Ex.32 [24-31] : NO ‘golden calf’
 but ‘the statue of god’ + the fire
offered to it : worshipping Adam
  ón the 7th day of Unleavened
[Ex.13 theme]   [our 4/28 date] 

[version ; 2024-01jan.15-16] 


we’re starting to have the most solid case
for our date since the past 12 months now

content :
– intro     : important context ,
                      also containing the restored lines
– part A) : Ex. 24-31 ,
                       24 is the ascend of Moses ,
                       then 6 chapters illegally added [+description] 
                       where Esau concealed the Eden theme ;
                       at the end of 31 Moses receives the covenant tablets
– part B) : full restored text but as the required sections in KJV

       … finally we can reconstruct a solid buildup of this major theme that started in Ex.13 
       where God warned Moses that after his defeat Adam would make his next move that 
       would be related to the ‘gift’ theme of Unleavened and to the fire-offering theme ,
       and – frankly even to our surprise – he did that as the alleged “golden calf” event ;
       but to put that into the right perspective we need a bit background first please   —
       Esau’s deflections
       ofcourse he saw the entire chain of events as the buildup , where we have to restore
       it by bits and pieces to have the same overview , and he did that quite cunningly :
       first by lengthening the Time factor , then changing the subjects of the events that are
       part of the same buildup , in order to disguise this ‘one’ major theme
       [and therefore it is so important that we got Exodus 13 right !] 
       #1  the ‘golden calf’ event happened AT the 7th of Unleavened :
       … though Esau SUGGESTED otherwise    —
       he made us think “that Moses was 40 days upon the mount” and that the people now
       got tired of waiting for him and started to build an own god as the golden calf , right ,
       and because of the mental image he gave us we shrug and think condescendingly of
       them “rather Simple people singing and dancing around their self-made calf” 
       yet exactly THAT was Esau’s goal : to let our guard down so that we would never
       understand the real crime of what happened there !
       therefore , after having corrupted Ex.13 as the intro to this theme , his first goal was 
       to “go deflect FROM this important 7th day” into some unrelated láter date : 
       his method was “to suggest that Moses was a long time upon the mount” by placing
       many chapters (suggesting a long amount of Time !) in that section : but if you look at
       the súbject of those talks it shows merely “household themes” in them , and it makes 
       absolutely no Sense whý God would choose to tell those upon the mount as secondary
       themes which He simply could have told Moses beneath the mount    —
                  the included second coverup here :
                 Esau must have been very proud on himself by creating 2 for the price of one :  
                 apart from that ‘Timing coverup’ Esau also concealed God’s covenant theme
                 because THAT was what God spoke about to Moses at the mount , as explaining
                 to him “the entire history of Edensince his both tablets are about that covenant
                 and never were about “10 laws” ! (see page for the attempt to the restored text) ;
                 segments (!) of that talk still show in Ex.31:2-6 which is NOT about some guy
                 called Bezaleel whom I called and filled him with wisdom (etc) : but is how Adam
                 was created in the garden of Eden !!
                [that will be the next project okay – try restore this horribly corrupted theme] ;  
       either way :
       his Timing corruption deflects us awáy from the intended Adam theme so that we would
       not see how the events belong togéther and therefore ‘the 7th of Unleavened’ is crucial , 
       meaning that “the people started this event soon after Moses went up to the mount”                          <<<
       because this directly relates to the real subject of the alleged ‘golden calf’ :  
       #2  no ‘golden calf’ – but “the idol (-statue) of god” :
       … though in the past we searched the Egyptian spells that are full of ‘bulls and cows’
       for a proper candidate not one really fitted the demands of the context here ;
       yet the key IS the context – combined with the (word-) root corruption      —
               they were a superstitious people having lived in Egypt :
               in a land with a religion that showed statues of their many deities at every corner ,
               and on top of that they recently witnessed the many supernatural events of the
               ten Plagues which were said (!) to be caused by their ówn deity ; while that same                            <<<
               deity the day before had appeared in clouds and lightning upon the mount
               and had spoken so loud that they begged Moses that He would stop that :
               so that now these people “desired to have a visual OF their own deity” !!                                               <<<
               and please see the text how lógical that reads ;
       once you realize that , the root-corruption is a simple one : no ‘calf’ (-ogle) but ‘an idol’
       (-gillul) which like in prophets is often “a statue” ; in this case we chose a lower-capitol
       god instead of the vague “divine” , and ofcourse because it was never a statue of God ;
       #3  becáuse it was a statue , Adam claimed it :
       … per the first command “you will make no image of me” God will not connect himself 
       to ány depiction and therefore Adam claimed the representation , while adding his own                   <<<
       attribute to it by whispering to Aaron ‘to make a fire-altar in front of it’ — and only because
       we understood “the strange fire” theme we can see what he did there !
       the whole week from Passover unto that 7th day was a general blueprint for the future
       and though Adam had lost just before in Egypt (and see Ex.13) he could still block the
       realization óf that outcome — through his “strange fire” Ritual ;
       moreover : he even expanded it by whispering – again ! – to Aaron’s two sons to go place
       strange fire upon God’s sacred altar (see Lev.8-10 and pages) because that event was
       more specific about “the dedication of the (potential-) 144” : in order to block US !  
       … this was the reason whý Moses was so furious he smashed the tablets : he knew !
       and that is why Moses never prayed “blot me out” (33) because the subject was another !
       for we saw that God always explained to Moses what was going on — though Esau also
       covered thát up so that we have to reconstruct this as well (similar to the NT where we
       found that the disciples were NOT the simple farmers like Esau portrayed them , right) ; 
       #4  very likely : the offered unleavened bread ‘as the gift’ in that day 
       … very likely line 5 also contained “the offering of unleavened bread” combined with the
       the “altar + fire offering” theme : first because Unleavened is THE theme while the roots
       suggest a former word “unleavened (-bread)” as well     —
       now , because the 7th day was so important we must assume that especially in this day
       the official presentation of the unleavened loaf upon the fire took place (-apart from the
       individual offerings by the people throughout the year) , since her aspect of ‘gift’ is so 
       important because related to ‘the scroll’ — and therefore Adam wanted that gift aspect ;
               this “main offering of unleavened at the 7th day” must have been the second half
               of Lev.2 [=explaining the unleavened offering] but was so corrupted that she hardly
               made Sense : however she can NOT have explained ‘the báckground of the offering’
               but must have been “the general directions for it” ,
               and because the same “gift corruption” as in Ex.13 appears in the second half there ,
               the text must have talked about “the official offering at the 7th day of Unleavened” ,
               as the very theme Esau searched to conceal here !
               [you see how all his corruptions grip together .. sigh .. so , let’s finish Lev.2] 
               sub note :
               we’ve no objection to the possibility that the 2nd time Moses went up it was ’40 days’ ,
               in fact that would make sense : until the feast of Weeks (Pentecost) at the 49th day ,
               but the second ascend is not so important for us now , right ;
               combine this with the repeated line that “three times a year your sons will gather” ,
               at “Unleavened , at Weeks and at the harvest (prob. Tabernacles)”   —
               in óur case , Weeks is taken as the event of the first christians , Tabernacles must be
               about Jacob saved : so for us ‘Unleavened’ is the proper time ..

                       A)   from Ex.24 Moses ascends — 6 extra chapters — unto Ex. 32 
                  Ex.24 : ‘Moses ascends up to the mount’                                     (appears genuine)
                                    situation : only in line 9 Moses goes up ,
                                                         so that “the people confirming the covenant” was beneath the mount ,
                                                          as response to God’s speaking to them from the mount ;
                                              date :  the 7th day of Unleavened
                                                            probably right after the 6th day at 6 PM – when the next 7th day starts ;
                                                            next :
                                                           Esau illegally inserted at least 6 chapters NOT related to the theme
                                                            of “God explaining the history of Eden to Moses”   —
                                                            only 1 section is traceable (about “creating Adam” see Ex.31 below)
                                                            but themes like “our Originals” he can easily have hidden in the lines
                                                            about “the gems and gold used to build (‘create’) the Tabernacle”
                                                            since you know his tricks by now : it will take time to find those ; 
                                                           inserted :   
                  Ex 25 : ‘moses upon the mount’     [alleged]           (by Esau’s context because continued) 
                                    situation : God speaks to Moses
                                      subject   : how to construct the tabernacle
                  Ex 26 : ‘moses upon the mount’     [alleged]           (by Esau’s context because continued) 
                                    situation : God speaks to Moses
                                      subject   : how to construct the tabernacle
                  Ex 27 : ‘moses upon the mount’     [alleged]           (by Esau’s context because continued) 
                                    situation : God speaks to Moses
                                      subject   : how to construct the utensils in the tabernacle
                                                            note : rather short chapter
                  Ex.28 : ‘moses upon the mount’     [alleged]           (by Esau’s context because continued)
                                    situation : God speaks to Moses
                                      subject   : the making of the priestly garment
                  Ex.29 : ‘moses upon the mount’     [alleged]           (by Esau’s context because continued)
                                    situation : God speaks to Moses
                                     subject   : the consecration of the priest = mirror of the Leviticus 8-10 theme ;
                                                           as 49 lines and probably the same content as all in those 3 chapters ,
                                                           definitely NOT a subject for ‘on the mount’ since this happened later ;
                                                            still missing : the explanation of the false-fire Ritual
                                                            [as the Num.16 “Korah” – see page] 
                  Ex 30 : ‘moses upon the mount’      [alleged]          (by Esau’s context because continued)
                                      situation : God speaks to Moses
                                        subject   : how to construct the tabernacle
                                        problem : hardly a theme for ‘upon the mount’ ,
                                                              why not say these household items another time ?
                    Ex 31 : ‘moses upon the mount’    [section of original text – but corrupted] 
                                     situation : continued
                                     subject     : continued
                                                              [however : lines 2-6 may have been a corrupted section about Adam :
                                                             why would He say “I chose the man [+name] to create things for the tabernacle” ?
                                                              what about “I created the man [+Adam] …(etc)”  ? 
                                                              is it not much more logical that this was the theme explained to Moses ?
                                                              and : how this will relate to ‘the golden calf (or: ‘man’?) crime , next …?] 
                                      problem : as in 30
                                      ending :   Moses receives the 2 tablets (18) as intro to next chapter 32
                                      timing problem : 
                                                               we are TOLD “that Moses was so long on the mountain that the people sinned
                                                               by making an idol (next chapter) , but is that true ? all thése chapters SUGGEST
                                                               that Moses was there a long time : but only because of the long text , as about
                                                               themes that God just as well could have told him DOWN the mountain , is it not ?
                                                                so that :
                       Ex.32 : suggestion : was not ‘a calf’ made but “an image of the deity” ? 
Ex. 32
the “golden calf” :
(chapter in general appears credible per the buildup)
(KJV) 1
(a) “And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount
(b) the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him,
(c) Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; 
for [as for] this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.” 
… here ,
what was the original intent of the line ?
remember that they just had seen “massive smoke and lightning and heard a thunderous voice” !
and superstitious as they were — after having been in Egypt hundreds of years ,
dwelling in a land having a religion FULL of statutes of every kind of deity ,
while just ago having witnessed “the 10 plagues” by their ówn deity :
what if it said :
            “and when the people saw that Moses [..] had [=ascended] the mount ,
              they gathered unto Aaron and said to him :
              let us make – the deity – (TO-) whom – [=he] went – (to be) in his presence (6440) ;                                  [sic !]
              [but the ‘up’ (-qum) makes no sense there :
              so likely Esau swapped it and was (-tselem) “image” !! ; so , again :] 
            “and when the people saw that Moses [..] had ascended the mount , 
              they gathered unto Aaron and said to him :
              let us make – an up=image (quM=tseleM) of – the deity – (TO-) whom – he went ;
              because – [..1x..] [..1x..] – the·man (=tampered) the deity (aish=alei)       +
             who – (has) brought us up – out of the land of – Egypt ,
              we (do) – not – know – what – he became=looks (-like) (eie=rea) [..] ;                          [NOW it makes Sense !] 
                         [streamlined :
                         “we don’t know what the deity who brought us from Egypt looks like”]

note :
.. the “this + Moses” was inserted as simple trick to change the subject ; 
ofcourse Esau could have changed móre , like “fearful + deity” etc but let’s not overdo it ;
       so far : 
       Esau slowly lured away the key point :
       … first with his “after many , many days that Moses was upon the mount” ,
       making everybody to forget the crucial ‘7th day of Unleavened’ ,
       then by having the people to make “a calf idol” – and we think “well – that was stupid” :
       but if it wrote – which it does – “an image of God” we would be wide awake ! 
       and it did so because the theme works towards “an image of Adam” !
(KJV) 2-3
“And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which [are] in the ears of your wives, of your sons, 
and of your daughters, and bring [them] unto me. And all the people brake off the golden earrings which [were] 
in their ears, and brought [them] unto Aaron.”
… here ,
line appears good enough for the idea is clear ;
(KJV) 4
“And he received [them] at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: 
and they said, These [be] thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”
and (when-) he (had) received [-them] – from their hand ,
[..] he fashioned – [=them] – in [=the fire] (see line 24) ,                                                         [‘a graving tool’ = bit unlikely] 
and=as making [=them] – (into-) a molten – calf=idol (-statue) (egel=gillul) ;
[..] saying : these=this (is) – your deity , O Ishral ,                                                                                                  [‘Aaron said this’] 
who – (has) brought you up – from the land of – Egypt ;

                                                                              next 5-6 : important :
        now the theme per definition needs ‘Adam’ showing up – but how was that phrased ?
        first : “becáuse it is a statue , it is NOT God” and hence Adam claims it (as being ‘him’) ;
        and we need connect him to “the fire offering” that will be mentioned , as foretold in Ex.13 !
             a) the start of 5-a is weird : “And when Aaron saw [it],….” ; as if the lines are cut into sections ;
             b) this also : “[Aaron-] said, To morrow [is] a feast to the LORD.” ,
                   could he just invent any feast ? why the wierd “tomorrow”…?
             c) the “rose up early” is so superfluous after a weird tomorrow : what if that section also was cut off ?
             the ‘Adam’ theme is defendable here :
              … namely if God explained him to Moses while on the mount (see ch.31 note above) ,
              and that is also a good reason as WHY Moses will be so angry and will break the tablets ;
(KJV) 5-6
(a) “And when Aaron saw [it], 
(b) he built an altar before it; 
(c) and Aaron made proclamation, and said, 
(d) tomorrow [is] a feast to the LORD.”
(a) “And they rose up early on the morrow,                                                                                          [< belongs to 5 per syntax] 
(b) and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; 
(c) and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
and – the aaron=adm-man (‘Adam’) (Aern=Adm) sees (-it) ,                      [we saw how he observes – in prophets !] 
(KJV c) and – he calls=whispers (?) – (unto-) Aaron        +                                                                              [read : “he nudges”]
and=as (if-) saying [+to him]       +
[..] to (go-) build – an altar – before it        +                                                                                              [next : we need a reason :] 
(because-) the feast – to the ieue=deity (ieue=alei)    +             [read : to the statue = to HIM]      [at Unleavened ?]
tomorrow=requires       +                                                                                                                (mochorth=shal , no match)
[..] a rising early=fire offering (SHakm=eSHsh) – from=and the tomorrow=gift (MCHr=MnCH , Ex.13) ;

[new line :] 
and=then – [=burnt offerings] – (are being) [=offered]       +
[=as] bringing (them) near – (to-) the peace offerings=adm-man (‘Adam’) (shlM=adM) ,                       [likely , see e]
and=while – the people – sit=worship – [..] the drink=made (SHth=oSH) – [..] eat=idol (akL=gLll) ,
and=as – [+their] play=incense (tschQ=Qtrth) – (that is-) rising up [+to him] ; 
      or : #e :
      and – rising=offer (Qm=Qrb) – play=unleavened (-bread) (TSchq=mTSe) [+to it] ;                               [as ‘the gift’]   

         so far :
         … Esau’s “the people drank and ate and rose up (?) and made fun” is a mental picture to us
         perfectly fitting by his “golden calf” thing we heard a 1000 times — but is too shallow ;
         a) the “feast to-Elohim one-requesting (etc)” is a possible because passive syntax ;
         b) Adam hardly “speaks” in the scroll ; 
               but since there is no term for “to nudge” the added “as (if) saying” is possible ;
               interestingly he must have done the same to Aaron’s sons – in Lev.10 ! ,
               as having nudged them to offer strange fire !
               but the difference with here is that they placed strange fire upon God’s altar ; 
         c) and indeed Esau cut up the lines in 5 , spilling one over in 6a ;       

                                                                                               part II
                          (lines 7-19)  from the mount God sees what the people are doing ,
                                                      Moses hurries down and smashes both tablets in anger

considered the two tablets :
A) they were “the tablets of the (eden-) covenant” :
… not merely “of the testimony” and neither “of the law” as the whole KJV list (see page) ;
Ex.31:18 has “And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him 
                                upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.” ,
                                and here lines 15-16 also should contain ‘finger’ 
B) written :
… we didn’t know “what” the priest did with the oil – in Lev.2 about unleavened wafers :
what if “he wrote upon them” (-with oil) ? — for the wafer theme is ‘scroll related’ !
(KJV) 20
[after Moses saw the [=idol] and smashed the tablets] , 
“And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt [it] in the fire, and ground [it] to powder, 
and strawed [it] upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink [of it].”
… here ,
a) we still lack an explanation why Moses was so angry ,
b) while his interrogation of Aaron only starts in next 21 ;
c) and the “drink” is a favorite corruption of Esau                                              [20 : remember what was said in Ex.13 :]
and=because – he took=understood (ilaqch=iada) – ath=that         +

the·calf (=tampered) the idol (-statue) – which – they (had) made      +
and (had) burnt=offered – the fire [+offering] in=to 
[..] grinding=represented – the until=adm-man (‘Adam’) (oD=aDm)      +
who – (had) pulverized=deceived [+them] (dAQq=ashAQ) :
and=because (by-) scattering=worshipping – on=him        +
before=instead of (phni=thcht as in Gen.4) – the·waters (=tampered) e·mim e=IEUE ,
the waters=adm-man (‘Adam’) (miM=adM , reaffirmation subject)       +
[..] (would) drink=rule (?) (‘negative’) (SHq=mSHl) – the sons of – Ishral ;                             [read : the potential 144′]

        so far :
        … his fear was grounded , right — after God tóld him Adam’s intent he saw the statue now
        ánd the fire-offering at the feet of it : while just ago on the mount God explained him the
        history of Eden and gave him the covenant tablets [of which #1 is still valid] ; 
        perhaps another term can be found for “rule” like “to battle” or “oppress” etc
        but the problem is that those would need some further explanation ;                                   
(KJV) 33-35
[totally corrupt / invented]
.. only God knows what was the real closing — but not this ;
now most probably Moses is asked “to ascend the mount again” : only starting in Ex.34
[because next chapter 33 is so corrupted it’s incredible :
probably Esau dumped there all the sections he couldn’t use , turning it into a ‘dustbin chapter’] 


end of section – and end of theme for now