find triggered the week of Booths [+ the 7th (8th) is our date ?] , as the Fall mirror of the Spring week of passover-unleavened [version ; 2024-10oct.18] |
never believed it still be such a war ‘to get Out’ ! …. |
… again nothing happened on a so important and declared date ,
sparing you the complete desperation — for ‘the 14th theme’ could not be wrong —
together with the monstrous prospect of ‘having to hold on anóther endless year’ ,
until two hours ago :
when a simple and elegant ‘connection to Tabernacles’ showed : ‘the activation’
for the Legal start of the feast of Tabernacles was ‘the proper day of Atonement’ !
(and now ashamed & tired for not seeing that earlier – what a rollercoaster..) :
… that the Spring feasts are related to the Fall feasts is common knowledge
(though Esau corrupted Unleavened & the latter so much that no one understands
what these were about) , and like Trumpets – the start of the restoration of the Scroll –
having ‘activated’ the whole Fall feasts cycle ,
the important ‘correct date as Atonement the 14th’ triggered the final week for us !
we saw how much Esau wanted to hide that date (-see pages) ,
and he even had his nickname for that : “The Day which No One Knows” – though
he was so smart to connect that ‘to Trumpets’ ofcourse , to not arouse our suspicion ,
with the pathetic reason “that it’s a two-day spread due to having to cover the time to
sight the first sliver of the new moon whenever it occurs” ,
derived from his own corrupted “no one knows the day or the hour” ! (-see page)
if you’re new here :
the alleged ‘transfiguration’ in reality was “the Ascension of Christ” and there were
no ‘Moses and Eliah’ flanking Him but “our gorgeous male & female” (-see page) ,
further confirming that this Spring feast week was the original for the Fall one ,
where the 144 fulfill what already Legally had been decided during the Spring feasts
our curse : corrupted connections
… it’s not a light thing to make decisions like the ‘from the 10th to the 14th’ and while
still being in the process of confirming that , this theme came up —
though in the Joshua 3-4-5 chapters “the entering the land indeed was at the 14th”
the ‘connection’ with the following feast of Booths — as the siege of Jericho — is very
unclear because “the 12 stones in the Jordan section” is totally corrupt :
the ‘angel of the Lord’ (Christ) is there [-but was moved] so it MUST be dealing with
the ‘Scroll theme’ — like in the ‘Balaam story’ — and becáuse He was there it can not
have been about a mere “12 tribes collecting 12 stones” , that’s far too Weak ;
yet what was it réally about ?
in context ‘Atonement the 14th’ must be (have been) the closing day of the season
of judgment since Weeks — as the day that the final 144 are Legally complete ;
where ‘the week of Tabernacles’ following this must be “the week of encircling the
walls of Jericho” which is not ‘this earth’ but rather the walls of Mystery-Babylon
[-or perhaps even more specified “as Adam’s gate” since the name ‘Jericho’ means
the ‘moon’ — immediately linking to ‘the sun going dark’] ;
also ,
the main feature of the surroundment of Jericho was ‘not just’ the Ark being carried
by the priests but ‘the SCROLL inside the Ark’ encircling her as the important
concept Esau covered up in his ’12 stones’ chapter 4 ! ; so that you see how tricky
it is for us to form a solid running context because of these corrupted connections …
[sub :
in the same useful context “both men that enspied Jericho” are you & we that
found out about all of Mystery-Babylon itself ;
whether Rachab ‘was a whore’ is doubtable since per context she and family
must have represented “our Originals rescued from Mystery-Babylon” ,
and therefore it’s questionable whether ‘she was a whore’ (Joshua 2:1) since
God would hardly call his Originals that [-but perhaps in the sense that they
left Eden and went to Mystery-Babylon ?] ;
also interesting is “the (scarlet-) cord” context , which Rachab used ‘to lower
both spies down from the wall” since that cord can have been the teary lines
about “our connection with our Originals when we find them in the Scroll” …
so please : we try ‘next weekend’ ?
… it’s important to realize that we may NOT ‘have to wait another year’ but that
this link to ‘the week of Tabernacles’ is valid enough to hope for next weekend ;
[17.15 pm 18/10 — will be updated]