RV X , 75 (the river to their North – which the dragon made ; Ez. 29)
1. THE singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvān’s place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare. The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses
all the streams that flow.
1. [in front of] – [you] , [(eden-) waters] – of [(now matrix-) grandeur] ,
[the excellent] – [poet (creator)] – [will tell about] – [the residence] – of [Vivasvat (=perhaps God)] ;
[in front of] – [the seven seven (=2 axis?)] – are [the 3 ways (=of main eden-construct)] ,
[like?] – [the root of the chariot-wheel (=as eden-land , cherub-wheel)] ,
[in front of] – [the flowing-path] – of [the powerful] – [celestial river] ;
[“the river is mine – I made it”, says the dragon in Ez. 29 ;
in prophets termed as ‘the Nile’ , in this RV as “the celestial river” ;
2) Vivasvat : we still have reason to think God is intended ;
3) the eden-land as (=in) the cherub-wheels : see rest of chapter ;
4) 3 ways : definitely of eden , see Trita-construct in other chapters ;
Eure höchste Größe, ihr Gewässer, wird jetzt der Dichter fein verkünden an des Vivasvat Platze.
Dreimal je sieben sind sie nämlich ausgezogen, allen Strömenden voran überholt sie durch
ihre Stärke die Sindhu.
2 Varuṇa cut the channels for thy forward course, O Sindhu, when thou rannest on to win the race.
Thou speedest o’er precipitous ridges of the earth, when thou art Lord and Leader of these moving floods.
[in front of] – [you] , [varuNa] – [split and opened] – [the demon-construct of (eden-) sorcery] , +
for [the paths] – of [the celestial river] ,
[then] – [you] – [the booty (=eden-waters)] – [he made to flow] – [towards] them [=’paths’] ;
[you go] – to [the land] – [abóve] – [the slope of the (eden-) mountain (or ‘sloping path’, Ezekiel)] ,
to [the summit of the (matrix-) mountain (or ‘ridges’)] :
[then] – [you] – are [the ruler] – of [the (matrix-) beings] – since [the beginning] [=’before eden’] ;
[to split and open :
as a main theme in the spells , the jackal UP-UA “opener of the watercourse (‘way’)” ;
the UP-gluph is the eden-root , as two horns (the eden-ram’s horns) ;
2) the ‘slope’ may also be the sloping path to the north, which Ezekiel saw ,
the “sloping” related to the different angle of their dimension ,
then it may read “…go to the land above , by the sloping path” ;
3) varuNa , as “the eye of their sela-stone”,
Isaiah 10 is about the breaking of the yoke (=this river) and mentions the stone (hebrew:-sela) ;
perhaps ‘VaruNa’ also represents “their type human”,
like Adam , now at Damascus (the imprisoned temple-fundament / stone) represents adamite]
Dir zeichnete Varuna die Wege zum Laufe vor, o Sindhu, als du nach den Siegerpreisen ausliefst. Über
den Rücken der Erde gehst du in deinem Laufe, wann du die Spitze dieser lebenden Wesen führst.
3 His roar is lifted up to heaven above the earth: he puts forth endless vigour with a flash of light.
Like floods of rain that fall in thunder from the cloud, so Sindhu rushes on bellowing like a bull.
3 [the roaring] – [(eden-) sky] – [connects] – [towards the (matrix-) land] , [=’to the north’]
[infinite] – [roaring energy (of tsiun)] – [springs up (ud)] , [ascending (!) ] – as [a beam of light] ;
as [the cloud of rainy weather] – [below] [=’in eden’] ,
[before] – [it rains down (by eden)] – by [the thundering] – [celestial river] ,
[then] – [as?] – [the bull lord (by eden)] – [roaring] – for [us] ;
[rain and thunder :
perhaps not even an eden-concept – compare the dew in paradise ;
2) tsiun : same root as the serpent –‘SuSNa’]
Gen Himmel strebt ihr Brausen über der Erde; sie treibt ihre endlose Wucht mit Glanz empor. Es
donnern gleichsam Regengüsse aus der Wolke, wenn Sindhu wie ein brüllender Bulle dahingeht.
4 Like mothers to their calves, like milch kine with their milk, so, Sindhu, unto thee the
roaring rivers run. Thou leadest as a warrior king thine army’s wings what time thou comest in
the van of these swift streams.
4 [towards] – [you] , [celestial river] ,
are [the (matrix-) children] – as to [our] – [mother] ,
(who is) [the milch-cow] – [lowing] – [with) milk] ;
[king] – [warrior] , [you lead] – [your] – [sprinkling (RV)] ,
[then] – [is the food] – for [the ones since the beginning] ,
by [the striving to get] – [the slope of the (eden-) mountain (or ‘the sloping path ; Ezekiel)] ;
[king or queen :
probably as a ‘he’ , compare the many ‘storm-gods’ in mythologies]
Sie eilen dir zu, o Sindhu, wie die Mütter ihrem Jungen, wie die Kühe brüllend mit ihrer Milch. Du
führest sie an wie ein kämpfender König seine beiden Heerflügel, wann du die Spitze dieser Ströme
zu gewinnen suchest.
5 Favour ye this my laud, O Gan!gā, Yamunā, O Sutudri, Paruṣṇī and Sarasvatī:
With Asikni, Vitasta, O Marudvrdha, O Ārjīkīya with Susoma hear my call.
5 [my] – [praise] – of [the GaNges (some celestial river)] , [the Yamunã] ,
[Sarasvati] , [‘sutudri’] ,
as [the hymn] – [assisting] – [ParuSa (‘the concept of speckledness ; as ‘leopard’ in prophets’)] ;
[the one having been acquired’?] – for? [‘the covering of the maruts (=bronze soldiers)] ,
(namely) [(the river) for (whiteness?) + standing + upright] ,
[as] – [the river containing -soma] , [hear you] ;
[Ganges , Yamunâ , etc – we don’t know ;
the many type rivers can represent “the 7 necks of the dragon” in Revelation ,
as different axis , here represented as ‘rivers’ ;
2) the ‘standing upright’ as important glyph ÂHÂ , ‘(eden-) willpower to stand upright’ ;
3) ‘having been acquired’ (-asiknyâ) looks as another form of (inakSasi) “striving to get” in 4]
Folgt diesem Lobgesang von mir, Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Sutudri, Parusni; Marudvridha mit der
Asikni, mit der Vitasta, Arjikiya mit der Susoma höre zu!
6 First with Trstama thou art eager to flow forth, with Rasā, and Susartu, and with Svetya here,
With Kubha; and with these, Sindhu and Mehatnu, thou seekest in thy course Krumu and Gomati.
6 [in the (eden-) beginning] – [rough formed] , [you set out to go] , [=’out from eden’]
[at the same time] – [flowed well] – [the essence] – of [(eden-) whiteness] – to [here] ;
[you] , [celestial river] , [below : not 100% sure]
[‘fearing the (eden-) bad’?] – as [the river of dual-essence (designed for eden?) ] ,
(are) [‘the made river’?] – of [greatness (by eden, + ?)] :
[together with the chariot-wheel (=eden-land , as cherub-wheel)] – [wherewhich] – [you arrive] ;
[the eden-land ascended :
see also line 9 where ‘she is yoked to the river’ ;
that can make sense – like a ball atop a strong fountain ;
2) the essences : still a tricky theme ; ‘whiteness’ is related to ‘the Lebanon’ ,
but it’s not clear how this is related to ‘dual-essence’ (see Zecheriah ‘Zerubbabel’ chapter) :
Zuerst mit der Tristama zum Laufe vereint, mit Susartu, Rasa, mit dieser Svetya kommst du, Sindhu,
mit der Kubha zur Gomati, mit der Mehatnu zur Krumu, mit denen du auf gleichem Wagen dahineilst.
7 Flashing and whitely-gleaming in her mightiness, she moves along her ample volumes
through the realms, Most active of the active, Sindhu unrestrained, like to a dappled mare , beautiful, fair to see.
7 [going upwards (!) ] – [brilliant] , [shining] – [mighty (by eden)] ,
[towards] – [‘the bordersky’ (=border between eden and matrix ; lit. ‘surface’)] ,
[she contains and conveys] – [the mist and vapour] ;
[the benevolent] – [most active] – [(eden-) waters] – of [the celestial river] – for [us] ,
[bright] , [marvellous(ly)] – [to behold] ;
[bordersky :
as ‘Midian’ in second half of Isaiah 10 , where their yoke (this river) will be broken ;
2) remember , also Plato wrote how he saw this mighty stream going up]
Geradeaus schießend, schimmernd, weiß, führt sie in ihrer Größe Stromschnellen und Staubwolken
mit sich. Die unbeirrte Sindhu, die Tätigste der Tätigen, prächtig wie eine Stute, wie eine Schöne sehenswert
8 Rich in good steeds is Sindhu, rich in cars and robes, rich in gold, nobly-fashioned, rich in ample wealth. Blest Silamavati and young woman Urnavati invest themselves with raiment
rich in store of sweets.
8 by [the celestial river] – are [the good horses (=physical-body of spirits)] ,
[the good chariots (around body)] , [the good garment-bodies] ,
[the gold+things?] – [nicely made] , [containing power] ;
[the young woman] – [=name author?] – [has wool (ûrNâ ; from ‘the distant-land’ = eden)] ,
[and above (=north)] – [she dresses] – [beautifully] – with [the pleasant (by eden) covering] ;
[the ‘horse’ :
also in prophets used , describing them spirits as ‘horsemen’ ,
and compare how their birth-construct is now appearing as a horse (see RV) ;
2) the wool : physicality-related ,“from the distant land” , see other chapters]
Reich an schönen Rossen ist Sindhu, reich an schönen Wagen und Gewändern, reich an Gold,
wohlbeschaffen, reich an Rennstuten; reich an Wolle ist die Jugendliche, reich an Silamakraut,
und die Holde trägt als Kleid die Madhuvridh-Staude.
9 Sindhu hath yoked her car, light-rolling, drawn by steeds, and with that car shall she win booty
in this fight. So have I praised its power, mighty and unrestrained, of independent glory,
roaring as it runs.
9 [the celestial river] – [has yoked] to – [‘the good axle-holed’] – [chariot-wheel (=eden-land)] ,
(so) [the horses (=spirits)] – in [this] – [war] [=’against eden’] +
[gain] – [what belongs – to them , the goats (=our Originals)] ;
[because] – of [the great one (by eden)] [=’the celestial river’] ,
he – is [the glorious] – [great one (by eden)] ,
[unimpaired] , [self-sufficient] – and [very abundant] .
[axle-hole :
term as (-sukha) , described by M-Williams as having that meaning ,
and for ús very useful to support the “ball upon the geyser concept” with ;
2) ‘belonging to goats’ as (-âja) , same term is used in the torture chapter ;
3) in Is. 14 ‘the yoke’ of ‘the Assyrian’ (=Adam, in chapter 10) will be broken ,
and line 21-22 even mentions ‘the killing of them spirits’ , compare line 9 above ;
in the same chapter 14 this breaking seems to happen after the 144,000 became real ;
Ihren leichten, mit Rossen bespannten Wagen hat die Sindhu geschirrt, mit dem wird sie den Preis in
diesem Rennen gewinnen. Denn dessen hehre Größe wird hochgepriesen, des unbeirrten,
selbstherrlichen, überreichen.
[end – and end of chapter]
[breakdowns :]
- =pra, ‘before, in front of, etc’ ;
- =uttama ‘excellent’ RV ; no eden ;
- =kâru ‘poet’ RV , but from kR , to do or make ;
- =tridhâ ‘in 3 ways, in 3 parts, in 3 places, triply’ RV (3+to give -dhâ) ;
- =cakramuH , blank ; cakramauli ‘having a circular diadem’ RV (of an eden-construct) VI 69,14 ,
but -mauli ‘diadem’ is MH ; -mûla ‘a root (of anything)’ RV ; - =sRti ‘a path’ RV ; sRtvan ‘running,swift, nimble’ RV ; from sRt ‘to flow, glide, etc’ ;
- =sindhu ‘flood, waters (also in the sky) ; river, ocean, sea’ RV ;
- =aradad, 3d sing pres imp -rad ‘to scratch, scrape, gnaw, bite, rend, dig, break, split, divide;
to cut, open (a road or path); to lead (a river) into a channel; to convey to, bestow on,
give, dispense’ RV ; - =yãtu ‘demon, foe ; sorcery, witchcraft’ RV ; yâtudhâna ‘demon’ RV , -dhâna
as ‘receptacle, seat’ RV , close to – - =vâja ‘strength, energy ; contest, battle, war ; the prize of a race or of battle, booty, gain,
reward, any precious or valuable possession, wealth, treasure (also sacred food)’ RV ; - =abhi ‘to, towards, into, over, upon
- =adravas, 3d sing pres imp -dru ‘run, hasten ; to cause to run, make flow; to make fluid, melt RV
- =yâsi, 2nd sing pres -yâ ;
- =sânu ‘a summit, ridge, surface, top of a mountain, (in later language generally) mountain-ridge,
table-land’ RV ; (not eden) ; - =agram ‘in front, before, ahead of’ no RV ; -agrya ‘first-born’, RV , ‘beginning’ RV ;
- =irajya ‘to order, prepare, arrange ; to lead ; to dispose ; ot h master of ; to grow’ RV (-raj) ;
- =yatate, 3d sing pres -yat ‘ to place in order, marshal, join, connect , to keep pace, be in line,
rival or vie with, to join , associate with , march or
fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle)’RV - =’suSma ‘stength, energy ; hissing, roaring, rushing (of water, fire, the wind etc.)’ RV ,
from the ‘suSna-serpent = tsiun ; - =iyarti, 3d sing pres of -R ‘fix, faste, place, insert ; to go, move, rise, tend upwards, etc. ;
to go towards, meet with, fall upon or into, reach ; to fall to one’s share, occur, befall’ RV ; - =bhânu ‘brightness, light or a ray of light, lustre, splendour’ RV ;
- =vRSTa, ‘rained’ no RV ;
- =vRSabha ‘lord ; a bull, strong’ RV ;
- =roruvat, no root -roru , intense of -ru ‘roaring’? ;
- =inakSa ‘strive to get’ ? ; yes , inakS , RV :
- =gaN+ga, as in the Ganges river ; impossible root ; contraction of -gagana ‘sky, air,
firmament’ RV ? , since the context is celestial ; - =’sutudri, stem ‘sutudrî , unknown ;
- =asiknî ‘darkness ; river’ RV (see numbers) ; a+sikta? , sikta ‘poured out, sprinkled, wetted, impregnated’ RV ; from -sic ? compare previous line “impregnate” as (-sic) ;
- =marudveRdhâ ; =marut (bronze soldiers) + vRdh ‘to strengthen’ ;
- =vitastâ ‘a river’ RV , “life+stand” ? + bingo , -Rju ‘upright (lit and fig)’ RV ;
- =’sRNu ‘to hear’ ;
- =suSoma ‘a river ; “containing good sap”; a soma vessel’ RV ;
- =yâ ’go, march, set out, walk, travel, enter, approach, arrive’’ RV ;
- =tRSTamâ , tRSTa ‘”dry”, rough, harsh, rugged, hoarse’ RV (but not the tsiun one) ,
as root + to build, form, cross over, mete out? ; - =susarta ; su + root -sR? ‘to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go ; persue’ RV ;
- =’sveta ‘white, dressed, in white, bright’ RV , important –‘sva , ‘sve ;
- =kubhayâ ; (kubhanyu ‘desirous of water’ RV) ; bhî/bhaya ‘fear’ RV + ku (ku = ‘bad’) ,
- =gomatî ‘a river falling into the Indus’ RV (number) ; ‘a place abounding in cattle’ RV (Originals?) ,
in VIII,24 ‘an enclosure’ (vala) is linked to gomatî ; go ‘essence’ + mati ‘design, etc’ ; - =krumu ‘name of a river, tributary of the Indus’ RV ; form of to make -kR ? ;
- =mehatnvâ ; mehatnû ‘name of a river’ RV ; no other ; -mehat not existing root (from -meha) ;
- =saratha, ‘ on the same (or together with) chariot’ RV MH ;
- =yâbhir, = yâbhis ? ‘whereby, that, in order that’ RV (fr. Ya ‘who , which’;
- =îyase, 2nd (then differs) from -i or -yã ; =you go,walk,arrive or =you go, flow, blow,
advance, spread, arise, come from, return - =jrayas ‘expanse, space, flat surface’ RV ; (+ana ‘occupying space, expanding’ RV) ;
- =rajâMsi (dust,particles,atoms) -rajas ‘
- =sîlamâvatî , RV , unknown ; no root sîla nor -sila ; ;
- =utâdhi , none ; = uta+adhi ; (uta : and,also,even,or ; or from ‘woven’) ;
- =vaste, 3d pres of -vas ‘to put on, invest, wear, (clothes) , assume (a form), enter into’ RV ;
- =madhu ‘charming,etc’ RV (by eden) +vRd ‘covering’ ;
- =yuyuje, 3d sing tense parad perf -yuj ‘to yoke, harness, etc’ RV ;
- =âjau, from âja ‘coming from or belonging to goats’ (=Originals) ;
- =panasyu ‘to be glorious, or to praise (verb)’ RV ;
- =hi, ‘for, because, on account of’ ;
- =adabdha ‘not deceived or tampered with, unimpaired, unbroken’ RV ;
parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)
08.12.19 — submitted — first version — het-report