[to add :]
the so called “comments on the quran” are written by
influential ‘moslim scholars’ that however were the seed
of their fathers that wrote it ; talking about “changing scrolls”
and “burning scrolls” to express in a veiled way what they
had done to God’s scroll ofcourse ; in another line they
narrate how ‘Muhamed’ [=their strawman] “received the
vision while covered by a blanket and the sounds he made
[while prophesying that] could be heard from beneath it” ,
yet the word for those ‘sounds’ is “to snore loudly”, grin ,
as another way of saying it was all their work , ofcourse]

    [theme]  ; ‘islam’ : ‘Allah’ is Adam 
    per ‘the quran’ written by Esau
    to support his corrupted Scroll ,
    and create a huge religion that
    will drown out the hated 144
    [‘the king of the east’ in Daniel] 

    [version ; 2024-04apr.16+20]  


    [4/20 : text streamlined , very readable now] crusaders                             created Dualism

                                                        ‘Allah’ represents … Adam
                                                                a)  required pretext :
    … strange how this theme comes up right before the finish , is it not   —
    we never gave ‘islam’ much attention , always having viewed her as a by Esau
    created and installed bogeyman unto christianity , as a very successful concept
    considered his “Israel vs Iran” hoax deluding virtually all of christianity ; and that by
    a manuscript seemingly as a watered-down and inverted version of the Scroll ; 
    however , 
    when realizing that Esau wrote this also , a number of aspects showed up rendering  
    it interesting enough to plough through the endless and flat texts , and the result is 
    important enough to share with you ; 
    trying to phrase all of the below as short and to the point as possible , please : 
    #1  the absolute main point : it was all written by Esau
    … we saw how Esau never minded “writing new supposedly authentic scrolls”
    and how his certain style of writing can be recognized : either as ‘very uninspiring
    and flat themes’ or as using terminology also appearing in his Egyptian Spells   —
    because we are well aware of whát he searched to achieve all we need to do is
    find those aspects in this manuscript itself and interpret them correctly ,
    though it’s fair to say that he phrased those as riddles within the text , this time ;
    also important is to look at “the origin of this book” ,
    and somehow unsurprisingly a similar set-up appears as previously with his
    corruption of the Scroll in Alexandria , and later when writing his ‘Maccabees’ :
    also here ‘a group of elders’ appears – just like the Alexandrian Sanhedrin and the 
    Hasmonean dynasty ; also here shows ‘a kingpin’ in charge of the evolvement of
    the manuscript – just like Ptolemy II in Alexandria ; also here appears ‘a straw-man’
    in charge of writing or handling a scroll , in this case the made-up ‘Muhamed’ –
    where in Alexandria it were the alleged ‘scribes from the 12 tribes of Ishral’ ;
    also here the kingpin ‘is filthy rich’ probably also related to “rebellious conflicts”
    also instigated by the Hasmoneans to support their ‘Hanukkah’ ritual – etcetera
    the ‘quran’ : a collection of hidden themes supporting his corrupted scroll !   
    … most chapters are completely unreadable and it’s a torture to plough through them
    since there is no story-line nor solid buildup of any theme , while the endless repeats
    of a couple of pet subjects and the many childish phrasings work nauseating ; yet the
    most … repulsing are ‘insane themes totally unrelated to previous sections’       —
    until you realize that it was Esau’s method in order to conceal his real themes by :
    in a chapter he talks about “the dog with outstretched paws in front of the cave” 
    which ofcourse is ‘the Sphinx in Giza’ and you recognize his talk about “writings that
    shall not be understood there” : as the theme in prophets where God says how you
    and we will understand the context of prophets through the hieroglyphs in the tombs !
    so that , where you first thought “what the hell is a dóg doing here” , you realize how
    he concealed his main theme within oceans of non-related empty lines : as cover up !
    and a páttern emerges : it turns out that a phrase as “female angel” is a section about
    our beautiful ‘female Originals’ as the theme in the Amos chapters , a section talking
    about the “children of Ishral and their book” is about ‘the sons (same valid) that will not
    understand the scroll” , a section about “Jonah three days in the belly of a fish” is the
    same drivel hé wrote not just as ‘book’ but also made Christ to say , 
    and all his themes are empowered by millions of foreign people : against us !
    let that sink in for a moment please   —
    we have the Bizarre situation that Esau devised another religion yet constantly linking
    back to themes in the Scroll as vampiring upon her , but so devised in order to sustain
    all of his corrupted themes in his KJV adored by all christians ,
    and he télls here how they read his doctored scroll ! , hardly containing his glee !
    so that he has a huge group of christians declaring his corrupted scroll and an even 
    lárger group of drones supporting the christians reading his corrupted scroll !
    and none of those millions understand what is going on !
    it is the perfect perpetuum mobile , the perfect loop , just like the other concepts that
    Adam devised – like his ‘strange fire’ and ‘the abuse of our female Originals’ …
    the ‘quran’ : the other component : Adam (‘Allah’) and the matrix-Garden
    … next to the theme sections as described above , also the matrix-paradise features
    in this manuscript , painted as a lovely place to be reached by all believers , where a
    number of titles of ‘Allah’ match aspects relating to ‘Adam’ — while the overall character
    of this ‘Allah’ appears like someone desperately wanting to be like God ,
    and we know very well ‘who’ is so described in prophets ;
    while Esau used certain descriptions for his ‘Garden’ resembling descriptions in his
    Egyptian spells and Rg-veda , here also as “a garden having rivers flowing beneath it” 
    which makes no sense except if you realize it must be ‘the Nile’ as the watercourse 
    bringing stolen eden aspects to the North in order to dress up their ‘paradise’ ;
    we will return to both themes in a next section but you see it’s important to properly 
    understand the descriptions in order to avoid a mix-up , because see next :  
    #2  forget the “arguments of christianity against islam” : is not the point !  
    … because so suggested by Esau :
    christians think “that islam has an incorrect version of God” and hence they try
    to point those out by comparing them with the – also by Esau corrupted – KJV ,
    yet certain aspects or beings were made “to be a look-alike” deliberately !
    Esau messed with “the offspring of Abraham” (-see Gen.20 page) in order to
    provide a common and ‘blessed’ root for the hordes following this religion ,
    and likewise he messed with the genealogy of Christ : so that the presented
    figure ‘Issa’ here is not our Christ but “a double”, a look-alike , carrying certain
    genuine attributes but also false ones 
    [and Esau gleaned this concept from the Egyptian spells , the KA as ‘double’]  ,
    where some christians are offended by the line :
              ‘Allah has no son’ :
              though several times this phrase is repeated where in another chapter
              the context suggests that ‘the son’ is Christ by linking to the phrase ‘trinity’ ,
              it only suggests so IF one thinks that ‘Allah’ represents God !
              but knowing that he represents ‘Adam’ also the son theme becomes clear :
              in prophets we are called ‘the sons of Eve’ – not ‘of Adam’ – for reason that
              we carry the Attributes which he squandered , where Adam did not want to
              take the risk that ‘his sons’ would overthrow him — and remember Rg-Veda
              where Eve tells him how good it would be to have a son (‘sons’) but he 
              rejects that idea ;
              while [6.101]  here has “how can he have a son when he has no consort ?”
              where also that is true because he abandoned and imprisoned Eve !
              and finally , the line “you (‘the believer’) would be the first son to serve Allah”
              confirms that it never was about Christ but about this ‘son’ theme 
    #3  the ‘islam’ : as “the king of the south [=east] ” in the book of Daniel
    … all of the above MUST appear somewhere in the Scroll   —
    in Daniel 10 the angel of the Lord (Christ) is at war with Adam corrupted by Esau
    into ‘a prince of Persia’ as introduction to next chapter 11 , in which the so-called
    ‘king of the north’ in reality is “the West for the next 2500 years” as presided by the 
    Vatican impersonating the rule of the Roman Emperors as the RCC representing 
    the type mixed christianity instigated by Adam (-see page) ;
    because the king of the west is a religious entity the same must be true for the
    figure called “the king of the south” – which per same context is then ‘of the east’ ,
    and this entity only appears after “the detestable figure” [which is ‘the papacy’]  has 
    appeared in the narrative so that the time frame is correct ;
    and moreover : clearly showing how “both kings work for the same goal” which is
    very important here because both work for Adam !– compare the intro above , 
    forming as it were ‘a dualistic concept’ that by nature requires “some shared root” :
    therefore the interpretation of Genesis 20 (-see page) must be correct as the very
    moment that Adam prepared this Dualism – and asked Esau to cover it up there ;
    interestingly ,
    a rather frequently returning title of ‘Allah’ is “the lord of the east and the west”
    and though that term refers in the first place to the matrix-situation (section below) ,
    that same situation has been projected upon this earth :
    rendering the concept of ‘the kings of the north and the south’ very appropriate !
    we used to think that this king of the east was “the Vedic thinking in the far east”
    [as per the Rg-Veda , not the later deliberate mess called ‘Hinduism’ , where the
    Rg-Veda contains the same themes as the Egyptian Spells]  ,
    however the timing is Off : the king of the east appears in the Daniel time frame
    only after the Vatican was founded – matching the start of ‘islam’ around 650 AD ;
    while Rg-Veda was written in 1000 BC , as too far back ;
    the point is that Adam and Esau started a mássive cover-up after 500 BC
    when God promised that you & we would understand his scroll bý understanding
    the texts which the proud Esau had written before :
    1)  so first they had to disarm those old texts – like the Spells and Rg-Veda ,
           the spells by “suggesting an inverse reading” and the latter by “writing a new
           set of chaotic Hindu manuscripts” since 200 AD to hide the content of Rg-Veda ,
           especially in his deliberate unreadable (sic !) ‘Mahabharata’ (-see page) ;
    2)   and , ofcourse , considered the Scroll itself ,
            by mutilating it starting in Alexandria 250 BC , including Esau’s ghostwritten
            books ‘Esther’ and ‘Jonah’ — until around 100 AD when he had thoroughly 
            corrupted the entire NT , having penned other hoaxes as ‘Maccabees’ :
    and until a week ago we thought ‘that was it’ ,
    how strange it is then to discover that Adam planned all the above at the start ?
    pondering why apparently we still had to find & revoke this ‘quran’ concept may
    be because we did expose the Western entity (-see pages) , but without annulling
    her Dualistic counterpart it still may have supported the Western entity :
    so that right now we are at the closing verse of Daniel 11 – his fall , where the start 
    of next chapter 12 is about our Date … 
    #4  the spearpoint of Esau’s ‘quran’ : against the 144
    … though he identifies two distinct groups as ‘Jews’ and ‘Christians’ his stance is
    a two-fold one both as “do respect them” but also “war them” where the latter one
    was ofcourse devised to let them cling stronger unto his corrupted scroll ,
    and he makes sure to express how both Jews and Christians now read his book ;
    while “the children [=’sons’]  of Ishral and their book” is being described separately
    and always in context of “let them not understand it” and “the days of the end” ;
    therefore “the goal of ‘islam’ being domination” – so mentioned – directly relates to
    the massive number of hordes giving their (spiritual-) energy to Esau’s themes ,
    wherefore the literal conquest of terrain is , though pleasant , but a side issue ;
    in fact , he knows already that them hordes will not understand what he wrote
    and cértainly not his carefully hidden themes – and only by close reading one
    can see the contempt he has for them , calling them ‘desert dwellers’ in the same
    line in which he explains “how your submission is good (-enough)” , where the
    submission to a couple of main themes [like ‘to Allah’]  automatically means the
    confession to the many hidden themes : since it is a Sorcery construct ;
    hence it’s no coincidence that ‘quran’ means “declaration” and yes that is a direct
    move against our theme of declaring linked to Unleavened ! 
    bear in mind that Esau is very ‘elitist’ since he is ‘the sons of Ammon’ overthere ,
    and you can see that oftentimes when he let’s ‘Allah’ say “We…..” he means ‘he’ ;
    however : his repeated invitations “to reach the entry into the (matrix-) Garden”
    is in the first place written so that it would be supported (-by spiritual energy) , 
    yet the entry is only valid for Esau-souls adhering his ‘islam’ and certainly not for 
    Jacob-souls as the few percent having become part of that ideology by accident ,
    as the Jacob souls that would be considered mere ‘collateral damage’ by Esau
    if they would get Lost by adhering his concept 
    [exactly the reason this page exists now – so that they will be delivered]  ,
    so that the question is “what type souls are the hordes submitting to his ‘islam’ ? 
    they *must be* non-Jacob souls since Adam made Esau to create a common
    ancestor for them in the positive form of ‘Ishmael’ (-but to deflect from that theme
    he presents ‘Abraham’ as their forefather) as creating a Legal Right for the hordes ,
    since “the most damage can only be done by an insider” – compare Adam himself ! ,
    which we took away by having posted the Genesis 20 chapter ;
    considering that “the Esau type soul” (-as incarnated souls of the sons of Ammon)
    only Legally started during Jacob , the illegal son of Abraham must have represented
    the type souls (-dwelling in this type body) ‘unlike us’ from cultures like ancient Sumer , 
    which gradually expanded into Assyria and Babylon and a host of other cultures  —
    as exact the type souls that are most attracted to the concept of ‘islam’ !
    and again re-evaluating the Genesis 20 story in this light :
    though from context it is clear that “having to wait for a son” was a test for Abraham ,
    we haven’t yet found exactly why – because corrupted , but is there a link to you & we ?
    in the sense of “enemies older than Esau” where enemies refers to ‘those type souls’ ,
    and “the long wait for Abraham” represented “until the days of the end — now” .. ?
    while please remember that he represented “our soul now upon this earth” and hence
    God “gave (‘promised’) him the promised land” — and Abraham knew about eden ! ,
    though Esau corrupted those lines as well — as the very first one of us all : 
    so that the circle is round again ? since we are back by our first forefather ?
    implying that ‘Isaac’s birth’ represents us – now that ‘the illegal son’ theme is undone ?
              and to take that one step further ,
              hoping to not overcomplicate things ,
              perhaps the story of “Lot saved from Sodom” was “Jacob saved from earth” ,
              where Lot was family of Abraham like Jacob is family of us , so that the inhabitants
              of Sodom represented “those type souls” as mentioned above (‘animal-souls’) ,
              who ‘wanted both angels’ – representing the 144 witnessing , soon ? – used as they
              were to “(evil-) heavenly beings” that had governed them as depicted in so many
              Sumerian tablets where they stand before the huge sized god-king ?

                                          b)  the text itself : identifying Allah-Adam
    #A   text : as a patchwork of Attributes (-as riddles) hidden between Nonsense
    … the “hiding of themes” is admitted by himself :
    [3.7]  has “He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, 
    [as]  they are the basis of the Book , and others are allegorical [read : nonsense]  ; 
    then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is 
    allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation [read :
    99% of ‘muslims’ do not understand it anyway]  . but none knows its interpretation 
    except Allah, and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge [read : only the few %
    of Esau understand it — and , sadly for him , also you & we now] ” ;
    a number of themes are short enough to tell in a few lines ,
    but the larger more complex themes are fragmented as dispersed across chapters  
    as “desired messages that need to be linked to óthers to form a theme” , for example  
    one chapter says something about ‘the sons of Ishral’ and another chapter something
    related to what was said about the sons : and (only-) by collecting and linking quotes
    a ‘message’ can be composed having been the intended theme of Esau ; 
    however , without the absolute Key , namely “the situation in the other Reality” 
    which hé calls “knowledge” , one is unable to link the messages to form a theme ;
    interestingly , a similar phrase appears at the start of his ‘Mahabharata’ (see above)
    telling how “this book is a Tale and will remain a Tale” , factually saying that everything
    described in the book is a false version of the true Rg-Veda ;
    that his intention was nefarious also shows in the text itself :
    chapter 1 is not a chapter but only ‘a title’ , so the first chapter [2]  starts mysteriously
    with three words “Alif Lam Mim” , and though many ‘muslim scholars’ (an oxymoron !) 
    have bent over (ha) backwards to give it a deep meaning , our educated guess knowing
    how Esau thinks is that it describes A-L-M , -alam as Strong’s number H5956 having 
    the meaning “to conceal , secret (-thing)”, describing his intent with this book 
    [that a couple of chapters start with another combination of letters must be a disguise]  ;
              yet he also uses the language herself ,
              his line “the scroll [=ours]  of Mercy is confirmed by the Arabic ‘quran” is very smart
              since ‘Arabic’ is not the proper juxta of ‘Mercy’ ofcourse , and if you know that the
              root (-arab) is “evening , twilight” what he says is “quran of twilight” = double-speak ;
              where the very ‘Arabic language’ helps him greatly considered that double-speak ,
              since many roots have a wide range of meaning so that only by knowing his intent
              one is able to choose the right color of that given root
              [the same is true for the Rg-Veda where the present ‘official translation’ is very flat
              since the translator did not understand how it described the other Reality]   
    #B  already right at the start , ‘the covenant at Horeb’ appears — a Red flag  
           … no intro , no “how I made the world”, nothing   —
     already the first chapter [2]  shows that he could not wait to start his theme , beginning
     with Musa [=Moses]  , the law , the mount and even about “sacrificing a cow” – which is 
     Esau’s code for the idol and the fire-offering by the people , our Unleavened theme ,
    preceded by mumbling something “about Adam” earlier in this chapter presumably to 
    hide that the very subject Adam IS ‘Allah’ – as the trick he used in his fake ‘Genesis 5’ ;
    while line [47]  has “O [=sons]  of Ishral , remember my favor [=acceptance !]  which  
    I have bestowed upon you (etc)” where again ‘the acceptance’ is our theme , continued
    in next [48]  “[=but]  fear the day that […]  no intercession will be accepted , and no
    justice will be received from (-you) , and they will not be helped” ;
    both “the intercession” and “justice” is ofcourse “the restored scroll” and though ‘soul’
    was inserted , “the day of + acceptance” is solid because it refers to OUR THEME ;
    only two lines further starts the “Musa + the calf” theme , as unbroken chain to there ,
    as again proving to ús that ‘the day of acceptance’ and ‘Horeb’ DO belong together ;
    while 2+ Billion ‘muslims’ declare daily that we will nót present the scroll to God !
    now please , the above example is sufficient proof in this Legal case , 
    but to find all of them (-alike) would take much time as something we don’t have now ,
    and the examples we found – see chapters – were only those from a first glance   
    #C  ‘Allah’ / Adam and his many titles 
     … christians have tried to prove that the name ‘Allah’ derived from desert gods or had
     a Hittite or whatever culture background , yet it should simply mean “the + deity” since
     the the text itself already reveals several aspects about ‘Adam’ ,
     for example “I made this earth and put you upon it” which is true ofcourse (in his case)
     while he makes clear that “his Garden is in the afterlife” – but apart from the specifics
     and the important themes , Esau made him to say the same type Nonsense (sic !) as
     he made God to say in the many corrupted sections of the Scroll ; and more help we
     get through the by Esau given titles to ‘Allah’ :            
                in [113]  he is called “the lord of the (matrix-) dawn” and we know that his gate of    
                the (demon-) nations cáuses their dawn (-and is part of our Unleavened theme) ,
                where he fights “the thick darkness” which ofcourse is ‘the Eden dimension’ ;
                in [73:9]  shows his title as lord of the east and west” , mentioned before , which is 
                a concept straight out of the Egyptian Spells – where “the city” (Mystery-Babylon ,
                see below) carries the best aspects both of ÁMENT the evil west dimension , 
                and of ÁABT representing (our-) Heaven [-but in fact the south-land as her border
                 as the land upon which mt. tsiun stands , hence in Genesis still survived a line
                how “Eden was created in the east of that” per Genesis — bit long story]  ;
                 [104]  only has nine lines ,
                         Woe to every slanderer, defamer, 
                          Who amasses wealth and [counts it]  ;                                      [or : ‘wealth at the prescribed period’]  
                         He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.                        [or : ‘make him to abide forever’]  
                          Nay! he shall most certainly be hurled into the crushing disaster, 
                          And what will make you realize what the crushing disaster is? 
                          It is the fire kindled by Allah,                                                                                         [read : Adam’s false fire]  
                          Which rises above the hearts.                                                                            [lit. : ‘rise up unto the hearts’]  
                          Surely it shall be closed over upon them,                         [or : ‘surely it will be closed from them’  +] 
                          In extended columns.                                                                             [or : ‘(namely-) the columns (by-) ink’]  
                 … here ,
                 the suggested changes are valid ,
                 so that “you & we are the defamers” , namely ‘of Esau and his concepts’ ,
                 where “gathering wealth at the appointed time” refers to “the restored scroll” ;
                 the “columns of ink” refers to ‘the Egyptian Spells’ (-written in columns) whose
                meanings will “remain closed for them” ; closed because “the fire” blinds them
                 as an expression for “the libido” since “it rises unto the heart” as fleshy thinking
                 that will not be able to decipher them , which in turn is caused by the fire that
                 Adam placed upon the altar causing the matrix-consciousness of this flesh   —
                 perhaps you think the interpretation is ‘overdone’ but we learned by now how
                 Esau thinks , right : this belongs to the section about ‘the Sphinx’ as in fact an 
                added curse to that , and yes this specific chapter is pure Sorcery 
                 [apart from the fact that this line is unique from every other ‘fire’ theme here]  ;
    Gog & Magog
    … as Esau’s “Iran vs Israel” set-up , as part of the “king of the north & king of the south” theme ,
    resulting in “the red heifer”, “the 3d temple”, “the anti-christ” and eventually in “the mass rapture”
    as the version all of today’s self-declared ‘christian endtime community’ adheres   —
    and here is explained how they would make to perish all of Jacob , if they only could ;
    … you’ll need much imagination in this text because it is written in a very concealed way :
    main figure is “the one (for) the generation” and intended is “the destruction of Jacob” ,
    who prepares the great Hoax as ‘the Iran vs Israel’ theme – and everything connected to that ,
    by “changing the mindset of the West” (-compare whole of Daniel 11) , versus “the mindset of the East” ,
    then goes to “the group in the middle” , christians — but particularly ‘end-time christians’ , 
    telling them to speed up the events by giving it their full energy (attention) , using his KJV (sic !) ,
    saying to them what they all think : that it is God’s plan in order for ‘the rapture to happen’ ;
    and the text even says “because they will not be interested to know the words of their lord (God)” ;
    so that , in the end scene , 
    they all go to hell as “the day of the victory of the matrix” 
          [this one took a full day — you please understand we can never do áll the interesting ones] 
    [18.83]  And they ask you about Zulqarnain. Say: I will recite to you an account of him. 
    and they ask you about the one (for the-) + generation ;                           [=’day of judgment of Jacob’] 
    say : I will recite to you a remembrance unto him ;                                                   [=’the corrupted scroll’]  
    [18.84]  Surely We established him in the land and granted him means of access to every thing.
    indeed we established him (to happen-) on the earth ,
    and gave him every thing ;                                                                                [=probably ‘the required aspects’]  

    [18.85]  So he followed a course.
    so he followed a course (‘way’) ,     +                                                  [=’he (‘destruction’) went somewhere’]  
    [18.86]  Until when he reached the place where the sun set, he found it going down into a black sea, 
    and found by it a people. We said: O Zulqarnain! either give them a chastisement or do them a benefit. 
    until when he reached the setting place (‘the West’) of the sun ,                   [‘the (king of the-) west’] 
    he found it going down in muddy waters ,
    and found with it a population ;
    we said : o , ‘judgment day’ :                                              [whole line : prob. ‘Western society is changed’] 
    when you punish them ,
    then take the good (-things) unto them :    +

    [18.87]  He said: As to him who is injust, we will chastise him, then shall he be returned to his Lord, 
    and He will chastise him with an exemplary chastisement: And as for him who believes and does good, 
    he shall have goodly reward, and We will speak to him an easy word of Our command. 
    he (‘judgment day’) said : as to him who is injust , we will punish him ,           [=christian population] 
    then he will turn away from his lord ,
    when he will be punished with an exemplary punishment ;
    but for him who believes and does rightly ,    +                                        [=’most are non-christians now’] 
    for him will be a good reward ,
    and we will him our easy concepts (-to live by) ;                                                      [=’Western modernism’] 

    [18.89]  Then he followed (another) course. 
    then he (‘judgment’) followed (-another) course ,      +                                          [‘went somewhere else’] 
    [18.90]  Until when he reached the land of the rising of the sun, 
    he found it rising on a people to whom We had given no shelter from It; 
    until when he reached (-the land of) the rising place of the sun ,                  [=’the (king of the-) east’] 
    and he finds it rising on a people     +
    unto whom we had nót made us to shelter (hidden) from them ;            [‘the many souls-unlike-us’] 

    [18.91]  Even so! and We had a full knowledge of what he had. 
    for thus indeed we had encompassed the awareness what was in them (?) ;
                                                                                                     part II 
    [18.92]  Then he followed (another) course. 
    then he followed (-another) course ,     +                                             [=’he goes to the 3d and final group’] 
    [18.93]  Until when he reached (a place) between the two mountains, 
    he found on that side of them a people who could hardly understand a word. 
    until when he reached the barrier (‘border’) between ,                         [=’between the west and east’]  
    and he found , apart from the others (‘previous western group’)
    a people that could hardly understand a word ;                                         [=’christians adoring the KJV’] 

    [18.94]  They said: O Zulqarnain! surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. 
    Shall we then pay you a tribute on condition that you should raise a barrier between us and them. 
    ‘they said : O , ‘the one of the generation’ ,                       [=but they think : ‘rapture at judgment day’] 
    surely yajuj and majuj (‘Gog & Magog’)     +                                       [=’east & west dualism spiritualized’] 
    are the (potential-) corruptors on the earth ;
    shall we make you (‘judgment day’) come to pass ,
    that you make a barrier between us and them (Gog & Magog) ?                  [=read : ‘we be raptured’] 

    [18.95]  He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, 
    therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them; 
    he (‘their judgment’) said : 
    what my lord establishes through me is best :                 [=he sáys ‘rapture will happen through me’]  
    help me with strength ;                                                                                                               [read : ’empower me’ !]  
    I will make a barrier between you and them ;                                                   [=’I will save you from them’] 

    [18.96]  Bring me blocks of iron; 
    until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain sides, 
    he said: Blow, until when he had made it (as) fire, 
    he said: Bring me molten brass which I may pour over it. 
    give me scriptures (!) of limits (!) ,                                                                          [=’limited scriptures’ ! = KJV]  
    until it will have manifested into a clear two edges (-situation) ,                 [= ‘an oversimplified one’] 
    he said ,
    blow until when it will have been made into a fire ,                                                       [=’give energy to it’ !] 
    he said ,
    bring me to the region so that I finish it” ;                                                  [=yet he is ‘Jacobs punishment’ !] 

    [18.97]  So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it. 
    yet they (‘christians’) would not be helped by it ,
    for they would not penetrate (‘perceive what is going on’ ?) it ; 

    [18.98]  He said: This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes to pass 
    He will make it level with the ground, and the promise of my Lord is ever true. 
    he (‘their judgment’) said :
    this is a mercy from my lord ,                                                                             [=’they think it is what God said’]  
    as the appointed time (‘promise’) of my lord coming to pass ,
    he will make it levelled for the promise of my lord is true ;

    [18.99]  And on that day We will leave a part of them in conflict with another part, 
    and the trumpet will be blown, so We will gather them all together; 
    and until that day we will leave the one side      +                                                [=’his east & west dualism’] 
    in conflict with the other side , 
    and the trumpet will be blown , we will gather them (= ‘have corralled Jacob’) ,     +

    [18.100]  And We will bring forth hell, exposed to view, on that day before the unbelievers. 
    and we will present hell on display to the unbelievers (‘Jacob’) on that day ; 
    [18.101]  They whose eyes were under a cover from My reminder and they could not even hear. 
    [as]  those whose eyes were under a cover [=’blinded by’]  my remembrance [=’corrupted scroll’]  
    so that they were unable to hearken ;   

    [18.102]  What! do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be guardians besides Me? 
    Surely We have prepared hell for the entertainment of the unbelievers. 
    what ! do then the unbelievers (‘Jacob’) think     +
    that they can take on (‘compete with’) my servants      +
    that are the guardians of me ?                                                                                             [=’Esau guards Adam’…] 
    indeed we prepared hell as the lodging place for the unbelievers ; 

    [18.103]  Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in (their) deeds? 
    say : shall we inform you of the deeds of the greatest losers ?                            [=’candidates for 144′] 
    [18.104]  (These are) they whose labor is lost in this world’s life ,
    and they think that they are well versed in skill of the work of hands.p;
    they are those whose effort will be wandering-astray     +
    because of this world’s life , 
    while they think they are good in (their-) work ;                                                [=’became false prophets’] 

    [18.105]  These are they who disbelieve in the communications of their Lord and His meeting, 
    so their deeds become null, and therefore We will not set up a balance for them on the day of resurrection.
    these are they that are ungrateful for the verses of their lord (God)    +               [=’the true scroll !’] 
    in order to meet him ,
    so that their deeds are vain ;
    and we will not straighten the weight (prob. ‘responsibility’) for them    + 
    in the day of the resurrection .                                                                                               [=’the matrix has won’]  

    [other examples to be added]