OR ‘the 14th’ of the seventh ..? [Esau’s ‘Yom Kippur’ Ritual] [version ; 2024-10oct.12-13] |
Esau’s intent with his ‘Yom Kippur’ : closing the heavenly gate for the next year |
Atonement — the 10th .. or ‘the 14th’ (?)
… first question is ofcourse : would it matter ?
yes and no … we maintain that she is our Date per the description of her as the start
of the Tribulation (-see other pages) , which appears to be confirmed through several
aspects of Esau’s religious version of this holiday which is full of suspicious “blockage
themes so that her real intent will NOT happen” — and see below — for he knéw that it
was about “that great judgment day” : raising the question to us “whether he also may
have moved her date for Ritualistic reasons as part of his attempt to block it …
second : “10” just is a weird number ,
while its context as ‘imitation of Passover’ (-the 14th) fits much better —
the 144 died (-as imitation of Christ ; while the 144 represent the other animal which
was nót sent into the desert – ‘the tribulation’ – but was sacrified) , the veil to the other
dimension will be torn (-as the veil in the temple did at Passover) , the sun will be dark
(-where ‘the land was in spiritual darkness for a couple of hours’ at Passover) ,
while the high-priest entered the holy of holies once a year where God would appear :
multiple aspects can be worked out further ofcourse but you get the idea , right …
‘the 10th’ in the Scroll is unsure
… but this would cause a messy page here since that is not easy to próve —
not so much “in the short well-known descriptions of the Atonement date” but in larger
sections as for example 2 Chronicles 5-6-7 ,
5 is the intro , saying “that this great event was at the feast in the 7th month” ,
and the nature of it (in 6) must be “about Atonement at a Jubilee” because Solomon
(?) lists the blessings & curses as the result of the declared Scroll (-though Esau buried
this theme ofcourse) , where chapter 7:2 shows “and the glory of IEUE filled His house”
[-compare with the earlier mentioned ‘appearing in the holy of holies’] ;
while next line 6 ‘they blow the trumpet’ confirms that it was Atonement in a Jubilee ;
but then follow the suspicious lines 8-9-10 ,
because we knów that all the previous happened at Atonement ;
then what was the intent here ? :
(8) “Also at the same time Solomon kept the feast seven days, and all Israel with him,
a very great congregation, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt.
(9) And in the eighth day they made a solemn assembly: for they kept the dedication
of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days.
(10) And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people
away into [=out of , ofcourse] their tents, glad and merry in heart [.. etc ..]” ;
you see it’s all most illogical —
(10) seems to be okay : “the 23d of the 7th” is ‘the final day of Booths’ yet the buildup
of lines 8-9 is currupt and probably swapped while several terms are tampered with ;
it was ‘Atonement’ so (8) can never have said “seven days long” not even if Atonement
fell ‘on the tenth day’ ; while the buildup doesn’t seem to show ‘a gap of 4 days’ until
the first day as the start of Booths , but instead a continuátion , paraphrased as :
(8) “and when Solomon had kept the day of Atonement ,
and all of Ishral with him as the great assembly [.. etc ..] ,
(9) came the eight=first day of Booths
which they kept for seven days
(10) and at the 23d of the 7th month they went out of their tents [=booths] .. “
how does thát sound please .. ?
but the problem stays : IF there was ‘NO gap’ then why Esau worked to háve one ?
[interesting sub-theme :
2 Ch.7:5 has “on that same day Solomon offered 21,000 oxen and 120,000
sheep” : why so close to ‘144,000’ ? and even according to the tribes as those
of Judah + Benjamin containing ‘24.000’ ?
we sáw a (corrupted-) Leviticus section about a possible 144k sons (?) having
been dedicated (?) , but unless a workable hypothesis we’ve to skip this theme]
’10’ : Esau targeted ‘the 10 tribes’ (-of the 144)
… after endless pondering a recurring theme showed in his liturgical ‘Yom Kippur’ texts ,
as turning this day into a repeating occult Ritual against the completion of us 144,000
[where we saw he did the same concerning Weeks and other events important for us] ;
hence he needed the ’10’ as focal point , where his added occult texts would supply the
spiritual load (as warped context) upon Atonement
#1 the so called ‘Al Chet’ :
for all quotes and excerpts see (here)
“the ‘Al Chet’ confession of sins is said ten times in the course of Yom Kippur” —
but remembering his pushing of his concept “the ten days of awe” (-between the feast
of Trumpets and this Atonement ‘at the 10th’) the first question is ‘why the hell 10x’ ?
especially when you see the enormous length of this ‘prayer’ :
“For the sin which we have committed before You under duress or willingly ;
And for the sin which we have committed before You by hard-heartedness ;
[.. some 60 (!) similar lines ..]
For all these, God of pardon, pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.”
now ,
we never – ever – ridicule sincere piety but that is not the point here —
the awful truth is that most of these people are “of the nations” and that the leaders of
them have invented Occult Rituals to be performed by their own people , turning the
intent of this ‘prayer’ already useless before God [-as the whole thing annoying Him !] ,
where the sheer length of it is but a cover-up for the closing :
[btw – Esau knew the egyptian spell dubbed “the negative confession” : also very long ,
supposedly saying “I do not steal ; I did not kill” (etcetera) but in reálity saying exact
the opposite by declaring “he (eden) will not steal from me” ; just noting this here to
show where Esau derived his tactics from] ;
for the closing has another tone ,
and the key for this , revealing the intended subject , is at the end of this ‘prayer’ :
“For You are the Pardoner of Israel and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun
every generation” ,
referring to ‘the 10 TRIBES’ , see below ;
but factually chanting here “how they will NOT be forgiven for the listed sins here” :
“because of NOT bringing a guilt-offering , NOT bringing a sin-offering , NOT bringing
a freewill-offering (-which relates to ‘the restored Scroll’ !)”, etcetera , hence is added ,
“For [transgressing] positive and prohibitory mitsvot [‘commandments’] , whether they
[prohibitions] can be rectified by a specially prescribed act or not” ;
and this is the devious trick here :
the “10 tribes of Ishral” – or ‘of Joseph’ – were lost , and had forgotten their origin !
they did not even remémber all the required laws and commandments of God ,
and this is what the Esau people pray : do NOT forgive their ignorance in these” !!
you see the devilish intent here please ?
ofcourse the while first part was Invalid , but the closing – the accusation – is NOT !
the mentioned ‘Ishrerun’ shows 4x in the Scroll but as corruption of root -Ishral ,
however so used here to show ‘a specific group of old-Ishral’ namely the TEN tribes ;
supported by this ‘prayer’ being recited TEN times …
#2 the alleged ‘ten witnesses’ :
… you immediately recognize Esau’s written ‘Maccabees’ style (here) —
this silly epos is to be recited at ‘Yom Kippur’ as a story about an alleged “ten rabbis”
who allegedly were put to death by the Roman Empire , describing similar gory deaths
as Esau made-up in his ‘Maccabees’ books as playing upon people’s emotions ;
it has little sense to repeat the nonsense-story here ,
but in this case Esau “linked certain qualities tó the ten tribes” as Attributes which
are required for the restoration of the Scroll (!) unto “the names of his rabbis” :
– rabbi Hutspit the Interpreter
– rabbi Yesheivai the Scribe
– rabbi Elazar ben Shamua [‘son of the name’ i.e. ‘of God’]
– rabbi Akiba ben Joseph [‘son of Joseph’ aka ten tribes’] (etcetera)
where all of their alleged deaths relate to ‘the scroll’ ;
that Esau ‘let his ówn type people to die’ is not relevant because in Ritualistic sense
it are “the neccessary Attributes for understanding the (by him-) corrupted scroll” that
now ‘have died’ — which is repeated & declared year after year !
… interesting in both #1 and #2 is that Esau knéw how the restoration of the Scroll
would start ‘with the ten tribes’ : since God made them to go into exile after He warned
them a number of times — while the house Judah (the 2 tribes) had séen their fate but
became even more stubborn : hence God said “that the ten tribes will get a head-start” ,
where He referred to the restoration-theme ;
while secondary , Esau always had much influence upon ‘remaining Judah’ :
though after 70 AD also most of Judah “became dispersed in the nations” a remnant of
them kept their identity – only to be completelt polluted by Esau’s religion , to rule them
[hence the note in #1 about that small group]
#3 Neilah – the ‘closing of the heavenly gate’ : [lit.: ‘blocking óf]
… as the closing religious ritual at the day of Yom Kippur , (here) —
we know Esau’s evasive language (-as why he write his ‘quran’ in Arabic , see page) ,
and this is no different : the unusual [-na’la] H5274 is “to lock, to enclose” but with the
colour “to block” , see Jud. 3:23 following the phrase “after he had closed + the doors”] ;
where this ‘Neilah’ is the closing of the mentioned “TEN days of awe” represented by
by “closing the lid of a (copied-) ark upon it” ,
with the phrase “seal us in the book of life” — both words as a huge Red Flag to us
ofcourse , since it is NOT the real book of Life which is intended but ‘the Scroll’ ;
where the Ritualistic intent must be “we endorse the sealed [=corrupt] scroll” …
but then things become a bit more difficult —
though Esau knéw that “the start of the restored Scroll” would begin ‘at Trumpets’
and therefore devised a number of Rituals at his ‘Rosh ha+Shanah’ to go block that
including the mentioned “write + scroll” , followed by a number of his other Rituals
during “his 10 days of Fear” (-and you may guess ‘for what’) ,
yet not each of those is not clear-cut which would make this page very messy
[for example : he found in Jeremiah “a group of TEN royal men that killed Gedaliah
in the seventh month” , where “Gedaliah” is ‘you & we’ and “the royal men” ‘himself’
(like “the ten royal rabbis” mentioned earlier) which he then links to a Zechariah
section about the to-be-restored scroll] ;
either way , this ‘Neilah’ is the closing of this long-winded Ritual , :
as ‘the statement how the heavenly gate is closed for the whole next year’ –
which is Bizarre even in their ówn point of view , if you ponder it .. but not for Esau !
#4 Esau knéw that Atonement ‘is the start of the trib’ :
… because of the phrasings in the ‘Yom Kippur’ recital (here) —
like a number of other prayers Esau can have written this to his father Adam since
phrases as “you the King on your established throne” [see Is.14 where Adam went
to the North and established his throne there] BUT the Legal aspects are certain
phrases derived from the Scroll as “the Day of Judgment”
when “the great shofar is sounded” [-so not ‘by humans on Trumpets or Atonement
in case of a Jubilee] , “reckoning the sheep (-and the continuation of that theme)”
as an allusion to the two type sheep at Atonement , the triplet “the sword , hunger
and plague” as horrors of the tribulation ,
and in next page the “slow to anger” and “do not desire the death”, however where
the bizarre “your glorious chariot” is a corruption of Esau in the Scroll
here it refers the gate Adam built for Mystery-Babylon
… again please – it all certainly appears as one giant occult Ritual by Esau
inclusive ‘the moving of the day unto the 10th’ centering upon “the ten (lost-) tribes” ;
where in closing we found another excerpt quoting it here , ours between [brackets] ,
“Our Sages reveal to us that Yom Kippur does not end after Ne’ilah
[=the same closing ritual of Yom Kippur as meantioned above] ,
but actually continues for a total of five days – until the start of
the Yom Tov of Sukkos [=the feast of Booths] (Biyur HaGra 524: 5).
How can we understand this?
HaShem [=god] responds by extending the atonement that began
during Yom Kippur (Shlah HaKodesh (Maseches Sukkah, 193b)” ;
proof ?
we didn’t locate the quoted rabbi sorcery-books and leave it for this time
but considered all the above these lines certainly are interesting and make sense ;
if this exercise-page has done óne thing right it is ‘having exposed Esau’s Ritual’
whether Atonement ‘was on the 10th — or was moved to there’ .. right
further we cannot come :
in our scroll lines as in Haggai 2 can have been “the four + teenth + of the 7th”
which would be ‘Atonement’ instead of “the 24th of the 9th” as it shows right now ;
or the section about Booths where “at the first day 14 bulls are to be slaughtered”
[counting down to ‘7’ followed by the great 8th day] where the ’14’ may have been
a (corrupted-) left-over of “the first day followed the 14th day as Atonement” :
all we have is ‘the rest of the restored scroll’ , our intuition and good will —
while ‘Passover + 1 wk Unleavened’ like ‘Trumpets + 1 wk Booths’ appears to
be a beautiful coupling and defendable both in contextual theme ánd pattern-wise ;
the only thing we still dón’t know , our Majesty , please ,
if you will be so good to also get us Out at this 14th day this year ……