[theme]  : Occult Rituals this time :
   the Moon theme,  ‘Hanukkah’ 
and the rise of the people guided
by the serpent-race [+more added] 

[version ; 2024-11nov.21] 
Esau’s matrix- vs eden-moon Ritual is ,
most unusual , repeated this month (see #3)

     … still 48 days to go ,
     and we’re looking good considered the ’70 bulls’ theme that includes the aspects of
     re-dedication of Eve & feminine (eden-) rule and her nemesis the Whore , the Moon , 
     the Tabernacle and the serpent race — as per posted chapters ;
     and if “gigantic oppression by the sphere around” is any secondary indication that
     we’re on the right way we must be going very well , where as usual the adversary
     through his lackeys devises Rituals to have souls empowering that oppression ,
     as themes that will link to the above mentioned aspects     —
#1   the 1000 lights dedicating Mother

     … Ukraine 19 november    — 
     based upon Esau’s ‘Hanukkah’ (see MainPage
     while the mother represents the Whore , 
     and now the component ‘Time’ has been added
     since the 1000 candles represent ‘1000 days’ — 
     good enough for the ’70 y’ of Mystery-Babylon
     [though he stole this idea from another 1000
     lights event by a humanitarian organization 
     held on the Taninn square in Kiyv the same day] 

     this was a Ritual within a Ritual – since the concocted Ukraine-Russian war serves as
     as an ongoing submission to ‘Fatima’ with her ‘sacred heart’ (sic) as Mystery-Babylon 
#2   the serpent race firing up its people

     … fortunately we had the Cush theme so that we know how
     a group of Jacob-souls got imprisoned in those heathens       
     and that He will free a group of the latter adding them to us ; 
     to right : the Maori Party leader ,
     most likely planted there by Esau , ‘protesting’ a by himself
     created “controversy” regarding some introduced new Bill ;
     of which the ‘why and how’ isn’t important for us [-see online 
     for more info]  but the fact that this instigation has been timed 
     for a reason – and compare statements by her , for example ,

from 0.55 – click to enlarge

     “The world is watching us te iwi Māori, whatever we do next. All indigenous people are 
     relying on us. It’s not just about us te iwi Māori, it’s about us as indigenous people that
     are liberating ourselves to Hawaiki mau, so who’s coming with us?” ,
     where ‘Hawaiki’ is ‘the mythical Polynesian homeland’ — read : Gaia , where the goal is
     to infect áll types Cushite indigenous people with the (Maori type-) serpent-power ;
     where – apart from the sudden rise to stardom – also the names of both leaders of this
     movement arouse our suspicion : hers as Hana , linking to -hanak “dedication” and his’
    as Rawiri in Maori meaning ‘common prayer book’ , read “the scroll”  
     now please – it is very imaginable that the serpent race wants to consolidate its power
     on (in) earth these days , right , and our interest is the stronghold they have over female ;
     therefore below a description by one of us (!) very acquainted with the situation of Maori
     and Jacob living together in NZ    —
    “when they do the ”serpent eyes“ [=as in the video]  they make their eyes bulge out of their 
    sockets , what is unnatural… and you’d think not physically possible … and they look exactly 
    like fish eyes… and they invoke their war god with the most vicious chant… the dance is very 
    ugly and it looks terrifying
    when the females did the ritual , going out to battle with the male warriors behind them [=sic] 
    doing the serpent tongue , extending out ,it was recorded that the [enemy-]  soldiers hallucinated
    …and saw their serpent gods … towering… and were terrified … they called them warriors 
    demons more than they called them savages , because their appearance was as such ,
    and because their serpent gods … literally materialised 
    the appearance of their gods , they are always depicted as Serpent like , rising up out of the sea ,
    always with protruding tongue and bulging eyes — not every deity has serpent tongue but most do
    yet every deity has those ferocious bulging eyes 
    I tell you , it [=Maori]  is the most serpentine worshipping nation in the world… I so know that’s the 
    oppression , so hostile and evil ; as continuation of their demonic ratana religion ,, where the hard 
    core Ratana Maori who is fully initiated… including serpentine tattoos… believe that they are the 
    chosen 144k from the KJV… that is growing quite large among them …
    two years ago they inserted their heathen demonic calendar , that is starting the beginning of their 
    heathen year … when the pleiades rises here in the southern hemisphere [=we saw that theme ,
    probably as ‘before the Deluge’]  making it a national public holiday of observance , of celebrations 
    worshipping the matrix moon… it’s called matariki ….those rituals go for 7 whole days culminating 
    on the day when the pleiades show … and then the national holiday and matrix moon events in 
    every town and city… 7 days prior to the demonic event all primary schools start the moon rituals 
  [=we had this “7 days celebration of heathen nations” — see Moon MainPage
    they campaigned to have their matrix moon inserted as public holiday , and Esau was glad to give 
    them that because ofcourse he initiated it [=sic] … so that now all of the country goes to these events 
    on that day and joins in the occult celebrations
    Maori believe , because NZ (Gisborne) is the first place to see the sun rise , it is a sign that they will 
    rise , as a special people with a mandate to their serpent gods… they are constantly invoking the 
    crystalline serpentine dimension , what makes the lightworkers look like kindergarten 
    they hate Jacob so much and hate our 144k 
    you are an absolute minority in this country if you resist their demonic celebrations and rituals… 
    though all the white people (Pakeha) think it’s harmless… Pakeha translates to “white pig” so that
    they call all White people as Jacob a pig ; it’s incorporated into all  literature and all of the spoken
    word as the national name for Jacob (the white pig) 
    no one dares to speak out against these rituals or these names [=sic] … every child when starting 
    school or early education is initiated into the serpent cult … and then every morning assembly at 
    school includes their rituals , when they pray to their serpent gods , for it is part of the national 
    school curriculum… Esau has made the whole country to bow down to their serpent gods and to
    the heathen matrix moon 
    every University , every technical institute , 
    every Esau institution… you are NOT allowed to NOT do their rituals or you kicked off the course
    … a couple of decades ago it was only seven people in the country with mokos (serpent tattoos) 
    but now there are hundreds of thousands of them with their tattoos … full face tattoos or just on 
    the chin or the body ..and many white people who may have only small amount of their blood… 
    you not allowed to get them done without the rituals of their serpent culture… you have to give 
    your soul to the serpent gods first
    in their ancient culture they don’t kiss with their mouths , bu all greetings are done by rubbing the
    noses (hongi) and pressing each’s forehead together where is the pineal gland…as a transfer of 
    energy/ power , and they know all this… 
    so they resurrected that practice – every greeting  is with hongi ; every official celebration starts 
    with their hongi .. and haka… it’s officiated and is just monstrous : even when the churches join 
    together for an evangelical event , it’s opened with the haka 
    the nose is fundamental to their beliefs as is the pineal gland , they worship it — during the wars
    they’d insert straws into the skull of their captured enemies exactly where the pineal gland is … 
    [=ancient Egypt had the same practice but probably “to make docile slaves of their enemies” ;
    in either case there are links between Maori & Egypt like the veneration of the Anubis type dog] 
    and suck up the crystalline  fluid : they believed by doing this power was transferred to them…
    is so horrific… where only 100 years ago .. they were cannibals 
    there is no country in the Christian west that has allowed the Serpent gods to completely invade
    as this NZ one has… half the country has some of their blood ; no full blooded Maori are left ,
    not even 50% , that’s how integrated… so Esau gave many privileges if you can prove even 15% 
    of their blood and many did ,so they all got initiated into the serpent cult : because was monetised
    … you’d be lucky if you can find even 10 people from Jacob who resisted ; the whole country is 
    Serpentine , their demonic symbols and concepts are on all official documents ; children at school
    have to draw their concepts and understand what they mean – you cannot escape it… “
     closing :
     hoping that the above background was more interesting for you as a mere dry type explanation
     of that “controversial” Bill — a background of the abysmal prison our Cush ones came out from
     and then especially the females of them that will be very sweet for ages of suffering ;
     where the background of ‘Esau & the serpent-driven people’ (-and both against Jacob) also is
     interesting considered the Spells where the superior Ammon sons talk somewhat denigrating
     unto their serpent-race brothers (-see CT pages) , yet they work together , and see Obadiah ;
            perhaps this specific Occult Ritual is not as obvious as other ones – since it appears very
            local and doesn’t get much coverage , yet the effect of it is global 
            [can’t help to say this : long time ago I was in discussion with two other people of which one
            was a Westernized probably full-blooded Gypsy female ; the other person made a remark
            infuriating her — and the next moment I sáw her eyes darken and shooting fire .. can’t recall
            whether they also ‘bulged’ , but never forget that sudden darkening and fire …] 
    BTW ,
    the next round of the ‘Maori protests’ is scheduled for … January 7 — our Date , sic ..
    as their serpentine Ritual held at Cape Reinga , Te Hapua , meaning “the Underworld” which
    by extension means “the leaping-off place of spirits (-into the Underworld)”.. coincidence ?

             sub :
              Paris Olympics Ritual 2024
              the ‘serpent race returns to earth’ theme
              [and for reference ‘blue Papa Smurf’ that
              was under a dish / dome]  ; adding (only)
              this picture here to can delete that page
              for we drown in the sub-themes , slowly

#3   Doodle : the matrix-moon VS the eden one
[original 10/24 post now moved to here
since the same doodle is repeated this 11/21 :] 

  doodle moon

         … they ceased their Ritualistic doodles some two years ago but now they are panicking   
         and hence throw an interactive Occult Ritual to the millions of souls    —
         you see the ‘moon phases cards’ below the moon as if ‘tears from that eye’ but these
         represent “the energy OF the many souls powering that moon” through the ritual ;  
         ofcourse this is not about ‘Earth’s moon” but the matrix gate [-of Adam] as “moon” 
         (which also is the ‘Jericho’ theme) making the dimensional-dawn for Mystery-Babylon ;
         hence the Egyptian Utchat-eye shown in the right half just like their moon is called in 
         the Spells : but see how the left half vaguely (and note ‘vague’ !) mirrors that eye ,
         implying that “a type double construct” is intended here ,  
        because the theme is the “Eden gate (‘moon’) powering the matrix gate (‘moon’)”

         .. that indeed it’s about the matrix-moon shows here >
         because he sits atop of the great dimensional pyramid
        which stands upon the Eden-realm of mt.tsiun , to be
         more precise “upon the eden binary” , see pages
         [and yes together it means ‘the eye of the pyramid’]


         while next the goal of this ritual is revealed , 
         as “will you make the moon at its brightest again ?” ,
         referring to ‘the 14th (matrix-) day” of each month
         when Adam’s gate has its maximum (stolen) power ,
         renewing the matrix-dawn dimension , and see how
         that succeeded since both eyes show now 
         [as ‘the eden gate still making him bright] ;
         hence “Horus’ two eyes” theme in the Spells !

         also note the phrase on a slide “the balance between light and dark is an astronomical game”
         for “the end of October IS the time of thinning of the dimensional Veil” and the strange word
         game ofcourse refers to the competition between their matrix and Eden ; 
         strengthened by their weird phrasing “the rising (sic) of the half-moon : did you know that the
         half moon is scientifically known as the Quarter moon ?” ; and where the Spells are full of
         the “(eden-) half (moon) month” powering the “(matrix-) (moon) month” ,
         Samhain 31 October (‘Halloween’) is “a cross-Quarter day” as the middle between the Fall
         equinox and the winter Solstice , where this period of end-October beginning of November
         is strongly connected to ‘a global catastrophy in the distant past’ — the Deluge ? —
         and a by many old cultures shared “Festival of the Dead” :
         so that our question is : how do the 14th Atonement & Tabernacles relate to this time ?