(‘crystalline’) is the Strange Fire + our rally against ‘their 144’ , perhaps : until Atonement (?) [complete serpent-light overview] [version ; 2024-08aug.21- ] |
this page set out to find whether our date may be Atonement – since after Weeks a season of judgment began , combined with the theme of the ‘Cush ones’ : which in turn is linked to the huge theme “serpent light” : in fact so large that this page became a kind of overview of ‘the Eastern religion’ as a Legal declaration we also did concerning other themes ; or directly go to the Atonement section (here) |
see part III |
content :
part I
– the scared to the bone Western christian
– ‘Gaia & the south land’ in the (restored-) scroll
– the ‘sorcery cord’ (‘chakra system) in the scroll
– in the scroll ‘Gaia and the cord’ are one theme <<<
– the concept of ‘being grounded’ upon land
– the origin of the serpent-race is the south land <<<
– what would the serpent-race háve done ?
part II
– the discerning of serpent-light VS God’s light
– the main curse for Jacob : this body
– second curse : the many heathen non-Eden souls
– the ‘144,000 lightworkers’
– their ‘ascended masters’
– unknown : why the number ‘144,000’ ? [start of Atonement section :]
part III
– video : “the 144,000 chakra petals”
– could WE 144,000 “grow exponentially” – until Atonement ?
– the ‘sealing’ in Rev.7 appears to confirm this !
– the ’12 coloured gemstones of the breastplate of the priest’
– coloured gemstones in the scroll : ‘subtile eden-energies’ : as OUR main Attributes
– subtile energies : a shared concept
part IV [/end of Atonement section]
part I
the fearful Western christian
… for many centuries the theme “chakras” and “subtle energies” has been
the possession of the Eastern Religion that was completely separated from
the Christian West — as a very frightened superstituous christian culture ,
worshipping a crucified deity having the attributes of Christ but in fact being
the ‘god of the West’ who would anytime pour out his harsh judgment upon
the fearful people : the long Medieval time was nothing short of a death cult
in the 11th century the number ‘zero’ was introduced in the West, brought to
her by the Arabs that had commercial contacts with the Far east : until then
the Roman numeral system was used that knew no ‘zero’ so that any trade
in financial aspect would greatly benefit from that introduction —
but Western man was afraid for the ‘0’ : though in the Eastern religion that
number was positive as the Nirvana , to the christian West she represented
the absolute Nothing , the god-less abyss of loneliness and destruction
… never in history existed a being so superstituous and Fearing Everything
as the Western christian – and we learned how his culture was a setup right
from the start – done by the evil ‘king of the West’ (see pages) that has been feeding Jacob a false dichotomy : as on the one hand a rather brutish mechanical mindset being overcompensated by a most superstituous type christian belief by means of ‘keeping the (still corrupted-) scroll away from Jacob altogether’ : because he knew that God would give that scroll báck to his people , yet the false dichotomy that had been fed to many generations over time would have implemented a chronically unstable mindset as guarantee that the real content of the scroll would never be perceived |
… already during the for him so dangerous Reformation he launched his next
attack in the form of ‘science and humanism’ to juxtapose it against christianity
which resulted in the insane ‘contra-Reformation’ and the awful ‘witch huntings’ ;
and when that dust was settled he started to attack Jacob from his newly created
scientific camp which threw themes at him like “the concept of evolution” —
however “countering” that with his own created superstious christian KJV mindset
so that the netto end result would always remain within the parameters that he as
the king (-of the West) desired
and though Jacob has always feared (!) the Eastern Religion with her uncatchable
themes of “chakras” and “subtle energies” and therefore shunned it , the king also
started to introduce these concepts at the end of the last century ,
knowing well that Jacob had been weakened through the KJV mindset , and that
many of him would try make a type Synergy of the Eastern themes with the already
eroded version of christianity [-and I must say lately I’m shocked to see how large
the ‘underground movement’ is of those practicing yoga and mindfulness etcetera ,
with those ugly inavoidable Buddha statues in every corner (btw : sad fun-fact :
did you know Buddha’s “hair knot” originally depicted the flame of enlightenment ?
and what does that tell about Esau’s “tongues of fire” at Pentecost and the millions
of christians worshipping that (devious-) aspect ..?) , where the justification of that
practice consequently uses utterly hollowed-out christian phrasings ;
supported by the post-christian broadcasters which in their fear (!) to be considered
no longer relevant have jumped the all-inclusive woke train ; while it seems to me
that THE final nail in the coffin of ‘church life’ was Esau’s recent jab hoax] ;
: with other words – it’s a gigantic Mess for poor Jacob
‘Gaia & the south-land’ in the (restored-) Scroll
… ofcourse the courting with Buddha and yoga is ‘courting with the serpent-light’
but the post-christian culture that remembers the KJV “how God made this earth”
and “we are to be her caretakers” for “all of humanity that are his children” created
unaware servants óf the serpent-race ; worse , the latter have their own ‘144,000’
that are the enemies of His 144,000 — and use that traitor group against us
therefore it is so important that you & we DO have a correct opinion concerning all the themes which the serpent-race parked in their ‘Eastern religion’ , for example ‘this earth’ : we saw how He mentions this earth as ‘an entity’ that ‘mutters and peeps (-as demons do)’ , which in the time of the end “will be tired of all the bodies she will have brought forth” (sic!) , etcetera ; in recent pages explaining how she is the work of the serpent-race that founded her , whom provided |
her with their “life” by constructing a river to their other dimension that would bring
their ‘waters’ (read : serpentine-energy) to this earth in order to give life to anything
they would desire to create — including Neanderthals as their ‘offspring’ ;
while for us it’s Legally important that we have their own Ramayana confirming this ;
and we may find móre things He spoke about this theme – like in Zephaniah 2 & 3 ,
but we need to tread carefully and not overdo it , to not lead ourselves astray ;
per the Scroll : the ‘sorcery cord’ (‘chakra system’)
… propagandists of “the Eastern chakra system is sanctified by the Bible” do admit
that the bible (read : KJV) nowhere explicitly talks about chakras but instead claim
how Christ secretly confirmed it in lines as “the lamp is the eye of the body” where
the ‘eye’ should suggest the so-called ‘brow chakra’ (known as ‘third eye’) ;
ofcourse that line was corrupted — yet surprisingly God did speak about it when explaining “the imprisoned ones of Cush” as the hostages of the serpent-race (!) that have devised the “(sorcery-) cord” for their soul [where hebrew -chbl links to ‘witchcraft’] ; and though every physical body is utilized with this chakra-chain the burden of it may be on the Cush ones as ‘their Attribute’ … |
so that “Gaia and the cord” are one theme
in God’s opinion, and in fact a very extensive one going from ‘the serpent race’
to ‘them making this earth’ to ‘them making that cord’ while mentioning how the
entity Gaia “brings forth the physical human flesh body” — though it has been
devised by Adam , “the material” is by Gaia and “what decides its growth” is
by the chakra-chain [-in combination with Gaia and this regulating Moon] :
the concept of ‘being grounded (-upon the land)’
… because our soul came to dwell inside this physical ape body ,
the connection of the body with the land (‘grounding’) is negative in this case
for it causes our prison ; yet the “grounding” in itself appears to be a rather
universal concept and not per definition negative —
compare how ‘Adam’ was “formed from his own ground” (-adme) and how He
describes that “the ground will blossom below the feet of the Originals” ,
suggesting how they are the pinnacles feeding and beautifying their land
simply ‘by touching it’ ; to not go off track too much – but for the Legal – also
the serpentine Rg-Veda knows this , saying “how BRhaspati [=’speech’] cut off
the hoofs of the sinners [=our Originals] so that they lost contact with their land
and he lead them as cattle to the bright place [=Mystery-Babylon] ” ;
it’s an adapted version of how God explained it but interesting here is ‘the type
contact with the land’ , where God so much says as “and I heard their cries
[=in Mystery-Babylon] but I would not help them for they left their own ground” ;
again implying an important relation between ‘human and his own ground’ ;
… in a similar way the serpent-race may have come forth FROM the south-land
— as the ‘shore of Heaven’ before Eden was created there —
where this reasoning makes Sense since God created our Originals to counter
the serpent-race that probably “had gained Legal right to dwell there becáuse
they originated from the south land” : until God intervened and created us that
were the Legal heir of it , and hence they were expelled from that moment
origin of the serpent-race : the south-land in the Dualistic realm <<<<
… it’s a dangerous theme but the above is plausible for the following reason :
after ‘Satan’ came into existence he founded ‘the evil West dimension’ as his
dwelling (-from where much later the Goat came as “the boat of Râ”) ,
and somehow that evil West ‘usurped’ the “sky above the south-land” so that
everything north of that land became “the evil-masculine Behemoth realm”
as a type ‘extension óf the West dimension’ ;
as opposed to the realm beneath the south-land ,
which remained the rather neutral (feminine-) ‘Leviathan realm” ;
and at some point in time , the Behemoth-realm attempted to occupy the land by
placing his ‘hook’ upon it – as an indirect hook into Heaven itself – in the form
of “his sons” that would become the serpent-race ;
he , as ruling (masculine-) entity made the Leviathan-realm to provide both
the “materials and the life for it” — akin to what Gaia does in our situation —
while he “formed and ruled that new world for his offspring” : as a world that
was “the perfect blend of (evil-) masculine and feminine” ; perhaps his hook
into the south-land was a stepup for even móre nefarious actions against
Heaven — which may be the reason that God had enough and started His
eden paradise upon the same south land , where one of His first actions
was “to cast the sinners (or: serpents) off from the (south-) land” …
… yet though the Behemoth was dispelled during Eden , after she fell he
came back full force , already seen by Enoch who travelled through the
south-land after eden had fallen , saying “how Behemoth and Leviathan
will be mixing again” [-and please remember this “perfect evil mix” for it is
exactly what today’s ‘false 144,000’ refer to as ‘Source’] ;
only when Eden will have been restored again the evil Behemoth will be
dispelled forever — until after the great interval , the ‘1000 years’ also the
entire West dimension will cease to exist
what would the serpent-race have done .. ?
… thought they have made a pact with their colleagues ‘the sons of Ammon’
that corrupted the Scroll as their both protection against God , where the job
of the serpent-race was “to imprison Jacob forever on a crystalline earth”
(see part II) so that Eden would never again come into being ,
a somewhat logical conclusion would be “that they would go re-occupy the
south-land again” with the intention “forever” since that IS their ‘home land’ ;
in this context the Egyptian spells are curious : though we know they called
the serpent-race ‘the ASBu and AKHABu gods” they also talk about a rather
vague region AKHEMUT + land : where MUT is ‘mother’ [+land] and AKH a
pun upon ‘spirit’ and ‘to flourish’ : in another life we really need to do these
and see what exactly they were saying …
part II
discerning serpent-light vs God’s Light
THE curse for Jacob : ‘this body’ [#1]
… all of the above you & we learned through the restored scroll ,
proving how incredibly important she is — since also we are Jacob-souls that
are completely blind inside this body with no way to know the outside world :
you remember the Ezekiel chapter wherein God tells the soul how she will get
this type flesh body so that she will not have to bear seeing the horrors of the
evil realm : but the same time will be utterly incapable of noticing Him ;
as the example in the intro pages : in a vision two decades ago a ‘shepherd’
figure akin to the one in top of page showed up outside me , followed by an
exact copy ; the goal was “for the soul to point out who was the real Christ”
yet there was no way she could know unless He himself would speak to her ,
because that was the only way for her to can recognize Him ;
in all honesty : this must be why He does not overdo it as far as ‘appearances’ are concerned because it would not help the soul : she would remain the same contexually clueless and never collect a proper embedding of her situation as everything He explains in his scroll ; therefore (corrupted-) lines as “even Satan masquerades as an angel of light” are not just silly but focus the soul upon things she should nót learn – first |
never happens . |
in fact many of Jacob first need to discover “that they are (-but) a soul” since
most of them – imo – do not even know that shé is their core ; and fortunately
ofcourse it happens that He touches a soul — for she is the only one áble to
recognize Him properly — but right away with the goal to learn that soul to go
abandon her cursed abstract ‘religious’ Self judging everything wrong ;
which ties in with the “He will not overdo His appearances to her” , right
second curse : ‘the many animal-souls in this world’ [#2]
… mainly because of the corrupted scroll ,
Jacob understands nothing of what ‘Esau versus Jacob’ was about , let alone
why He forbade old-Ishral ‘to mingle with the nations (-of heathens) around’ :
as the bulk of souls on this world that do not belong to Him – except the sweet
Cush ones ofcourse – and not need His light that is Life simply because these
are the souls as offspring of the serpent-race and therefore only desire the
serpent-light that will ‘stimulate them’ ;
therefore Jacob who believes “that all of humanity are the children of God”
does not recognize a hostile soul in a similar type body as himself , exposing
himself to the smart ones among them using synergy talk larded with eroded
christian phrases to integrate the serpent-light into the KJV-christianity —
the ‘144,000 lightworkers’
… within the entire ‘New Age movement’ there exists a specific group whose
general term as above denotes ‘anyone involved in the serpent-light theme’ as
working for the specific goal that the serpent-race has put down , see below ;
this group has become rather militant the past years ,
unlike in the old days – the decades until 2012 – where whacky looking women
and men pushed for the acceptance of ‘Source light’ through concepts as Reiki ,
healing through crystals and opening-the-chakra exercises ;
but since that movement imploded since 2012 (-see below) a reinvented new
type lightworkers has emerged much smarter than their predecessors , using
a vernacular so close to christianity that they profess ‘Christ’ openly and know
how to support that (read : twist) by exegesis of entire KJV sections ,
so that every biblical aspect will serve their beloved ‘Christ Consciousness’ ;
in fact these ones are overpowering and outsmarting Jacob who may sense
that something is not right here yet lacking the knowledge to expose them ,
so that he sticks with rejecting overt “signs of withcraft” that most often have
been but planted by Esau just to pester him …
as an example of ‘how smart they are’ see below video link
[not worth to show in full but worth to watch] ,
where they smoothly transform “the rigid version of a 144 belonging to a God”
into “the deeper and perfect understanding of that concept — namely theirs” ;
the ‘ascended masters’
… the first ‘wave of New Age’ brought to the West end 60s was a rather
non-homogene group where all practiced Eastern themes in their own way ;
but already from the start “channeled messages” started to appear as people
having contact with certain ‘entities’ : though surely a (great-) number of those
were nothing else as their own imagination , another number plain demonic ,
a small number appeared to be “credible” because of their composition and themes (though bizarre for us to say ofcourse..) ; and from these a pattern emerged as a group that wanted energetic change that would cause “a dome surrounding earth” that would cause a similar dimension as the situation until the Deluge ; and all of this had to be reached ‘before 2012’ as the set end-date [-and see PDF at end] |
but when nothing happened that year , the ‘ more serious’ channelings suddenly
stopped and the “lightworkers movement” imploded ; and only since recent years
she again gained ground : but now as ‘the smart ones’ like described above ;
in the years until 2012 we had no idea ‘whom’ these masters could be because
the entire universe was one chaos ofcourse — but now the serpent-race has
turned out to be a serious player , it makes sense that God halted “2012” :
yet our question is “did He inform them at that time how He would soon raise up
His 144,000 , and that (-therefore) since a couple of years now ‘a neck-to-neck’
race is going on between His remnant – and the 144,000 of the serpent-race … ?
why the number ‘144,000’ ?
… the number only appears in Revelation – which is suspicious – having no mirror
in prophets [-as far we saw until now] ; and though the number sounds ‘logical’
when linked to the twelve tribes , it is impossible to próve it through the Scroll ,
forcing us to look outside her to find confirmation —
it does not appear to match with any “scientific reality” for all she can postulate
is an “on average, each human genome may carry as many as 144,000
unique variants” where both the “may” ánd “genome theme” disqualify any
serious link to the ‘144,000 theme’ ;
then — we often posed that it is related to “144,000 collected Attributes” ,
and though we still hold that true there is no way that we could formulate
what then all these attributes could consist of – not even remotely ;
… but then comes this serpent theme [-and supported by the Scroll !] ,
in which rather often ‘the number 144,000’ appears : not directly ‘provable’
but plausible because of the context —
as “a group of 144,000 lightworkers” that ‘need to abandon their Self’
(as we do) “in order to become good instruments for a deity” (like we) ,
that “will be purified for that reason” (like us) for “their task to restore an
earth concept” (like we are !) , etcetera ; where the goal is “that a dome called the 144,000-crystal-grid” will be set up around earth holding serpentine light ; and that “through reaching the full potential of the human chakras which contain 144,000 ‘petals’ or as several others described it “spokes of a wheel” : |
part III
both 144 groups , subtle energies & the crystal dome
now : could WE 144 ‘grow exponentially’ – until Atonement .. ?
… more details concerning the “chakra & crystal theme” will continue below because
first we need to look at an aspect — per the video — that could be interesting for us :
the serpent-energy allegedly “starts at the base” then works herself up through the chain until it will reach the crown , meeting a factor 1000 there : after working to collect but relatively few petals it reaches the crown , then grows exponentially , akin to firework exploding after a long takeoff : so – could our situation be similar .. ? |
… because the point is this please —
the entire “sorcery cord” theme appears to match “the chakra subtle energies” which
is embedded in the “serpent race coming to earth” chapters – and it all appears Valid ;
while this whole theme started with “the ones out of Cush” as a theme that began
at the day of Weeks 13 June where ever since we are in this awful judgment season ;
while on top of that we had to … discover that “the progress of the collecting of all of
us 144,000 appears (!) to us as not going very smooth”
[while the crown is going haywire past week but that’s personal and doesn’t count] :
and combined with the other mentioned points above , especially the possible ‘rally’
between ‘their 144,000’ and we : could He suddenly collect all of us now .. ?
because of this possible pattern ? is that strange to think ?
Rev.7 : ‘do not hurt … until we sealed all of them’
… like above also “the angels that are sealing the 144” start at some mid-point ,
and we need to look carefully what event may have caused that —
becáuse they start sealing after a certain event ‘an exponential curve’ is possible !
and that hopefully as one ‘from Weeks until Atonement’ ;
the problem is “sealed after what” since Esau may have corrupted the subject here :
in Rev.7 it is said “to four angelic beings that represent the (matrix-) cardinal-points”
[as ‘the four horses’ that we have found already] “to not harm the earth” ,
but does that make sense and was this really said to ‘four beings’ ?
so that we have options here as
#1 perhaps it was the important ‘Strange Fire’ theme ?
the Strange Fire’ IS “the serpent light” which also is ‘the 5th seal’ since in that
section remained the word “altar” still ;
#2 however ,
a correct juxta of “those being sealed” is ‘those NOT being sealed’ which could <<<<
turn the subject into “the anti-144 ones” : in line 3 the angel says “hurt not the
earth, nor the sea, nor the trees” (-where the grocery-list is suspicious !) ,
but used word ‘hurt’ (-adikeó) is “do unrighteousness” ! that’s a Red flag !
since THE key-word concerning “the anti-144” was “the unrighteous ones” !
so that line 1 ,
as “I saw four + angels + standing + on the four + corners of + the earth,
holding + the four + winds + of the earth,
that the wind + should + not blow + on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.”
may be about
“the sons of + Ishral + that restored + the words of + the scroll of + God” ,
where the last sub-line was not about ‘wind’ , but like in prophets Esau randomly
wrote ‘wind’ or ‘spirit’ he saw “the Spirit” + removed + from the earth (?)” here ;
please — the point here is that ‘seal’ links to ‘the anti-144’ theme as these days ! ;
so that we need to look up ‘seal’ in prophets and try again what the insanely corrupted
sections as the end of Haggai 2 may have said [-the “seal (-ring) on the finger”] ;
and second ,
the “sealing” looks like “the appointed 144” in the pinned Atonement chapters !
that álso follows after “the unrighteous ones among the 144 removed”
then a surprise : ‘the 12 coloured jewels’ like the engravings of a seal
… this is about “the breast plate of the high priest” , see depiction ,
and though not exactly ‘an action’ the theme may belong here :
from “12 tribes” that are “being sealed” by “writing (-on the forehead)” it is a valid
step to “12 jewels as the engravings of a seal” representing “the 12 tribes”, is it not ;
but then we need to know “what” those jewels represent : in prophets He promises “that Eden will be restored as being founded upon all kinds of precious gem stones” [Esau’s “new jerusalem with 12 pearly gates” is false] ; now , we could go search prophets for more ‘gemstone’ lines but what we have at the moment is enough to bring us in extremely hot water – since there is no other possible conclusion that they must represent “subtle energies”... |
the gemstones : Eden’s “subtle energies” — but NOT like those of ‘chakras’ [sic]
… it appears that our problems never end —
especially since the breastplate as golden tablet carrying the gemstones was part
of the attire of the highpriest : as the attire representing our beautiful Originals
whose main creational component is “gold-dust” (-as the tablet itself ?) ;
in the Scroll :
… rather sure are “the emerald dome above God’s throne" [-also in Enoch] , the line
about “God walking upon a (dimensional-) floor of sapphire” and “the fire surrounding
Miss as the colour of amber” — but we’ve No Idea what these colours are nor what
their quality could be ; the Spells talk about ‘stolen Green’ UTCHA and stolen because
it was judged UTCHÂ , now as “the great green (-sea)” which is the Mystery-Babylon
realm so that this ‘green’ must be “a dimensional quality” :
and second ,
they appear to belong to our physical Gorgeouses – but since the priest carried them
being the stones – as 12 subtle (eden-) energies – that are our main Attributes !
so – how timely is this page .. ?
not as the ‘subtile energies of the chakras’ ofcourse but as their .. rival ;
would this not in some way “prove the 144 lightworkers versus us” theme .. ?
the chakras :
… though people have ‘seen’ the disk-type form of chakras as well as their individual
colours [-see below and PDF at end] , no-one knows what chakras ‘do’ even certain
attributes and characteristics are ascribed to them ;
while those claiming they reached some state of enlightenment maximum claim an
expansion of consciousness – whatever that means – but that tells nothing about the
functions and colours of the separate chakras ;
‘subtle energies’ : a shared concept
… that is the inevitable conclusion we must draw ;
not saying “that our Originals have a chakra system” – most probably not like that ,
but somehow “equipped with certain subtle energies” and certainly ‘mastering them’ ;
and definitely not saying that for example “serpentine green” is of the same quality
as the green that God uses
(how tricky it is to phrase these things .. ) ;
but perhaps ‘the quality is defined by the type light shining through it’ ,
and because the serpent-race was brought forth in the same region as our Originals
and because our Originals were created against their enemies , it makes Sense that
they also share certain aspects – like this theme –
just with the difference that God’s light made a vastly superior creation …
will be continued — we really need to ponder the above first please okay
part IV
technical : the serpentine chakras & their earth dome
… apart from ‘the sorcery cord’ being “the chakra system” and the chakras themselves
relating to “the subtle energies” theme – where both appear in the Scroll – this section
contains observations not found in the scroll , please be aware of that ; yet the quotes
[-from PDF at end] may help us connect to aspects we do know about :
the ‘crystal dome surrounding Mystery-Babylon’ :
… the Scroll mentions “the sorcery cord” and “subtle energies” but also ‘the dome’ :
Tyrus is said “as being in the sea [=matrix-dimension] surrounded with (eden-) waters”
depicting ‘a protective shield’ of sorts , which is confirmed in the Egyptian Spells as the
glyph SHENÁT “hail” [-from root SHEN ‘to surround’] ,
as a huge dome , a disk called ÁTEN surrounding the city and her false paradise ;
and the same concept is repeated in Rg-Veda ;
curiously Enoch visited ‘the castle’ as Mystery-Babylon , describing it as “a place where
is no love” (sic) , having a chequered floor and walls of burning ice , while its roof is
the path of the stars [‘northern Space’] — especially “the burning ice” combined with the
attribute “no love” is a perfect description of the Crystalline !
[we cannot make up if he visited her region or just Damascus – the matrix gate – because
after that he visits God’s house ‘which is much greater and more beautiful’ , yet the point
remains valid per his descriptions]
.. to be fair , it’s a bit more difficult – it always is –
because “the hail” concept was stolen from Eden , while in new-Eden the pillar of fire will
cause a “dome of fire surrounding the (eden-) land” [-which will consume Satan and his
armies after the 1000 years are over] ; just these are not of the same nature as the dead
Crystalline of the matrix : please be sure you distinguish both
[from the PDF :]
the chakra system
“This [etheric-] invisible part of the physical body is of great importance to us, for it is the vehicle
through which flow the streams of vitality which keep the body alive, and without it as a bridge to
convey undulations of thought and feeling from the astral to the visible denser physical matter,
the ego* – could make no use of the cells of his brain. It is clearly visible to the clairvoyant as a
mass of faintly-luminous violet-grey mist, interpenetrating the denser part of the body,
and extending very slightly beyond it.”
“Anyone who possesses a slight degree of clairvoyance may easily see them in the etheric double,
where they show themselves as saucer-like depressions or vortices in its surface. When quite
undeveloped they appear as small circles about two inches [=5cm] in diameter, glowing dully in
the ordinary man; but when awakened and vivified they are seen as blazing, coruscating whirlpools,
much increased in size, and resembling miniature suns.”
[here ,
so : ‘seven miniature suns’ – see the China seven suns Ritual in other page]
… as a description of ‘the sorcery cord’ but our question ofcourse is “why 7” ? since that is a biblical number ; perhaps when Adam devised this newer type body that was upgraded from the fewer chakras which had powered the Neanderthals it was intended ‘as 7 to imprison Jacob’ ; other sources claim ‘still 5 outside the body’ making a total of 12 – but we leave that be ; |
“Each of the secondary forces which sweep round the saucer-like depression has its own
characteristic wave-length, just as has light of a certain colour; but instead of moving in a straight
line as light does, it moves along relatively large undulations of various sizes, each of which is
some multiple of the smaller wave-lengths within it. The number of undulations is determined by
the number of spokes in the wheel, and the secondary force weaves itself under and over the
radiating currents of the primary force, just as basket-work might be woven round the spokes of
a carriage-wheel.”
[here ,
though Rg-Veda does talk about ‘the wheels’ it is tricky to derive concepts from texts there
as “the seven gods have seven spears and seven lights ; they hold seven glories” [8.28.5] ,
since most deals with ‘the Mystery-Babylon situation’]
[a description concerning their nature :]
“These chakras naturally divide into three groups, the lower, the middle and the higher;
they might be called respectively the physiological, the personal and the spiritual.
(1) The first and second chakras [=down in the body] , having but few spokes or petals,
are principally concerned with receiving into the body two forces which come into it at that
physical level – one being the serpent-fire from the earth and the other the vitality from the sun.
(2) The centres of the middle group are engaged with the forces which reach man through his personality,
through the lower astral in the case of centre 3, the higher astral in centre 4, and from the lower mind
in centre 5. All these centres seem to feed certain ganglia in the body.
(3) Centres 6 and 7 [=at the head] stand apart from the rest, being connected with the pituitary body
and the pineal gland respectively, and coming into action only when a certain amount of spiritual
development has taken place. I have heard it suggested that each of the different petals of these
force-centres represents a moral quality, and that the development of that quality brings the centre
into activity. For example, in The Dhyana-bindu Upanishad the petals of the heart chakra are
associated with devotion, laziness, anger, charity and similar qualities. I have not yet met with any
facts which definitely confirm this, and it is not easy to see exactly how it can be, because the
appearance is produced by certain readily recognizable forces, and the petals in any particular
centre are either active or not active according as these forces have or have not been aroused,
and their unfoldment seems to have no more direct connection with morality than has the
enlargement of the biceps.”
[here ,
the tandem “serpent-fire from earth AND vitality from the sun” we discussed before ;
just as “the unknown nature of the subtle energies” as he phrases it here also : later Hindu
works [-after Rg-Veda and Ramayana which are NOT ‘Hindu’] as the mentioned Upanishads
are utterly untrustable]
“There are, however, certain facts observable which may be the basis of this rather curious idea.
Although the likeness to petals is caused by the same forces flowing round and round the centre,
alternately over and under the various spokes, those spokes differ in character, because the inrushing
force is subdivided into its component parts or qualities, and therefore each spoke radiates a specialized
influence of its own, even though the variations be slight. The secondary force, in passing each spoke,
is to some extent modified by its influence, and therefore changes a little in its hue. Some of these
shades of colour may indicate a form of the force which is helpful to the growth of some moral quality,
and when that quality is strengthened its corresponding vibration will be more pronounced. Thus the
deepening or weakening of the tint might be taken to betoken the possession of more or less of
that attribute ”
[here ,
he is saying nothing else as “that the different subtle energies [must-] have different qualities”]
[the chakras themselves :]
receiving energies :
(1) [the root :] “..
“… sometimes a flaming cross is taken to indicate the serpent-fire which resides in it.
When acting with any vigour this chakra is fiery orange-red in colour”
(2) [the spleen :]
“the vitality of the Sun is poured out again from it in six horizontal streams,
the seventh variety being drawn into the hub of the wheel. This centre therefore has six petals
or undulations, all of different colours, and is specially radiant, glowing and sunlike.
Each of the six divisions of the wheel shows predominantly the colour of one of the forms of
the vital force -red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.”
[the root :]
we can’t link it to anything in the Scroll – except that ‘a ruby-red stone’ also was part of the
breastplate of the priest — and that perhaps “red” can be linked to “connecting to the land”
also in the case of Eden : yet it does not appear to be the same theme as “red, ruddy” in
the name ‘Adam’ since the hieroglyph for that is TESHER —
in the Spells this ruby or carnelian is HER-ST , something stolen from the eden-soul -S ,
and in CT spell 500 (+something) indeed HERST is now linked ‘to the (matrix-) land’ ;
[the spleen :]
the “vital energies from the sun” means “from Mystery-Babylon” , implying a mixture of
matrix- and (by them called ‘purified’) eden-energies : though the vital energy that is sent
to earth is ‘a very low dosis’ compared to what they keep in their ‘paradise’ ;
and not to be confused with the electromagnetic energies which the body needs ;
it’s difficult to say which one of both – serpent-energy or the sun’s vital energy – is the
Strange Fire since bóth must be a mixture by now perhaps that is why “the sun going dark
and the moon becoming as blood” are mentioned —
where ‘the moon’ (-placed in the sky after the Deluge) regulates those same energies
in order to create the cycle of birth and growth ;
personality :
(3) [the solar plexus :]
“.. is very closely associated with feelings and emotions of various kinds. Its predominant colour
is a curious blending of several shades of red, though there is also a great deal of green in it.
The divisions are alternately chiefly red and chiefly green.”
(4) [the heart :]
” is of a glowing golden colour, and each of its quadrants is divided into three parts,
which gives it twelve undulations, because its primary force makes for it twelve spokes.”
(5) [the throat chakra :]
“… has sixteen spokes, and therefore sixteen apparent divisions. There is a good deal of blue in it,
but its general effect is silvery and gleaming, with a kind of suggestion as of moonlight upon
rippling water. Blue and green predominate alternately in its sections.”
[the solar plexus :]
the “associated with feelings and emotions” perhaps are those of the most basic type
like ‘fear & anxiety’ that one can literally feel in the stomach ? like the Neanderhals ?
[the heart :]
though everywhere else depicted ‘green’ it is said as “golden” here ;
we often posed that the Jacob-soul ‘is imprisoned in the heart’ where recently in the Cush
chapters it described them “saying in their heart” — so that this chakra must be ‘a seal’ as
double imprisonment ; where likely the animal-souls can have easy entrance to the
matrix-world (astral-travelling etcetera) since this chakra IS of the matrix ;
while ‘the 12 petals’ here may have been devised becáuse of Jacob ;
[the throat :]
that’s a mysterious one : “telepathic communication” is foreign to us yet ‘the spoken word’
has (creational-) power as a Legal attribute : perhaps that power is generated by the energy
of this chakra accompanying it ? (-and compare Emoto’s work , see next section) ;
in the Spells this may be the colour ‘turquoise-blue’ – but related to ‘voice’ ?
spiritual :
(6) [the brow :]
“… that is between the eyebrows, has the appearance of being divided into halves, one chiefly rose-coloured though with a great deal of yellow about it, and the other predomi- nantly a kind of purplish-blue, again closely agreeing with the colours of the special types of vitality that vivify it. Perhaps it is for this reason that this centre is mentioned in Indian books as having only two petals, though if we count undulations of the same character as those of the previous centres we shall find that each half is subdivided into forty-eight of these, making ninety-six in all,because its primary force has that number of radiations. This sudden leap form 16 to 96 spokes, and again the even more startling variation from 96 to 972 between this and the crown chakra” |
(7) [the crown :]
“… at the top of the head, is when stirred into full activity the most resplendent of all, full of
indescribable chromatic, effects and vibrating with almost inconceivable rapidity. It seems to
contain all sorts of prismatic hues, but is on the whole predominantly violet. [….] In addition
to this it has a feature which is possessed by none of the other chakras – a sort of subsidiary
central whirlpool of gleaming white flushed with gold in its heart – a minor activity which has
twelve undulations of its own. This chakra is usually the last to be awakened. In the beginning
it is the same size as the others, but as the man progresses on the Path of spiritual advancement
it increases steadily until it covers almost the whole top of the head. Another peculiarity attends
its development. It is at first a depression in the etheric body, as are all the other because through it,
as through them, the divine force flows in from without; but when the man realizes his position as
a king of the divine light, dispensing largesse to all around him, this chakra reverses itself, turning
as it were inside out; it is no longer a channel of reception but of radiation, no longer a depression
but a prominence, standing out from the head as a dome, a veritable crown of glory.”
[the brow :]
actually the only thing of interest for us here is ‘the 96 petals’ because of the 144,000 theme ;
other versions may tell ‘2’ but then they only mention the depicted “both halves”
[the crown :]
he mentions ‘972’ where others say ‘1000’ ; where the “x1000 factor” appears to link to the
threshold theme , as a sudden exponential growth ;
ofcourse this one dóes get close to a biblical-spiritual concept including the simultaneous
‘receiving & radiating’ aspect especially considered the males of the 144 —
but to not go off track we leave it hereby ;
[other type energies – per the PDF :]
… he continues with “even more vague subtle energies” of which some do seem to exist
(like the aura field surrounding someone) but since we have what we need we will not go
further into some Abyss of dangerous concepts that may hold or may not hold water ;
the crystalline : random themes (interesting !)
… everything below are the most interesting quotes from the PDF shown at end ,
but we don’t consider it worth to go deeper into this material nor categorize them ;
please do remember not every word is true because said by the serpent-race ;
lines in bold are ours + occasionally followed by a note ;
[said before 2012 :]
“Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanity’s
current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequential light
resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the
Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial
composition of every plane of existence.
It is the enzyme of reality and the vitality spring of the Cosmos itself.
The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that
will allow for the conversion of this Earth’s receival capacity template from, in your vernacular,
analog to digital, black and white to color.
The Crystalline Awakening is now coming into greater prominence. The Crystalline energy
and indeed the entire mineral kingdom relates to humanity through both physical and etheric
means. It has always been so. The mineralogical crystalline essence is essentially the root-
resonance of the same creative force that formed the Cosmos. As such the realms of the
crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related , such that one is never out of contact
or subtle communication with the other. You see your physical human bodies contain crystalline
particles and a rich array of minerals that are uniquely relative to the earth.
Accordingly, the harmonic ratios of minerals and crystalline particulate that are in both your
physical and etheric bodies are maintained in coherent uniformity with those of the earth.
Thus the resulting frequential ratios of earth and humanity are held in a requisite balance for the
well-being and support of humanity individually and in mass.
A key aspect of the New Crystalline Age is a purposed clarion call to the Crystalline and Mineral
kingdoms of the Earth to increase the flow of energy that it receives from the core of the earth.
Arkansas and Brazil are composites of the two greatest masses of quartz crystal and associated
gemological forms on the planet, and are key to this call.
It should be no surprise to you then that the occurrence of vortex-portal complexes are not random
in design or location [=that will power up the dome around earth] .They occur in diverse locales for
specific reasons, and rarely exist where there is not a mineralogical tectonic base-matrix to support
them. The same is true of Leylines.”
“Now, the core of the earth plays a major role in many aspects of your planet and its duality as
well as the flash of reality units within your linear time sequence. The core of the earth is Crystalline.
There is an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise.
The ratio of the earth’s inner spin to its outer spin directly affects the flash of time enfoldment.
The inner core is spinning faster now, and thus your time is speeding up. It is in fact the increase in
the speed of light that affects this increase in spin. Because the core is spinning more rapidly, it is
increasing in heat and size. This is responsible to a great degree for the global warming that is now
occurring. The Crystalline Core has a physical and nonphysical reality. One is matter the other
antimatter. The physical core is crystallized in magnetic iron-nickel alloy-composite.
The core is not hollow. The Crystalline Core is lucid coherent energy that can be compared to the
sun’s sentient radiation as it beams upward in every direction from the core.
In its upward flow it creates a radiation sphere of influence that increases, disseminates , propagates
and energizes all life force. This radiation field is a domain transducer that physicalizes vital energy.
It has the remarkable capacity to solidify the sentient earth’s resolve & intent into tangible physical
reality. As such nonphysical energy moves through and becomes solid energy in amassed
crystalline formations that grow & amplify energy. The two primary vortexes of these crystal beds
are Arkansas and Brazil.
As such these massive crystalline vortexes serve as receiver-transmitter and receptive-conductive
force field conduits of energy that transfuse and convey vital Cosmic life-force to everything that
exists upon and within the earth. Solar and Stellar radiation waves and emissions accelerate
and optimize the amassed beds of crystalline energies. Such emissions exhilarate and intensify
the crystals transformational amplifications of energy, and as such create optimally heightened
proliferation of all that is within the earth’s field of influence.”
[here ,
solar influence means ‘Mystery-Babylon’ in this case : the sun emitting a mixture of matrix-aspects
with “purified” eden-aspects : though a very low dosis (-because the bulk they keep for their
paradise inside) , and compare how this energy is absorbed by that one chakra ;
this ‘moon’ does not send out energies but regulates those coming from the sun
and translates those in ‘cycles of life’ as ‘birth’ and growth ;
we know nothing of ‘stellar energies’ and though “planetary energies” may be possible
we have nothing with the type ‘planetary astrology’]
“Let us review the activation process of the 144-Crystalline grid [=to be around earth].
The grid is sacred crystalline geometry, the double penta-dodecahedron [=complex Platonic solid],
which by specific design includes 144 pentagonal and triangular facets in a symmetrical crystalline
matrix. The double penta dodecahedron is stellated, which means that each of the major twelve
facets are raised in the center to form five sided pyramids. Thus there are 12 pentagonal pyramids.
Each facet in counted both on the base and pyramidally raised portion. So if you consider that each
pentagonal surface contains 5 isosceles triangles and one pentagon, you have 72 facets.
Additionally, each of the twelve stellated aspects have 5 triangles and one five-sided pyramid,
thus you, combine the surface and stellated portions to achieve the Master Number frequential of
the twelve squared-144. Thus the 144 nomenclature of the Crystalline Grid. Do you understand?”
[here ,
actually it appears ‘a bit forced’ this specific type Solid —
though ofcourse it fits very well the 144-chakra concept , it almost appears as if
the ’12’ and ‘144’ have to appear : because of Jacob — or why not use other complex forms ?]
“the crystalline vortex will be fully in place in 2012.
And so on the summer solstice of 2008, will the first crystal awaken. It is not for you to activate
the crystals, it is not for you to anchor the vortex, rather it is for you to align yourselves within
this completion, within this activation, within this celestial anchoring of the quantum crystalline field.”
[here ,
2012 was their goal – back then – and please see the final quotes below]
[second transcript – in blue : history of “Atlantis” ;
there’s no way to verify any of it while he may have changed history as in Ramayana
and it’s just “about the time before the Deluge” – but copied because of the ‘moon’ here ;
as :]
“Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the second moon of Atlantis, was in fact a
massive crystalline satellite. It was of Arcturian [=serpent-race] construct and managed by the
Priest Scientist of the Law of One. The crystalline satellite was an enormous unmanned sphere
of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles in diameter. It has been in use since the Golden
Age of Atlantis, and served myriad benevolent purpose. It amplified and controlled the various
crystal beams sent from the fire [=which?], as healing and energy crystals. It was somewhat of a
computerized macrochip that refracted, separated, refined and reflected beams of energy
for use in agriculture, weather control, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and the
enhanced ley-energy systems generated by the crystal poser system. It loomed in the skies over
Atlantis and appeared as a golden ‘harvest’ moon, and thus was known as the second moon.”
[here ,
assume it is true — then why “this moon” cannot have been placed here after the Deluge ?
it does not regulate ‘crystal energies’ – then Jacob would be imprisoned already – but also is
an “engineered product” [-by them] , where the ‘unmanned’ is a curious phrase]
“A very benevolent colony of the blueskinned LeMurians exist underground in Arkansas,”
[cont.: page 93 PDF :]
“There is a race of humanoid beings, that originated at the time of LeMuria and at a later phase
in Atlantis, who found means to enter into the hollow chasms of your earth. There are vast hollow
expanses within your planet that were once connected by vast tunnel networks. Those beings that
first entered were of the lighter body form, a physical form not as dense as those surface humans
have since evolved into on the surface [=since Adam devised those]. Those of LeMuria first entered
in these crevices initially to escape the rampage of what you term dinosaurs that over ran their
continent for a long period of time.
In time they discovered vast areas of great tranquility and profound beauty as they adapted to
these inner worlds. As they ventured deeper, these beings discovered that an inner sun, in a
manner of speaking, exists in the inner depths. The inner sun emits a form of blue light, and the
ancient LeMurians, in semi-physical etheric bodies developed a means to see within this light,
and discovered an amazing beauty in the chasms. Some of you think that the LeMurians ascended,
the truth is they descended into the earth, but are very close to what may be termed their cyclic
completion, or Ascension.”
[here ,
see “blue beings” paragraph earlier on this page ;
again – we do NOT know what is the real version here , who knows these ‘lemurians’ were a
faction of the serpent-race itself ; where “the beautiful regions and sun” appear very much
to be “the womb” in earth as described in Ramayana – and see the Obadiah chapter]
“Now it should be noted that within what is termed the inner earth, the increased pressures and
magnetics of gravitational and tectonic forces create a unique and specific vector template that
allows for greater tangibility, greater anchoring of what you would term dimensional parallels.
Therefore, there are actually concentricities within the earth that allow for multiple overlays of
inner dimensions. In truth these exist everywhere in the Universe as you know it, and exist on
the surface of the planet, but are considerably less tangible on the surface for the reasons of
electromagnetic and pressure densities that we have given.”
“These beings of LeMuria are far more highly evolved in spirit than you are at this time.
Their bodies are, as I have said, less dense, but are indeed physical. Their skin has taken on
the hue of green and in some cases a green blue, because the water they drink is highly mineral
in content, containing oxidized copper and other metals in a higher concentration. These beings
are peaceful, knowing no religion other than the love of Source [=sic], and an understanding of
what is termed great tranquility. They are quite aware of you, but have no desire to intermingle.
Their bodies are sustained by a crystalline magnetic force, and of a light source that is emitted
from your planetary core. Their mental capacities have allowed them to harness these force fields
and adapt them to their physical and spiritual sustenance. Although they are in physical biology,
it is a more 4th dimensional biology and thus far less dense than your own. Many of them are quite
adept in what you term teleportation.
There has indeed been contact between the inhabitants of the inner world and your governments,
but not an intermingling. There have been messages of the need for the human race on the surface
to be aware of the coming changes. As we have said, those of the inner world are on a different
course, a different time cycle, and one that is close to completion.”
[here ,
the “(love of-) Source” – see earlier on page – is quite telling ofcourse ;
whatever ‘they are blue because of water they drink’ means , it does show that humanoids
remain closely connected to their type land – also see earlier on page]
[next : a question about ‘the Yeti’ –
but the answer can be about anything : even Neanderthals or modern man :
as :]
“These you refer to as Yeti or those termed, Bigfoot,
are earlier versions of the genetic experiment on Earth [=sic], primarily from the phase of Atlantis
some 20,000 years ago. At that time there were many genetic experiments on your planet. These
beings are intelligent, but genetically impaired [=read : on purpose !]. These massive forms were
genetically created using human DNA with that of the ape to create a laboring humanoid
beast, a beast with greater intelligence, human like intelligence, but with imposed genetic wiring or
implants that ‘unplugged’ certain areas of the brain.
These are survivors of what you term ‘the others’ of Atlantis. These are remnants of beings callously
created for work force within mines, farms and forestry. The areas of their brains that allow emotion,
and expansive thinking has been artificially impaired within their codes, yet it is the same source that
inhabits these diminishing creatures that is within the dolphin, yet within their bodies it is unable to
find expression or mentally evolve beyond certain limits. Yet they do possess that termed divine
[here ,
also “the Sumerian population was created as worker-slaves by the serpent-race” so that
is nothing new — but you see that “DNA” could refer to themsélves even , or even describe
how ‘modern man’ is the mixture that Adam devised (-from our Originals & ape) :
the problem ofcourse is “that in any project THEY made , they wanted slaves”]
“Now, the Pleadeans, Arcturians and Sirians [=read : ‘the serpent-race] who are your primary
genetic source work very closely with humankind. These benevolent extraterrestrials have worked
with you in the past, present and future, in your terms in many efforts to assist mankind regain their
true mastery. These beings work with your gravitational fields, grids and ley, vortex and portal
systems, especially in the ongoing revamping of earth’s dimensional access upgrade. Accordingly,
they have developed means of coexisting with you to some extent,”
[next theme :]
Crysto-Coded Structured Water :
The natural living waters beneath Arkansas are energetically infused by the quartz crystal strata
around them. These are crystalline geo-structured waters. Most of you attribute the wisdom of
Japan’s Dr Emoto as having been the first in modern times to reveal the living nature of water
with the ability to form benevolent crystalline patterning. In truth Dr Marcel Vogel was the first in
your ‘present’ time to rediscover this attribute. We tell you that waters that flow in subterranean
springs and aquifers within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, are extremely beneficial ‘structured’
waters : ’Living’ waters that carry the crystal codes. Those of you called to be in the Crystal Vortex
are encouraged to drink the waters and bath in the springs.
[here ,
this is very useful in the ‘Giza was the real tower of Babel’ page , unfinished still ,
where we opted that the geometric pyramid ‘energized’ the water in the aquifer below !!
then — you can search vids of Emoto under “speech & water-crystals” ,
and please see the remark at the Throat chakra in the section above ; while you can
look up the subject “water has memory” ;
and finally : Vogel claimed he could even “paint pictures through willpower” where the
paint was a type crystalline substance – there does exist a long page on the Net about him
but it’s very chaotic so we leave that now]
“This parallel Earth [=the ‘ethereal Double of earth’] is composed wholly of plasma
(unlike your physical-dense Earth, which although it contains a plasma-sphere, magnetosphere
and ionosphere, is largely a rocky outcrop). Hence, while the biosphere of the physical-dense Earth
occupies only a small volume of the Earth, i.e. largely connected to plus or minus 10km from sea
level (which is less than 1% of the volume of the Earth), the plasma Earth is wholly composed of
plasma making it more like a gigantic plasma ocean and having a “tear-drop” shape similar to Earth’s magnetosphere. The biosphere of this counterpart Earth is therefore many times larger than the
physical Earth and life forms often move in all three dimensions quite extensively (i.e. like fishes in
the sea, not like human beings on the surface of the Earth). There is enormous biodiversity in this
oceanic plasma planet which teems with life.”
[here ,
like ‘this body’ has an energetic-ethereal double (as the aura and everything within it) ,
see chakra section , it is conceivable that also ‘earth’ has one ;
but why so much ‘larger’ ? perhaps because ‘perceptions in the spiritual realm are’ ?]
“The electromagnetic grid is reduced in function as the Earth transforms into Crystalline Energy
through the mechanisms of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Age is upon you,
and indeed the [physical-] Crystalline Light Body is the natural transition.
For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension.
In this context it is frequentially non-polar and non-gendered. It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant, inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them. [here , from a carbon-based body humanity slowly will change into a crystalline less-dense type body where Esau helps that progress with his graphene 666 ‘covid’ jab ; the ‘zero field’ is similar to the pre-Deluge situation on earth] |
“Each new matrix, each new geometry will occur in layers through dimensional openings that
will occur through the rapidly expanding portals of the Ascension. Each requires effort and work
to establish. The inertia of your planet is rapidly increasing as the 144-Crystalline Grid nears total
energy activation and completion. As such there are very significant changes in the function,
geometry and mechanism in the upshift to Crystalline MerKiVa [=some type light-body] and the
initial function of these will be given to you in this essay. What each seeker must do is in aspect
the intentional development and willful evolution of the expansive human spirit in integration
with the Crystalline Zero Point Field. It is in essence a unification of physical duality into etheric
coherence. It combines the frontal mind into the crystalline nature of the super subconscious or
God Mind [=’Source’] in a purposed bioengineered process of Impeccable Wholeness.”
[it appears that this channel did not complete cease after 2012
because the below quotes are from an added essay in 2017 —
after saying “that the planet rebooted in 2012” ,
as :]
“In the phase of 2017 to 2038 you will be tested. You are experiencing a necessary nebulous phase
for the next 10-14 years. The crystalline electro-magnetics are shifting into the appropriate earth
nodes and the ‘new’ earth codes & currents will not be fully in place, fully optimal until 2038.
This means the polarity aspects of the planet are re-structuring. And in this phase, the normalized
parameters are not yet reached.
To phrase this differently, Pandora’s Box is open for the next two decades. Do not misunderstand !
We are not sharing this to frighten you, rather to assure you that the changes taking place do lead to
a better program. But the program will not be fully functional until 2038. There is however, sufficient
coding in place to assure the Ascension. Rest well on the knowledge that the doomsday
predictions will not materialize [=sic] .We tell you that in 2017, year five of the New Earth,
all of you are in a swift current of prolific development & profound discovery of your capacities
and potentials. You are in a long planned prophesized era that you have yearned for.”
[here ,
sooo — what does this say about “in 2012 God told them what will happen” ? , see earlier ;
and why is he “assuring” their ascension ? what “doomsday predictions” : in 2017 ?
in fact the doomsday predictions ceased after 2012 !]
[next : though he does not mention any “restoring of old texts” – that started in 2017 ! –
the overall theme comes very close to that : “interpreting the past and past events” etc ,
almost with the idea “to blóck that for OTHERS [=you & we]”,
as :]
“What we are saying is that the mosaics of selves that compose your oversoul are in constant
communication. Your ability to coherently receive these communiques and more lucidly inter-
and intraconnect with the array of your oversoul fragments of selves is exponentially increasing
in the New Earth frequencies of 2017 [=why ‘in 2017’ ?]. In the ongoing dimensional expansion
and frequency upshift taking place on your planet, you have a greater ability now to raise and
project into a sort of timeless midplane in which you can directly converse with your other
ongoing lifetime personalities (depending somewhat on your navigational abilities in the higher
realms). In truth, you do this more often in sleep than you realize.
What is changing now is the ability to more clearly project into this collative realm in waking states
of conscious theta. It is important for you to take note of what we are sharing here because
telepathic communication with past and future lifetimes is quickening.”
material :
PDF : chakras , Leadbeater
PDF : Metatron by Tyberonn
metatron-tyberonn files
YT : the alchemist ; iron woman as perhaps the best source of their theme on yt
[/ end of page]