— the Sower + Wheat & Tares + Mustard Seed [Jn.12:24-26] [as one continuous theme !] — KJV brings people in the Trib [for they won’t die to the flesh] but the 144,000 rescued first [version ; 2025-01jan.01] |
not quite the theme ….. >> |
the very readable & important text (here)
before we start — if you are new here , please —
… it may seem strange to you that Christ could have said rather harsh words
appearing very different from the ‘kind phrasings’ of Him that you were used to ,
yet the picture of Him created by the enemy in the present KJV is a false one —
in Christ both love AND the ultimate power & authority are combined
yet the enemy succeeded to cover-up whát his power and authority was about
[next ‘theme introduction’ will standard appear as intro to all ‘parables’ ]
theme : the alleged ‘parables’
… at first sight the use of parables may clarify a certain difficult theme through the
use of analogies presented in a similar situation , yet in reality they but complicate
a proper understanding of the theological subject ,
apart from the real danger that any “open interpretation” will result in the shrewdest
forcing their understanding of it upon the meeker ones as the recipe of disaster —
having seen how direct Christ spoke He would certainly not have chosen this option
in fact the ‘parables’ are Esau’s corruption-form to hide specific themes ,
by blurring the meaning and subjects so that a very clear theme has been Disarmed
under the guise of ‘some extremely spiritual message’ ;
while Esau himself admits in the by him written book ‘the quran’ that (any of the by
him written-) ‘parables’ have the effect that the wise will understand them but that the
plebs will not understand them to their own damnation : and since he wrote that book
to sustain all his corruptions in the Scroll it’s clear that ‘the parables’ are of his hand
sub :
for he was very proud on himself after he had let (!) Christ to say similar —
in Mt.13:13-15 He supposedly defénds the use of ‘parables’ by referring to lines
from Isaiah (chapter 6) where allegedly God says “make these people blind”
which however ofcourse was Esau’s very own corruption
… the only exception to the above must be when God uses analogies in order to
describe concepts in that strange Other Reality with – such as the ram being Eden ,
and the devouring animal & ‘the tall cedar’ to denote the evil region Mystery-Babylon
and her world-tree : but not after explaining the meaning of these analogies ;
however , because Christ did not speak about these concepts — since they were for
you & we to understand in prophets — there is no reason for any ‘parables’ here !
only in Revelation the same ‘animals’ return but as meant for ús to understand as an
ultimate effort of Him to point back to prophets
an indicative restored text (-only) is possible :
… because Esau sought to transform an original theme by first searching a useful
parable theme that could be projected upon the text – where we do the inverse ! –
by definition the parable-form can have forced the text in certain required aspects
depending upon the shrewdness of the chosen parable narrative ;
for this reason it’s undoable to create a fully restored text but only as indicative one
yet having followed the same method of ‘close roots’ (-with examples in the text)
which however has no less Legal weight as the restored chapters
the ‘Sower & Tares & Mustard parables’
common interpretation :
the Sower :
… about people that will accept the Gospel — and those that will not
the Tares :
… Esau helpfully lend a hand : “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.
The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares
are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil,
the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore as
the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age.”
which ofcourse it is not ;
the Mustard Seed :
… as ‘the kingdom of God , through the Gospel , spreading across this world’
the restored version :
… buildup runs well including the proper sequence of required themes ;
where all lines are phrased according to their mirror (-concept) in prophets
for you Sir
[continued from still unknown section :]
When any one heareth (for-) the one will hear [start : ‘two groups’ :]
the word of the kingdom, the words of the (restored-) scroll
and understandeth [it] not, yet will not understand [-them]
then cometh the wicked [one] , and prefer the wicked one (KJV)
and catcheth away that + that will have caused
which was sown + in his heart. pride in his heart ; [juxta : line 22]
This is he which + therefore he will is=reject the by=words
(received seed) + and hold fast to +
by the way (-side) . [+his] (own-) scroll (KJV) ; + (hodon=biblion)
But he (that received the seed) because it proclaims [‘it still does’ !]
into stony places, the gospel of salvation
the same is + as the words +
he that heareth the word, he desired to hear ,
and anon with joy receiveth it; and right away received them with joy ;
Yet + hath he + not + yet the not=gift (‘gospel’) serves + (ouk=doma)
root in + himself, the (eden-) covenant of God (heautou=theos)
but + is + temporary : as + being + conditionally (-to it) :
for when tribulation + therefore when affliction +
or persecution + ariseth will be happening as the dying + [‘will be’ sic + see end]
because of the word, unto the (own-) flesh ,
by and by he is offended. many will be offended ;
22 [part I b :]
He also (that received seed) but the one who will have accepted
among the thorns the gospel of salvation
is he that heareth the word; as proclaimed in his word=scroll (KJV) ,
and the care of this + world, yet will be choking (‘despairing’) of + (‘verb at end’)
and the deceitfulness of riches, anxiety (how-) to become justified before God
choke because of the affliction by [+his] (own-) flesh , [21]
the word, will have become + (‘verb at end’)
and he become unfruitful . word=humble of heart ; + (akarpos=kardia)
But he (that received seed) + therefore he will rejoice +
into the good + ground in the scroll of God (gen=biblion)
is he that heareth the word, for [+his] this=soul will hearken [+his] words ;
and understandeth [it] ; (and-) to them + I will gather
which + also + the other ones + humble of + [‘humble = condition’ !]
(beareth fruit) , heart , (karpophorei=kardia)
and bringeth forth, so that I will complete +
some + [=which+indeed] the remnant + (ho&men=hypo-leimma)
an + as the hundred forty four thousand .
hundredfold, some sixty, thirty
part II : continued (-as alleged ‘the Tares’) : [line nrs. continue ! :]
Another parable because in the former days [see other ‘parables’]
put he forth + (unto-) them, God + has spoken ,
saying, saying :
The kingdom of heaven + I will restore +
is likened the paradise of Eden (?)
(unto-) a man (which) sowed + (when) [+my] people will have understood +
good + seed + the scroll of [+my] words
in + his + field: which + I will speak + (to-) them ;
But while men slept, but since (old-) Ishral transgressed
his + enemy + came he was handed-over to the enemy [‘the scroll’] [intro]
and sowed tares + who wrote evil-ones (‘words’) + (speiró=graphô)
in the midst of the wheat, in the midst of [+his] words (sitos=logos) [‘phrase’]
and (went his way) . to corrupt and=him (‘scroll’) ; + (apêlthen=phtheirô)
But when + so that when + [‘b/c God predicted this’]
the blade was sprung up, the end-time would have come near , (chortos=eschatos)
and produced fruit, the wicked-one (KJV) would be produced : (karpos=kakos)
then appeared + for [+their] evil-ones (‘words’) + [25]
the tares also ; would also appear in then=him (KJV) ;
So the servants of + because the fathers of + [‘the Reformation’]
the (house + holder) + the sons of + Ishral [‘you & we’]
came would say :
and said (unto-) him, Sir, we will translate + the scroll of + God , (kurios=theos)
didst not thou sow good + seed so that all + the people + that dwell + [‘so in prophets’]
in thy field? in our world
whence then + hath it + tares? will tares=know what he spoke to then=them ; (‘know’ at end)
He said unto them, but the them=sons will say :
An enemy [+man] + the enemy (caused) the fathers
hath done this. to produce the that=wicked-one (KJV) , (toutos=kakos)
The servants + and the sons + (reaff.subject) (doulos=yhios)
said (unto-) him, will restore + the scroll
Wilt thou + then + by desiring + to understand +
that we go and gather them up? (what-) go=God (réally-) spoke + (to-) them ;
29 [part II b :]
But he said, and the=Jesus says (-to them) : [‘disciples’]
Nay; therefore + [‘2 groups’ , see start :]
(lest while) + ye gather up + there will be + the ones that reject + (sullegó=ekptyô)
the tares, ye root up the restored tares=scroll (ekrizoó=karatizô)
also the wheat with them and those that them=accept [+his] words ; (as in 25)
Let + both + (grow together) + then I will return to this world +
until the harvest: before the tribulation , (therismos=thlipsis)
and in the time of harvest and in that moment of judgment (kairos=atomos)
I will say to the reapers, I will say to my angels :
Gather ye together + gather together + [‘first the 144 : ‘body theme’ :]
first the tares, all of the remnant (‘144’) , (próton=pas)
and bind them in bundles, for I will bring them to [+my] Father [perhaps not ‘tsiun’]
to burn them: who will restore them ; (katakaió=katartizô)
but + but +
gather the wheat leave the people behind + [intro]
into my barn that will (physically-) die (?) first (?) . (aphotéké=apothnêskô)
end [-of sure section] — possible closing : ‘the mustard-seed’ [aka Jn.12 : 24-26] :
[still corrupt but you recognize the continued theme :]
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die,
it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. (25) He that loveth his life
shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
(26) If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my
servant be: if any man serve me, him will [my] Father honour.”
now ,
Esau moved this to the section of “when Christ was about to be crucified” but only
because it was the very same theme !
for the “wheat” and “ground” and “producing fruit” and “hates his life (flesh)” are all
aspects that showed in THIS section until now ;
then the alleged ‘mustard seed parable’
[even more corrupted – but still recognizable :]
Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to
a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: [= ‘die’]
(32) Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest
among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in
the branches thereof.”
as a similar ‘resurrection theme’