ever; offer it to the Bull, for this he willeth.
1 MINISTERS, [=‘priests preparing the sacrifice’, Kedar?’]
bring the Soma juice [=’turquoise’] for Indra ,
pour forth the gladdening liquor [in the large vessel (amatra)] ,
[the hero desires] to drink of this ; offer it to the Bull , for this he willeth ;
Adhvaryu´s! Traget für Indra den Soma auf, schenket den berauschenden Trank in Humpen ein, denn
der Held hat immer Lust nach diesem Trunk ! Opfert dem Bullen; darnach eben hat er Verlangen
2 Ye ministers, to him who with the lightning smote, like a tree, the rain-withholding Vṛtra —
Bring it to him, him who is fain to taste it, a draught of this which Indra here deserveth.
2 you ministers,
to him who smote the the rain-withholding vṛtra [=’temple-foundation’, in original eden’] ,
like a lightningbolt a tree [=’uprooted tree’, vRkSa’] ;
bring it to him, him who is fain to taste it ,
[this drink] which Indra here deserveth.
Adhvaryu´s! Der den Wasser sperrenden Vritra erschlagen hat wie einen Baum mit einem Blitze,
dem traget diesen Soma auf, der darnach verlanget ! Dieser Indra hat das anrecht auf dessen Trunk.
3 Ye ministers, to him who smote Dṛbhīka, who drove the kine forth, and discovered Vala,
Offer this draught, like Vita in the region: clothe him with Soma even as steeds with trappings.
3 you ministers, to him who smote Dṛbhīka , [=’a centre of eden-flax? , Hos. 2’]
who drove the kine forth , [=’either Originals or dual-essence’]
for he discovered Vala [=’the enclosure’ ; eden paradise , likely’] ,
offer this drink , like [wind in the air] ,
clothe him with soma , even as [steeds with trappings?] ;
[what are conquered start with a -v : v-Rtra , v-RkSa , -vala (vana = forest) ; except d-Rbh]
Adhvaryu´s! Der den Dribhika erschlagen hat, der die Rinder heraustrieb – denn er hatte die Valahöhle aufgesperrt – für ihn lasset den Soma laufen wie den Wind in der Luft. Decket Indra mit Soma zu wie
ein Greis mit Kleidern sich zudeckt!
4 Him who did Uraṇa to death, Adhvaryus! though showing arms ninety-and-nine in number;
Who cast down headlong Arbuda and slew him,—speed ye that Indra to our offered Soma.
4 he who put UraNa [=‘distant land, wilderness (into forest / wool)’] to death , ministers ! ,
(UraNa) showing arms ninety-and-nine in number ; [=’also as 99 Jerusalems fortresses’?, see 6’]
who cast down Arbuda [=‘watery monster’ ; eden-dimension?’] and slew him :
speed ye that Indra to our offered soma ;
Adhvaryu´s!Der den Urana erschlagen hat, welcher neunundneunzig Arme reckte, der den Arbuda
hinab in die Tiefe stieß, diesen Indra treibt zur Eile, wenn der Soma aufgetragen wird!
5 Ye ministers, to him who struck down Svaśna, and did to death Vyaṁsa and greedy Śuṣṇa,
And Rudhikrās and Namuci and Pipru,—to him, to Indra, pour ye forth libation.
5 you ministers , to him who struck down aśna , [=’the stone’, as temple-fundament’?]
and did to death Vyaṁsa , [=’? , unknown’]
and greedy Śuṣṇa , [=‘tsiun’, see index’]
and [death to] Rudhikrā , [‘eden-redness’ , per ‘adam’]
and Namuci , [=‘preventing rain (for the matrix)’]
and Pipru : [‘protector’ , “Heaven” in rv x 99]
to him , to Indra , pour ye forth libation ;
Adhvaryu´s! Der den Asna recht erschlagen hat, der den gefräßigen Susna, der den Vyansa,
der den Pipru, Namuci, der den Rudhikra diesem Indra opfert vom Tranke!
6 Ye ministers, to him who as with thunder demolished Śambara’s hundred ancient castles;
Who cast down Varcin’s sons, a hundred thousand,—to him, to Indra, offer ye the Soma.
6 you ministers ,
to him who [has rent – the firmament] – of Śambara’s [=‘edens jerusalem’] hundred [citadels] ;
who cast down Varcin’s [=‘eden-speech’?] sons , a hundred thousand : [=’prob. eden angels’]
to him , to Indra, offer ye the soma ;
[we’re not sure how to compare the previous 99 with the same number here ;
see Ezekiel chapter “Toth invaded eden the 10th of the 10th” and others]
Adhvaryu´s! Der die hundert Burgen des Sambara brach, die vielen wie mit einem Stein,
der die hundert, die tausend Mannen des Varcin wegfegte – traget ihm Soma auf!
7 Ye ministers, to him who slew a hundred thousand, and cast them down upon earth’s bosom;
Who quelled the valiant men of Atithigva, Kutsa, and Āyu,—bring to him the Soma.
7 you ministers , to him who slew a hundred thousand , [=’probably eden angels’]
and cast them down upon earth’s bosom ;
who [sustained?] the valiant men of Atithigva , Kutsa , and Āyu : [=’unclear still’]
bring to him the soma ;
Adhvaryu´s! der hundert und tausend erschlug und in den Schoß der Erde säte.
Die Mannen des Kutsa, des Ayu, des Atithigva niederrang – traget ihm Soma auf!
8 Ministers, men, whatever thing ye long for obtain ye quickly bringing gifts to Indra.
Bring to the Glorious One what hands have cleansed; to Indra bring, ye pious ones, the Soma.
8 you ministers , men : whatever thing you long for , obtain it [from Indra] ,
when you quickly bringing gifts ;
bring to the glorious one what hands have cleansed :
to Indra bring , you pious ones , the soma ;
Adhvaryu´s! Was ihr Herren auch wünschen möget, das erlangt ihr von Indra, wenn ihr gehorsam
das Opfer darbringt. Traget dem Berühmten den mit den Händen geläuterten Soma auf,
opfert dem Indra Soma, ihr Opferwilligen!
9 Do ye, O ministers, obey his order: that purified in wood, in wood uplift ye.
Well pleased he longs for what your hands have tended: offer the gladdening Soma juice to Indra.
9 you ministers , obey his order:
[you must guide, conduct] (it?) – in? [the forest (-vana) ] , as? [the filtering] – [forest] ; (?)
well pleased , he longs for what your hands have tended [to] :
offer the gladdening soma juice to Indra ;
[the -vana has the colour of ‘captured forest’ (appears as Lebanon theme) ,
while we’ve the idea that “the forest itself is the filter” ,
“washed by the men, pressed out with stones, strained through the filter made of wool”
(RV VIII , 2) ; though no linked term is used into ‘forest’, it is also about ‘preparing soma’
by ‘the men’, same here ; elsewhere from -araNya (distant land) into -ûrNâ ‘wool’]
Adhvaryu´s! Erweiset ihm Gehorsam, schöpfet den im Holzgefäß Geläuterten in den Holzbecher !
Mit Wohlgefallen verlangt er nach dem Soma in eurer Hand – dem Indra opfert den berauschenden
[end – still two lines of praise but for us not of interest]
[breakdowns :]
=dRbhîkam ; already corrupted , -darbhi is nothing ; -darbha ‘bunch or tuft’ RV , but seems a type
of grass (flax? Is mentioned with wool in Hos. 2) ; -darbha+ , ‘bed of darbha’ RV ;
=vala ‘enclosure,cave,cavern’ RV (later -bala) ; vala ‘name of a brother of vRtra slain by indra’ RV ;
valarujá ‘shattering caverns’ RV ; paradise ? ;
=arbuda ‘serpent-like demon’ RV ; in X ,67 appears -vala , and chapter seems to be about our
originals leaving eden (‘stole the kine’) , thundered to by bRhaspati (-bRh ‘to become strong
or great ; also ‘to root-up’? as Ekron ?) ; 12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head
of Arbuda the watery monster, Slain Ahi =eden-day] , and set free the Seven Rivers. ;
in I , 51 , 6 “ Thou savedst Kutsa when Śuṣṇa [=tsiun] was smitten down; to Atithigva gavest
Śambara [=eden’s Jerusalem] for a prey. E’en mighty Arbuda [=eden-dimension?] thou troddest
under foot: thou from of old wast born to strike the Dasyus dead.”
=a’sna ‘voracious’ RV ; II,20 : Stealing away the mornings with the sunlight, he, lauded, crushed
even Aśna’s ancient powers”; -a’san ‘a stone’ RV ; VIII, 2 “washed by the men, pressed out with
stones, strained through the filter made of wool,’Tis like a courser bathed in stream”
=vyaMsa ‘having wide or broad shoulders’ MH ; (to deceive, MH) ; but vi+amsa (shoulder) ;
=’auSna ‘to hiss (like a serpent)’ RV (‘suSka ‘dry,parch,arid’ RV cluster = tsiun? as dry place)
=pipru ‘demon’ RV , no other ; root -pR ‘to save,rescue,etc’ RV in imp. form ? ; see other RV ;
=namuci ‘not loosening’ RV (na+ci) ‘preventing rain’ ;
=rudhikrâ , from ‘eden-redness -rudh’ ;
=’sambara ‘a demon’ RV ; in I, 112 ‘sambara is related to castles too , as enemy of théir cities ;
sambaravRtrahan ‘slayer of vRtra (temple-foundation) and ‘Sambara’ RA (Jerusalem+tile) ;
then ‘samba ‘a weapon?’ RV ; counter of ‘shambhala’ MH ? , in IV,26 she has 100 forts
(also the ‘strong-pinioned’ bird is there , hawk , Ezekiel chapter?)
=bibheda, 3d of -bhid , ‘to rent, destroy, etc’ + -a’sman ‘firmament’ RV (not ‘stone’) ;
=varcin ; into corrupted -Rc ‘verses’, as speech ?
=kuts ‘to despise’ RV ; I,53 “and Tūrvayāṇa with thine aid, O Indra.Thou madest Kutsa,
Atithigva, Āyu, subject unto this King, the young, the mighty”
=atitighva ‘to whom guests should go’ ; -atithin’travelling’ RV
=gabhastí ‘arm, hand’ RV , gabhasti ‘ray of light, sunbeam’ RA MH ; no -hasta ‘hand’ here ;
gabhasti ‘shining (fork-like? Two-edged?)’ RV ; I,54 as ‘sharp stone’ ?
(also Jerusalem and tsiun there) ;
=vana ‘forest, wood, thicket (but in older language also a tree)’ RV ; -vana ‘foreign or
distant land (see -aranya)’ RV ; in VII , 1 , 19 “ injure us not at home or in the forest”,
forest as -vana but ‘house’ as the negative -dama “punish”, rendering -vana as eden’s ;
vana ‘wood, timber’ RV , ‘wooden vessel fort he soma juice’ RV (=as FOREST) ;
vana ‘a cloud’ RV (so it’s hovering now) ;
2) root -van ‘to gain, aquire’ RV (sic) ; vanaspati ‘king of the wood’ RV (=cedar in pr.) ;
=nayadhvam, 2nd pl pres imper. -nî
parts of original text : Griffith [1896]
01.12.19 — submitted — first version — het-report