a ‘male and female Original’ appear + scroll theme [NO ‘Moses’ (nor Eliah) but the theme does link to Unleavened] [version ; 2024-02feb.09-10] |
for fulltext (go here)
… because of Deut.32 we hád to know what it wrote here originally , right ,
and it turns out that ‘Moses’ does not feature in this literal ‘ascension event’
but because the larger theme is so interconnected he does show in a related one
in short : this ascension : mainly towards His disciples :
we saw how He told the disciples about “our male and female Originals”, so they knew ,
and ofcourse they would expect after death to be restored in them — and it must have
been tough for them to understand “why that would have to wait until the latter days” ;
THIS is the main theme of the Ascension , right after Christ’s body transformed :
“then Peter responds unto Jesus :
Lord you became beautiful like those that appeared ;
but whó are these two angels with you , [no ‘three tabernacles’]
being one male and one female ?” [the ‘Moses & Eliah’ line]
so this was the first time the disciples actually saw our Originals , as THE promise
(and see other pages where “both cherubims upon the Ark represented both the male
and female Original” and how that relates to the blood of Christ dripping upon the Ark) ;
wherefore the second half of this Ascension theme must be about explaining why they
would need to wait a while : because of “the restored scroll theme” .. right ?
[and the restored text follows this buildup] ;
therefore the “Moses theme” – the one that wé look for – simply cannot have fitted here
since “the false fire theme” is very extensive : as part OF “the restored scroll” itself !
‘our’ false fire theme : as discourse with the Pharisees :
… we already had some proof of that in the Mt.23 (sic) chapter – see pinned section ,
but the conclúsion of that discourse must have been ‘the Dt.23 Moses’ theme !
and after digging , searching under ‘Moses’ , he appears in a bizarre discourse with
the Pharisees about “a man + leaving + his woman” : but since we know that those
monsters were ONLY concerned with ‘His return’ the very likely original theme must
have been “the remnant + leaving + earth” or any similar type phrasing !
[though to restore those sections will be a pure miracle ..] ;
now ,
this Ascension chapter opens (both in Mt. & Lk.) with “after six days” , and though it
can have been corrupted ofcourse there’s a chance this was the 7th of Unleavened ,
and compare aspects as ‘Christ ánd Moses both ascended’ , both “from a high place”, <<<
in both “God spoke” and both themes “end with the restored scroll” —
so that the conclusion must be
that both indeed belong together
this Ascension text
Mt. 17 : though corrupted used here
Mk. 9 : corrupted virtual mirror of Mt.
Acts 1 : discarded (ghostwriting)
… though we know that them Alexandrian Jews sat together in their scribal room ,
one having the Mtthew scroll in front of him , the other that of Mark , and they discussed
how and what to leave out , and how to exactly phrase their corruptions , the Esau who
thought to ghostwrite all of “Acts” was a particularly nasty figure —
he removed the original Ascension event out from John to use it as base for his phantom
and becáuse of this evil intent we can not rely upon anything in “Acts 1” since he typically
did his best to mould every line to fit his own story ;
sections :
1-5 : appears (originally-) genuine , [and reads well now]
closing with ‘God showing both Originals to them’ ;
6-8 : gap [=totally corrupted] ,
9-13 : closing : “why the restored scroll is important” [no ‘Eliah comes’ theme]
general buildup
… surprisingly complicated : since also God speaks , that must be ‘the core theme’
while Christ will ‘explain the details’ so to say — but because Esau cut off the fluent section
from line 5 and added nonsense , it is very difficult to establish “whether God spoke móre” :
please also note that in all of OT He never spoke before ! ,
also implying “that now the era of the restoration of the scroll would commence” —
#2 the Gap :
we’re dependent upon what Esau left us , and in Mt. he just may have been cocky enough
to leave us what we need ; if indeed God still spoke we need a “Christ rescued you” theme
and because ‘Adam’ appears in part II also a reference to him here ;
#3 the original (but missing-) closing of the Ascension :
… Esau cut up most of what He said and did , in order to cut off ány reliable context ,
but the proper closing must have been “and after He blessed them , he ascended” ,
since the positive ending (-of restored text) renders again anóther theme most unlikely ;
[and for this very reason ,
though it is póssible that “Acts 2”, the Joel section about “when the sun will go dark
both the 144 remnant and the bond-servants and bond-maids will be restored”
where both latter are an expression for “the first christians” [=disciples] ,
because indeed that belongs to the theme in this Ascension chapter ,
and because “Adam” is the MAIN closing subject in this restored text ,
it may have said “therefore : when Adam will have died I will return , when the
sun goes dark and the moon like blood : and God will restore the 144 as well
as the bond-servants and bond-maids” —
but you féel that this would be a ‘forced closing’ , therefore we dismiss it
[while this specific section of Joel does not appear in the Gospels] ;
this note may seem a nothing-burger but we need to check all the options , true]
corruptions : yeah , well …
fulltext : below
fulltext :
and after six days , [say ‘our 7th of Unleavened’]
Jesus takes Peter , James and John his brother +
to be witnesses of his own departure , [hypsélon=hypagô] [sic : see roots]
and they go up on the mount of Olives ;
and he is being transformed in front of them ,
for his face starts to shine as the sun ,
while his skin turns into one having a golden hue ; [‘so said of our Originals’ !]
then , behold ! , two other ones of similar image appear next to Him ; +
and Peter responds unto Jesus :
Lord , you became beautiful like those that appeared ;
but whó are these two angels with you ,
being one male and one female ? ;
yet while he is still talking , behold ! , a bright cloud overshadows them ,
and behold ! , a voice out of the cloud says :
these are my people (eden-) Ishral , + [the term for ‘our Originals’]
in whom I will restore you in the latter end ; [eudokeó=katartizô]
6 [start of Gap :]
therefore I have sent my Anointed (Christ) ,
to deliver the souls of my sacred ones (‘Originals’) , [6 : probable text]
so that you would become my people ; [or: ‘again be’ ?]
but because the adm-man (‘Adam’) + [7 : probable text]
that has slain + [read : tortured] [haptomai=apokteinô]
his own people + [‘souls still IN Originals’ , in Eden]
fears my júdgment of him ,
he has caused the words of my scroll to be changed ; [7 : start of the next two millenia]
and when the voice had ceased to speak , [part II :]
the cloud , together with the two beings , had dissipated , [required addition]
and they only still see the transformed Jesus before them ;
and Jesus says to them :
because I have overcome (‘defeated’) the flesh , [sic] [eipo=nikaô]
thérefore the sons of Ishral + [144 but you & we]
will be able to restore the scroll of God ; [nekrôn=biblion]
and you will be with me in tsiun until that day will come to pass ; [w/ swapped as line 1]
then his disciples ask him , saying :
but whý must we wait until they will first have understood +
the words which God spoke in the scroll ? ; [no ‘Elijah’ : eliaN=biblioN]
and Jesus answers , saying : [11 : sic]
only when they indeed will first have restored his scroll ,
then he will restore all of you ; [‘disciples + sons’ ; see intro]
for I say to you that I already have judged Adam : [true ! , see ‘the temptation’ etc]
but as long as they will not have declared to God + [for this is a Legal (-right) matter]
the evil things that Adam has done to all of you ,
he will not be put to death ;
otherwise , when you would become the people of (eden-) Ishral , [‘soul again in Original’]
you agáin would suffer by him (‘Adam’) ; [yes – he would try …]
and the disciples joyfully agree + [suniémi=symphôneô]
that they will wait in tsiun for the sons of Ishral ;
end original closing :
Christ blesses them and ascends
[hoping you agree with every word , Sir]