RV I , 116 the eden-fire-pillar in relation to their ‘soma essence’ :
the ‘pillar of fire (like of the tabernacle) is now at Damascus , north ,
(their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel)
content : the Western dimension , wanting to invade eden ,
stands “at the sea-shore” (dimension) ,
but can only attack through “a phallus-like construct” , as dimensional-axis ;
after they struck the eden-construct ,
the imprisoned spirits (of the pre-eden Rahab-land) are released ,
then it tells how the virgin-ishral , representing the main eden-construct ,
is copulating with théir construct (through the phallus-axis theme) ;
then “the word” is separated from “the eden-gate” ,
and the base of the eden-tree (=the construct) is encased in iron ,
creating the exact inversal of the eden-virgin, having horns of iron) ;
remark : this one is different as all the lauds to Indra + thunderbolt ;
likely the same concepts are mentioned here , but in different form ;
linking to : book Daniel , chapter about the goat and the ram ;
Ezekiel 23 , the unfaithful sisters , copulating in the north ;
book of Job , chapter about the pre-eden land Rahab ;
chapter about “the bronze hoofs and iron horn of the ishral-virgin”,
Amos chapters about the house-ishral (120,000) and the ishral-virgin ;
see log at end ;

RV I , 116 (their realm attacks eden – compare the goat chapter in book Daniel)
[introduction by the animal-soul :]
1. I TRIM like grass my song for the Nāsatyas and send their lauds forth as the wind drives rain-clouds,
Who, in a chariot rapid as an arrow, brought to the youthful Vimada a consort.

1 [towards + ‘the helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[I gather] – [the sacrificial grass (barhi)] – [in front] – [like] – [the hymn] ,
[fastening] – [the wind-god] – to [the (thunder-) cloud] ;
[who] , by [the chariot] – [swift as an arrow] ,
[brought] – [(matrix-) life] – to [the youthful]  – [vimadi (=author =animal-soul)] ;
[what is he saying ?
He addresses that he has been brought back to life after eden fell (see Zephaniah index) ;
we don’t understand yet what is it always with this ‘sacred grass’,
we only know that prophets often address their “chaff” which will be blown away ;

Für die Nasatyas setze ich den Milchtrank ans Feuer wie das Barhis. Loblieder lasse ich aufsteigen
wie der Wind die Regenwolken, für sie, die dem jungen Vimada auf pfeilschnellem Wagen
das Weib zuführten:
[the phallic nature of them gods want to conquer eden :]
2 Borne on by rapid steeds of mighty pinion, or proudly trusting in the Gods’ incitements.
That stallion ass of yours won, O Nāsatyas, that thousand in the race, in Yama’s contest.

2 [the quick] – [hard hovering ones] ,                                       [=’likely a phallic description’]
[as] – [the gods] , [incited] – for [his seat (=as eden’s main construct)] ;
[this] – [(phallic matrix-) donkey (râsabha)] , you [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[will conquer] – [a thousandfold] – [spoil] ,  +
upon [the goat (=eden-construct of our Originals)] – of [Yama (=Adam)] ;

[what is he saying ?
their dualistic-realm needs ‘force’ to can unite ,
hence the expressive phallic nature of it –- 
to be fair , then we get stuck in this theme : 
because prophets also address “donkeys” 
yet there as the good -athon and colt donkey ,
depicting “dualism subordinated by eden” , 
as opposed to their evil donkey (-chmur) ;   
2) their donkey :
as their bent-axis concept ? ; see to right]
‘the ass’ (gate 9 of book of gates) ,
as a bent figure in front of eden
(the serpent to right) ,
the ass , as AÁI , as eden’s enemy ,
likely as “a bent (crooked) axis”
and compare concept in this chapter
(sacredtexts com)

Die durch die starkflügeligen, schnellfahrenden Rosse oder durch den Ansporn der Götter zuversichtlich geworden waren – Der Esel gewann das Tausend im Wettkampf des Yama um den hohen Preis, ihr Nasatya´s.
[their ‘phallic’ ship cán traverse towards eden (as the goat in book Daniel) :]
3 Yea, Aśvins, as a dead man leaves his riches, Tugra left Bhujyu in the cloud of waters.
Ye brought him back in animated vessels, traversing air, unwetted by the billows.

3 [because] , +
with [the (bent-phallic-axis) viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)] – as [the phallic concept (tu+gra)] ,
[the a’svins – will subdue] – [the (personified) treasures] ,
[and] – [this?] – [sustaing bull (=eden-concept)] – [will die] ;
by [this] – [seperating (=seperating realm)] – [ship] – [(animated by) the Self] ,
[the one traversing the – watertight – middle-atmosphere (eden’s , inbetween their dual-realm)] ;
[what is he saying ?
for some reason , a certain dimensional-form cán enter , here as boat ,
and this concept is depicted in “the boat of Rã”, see next lines ;
while in prophets is a line “never a ship will sail inbetween no more”!]

Tugra hatte den Bhujyu in der Wassermasse zurückgelassen, ihr Asvin, wie irgend ein Verstorbener
sein Vermögen. Ihn entführet ihr auf beseelten, durch die Luft schwimmenden, wasserdichten Schiffen.

[their attacking construct (the ‘goat’ in Daniel) stands in their West dimension :]
4 Bhujyu ye bore with winged things, Nāsatyas, which for three nights, three days full swiftly travelled, To the sea’s farther shore, the strand of ocean, in three cars, hundred-footed, with six horses.
4 [three] – [nights] – (as?) [three] – [ (full?) eden-days] ,
you [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya, title of a’svins)] ,
[you waited] – with [the (bent-phallic-axis) as the viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)]   +
(for?) [the (to-be) hovering proto-sun-disk (?, also ‘bird’ ; pataMga)] ;
[three] – [chariots] , [six – horses] , [a hundred stations] ,
at [the opposite] – [shore] – of [the damp] – [(matrix-) sea (=in the West ; compare book Daniel)] ;
[what is he saying ?
Daniel writes “how the quick goat came from the West”,
the whole Western-dimension as the enemy of Heaven in the east —
Henoch describes the West dimension as “a slope descending into nothingness” ;
2) the “waiting 3 days” is also in the Ramayana epos ,
where Rama (a form of Indra) , ready to attack , waited 3 days for a response of eden ;
we can’t find a similar concept in prophets (or, ‘after or at the third day’..?)
but that is not invalidating these lines ;
2) bent axis :
likely as the bent-road Ezekiel saw , towards their north (from which the scribes descended) ,
it’s possible that this bend-axis would go bear-up their winged-disk ;
3) hunderd stations etc :
we don’t know …. perhaps describing the number of their counterfeit-constructs]

Mit den über drei Nächte, über drei Tage ausdauernden Vögeln entführtet ihr Nasatya´s den Bhujyu
an den Strand des Meeres, an das Ufer des Nasses, mit drei hundertfüßigen, sechsrossigen Wagen.

[this construct can only attack eden in ‘phallus-form’ :] 
5 Ye wrought that hero exploit in the ocean which giveth no support, or hold or station,
What time ye carried Bhujyu to his dwelling, borne in a ship with hundred oars, O Aśvins.

5 [giving no support nor beginning] – [as for to separate (=eden)] ,
having [no standingplace] – for [them] ,
[the (matrix-) sea] – [having nothing which can be grasped] ;
[then] , [a’svins] ,
(from?) [home] , [you would conduct] – [the (bent-phallic-axis) as viper sucking-off-from (bhuyju)] ,
as [the hundred-fold propelled] – [vessel (ship)] – [to the standingplace (=eden main-construct)] ;
[what is he saying ?
they had no “grip” on nothing , except when morphing into an axis (phallic) ;
the axis as phallic concept relates to ‘the dimensional-centre’ (as ‘goal’) , see later lines ;
2) the ‘ship’ :
see depiction of Rã’s boat , furtheron]

Als Helden zeiget ihr euch da im Meer, das ohne Anhalt, ohne festen Grund, ohne Handhabe ist,
als ihr Asvin den Bhujyu nach Hause fuhret, der euer Schiff mit hundert Rudern bestiegen hatte

[the horse (as construct) attacking eden is prepared :]
6 The white horse which of old ye gave Aghāśva, Aśvins, a gift to be his wealth for ever,—
Still to be praised is that your glorious present, still to be famed is the brave horse of Pedu

6 [then] , [a’svins]  – [you would send] – the [white (‘svet)] – [horse] – to [the evil horse] ,
by [he (=white horse)] – [the prosperity] – [for always (by eden)] ;
[this] – [your both] – [great (by eden)] – [sickle (to obtain a portion)] ,
[deserving to be named] ,
[became] – [the heroic] – [serpent-killing horse (killing ‘the two + roots-p’ ? ; pai+dva)] ,
[to run] – to [the (eden-) seat] – [devotedly (‘for the aryans as spirits’?, term)] ;
[what is he saying ?
we’ve little option that ‘the dangerous horse’ must be eden’s main construct ;
it is a bit confusing because not the usual term (rakSa) is used , as “evil construct”;
2) two roots :
very possible as 2 roots , compare the eden-serpent glyph Ã-P-P , ãpep , as two roots-P]

Das weiße Roß, daß ihr Asvin dem Schlechtberittenen gabt – ein dauerndes Glück – dies euer großes
Geschenk ist zu rühmen, das Peduroß ist für einen hohen Herrn stets anzurufen

[their construct runs to eden – as the goat in Daniel :]
7 O Heroes, ye gave wisdom to Kakṣīvān who sprang from Pajra’s line, who sang your praises.
Ye poured forth from the hoof of your strong charger a hundred jars of wine as from a strainer.

7 [you both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] – [praise] ,
[the exiting hiding-place (?,term)] – [having become stiff (?,term ; = Rã’s boat ?)] ,   +
[you lead into a channel (?,term)] – for [‘bearing fulness’ (as “coming”, sexually, term)] ;
through [the made passage (for getting (extracted) spiritual liquor? , = between realms ?)] ,
by [the hoofs (cursing eden)] – of [the strong] – [horse (=construct)] ,  +
[you would pour out] – [a hundred] – [jars (season-related?)] – of [the (extracted) spiritual liquor] ;

[what is he saying ?
after the “they had nothing to grasp upon”, previously ,
it makes sense that “the passage” here is between realms ;
compare how the goat came running from the west (Daniel)
but even more clear shown as Rã’s boat , see right , 
faring in the middle-register (read , between two realms) ,
that can be the “and the goats hoofs didn’t touch the land” ;
2) the hoofs :
the root of those hoofs (-‘sap) is “to curse”,
this could explain why “they didn’t touch the ground”,
see for ‘hoofs’ also next lines]
boat of Rã
always in middle-register
travelling eastwards
(sacredtexts com)

Ihr Herren gewähret dem preisenden Pajriya Kaksivat Wunscherfüllung: Ihr schenktet aus dem Hufe
des Hengstes wie durch eine Seihe hundert Krüge Branntwein ein.

[their stone (sela-stone) was below eden..? :]
8 Ye warded off with cold the fire’s fierce burning; food very rich in nourishment ye furnished.
Atri, cast downward in the cavern, Aśvins ye brought, with all his people, forth to comfort

8 by [the fiery (matrix-) cold (?; hime+agni) ] – [you warded-off] – [the heat (eden’s, but -ghra)] ,
[you gave] – [him (=fiery cold?)] – [the nourishing] – [refreshing sap (ûrj)] ;
[the stone (‘not-three’ ; atri)] – [pushed down into] – [the abyss (“below eden”; -R)] ,
[a’svins] , [he] – [having a complete company] – [you lead into] – [prosperity] ;
[what is he saying ?
the first part makes some sense –- the warding-off the eden-heat (but root?) ;
yet we don’t get “the company attached to the stone “ :
in one prophets , the sela-stone is addressed together with spirits ,
and we knew that line was Wrong , but couldn’t imagine “spirits living át that stone”..?]

Durch Schnee wehrtet ihr der Feuersglut; ihr brachtet ihm nahrhafte Stärkung. Den in einen Glutofen gesteckten Atri holtet ihr mit ganzem Gefolge heil heraus, ihr Asvin.
[their (eden-) prison is opened , and “the sinners of the pre-eden Rahab-land” escape :]
9 Ye lifted up the well, O ye Nāsatyas, and set the base on high to open downward.
Streams flowed for folk of Gotama who thirsted, like rain to bring forth thousandfold abundance.

9 [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya)] ,
before – the cistern (of their imprisonment) – you were removing]   +
[the upside-down] – [(cherub?-) wheels] – [having the athwart opening (athwart for thém)] ;
[(you) caused – the (matrix-) waters – to flow out] , [for – us – to drink] ,
[giving] – [thousandfold] – [abundance]    +
to [the class of spirits (‘who were made by dual-essence’ ?, go+tama)] ;
[what is he saying ?
it is not probable ‘that they lifted or removed the well itself’,
it *can* be the cherub-wheels (and eden-land) – we don’t know any other ‘wheels’ yet ,
and in next lines they go even deeper into the eden-construct ;
problem is that terms as (cakra) can be a form of ‘to make’ but is ‘wheel’ as well ;
2] spirits of dual-essence :
rootword (-go+superlative) , as dual-essence ;
we had in prophets the strange ‘men of Lud and Phut’ etcetera]
3) Gotham :
now where would the Bat(man) in Gotham movie be based upon ..]

Ihr Nasatya´s stürztet den Brunnen um; ihr machtet, daß der Boden oben und der Rand geneigt war.
Wie Wasser zum Tränken flossen die Wasser zum Reichtum für die durstigen tausend Leute des Gotama

[he gets a new garment-body like in the pre-eden land :]
10 Ye from the old Cyavāna, O Nāsatyas, stripped, as ’twere mail, the skin upon
his body,
Lengthened his life when all had left him helpless, Dasras! and made him lord of youthful maidens.

10 [‘helpful ones’ (nâsatya)] ,
[the perishing]  – [body (vavri)] – [you released – for] – [the garment-bodies (drâpi)]   +
[like] – in [‘the pre-eden Rahab-land’ (?) (cyâvana)] ;
[giving marvellous aid] – [for – the abandoned one – to cross-over (=to north) ] ,
[you made] – [him] – [the lord (=owner)] – of [young maidens (eden female-Originals, likely)] ;
[what is he saying ?
it makes sense ‘that his body was perishing in the well’ ,
now getting a new body-garment to even rule the maidens by ;
2) Rahab-land :
the book Job describes “how I turned Rahab upside-down so the sinners fall-off from it”,
and compare the root (cyâna) as “to shake, move, fall down, slide from” ,
it is also “a person saved by the a’svins (per M-W)”, but it’s unlikely that any spirit
would give himself such negative name — so we take it “as that previous land”,
besides why would the author start about an associate here ? ;

Auch nahmet ihr Nasatya´s die Körperhülle dem gealterten Cyavana wie ein Gewand ab. Ihr Meister
verlängertet das Verlassenen Leben und dann machtet ihr ihn noch zum Gatten der Jungfrauen.

[the time of their imprisonment – close to what Ezekiel writes :]
11 Worthy of praise and worth the winning, Heroes, is that your favouring succour O Nāsatyas,
What time ye, knowing well his case, delivered Vandana from the pit like hidden treasure.

11 [this] – [your both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] ,
[praising (by to be connected) ] – [the gift] ,
[as well as + the assistance] – for [the secure abode (their north)] , you [‘helpful ones’(nâsatya)] ;
[when] – [finding]  – [the treasure-store] – [below (below eden)] ,
[out] – [the hidden one] – [appeared] – [the scattered ones] , [praising (vandana)] ;
[what is he saying ?
the ‘vandana’ is the name of an author ; together with ‘rebha’ he was thrown into a well
but was saved by the a’svins (as the same theme here) ;
“rebha was there for 10 nights and 9 days before he got rescued” ,
and compare the Ezekiel chapter where is “at the 10th of the 10th month eden was invaded” ;
notice the similarity of -rebha with the pre-eden land Rahab (as hebrew) ,
while -rebha also means ‘praising’ but also “to mutter” (like spirits do ..) ;
2) Jeremiah in the well :
he was saved out of it by a good Cushite (of the divided main tribe Cham ; see Zephaniah in index) ,
and the promise tot he Cushite was that he would be saved –
not from the attack at Jerusalem , which happened next , but at Revelation ;
we feel this is related but can’t properly describe it yet]

Das war euer preislicher und trefflicher, hilfsbereiter Schutz, ihr Nasatya´s, als ihr Erfahrene den wie
einen Schatz versteckten dem Vandana aus dem……ausgrubet.

12 That mighty deed of yours, for gain, O Heroes, as thunder heraldeth the rain, I publish,
When, by the horse’s head, Atharvan’s offspring Dadhyac made known to you the Soma’s sweetness.

[part II – now telling how their attack unfolded for eden…(?) :]
12 [this] – [your both] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] – of [olden] ,
by [the fierce and violent] – [wonderful deed (=but bý two having ‘bit’ the apple ; daMs+)] ,
[having made – to appear] – [our] – [thunder (for expansion?)] – for [to rain down] ;
[because] – [the bone-horsehead as ‘the face’ of their realm , executer of eden’s (?,dadhyaNN)]  
[has said] – [which] is – [the honey (=by eden ; ma-dhu)] – [‘sacrifice’ (?,atharvan)] ,
[when] – [you both] – (were?) [in front of] – [the horse – head (whose ,eden’s ‘face’?)] ;

[what is he saying ?
the ‘horse’ is often used to describe ‘a construct’,
while ‘face’ (as head) must imply “the entire main-construct”
either of their realm , or of eden ;
in many egyptian murals “a head is cut off”, as to right
(and compare the gazelle/deer with the ‘hoofs’ of ishral-virgin) ;
they need théir ‘head’ for their realm , this must be the bone-head
(and see the gazelleheads in top of Isiris’ hall, book of gates 6) ;

2) deed by biting :
we identified the term (-vanin) as ‘their tree of good and evil’,
as “tree, soma tree, desiring, granting, bestowing ; a cloud (?)’ ,
and saw the ‘to bite’ related with this tree – the theme has many
RV numbers so it’d cost time to see what they tell]

Das war euere gewaltige Meistertat, ihr Herren, künde ich, um belohnt zu werden, an wie der Donner
den Regen, das Dadhyac, des Atharvan Sohn, durch einen Pferdekopf euch verriet, was die Süßigkeit ist.

[the eden-virgin ‘attacked’ by their bent-axis :]
13 In the great rite the wise dame called, Nāsatyas, you, Lords of many treasures, to assist her.
Ye heard the weakling’s wife, as ’twere an order, and gave to her a son Hiraṇyahasta.

13 [‘the helpful ones’ (a’svin-title) ] – [caused a sacrifice (=for dimensional-centre? ; hu)] ,
[you both] – [‘helping’ (=sexually ; -kara)]   +
[‘the progress of motion’ (at the one who can be invoked for to give a sacrifice ; yâma)]   +
by [the much bent-one for to enjoy (bent-axis? ; bhuj)]   +
to [the great] – [woman ‘bearing fullness’ (‘coming’?)] ;
[it was heared] – [this] – [order?] , [like] – [you both giving] , [a’svin’s] ,
[a golden hand (=illegal satisfaction)] – to [the woman having an impotent male] ;
[what is he saying ?
before you think our interpretation is farfetched , read Ezekiel 23 ,
where the two sisters (=eden-constructs) copulated with the dual-realm ,
and even “received gifts from their realm” (compare ‘hand’ here) ;
2) concept :
the woman here – likely as the ishral-virgin – is “a personified construct”,
we saw before how all constructs can choose and desire ;
because “eden’s feminine is the Core”, it isn’t strange that ‘the dimensional-centre’
relates immediately to her (which is the factual attribute they wanted) ,
and the link between “core” and “(dualistic phallic) axis” could be understood in this way ;
it’s important to remember that eden’s masculine is “AROUND the core”, not ‘going into it’ ;
3) the 120,000 :
this can be the reason why the Amos-chapters warn the house-ishral about the phallic theme ,
in relation to the ishral-virgin]

Eure Hände, ihr Nasatya´s, rief während eurer Ausfahrt zu großem Beistand Purandhi an, ihr
Vielnützende. Ihr Asvin hörtet auf diesen Ruf der Vadhrimati, als wäre es ein Befehl und schenket ihr
den Hiranyahasta

[the word separated from the gate :]
14 Ye from the wolf’s jaws, as ye stood together, set free the quail, O Heroes, O Nāsatyas.
Ye, Lords of many treasures, gave the poet his perfect vision as he mourned his trouble.

14 [you separated] – [the quail (=eden-word,likely)] – [away from] – [the mouth (eden-gate)]
(by?)  – [the wolf] ,
[liberating] – [(matrix-) mankind (nara)] , you – [‘helpful ones’ (a’svin title)] ;
[and] – [keeping sepsrate] – [the much bent-one for to enjoy (phallic-bent-axis? ; bhuj)] , 
[you were making] – [the design for the root (in north) to make (?,kRpa-mana)]   +
for [the ‘Sight’ (as concept)] – of [the seer] ;
[what is he saying ?
the “to separate the word from the mouth” is admissable , in context ;
compare in prophets how “the mouth spoke flawlessly , therefore they hated it” ;
in glyphs the -U is ‘a quail’ (the birds serving as food during the exodus) ;
2) about the ‘wolf’ we are not sure if it is eden’s or theirs (in glyphs SEB) ,
perhaps the wolf as glyph UP-UA is meant here , “open eden-root for the word”;
3) the ‘much bent one’ can be the curved road Ezekiel saw towards their north]

Unmittelbar aus dem Rachen des Wolfes befreitet ihr Herren Nasatya´s die Wachtel. Auch machtet ihr Vielnützende den jammernden Seher wieder sehend.
[the root of the eden-tree encased in iron :]
15 When in the time of night, in Khela’s battle, a leg was severed like a wild bird’s pinion,
Straight ye gave Viśpalā a leg of iron that she might move what time the conflict opened.

15 [because] – [the leg (eden’s ,for to move?)] – […]    +
of [the dangerous] – [khel (we don’t know)] – [was cut off] ,
as [the foilage of a tree (=’woollen-foilage’?)] – [belonging to the goats (‘Originals’ ; âjâ)] ; [immediately] – [you encased]    +
[‘the base of the eden-tree’ (part from ankle to knee ; jaN+gha)]    +
of [‘the entered (eden-) root’ (vi’spala)] – with [iron] ,
[you have placed] – [the prize (as dimensional-centre ; hati)] – [to flow] – [in opposite direction] ;
[what is he saying ?
they covered the very root of the eden-tree (construct) in ‘iron’ ,
in prophets “the ishral-virgin will have a horn of iron” – exact the inverse ;
the root (-jaN+gha) must be “to birth bý -aNgha”) ,
with other words , this root must be connected to théir inverted land
(or perhaps better , “stand upon their inverted land” – or they couldn’t have made it ‘of iron’
(see also today’s log at end)]
2) hoofs :
the ishral-virgin will have ‘bronze hoofs’, where bronze is serpentine (as their dual-realm) ,
in RV ‘hoofs’ are negative (as pâni and sapha , where -sap is ‘to curse’)
so ‘hoofs’ is an eden-concept as “ruling the realm they stand upon” (also their dual-realm) ,
compare in torture-chapter how the feet of the Originals were ‘broken’]

Da ihr im Wettkampf des Khela in der Entscheidung ein Bein abgeschnitten war wie der Flügel eines Vogels, setztet ihr der Vispala sofort ein eisernes Bein an, daß sie um den ausgesetzten Preis laufen konnte.

from 1
=nâsatya , title ‘kind, helpful (of a’svins)’ ;
=barhi (to -hin, -his) ;
=vRN+je, to -vRj ‘to bend, turn; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass);
       to wring off or break a person’s (accusative) neck ; to avert, remove  ; (A1.)
       to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate
=iyarmy, iyarmi, 1st sing present -r ‘to go, move, rise, tend upwards  etc. ; to go towards,
       meet with, fall upon or into, reach, obtain  etc. ; to fall to one’s share, occur, befall
       (with accusative) ; (but when their realm : to put in or upon, place, insert, fix into or upon, fasten
=abhrya, ‘belonging to or produced from clouds ; thundercloud’ RB ;
=vimada, Name of a man protected by indra (he gained his wife with the assistance of the aśvins

from 2
=vîDupat flying strongly or incessantly ; vîD , strong, hard’ ,
=â’suheman , inciting his horses (Name of agni ; name of -a’svins ; â’su ‘quick, fast’ RV ;
=jûti+ ‘impulse, incitement, instigation, inclination, energy quickness, velocity, speed
=râsabha, ‘ass, donkey’ RV ,
=pradhana, ‘spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself
       -jigâya, 3d or first sing tense paradigm perf -ji ‘win, acquire, conquer, defeat, etc’ RV ;

rest :
=ahâtivraja+bhir , vraja ‘cattle-pen’ ?
=pataMga, ‘flying ; the sun’, -pataMgara ‘bird-like’ RV ;
=dhanvan, ‘a bow ; a desert, waste, shore ; -dhanya ‘rich, bestowing wealth’ RV (=danu, eden?) ;
       Dhanv ‘(cause) to flow’ RV ;
=ârdra, ‘wet, moist, damp’ RV
=pâra, ‘the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side,
        the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest extent

=ûha+ , ûh (root) ‘observe, mark, note, heed, regard, expect, hope, listen for’ RV (alter, change)
       Or of -vah ‘draw, drag, transport, convey, conduct’ RV ;
=ana+asthâna ? , asta ‘home’ , astha ‘wrong place’ ? into ‘bone’ ?
=aratra ‘propelling, driving, rower’ RV ;

=aghâ’sva, ‘having a bad horse’ RV , -agha ‘dangerous, evil’ RV ;
=svasti, ‘fortune, prosperity, etc’ RV , swastika ? ,
=dâtra, ‘a sort of sickle or crooked knife, allotted portion, share, possession’ RV ;
       dâtR ‘a mower’ RV into -dâna ‘pasture-land’ = danu, eden ;
=paidva, ‘the serpent-killing horse of pedu
=sadam, ‘always, ever, for ever, at any time’ RV
=aryaH, masculine nominative singular future passive participle -arya
       Arya ‘kind, devoted’ see R ; as them ;

=pajrya, Name of kakīvat ‘root to birth’ ? : -paj ‘ to become stiff or rigid,’ RV
=kakSîvat , -kakSa ‘hiding-place’ RV , -kSîva ‘exited’ RA, MH ? , old root ? ,
=aradata, from -rad ‘ to scratch, scrape, gnaw, bite, rend, dig, break, split, divide  ; to cut,
       open (a road or path) ; to lead (a river) into a channel  ; to convey
       to, bestow on, give, dispense’ RV ;
=puraMdhi, ‘”bearing fulness”or”bearing a body”) prolific, not barren literally and figuratively),
       bountiful, munificent, liberal’ RV ,
=kârotara, ‘a filtering vessel or a cloth used to purify the liquor called surā
       (to make+passage?) , -surâ ‘spirituous liquor ; in old texts ‘beer’ ; extract -su ;
=chaphâd, from -aphala ‘unfruitful, barren, no virility’ : ? 2) ‘sapha ‘hoof’ ? , ‘’sap = curse ;
=kumbha, ‘a jar, pitcher, water-pot, ewer, small water-jar ; in RAM described as a demon
       sleeping six months , so season-related ; a rakSa, RV ;
=sic, root ‘ to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (locative case) etc. etc. ;
       to emit semen, impregnate ; to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with  etc. ;
       to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. (2 accusative)

=ghraMsa ‘the sun’s heat’ RV ;
=ûrj, ‘be strong, happy ; to strengthen, refresh ; power, strength, vigour, sap’ RV
=Rbîsa, ‘an abyss, chasm (in the earth, from which hot vapours arise)’ RV (abbys) , note -R ,
=sarvagaNa, having or forming a complete company’ RV ,

=par+avata, -avata ‘a well’ RV ;
=anudeytha , root -nud ‘ to push, thrust, impel, move, remove’ RV ; (anudeye ‘brides maid ; gift) ;
=ûccabudhna ‘having the bottom upwards
=jihmabâra, ‘having an aperture on one side’ RV ; -jihma ‘transverse, athwart’ RV ;
       Bâra ‘opening’ RV (?) ;
=kSarann, -kSar ‘to cause to flow, pour out, to flow, stream, glide, distil, trickle
=gotama, ‘(superl.) Name of a ṛṣi belonging to the family ofagiras w’RV (go = essence)

=jur (root) ‘to become old or decrepit, decay, perish ; to cause to grow old or perish’ RV
=vavri, ‘lurking place,cover,vesture,body’ RV , from -vR ‘hiding oneself, concealing’
=pra+mun+ca , -muc ‘(des) to desire final liberation or beatitude, to loose, let loose, free, let go, slacken,        release, liberate (“from”, ablative or tasA1. and Passive voice with ablative or instrumental case,
       rarely with genitive case“to free one’s self, get rid of, escape from”)to be loosed,
       to be set free or released
=cyâvana, ; ‘mover, shaker’ RV , ‘name of a RSi restored to youth by the asvins’ RV (number) ;
       Cyautna ‘shaking, concussion’ RV ; root -cyu ‘shake, move, fall down, slide from’ RV ;
=jahita+,  ‘rejected, forsaken, forlorn abandoned, poor’RV (see nrs) ;

=saMsac ‘to be connected with’ RV , 2) –‘saMs ‘to praise ;  to vow, make a vow (?) ; to wish anything
       (accusative) to (dative case wishing well or ill to, a blessing or a curse ; a praise’ RV ,
=nidhi, ‘store, hoard, treasure ; setting down or serving up (food, etc.)’ guide to give
=apaguh/r, ‘to conceal, hide, to reject, disapprove, threaten’ RV
=vandana, ‘Name of a ṛṣi (who was cast into a well, along with rebha, by the asuras,
        and rescued by the aśvins)’ RV a disease attacking the limbs or joints, RV ;
       Rebha ‘murmuring’ RV (like spirits) ; rebha, Name of a ṛṣi (who was cast into a well by the asuras
       and lay there for ten nights and nine days until rescued by the aśvins;he is the supposed author of
=ûpa+thur, ûpa , from -vap ‘ to strew, scatter (especially seed) , sow, bestrew etc. ; to throw, cast
       (dice) ; to be strewn or sown 2) to crop (herbage), mow, cut (grass), graze’ RV

=daMsa, daMs ‘to bite’ , (into ‘daMsana ‘a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill’
       But that must relate tó the biting) ‘RV X , 138 , 2 “Thou gavest increase through this Tree’s
       surpassing might. The Sun shone by the hymn that sprang from Holy Law”;
       [prospering (gladdening the gods with sacrifice)] – by [the tree (of good&evil)]   +
       [he (she)] – [has bitten (daM’s) / with wonderful skill (daMs)]

=vanin (from -vana,tree,forest) ‘tree, soma tree, desiring, granting, bestowing, a tree or wood,
       A cloud (?)’ RV; RV X , 95 “repeatedly biting” , nymphs who laid aside their raiment ;
=ugra, ‘hot, sharp, pungent, acrid  powerful, violent, mighty, impetuous, strong,
       huge, formidable, terrible, high, noble, fierce, savage’ RV ,
=tanyatu, ‘thunder’ RV ; or ‘tanayitnu RV (many) ; -tan ‘to stretch out (a cord), extend’ rv ;
=dadhyaN+N+, dadhyac, ‘name of a mythical sacrificer ; ;having the head of a horse and teaching        the aśvins [=?] to find in tvaṣṭṛ‘s [=KHEPER] house the m/adhuor soma– ;
       who slays 99 vtras or foes [=jerusalem fortresses] with a thunderbolt made of his bones
       RV I , 84, 13 “13 With bones of/as Dadhyach , Indra, resistless in attack,
       Struck the nine-and-ninety of Vṛtra” (in the long I, 164 was “how can the boneless one (eden)
        carry the boney one”) ; this bone-thunderbolt attacked ‘the head at the mountain’ ;
       (RV I , 116 describes that attack ; DO ?; DO  + 119)  ; 116 describes them (construct) standing
       at the sea before the attack (=Daniel incoming goat from the west) ;
=atharvi, ‘a finger’ RV ? , atharya ‘flickering’ RV , -atharvî ‘pierced by a sharp point’
=uvâca, third (1st)person singular tense paradigm perfect class parasmaipada
       Vac ‘to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe

=kara, ‘helping, promoting’ RV (=here) ; also ‘doer’, the hand RV ;
=yâma, ‘motion, course, going, progress’  ; -yâman , same ; -yâma-ko’sa “a box” RV III,30,15
       As “he who sings” ; -yâma ‘one who can be invoked (for sacrifice)’ RV ;
=purubhuj , bhuj “bent-one fort o enjoy (as viper -bhuju)
=adatta, (a-dat, toothless?, RV) , 3d sing (or 2nd plur) imperfect -dâ (2nd dual) ‘to give’ ;

=âsno, as âsan, ‘mouth, jaws’ RV VI,16,9 ; in I.84,16 is “arrow in mouth” = “eden-tree for mouth (gate)”
       as “âsann+iSa”; âsan-iSu ‘having arrows at the mouth’ RV
=vRka, ‘a wolf , prob. ‘tearer’ (SEB or SAB rather then ÁNPU Anubis?) ; a plough ; (see numbers)
=vartikâ ‘ stalk ; wick of a lamp’ ? 2) seems tob e ‘a quail’ RV , a small bird which also fell down during the        exodus for food ; quail : a small short-tailed Old World game bird
       resembling a tiny partridge, typically having brown camouflaged plumage. ; 3) hieroglyph -U “word”
=yu (root) ‘to separate, drive off, to remain separated, ward off’ RV ;
=abhîke, in the presence of (genitive case), near, towards’; abhika ‘meeting together, collision ; away        from, out of’ RV ,
=mumuktam , mumuk+ ‘desire to be freed’ -muc
=krpamâna , -kRpa ‘Name of a man (described as a friend of indra) ‘ RV , “root to make” ?
       kRp ‘mourn, long for’ RV ;

=caritra, ‘foot, leg’ RV ; -car ‘to move’ ,
=ver, impossible, ==vep ‘vibrating (voice)’ RV ? , trembling, quaking, struggling RV ;
=parNa, pinion (also of arrow), wing , a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree) ; Butea Frondosa
       (a large-leaved sacred tree whose wood is used for making sacred vessels,
       later generally called palāśa)
=khela, ‘name of a man’ RV (=here) ; only -khel ‘shake, tremble’ (RAM) ;
=jaN+gha ‘a rakSas (=eden construct)’ RV , (shank – from anklet to knee, RV ; numbers) ,
       Related to ‘palm tree’ (tâla)  RV ; 2) j+an+gh , -aN+gh is Rahab ?
       The large pillar(s) Henoch saw in the south (=in hell) ?
       So eden was made above that – and later they made their region above eden ?
=âyas, ‘iron, metal’ RV ;
=vi’spâla, ‘Name of a woman (whose lost leg was replaced by the aśvins)’ RV
       (how he know its a woman?) ; root+to enter ?
=dhana, ‘the prize of a contest or the contest itself (literally a running match, race ; booty, prey,        treasure, riches’ RV (danu , eden)
=hite, =hita (all-in past passive!) , all words say “dimensional-centre” : the prize , beneficial , fixed, etc        etc ;  (into ‘heart’) ;
=sartave, to -sR ‘to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go, to run after, pursue (accusative)

still 10 lines
we’ve to see if they justify translating

log – 4 januari
.. this time likely because of the theme of these RV’s ;
entering a door , going down by a steep stairs ,
descending to what seemed to be the ultimate basement of the building ;
…. the basement was surprisingly small ,
existing of a few corners or perhaps closets ;

the basement was formed by a main construct as inverted-V concrete beams ,
as were it the root carrying the rest of the building above ;
… then i saw in a flash a creature in the doorway above the stairs ,
he was human-like but exuded complete and utter Hate
(and had followed me into this basement..?) ,
woke from shock over that creature
… so they wrote “how they encased the cut-off eden root in iron” in this one ;
we try — but it’s all a bit much , Sir

parts of original text : Griffith [1896] ; German version : Friedrich Geldner (+1929)

04.01.20 — submitted — first version — het-report

vorige pagina
RV IX , 107