[theme] : ‘book Esther’ : a Fraud
and hence ‘Purim’ is ; but Esau’s
ghostwriting is most nefarious

[version ; 2024-02feb.18]
see also ‘Maccabees’ and ‘Ptolemy II’ pages esther


                          ‘the book Esther’ : a Fraud >> and hence ‘Purim’ is 
 … well we knew this was coming didn’t we ,
 and the response to the question “is it a loss” must be “no , not really”   —
 apart from the wrong content , discussed below , the entire book has been ghostwritten 
 [and we’ve already other examples of that – like Eziekiel’s temple section and book of Acts] ,
 so that we’re not interested in dissecting phrases as nitpicking on used terms here 
 but interested in the contextual evil intent since the book as a whole is a Fraud 
 Esau’s ‘book Esther’ supports his ‘strange Fire’ ritual
 … it’s a huge red Flag that in his other fraud “the book Maccabees” Esau almost orders (!) 
 his ‘Hanukkah’ ritual to be linked to the main event in ‘Esther’ which is “evil Haman killed” ,
 and in this page we came to a rather sound conclusion as to why he wanted both linked ;
 also since it relates to “the restored scroll” theme :
 we saw in prophets “how Adam counseled Esau to cover up the strange fire in the scroll” 
 where Christ even accused them of “writing false books about that”, see page ; therefore
 it’s important that we eliminate any sub-links that Esau created which he intended 
 as supporting his coverup of the false-fire theme
 … a second reason why you should not pity the loss of this book
 is the simple fact that ‘Esther’ never belonged to our people (Jacob) , but invented by
 Esau to represent his people — he just “dressed up his people with attributes of Jacob” ;
 with the goal that believers (unknowingly-) would support and confirm the Ritualistic goal
 that he has painted in this book , having dressed it in a ‘romantic’ disguising theme ;
 occasionally his mask slips off when he writes in the Greek version “the race of the Jews” 
 as a typical Esau phrase since God never mentions that kind of typology    

                                                   ‘Esther’ : unbiblical courtly intrigues  
 … though ofcourse réal old-Ishral had many enemies , the latter always represented a theme :
 the Ammonites because of the Scroll and the Egyptians because of the Birth-right , etc ; but in
 this book the only given explanation is “because Haman hated the Jews” [-and that term was
 written so on purpose here] , which is absolutely insufficient to justify a genuine biblical story ;
 therefore the events , reasons and buildup read like a theatre-play written by a poet
 as a lot of hot air deceiving the mind – because the deeper reason is so obviously absent 
 the idea taken from Daniel (especially it’s chapter 1)    
 not only does the text syntax of ‘Esther’ resemble Daniel , also the subjects as character types 
 are similar : like “a single person against an evil royal court”, two groups of servants , “visions”, 
 some “deceitful prince wanting to be promoted by his king but falling into his own created trap”,
 a “king sending letters throughout his empire” , alleged “eunuchs” versus “a harem” , 
 and even the alleged “beauty-contest of Daniel & his friends against the princes of the king” 
 in Daniel 1 is repeated in ‘Esther’ [-though ofcourse Daniel 1 was about the Scroll , while the
 basic premise of that chapter was spun out as the entire ‘Esther’ theme !] :
 but where in (original-) Daniel the buildup displays a beautiful panorama supported by themes
 that meaningfully interlink , the story of this ‘Esther’ is .. searched , flat ; as if the author used
 the background of the Daniel chapters to convey his message in these
 ‘Haman’ and ‘Antiochus’ , both schemers :
 … where in ‘Maccabees’ Antiochus is portrayed as the heathen Greek emperor hating the Jews
 and ultimately moving on to desecrate the temple – and after a hellish death-bed requests peace
 with the noble Jews , the Greek version of ‘Esther’ [see link at end] unsurprisingly does the same :
 also Haman’s end is gruesome , while king Artaxerses sends out a second (!) letter in his empire 
 explaining “how Haman was a Macedonian (Greek) intrigant wanting to take the throne for them”
 which is as unbelievable as pathetic since obviously it was a forced addition to make the whole
 story more credible by concocting a fraudulent ‘history’ — just as in ‘Maccabees’ ! ; 
 it does not only suggést that the origin of the ‘Esther’ story is one and the same : it shouts so 
 dating of the book links to .. Alexandria :
 … it’s impossible to trace the date of origin of the Hebrew version of ‘Esther’ , and that the story
 plays in Artaxerses’ time is no proof that the book was composed any (short-) time afterwards ; 
 the Greek version has “Mordechai writing the scroll (-of Esther) of everything that happened” 
 yet there are a bit too many references wanting to suggest authenticity in that closing section ,
 while this is how the Greek version of the Hebrew one is explained :
 (11) “In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra (=114 BC) , Dositheus, who said 
 he was a priest and a Leuite, and Ptolemy his son brought the above letter about Phrourai, 
 which they said existed (=was authentic) , and Lysimachus son of Ptolemy, one of those in 
 Ierousalem, translated it.”  
 right , and we’ve a bridge to sell .. it is the same type pathetic ending as in one of Paul’s letters
 saying “this letter was written by so-and-so because ATM Paul is locked up in prison – sorry” ;
 but note how we have a rather solid link now to that same hateful Esau group in Alexandria 
 (see Ptolemy II pages) for we have Motive supported by Context …

                                                                                     specific aspects  
  ‘Esther’ as wife of a heathen 
 … though many very spiritual attempts were made to explain this away , fact is that a move like
 this is nowhere endorsed in the scroll — but since Esau invented this type storyline he also had 
 to incorporate this : and perhaps to deflect from the problem in his Greek version he painted a
 very ‘romantic’ meeting of ‘Esther’ and the king – where she faints for his powerful manliness
 but he catches her in his arms before she drops to the floor ;
 probably Esau didn’t even cáre too much about this aspect since the story is about themselves 
 and in their mindset it is not prohibited that a Jewish woman marries a goyim male
 … though we can never be 100% sure about introduced names , by context this evil ‘Haman’ 
 must have been a form of ‘Jacob’ , and though the alleged wife of Haman ‘Zeresh’ may derive
 from a Persian root the context of ‘Haman’ almost demánds a Hebrew root     —
 since Esau’s habit is ‘to glue everywhere -ha in front’ (as in ha-shem , ha-satan , etc) the root
 can have been (-aman) “to support, affirm, faithful” probably as “the supported one (-by God !)” ,
 very alike the context in the scroll concerning the name ‘Jacob’ ;
 where the moral of the story ofcourse is that whatever Jacob would plot against Esau will fail ;
        ‘Mordecai’ : 
        interesting in this aspect is the figure ‘Mordecai’ here    —
        the name links to Marduk the main Babylonian deity while “a gate” is linked to Mordecai 
        in which he allegedly overheard a conspiracy against the king ; where the aspects gate ,
        deity , (Mystery-) Babylon and ‘conspiracy’ tend to point to ‘Adam’ ;   
        also “how Mordecai raised Esther” resembles the theme “Adam and the Ammon sons”..
 Phrourai (‘Purim’)
 … so mentioned in the Greek version from a root meaning “(casting-) lots” , 
 said “as the lot of the people Ishral and the heathen nations at a specific day” (47.20, F-53) ; 
 now ‘the lot’ (‘randomness’) is a tricky theme and though it seems to appear a few times
 in the old-testament it’s not exactly Gód’s way of doing things ;
 instead , “the sons of Ammon” are said “to cast lots who can have our Original” which may be
 similar to “the goddess of Fortune and her wheel , and the (animal-) souls lined-up for it” which
 Plato describes when he visited their reality    —
 for now we maintain that it is a concept of théir reality and compare how “gifts were sent” at the
 feast of Phrourai (47.20) ominously much like the ‘prizes received’ as mentioned above ;
 supporting this concept is “that the Jews committed a massacre” almost as direct link to it :
 they “killed 700 men in Susa” (9.42) and “Esther said : let it be granted to the Judeans that they
 plunder and destroy whomever they want. And he agreed. And they killed 70,100 men.” (46) ;
 it’s all too bizarre – (allegedly-) being the guests in a foreign country ,
 but disclosing that they virtually took over the rule of that country : as typically Esau ! 
 the weird case of ‘Adar 14-15’ and ‘the Frogs’ 
 Purim is to be kept on the 14-15th of the (last-) month of Adar (47.20) but the réason for that
 specific date cannot be found in the text ; in truth we only know one concept reminding us of
 any “end of the year” but it is a bit Bizarre one — however let’s see where it brings us okay ;
 the example is from the [pre hindu-] Rg-Veda , 
 where at the end of each year “two frogs appear on the land” – perhaps the Field of Reeds – 
 muttering a Spell concerning “the prosperity of the coming year” after which they disappear ;
 now ,we can’t confirm this theme BUT in the Egyptian CoffinTexts (around 300 range) shows a 
 vignette depicting “two frog basins” — we’ll search it back and post it here 
 [while some three years ago Google posted a new year’s Doodle with the same theme] ,
 and we do wonder where Esau got his ‘frogs’ in Revelation from ; 
 the point here is “the casting of lots” – do the frogs themsélves represent lots ? – and “the gifts” 
 that they promise , doing this at the closing of the year for the sake of the new year :
 suppose that we take it seriously then we possibly have ‘Adar’ linked to this theme ?
 since the last month of the year – Adar – is “the end of the year” … ?
        the Hanukkah date :
        we neither can know why Esau picked ‘the 24th of the ninth month’ for that : it may have been
        to link his ‘fire’ ritual to the heathen “midwinter light feasts” to have them support his own one ,
        and perhaps the same time in connection with their seasonal cycle in the other reality – or both ;
        but since ‘Hanukkah’ is related to “dimensional dawn” as the start of a new (matrix-) season 
        Maccabees can have linked it to Purim for a similar reason : because of the Adar theme   
        the 13th of Nisan — versus the 14-15th of Adar
        … keep in mind that in the biblical ‘first month’ (Nisan) the Passover feast starts the 14th ,
        and let’s say “that entire week until the 7th day of Unleavened” ; where the Passover lámb
        is said “to be prepared from the 10th of Nisan already” , then compare this :
        after Haman got jealous on Mordecai “then the king’s secretaries were summoned on the
        13th day of the first month (-to bring the decree of Haman to all the lands) […] to destroy the
        race (!) of the Judeans in one day of the 12th month which is Adar.” 
        why Esau made this link ?
        why is Jacob (Haman) starting at the 13th of the first month with his plan ?
        how much is the chance that Esau referred to “the plan of God” – which he ofcourse had
        read in the scroll and had understood – as all the themes in the Passover week ? 
        Esau must have – rather brilliantly , let it be said – transponded this theme in his ‘Esther’ 
        where he has Jacob (Haman) complain “that among all the tribes in the world there is
        scattered a certain hostile people , who have laws contrary to those of every nation and
        continually disregard the ordinances of kings so that the joint administration of the kingdom
        that we honorably intend cannot be achieved.” (B-4 ; similar in Esther 3) ;
        and it’s really not that hard to read ‘a dimensional war’ in this … 
        and what weapon one would use in a dimensional war ? – an occult Ritual ,
        since the repetition of that would generate a massive energy because of the other reality ,
        with the goal that “at each (!) start of the matrix year Jacob is destroyed” , in Adar ,
        in order to protect the false-fire Hanukkah Ritual about the continuation of their Dawn ! 
        how does that sound to you .. ?
        put like this , it makes total sense why Esau wanted this connection in his ‘Maccabees’ !
        [now this is a bit speculation : we know that Passover only starting halfway the 1st month
        relates to “the half-month and full-month” in the Spells , where the matrix stole the eden
        month generated by the eden gate , in order to have eden in their dimensional background ;
        either way the theme is “a month” which may account for the Adar-Nissan connection ,
        and since Esau could expéct that God would raise up people of Jacob to go understand
        the theme of His Passover week , the “death of those” at his Adar 14 was to be transferred
        upon Nisan 14 !]  

old-Greek versions :