Is.58 : the acceptable year :
 the fire theme had blocked it ,
  but I get you at Unleavened
for you understood my words
[thé Legal chapter – pray 2024…] 

[version ; 2024-03mar.1-2] 


        … a very beautiful chapter — and so needed at this point in time , as the closing of the 
        entire Moses prophecy : therefore the Deuteronomy pages were so important ;
        because of the bold opening line here we have the curious situation that the first half
        of this chapter “speaks as in hindsight” which in itself is a proof that indeed we have
        properly understood all of the fire-theme and hence He adds the promise of our Date
        … the buildup is very logical now , and reads fluently ;
        that in the previous attempt we opted that the subject was ‘Eve’ was because of roots
        and descriptions as “set free the one broken of heart” yet the buildup remained cripple
        and the chapter was left unfinished [read : indicating that it was not the right theme]  ,
        however she dóes appear here together with the three groups that will be set free from
        the day of Unleavened in the acceptable year : we , our Originals , and at a later
        point in time also the entire house of Jacob – as the closing of this chapter ;
        the text requires some notes (below) please , or go directly to fulltext (here)   —
        your Majesty … you saw what struggle it was to get the buildup and words right ,
        and you saw the care to have them correct … these type chapters are so dangerous
        [for us to do]  since the main theme is so important … and she – or what is left of her –
        does not want to make any mistake , you saw that … then if it’s all okay , please you
        accept it from all of us … it is the only thing she can do for you , and enjoys to , 
        and not because she thinks “she has to “do” something to can present herself to you”
        for that is a passed station anyway : she is trapped in a Dark cloud , hating this ape 
        and this life , only desiring everything you can give , having experienced that she is 
        not even able to speak unto you if you do not allow her ,
        but she knows everything will be alright – because you spoke so kindly here     
                                                                        [first interpretation :] 
befóre starting the chapter :
the acceptable day [jubilee]  : goal : see whether it is about “strange fire / Unleavened”
problem roots :
a)  “to fast”          (-TSuM)        6684      [used here]                                                   [just look how close .. that is our curse ..] 
b)  “to find”          (-MaTSa)      4672      [used here]                                                      [hence we then interpreted “find Eve”] 
c)  “unleavened” (-MaTSTSa)  4682   [needed here !…]  
d)  “strife”            (MaTSTSah) 4683                                [used here , but corrupt root invented by Esau (from 4682) 1x] 
terms showing in text :
“trumpet”… “the nearness of God” (as in Horeb?) … “the day of your fast” (=day of Unleavened?) …
“the fast I chose” (=I chose Unleavened?) … “AS the acceptable day” …          <<
“light”… “(matrix-) dawn”… “darkness”… “noon” …
[the latter few can be “the sun goes dark” because in next line 12 we “rebuild eden”!] 
position of chapter :
if indeed the unleavened theme then following [as part II]  after Isaiah 56 
showing “(son of) strange(r)”, “Adam”, “offering” , “covenant” “my house”                    << Adam offering strange fire
[where chapter 57 must correctly be “the sons of Ammon”]  ;
startline : unclear , and only 14 lines total – indicating a part II ; 
                                                                                               text notes
(line 1)
– trumpet [=scroll]  :
… while KJV can perfectly read “when the trumpet will sound (-qul) on high” the problem
is the reference to ‘him’ in line 2 ; while “the scroll” is the condition for ‘being gathered’ ;  
(line 2)
– [missing : ‘the 3d year’ :] 
… though this may have shown in the “a nation that did righteousness” having two -SH roots ,
as “but after the 3d year , when you had restored the scroll of the words of your deity , ….” ;
however that is not a proper intro to the “still an aspect missing” (as “you still asked me”) ,
hence the decision to leave that out here considering that it is the implied theme here
(line 3)
– ‘perceive the appointed time’ :
… though we always knew – also last year – that ‘Unleavened’ was about the restored scroll , right ,
we had NOT made the link with any ‘strange fire’ theme still [-rendering last year Invalid]  ; 
you see that the text demánds the phrasing “háve found (-the day)” 
[as Christ said : “no one knows that day but the Father” : indeed …]  ;     
(line 4)
– ‘when I charged Moses’ :
… ofcourse the line was completely corrupted [-and consequently the prophecy itself ! see page]  ; 
Moses never ‘prophesied upon mt.Horeb’ but he DID on mt.Nebo , and perhaps it said ‘Nebo’ here
but we have enough on the neutral ‘mountain’ now (and Esau sáw “something high”!) ; 
(line 5)
– ‘upon his (‘Adams’) altar :
… implying that the statue was also ‘of him’ ; line was utterly corrupted ; 
(line 6)
– [the ‘four groups’ :] 
… please see restored text ; the shown roots of the line in this chapter are completely corrupt 
so we used the mirror in Isaiah 61:1-b while it had no sense “to improve that text” 
for the most important are these ‘four groups’ of which 3 feature in this chapter
and though Eve does not , she certainly belongs here — likely there is no further description of her
since that is another theme altogether and would disturb the buildup here ;
(line 7)
– ‘never deliver any of you’ :
… we had “so that you would never pay attention to it” (-still showing in restored text) 
but “referring back to the captives” must be more important here , also as reason for next 9 ;
however then we cannot 100% be sure whether it referred to “all the prisoners” or “you & we” ;
(line 9)
– ‘the adm-man will die when (?) the false-fire is removed’ :
#1.   we searched where to can insert “the adm-man dies” and that place seemed here ,
#2.   though indeed “the sun going dark” is the RESULT of that removal ,
           we also had “the ceasing of the eden-waters going to the north” — the Eve theme ,
           but both should happen simultaneously
           where the light is “dimensional light , speech , energy (and the “images theme” !) ” [masculine] 
           the waters are “life , light particles (building blocks)” as feminine ;
           so yes the adm-man dies “because the demons get furious that it has become Dark”
           but they cán kill him “because he has no life no more” since Eve will have withdrawn that 
           [when reviewing the Eve chapters again – if ever – we need to adapt this there]  ; 
(line 11)
– ‘your mother (Eve) the source of life’ :
… this is a last-minute adaption [-from restored text]  : in spite of dozens of tried versions
the line refused to run — but this makes Sense : she is also mentioned as rescued : the 4th ! ;
the ‘waters’ (-mim) must have been ‘mother’ (-am) who is indeed “the source” 
and the very reason why she is saved — for she is ‘our blueprint’ !  ;
the original line may have said it a bit differently but the important is that we have her now 
[and hence next 12 mentions ‘the gap’ : from previous Eden to restored Eden now]  ;
(line 13)
– ‘because you … therefore I will …’ :
… though the clue – our Date – is too corrupted it can be derived from the rest of the chapter ,
while this line also serves as intro to closing line 14 :
(line 14)
– ‘you will witness to your people’ :
… as elsewhere said (-concerning the pastors) “therefore I will send shepherds of my heart” 
as the 144 that will appear to their tired people ; the line remains a tad cripple but because of
the hateful warping of it by Esau 

corruptions : … well …
theme  : in our opinion context 100% restored and syntax VERY high (until 13-b + 14)
fulltext : below


Isaiah 58   

fulltext :                                                                                                                                                                [continued from chapter 56 :] 

wherefore hear ! , you sons of Ishral :                                                                                                                [‘you & we’ in this case] 
no longer you will be restrained ,                                                                                                                                             [2 Thess.2:6 !] 
for you have declared the scroll of my words to me ;                                                                                            [SuPHR=SePHR] 
therefore I will assemble the remnant out from your people ,                                                                                [all of us 144] 
as gathering you from among the house of Jacob ;
because daily you investigated him , delighting in perceiving my words ,   
and you had understood every theme rightly ,        +
as having restored the scroll of the words of your deity ;                                                                                  [mshPHth=sPHr] 
yet you still asked me the time of your deliverance ,                                                                                   [our date]    [see note]        
because you would delight in the nearness of IEUE ;       + 
saying : why do we not perceive the appointed time ?                                                                                 [true]   [tsum=muod] 
for it should shów in his scroll ,       +                                                                                [yes we said that]   [nEPHEsh=sEPHEr]       
yet we just do not recognize it ; 
but behold ! , you have found the day of Unleavened       +                                                                               [TSuM=MaTStsa] 
as the one you will delight in ,                                                                                                          [note the phrasing : háve found !] 
when you will exact (‘reap’) all your hard work ; 
and now you understóod the controversy concerning unleavened ,                                                    [matstsah=matstsa] 
and why the sons of Esau have changed my words :                                                                                            [or ‘Ammon sons’] 
so that you would not find out about the day       +                                                                                                [SHMO=MOSHe] 
when I charged Moses upon the mount to prophecy concerning you :  
that you will understand       +
what happened at the initial (feast of-) unleavened                                                                                             [TSuM=MaTStsa] 
on the day that the adm-man (‘Adam’) was worshipped by your (1200 BC-) fathers 
when they made an idol statue and offered fire upon his (‘Adams’) altar before it ,
through which he would block (?) the appointed time (‘in the future’)      +                                                    [tsUM=MUod] 
as the acceptable year to IEUE ;     +   
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [6: + Is.61:1-b] 
because I have chosen the appointed festivity (‘7th day’) of unleavened    +                                              [tsum=matstsa]  
b                                                                                                                                                                                                           [b: KJV ; see note] 
            to let you that are the oppressed ones go free ,                                                                                                                    [‘144’] 
            to bind up the broken one of heart that is your mother ,                                                                                                  [‘Eve’] 
            to proclaim liberty to my people that are captives ,                                                                                       [‘our Originals’]  
            and after that , the opening of the prison of your bound people ;                                                                          [‘Jacob’] 
but because of the transgression of your (1200BC-) fathers , 
the adm-man (‘Adam’) plotted to descend to the altar in my sanctuary     +
in order to place his strange fire upon it ;
and he caused it to be covered up in my scroll                                                                                                 [7: utterly corrupted] 
in order that I would never deliver any of you ;                                                                                                                [but see note] 
so that my light (‘from the altar’) would always feed the (matrix dimensional-) dawn ,
as bringing health to the nations (-of demons) ,
provided by his (‘Adams’) gate in the (matrix-) north robbing the glory (‘the light’) of IEUE ;                  
but because you have understood the words of IEUE ,                                                                                                           [part II :]       
the adm-man will die for his iniquity                                                                                                                      [9: utterly corrupted] 
(and-) when my servant the Anointed (Christ)       +                                                                                            [SHlCH=mSHCHh] 
will have removed the strange fire      +                                                             
from the midst of the fire that is upon my altar ;     +                                                       [=sun goes Dark ; Rev.8:2-5 + note] 
then he (Christ) will gather you from the land (‘earth’) , 
your soul and all the humble souls that are the remnant (‘the wider 144’) ,
when the sun will be darkened at noon , and the moon will be like blood ;       
and he will bring you to IEUE in tsiun ,
and I will restore your soul in my sacred ones (‘Originals’) ,
as my people that I will have liberated ;                                                                                                        [‘that same day’]   [line 6]  
and they will make you (‘soul’) to be like a soaked garden ,                                                                                  [per Jer.31:12 ?] 
     through their source (‘starting place’) of (eden-) life     + 
     who is your mother that I will have rescued ;                                                                 [Eve – the 3d !]      [see note please] 
and all of you will re-build your own ground (‘Eden’) 
that had been laid waste since olden time ,
as raising up her foundations for generation after generation ;
and you will be called :
the repairers of the breach ,                                                                                                                           [read : ‘a long Gap of time’] 
as the ones having restored the garden of Eden ;                                                                                                                  [why not?] 
13                                                                                                                                                                      [closing : the promise repeated :] 
because you have restored the scroll of my words ,
as having done that in which I delight in the year of my acceptance ,                                                    [the válid year now] 
by having declared the themes (‘matters’)       +
that IEUE wanted you to understand ,                                                                                                                   [a: totally corrupted] 
you will have glorified him :                                                                                                                         [< that reasoning is attested] 
therefore I will save you with the remnant      +                                                                 [next : too corrupted to guarantee] 
at the appointed festivity (or again ‘unleavened’ ?)                                                                           [MuTS=Moud or MaTStsa]      
as the day (M=iuM) that you would delight in ;
13 c (!)
and because you have spoken my words ,   +                                                                          [‘you will become the shepherds’] 
you will be my witnesses unto your people Jacob                                                                                                    [Jacob – the 4th] 
when I will send you back to them that remained upon the land (‘earth’) ,
and I will [+also deliver them and] make them to return to their heritage (‘Eden’)      +
which you will have prepared ;                                                                                                                                              [‘rebuilt’ see 12] 
because the mouth of IEUE has spoken it . 

end        [-and end of theme]  

Isaiah 58   


58:1                                                                                                                                                                              [chapter follows after Is.56]    
“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, 
and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.”
[+wherefore]  call=hear ! (‘inversal’) , (you-) in=sons (B=Bni) of throat=Ishral (‘no match’) :
no [+longer]  – you (will be) restrained ,      +                                                                                                                       [2 Thess.2:6 !] 
as=for – [+you]  (have) voice=declared       +
the trumpet=scroll (suphr=sephr) of – [+my]  high=words (eRm=dbR) – (to-) you=me ; 
[=therefore]         +
[+I]  (will) tell=assemble – the transgression=remnant (phSHo=SHrth) – (out) [=from]  [=your]  people ,
and=as – since=gathering them=you – (from-) [=among]  the house of – Jacob ;

note :
a) (-supher) ‘trumpet’ as ‘scroll’ (-sepher) ,
b) only because of the rest of the chapter this line must be the positive promise ;
c) but this chapter must have followed after 56 
“Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not 
the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.”
[=because]  – daily (or: ‘every – day’) – they=you investigated – me=him (‘scroll’) ,            

delighting in – [..]  perceiving – my ways=words (DRk=DbR) ,   
as=and – he=you (had) does=understood – which=every (?) – nation=theme (‘matters’) (?) – rightly         +
[d-e : w/ swapped :] 
and=as – (having) forsook=restored (ozB=shB) – the judgment=scroll (mshPHth=sPHr) of      +                 
the not=words (lA=dbAr) of – him=your deity ;
(yet-) they=you (still-) asked (?) me – the judgments=time (?) of – [+your]  righteousness=deliverance ,       
(because-) they=you (would) delight (in-) – the nearness of – deity=IEUE ;       + 

“Wherefore have we fasted, [say they] , and thou seest not? [wherefore]  have we afflicted our soul, 
and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours”
to=saying : why – [..]  (do) you=we – not – perceive – the fast=appointed time ? (tsum=muod) ,
[+for]  (it-) (should) humble=shów (oiNu=Ngd) – (in-) our=his soul=scroll (nEPHEsh=sEPHEr)      +

and=yet – you=we (just do) – not – recognize (-it) ; 
[w/ swapped 1x :] 
(but-) behold ! , you (have) found – [..]  the day of – fast=Unleavened (tsum=matstsa)       +

[+as]  (the one-) [+you]  (will) delight in ,                                        [not : ‘to your delight you will find’, nor ‘find pleasure’] 
and=when – you (will) exact (‘reap’) – all – your hard work ; 

“Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: 
ye shall not fast as [ye do this]  day, to make your voice to be heard on high.”
(and-) behold=now – you fast=understóod – [..]  the contention (‘controversy’)      +
and=concerning strife=unleavened (matstsah=matstsa) ,
and to=why – the in=sons (B=Bni) of fist=Esau (or: ‘Ammon’?)      +                                                      [see line 1 ‘in throat’] 
(have) smite=changed (elK=hphK) – [+my]  wicked=words (Rsho=dbR) ,
[+so that]  you (would) – not – find out – as=about the day (w/ swapped)       +
[can be many things :] 
l·eshmio to·to-make-heard b·mrum in·the·height qul·km voice-of·you

(when-) [+I]  to=charged (?) heard=Moses (SHMO=MOSHe)         +
(upon) (?) the height=mount (?) (Rum=haR) (he saw ‘high’ !)        +                                                                 [e-f : w/ swapped] 
to in=prophecy (?) (B=nBa) – voice=concerning (?) (qul=ol) you :       

“Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? [is it]  to bow down his head as a bulrush, 
and to spread sackcloth and ashes [under him] ? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?”
… here ,
– this is tricky : subject now is ‘you’ :   
?=that (K=Ki) [+you]  (will) as=understand (?) (ze=bin)        +
this=what – happened – (at-) the chosen=first (bachr=rshn) – (feast of-) fast=unleavened (tsum=matsa) ,
(in-) the day – (that-) the adm-man (‘Adam’) – (was) humble=worshipped (?) – [+by]  his=your soul=fathers (?)
to=when [+they]  bend=made (‘no match’) – [..]  an bulrush=idol (-statue) (aGmn=G-ll)
(and-) spread=offered (?) – [..]  ashes=fire (sic) – (upon-) his (‘Adams’) head=altar – [..]  sackcloth=before (-it) (?) ,
to this=through which  you=he (would) call=block (?) – the fast=appointed time (‘in the future’) (tsUM=MUod)
and=as – the acceptable – day=year – to IEUE ;                    [in Is.61:2 ‘year of’]     [hopefully this 2024 Unleavened]  

“[Is]  not this the fast that I have chosen? 
(a) to loose the bands of wickedness, 
(b) to undo the heavy burdens, 
(c) and to let the oppressed go free, 
(d) and that ye break every yoke?”
“[he hath sent me]  
(a) to bind up the brokenhearted, 
(b) to proclaim liberty to the captives, 
(c) and the opening of the prison to [them that are]  bound;”
the “three or four groups” here :
— in this chapter we have “our Originals liberated” , “the 144 taken” [=main theme]  ,
     a third one – though not featuring here but elsewhere – is ‘Eve’ ,
     while at the end (line 14) also ‘all of Jacob’ is saved ; 
— we don’t know if further personal descriptions were given , originally , 
      like “bind up your brokenhearted mother” (Eve) ,
      or “to proclaim liberty to my people that are captives” (Originals) — we could try , no ?
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [6: + Is.61:1-b] 
not=because – I (have) chosen – the this=feast of – fast=unleavened (tsum=matstsa)       + 
b                                                                                                                                                                                                                                [b: KJV :] 
     #1   to let [+you]  (that are-) the oppressed ones go free ,                                                                                                       [‘144’] 
     #2   to bind up the broken of heart (that is-) [+your mother]  ,                                                                                               [‘Eve’] 
     #3   to proclaim liberty [+to my people]  (that are-) captives ,                                                                           [‘our Originals’]  
     #4   and [+after that]  the opening of the prison of [+your]  bound [+people]  ;                                                       [‘Jacob’]  

— how does that sound to you ?
     the “after that” in 4) was added because the realization of this follows later , see line 14 ;
     and though Eve does not appear in THIS chapter she surely is part of the groups ;
note :
.. in the Deuteronomy Intro page was the line “read the scroll until the year of acceptance” 
followed by the phrase “.. in the place that IEUE will choose” : this is a bit strange addition 
[and it appears several times in several books]  but was it originally as in 6-a ?
“[Is it]  not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? 
when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?”
?=but – not=because of      +
the share=transgression (phrs=phsho) of – [..]  [+your]  (1200BC-) hungry=fathers (roB=aB)
[..]  the humble=adm-man (‘Adam’) (onim=adm) – bread=plotted (lCHm=CHshb)      +
to descend – to the bring=altar (Bo=mzBch) – (in-) [+my]  house=sanctuary (‘close’ !)
to that=place (ki=shim) – [+his]  naked=strange (oRm=zuR) – see=fire (raE=Esh) (-upon it) ;
and he (caused) it (to be) covered up – [..]  from=in you=my flesh=scroll (bshr=sphr)              
[+so that]  you (would) not pay attention – (to-) not=it ;          +

“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: 
and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.”
then=so that – your=my light – (would) [+always]  rent=feed (?) – [..]  the (matrix-) dawn ,
[now we need a sub-explanation — while the whole line must be this theme : “health” is Negative ! :] 
and=as spring forth=giving – health – [+to]  the hasty=nations (-of demons) (Mere=guiM) ,
[..]  go=provided – to=by [+his]  (‘Adams’) before=gate – (in-) the righteousness=north (TSdq=TSphn)
gather=robbing – the glory (read : ‘glorious light’) of – IEUE ; 

note :
… ‘gate’ requires a bit specification ; also “as Damascus” (tsDQ=DmsQ) is possible but too complicated ; 
[next : the restoration :] 
“Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I [am] . 
If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity;”
(but-) then=because – you call=understood – the and=words of IEUE ,        +                                                            [as in 7 a] 

[totally corrupt :] 
     [..]  the say=adm-man (iAMr=AdM) – (will) cry=die (THsh=mTH) – (for his-) answer=iniquity (oin=aun) ,
as “for-iniquity-of-him he-shall-die adm”
[c-e : likely completely misplaced & corrupted ; the “behold” is now invalid because end of KJV line :] 
behold=and (-when) – [+my]  finger=servant (atsBO=OBd) – the send=Anointed (Christ) (SHlCH=mSHCHh)    +

(will have) removed (!) – the speak=strange (dbR=zR) and=fire (u=esh)
from the midst of – the lawlessness=fire (aun=esh) – (that is-) [+upon]  [+my]  yoke=altar (Mut=Mzbch) ,     + 

“And [if]  thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; 
then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness [be]  as the noonday:”
[=then]  you=he (Christ) (will) draw=gather [+you]  (‘close !’) – to=from the hungry=land (‘earth’) (Rob=aRts) , +
your soul – (and-) and=all – the humble – souls – (that are-) the satisfy=remnant (SHbo=SHrth) ,
[w/ swapped 1x :] 
and=when the radiant=sun (zrCH=shmSH) – [..]  (will be) darkened – as=at noon
[w/ swapped :] 
and the gloom=moon (‘no match’) – (will be-) [+like]  light=blood (‘no match’) ;                       [can’t have ’em all , grin] 

“And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: 
and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.”
and he (will) guide=bring (‘close !’) you – (to-) IEUE – (in-) continually=tsiun ,
[w/ swapped 1x :] 
and [+I]  (will) satisfy=restore (SHBo=SHB)        +
your soul – [+in]  [+my]  drought=sacred ones (‘Originals’) (tsachtsachah 1x , invalid root = qdsh) ,
and=as your=my bones=people (OtsM=OM) – (that-) he=I (will have) liberated (‘so interlinear’) (comp. line 6)

and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.”
… this one doesn’t sound right   —
1) it is too repetitive and the verb “to lie (liar)” -kazab is weird , while it is .. almost blasphemous to say
that ‘it can fail’ – but what can it have said ? was this just a corruption ‘out of hate’ ?
2) “spring” -motsa , similar coverup ? [see intro]  ;  
and=so that – you (‘soul’) (will) be – like – a soaked – garden ,                                                                              [per Jer.31:12 ?] 
[=through]  [+your]  as=vessel (‘Original’) (K=Kli) (that will) spring=receive (?)          +
the which=living (?) – waters – not=as – the lie=life – (for) him=your waters=soul (?) ;                                      [attempt] 

“And [they that shall be]  of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations 
of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.”
(and-) and=all of you (will) re-build – your (own-) from=(adm-) ground (‘Eden’) (mM=adMe)
(that had been) laid waste – (since-) olden time ,
(as-) raising up – [+her]  foundations – [+for]  generation – [=after]  generation ;
and – [..]  you – (will be) called :
the repairers of – the breach ,                                                                       [context : eden continues after a long gap of time] 
[+as]  the ones (having) restored – the paths=garden (na-thib=gan KJV 11) of – [..]  dwell=Eden ;            [why not?] 

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, [from]  doing thy pleasure on my holy day; 
and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, 
not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking [thine own]  words:”
… here ,
a) the “delight in” is VERY often used for the scroll theme ,
b) while the closing now should refer back to the start of this chapter ;
c) “foot” is one of Esau’s favorite corruptions when his fantasy ran out ;
d) this is a difficult line … 
if=because – you (will have) turn=restored (SHB=SHB)      +
the sabbath=scroll (Sbbth=Sphr) of – you=my foot=words (Rgl=dbR) 
[+as]  (having) done – (that which-) [+I]  delight in       +
in the day=year of – my holy=acceptance ,                                                                                                       [likely : referring back] 
next : ‘delight’ [oneg]  is Negative , very awkward line qua buildup :
and·you-call to·the·sabbath delicacy to·holy-one-of ieue one-being-glorious   
and – [+by]  (having) declared – the sabbath=themes (‘matters’) (sBbth=dBr) (?)        +                              [as in line 2 ?] 
delicacy=which (?) – IEUE – [..]  holy=wanted >> [+you]  – to glorious=understand (?) (kBd=Bin)
[..]  you (will have) glorified him :
next : now a juxta — as promise [but how?]  : 
from=therefore [+I]  (will) do=save [+you]  (osh=iash) – (with?) the ways=remnant (?) (dRk=shRth)
[w/ swapped 1x :] 
(at-) the find=appointed festivity (?) (or again ‘unleavened’ ?) (MTS=Moud or MaTStsa)      +
(as-) the from=day (M=iuM) – (that-) you (would) delight in ;                                        [line 3]                [i-j : attempt only !]  

note :
… the buildup almost demánds the ‘rescue’ theme : because of the first part of the line
but also because next 14 shows ‘the Eden situation’ ;
“Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, 
and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it] .”
… here ,
this is tricky – what can it have said ? option was “and I will appoint you caretakers of the land” 
but something along those lines was said in 12 already ; while the “mouth has spoken” 
combined with the restored scroll theme points to “appoint you to spokesmen” — to Jacob ? [=witnesses]  ;
in that case we’d need the 2x ‘speak’ from previous line : but the problem is there are very few words
to switch from ‘land’ [earth]  to ‘inheritance’ [eden]   :
also “you will become the priests ministering to IEUE” is attested – but perhaps insufficient here :
b) after finally having restored line 6 now , this version must be the most probable :
and (because-) [+you]  (have) spoken – [+my]  words ,                                                                      [13-k + 14-a is very strong] 
[+you]  (will) then=be (az=eie) – [+my]  soft=witnesses (oneg=od , oneg is a Negative root anyway)     +
[perhaps ‘to – IEUE’ w/ swapped with ‘Jacob – your father’ :] 
(unto-) your father=people – Jacob
and=when I (will) make to ride=send you (-back-) – to – K Q […]  – the land (‘earth’) ,
and I (will make) you=them to feed=return (?) – (to-) [+their]  heritage (‘Eden’)
on=which – [+you]  (will have) ieue=prepared (or ‘rebuilt’ see line 12) [+for them ?]  ;
because – the mouth of – IEUE – (has) spoken (-it) . 


end        [-and end of theme]