corrupted mirror of Zech.8 [overview only , no text] [version ; 2024-09sept.5] |
… it would be great to have a (whole-) uncorrupted series concerning this now
for us so important ‘Atonement’ theme — but sadly we’ve to do it with the messy
sections that Esau has left us : too corrupted to can restore yet containing similar
phrases which we also had in the other ‘proper’ chapters concerning this theme ,
therefore we can only hope that the overview is Legal enough to support our date :
chapter 27
only 13 lines , already suggesting she is a closing of a previous one ;
used KJV key phrases shown in bold :
[1] : “serpent (-race)” ,
probably “because you declared the serpent-race / Cush theme / strange fire”
[5] : “hold fast” —
probably “the wider 144 will hold fast to you & we” — as in Zech.8 ?
[6] : “those that come out of Jacob” (sic!) + “[to the remnant of-] Ishral”
that would very much describe ‘the added ones’
[7-8] : “die”
probably “as the added ones that died to themselves”
[9] : “by this will be made ATONEMENT for the iniquity of Jacob” + “altar” ,
either used as “they will also have made atonement for themselves”
or it was used as noun at next 12 to show ‘the date’
[12] : “in those + days + gathered one by one + sons of Ishral” , quote in Zech.8 ;
and the closing line :
[13] : “and it will happen in that day that the great trumpet will be blown ,
and the·ones-perishing=my servant (abdim=obd) + will come + ….. ” ;
where “the trumpet blown” can indeed by ‘Atonement’
per the great Jubilee Leviticus chapter ;
the preceding chapter 26 — too corrupted & messy
… for several reasons 26 seems to be the proper preceding chapter – but in that case
she MUST show [the restored scroll] > Unleavened > Weeks sequence , especially
since she is the closing of previous Isaiah chapters concerning ‘the Strange Fire’ and
the ‘Moab’ (Cush) theme , see Isaiah index ;
however – when studying her buildup [-as an endless staring at the lines …]
a number of key words DO show yet the text-buildup itself consistently refuses to run
in this 26 we think it is very possible that Esau “wrote a piece using original words”
but not in the sense of “following the lines but mutilating the words in it” but instead
taking some words he saw “and fabricating an entire page by these key words” —
this would explain the extremely flat uninspired lines ,
making us in 2023 to consider ‘that he wrote it all – as Mole chapter’ :
well he himself DID phrase ‘all of it’ but to disguise the Unleavened > Weeks theme :
used words & problems :
THE greatest problem here is “a subsequent buildup of events” having been erased
so that we have no ‘anchors’ and cannot trace back the original themes between them ;
so that from a possible “have restored + the scroll” [in 1]
[not ‘sing + a song’, that’s Esau favorite corruption]
until “the pregnant woman” [in 17] denoting “the same Jubilee year” (-in Is.66) leaves
a huge Gap needing to contain ‘Unleavened’ and ‘Weeks’ — but any date indication
is erased — and perhaps even the ‘7th & 49th year theme’
[where , remember , in Is.66 Esau also disguised the 7th & 49 year theme]
because of the “cross-reading concept” chapters are not word-for-word the same
yet certain key-phrases should appear :
suppose we start with “have restored (isher=sheb) + the scroll (shir=spher)” [in 1]
[not “sing + a song”, that is Esau’s favorite phrase] ,
we can have “the righteous (-ones)” [in 2] that will decláre the scroll ,
the “unrighteous (-ones)” [only in 10] together with “the wicked one” (KJV) ;
the “remember [+Moses?] ” as the intro to the 7th & 49th year theme [in 8] ;
a “(false?) fire” [in 11] , a “(not) dead (-to self)” [in 14] ,
then “a chastening” [=purification of 144 when the Spirit is removed?] [in 16]
until finally ‘the pregnant woman’ [in 17] , showing ‘spirit’ [in 18] ;
while the “enter your chambers” [in 20] may be the “be strong in that time !” ;
bridge to next chapter 27 :
… from the cluster “pregnant woman / Spirit / be strong !” we CAN go to 27
as “and since you will have understood the Strange Fire and serpent race”
[in line 1] that must be followed with “therefore I will add the others to the 144” ;
making it assumable that indeed 27 was the closing of 26
conclusion about 26 :
… it’s not worth doing it — though a number of phrases do match even these
would need to appear at different places , leaving nóthing of the original
except for “the pregnant woman” in about that spot ,
and it would not add to the Legal overview as described above