[theme] : ‘Hanukkah’ as
Adam’s occult Ritual of
his death & resurrection

[part of the Ptolemy II one]
blocking our 9th month (?)
[version ; 2023-11nov.16-19]



                … it’s difficult to find any proof whether “the ninth month” could contain our date
                since there is a chronic lack of the term ‘month’ in Strong’s , while at least in two
                instances Esau just erased that term when relating to this theme ;
                so — if we reason the other way around :
                could the ninth month theme be valid because Esau saw it important enough to
                fabricate his “Hanukkah” story around it ? his goal – obviously – was aimed at the
                Temple to create an Occult Ritual with its altar  : but what was it about .. ? 
                                                                         short description of ‘Hanukkah’
                … as the official version ultimately based upon both books of Maccabees : 
               “An unclear subject called Jason buys his position as new high-priest of the Temple 
                from Antiochus the IVth but then causes discord and some riots break out in the city . 
                Antiochus IV – who until that moment suppórted the situation in Palestine – goes full 
                psycho and raids the city , killing many ; setting up an idol in the temple as an action 
                linked to the scary phrase “the Abomination of Desolation” in Daniel , while forcing 
                innocent people to eat swine-meat , gruesomely killing them if they refuse to . 
                Cue the Hasmonean dynasty : some Jewish families that bring together an army , 
                war that of Antiochus IV and win ; so that finally the Temple can be cleansed and 
                rededicated (‘the meaning of Hanukkah’) . After this the Maccabees win the battle 
                against the evil general Nicanor that had been appointed governor of Judea ; 
                Nicanor himself dies and after cutting out his tongue his head and hand are cut off  
                while he is hung from the tower since he is the incarnation of Haman (Esther story) 
                and this event is to be remembered together with the Hanukkah one . 
                A few years later Antiochus IV falls ill , and while his flesh is rotting and falls off , 
                which is considered a just punishment considered the evil man that he is ,  
                he manages to pen a forgive me letter to the Jewish community .” 
‘Maccabees I & II’ : written by the Alexandrian Sanhedrin
… though sáid to be written by “the Jewish community in Jerusalem” the entire story stinks
and appears like the cheap kind of war propaganda of “the wah on terrah” in our times 
(surprise : same gang) by creating an evil Bogeyman versus a heroic dynasty but in order 
to conceal as with a magician’s hand trick the nature  of the event called ‘Hanukkah’ ;
       apart from clues like (II.1:10) “[we] send greeting and health unto Aristobulus , king Ptolemy’s 
       master , who was of the stock of the anointed priests , and to the Jews that were in Egypt” 
       where his “anointed priests” refer to the Sanhedrin in Alexandria , the same gang that
       compose the corrupt septuagint a few decades earlier (see page) ,
       the way of writing , choice of words and buildup resemble very much the Aristeas letter 
       (see page) which totally inverses reasons and goals of subjects in a historical setting
       larded with a sweet-sticky type of a childish religious righteousness
the Sanhedrin’s agents provocateurs 
— in those days , the Judahite community in Jerusalem and Judea would never ever consider
      going against the way the Temple service was ordained since that was God’s job so to speak ;
      however , the Jewish (read : Esau) community wóuld tamper with it if they just could ,
      and hence this ‘Jason’ comes forward desiring the position of high-priest ;
      that very action combined with “his 300 talents of silver & other gifts to Antiochus IV” almost
      automatically link him with the filthy rich Sanhedrin (see the Aristeas letter) , since his job was
      to create unrest forcing Antiochus to restore order by planting an Arca in Jerusalem ,
      a kind of police-station mainly run by Greek troops
      [knowing Esau this Jason is probably the same one as in II.2:23-28 who probably never wrote
      a five-volume book but came up with the whole idea as presented in Maccabees I & 2] ;
— consequently , 
      the “brave Hasmonean dynasty , the caretakers of the Temple and the faith” 
      were nothing else but an early type Mafia clan of the Esau bloodline  , emerging as dictatorial
      victors over the other clans that Judah had imported from Edom and Ammon at that time ;
      while the “heroic battles against Antiochus’ armies” at maximum were punishment-expeditions
      against the warlords of the rival clans in order to maintain supremacy
      why  Christians always tend to believe Esau’s honeypot stories must be the greatest mystery of all   


                              the (Ritual-) death & resurrection of … Adam
            … in the greatest spectacle the world had ever seen , the Occult Ritual of Ptolemy II
            a couple of decades earlier , Adam had not secured the theme of ‘his own death’ as
            arguably the most important theme that he still had to cover in a way that believers
            would repeat the devised Ritualistic act forever , to prevent his death from happening  ;
            and “a Temple altar cult” seemed a proper method    —
the ‘dedication of the altar’ (Num.7) :
… the phrase “(the act of-) dedication” appears only a few times in the Scroll and is not related
to the Temple – or at that time the Tabernacle – but relates to institutionalizing the Altar  
after the altar had been constructed and anointed , all the princes of the sons of Ishral
as the leaders of each of the 12 tribes came forward to make an offering for it , existing of gold
and silver but also bringing animals to be sacrificed upon it ;
the goal of this dedication was “to connect the 12 tribes at the receiving end of the altar” since 
the altar was a mediator about agreements between God and the people themselves ;
now Adam  dedicating the altar :
… ofcourse Antiochus never “sacrificed a pig to Zeus on the altar” but Maccabees carefully
avoids explaining exactly whát performance the Hasmoneans did to ‘rededicate’ it ;
however in a veiled way chapter 1 does — though by dragging Nehemiah into the story 
and pinning actions upon him which he never did , in order to mask how the fire was kindled :
Ma.I.1:19 starts with “the fire of the altar which the priests hid in a cave” and that is no mistake
because in ch.2 he is aware that “Jeremiah hid the ark in a cave” so this is something else :
continuing “how the new priests found thick water only” called Naphthar , “petroleum” (in 36) ,
which “was sprinkled across the wood and the sacrifices” (21) “and set on fire by the sun at
the hottest hour of the day” (22) ;
        now , we cannot know if in olden times indeed Gód kindled the perpetual fire of the altar
        but this kindling obviously is an important aspect in Esau’s occult Ritual , to the extent that
        he mixes up what Nehemiah alledgedly did with the story of Eliah where fire came down
        from heaven consuming the sacrifices and even the altar itself ;
        however here an invented ‘technical’ mimick is portrayed : using petroleum and “the sun” 
        to kindle the fire where the sun is directly linked to Adam since he is the one keeping her
        continuously ignited through his Nile , where the sun will go dark when Adam will fall  , 
        and through these aspects combined with the setup he is igniting his own sacrifice ! 
… then follows the prayer (24-29) but since now Adam  has dedicated the altar 
it means that the prayer is said in his context  by his henchmen Esau , where the “plant your
people” is said to avoid them remembering Eden , while “the oppressors” (in 28) ofcourse are 
you & we represented by the archetype ‘Nicanor the general’ – see section below ;
‘bitumen’ : the Sheol aspect :
… the petroleum found in the cave below also links to the ‘sulphur and brimstone’ concept
and all of these together link to ‘Sheol’ , where “the burning animal (-sacrifice)” is the subject ;
remember Is.66 where Adam is said “to descend to Sheol where the flame will not be quelled”
and considered this Ritualistic death “in front of God” he certainly would’ve added this aspect !
this also explains the strange addition (in 36) having puzzled scholars :
after mentioning the petroleum the writer adds “which is , being interpreted , cleansing” 
(same as G2512 -katharismos) , as ‘a ritual purgation’ : through fire , in Sheol !  
       that ‘the kindling of the fire’ was the most important Ritualistic aspect
        as the act of kindling itself – where in the remained version of “the lighting of the menorah”
        the menorah is totally irrelevant as are the children bedtime-stories how one vessel of oil
        supplied enough for it to burn eight days ; that is a medieval Talmud addition ;
                the real point is that Jacob agrees with Adam’s Ritual death  , worse , the 144 do  ,
                by yearly repeating the act of which it matters not that they are oblivious of its meaning ;
                whether Hanukkah or Christmas the basic concept remains the same , where the 
                resurrection aspect is concealed by the child in the manger
the forced link with Tabernacles : 
… for some reason it was important for Esau to link Hanukkah with Tabernacles (II.1:9 and others)
and the only valid reason we can come up with is ‘the 70 countdown’ theme , as the seventy
sacrificed bulls during Tabernacles that must represent “the 70 years of total Time” ,
suggesting that “the date in this 9th month indeed can be the closing OF those 70 years”  
or why was he so interested in making that link in the first place ?

                                              closing : the evil Nicanor , representing us
          … interesting is how Esau almost demands  that his Hanukkah and the death of this
          mysterious figure should be celebrated as ‘belonging together’ – even this death is in
          another month , the day of the celebration of Mordechai (-from the Naaman story) ;  
          which is no coincidence since for Esau Jews ‘Naaman’ represents ‘Jacob’
          the figure Nicanor was most likely not “the military consul of Judea” at all 
          but a leading figure in the Judahite (not : Jews) community in Jerusalem and Judea 
          which perhaps was provoked by the Hasmonean crime family into physical confrontation 
          in which the former took out this person for Ritualistic purpose
… II.8:9 introduces him as Nicanor son of Patroclus but these may be Greek names for original
Hebrew ones “male (-child) + victory” and “glory of + his father” which is a rather accurate title
of the 144 especially when combined with the next :
II.15 narrates how before the final battle , one of the Hasmonean crime family has a vision in 
which a very glorious man appears identified as the prophet Jeremiah holding a golden sword ,
saying “take this holy sword , a gift from God , with which thou shalt wound the adversaries” ;
IF there was ever such vision the man was ‘Adam’ ofcourse ,
while either way the key message here is “the sword – representing the word” in this case the
writings of Esau but also linking to the nature of this ‘Nicanor’ : as the 144 :
therefore in II.15:25-33 they find the dead Nicanor , first cutting out his tongue (since ‘tongue’ 
refers to the interpretation of language) , then cutting off his hand (‘to not write nothing down’) 
and finally his head (‘no authority’) since his nature is “being a blasphemer” 
as the enemy of both the heavenly figure with the golden sword and his minions upon earth

[so far/19]  


further reading :
[1] brilliant
[2] also good ; Sylvie Honigman probably was kaltgestellt – jobwise – after her conclusions
[3] Weitzman : Plotting Antiochus’s Persecution (‘plotting’, sic)