reasoning of the wicked KJV [causing many to be left behind] [version ; 2024-10oct.11] |
the massive logical fallacy in 40 minutes :
if you are new here : this page is not about “bashing people” but born out of
hopelessness actually since there is nothing we can do to stop those preaching
the sorcery-book dubbed ‘the KJV’ from dragging other souls into the tribulation
together with themselves ,
as the many believers that did ‘accept Jesus’ yet still will be ‘left behind’
which is an unspeakable Tragedy but so is seeing the road to that tragedy —
and the video below is an excellent presentation of that gloomy road
it purports ‘to explain the scroll to souls that find themselves in the tribulation’
but offers no help for the one major question they will have : ‘WHY ?’ especially
of those that did believe (-already) , nor explains the difference why the masses
will be ‘left behind’ while they themselves – allegedly ! – will be ‘raptured’ ;
it is the deaf leading the blind since no-one wants to accept that God’s scroll has
been horribly corrupted into the ‘KJV’ that causes a Sorcery-mindset through
which souls refute even the possibility that their scroll is Untrue , while adhering
complete Illogical concepts – where the video but represents “all of Christianity” ,
following to the letter (pun) the Infinite Loop Without Escape that Esau created
by having erased any notion of God’s (eden-) Covenant …
do remember that the presented idea in the video is false ,
then please continue the text below it – as a bit ‘theological’ but very readable —
[was posted a couple of weeks ago]
KJV’s evil loop : directing Christ’s work back to a (false) ‘covenant of the Law’
… there’s a passage in ‘the Screwtape Letters’ by C.S.Lewis
about “the patient (-of the demon) sitting in church , seeing the local blacksmith run
to him to hand a religious book of which none of them both understand what it says”
and this comes awfully close : again , NOT ‘to bash’ but because it is … fascinating
to see the effect that Sorcery has upon souls [-as it had on you & we , in the past !]
ofcourse none of the ‘left behind ones’ will be helped with this when at the end they
are to search the contents of the alleged “God’s Covenant of the Law” then figure
out by themselves in their awful situation how that relates to “Christ’s covenant” :
it doesn’t ! there never was ‘a covenant of the Law’ – but ‘the Eden covenant’ !
but KJV has the covenant of Christ undoing God’s covenant : impossible !
even when quasi-spiritual veiled terms as “fulfilled God’s covenant” are used !
Esau had to bury THE most important theme ‘Eden’ from God’s covenant
and he started with “deleting the last six of the ten Commandments” to replace
those with some “social laws” about donkeys and livestock which he copied from
a néxt chapter so that nothing would remind of Eden in the commandments
[yet still a trace remained in the 4th , “the land that God will give you” – Eden] ;
de facto having mutilated His covenant into ‘a Law one’ akin to that of Sumer ..
next he made sure to erase any notion that God did NOT make ‘this body’ by
tampering as far back as Genesis 1 to erase “the other Reality” context there ,
so that believers would never learn about our beautiful Original bodies by God ,
but interpret ‘this flesh body (-by Him) VS many harsh unpleasant Laws’ —
suggesting “that God is a very harsh type demanding impossible things from us”
but “in his kindness also gave the “‛solution’ for that : Christ’s covenant” :
impossible ! yet all of Christianity believes this — because of that wicked KJV !
the more you ponder that ‘concept’ above , the more Bizarre it gets ,
simply because this is Sorcery in it’s true form : for it seems logical but is not !
the sin that Christ bore : ‘this body’
… Esau carefully erased all the passages where God hates ‘this type body’ as
the vessel that pollutes the soul dwelling in it as the body itself that IS ‘the sin’
so that believers would never identify the sóurce but remain with some abstract
idea about “this body that must have fallen” coupled with a vague notion of ‘sin’
as “doing or letting certain things” , never realizing ‘this body’ IS ‘their prison’ —
therewith not understanding that likewise ‘this body’ also tainted the divine soul
Christ in the very moment He assumed our form , literally as ‘carrying our sin’ ,
as the reason why He had (chosen-) to die unto this monster , at the cross ;
therefore the redemption by Him was NOT related to ‘the Law’ as the set of  
harsh rules given at Horeb since ‘the body itsélf’ was the problem !
therefore God never intended all those laws being kept by the flesh !
because He knew ofcourse that ‘this body’ cannot and does not even wánt to ;
they were given as “a legal exercise” so to speak , to prove the flesh is useless ,
and that therefore the only real redemption would be made by His dear son —
because IF ‘the flesh’ wóuld be able to keep all those laws then the awful situation
would ensue “that this horrible type body would be sanctified” as her righteousness
by kéeping all those laws : which never was the intent ! it had to go !
you see please ?
yet the KJV Sorcery-mindset assumes “that Christ fulfilled the law(-s)” which in that
thoughtline is diametrically opposed to ‘the reason why He had to die on the cross’ !
which one is it ? if He fulfilled the law then why He had to die ?
yet a sorcery-mindset can live very well with this impossible conundrum …
ofcourse Christ was a better soul than everyone of us , and He “did not sin” per the
concept Christianity has of ‘sin’ but that is not the point ! since his divine-soul still
was “tainted because of this type body the soul dwells in” as the core problem !
even if He – as only one ! – could háve kept all those laws [-of which quite a number
did not apply in his specific sotuation] then still ‘the soul would be tainted’ !
therefore , per definition ,
the only solution was for His soul to get Out of it !
the ‘out from this body’ : when He returns – or ‘in the Tribulation’
… Esau went in overdrive when corrupting the NT ,
inventing the concept “the fruits of the Spirit” as love and patience (etc) which then
would be interpreted by believers “as extra qualities given to them” not realizing that
these imagined qualities are never given to souls still solidly connected to the flesh ,
and that love and patience become the qualities of the soul that died to it ;
where he made sure that the bond between souls & their flesh would remain strong
by adding everywhere “… until the day that the Lord will return” ;
therefore it’s a miracle that God will have found 144,000 sons & daughters whom
He has judged capable to go through the awful messy process of ‘dying to this flesh’ ,
as the group wishing nothing else as ‘going Out from this body’ ;
where indeed God pustulates this as the condition for being gathered by Christ , soon
then the many that are ‘left behind’ álso need ‘to be going out from this body’
so that He will restore them in their gorgeous Originals — but in a bit different way :
where the 144,000 had to die to their flesh , for this group ‘their flesh will die to them’
the promise always was ‘the restored Eden paradise’
… which is the only thing that matters ;
He is very kind to all of Jacob – as all the souls that will have been rescued at the end –
that he will have restored to dwell there in bliss , forever , and will never hurt again
hoping Sir that it was phrased as you liked