start :
as the evil copy of ‘the crown by our birth-right’
lose at Atonement ..?
… this will not be an easy page – sorry – but because the subject is so unknown ,
yet perhaps by writing down what we learned we can come to a sound theme —
the Attribute in the Revelation 3 chapter is “birth-right, first-born right” that Christ
will bring ; and though it’s difficult to see how “a sealing on the forehead” relates
to “a crown (-of eden-Life)” at this moment , the eden-crown should be ‘of light’
as a similar but not the same concept like the matrix-crown
downhere |
--> crown : different but likely ‘at the same place’
--> other “subtile energies” : |
the analogy would not match 100% since ‘the crown of birth right’ would not be part of
the twelve subtle energies below it but ‘rule them’ instead ,
where this rule may be linked to Christ — since he is ‘the head of the 144,000’ and per
the lines in Isaiah 22 where “He carries the birth-right as Attribute” the crown of light
of everyone “should contain (a part of-) His light” – is that correctly phrased ?
how this would appear on male and female separately is a bit tricky —
having seen Eve (-but vaguely) her long blond curls were her crown it seemed , though
ofcourse not ‘of the glory of Adam’ the monster — so that each beautiful female Gorgeous
is a separate being yet perhaps her crown ‘will assume the colour of that of her male’ .. ?
‘concentric subtle energies’ ?
… the eden-model so to speak of male & female is ‘concentric’ since she is inside male
where in wider sense all are enveloped – protected – by God ; and a similar concentric
idea may be shown in “the campment of the 12 tribes around the old Tabernacle” as
representing the eden-situation where the Tabernacle is the eden-gate , the Throne room ;
implying that the concentric model would work outwards ánd inwards ;
in the Rg-Veda is the nasty line “how the demon-nations removed the spheres from our
Originals which was a very dangerous job for them : therefore they sang mantras while
they cut-up those spheres” that can only be ‘spheres of subtle-eden-energy’
which we assume ‘surrounded the Originals’
[add Cush here]
the ‘birth right at Atonement’ – when the crown chakra (-concept) loses (?)
… in a similar pattern as above ,
Christ won back the birth right at Passover , now ‘distributing it’ at Atonement :
this concept sounds logical and feels correct , as does the connection with birth-right :
is that the reason why the crown (-chakra) is pushing so nastily the past three weeks ?
perhaps it is under Siege and about to lose .. ?
the first encounter with that ‘chakra crown concept’ was two decades ago when
suddenly the crown burst into light and the soul – in the heart – did not know where to
hide from that cold bright light , while she thought to see ‘blue silk of a woman dress
passing by’ and thought it was ‘Isis’ —
perhaps that is true , we’d need to explore , but it was very unpleasant ;
but now the soul has gone and only that tiny consciousness in the head remained
it feels as if she is under a bus , with not a usual headache but IN the thinking
and causing constant impatience and insomnia — it’s the same ‘crown’ doing that
… searching ‘ascension’ sites and videos is no help : the ‘messages’ are too vague
and each time some guru starts about ‘ascension symptoms’ suddenly half of the
candidates feel it tóo — the well-known psychological phantom ;
while suppose IF the serpentine crown-chakra concept is under Siege these days ,
would their masters really disclose that to their chanelling slaves right now .. ?
so – per the dream in log 31 august of ‘still 21 days for the 144 lightworkers’ —
there “is nothing” around that time and perhaps not necessarily it needs to be a
biblical date : yet what dóes show is ‘the fall equinox’ and after some searching
[but only using the channel in the PDF in the serpentine page]
it seems that “solstices and equinoxes regulate serpentine-energy-influx” in
combination with moon- and solar eclipses is working together like a tandem since
both concepts are their own doing ; again please , it is what the serpent-race says
concerning these events , and we could at least ponder this after having learned
that the Scroll suppórts ‘the existence of their subtle-energy models’ , is it not
… and being careful to not descend into ‘astrology’ but keeping in mind how the
scroll mentions ‘inner-earth fed by an energetic river’ why could not a similar type
serpentine-energy ‘feed the chakra crown (-concept)’ ? since we saw that ‘Gaia’
feeds their lower subtle-energies yet their crown rules those ;
the energy for the crown appears to come “from the sun” [Mystery-Babylon] but
according to them “also from the Saturnian system” , see links , and even from
further regions — but we avoid the latter because it is too Vague
[yet perhaps related to the Orion & Ursa coffintext spell , see pinned] ;
point is : what if their energy from outside feeding their crown is cut-off in
these days leading up to Atonement ? and if they themsélves describe events
as “the autumnal equinox as so important regulator” , then perhaps He won’t allow
that this event be used any longer by them .. ?
[would that be related to the Jeremiah line “.. that the matrix will scream of anger
when she will see the remnant of Ishral leaving earth”.. ?]
ofcourse we have No Idea “what” exactly the mentioned type subtle-energies
consist of and how atmospheric events can ‘regulate’ those but do have a quote of
the energy-influx during solstices & eclipses overview of the year 2015 (?) saying
“September 22 – Autumn Equinox –
Initial networking formation of all 12 Primary Sun Disc into Crystalline format”
[where his ‘primary sun disks’ are ‘places on earth containing a vast amount of sub-
surface crystal formations’ that would cause “an energetic 144-Grid” like the dome ,
and ’12’ since this earth appears to have ’12 dimensions’] ;
and again please : it are THEIR own words ,
yet they can have a general merit for the Scroll confirms their ‘working with energy’
[will be continued]
from the same series of letters as the PDF in the serpentine page :
[solstices & equinoxes :]
[12 sun-disks theme :]
[crystalline :]
[about giza – and see pinned page ! :]
also :
“Scientists have discovered an ocean about 700 kilometres below earth’s surface ;
it’s triple the size of all the oceans on the earth’s surface combined” (June 2024) —
very much confirmation for the ‘Gizah = the tower of Babel’ page ! & will be added there :