[theme]  : the stolen eden-seasons (‘day / night / year’) ; the eden-gate emits
                 4 types light-particles giving ‘a certain quality’ to these seasons

CT 691
curious : not quite the seasons (‘days / nights / months’) that come ‘mechanically’ 
… we were learned “that the position of the sun causes our seasons”
and categorize them by the simple “hot & cold and night & day” thinking that only these
are responsible for the growth and nurturing of rather complex organisms [-like ‘this body’ ;
and though indeed Enoch describes the (eden-) seasons as “days , months and years” 
which time-wise are governed by eden’s binary sun & moon system , the idea in this 691
appears to be a different one    —
that “the daytime and nighttime have a certain (different?) dimensional quality” which
has little to do with ‘the sun’ — and the same seems to be true for “a month” and “a year” ;
ofcourse we’ve no idea ‘what’ that “dimensional quality” can exist of — apart from ‘eden-Life’ 
but since “they steal these day & night particles from the eden-gate” the idea here must 
be valid and actually ‘as a specific Eden concept which they desire to have” !
there doesn’t appear to be a reference to the “subtle-energies” as “gemstone-light-particles” ,
yet it must be sóme type of subtle-energy ,
since they do mention “(matrix-) ânkh life” as important aspect of these time-cycles combined
with the phrase “breath-air” both suggesting “aspects for their (corrupt-) soul” [-which then
in the eden-situation would be beneficial for óur soul , ofcourse]  ;
moreover , “these day & night partcles seem to have a certain frequency” as suggested
in the section talking about “knowing their names” — perhaps as a “slower” frequency for the 
night and a more uptempo one for the day .. ? 
.. concepts come to mind as “the Schumann resonance” of this Gaia earth — but we stop here
since we do NOT want to degenerate anything of Eden but just try to grasp the possible type
concept described here through an example we know from óur reality — and we will soon see 
whether it was close or not , okay ; )
to read along , PDF page 339 , real page VI 323 , and read upwards ,
‘official’ translation – not added , useless & too much work

VI 324                 
to steal. the calculation. [of]  (eden-) existence. [fór]  this. (matrix-) light (‘seasons’). ,
[so that by]  the house of the horizon (‘matrix-gate region’).      +
[to be]  the (matrix-) word of eden-(aspects-)-within. ,
[and to]  (matrix-) existence. the opened (matrix-) word. to give. ;                             [as light-particles] 
[=and] . so. (matrix-) existences to make (‘as concept’).     +
[through?]  the double (matrix-) word of Sight (‘2nd sight’). [by]  the two eyes (‘matrix + eden gate’). ,
[yet by?-]  the nostril (‘matrix gate’) (SHR).     + 
[to be]  the (matrix-) speech. [of]  the (matrix-) word of breath-air. , 
[because-]  (matrix-) existence to make by (using-) the passive (eden-) existence.      +
[in order for-]  the speech. [now as-]  the (matrix-) light to rise up (-to the matrix). , 
[and]  to come the healthy (matrix-) one. [as]  the word (‘light-particles’). [of]  (matrix-) speech. ; 

      here ,
      so the “two eyes” are “the matrix gate” served by “the eden gate” 
      and they need “the eden word (-as lightparticles that máke the seasons)” from the eden gate ,
      to change them into “matrix particles which their matrix gate will speak” ;
[to be]  the (matrix-) ânkh life. inside. the (matrix-) night. above (‘north’). , 
[as]  the many (matrix-) words (‘light-particles’). [for?]  the (matrix-) nights.      +
[by means of-]  the (eden-) word to descend (-to the matrix-). [and to]  him (‘night !’). to give. ;

      here ,
      a “many + nights” made little Sense so that the shown multiple must be ‘words’ ;
      #2 :
      the ‘night’ (GERH’) is a matrix-term , so that no glyph exists for “the eden night” , but because of
      the juxtaposition it is “the word (as the eden night) descends [-to be the matrix night] ” ;
[and to be]  the (matrix-) ânkh life. inside. the (matrix-) day. above (‘north’). , 
[as]  the many words (matrix lightparticles’). [for]  the (matrix-) days.      + 
[by means of-]  the 
(eden-) word to descend (-to the matrix-). [and to]  him (‘day’). to give. ;

[and to be]  the (matrix-) ânkh life. inside. the (matrix-) monthly season. above (‘north’). , 
[as]  the many words (‘matrix lightparticles’). [for]  the (matrix-) monthly seasons.      + 
[by means of-]  the
 (eden-) word (‘for them’) to descend (-to the matrix-). [and to]  him. to give. ;

      here ,
      probably no “half month – monthly (festival)” difference , yet ;
[and to be]  the (matrix-) ânkh life. inside. the (matrix-) yéar. above (‘north’). , 
[as]  the many words (‘matrix lightparticles’). [for]  the (matrix-) year.      + 
[by means of-]  the
 (eden-) word (‘for them’) to descend (-to the matrix-). [and to]  him. to give. ;

                              [start :]       [“them / they” is always ‘the eden-light-particles’ here :] 
VI 323   
[to be]  the start (adj.) – [of]  the (matrix-) year. [of?]  this. (matrix-) ânkh life.
[through]  the (matrix-) word (‘light-particle’) (adj.) – [of]  (matrix-) existence.     +
[by means of]  them (adj.) – [of]  (eden-) existence. to upgrade (?) (‘upgrade them’) (SÁP). ;
[because-]  them. to grasp (-by the matrix)
[by ?]  the UAS / TCHÂM sceptre of eden-(aspects)-within.
[in order to be-]  them. [now of]  (matrix-) willpower. [of]  eden-(aspects)-within. , 

to become ânkh life. (through-) the word (‘matrix light-particles’) (adj.) – [of]  (matrix-) existence.
[by means of-]  they (adj) – (matrix-) existence. to make to illumine. ; 
[as]  they. within (-the matrix). [but now of?]  (matrix-) ânkh life. ; 

       here ,
       so far so good    —
       they “will change the náture of the eden-light-particles so that they carry their ‘ânkh life’ 
       and like that will illumine their reality ; cc) does not specify which of both sceptres ;
       [next : they need to know ‘the names of the particles’ — so that their gate ‘can speak them’ ,
       perhaps this is about knowing ‘the right frequency’ of each type .. ? 
       he does not start with “how they are mutilated & changed” but only áfter this section :] 
[and by being]  within. , they. [that now are of-]  (matrix-) ânkh life.      +
[at]  the mouth (‘matrix gate’). [..] . to arrive. ,
[as]  they. (that-) arrive (adj.) – [for]  (matrix-) speech. ;                                [‘to be emitted by the gate’]  
[and by]  their. (eden-) names. to know (‘to can abuse’). [to be]  alike (-the eden ones). ,
[by means of]  (matrix-) existence. [of]  (matrix-) speech. them (‘names’). to know. ; 
[because by-]  their. (eden-) names. to know (‘to can abuse’). [to be]  alike (-the eden ones). ,
[as]  the word (‘matrix light-particles’). [of]  (matrix-) existence. [by]  them (‘names’). to know. ;

[next theme : they know their names ‘by mutilating them first’ ? :] 
[now :]  their. (eden-) names. [bý]  (matrix-) existence. to know.     +
[in order to be]  the ones of the (matrix-) dimension. ,
[by means of-]  (those of-) (eden-) existence. to know.       + 
[by]  the double (matrix-) island of the destroying flame (?).     +
[for to be]  the slaughtered ones (‘light-particles of eden-willpower’) (SHÂT+). ;
[and then?-]  (matrix-) words (‘light particles’). [fór]  the (matrix-) speech. to make (-by eden). ;

      here ,
      as always “the (eden-) willpower (-particles)” link back to the eden gate
      and they need to remove that willpower-component to replace it with théir ‘willpower’ ;
     the words to suck out ?, the vessels? the double ones to carry-off ?
[here : aborted : still columns r-a of VI 323 while next page 322 is too damaged , anyway ;
            the rest of this page is only repeating “thou / words / to untie” and does not contain
            any interesting phrase to work towards — therefore best to stop here