[theme]  : Orion, Ursa Major, the stolen ‘house-H’, silver & turquoise lights, (corner-) stone,
eden-binary sun & moon (likely),  

CT 61 : not easy but a fantastic read ! : 


CT 61

main theme : the stolen house-H
as “the dimensional broad cube” that likely cáused
the “eden realm inbetween both Dualistic ones”
(mt.tsiun & eden imagined as small within the cube) ;
this theme will need some introduction first please :
     Behemoth realm
house-H cube      Leviathan realm

what Enoch saw
… being in the south-land he sees it is covered “by a huge cube-like structure” 
of which “the vertices seemed to be on fire” — the pic is the best we could find — 
that “had portals in each side through which the winds blew in” : 
we never understood why from each side also came a Negative wind like ‘frost’ 
but perhaps because the eden-realm over the south-land still contained dualistic
aspects which then was not the case in the eden garden inside it ;
he also mentions “gates in the left and right side of the cube through which the
(eden-) sun and moon passed over the land” and we came to understand that
this is the eden binary sun & moon system so that half of their orbit crosses
over the eden land , the other half of their trajectory outside it

the stolen house
.. Enoch tells “that he writes down the things he sees for those in the endtime”
and indeed he has helped us very much with reconstructing the situation ,
therefore we did find references in the Scroll that this cube was stolen
the matrix needed “a mixed eden-matrix region” and transported the cube to
theír place north of eden where it – at least – encompasses this solar plane ;
to right is the glyph USEKH-T and the hebrew letter H is discernable ,
here reading “the (dimensional-) Broad (matrix-) Hall (‘house’)” as all the
aspects together describing this “eden cube theme” !
stolen house

this spell 61
… keywords are ‘Orion’ (the matrix-gate), ‘Ursa Major’ (MESKHET), the great stairway ,
the ‘double feather’ (Dualism), the ‘tree of good & evil’, ‘to wander-astray’, the ‘stone’, etcetera ,
so the theme HAS to be a dimensional concept or construct ;
however the way of speaking was different and (-therefore) the subject hard to catch :
yet they speak tó the stolen cube ! the difference is that
this specific object is nót mutilated – because they need it – 
but transported , “cleaned-up” and used again …  

a second major problem was the glyph SH , to right ;
but ‘pool’ as ‘what’ ? even though the slanted shown \\ 
indicated a “magically dangerous concept” for them ;
and only now it makes sense : pool + shown ‘land’ :
sh pool

it represents ‘the type dimension inside the cube’ !  
which , when the cube was still upon the south-land , after it was created by God ,
still contained “sóme form of Dualism” — per the few “evil winds” as mentioned above ,
hence they need the cube : but now as predominantly théir type dimension yet mixed
with some of Eden !
so that by the stolen cube now encompassing their solar plane (‘their world-tree’) 
the solar plane has their “soft mixture” while their city of Mystery-Babylon in the centre
has “the full mixture” as being far superior to the rest of the solar plane 
[-as a kind of copy of how Eden was within the cube when he still stood in the south !]  
the cube (-and the corner stone) in the Scroll 
… though we hád understood from the Spells that this house was stolen (per the glyph)
and traced it back in lines , we’ll need to check them again (sorry Sir) , like
“and he (matrix-) tears windows in it (house)” : likely the same type line shows here ,
just as the Sumerian epos writes ‘and Marduk installed the Zodiac’ , by the ‘windows’ 
in the side of the cube ! ;
“but mourn for him (house) : for we will not see him back” : interpreting this as “the house
having been so damaged now that it will not be re-used for new Eden” ; 
     ‘silver’ (‘the king’?) and ‘the stone’ 
     it always gets more difficult – you know that : where ‘gold (-lightparticles)’ are closely
     related to ‘our Originals’, “silver (-particles)” dress up the dimension and most likely
     the matrix needed that tóo because eden’s type was far superior as theirs ;
     in the Scroll probably “the king that went astray” is “the eden silver” but we need to check ,
     however this spell 61 mentions ‘silver (-lights)’ linked to their ‘White Crown’   —
    and it seems to read “that the stone emits silver (-light particles)” so that the concept here 
     can be that ‘stone’ (ÁNR) with the -R of “speech” is “the stone emitting silver lights” :
     the question ofcourse is “if this ‘stone’ is the same as “the stolen corner-stone” 
     (because the usual negative glyph SET-stone does not show here) , and if the stone is 
     indeed “emitting (silver) light-particles” – so we keep searching ;
     however : “a dimensional realm in the cube & the silver-lights fór it” seem a match !
     [that in this spell they appear to transform “the silver lights” into “turquoise ones” is another
     problem , not for this intro — perhaps ‘the eden silver’ is too dangerous for them ?] 
     the stone ‘as dimensional anchor fór the house’ (?)
     … that the cornerstone IS the anchor shows everywhere in prophets , first as the foundation
     for the (restored-) Eden gate — the Throne room — north of the Mystery-Babylon region ,
     but the question is “also for the house” ? and how to interpret this “if the house will not return 
     to be used again” ? or we misunderstood this latter ? 
     but , that the corner-stone is not only the anchor for the eden-gate but also for the eden land      
     we did understand rightly , in the line “that she (land) went-astray (to halfway the matrix)
     because she searched her stone” ;
     concluding that perhaps the house-H-cube is not directly linked to the corner-stone
     the stone & silver & turquoise theme will return in other Spells
to read along , PDF real page 284 , real page I 264 , and read upwards
‘official’ translation – important for context – posted at end , soon


I 264                                                 [the SH-pool is the ‘thou’ here :]                     
[in order fór]  (to be) the (matrix-) sky. [of]  (matrix-) speech. 
‘the son-construct as the pool’ (+unknown) (TCHAT+). [of]  thou. to give (-to the matrix). ; 

     here ,
     the matrix ‘needs something’ namely “the cube’s INSIDE’ [=the pool-dimension]  ,
     just the TCHAT is very untranslatable ; 
     other coffins have “the pool / for matrix-existence / by the watercourse (‘Nile’) [+thou to give] ” 
     as the difficult reading “you will give the pool (your inside) that will be fed by the Nile” ;
[because]  thou (‘cube itself’). (will be) carried-up. above (‘north’). ,                                                               [sic] 
[ás?]  the (eden-) six-weave garment.     +                                                                       [6-fold dimensional veil ?]  
[now as?]  the (matrix-) garment. above (‘north’). ,
[by means of]  thou. to stand upright (-there) (‘at matrix-vector’). ;

     here ,
     6 is negative in the Scroll (666) but the SÁS-garment here shows it is eden’s ,
    “the garment of / the (real-) soul / for to make (matrix-) hail” : but of the cube , not the Eden garden ;
     where they will use this “6-fold” also for their matrix-daylight HRU that is burning up Eden ;
     #2 :
     that ‘the cube will stand upright there’ proves he is not mutilated but re-used ; 
[and so for]  this. N (‘candidate’). [to be]  (matrix-) existence. 
[through]  the (matrix-) throne. (matrix-) existences. to make (-by eden) (ÁR). ; 

[because]  the (eden-) SH pool (‘cube + inside’).
[for to be]  my. (matrix-) adam-like (-one).                                             [‘when he is positioned in the matrix’] 
to carry-off (-to the matrix). ;  
[and by méans of]  thou. the SH pool. [=that] . (has been) carried-off. ,     +
Ursa Major. [..]  [to be]  empowered (‘say’). [by]  Orion (‘matrix-gate’). [of]  (matrix-) existence. , 
[because by]  thou. (will be) the nostril (‘for matrix-speech’) [=Orion] .       +
[for]  (matrix-) existence. [of]  sweetness.     +
[through]  the (matrix-) winds (-of breath air) (‘from Orion’). ; 

        here ,
      this must be about “ruling the surrounding Space” ; 
      for ‘stars’ & Ursa Major see also other CT’s ;
[only 1 coffin – skipped b/c will confuse narrative] 
CT 61 : Orion, Ursa Major, the stolen ‘house-H’, silver & turquoise lights, (corner-) stone

I 263
[only 1 coffin – same]   
the (matrix-) sky dome. which (will be). [by?]  the four supports (‘cube vertices !’). [of]  thou. ,   +
(those-) [by]  (matrix-) existence. to strip (-from eden-aspects) (‘the fire’?) (KFT).           
[in order to be]  the (divine-) (matrix-) house. 
(having) inside. the divine (matrix-) things of great speech. [for]  (matrix-) existence of hail. ; 

[now as]  the (dimensionally-) Broad (matrix-) Hall (‘the stolen house-H’).     +
(to which-) the (matrix-) word. (has) come for (matrix-) hail. , 
[and]  thou. this (-situation). to empower (‘say’). ; 

     here ,
     the SKHNT “the 4 pillars of the sky” as phrase also used elsewhere ;
    [next theme : the mixed-dimension in the cube specifically for Mystery-Babylon :
    as “a superior mixture” for that region only – and see intro ;
    first as a dimension of “(matrix-) milk” [=speech made by eden]   :] 
[more difficult :]                                                 
[to be]  the (matrix-) (day-) light (?, glyph only – the HRU in intro’)
[in?]  the (matrix-) house of copied (eden-) things (‘probably’ ; SNSNSNT+).    +               [‘M-Babylon’] 
[by means of]  the offerings (-by eden). above (‘north’). to manifest (-in the matrix). ;
[next line :] 
[as]  the (matrix-) milk (‘the mixed-dimension in the cube’). [in?]  the (matrix-) altar vessel (‘region’).    +
for. to drink. ;    +
[and (-this) (only?) for]  the city of Ôn (‘Mystery-Babylon’). [..]  to manifest. ;

     here ,
     it doesn’t mean “that the atmosphere of M-Babylon is milky-white , per se” (yet who knows?) ,
     but “milk” as “the substance of (matrix) speech to make (-by eden)” ; 
[sub-theme :] 
[as?]  the pure (100% matrix-) dimension. 
[in order for ?]  the foods (‘other stolen eden aspects’ – probably “the word” , see next).     +              
[by?]  the place of the (matrix-) KHSM shrine (‘unknown’). [..]  to manifest. ;
[next line :] 
[because]  to can breathe (‘eden-words’). (as-) becoming (matrix-) new (adj.) – by. thou. ,       +


I 262 
[by means of]  the divine RKHT spirits (‘unknown class of demons’).     + 
the words for the word-inside to encircle (?). ,                                                       [‘at the tree of good & evil’?] 
[in order to be?]  the divine (matrix-) ones (‘words’).     + 
[bý?]  the NUT dome (‘eden-matrix border’). ,
[and so for]  Geb (‘matrix land’). [as]  the word. [=for] . to make (matrix-) spirit consciousness. ;

     here ,
     these demons “the spirits / the one to know” indeed can refer to the tree
     for “to know” usually means “to know how to abuse an eden-concept” ;
     however the term “word” has many forms : “for speech” , “as light-particles to create with” 
     and also “as words of breath-air” (and it remains tricky to see which one is the subject) ;
     perhaps next line d) is about these forms of ‘the word’ ? :
     [next theme : virtually impossible : what this time again is the train of thought ?
     this is the section about “silver & turquoise & the stone :] 
[because]  [at?]  NUT. [is?]  the divine (matrix-) twin-construct (?).    +
[for]   the (matrix-) word. [=for] . to make (matrix-) spirit consciousness. ;
(namely?) the TeKA (matrix-) flame                                       [as “the flame óf the double for the one” ? KA] 
the (eden?-) stars (GN-KHA+).      + 
[of?]  thou (‘cube’). existence. to target (-to make to connect). ,                      [‘target the eden-binary’ ?]

     here ,
     if true : the ‘stars’ is a bizarre glyph and when “OF thou” he means “the eden-binary” ? 
     [a posted CT about that has a similar weird glyph for them both]  ;
     but what they do ? from the binary to make 1-something ? to stand upon it ?  
[line shows :] 
“thou. things of matrix-boat. inside (‘existence’). the rudders. the (real-) soul. to make (-by eden).”

but what is a line-up ? and what are ‘rudders’ [=HEMu]  ?
the same as ‘the 4 crocodiles’ [=MESEH’u]  (‘matrix cardinal points’) ?
… what if “the 4 HEMu rudders are the 4 vertices of their pyramid” ?? 

though there is no ‘pyramid’ in the -HEM cluster
the sigil strangely sits at an angle as shown   >> ,
and if previously they had ‘the vertices of the cube’
then perhaps here ‘of the large pyramid’ ?
sitting on top of the eden-binary ? because the
binary is rather high up in the eden-sky as the
only concept that remained (so high) ?
because the cube ITSELF was taken ?
CT 61 : Orion, Ursa Major, the stolen ‘house-H’, silver & turquoise lights, (corner-) stone
binary :
.. to right GEK KHAT + stars, “stars / of the belly” ,
very unusual : of the (matrix-) root-P region !
binary glyph

[lineup :] 
[and so FOR ?]  thou (‘in the new matrix-position’)
the rudders – [OF]  the (magical matrix-) boat.                             [‘the pyramidal-vertices fór the boat’?]  
[upon ?]  the (real-) soul’s (-one) (‘the binary’?)
to make (-by eden) (ÁR). ;                                                    [‘make the rudders of the boat upon the binary’ ?] 
[continued :] 
[AS]  the (matrix-) foreign land KBN (‘unknown’).      +                           [‘the pyramidal vertices region’ ?] 
[in order for?]     +
[to be]  everything. [by?]  Hathor (as ‘sitting on top of that – just belów the matrix-gate’ ?). ; 

      here ,
      that “a huge pyramid sits upon eden” is true (-and hence Giza as copy here) ,
      and that “the matrix gate sits on top of the pyramid” is also true ; 
      but Hathor (‘house of Horus’) carries the matrix-gate , so she is just below him ; and see #3 : 
      #2 :
      KBN is said to be “Byblos” (Lebanon) but here “the foreign land fór the solar plane (-B)” ?
      #3 :
      the ‘pyramid upon the circle (-as the binary)’ sounds strange but is Giza not all about the
      concept ‘sacred geometry’ as “squaring the circle” and other hocus pocus ?
CT 61 : Orion, Ursa Major, the stolen ‘house-H’, silver & turquoise lights, (corner-) stone
[like ?-]  the (matrix-) turquoise (light-particles) (MFKAT+).     +                                [‘by Hathor’ , per b) ?] 
which (are).    +
the (matrix-) island (‘slab’?) (?, NPRT+, unknown). [FOR]  above (‘north : Mystery-Babylon / cube’ ?). ,  + 

     here ,
     he already talked about Hathor so the lights must be “for above hér” ;
     NPRT is unknown – perhaps “the slab (or ‘island’) for to manifest / matrix-) existence” 
     or else ‘of speech (‘frequency’?) by the root of (matrix-) existence’ and note -P “root” ;
I 261     [next : the “turquoise light-particles” were “the silver ones from the stone” ? :] 
[as BY?]  the silver (-light-particles). inside (3x). the stone (ÁNR)
(that) (was) dragged (adj.) – [TO?]  you. [from?]  (eden-) existence. ; 

      here ,
      ofcourse the line-up is important : first , the “to drag” is used in the Rostau (R-STHAu) theme
      as “their slanted axis into the eden-gate” : where the corner stone is !
      and again : if the stone makes ‘silver particles’ for the eden cube , then why not for this one ?
      [with the difference that they are transformed first into ‘turquoise lights’]  ;
      #2 :
      in this case “silver” may be a neutral glyph ,
      #3 :
      stone ÁNR is “(stone of-) speech / for existence of hail’ ; not neccessarily plural as shown here
      for it can refer back to ‘silver as plural’ “as the ones of the stone” , so not “blocks of silver” ;
      and speech can be “the stone emits silver-particles” ;
      problem is it don’t show here the (negative) SET-dog as ‘the corner stone’ ;
[and so to be]     +
the (matrix-) house as the adam-like one. [of]  (matrix-) existence. [for]  the heir (‘Ammon sons’)
[by means of-]  the (matrix-) light (‘turquoise particles’ !) to rise up (adj.) – inside. thou (‘the cube’). ;
[and]  by. thou. (matrix-) existence. to see.                                                                        [‘for the heir’ probably’]  
[as]  he. having become (adj.) – the beloved (matrix-) pool. [of]  Osiris (‘matrix’). ; 

[because through]  Hathor (‘just below eden gate’ as the matrix-root-P region , the belly’)
thou (adj.) – to shine the type (matrix-) light. alike (-eden’s). ,
[continued pun about ‘risen light’] 


                                                                                               part II
I 260
[through]  Râ. [is]  (matrix-) existence. 
[as]  the (magical-) boat (‘matrix region’). [in]  the (dimensional-) (matrix-) foreground. ,

[and by?]  the (matrix-) speech (or ‘frequency”?). [of]  the turquoise (light-particles).      +
(eden-) existence. to split (?, PSKH unusual = PSSH ?). ,
[in order for?]  thou (‘cube’) (adj.) – to (keep-) dwelling (adj.). above (‘north’). ;

      here ,
      this makes sense : the ‘foreground’ is juxtaposed with the ‘splitting up’ as if the turquoise
      particles “keep the cube above” like oil on top of water ; therefore it’s so important that God
      will remove that stone : then their entire construct “in the foreground” implodes 
      [as a dimensional theme álso related to “the sun dark & the moon as blood”]  ;   
[because by]  the (matrix-) place for the double one (‘binary !’) to seize ,   +
Horus. thou. (.. verb ? corrupt…). ; 

      here ,
      also this makes Sense : this ‘seizing the binary’ is THE connecting-point to eden ,
      where the “turquoise lights in the now matrix-cube perpetuate the split”  ;
      remember Is.14 has ‘the stars of God’ — the binary ;
[new sub-theme ? :]   [but very unclear where this is going :] 
[by means of?]  thou. to repulse (-eden). , 
through. the great (matrix-) speech. [of]  the Ba bird body (‘of the Ammon sons’).
[for]  to rejoice in. ; 
[because by?]  the things that flew up (‘to north’). the (matrix-) speech. to make (-by eden) (ÁR). , 
[to be]  the divine (matrix-) things. [by?]  Tefnut (‘unknown concept still’).
[in order for?]  Shu (‘atmosphere of matrix-land’)
[to be]  the word. [=for] . to make (matrix-) spirit consciousness. ; 

      here , 
      PAUTu is said to be “the primeval gods” but that’s impossible – because who then ? ,
      instead the main meaning is “(eden-) aspects / to fly-up” (to bé the divine matrix-ones) ; 
      TEFNUT : sadly unclear still : 
[and]  he (Shu?). the ones to distribute. ,                                                         [‘in his atmosphere’, we saw that]  
(namely-) as. the (matrix-) words that rose and were crowned. ,
[and therewith]  [to be]  founded.     +
[..]  the (matrix-) images (-based on eden’s). by (?). Horus.       +
I 259
[in]  his. name. of. Râ. ; 

      here ,
      so Horus “rules the blueprints óf those images (for the matrix-land , probably)”
      that are “spoken into existence by Râ” who is ‘speech’ – R ;
[next sub-theme : the ‘moon’ (matrix-gate) & willpower :] 
[and by]  he. the (matrix-) full moon month festival (‘as the matrix-gate radiating its full power’).    +
[of]  eden-(aspects)-within. 
[to be]  the pure (matrix-) dimension. [of]  (matrix-) existence of hail. ,
[by means of]  the natron (-light-particles) (adj.) – [for?]  the box (‘the now matrix cube’). , 

      here ,
      so once a month the gate emits a burst of ‘natron – salt – (preservation-) particles’
      as “matrix lights of (matrix-) stability” : but that’s all we can get here ,
      neither is clear “where they come from” : though it MUST be related to the eden-gate 
      which is about “eden-willpower” and compare next :

[because]  [to]  thou. existence. the (matrix-) word. to be brought. [as]  the (now matrix-) willpower. 
by (?).    +
Hathor (‘below the gate’). ,

[and?]  the divine (matrix-) ones (‘the natron ?’) to follow.      +                                       [3 impossible lines :] 
[in?]  the one (‘cube ?’) of eden-(aspects)-within. ;
[by]  the place of fettering (QÁS ‘the (real-) soul’s (-one) for hail [+Q] ‘).

[to be]  the divine adam-like (matrix-) things. [for]  the olden one (‘matrix before eden’). ,
[by means of]  the (matrix-) word. [=for] . adam-like. (matrix-) spirit consciousness to make. ; 

                                          [next theme : how the cube was stolen :] 
thou. to be defended (‘but several options’). as. the (matrix-) god (adj.) – [for?]  all. ;
[‘yet his origin is of eden’]  
[being-]  the (matrix-) KHA pool land (?, b/c of next). [for?]  (matrix-) existence. :
[because ás-]  the (former eden-) SH pool land.    + 
thou (adj.) – hast forsaken (?,KHAÂ (adj.). the hippopotamus (‘must refer to eden’). ,    +

      here ,
      why ‘hippo’ is unclear – though it is Negative , “the animal / for hail of / the solarplane” T’BÁ(U) ;
      so perhaps as “they hate eden but dó need her constructs” ;
[by means of?]  thou (adj.) – to dwell (’embark’) (adj.) – [in?]  the divine TEPT boat (‘wormhole’). [..] . +

I 258
[tó]  the (magical-) boat’s (matrix region’). (matrix-) HQ.             [‘proving the earlier wormhole boat’] 
as. thou. (dimensional-) Broad (adj.) – (matrix-) throne. ;                                     [‘so he is stationed there’] 

      here ,
      the idea runs well : thróugh the TEPT boat wormhole [-the tube shown in book of Gates] 
      he arrives – perhaps inverted now – at the place where he is installed ; 
      in prophets God also compares Tyre (M-Babylon) with ‘the boat’ including its “sail” ;
[and there]  Hathor (‘below the to-be matrix gate’).    +
the (eden-) existence (‘that clings to him’). to remove. , 
[and by?]  PTEH’ (Ptah , matrix-root-P also below the gate , the belly’). thou (adj.) – to dress (adj.).     +
(with) the pure (adj.) – garment of the (matrix-) word (adj.) – [of]  (matrix-) existence. ;
[so that for]  the city of Ôn (‘Mystery-Babylon’)
inside (‘in the cube’). [to can be]  the divine (matrix-) words of great (matrix-) speech.     + 
[of]  (matrix-) existence of hail. ;
[because to]  the (matrix-) house of copied things (?) (‘he himself ? ; also used earlier’).     +
the (matrix-) word. to come for (matrix-) hail. 
[and]  thou. this (-situation). to empower (‘say’). ; 

[and by]  the masculine (adj.) – (matrix-) gods. thou. existence. [the word-]  to command. ,
[so that as?]  Horus’. (matrix-) words of the house (the cube) being the crown (SSHT’)      +
thou. (matrix-) existence. to open. ;
[by]  guiding the (matrix-) words (adj.) – [for]  the two (matrix-) lands (‘Assyria & Egypt’)
[by means of-]  Horus. for. thou. existence. the (matrix-) speech. to make (-by eden) (ÁR). ; 

      here ,
      Egypt (Mystery-Babylon) just above Assyria (the matrix-gate) ;
I 257
[because by]  Râ (‘who is speech’). [of]  (matrix-) existence of hail.     +
[..]  the (matrix-) words to rise and be crowned. 
[and so]  Horus. (matrix-) existence. the adam-like one. to make (-by eden). alike (-eden’s). ; 

[next theme : dualism , but as the eden-matrix mixture :] 
[by?]  the stairway land (‘eden region’?) óf the Tuat (‘matrix’) (?,TAT+ unknown).
[is]  this. above (‘north’). (matrix-) white crown. ,                                                                                [< the ‘silver’ ?] 
[by]  thou. making (matrix-) stability (adj.) – [for]  (matrix-) existence. ;     +

      here ,
      the ‘white’ HETCH is also used in previous ‘silver’ theme — hence this ‘white crown’ ?
      considered the importance of ‘[white-]  silver light-particles for to beautify a dimension’
      it’s hard to see what élse this crown could represent ;
      also , the ‘stairway land’ suggests “the south land” where this – now crown – came from ;  
[and therewith is-]  Horus’. ÁTEF crown (‘eden / matrix mixture’).
[by means of-]  thou. [fór]  (matrix-) existence. to acquire. ; 
[and thereby]       +
the two plumes (‘dualistic concept’) (adj.) – [of]  Septu (‘guarding the tree of good & evil !’)
to. thou. to rise up (‘indeed : from that tree of mixture’). ; 

[next c-b : tricky – continued theme ? :] 
[and by means of]  the (real-) soul’s (-one) (‘the tree’?). within (-the matrix). , 
[as]  the one (by) which (is) (matrix-) existence. 
the mysterious (matrix-) things. to see. ,  
[because?]  the Ennead (‘9 important matrix-concepts’).    +
to face. thou (adj.) – opened (adj.) – windows (?). ;                                               [read : the zodiac appears ?] 

      here ,
      the USU+ are considered to mean ‘windows’ in the ‘official’ translation ,
      and interesting for us is the prophets line “and he teared out windows in it [=the house] ” ,
      just we cannot be 100% sure this was intended ;
[next theme :]  
[and with-]  the (matrix-) incense (‘lights of speech to connect to existence as the god’ NTHR+).     +
I 256
Anubis (‘also below the gate as the matrix-root-P’). thou. (now matrix-) existence. to anoint. ,
[in order to be]  the cooled-down adam-like (matrix-) dimension. 
[in]  the (former eden-) SH pool land. as. thou. (having been) purified. ; 

[unsure intent :] 
[by]  thou. [and?]  the things of the (matrix-) throne. [and?]  Râ. 
to make the foremost (magical-) boat (‘matrix-region’). ,
[as]  Osiris’ (‘matrix’). [type-]  (matrix-) existence. 
[by means of-]  thou (adj.) – to dwell (adj.) – [upon?]  the mat (‘sorcery construct’). above (‘north’). ; 

      here ,
      this ‘mat’ , held up vertically , shows in the boat of Râ invading eden – but as unknown concept ;
      it has the MA ‘sickle’ that is “to reap from eden” : perhaps ‘the magical double sky above eden’ ?
[and in?]  thou. the (matrix-) speech to make. [of]  double willpower (‘also the stolen eden one)
[and by]  the NUT dome (‘border of eden & matrix’). [-it]  [to]  thou. existence. to give. ;
[unknown 1x rendering the line useless] 
[and]  Orion (‘matrix-gate’). to be lifted up (at) the support pole (-axis) (-to there) (‘north of border’). ;

[closing :]  
[by]  thou. [are]  the things of the boat (matrix-region). inside. the (wider matrix-) dimension. ,
[because by]  the one (‘the cube’) having wandered-astray. [to]  above (‘north’)
[as]  he. the (former eden-) SH pool land. [now of]  (matrix-) existence.
[is]  the mouth (‘matrix gate’). [for]  the (matrix-) speech. [of]  every. god (‘demon’)

all above : @copyright : het-report 
annex :
‘official’ translation [by Faulkner]  : however he read the wrong way around [-on purpose or not]  ;  
note how ‘magickally’ it sóunds – but is ‘saying nothing of substance , whatsoever’ 
[and it reads very much “quasi-deep” like the sections Esau corrupted in the Scroll !]  , 
and compare that with the war – see above – to really go understánd what it intended :
“Every god at the mouth of his lake goes on the water of your bark, which Orion lifts up;
your hinder parts are in the … , Nut puts her hands on you, you sit on the mat of Osiris,
and Rê makes your seats pre-eminent. You are cleansed in the Lake of Cold Water,
Anubis burns incense for you, you open the windows upon the Ennead, you see the
mysteries which are in them, you shine in the plumes of Sopd, you have assumed the
crowns of Horus, the White Crown is made firm for you upon the dais, just as was done
by Rê for Horus at his coronation. Men serve you as Horus, leader of the Two Lands,
the falcon-shrines are opened for you and the fledgelings of the god speak to you,
there is said to you : ‘Welcome into the fanes !’ by the Great ones of Ôn; you are clad
in the pure garment of Ptah, in the robe of Hathor. 
Spacious is your seat in the Bark, you sit in the Ship of God and you harpoon the 
hippopotamus in the Winding Waterway, every god being your harpooner. The old 
women of Cusae who are in the train of Hathor glorify you, there is brought to you a 
chest of natron by the priest on monthly duty. Rê is his name, Horus is his shape, 
crowns are set on with his titulary, Shu and Tefenet, the gods who made the Primeval
Ones, glorify you. The soul of the great One rejoices at meeting you when (?) you
stroke (?) Horus of Shedet. You sit on the mat (?) of turquoise at the bow of the bark
of Rê. Fair is your rising like the rising of Rê, you shine like Hathor. Osiris desires to
see your risings in the pillared hall, when the blocks of silver are dragged for you on
the bases of turquoise.; Hathor, Lady of Byblos, makes the steering oar of your bark.
The stars kindle a light for you, the twin children of Nut glorify you, Geb and Nut 
glorify you, even the gods who encompass (?) the plebs. May you eat the sn-bread 
which came from Khem, the pure bread which came forth from Ôn,; may you drink 
the bowl of milk which came forth from upon the altar on the day of the Sixth-Day
festival; may there be said to you : ‘Welcome !’ in the Broad Hall by the great Ones
of the temple; may there be uncovered for you the supports of the sky, may you see
the mysteries which are in it, may you extend your legs over the supports of the sky.
A sweet breeze to your nose! Orion says to the Great Bear: ‘Take from your lake 
what I take from my lake, that we may prepare a place for N. Stand upon a d3-cloth,
a six-weave cloth upon your shoulder, grant the crane’s way to the sky.”