we think it became very readable
though it is a rather .. outlandish theme ;
please — all the below is (but-) a concept
yet composed in harmony with the Scroll
as a theme we never had the time for
[first version : 2024apr.24]
desiring a Paradisiacal Atmosphere : Giza versus CERN
… in (christian endtime-) conspiracy theory the Large Hadron Collider is supposed
to open a portal to Hell — but what they really are after is “re-create a paradisical
type atmosphere surrounding this earth” , which however would be hell for Jacob
since it would imitate the conditions of the false paradise of Mystery-Babylon
today’s Esau spent billions on his collider project , trying to break everything down into the most tiny particles “in order to study them” — like “science” always first kills something to study it , then tries to regenerate the separated aspects to create a model always according to the desire of Esau ; however , also his “atoms-smashing” pertinently lacks any idea of how to (re-) create them — so that in our opinion this is a dead-end road |
what they are after is searching to understand the building-blocks (‘quarks’) and forces (‘gluons’) that form atoms themselves ; and right now he is so deep into ‘force fields’ and all kinds of theories that for simple human beings it’s impossible to can follow them ‘highpriests of Science’ any longer , yet all is hyped by Esau as ‘cutting-edge research’ |
obviously he got the idea ‘to smash them’ from existing molecules in real-time (like ‘water’ HO2) also showing atoms held together by some unknown force , and tried to break down this very concept even further — perhaps having forgotten – or dismissed – another type aspect of ‘molecules in general’ that would not require to break them down into even smaller particles atoms towards eachother |
a similar concept – but more easy : the angle of atoms forming a molecule
… perhaps not “breaking down atoms” is the solution to understand the properties as unworkable ‘quarks’ from which still a workable atom needs to be formed (-and how ?) even befóre any molecule as the first type of solid building-block ; but we maintained identifiable atoms (H and O) and wonder why the specific ‘104 degree angle’ : if that would change , properties of the entire molecule would change , including the possibility of other týpe atoms becoming part of this new molecule — and the cause for any change could be … frequency (‘sound’) … |
… suppose that , after Adam created this earth in her 2.0 version (-and we keep a time frame
of 10,000 BC for this) “the air in the atmosphere” was a different one as now ?
the present atmosphere contains 70% nitrogen and 30 % oxygen but what if the breathable
oxygen had a different composure and therefore different angles (bonds) ? would that not
relate to a different (tropical-) type Nature of an incredible diversity ? and suitable for a type
physicality of (humanoid-) beings that still had a strong connection with the other Reality ?
[that is – the type after the Neanderthal period etc] ;
what if “much of the atmosphere existed of tiny water droplets” ? but different as the H20
we know today ? what if it contained a nitrogen (N) component as “energized water” since
nitrogen is a carrier of high-energy , feeding cell components (compare ‘giants’) ? while ,
interestingly , “as dew it could nourish the ground” – compare the Genesis line – because of
the same nitrogen ?
what , if during ‘the Deluge’ this entire atmosphere broke down : splitting into air (the 30%)
and the rest of the nitrogen particles ? and what if most of it became “part of the sea” so that
in very olden times perhaps only half of the present oceans existed – the rest land ?
what if also other materials were ‘pliable’ because of this same “different composition” of the
molecules we know today — so that the massive stones perfectly lining up , as in Giza and
many other places , were fluid as concrete until placed in their position (-and also moved
into their pláce by “sound” : for that is the main assumption now) —
the questions and possibilities are endless but you understand where this is heading !
the existing ‘Crystal Field’ theory though not addressing ‘the angle question’ she does look at the structure of a molecule but limited to the electron orbitals against x-y-z axes projected upon the molecule from outside ; however – in our opinion práctical results of this theory will not come to pass because the basic set-up remains the same ; yet the concept ‘crystal’ – see the tertrahedonal form – is an interesting aspect describing ‘the crystalline dimension’ as another term for the desired “paradisiacal atmosphere” |
the attempt before CERN :
the Giza pyramid (-the ‘tower of Babel’)
… now things are getting tricky – please try follow : from ‘the tetrahedron’ to ‘the pyramid’ is a small step (and is the ‘four sided pyramid’ an example of this same “alteration” per the three sided tetrahedron ?) ; starting with “her link to several star-constellations” : #1 we saw that this pyramid is a copy of the concept as Babylon’s matrix-pyramid in the other Reality , where the Pyramid texts reveal that this construct relates to ‘making speech (frequency) , see page , #2 we also saw how “the matrix anchors herself into the stars of outer Space” in order to darken the |
dimension of eden and make her invisible – yet still stealing her aspects
(see the relevant pages + the ‘Ursa Major’ coffin text spell in log) ,
while also here we have a dimensional theme , yet a complicated one :
#3 though the problem is interesting —
in Egypt Giza sits upon an earth as globe , located above the equator and you can imagine the tip of the pyramid directed unto the evil region Mystery-Babylon in the East ; while her shafts are directed to the North and to the South-east of this earth — implying that the very design of the pyramid in fact contradicts any modern ‘flat earth theory’ ! yes it’s true , we also started a “what about flat earth” page but SAID that it was a very tricky theme , since our eyes deceive us — the only answer can be ‘that earth is both flat and a globe’ which is |
no excuse-stance but “earth is a globe in OUR Reality” yet “as flat in the other Reality”
as the reason we cannot see the other Reality : not the evil one and certainly not Eden ;
as the same reason why our soul belongs to eden , yet this ugly ape and her cold
surroundment are part of this earth’s simple “4-dimensional dualistic Reality” which
is part of the Mystery-Babylon realm yet as a separate prison-house within her :
in fact Giza’s geometrical sorcery maintained our 4-D realm
the ‘tower of Babel’ – Giza – in Gen.11
… the event is known , right , as a people “having one language as one speech” that
came ‘from the east’ (sic) and “built themselves a tower in order to make them a name” ;
however the interlinear section shows corrupted key-words so that in fact we only have
the general idea of that story and would need to re-interpret the details —
now ofcourse it is póssible that “some high structure was built in the east” thought of as
some “Ziggurat in the region of present Iraq which collapsed and looks like a mountain
these days if one would search for it” , yet that is not logical
Genesis 10 is the situation right after the Deluge ,
and suppose we maintain that “the paradisiacal firmament of energized water-particles”
as described above broke down during the Deluge , perhaps the same time that also
a satellite as “this moon” was added to earth – see Gilgamesh page in pinned log –
as the one now governing and giving “the energies for physical life (-to grow)” together
with a spiritual component (like ‘the soul dreaming’ etcetera) since the dimensional
situation which the firmament had maintained had imploded , as well ;
so that it is deféndable that the type humans on earth who related to the matrix
sought to restore the previous situation now lost — in the form of a construct which
had to function as a frequency-generator ; where in the chapter the mentioned
aspect of ‘speech’ can very well be interpreted as “frequency” ;
we can make an attempt to restore Genesis 11:1-9 but it will be tough to find proper
expressions that can have been intended in this context , while we feel that the intro
line has been deleted by Esau (-since he doctored line 1 already) to conceal the
origins of both ‘these people’ and their project
[sub : though the Ziggurats erected in Mesopotamia must have had their own deeper
meaning (-we think that their typical “stacked construction” were intended to resemble
the ‘corner-like gates from eden unto the matrix inside the matrix-pyramid‘ since their
buildup looks like the portals shown in the Egyptian Book of Gates ;
hence the only structure making Sense through containing the right attributes is Giza]
Giza as frequency generator … already several ‘forward researchers’ (-to avoid the term conspiracy-theorists which Esau uses to disarm ideas with) have suggested that Giza was built as an energy generator , which is indeed in the right direction – yet the ‘energy’ aspect fails because of obvious reasons ; much more promising is ‘this pyramid sitting upon a large underground aquifer as a huge spring of WATER , to right , and indeed a couple of years ago Japanese scientists found a very large Grotto beneath Giza – with unknown content ; |
whether one believes it or not : indeed organic materials placed ‘below any pyramid form’
tend to alter in composition , and combined with the mentioned aspects but especially
one of “receiving energy from Mystery-Babylon herself” becáuse of her type construction
it is defendable that this pyramid was to restore the previous atmospheric condition —
perhaps ‘not as ideal as it was’ but at least to come close to it
and – if anyway we boarded the unconventional train , grin – the reason “that God made the tower of Babel to cease” may have been “emptying the huge grotto from water” : Velikovsky had an interesting theory about how the Sahara desert may have come into being — because of the planet Mars once having approached earth very closely , burning away not only all available groundwater but also the soil , where indeed this desert must have been like the Amazon ; |
leaving “a rigid type web of ravines on Mars” caused by high-voltage discharges when she
passed along this earth – while a similar type ravines can be found here , as well : perhaps
it was not ‘Mars’ but another satellite yet the concept is intriguing of God making SURE
that their generator concept would never be used again
[but Esau did not give up and started his Hadron Collider some time ago … ]
RELATED : the Ipuwer papyrus : not about ‘the Exodus’ – but ‘when Egypt became a desert’
… you can find much discussion about it online , and though it is tempting to believe that several lines in it referred to the Exodus , context must dismiss that option [which for ús that is no loss , right] ; we’d love to get the original text some day but the present translations of it will do : though inverse read , phrases like ‘cattle’ + ‘die’ will have the same meaning as ‘die’ + ‘cattle’ since these are no complicated Spell themes ; however : the below lines can only be judged at the possible intent : |
yes it was also Velikovsky who suggested that Mars was responsible for the incredible
upheaval described in this papyrus – the entire society had broken down , crops and cattle
were gone , everyone was looting and killing , the Pharaoh deposed (not so in Exodus !) ,
lines saying ,
“What the plebs have tasted [. . .] without giving Egypt over [to] the sand. It is strong
[. . .] speak about you after years [. . .] devastate itself”
[section XV but context-less ; however the bolded line is very interesting in our case]
“It is indeed good when the hands of men build pyramids, when ponds are dug
and plantations of the trees of the gods are made”
[in section XIII where he talks about ‘the good old times’ ; it’s no proof but the line
suggests that “digging ponds and making plantations” had become difficult now ;
also note how he knows that the Egyptians ‘inherited’ Giza]
“Behold, he who was buried as a falcon [is devoid] of biers, and what the pyramid
concealed has become empty.”
[context is hard to establish — they know by their own Spells that the pyramid was
not ‘a king’s tomb’ (-but maximum for a resurrection ritual inside it) so what is the
pyramid “concealing” here that has become “empty” ??
in the first half of the line ‘the falcon’ [BÁK] is mentioned and Horus is depicted as
holding a stick with at the end “the Great Hall” – the matrix region – so that in fact
he represents the region itself : perhaps also implying “this earth” in the time of
the ‘paradisiacal atmosphere’ ? but now he has lost his seat – Giza ?
“fire has mounted on high. Its burning goes forth against the enemies of the land”
[in section VII ;
it cóuld be viewed as “fiery hail” but then why not say “.. is coming DOWN” ?
last part is unsure , perhaps as “its burning is the enemy óf the land”]
“Indeed, gates, columns and walls are burnt up,
while the hall of the palace stands firm and endures.”
[problem here is “what exactly were the glyphs hall + palace” ? for it makes little
sense that “the Pharaoh’s palace” was exempt from the fire : what if he meant Giza ?]
“.. towns are destroyed and Upper Egypt has become an empty waste.”
[Upper Egypt was “the south” , most affected by the planet-theory causing a desert ;
but why say “become an empty waste” if most of her WAS ‘desert’ anyway already ?]
“Behold, things have been done which have not happened for a long time past :
the king has been deposed by the rabble.”
[again – that did not happen during the Exodus]
… while below are the lines that cóuld point to “the Exodus plagues” ,
yet in the above context can also to the disaster concerning the Atmosphere :
“Indeed, trees are felled and branches are stripped off.” ; “fruit nor herbs are found…”
“the river is blood […] men .. thirst after water” “pestilence is throughout the land”
B) dating
the Ipuwer papyrus appears to be a copy of an earlier document of around 1800 BC ,
perhaps written some time after the First Intermediate Period of around 2180-2050 NC
[where the Pyramid Spells were composed during the Old Kingdom before that period] ;
at first glance this catastrophe may have caused the First Period ,
where the Giza pyramid is estimated to have been built around 2500 BC —
so that the suggested ‘chain of events’ do line up according to this time table
C) related : ‘2200 BC – a climatic breakdown collapsed the old world ?’
[copied – to look into perhaps later]
“Much evidence exists for the major climate anomaly c2200-2000 BC. In this paper, we demonstrate
that precisely dated Irish bog oaks record this climatic event, which appears to begin abruptly in 2206 BC
and last until around 1900 BC. [….] traditions from around the world specify dated stories within 10 years
of 2350 BC. These stories involve the Chinese emperor Yao (traditional date 2357 BC), who presided over
a series of catastrophes, including floods, in 2346 BC [……] Furthermore, a smoothed growth response for
North European trees suggests the existence of a 37 year cycle of reduced growth, hinting that the events
around 2350 BC and 2200-2000 BC may be related. One possible scenario to account for these various
observations is that something happened in the sky around this time with memorable consequences for
those on the ground; a scenario highly compatible with controversial evidence for an anomalous dust
deposition event observed at Tell Leilan in Syria […..] .” (from 2014) ;
while other researchers connect “a comet or asteroid impact” to this event ;
related : the Sahara was not always a desert !
[just quotes]
“We know that 6,000 years ago [=4000 BC] , what is now the Sahara Desert was a rainy place” ,
Korty adds “It has been something of a mystery to understand how the tropical rain belt moved
so far north of the equator (…)” [sciencedaily]
“Some areas of Egypt that are now desert were wetter in the past. One famous example is the
“Cave of Swimmers” on the Gilf Kebir plateau in southwestern Egypt. Today, the area is very arid,
but thousands of years ago, it was moister, and some of the rock art found in caves in the area
appears to show people swimming, according to the British Museum.” [….] “But this wetter period
ended around 5,000 years ago, and since then, the deserts of Egypt have remained pretty similar
to how they are now (etc)” [livescience]
[Gilf Kebir is fár away from the Nile ‘in the western desert’ , in the south of Egypt]
below : rather correct Visual , very watchable (-until 7.00) :
yet avoiding the possible reason for the sudden change :
[to be continued (-some day) …]