declaring Eden’s sceptre-key so that Adam and Ammon sons are done (as well as their Vatican) , God stops the Nile (sun&moon) and Christ will come to us [also Is. 60 & 22 + others] [version ; 2023-06jun.19-20] |
chapter starts below ‘the reminder’
followed by two sections
– “why the sceptre is related to the 6th seal”
– “what is the ‘open and no one will close’ about”
recover the Tablet they stole |
covenant and birth-sceptre the “two tablets of Moses” = “the tablet of the Covenant” links to the “heavenly tablet” as “the (birth-) sceptre of Eden” : a) because of the above we can be SURE that it never wrote ‘the two tablets of the Law’ and probably there was just ‘one’ ; the reason that it was “a stone (-tablet)” can only be because it had to link to the “heavenly tablet” : b) Enoch is shown “a heavenly tablet” containing all the people that will exist , into the far future – as a kind of ‘family-tree’ , so that this tablet is the sceptre of the Originals (Eden-people) ; c) the phrase “sceptre of Eden” is used in prophets where ‘sceptre’ (-shbt) links to the root “tribes” (-shbt) – as in ’12’ ; d) Adam took this sceptre with him when he left Eden , but Christ will retrieve it when he comes to get us (so it is no ‘key on his shoulder’ but “the sceptre” , in Isaiah) ; e) becáuse it is a genealogical Attribute of our Originals , this attribute is the “birth right” theme : and though Jacob had won back this attribute by Legal law , the retrieval will only come into effect when this theme is understood in prophets (since the literal Sceptre is “(an object-) in the other Reality”) , because only then all of Eden will be restored ; f) the ‘heavenly tablet’ was represented by ‘the breast-plate’ (of 12 tribe stones !) of the High-priest of the old Tabernacle ; g) and , finally , the heavenly tablet may be “the book of Life” because of the same genealogical aspect ; h) other sources : in Sumerian lore the ME , “the tablet of destiny” was taken by the hero from Tiamat (‘Eden’) where the attribute was carried around the neck (see f !) of ‘Kingu’ — who either represented Adam or “our Originals , in general” for kingu means “tiller” ; i) in Egyptian Spells this sceptre also belonged to Eden (and we hunted what we could find – see index) where she was rebranded as A-MES “the sceptre / of birth / for vulture-rule” , where the -S in MES “birth” itself is “the real-adam-soul” , we , reading “the sceptre / of the real adam-soul / for the matrix” ; also the aspect as “stone (-tablet)” shows in Spells in the form of MES-KHENT , “tablet of destiny” (sic) , “the stone / (matrix-) existence / (by) the KH-house / to birth” , (we still need to make a separate theme page about this) |
… any change in a presumed well-known chapter is a bit strange at first , right ,
but also clarifies many things : there are endless debates and guesses what can
be “the sign of Jonah” in line 4 here but the answer is simple : it never said that ;
similarly ,
the “what you bind on earth is bound in Heaven” (19) is romantic for those about
to get married but if you think about it the line is very superficial and untrue —
the only proper mirror of it is the important “will open and none will close” ;
and if then also shows that “Jonah” is used in both seemingly separate sections
it surely warrants restoration of the theme here : please see (short) text breakdown below ; the Vatican : … ofcourse we knew that it never said that Peter was given the keys to found a church , right , but unless the réal text would appear we had no shred of proof : now it DID and it’s very solid , therewith removing the fundament from the institution as spokesman of Adam |
a) the Book of Life : ‘our soul in our Original’
… Enoch saw this heavenly tablet containing (the names of ?-) all of us that would exist
but the problem started after Eden fell : evil soul-spirits succeeded to “incarnate” into the
eden-mother and acquired an eden-type body for themselves (Cain , Horus , etc) ,
until God said “now it’s enough” and closed down Eden ;
however – Adam took the sceptre with him to the North so that the ‘practice’ of evil souls
being able to dwell inside a (more or less-) eden-type body continued :
because of the sceptre the eden-mother now birthed “corrupt eden-souls” who in their
physical form on this earth are called “Esau” but who after physical death move to their own
paradise as ‘the land of Mystery-Babylon’ — the Field of Reeds — and dwell in the type
body Adam made for them from (parts of-) our Originals :
this is the concept “sons of Ammon” who are our direct enemies per the scroll ,
here represented by “the Pharisees and Sadducees” standing directly in front of Him !
only when the sceptre of birthright returns all this ugly practice is over :
no evil-type souls will be brought forth by the mother
nor will there be any way that our soul cóuld be separated from her Original (-again)
b) the sceptre brings Life to eden herself
… this one is more difficult but please compare the following :
– the 6th seal:
in other prophets “God stops the eden-waters going up with the Nile to Mystery-Babylon”
so that their world is not fed anymore by them — but neither is Adam , with the result that
he loses his power and can be chased by them nations ;
then also Mystery-Babylon itself and her land will not be empowered anymore by them
(eventhough they “purified” the eden waters in order to can use them) as the very thing
the nations of spirits will dread , see latest Is.22 or Hab.2 for that ;
third , it will also affect the environment of this earth — though she receives only
a very diluted form of the already “purified” waters mainly to support the physical
body of us and aspects for our soul , which will surely have an effect upon both
if they will have stopped coming ;
but the point is : the waters going to the north ‘have a target’ : the sceptre
… this target , the réason they flow to somewhere , is not ‘Adam’ , nor can it be the false
tree of life which they planted there , not even our Originals — and concerning the latter
it is the other way around — our Originals “are there where the scéptre is” ;
suggesting that the sceptre is the Legal attribute “to where” the waters flow
[a possible reason may be ‘because the book contains their names’ : we often forget
that “the name” is very important in the other Reality , comprising the nature of a
certain being — and because God named all of them they may represent .. ‘a part of He’
and would be the reason whý Life is flowing to them … – just a thought]
the ‘open and none will close’ :
… the Rev. 7 and Is. 22 quote seems to address Christ – and in a way that is true ofcourse ,
but Isaiah 60 connects ‘the gate’ to the Eden land :
and restoring the line it shows that “through her gate continuously enter the waters of life”
making the source of these waters ‘from Heaven’ and running into eden ; which makes sense
because until now the waters ran awáy (-from her) into the Damascus gate of Adam !
therefore the context of the line there must read “the sceptre opens the gate for the waters of
live coming to you [=eden] but closes it for coming to the nations [=of spirits]”
and hence we restored this concept in the Matthew 16 below , as well ;
so you see that the sceptre kind of Legal right also for the gate and the land ,
and very much dependent on in whose hand the sceptre is
subnote :
we also saw this in the CoffinTexts (see birthright index) where the sceptre now used by
the sons of Ammon and is called AMS is the reason for the many pretty aspects of their
paradise – apart from being the very reason of the existence of their corrupt-soul !
Matthew 16 : text :
‘your heavenly dwellingplace’ :
… the question can be “what term did He use exactly” for their habitat ;
the restored line is not far-fetched since it has to juxtapose with Eden in part II ,
‘I will take back the sceptre’ :
… Esau ended the text here to cover up that the theme still was running ;
we learned the past half year that he often did that in NT ;
‘Pharisees and sadducees’ :
… that’s an easy one – the place names as Phi+risees and Cea+duccees ,
‘I will open the Eden gate with her’ :
… though it is said that the sons (‘144’) will call her up to her new place in the North
(as ‘the wilderness’) and will be her caretakers , after God will have placed the anchor
stone for her there , it can make sense that right after the founding He opens her gate ,
‘I will guard the sceptre’ :
… this is new — but also makes sense : the ‘direct enemy’ of Christ was Adam
[in a similar way as how those of us are the Ammon sons]
[and if you ask us it was not ‘Satan’ who tempted Him 40 days but ‘Adam’…] ,
so that as first one of us he indeed would be guarding the birthright
corruptions :
theme : we think proven 100% restored
fulltext : below
Matthew 16
fulltext : [only part I & 2 are sure because corrupt mid-section :]
then the Pharisees and Sadducees approach Him , saying : [part I :]
what will be the sign that you return to the world ? ; [in order to block that !]
and he answers , saying to them :
you were rejoicing in the (eden-) sceptre when Adam brought it to you , [eudia=adam]
because it supported your heavenly dwellingplace (?) ; [likely] [‘Field of Reeds’]
but Adam counseled you +
to change this theme which God has spoken about to his people ;
therefore you concealed the birthright in the scroll , [prosôsopon=prôtotokos]
so that they would not be able to discern their sceptre +
in the appointed time ; [so: “we’d be Too Late”]
but the sons of Ishral will find the sceptre in the scroll ,
and the (only-) sign that will be given to you
[will be] when they will declare that the sceptre of Eden which Adam took [ion-a=ed-en]
will be given to me ;
because then I will come to your dwellingplace (?) at the other side , [see KJV roots !]
and you will perish (?) when I will have taken back the sceptre ;
6-12 [midsection 12 lines :]
[6 lines added by Esau to disarm the running theme]
then Jesus and his disciples depart from the Pharisees and Sadducees ,
and they ask him , saying :
what did you say to them about Adam + [13: proper continuation ?]
having given the sceptre to their people (‘other phrase’?) ? ;
[3 lines too difficult to retrieve ; ‘Eliah’ was ‘Isaiah’ (-22) as reference ?]
17 [part II :]
then Jesus answers , saying to them : [a: Esau forgot ‘bar’ is Aramaic ‘son’ !]
blessed be the sons of Ishral + [a: ‘Jona’ [=Ishral] links to part I !]
the moment when they will present +
the sceptre of eden to me and to my Father in heaven ;
because when they have declared her (‘sceptre’) to us ,
I will bring them to the Father
and he will restore their and your soul in your sacred ones (‘Originals’) ; [new line :]
and I will open the gate of Eden with her (‘sceptre’) , + [hadou=eden]
and I will be guarding + [instead of ‘Adam’]
your (sceptre as the-) key of the kingdom of heaven , [read : “Garden of + Eden”]
b [b: context per Is.60 and see Is.22]
so that no one will close it (‘gate’) +
for the Life (coming-) unto her (‘eden’) , [coming from Heaven]
and no one will open it +
(so that Life will go-) towards the nations (‘of spirits’) ; [the nations stealing Life]
and no one will open it towards the nations (‘of spirits’) [b-c : the Rev.3:7 quote]
and no one will close it for the Life unto her ;
then he promises his disciples
that the sons of Ishral will find the sceptre in the scroll . [estiN=biblioN]
Matthew 16
exploring ‘the key [-of eden]’
goal : likely first lines of chapter , against the Pharisees ,
was the start of the “keys of the kingdom” lateron in this chapter
[=then] – the – Pharisees – and – Sadducees – approach [+Him] , trying=saying :
(what-) (will) inquire=be – him=the – sign
(that-) [+you] show=return […] – out=to – the – heaven=world (ouranos=kosmos) [..] ? ;
[=and] – [=he] – answers , saying – (to-) them :
[+you] (were) becoming=rejoicing – (in-) (the-) evening=sceptre (opsias=rhabdos)
(when-) fair weather=Adam (eudia=adam) – saying=brought (-it) [+to you?] ,
because – it fiery red=supported – the=your – heavenly [+dwellingplace] (?) ;
note :
… c) seems rather sure — d) is but an attempt : juxtaposed to Eden in next 19 ? ;
and=but – morning=Adam (‘no match – but same as ‘evening’ in 2 ?) – today=counseled [+you]
to winter=change (cheimón=metamorphoô) – (this-) red=theme (stuGna-zó=praGma) +
for=which – [..] sky=God (ouranos=theos) – somber=spoke (about) – (to-) [+his] hypocrites=people ;
[next half : “to discern” restored in lineup :]
the=therefore – you knew=concealed – (the-) face=birthright (prosôpon=prôtotokos !) +
(in-) the – heavens=scroll (ouraNo=biblioN)
[+so that] [=they] (would) – not – (be) able – to discern – the=his – [..] sign=sceptre
(in-) the – appointed time (interl.) ; [so : “we would be Too Late”]
(but-) (the-) generation=sons of – wicked=Ishral (sic) – (will) seek=find +
and=the – adulterous=sceptre (moichalis=rhabdos) – (in the-) sign=scroll (sEmeiON=bibliON) ;
and – (the-) sign – not=that – (will be) given – (to-) her=you [line 1]
[will be] if=when – he=they (will) departed=declare +
no=that – the – sign=sceptre of – jona=Eden (ion-a=ed-en)
(which-) prophets=Adam (?) – the=took (?) (tou=airô)
[..] (will be) leaving=given – (to-) them=me ;
5-16 : much inserted
… we cannot know what exactly what was in this mid-section due to Esau
but a line still may say “that He will take the sceptre from their habitat” :
“And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread.”
and=because (-then) – [+I] (will) come – (to-) his=your – disciples=dwellingplace (?)
on=at – the – other side (sic !) ,
(and-) they=you (will) forgotten=perish (?) +
(when-) [+I] (will have) taken back – (the-) bread=sceptre ;
restart at 13 ? :
… as intro to 17 we’d need that now Christ explains the disciples what it was about ,
but we can only go by some key phrases here :
“When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples,
saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?”
[=then] – [..] Jesus – [=and] – [..] [+his] parts=disciples (merE=mathEtas) +
depart from – (the-) ceasarea=Pharisees – [=and] – philippi=Sadducees , [< 2-Tier]
(and-) [+they] ask – [.. 1x ..] – him , saying :
who=what – (did) [+you] say – (to-) me=them – the=about – human=Adam +
(having) am=given – the – son=sceptre – [..] (to-) [+their] (?) human=people (?) (‘other phrase’?) ;
“And they said,
Some [say that thou art] John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.”
and – [..] [=he] says – (to-) [=them] :
b [unknown]
15 [unknown]
16 [unknown]
“And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona:
for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.”
[=then] – [..] Jesus – answers , saying – (to-) [=them] (‘disciples’) :
blessed – be – simon=the (simOn=hOs) – bar=sons of [‘Esau forgot ‘bar’ is Aramaic ‘son’ !] +
jona=Ishral , [see ? it links to first part of chapter the ‘sign of Jona’ ]
(the moment-) that=when – [.. 1x ..] – [+they] (will) reveal=present +
(the-) flesh=sceptre of – [..] blood=eden – (to-) you=me +
but my Father which is in heaven
but=and – [..] (to-) my – Father – [..] in – [..] heaven ;
[A) the sceptre restores us in our Originals :]
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
yet=because – also=when – [+they] (have) say=declared – that=her (‘sceptre’) – (to) you=us (?) ,
[+I] (will) are=bring – you=them – (to the-) peter=Father
and – I=he (will) build=restore – me=their +
(and-) the=your – church=soul – on=in – this=your – [..] rock=sacred ones (‘Originals’) ;
[new line :] [B) the sceptre restores Eden :]
[next term “gates” would belong to “the key” phrase in next 19 :
and – [.. 1x ..] – [+I] (will) prevail=open (katischuó=dianoigô) +
(the-) gate of – hell=Eden (hadou=eden , no Strong’s) – (with-) her (‘sceptre’) , +
19 (!)
and – I (will be) give=guarding (dôsô=têreô) – your [pers-prons. weirdly in front, in this chapter]
(sceptre as the-) key of – the kingdom of – [..] heaven , [or: ‘garden of – Eden’ etc : 2-Tier]
and=so that – [=no] – if=one – (will) bind=close (-it) +
(for-) the – land=Life – (coming-) (to-) on=her (‘land’) , [from Heaven]
(and-) shall=no (-one) – (will) bind=open (-it) (‘gate’) +
(so that it will go-) in=towards – the – heavens=nations (‘of spirits’) ; [nations steal Life]
[now other way around :]
and – [=no] – if=one – (will) loose=open (-it) – on=towards – the land=nations (‘of spirits’)
(and-) shall=no (-one) – (will) bind=close (-it) – (for-) the – land=Life – (coming-) (to-) in=her ;
[possible closing :]
then – he charged=promises (diastelló=homologeô) – [..] (to-) his – disciples
that – [.. 1x ..] – the – jesus=sons of – christ=Ishral
(will) tell=find – that=the – he=sceptre (autos=rhabdos) – (in the-) is=scroll (estiN=biblioN) .
note :
a) the option “… will declare the sceptre” needed too much text still : “to himself and to the Father” ,
b) old-Greek syntax ,
“that they-will-find the sceptre in the scroll the sons of-Ishral” ;