[theme]  : CT 330 : said to the serpent-race [+Orion] 

CT 330


visual of ‘the ascended masters’    >>
the serpent-race channeling humans ;
yet our war is with “the sons of Ammon” 
even far superior than these 
interesting and also amusing read   —

he knows very well that he — the Ammon sons — are far superior ,
and while masking his own pride he calls the serpent-race “friends” 
which however translates as “secondary ones” :
the author chose to let ‘Ptah’ — the matrix-root — speak , for obvious reasons :
do please remember the Obadiah (prophets-) page 
where Esau – as the Ammon sons – corrupted the Scroll
also ‘to help’ their friends the serpent race ,
and how that will massively backfire upon both of them 
to read along , PDF page 187 , real page VI 171 , and read upwards ,
no ‘official’ translation added b/c too long & too much work & is drivel anyway 


IV 171
the four original (-ones). [fór]  the (matrix-) land. above (‘north’)
[now are]     +
the (matrix-) winds (-for the matrix-word). [that were]  cut off (adj.) – [from]  (eden-) existence. ;

      here ,
      the concept is valid : in prophets “Adam is described as ruling the winds there” ,
      and compare this with the curious words of Enoch ,
      who described “a massive square dome , as large as the heavens”  
      [as the dome created by God , the dome standing upon the south-land , surrounding Eden]  ,
      that “had windows in the east and west side” [for the binary eden sun & moon to pass through] 
      and “three openings in each of the 4 sides ‘for the winds’ , of which consistently 1 wind was 
      Negative (as ‘frost’ and ‘ice’) : we never understood why that negative if for Eden ,
      but the answer is : it compassed the south-land that still was a dualistic region !
      note please :
      by telling this he already reférs to ‘the south-land’ = to ‘the serpent-race’ later on :
      [so that “the good winds” were a torture for the serpent-race .. ??] 
[and]  [+they]  (‘4 winds’) my. (matrix-) existence. to enter. 
[in order for]  my. (matrix-) existence. to manifest. ;             [better as ‘they manifest in my existence’] 
      [and by?]  the two original ones (?) [as in d ?] . [for]  the torso (‘matrix-gate region’).
      the (dimensional-) (matrix-) spaciousness. [by]  the watercourse (‘Nile’). to make (-by eden) (ÁR).  
      [‘the watercourse of stolen eden-words causes their dimensional spaciousness’]  
[because bý?]  PTEH (Ptah). (whom) I (am).     +                   [‘the matrix-root -P below the matrix-gate’]  

IV 170
(matrix-) existence to make (‘as concept’). [at]  the border (-of eden & matrix). ,
[and so by]  me. to come the dimensional (matrix-) backside (adj.) – [to]  (matrix-) existence. ; 
[AS]  (the goddess-) MAÂT (officially ‘truth & justice’ : but as “the sacrificed one , MA” = Eden)
entering (adj.) – [..]  my. (matrix-) existence. ; 

      here ,
      note how what he tells is STILL a theme that can be said to ‘the serpent-race’ ! 
      [tricky :] 
      [because by]  the THNNT shrine (a matrix-region matrix-region “connecting” to eden).      +
      [that]  I (am). ,  

      [is]  the promoted (THN) (adj.) – (matrix-) image (adj.) – [by]  me. ;     [the ‘better’ matrix-version]  
[in order for-]  the ‘truth’ (‘sacrificed Eden’) (adj.) – to manifest (adj.) – in. my. (matrix) existence. : 
[for]  I (am) (adj.) – the lord. [of]  ‘truth’ (but ‘of sacrificed Eden’). ; 

[because]  I (‘me’) (adj.) – (am) carrying (adj.) – ‘the truth’ (‘sacrificed Eden’). ,              [=in the North !] 
[for]  through. me (adj.) – ‘the truth’ (sacrificed Eden’). entered (adj.) – (matrix-) existence. ; 

IV 169
[and]  me. [to be]  destroyed (-by eden) (HTM). nót. ; 

      here ,
      like the south-land WAS emptied of the serpent-race by God !
      [because-]  I (am) (adj.) – the (matrix-) grain (‘for the solar plane’ ending at -B).                              [= ?] 

      here we give up   —
      what “grain for the solarplane” has to do with anything we don’t know ,
      though there’s an obvious link with “the grain god NPR” at the end of this spell ; 
[because by]  the death (-of eden). [is]  my. (matrix-) ânkh life. ; 

      so , 
      would he have used “the kernel dies in order to bring forth” like
      the ALLEGED parable of our Lord ?
      ofcourse not “he himself” dies [-as in the ‘official’ translation :
      would Esau have remembered this line and used it in his KJV .. ?
      ofcourse He máy have used something like this – related to ‘dying to the flesh’ – 
      but it more sounds here as the egyptian dungle-beetle concept :
      they create by things they detest ;
      #2 : 
      however , “grain” can point to “the serpent-race being humanoids” as well !
[because]  me. to cover (adj.) – Geb (‘land of M-Babylon’) – [with]  the (stolen eden-) word. , 
[by]  having seized (adj.) – the (now-) (matrix-) divine retired ones (“retired eden-words”). ; 
[and]  the (matrix-) grain god NPR (‘essence / of speech / by the (matrix) root / for existence’) .      +
for. me. to let (-it) (‘grain !’) grow. [by? / for to be?]  (matrix-) ânkh life. ; 
[because of]  (-it) [by]  me. (being-) within (-the matrix-). , 
[to be]  the divine (matrix-) things. [of]  (matrix-) ânkh life. ; 
[for]  [tó]  my. (dimensional-) (matrix-) side. above (‘north of eden’)
(eden-) existence. to fall down (‘to the north’). ; 

IV 168
[and by]  thou (‘the serpent-race !’). within (-the matrix). , 
[they didn’t understand ! , REPHRASED , using the same words :] 
(eden-) existence – (will (also-) fall down – to me=yóu ; 
[because by]  thou. within (-the matrix). , 
me. (matrix-) existence. (to make to?) grow. ;                                                      [said ‘as if they were assets’ ?] 
[and by]  thou. within (-the matrix). , 
me. (eden-) existence. to terrorize (‘likely – TCHT+).                                                                     [‘as pay-back !’]  
[by]  thou. within (-the matrix). , 
the (‘réal’) (matrix-) existence. to come. [to]  me. ,                                                  [you can feel the flattering] 
[in order for]  the (‘real’) (matrix-) existence. to manifest. ;
(namely as) Osiris (‘the matrix’). [whom I (am). ; 

[because by]  me. [is]  the (matrix-) ânkh life. 
[through]  the death (-of eden). ;
[because]  the helpless ones (‘words’) of (eden-) existence. 
the speech. to bring. [to]  Shu (‘the matrix-atmosphere of the matrix-land’). ; 

IV 167
[because]  Shu. [is]  the (matrix-) land of the (matrix-) words at the high place (‘north’)
[of]  the (matrix-) words [for]  (matrix-) speech above (‘north’). , 
[that]  make – this – (matrix-) land – to quake. ; 

      here ,
      probably the right reading   —  
      and appropriate as “telling the serpent-race how powerful the matrix-words are” ;
      yet unusual – and ‘magically dangerous’ – is saying “the mátrix land quakes” [instead of Eden]  ,
      perhaps a reference to how they were shaken off the south-land by God ? ;
[and]  he (‘words of speech’). (makes) the (matrix-) land – to quake
[as]  the (matrix-) voice. above (‘north’)
(being) the (mixed-) (matrix-) light (MÂSHRU)
[as]  the (matrix-) speech. [of]  light. [for]  (matrix-) existence to make (‘as concept’).                             (?)
[by making-]  the passive (eden-) words to grow (-to the matrix)                                                                        (?)
[and]  me. to seize (-them) (adj) – [for]  (matrix-) existence. ,                                              [bit unclear intent] 
[so that]  the divine great (matrix-) speech. [for]  to smite (-eden). (will have) manifested. ;

      here ,
      as something that the serpent-race will love … ;

[because]  H’U (‘the authoritative matrix-word’). [by]  me. (will have) entered. (matrix-) existence. 
[as]  (having) manifested (adj.) – [in[ the (matrix-) existence. ;

                                                                                           part I b  
next : about ‘the dualistic realm’ Leviathan & Behemoth’ ? = the realm of the serpent-race :] 
my. divine mother. [to]  me. (matrix-) existence to bring. , 
[and]  my. divine father. [to]  me. (matrix-) existence to bring. ,     +

V 166
[yet by?]  Orion (‘matrix-gate’).     +
[to be]  the (matrix-) sky. [of]  (matrix-) speech. 
[as]  the beautiful one.                                                                                  [‘fór the beautiful one’ : serpent-race ?] 
[because of ?]  the aspect. (namely) my. divine father (‘Orion’). the (matrix-) word to make. 
[as]  the (matrix-) word. [of]  the heir (‘the Ammon sons’). ; 
[and]  [now as]  (!) thou. divine father (‘Orion ?’). ,
[fór?]  the FENTHu serpents.     +                                                                     [same as FENKHu ‘serpent-race’ ?] 
as. the flies (ÂFFT+)
[to be]  (matrix-) existence. [by]  to become (matrix-) spirit consciousness (-for thou ?) ;

      here ,
      we’ve No idea what ‘fly’ ÂFFT means ; perhaps ‘as nuisance’ but they wouldn’t say that ;
      perhaps “the fly feeding-off him (-F , eden) for willpower (-Â) ? ;  
[because of]  my. phallus (?) (‘matrix axis into the eden-gate’)
[fór (-the sake of) ?]  my. divine secondary one (‘the serpent-race’ ?) (hardly ‘sister’). ; 
[therewith by]  me. [is]  (matrix-) existence. [of]  (matrix-) beauty. 
[because of]  the aspect. (matrix-) existence. to manifest. ; 

[because]  H’U (‘the authoritative matrix-word’).    +
through. me. (matrix-) existence. to enter. ,                                                          [HU enters matrix-existence] 
[by?]  the (matrix-) grain god (‘essence / of speech / by the (matrix-) root of / existence’ NPR)
[as]  the transformed (‘matrix-) speech (adj.) – [of]  (matrix-) existence. 


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