the serpent-race (!) escaped to proto-earth , the atmosphere & Neanderthals made by thém – origin of the curse on Cush – [version ; 2024-07jul.19- ] |
… this log was written a full day after the restored text , in order to can better
reflect upon the major themes here — for I tell you : one has to border insanity
to interpret this chapter as the way she finally came out : what would you say if
— a serpent race (-of demons) are mentioned ?
— the same ones that deluded Eve
— that were cast away from Eden and came to this proto-earth [sic !]
— called ‘the stone’ (-planet) in the northern heaven
— that was barren and dry : so they made an atmosphere around it
— by getting what we call ‘water’ from the other dimension through a ‘river’
— then started to bring forth their offspring here — read : Neanderthals
— having an animalistic-demonic type ‘soul’
— then we as Eden-souls came to this planet
— but in the present type body : as an Eden-Neanderthal mixed body
[devised by Adam – but that is not a theme here]
— which also became inhabited by the animalistic-souls
— so that “the situation of different type souls inside a similar body”
became represented by ‘the house of Cush’ :
— one group named “the nations (-of heathens)” , virtually the majority ,
as animalistic-souls inside this type body
— and another – small – group of us Eden-souls in this type body ,
that are imprisoned by a physical connection to the serpent race
so NOT “because of their (Eden-) soul herself”
— but when you & we understand what God said – namely all the above –
then the curse of that physical connection is over
… you see that there are quite a few themes that need our attention here ,
and where this chapter 28 is the final nail in the coffin of ‘Creationism’
which would require several pages to describe the involved as[ects , here
must stick with the presented themes that already will need a longer intro ;
yet if you wish to continue to the – well succeeded – restored text , (click)
theme falsification
… though the above overview is rather Solid and therewith an indication that
the interpretation of this chapter indeed is correct , the whole theme is greater
as we expected ; and though in large lines we knéw about it , it appears that
only by declaring what He spoke about it , this theme will end – where during
the restoration several surprising aspects turn up ;
in this peculiar case perhaps it’s best to start with what it is NOT about :
official exegesis : ‘about mining’
… the first lines already suggest how ‘iron , gold and silver are taken out of earth’
followed by terms as ‘crystal’, ‘topaz’ and ‘sapphire’ , and though scholars know
that old-Ishral did not practise “mining” they interpret this alleged theme to be a
metaphor for “the search for divine wisdom” —
where the latter phrase indéed appears but not in any ‘mining’ context ;
a corrupted & misplaced chapter
… neither can they figure out “who” said this text and view it as ‘a later insertion’
[but because see header] ; however this 28 belongs to chapters 38-41 in which
God explains to ‘Job’ how He created Eden , and this 28 is their closing ;
in 38-41 is said how “I overturned the land in the south [‘the shore of Heaven’
upon which came to stand mt. tsiun & eden] so that the theme of this chapter
logically fóllows after those events : but in order to completely confuse any solid
context here , the Esau who doctored this page corrupted & misplaced it ;
origin & buildup & syntax & language
… our great luck (Sir ..) is that the chapter hasn’t been cut & pasted because her
original buildup was VERY useful in showing which sub-theme would be next ,
yet reading the alleged version is a bizarre experience : only a couple of times
the definite-article-corruption appears within “a slang-like text” of verbs & nouns
that do not appear in prophets [-nor in the first five books] ,
immediately raising the question ‘who’ first corrupted this chapter ?
whoever did it had access to also ‘Proverbs’ and ‘Psalms’ since the weird words
have been ‘parked’ there as well : to replace & insert them also in those in order
to create ‘a trustworthy epistle’ here – and vice versa ;
the expressions are not of Aramaic origin so either an Esau type as a foreigner
from a non-Aramaic region must have done this [-between the 7th and 3d c. BC] ,
OR the common hebrew language had become inundated with slang between
the 10th and 3d century when the Esau doctoring this also used that language —
until Esau in Alexandria re-redacted this manuscript in the 3d century
[ofcourse prophets are exempt here since God spoke the words there] ;
you & we have TWO ‘story lines’ now + mirror chapters
… our direct enemies are ‘the Ammon sons’ in their Mystery-Babylon paradise
[-as the ones that became Esau on earth] , as all the main themes concerning
eden and Adam etcetera , but now we have a second one , a ‘sub-line’ ,
which is ‘the serpent race & Cush’ as one – and a bit isolated – theme in the
mirror sections Obadiah 1 , Amos 8-9 and Zephaniah 1-3 [though we still need
to work out Am.9 and Zeph.2-3] where THE aspect linking ‘the serpent race’ to
Cush is ‘the Neanderthals’ ;
though we gather that , though the body of the Cush ones that will escape is of
the same unholy mixture as ours , the specific curse those ones have to deal
with is some type sorcery upon their physical heart – see other pages – but we
still search the Scroll to get this more clear ; in the mean time all we have is
outside clues : like Anna’s vision 10+ years ago — of seeing a young woman
from the back , she was of darker coloured tone and had squatted down upon
the riverbank to wash clothes ; when He made her to know “I will collect you
when she has completed her job” ;
the symbology is clear since ‘garment’ represents ‘the body and we can only
hope that indeed this Cush theme has been the final one , right ….
‘Job’ himself was of the Cush ones !
… to remain with the above : becáuse “the serpent race” is a theme here it
implies that ‘Job’ himself was related to the Cush theme — so that the bulk of
this book dealing with “suffering and loss” MUST have pointed to those of Cush
who will be delivered : but after much (personal-) trials !
how the exact buildup of that theme unfolded here remains to be seen because
37 + pages just to explain this is rather Overdone , yet at this point it’s too early
to say if – let alone ‘which’ – sections may have been ghostwritten by Esau
but his name was not ‘Job’
… hence we wrote it within quotes — many themes in the Scroll link with certain
root (-word) clusters of which many are recognized from a mile away : (-iiob) as
Job is from the “enemy” cluster and therefore never be used as proper name ;
so that Esau – who hated Cush ! – must have either invented it or maimed a root
as “father” (-ab) plus a deleted extension as “the first of these Cush ones” ;
a second possibility is that his name related to the root “servant” (-obd) like the
name of the Cushite that rescued Jeremiah , and on purpose so that you & we
would make the link to the Cush theme … how does that sound please ?
Job 1:1 must have pronounced that he was ‘a Cushite’ :
(KJV) “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name [was] Job; and that man
was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil” , yet twice
‘a man’ is illogical , where “there was – a Cushite (aish=kush) in the land” runs
much better , no , “… as a devout man (etc)” ;
then it has “(Job-) in the land of Uts (Uz)” as an unknown location , but it’s more
logical that this wealthy estate owner was ‘in the land of Egypt (uTS=miTSrm)“
since Cush was ‘Nubia’ [=not ‘Ethiopia’ that’s too far away] and the Nubians had
interaction with ancient Egypt — perhaps the Job story is from the time that Jacob
and his family started living in Egypt .. ?
also because in the Scroll ‘Egypt’ is very much linked to ‘the other Reality’ so that
God can have used that as the base for this important second story .. ?
the point here is not ‘to nitpick’ but to try restore the Cush option for which we do
not have many clues for also the names of his “three friends” show as corrupted
so that neither from thóse we can derive additional information ;
[do we need to do the entire book Job ?]
… this 28 was the most important and next are 38-41 , while there doesn’t seem
to be a need to do the many ‘trial chapter’
[open here – for later additions]
this chapter 28
(line 5)
serpents (‘serpent race’) :
… the entire context almost demánds the phrase “serpent race” —
the buildup here is similar to that of Genesis 1-3 which starts with the nations that
dwell around Eden and an appointed one of them misleading Eve ;
to be fair we need to look again at the word ‘serpent’ in Gen.3:1 because though
we got the type demons right the word itself can have intended ‘the serpent race’ ;
now please ,
on the Web circulate many theories about ‘the reptilians’ and though these can
have a strange pull [-because ‘mysterious’] most are made up ofcourse so that
we better stay away from these ; the extrabiblical information we can ‘trust’ is
how the Spells talk about them as the ASBu and AKHABu gods & their appointed
serpent SEPTU as the caretaker of the tree of good & evil (-see pages) ;
but though the serpent race is the pantheon of the Hindu religion , where their
name Nagas curiously resembles the old-hebrew Nachash , it would take much
time and a study on it’s own to seperate the gems from all the lies of Hinduism ;
and finally – but even móre tricky ,
the serpent race may also relate to the category called “ascended Masters” as
the infamous ‘Nordics’ and like types – but for now it’s best to stay away from it ;
(line 6)
the stone (-planet) in the North :
… again because of the buildup this was the only exegesis for the word ‘stone’ ,
where the phrasing resembles the end of Obadiah 1 ! [-remember we asked in
that chapter if we were bold enough to interpret that : we did !] ;
(line 7)
upon the stone far from the light of Eden :
… we saw the Sumerian KAR tablet where “the Anunna cried to their gods since
they had no place to hide for the brilliant one (Eden)” and all of this stands yet
we need to make 1 small adaption : the Annuna were not ‘Neanderthals’ but the
serpent-race itself !
implying that the serpent race must be the offspring of “the fallen arch angels”
of the category Thoth (-that became the ruler of Mystery-Babylon) — problem is
that slowly so many pantheons came in to view that its tricky to distinguish ;
(line 8)
and they made an atmosphere
… much stands or falls with this interpretation —
the main question ofcourse is “if they are demon types then WHY need one ?”
and indeed that makes Sense : but , perhaps , “because they are an offspring”
they do not have 100% the ‘qualities’ of their own gods —
compare “how the Anunna cried out to their gods” , how the serpent-race had
occupied the south LAND (‘the shore of Heaven’) while the evil West-dimension
is the abode of Satan and his ilk ;
compare how “[also-] they needed the aspects of the tree of good & evil” which
suggests that they are directly linked to “ground” ; compare how after they came
to earth they made théir offspring linked to “ground” (-see below) , etcetera ;
it may all look conjecture yet we’re just trying to form a picture of them , right
… if Adam & Eve “were formed of the ground” then why not they as well ?
while it supports the idea “that offspring relates to “ground” even though in the
other reality ‘the dimensional qualities óf ground were much higher than here” :
however ,
please remember that this earth befóre the Deluge had a dome covering her
causing an entire different atmosphere as today since that dome collapsed
(-see Tower of Babel was Giza page and the Genesis no rainbow but Moon) ;
so that ‘they made an atmosphere’ is at least defendable now !
(line 11)
the underground seas as waters from the Abyss :
… as an educated guess but see the note at 11 ;
that “they made a wormhole-like river from the (feminine-) Leviathan realm
[-below the south land] TO this planet located in the Behemoth realm is in
fact similar to what Mystery-Babylon [cq Adam] would do a bit later ,
since they needed both aspects of their Dualistic realm to can live —
where a bit later “also Eden aspects were added to that mix to beautify it” ;
(line 17)
[Neanderthals-] in their vessel of clay (or : ‘ugly vessel’ ?) :
… because of the amazing pretty physical bodies which God creates this 17
perhaps included the notion “ugly” – just there is no Strong’s word for that ,
however , the ‘clay’ here does juxtapose well with the previous ‘gold dust’
(line 26)
the curse & the sorcery bonds
… several chapters now we ponder the nature of that curse , right ;
but speculating here : it may be ‘a sorcery cord : the chakra system’ ?
which indeed is “a cord” using the spine for her “seven centres” indeed
having “a heart chakra” [-in a previous page we opted “an enclosed heart”] ;
this theme is very elusive and actually too dangerous ,
yet it feels like a very probable option ;
curiously , we’ve always held that the main god of the Moabites – the people
representing the nations – which was Chemesh , moved to India somewhere
100-400 AD and became ‘Ganesha’ , note the similarity ,
the guardian of the so-called “root chakra”, sexual chakra , as perhaps THE
most powerful chakra linking this mixed-body to ‘earth’ (-in Gaia form) :
is it this chakra system that bothers the Cush ones so much .. ?
please : you know it always worked like this , that first we need ‘ideas’
then see whether the scroll refutes or sustains them , right ; while after the
above the question is “were there three friends of Job – or seven ..?” ;
and would they address “some of the characteristics OF them chakras” ?
would that not make Sense ? also since that section is so extremely long ?
curious :
… the alleged ‘Trump shooting’ was an occult Ritual with the goal that millions
would declare that the patsy – you & we – as “the shepherd’s crook from God’s house”
was a monster and was killed ; just we could not find the signature ‘house of Canaan’ ;
yet it did show : at the Republican convention one day later , where after Trump went
on again about his supposed “divine protection” a Sikh recited the ardas
therefore the link between the Ritual and the Signature is Valid , while the Sikh as part
of the Hindu culture serve the serpent race pantheon
[that 20 y ago also a Sihkh recited it at the convention meeting is irrelevant since that
was done after some attack – it was specificly re-cycled now to serve this Ritual
supported with the link with the German 1880 Sikh researcher called .. Trumpp]
corruptions : utterly impossible and see line 28
theme : courageously stating context 100% restored , syntax VERY high
fulltext :
for you Majesty
Job 28
lines 5-28 (-end) fully posted ,
1-4 will depend on which chapter (of Job 38-41) originally preceded
[‘the serpent race’ : SEPT’U the (later-) guardian of the tree of good & evil
who belonged to the ASBu and AKHABu gods — per the Spells :]
[next 5 :
refers back to the previous chapter “when I overturned the south land” :]
“[As for] the earth, out of it cometh bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire.”
(for-) the bread=serpent (-race) (lechem=nachash) +
went forth – (from-) the land – from=in the from=south (NE-NEgb) + [‘the shore of Heaven’]
[“from-land in-south they-went-forth serpents”]
and=when – he=I overturned [+it] – beneath her=them – like=with – fire ; [‘when creating Eden’]
note :
… perhaps “.. with fire” said something else YET appears genuine — as ‘the eden dimension’ ;
“The stones of it [are] the place of sapphires: and it hath dust of gold.”
(therefore-) her=this (?) stone (‘this planet’) + [a-b : juxta to ‘south’ : as in Obadiah !]
(in-) the place=heaven (mqum=shmim) of – the sapphire=North (saphir=tsephun)
[..] (became) the ground of – gold=refuge (?) – [=for] him=them ; + [line cont. :]
note :
… though “place in – the north” is also possible , ‘heaven’ stronger suggests ‘a stone as planet’ ;
“[There is] a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen:”
[+as] the path=stone (-planet) (NAthB=ABN) +
not – (being) know=close (iada=nagad) – (to-) screaming bird=Eden (Oit=Odn) ,
and=so that – [+her] falcon=bright (?) (adj.) – eye=light +
(would) not – seen=injure (?) (bizarre verb anyway’) her=them ;
note :
… like in Obadia again a reference to ‘the Anunna that had no place to hide for the brilliant one’ ,
and we’ve to make just 1 adaption [see Obadiah & Zeph.1 pages] :
that the Anunna were not ‘the Neanderthals’ but “the ASBu and AKHABu gods” ;
next 8 : now we have a problem :
… if we want to continue our thesis then “why would this serpent race need an atmosphere” ? ,
but only “if they were not dimensional-beings for a full 100%” perhaps ?
actually that is the ónly option here ,
and next line 8 curiously appears to support this option :
“The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.”
(but-) the sons of – the lion’s whelps=serpent (-race) (shachats=nachash , invented) +
(could) not – tread (upon-) it (‘planet’) +
and=if – (it was) not – adorned (5710 !) +
(with-) an fierce lion=atmosphere (shachal=shachaq , invented) – on=over it ;
note :
… the “sons of the serpents” is a most useful expression here — implying ‘not 100%’ ;
perhaps it also said so in line 5 but was scrubbed there , we cannot know ;
[next 9 :
impossible — while ‘rock’ is also in next 10 so one is false ;
while we still need to describe the reason for only later “they make the atmosphere” de Facto :]
“He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots.”
[so that-] the things of (‘for’) life (?) (challamish=chi) +
(would be) sent forth (by-) [+him] (‘atmosphere’) – [+through] him=their hand (‘doing’) ,
(and-) +
transform – the mountains=dryness (?) – from=with root=vegetation (?) (shresh=deshe) , [cont.:]
“He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing.”
(when-) rivers – (would) burst out – [=from] the rocks ,
[=so that] – his=their eye=hand – (would) see=make – all (kinds of-) – precious things ;
“He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and [the thing that is] hid bringeth he forth to light.”
(therefore-) he=they bind=devised (chbsh=chshb) + [concept appears Valid !]
the (underground-) rivers – [=for] the seeping=stone (-planet) (bek=abn)
(that-) bring forth – the light=waters +
and=from the hidden thing=abyss (‘the underworld / other dimension’) (tholme=theum) ;
note :
… we interpreted many type themes , right , but this is .. major ;
indeed “no one knows where the (sweet-) water comes from” — but it is ‘ejected’ through
the north [-and perhaps also south] pole into the atmosphere ,
b) see also the “tower of Babael is the Giza pyramid” page
also in relation to ‘the underground seas’ ;
c) we’d LOVE to make a page about this huge theme – but probably won’t have no time ;
d) concerning “the abyss” :
most likely the river originally came from “the Leviathan realm” but since Eden fell
she is mingled with “aspects of the eden realm” as well (-that will cease , soon !) ;
part I b
now ‘a rhetorical section ? – OR : ‘the first humanoids’ ?
… ofcourse it’s possible that now can follow “but who will understand this all ?”
— yet next 13 is questionable and 14 too much ,
— while 20 [+21] seems to repeat this “who will understand” line ;
— and why , after ‘making atmosphere’ could not follow ‘humanoids’ now .. ?
— after restoring part I c (-by working backwards) : start of juxta :
“But where shall wisdom be found? and where [is] the place of understanding?”
[=but] – from where – found=came forth (mts=iats) – the wisdom=humanoids (chkM=adM) ,
and where=what (was) + [12 a : read ‘Neanderthals’]
this – place=situation of – [+their] understanding=origin ? (bin=mutsa no match , line 1) ;
“Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living.”
[for-] (today’s-) mortals – (do) – not – know – the sequence (-of events) , [13 : juxta to part c]
[=since] – the·living-ones (=tampered) = wisdom (?) (chi=chkm line 12) is – not – found – in the land ;
“The depth saith, It [is] not in me: and the sea saith, [It is] not with me.”
(because-) +
the says=former (amR=Rshn) (adj.) – abyss=humanoids (them=adm) – (were) not – [=by] me ,
and=as – the says=earliest – sea=people (?) (im=om) +
(when-) there-was-no – [..] me=you with=still (omd=od) ; [read : ‘when you weren’t here yet’]
note :
a) not “the abyss” [=underworld] can speak : it’s not me” for they cáme from the underworld ! ;
b) one could expect “but I did not make them” , however , even the thóught of that is so absurd
that He probably not even wanted to pronounce that — hence the short ‘not by me’ ;
c) this all as the final nail in the coffin of ‘Creationism’ ;
next : difficult :
while now we MUST have the proper subject again ;
yet he changed the syntax of the lines with his unnatural “not” openings :
“It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed [for] the price thereof.”
not=but – the under=serpent (-race) (thachath=nachash) – give=desired +
a plating=remembrance (?) (seger=zeker) of [+themselves] ,
and=by [..1x..] – weighed=contriving (?) (shql=osh) +
a silver=vessel (‘a physical body’) (Ksph=Kli) – in=for her=their price=offspring (?) ;
note :
… lines as this can have so mány possibilities – but this interpretation reads probable ;
[next 16 :
possibly now : “but they could never make the beautiful Originals like I do” :]
“It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.”
(yet-) she=they (could) (?) – not – classed=devise [+them] (‘bodies’) +
in=as ones of gold of Ophir , [perhaps word-pun , literally “gold + dust”]
in (which-) the precious (adj.) – onyx=souls (shhm=nphsh) of [+me] – [..] sapphire=dwell ;
note :
a) indeed “gold dust” is THE attribute of our Originals ;
b) so now we have “souls” as ‘us’ — where the term for those of the Neanderthals is ‘seed’ ;
“The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it [shall not be for] jewels of fine gold.”
not=but – he=they arranged (or ‘brought forth’) +
the gold=abominable idols (‘bodies’ ; word links to ‘images of awful gods’) (zahab=sheqets) +
and=for [+their] (-own) crystal=seed (‘offspring’) (zekekith=zarth) ,
[..] to exchange=put (Mur=shiM) her=them – [+in] [+their] vessel of – gold=clay (pazaz=tit) ;
note :
.. the roots are so bizarre [-anyway] that THIS interpretation is very plausible ;
even though he swapped words where (sheqets) was (zekek) etc ;
“No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom [is] above rubies.”
[so that-] [+they] (would) coral=roam – and=upon the crystal=stone (-planet) (gabsh=abn) +
noot=as [+their] (‘serpent race’) remembrance , [< time stamp , so next :]
(in the time-) and=before (u=trem) – [+yóu] (came) to price=dwell (mSHk=iSHb) +
(upon-) +
the wisdom=land (?) (‘re-made planet’?) – from=as rubies=souls [+of me?] (PHENinm=NEPHsh) ;
note :
… we can hardly “were placed upon the land as souls” for we’ve no supporting context here ;
next : key line — but tricky :
“The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold.”
(but-) not=among [+them] (‘that seed’) +
(have) arrange=come forth (ARak=iARA) the topaz=souls (PHdth=nPHsh) of – Cush +
(that do-) nót – classed=belong (caLah=boL) +
in=to – the pure=alien (theUR=zUR) – gold=nations (-of heathens) (krthM=guiM) ;
note :
… you see the problem : perhaps it was “souls IN Cush”
yet in the other chapters they are said to be “the remnant of Cush” ,
probably indeed as own-name since Cush brought forth a mixture ;
part I c
[20-28 (end) : probability : very high :]
“Whence then cometh wisdom? and where [is] the place of understanding?”
[..] from where=hére – (has) (be-) come + [20 : deliberate juxta of 10 :]
and·the·wisdom (=tampered) = the the=house (‘tribe’) (e=beth) of – wisdom=Cush (choKmh=Kush) ,
and=for [..1x..] this – (is) the place=situation of – [+their] understanding=origin ; [‘as in 12’]
note :
a) we first had “tribe of Cush” yet that turns ‘the 12 tribes’ negative ;
b) “situation” must be a valid interpretation ;
“Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air.”
and it (is) hidden – from the eyes of – all of – living=Jacob (chi=iaqb) (‘christianity’) , [next : juxta :]
and=but – it (will be) concealed=revealed (sathar=gala) +
[=to] the fowls=eyes (ouph=oini) of – the·heavens (=tampered) = the the=sons of Ishral (shmim=ishrl) ;
note :
… indeed Jacob doesn’t know about ‘a large part of humanity being animal-(demon)-souls’
and Esau often used that in his rituals [-especially by the RCC] ;
[next 22 :
the “hear the report” also showed in the Obadiah chapter
yet the addressee is not 100% clear : either ‘Moab’ or ‘the house Canaan’ — perhaps the latter :
“Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears.”
[+then] the destruction=house (abd=bth) of – [..] death=Canaan + [“all heathen nations” ; see note]
or 22 #b :
[+then] destruction=house of – [..] death=Moab (Muth=Moab) +
(will) say – in – our=that ears=day (azni=ium) :
we (have) heard – [+their] (‘sons’) report ; + [‘report’ = ‘restored scroll’]
note :
… ‘Moab’ and ‘Canaan’ are virtually the same theme ; in this case root can be ‘Moab’ ;
“God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof”
(for-) [+their] deity – (made) [+them] to understand – her=his way=words (DRk=DbR) ,
and (through-) he=them (‘words’) – he=they (will) know – her=his place=desire (?) : +
note :
… the “report” and the “understanding his words” is “the declaring the scroll theme” ,
yet not exactly so phrased since the entire buildup of ‘Job’ does not allow that term ;
[next 24 : problem :
now will come several themes and we only have a few lines left :
“For he looketh to the ends of the earth, [and] seeth under the whole heaven;”
so that – he – (will) look=search – [..] the ends of – the land (‘earth’) + [the ‘search w/ candles’ !]
[next : corrupted & swapped while line must start w/ verb :]
to under=find (‘no match’) – [+his] (-own) all=people (‘no match’) +
the·heavens (=tampered) = the=among Cush (shmim=kush) +
(whom-) (‘people’) [=we] (have) see=imprisoned (rea=sr) ;
note :
a) in this line and next ones certain phrases appear – like “searching the land” here
that we need to connect to other chapters as Zeph.1 and Ob.1 ;
b) the fact that Canaan is speaking here also
must be “his official admission that he has lost” [sic] ; [25 : God speaks again :]
“To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.”
[+because] to=then [+I] (will) do=save (osh=iash) +
[+my] weight=righteous ones (mshQl=tsdQ) – to=out of winds=Cush (?) (rUch=kUsh?) ,
[this probably needs a confirmation :]
and=as – regulating=rescuing – [+my] waters=people (mim=om) +
(out-) in=from the measure=nations (-of heathens) (Mde=guiM) ;
only 3 lines left :
and question is ‘what themes we still need’
but the problem is that these lines can virtually be anything
[apart from the fact that obviously they are corrupted as silly subjects] :
“When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:”
to=and [+I] (will) made=judge (oshth=mshpht) him=them (‘nations’) +
(for-) [+their] decree=sorcery bonds (?) (CHoq=CHabl) – to=upon [+my] rain=people (Mtr=oM) ,
and=as – the for=house of perception=Canaan (‘no match’ but anyway weird) + [Zech.10 !]
(that-) way=imprisoned (?) (drk=sr) [+them] – (through-) [+his] sounds=curse (?) (QoLuth=QaLal) ;
note :
a) “heathens” was the last word of 25 and it’s more easy to continue that
as having to introduce a new subject ;
b) the “curse” is a vital aspect related to the Cush theme and (-QoLuth) jumped out very much ;
both ‘curse’ and ‘sorcery bonds’ also appear in the other Cush chapters ;
“Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out.”
[..] he=I (will) rehearsing=add (sepher=iasph) +
the ones (that-) [+I] (will have) prepared=delivered +
(to-) the then=sons of – see=Ishral (rea=ishral) + [‘then’ (az) is Esau word]
[“to-sons-of ishral I-shall-be-adding ones-delivered-of-me”]
(when-) he=they (‘sons’) (will have) searched out + [< term in Zeph.1 !]
the and=house (?) of moreover=Canaan (?) (gam=kanan) , + [line cont. :]
note :
a) the (-sepher) was too weird to ignore , and better than the compromized “join, unite”
[it could be a ‘scroll’ corruption but that don’t fit in this case] ;
b) Zeph.1 has “Esau searched out” but he isn’t a theme here ;
“And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that [is] wisdom;
and to depart from evil [is] understanding.”
and he=they (‘delivered ones’) (will) say – unto the man=sons :
behold ! , she – the wisdom – (is by-) the fear of – the Lord ;
[lineup :]
and=as – the understanding – (by which-) [+he] removed [+us] +
(out-) from the evil=nations (-of heathens) (‘no match’) .