[theme] : stealing the ‘type droplets’ from the tree of Life + the binary sun & moon
CT 686
theme : stealing from the tree … the tree of Life produces several type particles (‘words’) and also creates ‘the eden atmosphere’ with them , but they need those and (presumably every eden-morning) théir ‘words’ like a swarm of evil hornets cover the tree to mutilate the dew-droplets on it — after which the droplets are sucked into their realm north for them to change & use … one wonders : several Egyptian Plagues must have depicted their nasty methods of stealing … |
this implies that “the tree of life must provide several types of droplets (‘particles’) — also in Eden”,
and we could imagine that some are “for to breathe” , “as words for speech” , as “life particles”
and for “the hail-storm” as also the examples mentioned here (-but in théir version ofcourse) ;
part I :
the vortex by the eden-binary sucks the atmosphere (‘words’) into their realm
… the buildup of this Spell is as follows :
first they steal “the eden atmosphere” with help of the now occupied Binary ;
and after “they made words from the atmospheric particles” as “a not só strong type words”
because the atmosphere is diluted , they go attack the eden-tree with them
in order to obtain his words that do have a high quality
to right : the almost identical GBKT II O and GBNT II O , implying “that the character of some concept is changed” and only because of the context of this spell the subject shown is ‘the eden binary sun & moon’ [in posted CT 688 the glyph for the binary was the related GBGA] , and their nature is changed because “now they work for thém” ; as |
“the globe / the double one / [of] (eden-) existence / [to be for?] the solar plane’s / (matrix-) throne”
into “the globe / the double one / [of] the (matrix-) axis-K / [now of?] the solarplane’s / throne “ ,
because from that point their realm starts which is at another angle
.. ofcourse there are many things we dón’t know , but this concept makes Sense : the eden-atmosphere [as ‘words’] starts to revolve at that point like water leaving a bathtub and they continue that revolving aspect – since everything in their realm revolves ; we’re not sure if “the entire eden-atmosphere” as particles (‘words’) is emitted by ‘the tree of life’ (-only) and how that atmosphere remains when house-H is not contáining them since it was stolen ; |
but by the same ‘bathtub model’ also the Nile-waters seem to be pulled into the binary vortex ,
as the waters (‘words’) they take from ‘the tree of good & evil’ as their second root in the east
part II :
then the stealing of the (eden-) words by the ‘hornets’ + the HEFAU-serpents
… then follows this – at first – impossible section :
the “masculine (matrix-) words surround the tree” as words
that “have a charge” – as in ‘electrical charge’ – or if you want “programmed by Speech” ,
and they ‘de-program the eden words (‘particles’) , as in “neutralizing their charge”
[probably intended is “the specific charge as the púrpose of each droplet“] ;
then all the words are flowing to the Binary ,
where all the type words serving the same purpose are ‘further mutilated’ in order to be
used by the matrix version of that same concept [for breath, for life, for the hailstorm, etc] —
however fantastic all the above may sound ,
we’re rather sure that we correctly interpreted this whole concept
but , at the closing shows a term H’EFAU-serpent which is tricky : ‘9’ is not an eden-number so they must make “nine concepts” fróm the eden-words as “serpents” when still ‘of the tree’ ; it’s hard to decode but you see (3) “.. fór (matrix-) ânkh life”, (5) “.. fór the (stolen) house-H” etcetera , therefore the listed concepts in this CT should match (-somehow) ; interesting is the glyph AU as “dimensional spaciousness” which is a typical eden aspect , and one they desire , reading , |
“the serpent – words / [of] spaciousness / [of] he (eden) / [fór] the (matrix-) wick-H”
where the latter is “the house” (-just below the matrix-gate) in the simple diagram above ;
where each group of words is being mutilated further to serve one of their copied constructs
.. though the closing of part II has gaps because we don’t know what is going on there ,
this spell is too important to let slip , right ; while it’s a good base for when a similar theme
will come by in another spell (but let’s hope we’re gone ..) ;
if those monsters have read – and mutilated – our texts we certainly will understand theirs !
to read along , PDF page 333 , real page VI 317 , and read upwards ,
‘official’ translation will be added — though wrong , it’s good for comparison
VI 317 [the now divine matrix-word speaks :]
[by] the divine (matrix-) word [of] the M-realm [of] double wlllpower / [of the hand?] . [DÂÂMU]
[is] thou. (matrix-) existence of hail. ;
here ,
DÂÂMU don’t exist but is a composite-word , the M must be “Behemoth” the north-realm ;
[because for-] my. (matrix-) speech above (‘north’).
the word to descend (-to the north) (‘and to the stolen house-H-cube’) (HAU). ,
in (-order). +
[to be] (that-) divine (matrix-) word [.. damaged ..] . (which) I (am). ;
here ,
so we have the clue ‘Behemoth’ and “this word functioning within the cube (-only)”
as the stolen house-H that encompasses their solr plane , see other CT ;
[and to bé] (that-) divine (matrix-) word [.. damaged ..] . ,
[by means of-] the (matrix-) justice (‘but by sacrificing eden’ , MAÂT). +
[as] the double (eden-) globe GBNT. (eden binary)
[now to be] the double (matrix-) globe GBKT. (eden binary now serving matrix)
[in order to be] the [type-] (matrix-) light (-of the word) (by the throat-axis? ÁKHKHU). +
for. this. N’s (‘candidate’). (matrix-) existence. ,
(being-) the pure (matrix-) dimension (-of the solar plane of willpower of the word’). ;
[because] he (‘pure dimension’). +
[is by] the place of the (matrix-) house. [of] (matrix-) speech. + [see diagram]
[for] cooling the one (‘eden word’) down. [into] (matrix-) words of breath-air.
[as] the breath. (that will-) enter (adj.) – this. N (‘candidate’). ;
[and these ?] divine (matrix-) words / of speech / connecting to / existence (NTHRU). +
[in?] he. the (matrix-) existence. to revolve (PKHR). ;
[and therewith to be ?] the (matrix-) peace (‘maintain the status-quo’). +
IN (?). this. foreign land’s SH-pool (‘the inside-realm óf the stolen house-H cube’). +
as. this. N’s (‘candidate’). (matrix-) existence.
(being-) the (matrix-) dimension of the solar plane of (matrix-) willpower of the (matrix-) word. ;
here ,
he means “their revolving solar-plane reality IN the stabile eden-cube surrounding that”
since eden’s reality does NOT ‘revolve’, unlike their serpentine one ,
so that he ‘has the best of both worlds’ which is his ‘peace’ ;
part II
#1 first type : for their ‘commanding words of voice’ they steal ‘the words by the tree of life’ :
here ,
it seems “that they first make matrix-words from the diluted (words as-) the eden-atmosphere”
[which now entered through the binary] in order to attack the eden tree that emits powerful
words which they need as “their word of voice” :
[because from-] he (‘eden atmospheric words’). within (-the matrix). ,
[for] this. N. the (matrix-) word to make. devised. [for] to repulse (-eden with). :
[because by] the seed (-fór that matrix-word of voice). // [of] the mountain (‘tsiun’). +
to become the (matrix-) word of voice. to rejoice in (at) the (matrix-) high place (‘north’). , +
here ,
‘seed’ already suggests ‘the tree’ and because ‘seed’ is a matrix-term they use the
magically-dangerous // glyph ; while the juxta between north and south is clear ;
[and so in] this. divine (now matrix-) SH pool (‘the inside of the cube’) of (matrix-) stability. +
[at] the (dimensional-) (matrix-) side. [of] (matrix-) speech. ,
[and] this. N. [..] to empówer (adj.) – the pure (matrix-) dimension. [of] existence of hail. ;
[the attack itself :]
[probably 1 word SHNS(TH) :]
[by means of] the (eden-) essence of the (real-) soul’s (-one) (‘tree of life’?) to encircle (‘by matrix’). +
[bý] the adam-like (matrix-) masculine. this. (matrix-) MIÁU cat. +
AS. this. N’s. made (matrix-) word. having been devised. to repulse (-eden with). ;
here ,
this looks like ‘a giant swarm of hornets – matrix-words – clustering at the tree’ ;
the ‘cat’ as “of the (matrix-) word / alike-eden’s” and note the ‘masculine’ because these
are “directed words already” as if ‘given orders by speech (-which is masculine) ;
VI 316
(then-) (by the hornets-) the seed (‘words of the eden-tree’). to cut into (?,SUA). ,
[in order for ?] the empowering (‘say’). [of] each (adj.) – to destroy (H’TM). ;
here ,
see ? the hórnets “were directed” [empowered] and they destroy the empowering of the eden-words ;
[to be] the (matrix-) hail (by) the (eden-) root (‘eden gate region’) (PÁ, unusual). ,
next : 1 word ÁSHNNUU :
[for by it to become-] the divine (matrix-) word of existence of the (now matrix-) SH pool. +
[at] the (dimensional-) (matrix-) side. [of] (matrix-) speech. ,
[and to be] the pure (matrix-) dimension. [of] (matrix-) speech. [of this N.] . ,
[by means of-] the word to descend. (that is now-) empowered. [by] (matrix-) existence. ,
[and so] to be (matrix-) hail. ;
here ,
a bit complicated talk but “now they use the words of the eden-tree that are empowered by thém” ;
the dictionary has “the cat MIÁU sitting every morning at the ÁSHEST-tree” which is close enough
to above ÁSHNNUU ; conclusion : we rightly understood this whole section !
but because “the hail-storm” will follow soon :
do these hornets “also change those words that will become the hail itself” ?
#2 second type : words for ‘existence to make’ (-as concept) (?) [lines q-p-o-n-m]
(next) , [for-] this. N’s. (matrix-) speech. +
[to be] the divine (matrix-) words of (matrix-) speech connected to existence. + [NTHR+]
[fór to be] (matrix-) existence of hail. ;
[by means of-] (eden-) existence to make (‘as concept’). [fór] (matrix-) existence of hail. +
to descend (-to the matrix-). +
[to ?] Horus (‘matrix-gate region’). .
[as?] the (real-) soul’s (-one) (‘existence to make’). [for?] the son (‘the Ammon son’). ,
[and so] the (real-) soul’s (-one). the (matrix-) one to birth (but ‘what’ exactly ?). ,
by (-means of). +
[impossible :]
the (real-) soul’s. Self (TCHS). [as?] the (real-) soul’s (-one). within (-the matrix). ;
here ,
we haven’t yet found a workable concept for this ‘Self’ – and don’t know what he intended here ;
[totally impossible :]
[TO ?] the (matrix-) thighs (axis ?). [of] [=for] Isis (‘matrix-throne’). existence. to give. hail. ,
[and then?] to perish. (?)
[as?] the cut-off one (for?) he the (now matrix-) mountain (-on high) (of Anubis?) (T’U-F+).
[and?] by. he (cut-off Self?). [are] the (eden-) origins (?). [for?] the (matrix-) word of hail. ;
no idea ;
#3 third type : the words as the hail-storm [l-k-j]
[by?] the (matrix-) T’ES flint knife. the essences to make by his (‘eden’) (-one) (‘words’) (SF+).
as. were (adj.) – his. ones of the (eden-) land in the (now) (dimensional-) background (‘eden’). ;
[for to be] the (now matrix-) surrounding hail-storm dome (SHNÁ).
having become (ÁU) (adj.) – the ones (by) the inversed (matrix-) root (‘below matrix-gate’). , +
[now] raging. at (‘around’). Horus’. eye (‘as entire Mystery-Babylon here’ ?). ;
[because for-] the fettered ones (‘eden-words’) (?,QÁSUT+). + [now ’emptied’ words !]
[=is] . he. the (matrix-) word of eden-(aspects)-within. ,
[to be] the (matrix-) word of hail (ÁU, adj.) – [for] the (matrix-) dimension. ;
#4 fourth type : the grain fields [‘grain’ is brought from the evil West in the Amduat book]
the (matrix-) grain lands (?,NPRT “grain / of speech”). to grow. +
[and as] the ones at the solar plane shore. to reap (rare but more logical as ‘to dig’).
[to be?] the [..?..]. [for?] this. foreign-land’s (now matrix-) SH pool (‘inside of the cube’). ;
aborted at this point , for now —
we’ve Atonement coming up and it’s not good to be absorbed in their evil world ,
for trust me : one can only understand these things when totally submerged in them ..